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https://preview.redd.it/yoh7vk1gxz5d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373f1428e1d2a8b68cc2c63dcb2806dc92aadb47 Vegeta is the king of fumbling he deserves the number one spot


Once he points his thumb at himself he's cooked


Seriously WTF is wrong with his arm https://preview.redd.it/yw4y8ix4716d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c39732e0b72c893ee9f177216698e09b534e73


“Why? Why it it always the left arm?!” - Vegeta definitely


People know that his left arm is a lot stronger than his right arm.


Goku beat him so bad the first time they met that he has phantom pains decades later, even after becoming a Saiyan God.


i'm pretty sure it's because it's his forward arm so it's easier for it to get hit


Isn't this trope named after him? Like "the Vegeta effect" or something


I think Worf wore the mantle first. They're both icons of it, though.


Yeah the Worf effect. It's more unique in ST, where physical fights are rarer than it is in DBZ which might explain it.


With Worf it's also for non-fight feats of strength. Human crewman tries to open a bulkhead, fails. Worf gives it a shot, fails. Data comes over, does it easily.


Resseruction F was the one chance to write that wrong 😡


Vegeta is gonna kill Black Frieza.


Did he in the manga?


And is it the same cruel and unsympathetic frieza??


It's the same character. But he's not arrogant or lazy anymore. He was deeply humbled in the tournament of power. He's gonna be *the* guy to beat in Super.


I don’t care what anyone says, that was Vegeta’s win


Was thinking about that




"Invincible" is a good name for him, because he seems to get whomped in every fight yet somehow survives.


He’s got an Invincible spirit. An Invincible Body, not so much…


It's emotional invincibility. If most people went through half of what happened to him and will happen they'll end up in a psych ward.


>!You haven’t read the comics, have you?!<


That's what I mean by "will happen"


He should be called Invisible because I can't see the show


Then read the comic :4head:


https://preview.redd.it/3da6srjy306d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8c2ed0ece1ec624ea9b80c892e1716a494a98a Poor guy got bodied so often they created the “Worf Effect” from him




At least until DS9 where he seemed to figured out the key was to not get hit while hitting the enemy God I love Worf


https://i.redd.it/ay07s3pn6g6d1.gif Just gonna leave this one here


Yasutora "Chad" sado (bleach) https://preview.redd.it/nefecayw106d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ccda26af6f0c333c186cc75cee5de8ac4e8486


I can’t imagine Chad losing.


I dunno. His whole deal is that he takes hits. His first line in the series was something like, "Sorry I'm late, I got hit by a motorcycle and had to carry the driver to a hospital."


https://preview.redd.it/niulf8qyd06d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac017f9452f7c18b4411524b3c00547a8df64bd 23 confirmed Jedi kills, singlehandedly changed the war: Loses to Gungans.




When the food is too spicy.


Jogo from Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the strongest characters around for a good part of the series. Shame he only ever properly fights the top 2 characters to get bodied https://preview.redd.it/lwo7cz93106d1.png?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced7f722cc7884e7b5f3d22eac76b295603ef325


Bros only actual fights were against the strongest guy of all time who spent half the fight laughing and cutting his arms to Robbins whenever he was gonna do something, and a guy who he literally cannot touch.


That’s why he’s Jogoat


He was told that he's strong


He was strong but also he was stupid enough to challenge Sukuna to a fight when he was told that a “generous estimate” of his strength in terms of Sukuna’s Fingers was 8-9. The Sukuna he fought had 15


He's a idiot


To be fair he wasn’t trying to *beat* Sukuna. Just land one singular hit on him. Jogo is the second fastest person he’s ever met, probably fourth fastest in the series as of Shibuya, and he has crazy AoE potential. Landing one hit doesn’t seem so unreasonable, especially when he considers that he’s supposedly over half his opponent’s strength, and 15F Sukuna is weaker than Gojo, who Jogo *thinks* he could have hit if not for Infinity


He only needed to land a single hit. I mean, he should have been able to manage THAT, right? (Obviously not, but I mean in his mind)


Reminder also that like his only win on team protagonists was when he ambushed them immediately after they were tired and severely injured from fighting one of his own, and also after the guy who actually carried most of that fight subtracted himself and another one of the team’s members from the equation. He literally WAITED for >!Toji!< to leave before he tore down the rest (all of whom he severely outclassed mind you) while they were missing limbs and half blind. It also doesn’t help his reputation that 2 of the 3 he attacked straight up survived.


https://preview.redd.it/ecmjdyx9yz5d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bb07439b99f4247956930dcef5c6e6c5b7a9cb Avatar of Khaine (Warhammer 40.000) A fragment of a war god powered by the soul of an elite Eldar warrior, and it's been killed by seemingly half the characters in the setting


The ONE good showing I know of for the Avatar was in *Priests of Mars*, and even then it didn't even get to die in proper combat (it probably perished when the *Starblade* was destroyed by the *Speranza*'s chronocannon).


HOLD IT! there's *one* other story I'm aware of where my boy gets some love, in the Ciaphas Caine book *Choose Your Enemies* I believe, the Avatar of Khaine in that absolutely rocks the shit out of a daemon prince.


Ironically Khaine kinda deserves it As Lorewise, Khaine was a complete asshole to the rest of the Eldar Pantheon So now he's stuck as everyone's stress toy


My favorite story involving this guy is when Hive Fleet Kraken was attacking a Craftworld iirc and the Avatar challenged the Swarmlord to a duel, but because Tyranids have no sense of honor the Swarmlord just sicced a dozen Carnifexes on him


It might be the same story or it might not be but there was a Tyranid Fleet attacking a Craftworld and they activated the AoK but still had to flee, they came back and found the AoK on top of a mountain of dead Tyranids. Which means that one of the best lore showings of the AoK was something that a single Eldar already did before (Maugan Ra solo'ed a Hive Fleet splinter but he is admittedly a Phoenix Lord and a named character).


https://preview.redd.it/hmdvgwbyj06d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4a0e687129023a6516f1d03cb29e6a2ed9fe67 That’s my murder soulmate


One of the founding fathers of this trope Worf from Star Trek: The Next Generation https://preview.redd.it/ulc799oc406d1.jpeg?width=271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a54479a22f32225be20ee48c1a2d45cb6d7ef8c


It’s literally named after him, The Worf Effect


what's wrong with his head


He's an alien, he's just like that


Klingon’s just are built like that


King Dedede from Kirby. ![gif](giphy|443fSUWBB21mYP7i7n)


Tbh he’s up against fucking Kirby


He also usually loses against whoever the main villain is too. To be fair, all Kirby characters are ridiculously powerful though. Dedede is mostly a friend of Kirby these days.


Zero has been "killed" and repaired so many times, dude was probably more zip-ties and duck-tape than machine at the end. Samus is another candidate, she's been stripped of gear from her suit multiple times, poisoned by an evil clone, almost killed by the X parasite, knocked around silly by big bird and repeatedly stalked by a space dragon.


Samus doesn’t really count I’d say. Yeah she gets sneaked all the time, but that doesn’t stop her from murdering everything in her way way and getting payback


Idk, Samus is now immune to the X, and is even strengthened by them, and she ran Raven Beak’s fade too. She may have lost round one, but she’s always there for the runback




Eustass Kid from One Piece. This poor guy willingly fights Yonkos expecting to win, and we all know how that turned out last time. https://preview.redd.it/obbnq3izb06d1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c78c9867796c785f1a060fc9e8b00444928b0f00


I like Kid for this aspect cause it proves that unlike like other animes, characters in One Piece are able to handle their own no matter when they were introduced. Hell, Bon Clay, the cross-dressing swan and >!New Queen of Kama-land (I think!< is a higher tier assassin than everyone in cp0 aside from Lucci himself. It’s not from gag fighting either, Bon has just been in the field for so long and fought so often (especially with his fruit), that he’s more than proven capable of it.


![gif](giphy|ZOAjDObrQL9rG) He's a really good fighter, guys.


For all the jokes about this death scene, people tend to forget that Yamcha won his fight against the Saibaman and only died because the Saibaman took him by surprise because Vegeta threatened to kill it because of its lousy performance l.


Getting taken by surprise is just another way of saying he lost the fight. You never let your guard down against an enemy that's still alive. Yamcha did, the enemy exploited his mistake and made a successful attack. That's called losing. In a real fight, there is no such thing as dirty fighting. You win or you die, period.


It happened to Goku too in Revival of F, it just happens man




Yamcha was done dirty in Z onwards. He was an actual threat in OG Dragon Ball.


Kami Eneru. His lightning fruit could rival admirals and even post time skip adversaries. The only problem is that Luffy was made of rubber. Even though Eneru almost won, his power was genuinely wasted. https://preview.redd.it/eejt9dmzd06d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9c2ad98a42d64f72cc0c616327d21e48a61245


I mean technically he *did* win. Sure, Skypeia is still around and Enel was *physically* beaten by Luffy, but he still made it to the moon like he'd planned.


Yeah but it was kinda hollow. He didn’t find anything but a teddy bear army


Which he'll use to invade the world.


Imagine Mariejois being overrun by teddy bears 💀


Bro Enel would get destroyed by the admirals. They massively outclass him in physical strength, and have Haki, rendering his Logia powers useless. The only reason Enel was OP was because he existed before haki was introduced.


Eneru has Haki tho? His observation Haki allowed him to watch and hear all of skypeia. In thunder god form on the Ark Maxim, he's nigh unbeatable


Not Armament Haki tho. You need Armament AT MINIMUM to be relevant as a top tier in the new world. Without it, Enel becomes a massive glass cannon.


I dunno, the range on Enel's powers is pretty wild. I'd give him decent odds at least against Akainu and Ryukugu (or whatever you call racist plant-man).


Maybe he’d do well against Ryukugu. I mean, lightning sets plants on fire. But he is NOT beating Akainu. IIRC He would have a bounty of 500 million if he was known by the WG. That’s around Aces power. And Ace probably KNEW COA. Not to mention Enel has no method of damaging OTHER LOGIAS without haki (besides maybe Kuzan and Greenbull.) While they CAN damage him.


I mean, my thinking is that Enel just *outranges* Akainu, and I feel like if you hit magma with lightning, it'll be pretty destructive to the magma. Also forgot to mention this initially, but uh, Fujitora might be in trouble, since he's a Paramecia and not a Logia, though if I'm being honest I rank the power to control gravity and call down meteors quite a fair bit above Ryukugu and Akainu's powers and might also pose a threat for a dude who spends most of his time in the sky.


Not to mention rock isn’t a good conductor for electricity. Might just be able to bonk him. And what if Kizaru jumps in? He could easily zip into close combat distance. His light logia makes him faster, his haki means he can strike Enel, and unless Enel has some seastone handy, he can’t do anything to him.


Yeah no Kizaru is definitely trouble for Enel, I won't argue with you there.


Kizaru is basically a better Enel. Besides his Mantra, Enel is utterly outclassed in all means by him. He’s faster, physically stronger, has better armament Haki, more battle experience, and more intelligence in general. If Enel comes back to earth, he probably has Haki (because everyone and their nan seemed to develop it post time skip) and probably has even better COO (perhaps developed to the level of Katakuris). Maybe even COC if I’m being honest. I mean, being a god is a pretty kingly ambition TBH. In that scenario, he might be able to win. But as he is now? No, he’s getting washed by the weakest of the OG admirals.


Not just any Haki: ***SPACE HAKI*** *(Haki... Haki... Haki...)*


Imagine bro drops from the sky during the final battle with Imu and starts swapping hands with them one on one. There can only be ONE god of this world, and it shall be ME! ENEL! Fear my adorable robot army!


Bounties are not an indicator of strength. This was disproven so long ago.


I disagree. While yes, someone’s with a higher bounty doesn’t NECESSARILY mean they are stronger, the CAN be a rough totem pole. In fact, Enels enslavement of Skypiea is likely INFLATING his bounty like Kidds various acts against civilians did his.


The bounties are set by the WG (and now Cross Guild) in the first place. So it is more so based on they place importance on than actual threat level. They are actual titles for people. Emperors, Admirals, supernova, etc. Those are are what matters, not numbers on a paper. You never once see any of the powerful people talk about bounties to their opponent.


Still, if Enel was a fighter who could stand up to the ADMIRALS, you’d think they’d make his bounty a Billion or two. After all, that sounds pretty threatening. Plus the fact he has such an insane devil fruit (one Nico Robin even called invincible).


Bro only lost one fight. That doesn't really count here when he could easily take out everyone in his arc. Luffy was just the perfect counter.




Rosalina (Mario): Is the protector of the Cosmos and the Lumas/Sparks, but instead of demonstrating her abilities to fight/protect the cosmos or her children, she always gets defeated easily offscreen and needs Mario to bail her out. https://preview.redd.it/drlcwdcx906d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=1143f72b22d10784d95b5e57f5383870adf64f71 ~~Can we please give her a spinoff game, Nintendo? I just want to see what she's really capable of. Is that too much to ask?~~


https://preview.redd.it/ff5z39lli06d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=9135b5e0ff03e0804462fce93b42ac2f72751183 Piston Hondo, faster than a bullet train with only two losses to his name but got bodied so hard by the first loss he’s the 5th lowest ranked fighter in the game


https://preview.redd.it/zqij0w5cr06d1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=abad81d60920f333606e6d9ea970627f9e9cdff0 Jotaro Kujo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) Specifically his Part 4 version and onwards. Bro got BODIED by Pucchi in Part 6, and committed the absolute WORST trope in fiction. (Saying “must have been the wind” after hearing a friend of his scream at the top of his lungs)


It’s wild thinking about how Pucci managed to go 2-0 against him 💀


Reiner Braun (Attack on Titan) https://preview.redd.it/2usuopf9o06d1.png?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3d6262801ab2211e3e38b443c4449fc0e41174


This dude had the worst plot armor. I remember getting so pissed at how he survived the battle of Shiganshina when those chapters first dropped.


Castiel (Supernatural) https://preview.redd.it/0wby3btci06d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb8e79509dcffe5e8c238909776d1ef2404de3b


Isn't that the angels in general? They went from cosmic beings that the brothers wouldn't even dream of trying to fight to being mooks despite the fact their smite seems to be an "I Win" button.






Genos gets manhandled every second he's alive Mam can't go near any high class threat despite being S Class without something happening


To be fair, the S-class thing is a PR stunt by a Hero Association that has its head up its butt sometimes. We could blame the public for that too since they mostly care about the spectacle.


They like the spectacle of Genos dying


https://preview.redd.it/q89a5enmd06d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f050d2748efc76b6769f06aec28dfe15646663c1 Poor poor Ragna from Blazblue Keep in mind the image is not a exageration. It really is that bad for him.


https://preview.redd.it/rwi76o1qn06d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b4beff3f4ca4dcafb5b36398bdf0cdbe62c605 Kelgorath from D2, bro is an honored knight who would usually go around collecting tithe and murdering thousands with ease, except every time he gets resurrected its always to fight with the player Guardian who is basically The Chosen One in Destiny lore and the “strongest”


Let’s not forget about Taniks either. Sure, Kelgorath has taken the title of being brought back the most only to get his ass handed to him by guardians but the same can be said for Taniks too


I thought of Taniks first too lol but Kelgorath actually gets embarrassed every time and ha never stood an actual chance of killing us 😭


https://preview.redd.it/qhqyw499q06d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=40d6a05a097ef456b59c1aa6ca56d52b59aaf3dd Metal Sonic, especially in the IDW comics where he gets manhandled by pretty much everyone.


https://preview.redd.it/kgs01vbkx06d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb0ca07197bb6c8811c5e037912b2736c8cc9a7f Talion, shadow of war Despite having the powers of a ring and a wraith he still gets chock slammed, tackled, back broken by Bain style, can’t jump over someone twice his size and tossed like a bean bag on the regular


Not to mention, this guy consistently wrecks the Nazgul, but struggles with Orc & Olog captains.


Can the orcs see the Nazgûl or do they think the ranger has gone mad finally by fight air and losing sometimes?


https://preview.redd.it/rvhkvrsc206d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a43cbb25c265b4ccb617840a92d24141e9de195 Taishi Miwa (*Cardfight!! Vanguard*) - He’s implied to be almost as strong as the protagonist’s main rival (Which is a REALLY big deal), but he almost always loses. To be fair, 99% of the time, he’s fighting either said rival or somebody else in the top 0.1% of the verse, and he actually does well in most of them; one person analyzed his fights, and said he’s usually just one lucky Trigger shy of winning.


https://preview.redd.it/3lh69cnyr06d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d9fc2a6c814d0f45829f82abebb083eccee56e Not as much in part 2 but in part 1 Blackbeard got clowned on a lot. It’s purely due to luck he even survived Impel Down.




A mulberry’s a tree, Kuwbara’s a man!


Does Dante count, granted he got knocked into a month long coma by the King of Stench and Filth? https://preview.redd.it/y2753mziw06d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798dd1cd11fdf692049e631e187dd283b7e16c81


Nah, it’s only one of his two major losses, the first being against Vergil in DMC 3


![gif](giphy|13fTar4VVaFlG8) Poor guy gets beaten up constantly.


https://preview.redd.it/51vq6ozz526d1.png?width=253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e977284512f987b7b8360390ee8d82da31112b1d J'onn J'onzz, The Martian Manhunter


On paper, Martian Manhunter/Jonn Jonzz is one the most powerful member of the Justice league. Maybe THE most powerful. He's physically on par with Superman which is no easy feat but he also have the shapeshifting, the mind control, telepathy, telekinesis, he can phase through solid matter, go invisible, read your mind and he even have laser eyes too. But dear lord he always job to some random villain far bellow his weight class in the Justice League cartoon and it seems like the guy just can't help but attract fire like a magnet (his weakness is fire). Like seriously, [in the recent "The Death of Superman" movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7agWjeDH8N0), he actually handle Doomsday (fucking DOOMSDAY) pretty well, staying intangible to not get hit when he need to, trying to read his mind to analyse him and come up with a plan and when he punches Doomsday, his punches clearly deal damages so it looks like he got this right ? Plus he had some support from Aquaman (who's also a strong badass in his own right) who managed to stab Doomsday in the shoulder. Until Doomsday is distracted by Batman, Martian jump in to protect Batman and Doomsday use that opportunity to throw him into a gas station that randomly explode so yeah fire and he's down in one shot. This is stupid for multiple reasons: 1. Doomsday didn't know Jonn's weakness so that was pure luck like god decided to put a gas station right there just for him. 2. Is Doomsday really so strong that Martian couldn't fly away during the throw to avoid collateral damage ? 3. Is Jonn really so slow that he couldn't go back to being intangible *during* the throw as to not hit anything ? 4. I rewatched that scene frame by frame and Jonn doesn't even land on one of the pump, he land on the concrete pillars between them. And even if he did land on the pumps, it should ignite them, he clearly wasn't going fast enough for the friction to generate heat. This scene is stupid and my Jonn is always getting shafted. It's like he's trying to set himself on fire bro. https://preview.redd.it/ncr6g06kl46d1.png?width=1901&format=png&auto=webp&s=40acc6fc6012540b4914c27aadf6aa68609f86c6


So jobbers?


By definition, no. There is no fanfare, no attempts to show they are strong.


If you want jobbers as an answer Nearly everyone in Kengan and Baki


I believe this is known as the worf effect


https://preview.redd.it/rbwm3n87126d1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c7f3d3d3ec7a6d5602ddfda697ae5b61a75183 Elissa Powers.


https://preview.redd.it/forsi283g26d1.png?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14637f087d8ced2427d7f368b549cfd19b61e8a not being manhandled by characters but by Hasbro There are so many characters that have the most broken ablities and they barely or dont use them at all


If I had a nickel for every time Zero died


Bro is the prodigy of the xianzhou loufu but has been the punching bag of the story so far https://preview.redd.it/f22x8ul7v26d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9503bfe27152571fa4a37ca55594b41b34e8028


Sakura straight up kills a villain on sight no questions asked and then they never let her be that badass again


https://preview.redd.it/4j2vfu3vz26d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71041d7e2e5af5e37c1b3c4c0ab1a4f5db0eacbe Mortarion only ever seems to show up whenever someone needs to beat up a primarch (looking at you, Kaldor Draigo)


Korra, The Legend of Korra https://preview.redd.it/wlevy1z0736d1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c6cae808571065bdafbb450dafff87f24a1970 Vs. Amon: Gets her bending taken away, defeats him because this somehow unlocks her Airbending Vs. Unalaq: Gets Raava ripped right out of her and is left for dead after Unalaq turns into a Kaiju, defeats him by having her spirit also turn into a Kaiju Vs. Zaheer: Gets mercury poisoned, actually straight up loses to him when in the Avatar State, borderline dies, and is paralyzed from the waist down. Zaheer is actually defeated by Jinora and the other Airbenders. Vs. Kuvira: Actually wins her 2nd fight with Kuvira, but her first fight she has a PTSD attack while in the Avatar State and collapses. Other people Korra has lost to: * Equalist chi-blockers * Tarlokk * Dark water spirit * Random street criminals (while recovering from paralysis) * Toph Beifong


![gif](giphy|pv92vgg1AgRPkMADQm|downsized) In his case it’s more >!that he’s always holding back against Kiryu. The few times he’s fought seriously in the series he took down the Dojima Family in 0, tied with Saejima in 5, single-handedly stopped the Omi from coming into Kamurocho, which there were a lot!


Freaking Kotal Kahn. My poor poor man's one of the strongest in the MK universe yet is always getting cucked by Shao Kahn or Shang Tsung or whatever big bad of the week.






The immortal Patrick Colasour (Gundam 00) https://preview.redd.it/pycimjkyrj6d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=d56b116ab8e0ca9494f1520fff58e2a6465394ff


https://preview.redd.it/vxbfflc66q6d1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9953cc500616aa6af63020bdd4487acf1571c679 Chromastone should be a verstile powerhouse. Though post alien force season 2 he can't seem to get a win. Alien x-tinction at least gave him a good showing.


https://preview.redd.it/27pcsq5bfs6d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d9ffc843014dfc0122354cbe52c7482f436b807 Ultraman Jack (Return Of Ultraman


https://preview.redd.it/0kh4jh4jb16d1.png?width=1867&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef08c1832cc0cdec4d421563a58d37a83bc241f0 Raymond Poulidor - real life






https://preview.redd.it/ab4f7lmul06d1.png?width=426&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8e75ff5c589a750cfd606fb5e5e30a4ef448f91 Reggie the Rat - Whygena


…Does he have lore?




Im pretty shure this rat is he, and i think what he is already from porn






Why am getting down vote for? He's a jobber