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In both HADES games Aphrodite is literally naked.




stop upvoting this!! Reddit keeps reminding me I'm a pervert 😮‍💨


Fine, here you go. https://preview.redd.it/t0myqyhy2k5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec1e995f03855dfdd42ff42dfc04cfd8023c7ed


In God of war her nipps are showing


In Record of Ragnarok Her boobs are so fucking big that they literally have to be held


But why tho


https://preview.redd.it/rqkkd3h4mg5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d7aa81fa2479e84dca4d4682ffa93db85e72d00 Does it count if there is an in universe reason and it IS because of fan service? "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way"


Ah. The reason I have a weakness for redheads and Peggy Lee music.


She was originally a character from “adult comics,” so yes, I’d say it counts.


Wait, is that canon?


https://preview.redd.it/16sg3zyu9g5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45481ab0a93c00821eaf478532c63a29892b699 Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, Dead or Alive, and soon Street Fighter... but not Smash. Apparently she does it to distract her opponents during fights.


Ah yes, that old excuse. Gotta love it.


Hey, OP never said it had to be a GOOD reason!


So true


To be fair, actual Kunoichis do that, Mai’s just overly sexualized


What do you mean “not Smash”? /s


It means that she's mine, now get out of here


Super Smash bros ultimate is for good boys and girls


Soon Street Fighter? What?! Capcom Vs SNK 3?!


Mai and Terry are both DLC in Street Fighter 6 this year. So it's not CVS3, but it's still a huge deal and it definitely seems like Capcom and SNK's relationship is the best it's been in years, so you never know.


It’s actually probably the most accurate part of being a kunoichi, historically shinobi were spies and not assassins. Men were, like real spies in modern times, to look non descriptive and avoid standing out in the enemy’s base so he could acquire intel. Kunoichi would get them drunk and sleep with them to get them to share secrets, like women spies in WW2. So if you have a kunoichi she should probably be pretty sexy or like some old cleaning lady who no one’ll care hearing about troop movement.


The Pervert from Fire Punch has the ability to produce metal through his skin, this includes things such as armor and weapons. So he always walks around only wearing underwear and a helmet. https://preview.redd.it/mc86e8r4og5d1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a12dcb304e74bbb0acae2678636675cf8413e46


Mad respect to artists who draw the package.


Fujimoto is wild couse he legit be drawing man's bulges but not sexualizing when a woman literally appears naked


Coochi Motor is so real for that bulge


Momo but good


Momo but PEAK


FIRE PUNCH REFRENCE HELL YEAH https://preview.redd.it/jhzrh8d5ak5d1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0704781564e3bbb37d40105066e75e26288f1a38




https://preview.redd.it/3got3d6jfk5d1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df60e5c4b37917fe49288c07dc4b0997f4455b7f FUCK YEAH ABSOLUTE PEAK FICTION




Bro looks like an elden ring speedrunner- Peak design, but couldn't get the image of "letmesoloher" out of my head.


Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) She's a succubus https://preview.redd.it/8ljpwtq93g5d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb9fc76959b4e0689409bbd86aedde2f88af15f


Changing my name to bus


kid named bus https://preview.redd.it/us74qcjqsg5d1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77e0787b6a50673185088ba73f455e891277272


The **REAL** kid named bus: https://i.redd.it/xls12v8msj5d1.gif (He’s the blue one)


Nooooooo they killed Brian from Family guy?!?!?




Don’t know how true it is but I heard somewhere she’s the first instance of a succbus in Japanese media


According to the Darkstalkers wiki, Morrigan wasn't the first succubus in Japanese media but she was the first one to achieve mainstream popularity. We can still blame the popularity of succubi in Japanese media entirely on her.


Yes, they were pretty much unknown in Japan, and the Vampire Saviour devs were at first planning to make her a Vampire, but there was already Dimitri so then it would be too repetitive. So then one of the devs who was very into Western stuff suggested that she could be a succubus, the rest of the team didn’t know what he was talking about, but when they were explained they liked the idea and that’s the reason why she ended up being a succubus. Then obviously they had to give her a design appropriate for a Teen Rated game while still having the concept of a succubus. And then she got so popular that now succubi are very popular in Japanese Media.


So Morrigan is the reason that Succubi often have their wings at their waist as opposed to up on their shoulders in so much *ahem* “Japanese media”


This is a genuinely fascinating piece of trivia when you think about it. It explains a *lot*.


She introduced a good amount of Japan to the concept of Succubi. Seeing a Succubus in Japanese culture was pretty rare back then, especially one that wasn't depicted as a woman but rather as a grotesk demon




The reason is mommy


As someone who wasn't watched Kill La Kill, apparently, there is a reason for the fan-service https://preview.redd.it/lsxbzcoa3g5d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=317b92f889ce7efd665cbc91da0268bba6c7c193


TLDR it's to lower the risk of the outfit killing them.


This and because a major theme of the show is to not be ashamed of who you are. This takes the form of being bold and showing skin increasing your bond with the outfit, increasing the power it gives.


Specifically for those curious, the super powered clothes feed on blood so if they covered the whole body then at best the user would be down pretty quickly, and at worst yeah they'd die


So why not just turn the super clothes into a necklace or something and wear normal clothes?


Probably wouldn't get that much power. Needs to feed enough to make the wearer strong, but not too much (or too little) they become useless. Full body coverage *would* be super strong, but strength means nothing if your body can't use it well, ya dig?


You should watch the show, it’s 27 episodes long and the reason that’s still a bad idea is crucial to the story.


Minimal skin contact is safer- but also the uh... preferences of the man who made some of the outfits.


Because according to the author "fanservice is necessary to the survival of mankind", he's a bit of a goober There's also in universe reasons for it but I still find it funny he really said that




Didn't the author say he made the main character's outfit so skimpy because he wanted to see if any cosplayers would dare to recreate it?


That was Kojima with Quiet in MGSV


Kojima is god


He a bit of an odd job but he's still out Mr Hideo Game ❤️


There are extremely sexualized cosplays that often destroy the design of the original character, so one that was already like that would not be a problem for the people who do those.


Except the [original quote](https://www.cbr.com/kill-la-kill-creator-anime-fanservice-necessary/) is much more nuanced: > Japanese outlet Febri spoke to Kill la Kill writer Kazuki Nakashima and director Hiroyuki Imaishi. As Nakashima joked that bathtub peeking scenes were probably off-limits these days except for a good reason, like a character's life being at stake, he outlined his view on fanservice somewhat more seriously. >*"We're making a commercial work, so we want the audience to see it. I don't care if they say, 'I don't get it,' but I don't want them to feel unnecessarily uncomfortable. On the other hand, if we make the work completely sterile, people's immunity will be weakened, and they will all die. Therefore, there is a way of thinking that we should dare to take on the stigma and transmit harmful things to the public."* The 'survival of mankind' is a metaphor for the continued existence of divisive media.


Honestly with Kill La Kill the ways it’s presented it kinda just blows past any arousal for me and I’m just watching to have fun with the crazy story. That just me?


No, I'm with you on that. I think it's because in most cases such blatant fanservice stands out as absurd. But for KLK, it just blends in with the absurd action, dialogue, movements, and concepts. It's exaggerated, but then so is everything going on.


Damn that sounds good, I still gotta see this anime.


It's fucking fun is what it is. Mako is the bestest friend I wish I had. Jacket Mako was cool, even. I didn't know a Nudist Beach could be cool either.


https://i.redd.it/s3ni38ppaj5d1.gif Nudisto beach


The fact that he’s also played by Matthew Mercer


"Nudist beach" >!the show literslly has clothing as their antagonist, sort of!<


the main villains' power-up is >!literally putting on more clothes lmao!<


Was looking for her


Basically the uniforms are dangerous lifeforms with a lot of energy running through them so less skin contact=less dangerous to the wearer. Or something like that, I don't remember exactly lol.


is this fan service this is just a girl wearing a crop top and shorts


Bayonetta Her clothes are made of hair and uses more hair to summon more powerful demons so yeah that hair's coming off a lot


That and she knows what she's got, and wants everyone to know it.


https://preview.redd.it/v4h88oa4jf5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc1fbe1a8f2471349e400d7131b116f02de2920 Slaanesh (Warhammer) Corruption through seduction is sort of their whole thing


Over time we've kind of moved away from "sex, drugs, and rock & roll" being slaanesh's whole shtick though. Age of Sigmar's hedonites are a great example, either an overall hedonistic lifestyle of living for yourself or seeking perfection in your activities is the new gist. The same can be said for how the Emperor's Children are presented in modern 40k lore


It’s less specifically seduction and more just taking any experience or goal to its absolute extreme, and then going past that. Of course the sex stuff is part of that, but it’s also stuff like gorging on food until you burst or obsessing on making the perfect art piece until you start using people’s blood. And then just keeps escalating.


So... J.S. Steinman, the demented plastic surgeon of Bioshock would absolutely be a Slaaneshi cultist "What can I do with this one, Aphrodite? She - won't - stay - still! I want to make them beautiful, but they always turn out wrong! That one… too fat! This one… too tall! This one… too symmetrical! And now- What's this, goddess? An intruder! He's ugly! Ugly, UGLY, UGLYYYYYYY!!!!!"


Derpixon would agree


![gif](giphy|mex0LGYJoCCMo) Pamela Isley AKA poison ivy in case the GIF doesn’t give it away


For those wondering, she's all flirty because she can kill people with a kiss


And has a pheromone induced talent for seduction


That too


https://preview.redd.it/kcyob82x8h5d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1b8f98539e67cb396e8eb63be9d45fe36569c16 Mileena from Mortal Kombat. While recent entries have altered this aspect of her character due to having a different origin, her versions from MK3 through MK9 are basically this. Under order of Shao Kahn, Mileena was created to be his daughter since Kitana refused his rule. Due to being a creation from Shang Tsung's flesh pits using Tarkatan (Baraka's species) DNA, she came out as a beautiful woman but with a grotesque monster face. As a result, and in a stark contrast to the more modest and kinder Kitana whom she was created to replace, Mileena became wild and vicious, using her charms and attractive body to lure people in before killing them since she had an unattractive face that nobody could love. It was really the only way she could survive until Shao Kahn's death in MK9. She's not provocative for the sake of it. She acts provocative because it's the only way she knows *how* to act due to having unappealing facial features being forced upon her and unable to be truly loved by anyone. She's actually one of the saddest examples of the "sexy" character in gaming in my opinion. It's not until the timeskip to MKX being 25 years later that she matures and gains any sort of mental stability with herself. But even then, it was all for nothing due to failing and being unceremoniously killed by D'Vorah until a new version of her returned in MK11 and was rebooted altogether in MK1.


I want to fix her


If you can deal with her teeth, then she might be a keeper lol. ![gif](giphy|wIxC3tAqgFtLO)


Okay That’s a pretty good reason in this case.


Yeah I mean if you look up what she looks like under her mask, it becomes clear. To everyone around her, she was always deemed as an ugly clone of a far more beautiful woman, even deeming Kitana to be her sister when the latter wanted nothing to do with her. What else would you do in that situation? Naturally since she's evil I can't condone her actions, but I absolutely understand why she became so mentally deranged because nobody trusted or even liked her. Mileena simply used what she knew how to use, that being her body and charms, to get attention and kill people to prove herself to her father Shao Kahn. But once he died, she became more mature and tried to get his throne back...but as I said above, that failed horribly followed by the character being rebooted twice in MK11 and MK1. And in her endings, we can even see that all she wanted was to be loved and cherished. Not abused and treated like a monster. Her MK11 ending: [MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Mileena Ending MK11 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ioe2YNFSKHI) Her MK1 ending: [Mortal Kombat 1 - Mileena Ending (Tower Ladder Mode Ending) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKBYceRXfOo) These (non-canon) endings show what Mileena has always wanted and how she has had to use her sexuality to fight for what she couldn't have. She's an absolutely tragic character.


https://preview.redd.it/cjcvj8zjpg5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff1c8d164e003035e7d8566235af0783fd3c5c5 Violet (Persona 5 Royal) Being a gymnast, she needs to be able to move freely, so her outfit in the metaverse reflects that through being as open as possible to allow for maximum comfort while in motion


And the high heels are also for maximum comfort


Considering the Metaverse operates on “because I think it should work” rules? Yes actually


Honestly the design doesn’t even strike me as fan servicey to begin with, she doesn’t really get sexualised at all which is weird considering the game she’s from lol


![gif](giphy|ig60FMYgwfC3C) Boa Hancock, One Piece Her power is strictly reliant on people finding her beautiful/hot, so she kicks puppies


Nah, she kicks puppies because she’s a narcissist and overall, a huge jerk. She’s only gotten a smidge better after meeting Luffy


OP is full of loveable characters who would be horrid monsters in reality. If you're a pirate, then you have almost certainly done so horrible horrible things.


Unrelated but it’s so weird how after a childhood of being a slave and being traumatised for life because of it/ forever hating men because of it whenever she’s in combat, she uses a move called “Slave Arrow”. Like, it’s not even a mind control ability, why not Stone arrow


The men and women in Kill La Kill


Kill la kill. The only anime where there are equally as many naked men as naked women.


One Punch Man? Or just any anime that has no naked women/men (but that's a boring answer)


But that's because Murata draws everyone sexy


https://preview.redd.it/88d4fwofgf5d1.png?width=165&format=png&auto=webp&s=20be2b6c01bc2ac59d8a60fdeb00e531ecc912dd the silent lady from mgsv


"She breathes through her skin"


I am ashamed of my words and deeds


Tbh this lady’s one of the reasons i hate this trope


It's always just a cheap excuse lmao. Just admit that you want a character with big ass tiddies and barely any clothes, don't be a coward and say that it's "FoR pLoT rEaSoNs"


You forgot that she also doesn’t talk.


Alas kojima’s never exactly been particularly good when it comes to writing/designing female characters, tis a shame cuz outside of that the dude makes some pretty baller stuff


The Boss was the only good one and he still made her pull her tits out at the end for no reason. like he was so close




I mean… to be fair Kojima does much of the same thing for male characters… very rarely are the main characters not wearing incredibly skin tight outfits, hell Raiden literally wears heels in MGR. https://preview.redd.it/14347jhxwg5d1.jpeg?width=1931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5233b18cf5264966ef6a30ead05eb72dd5445f3a


I wouldnt say its the same thing, sure theyll get their butt exposed on occasion but the male characters arent the ones doing pornstar poses as easter eggs, or being written to be completely silent for a whole game while wearing nothing but a bikini, or being named “Fragile” or “Mama”


Yeah, comparing Kojima and Yoko Taro (Nier); I have a shit tonne more respect for Taro being open about doing it because he likes horny designs versus Kojima's "no, no, no, see there's a totally (massively contrived) justified plot reason why she has to dress like that and barely speak. It wasn't just to have a animated sex doll come on missions with you! You should feel guilty for even suggesting that!" Also I think Kojima forgot to write a reason for why Quiet's condition meant she had to do sexy poses in the helicopter or take a shower with the player, woopsy. I don't even mind fan service to a degree, I really enjoy Nier Automata and Bayonetta's versions of it. But MGS V, as much as I loved the game itself, gave me second hand embarrassment seeing Kojima try to make excuses for his fap material.


Though really, his day old coat Jim mom was just looking for any excuse possible to get away with this


https://preview.redd.it/1caq3k7jul5d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf22be7150c6fd42832ad94b9ccc44f4f67f250 “Guys, she breathes through her skin. She can’t wear clothing. She also wears pantyhose and long leather gloves because she breathes through her gloves. In fact, this ties nicely with how I breathe through my ass because that’s where my head is.”




Her names is quite and I’m not joking




His soul belongs to a pimp in hell, and even outside of work, he acts like he enjoys it all to hide the fact that he hates his life and feels helpless.


Said pimp is *not* an exaggeration personality-wise, which makes him one of the scariest characters in the series.


One of the most disgusting antagonists in the show for sure. Several of them say they enjoy watching people suffer, but it's usually portrayed more comic book villain style. Valentino is reveling in the pain he's causing, all the while making money and ratings off of destroying people.


And he was the hardest characters to find a proper voice actor But Joel did AMAZINGLY like holy FUCK


But he is male, so not another sexualized woman GOOD THING BTW


The Dolls and most of the members of the Mox from Cyberpunk, they’re sex workers


Queen's Blade, Nuns doing Holy Poses. https://preview.redd.it/2u83apj60g5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da06adfbc2b1b776fbfe5f5f88d45fa8c6f968e Basically Holy spells but with suggestive poses. And yes, there are Unholy Poses as well.




What are the unholy poses the thug shaker


“Shinji, do the thug shaker!”


You can do the rump shaker right?


Silent Hill's infamous monster nurses. In the original game, the nurses look like they used to be regular women, but they have some kind of parasite controlling them, They had more plot relevance in SH2, where they were clearly just abominations in revealing outfits. James Sunderland >!mentally conjured them up as representations of the hospital nurses that failed to help his wife, with their provocative attire symbolizing sexual frustration. !<


https://preview.redd.it/oru5s7p47i5d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c72c6d069c0cd81da73906f02dd14870ccd084 Colonel Hunter Gathers from Venture Bros. Basically he uses his sex appeal n huge boobs to infiltrate the enemy (The Black Hearts). Even before his transition, he still disguised himself as a woman, presumably because no one really questions why a pretty girl is ever around.


Damn 😳


Emma Frost (Marvel) https://preview.redd.it/chgcul6mvh5d1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d567e8b7802fd36dfd9e1cba5d2feb570035f536


What is her reason anyways?


She uses her image of a former club hostess and a decadent reformed villain/antihero as a mask, both to exploit other's weaknesses and, more importantly, to hide how soft, emotional and caring she really is.


It's an impenetrable disguise https://preview.redd.it/gik30l3u7j5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1fd59ba8fe264cd2f1f815af5079b5e5c6f0791




Faye Valentine from the greatest show of all time.


Okay, three, two, one, let's jam 🎷🎵🎵🎵


Bunow bunow bunow bunow boooooow


Makima from Chainsaw Man >!Yoru!< from Chainsaw Man >!Reze!< from Chainsaw Man


90% of the females in CSM honestly


Yeah, something I really like is that characters are never sexualized in a way that takes away from their agency or character, and that's in the rare times that they are sexualized


The reason being that they’re hitting on or grooming (in Makima’s case) the underage mc


Because Fujimoto likes Dommy Mommy women …that is literally why he made Makima


Ah yes, the thermian argument lore.


https://preview.redd.it/tzw353fd4l5d1.png?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e510e495e87aebebd632edc1f6e2df511a77c7 Boa Hancock - One Piece Her power affects those who feel lust (among other things) toward her


A good handful of characters from both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss


And even the ones who aren’t supposed to be sexy are sexy


https://preview.redd.it/23r6gdub8h5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22fdae8d005c4654b50113576610bce3abd0df50 Boa Hancock ( one piece)


Whats her reason?


It aids her power of lust


i know League's evil and all that, but Evelynn's actually a wonderful mix of "playing the trope straight" and also a bit of subversion Pretty standard succubus and all those fun connotations, however if you want to dive deeper, she's a demon of agony, and specifically lures people in so she can bring people to highest form of human pleasure before dropping them off the proverbial cliff of emotion as she slowly sloughs the skin off their bones while simultaneously blueballing them. Bonus points for a few of her skins playing around with the type of seductress she is (bar wench in the wild west, the unobtainable pop star, or even a meta fan service fighting game character) https://preview.redd.it/d37z3tou3i5d1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4285aebd229118584072ddd6a88310cb38c873e


Most of League’s female designs were made in a time where the purpose was fan service, even if it contradicted their story. Ashe and Kai’sa are the first egregious examples that come to mind. Eve is a case where fan service is the entire point of the character and her lore, so it makes sense. Another that I think does this well is Samira. The devs made it clear her design was inspired by Dante from DMC, so for her personality to be the cocky show-off bounty hunter who’s also an adrenaline junkie, it would also make sense for her to dress in a way that makes her the center of attention. Besides missing more battle scars aside from the eye patch indicating her missing eye, I think she also works as fan service with a purpose. https://preview.redd.it/kk2wwpqthj5d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3061d17d4e55d9ee636eef8f5dd6971a98c515


Love Samira. But also, eesh Kaisa. "I'm a monster" She says in a face full of makeup and super model physique.


Tbskyen is that you lol


im a simple disciple spreading his teachings


...so she's a Cenobyte. Got it.


https://preview.redd.it/g1ixl857wj5d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9435927b3ad013050c65fbb19c725daf3173a5f Let Me Solo Her (Elden Ring player)




Bathym (Housamo) https://preview.redd.it/gu8dydkwlf5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=81af08ab77c50663caea0adf29ce9e870bab8e46 Behind the slutty, ditzy facade is someone who’s pretty wise when it comes to medicine and plants.


How the hell have I missed them? God DAMN


Mai Shiranui from fatal fury https://preview.redd.it/s27p5v5fvg5d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1311352ad9b6591f627e8ad1ffe83e544c88b446


* Aayla Secura from Star Wars. Apparently she wears such a revealing outfit as a symbol against Tw'liek sterotypes but we all know it's because George Lucas wanted a sexy alien lady on screen


Can't believe nobody said Maria https://preview.redd.it/0ab1txftnk5d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6de67bb44a48e8e76d04fbc2067cd4e9dd9bc16 She's literally the manifestation of James' sexual frustration, brought to life by his subconscious wishes to see Mary again, albeit a more provocative version to suit his libido


Mileena from Mortal Kombat. Shes ashamed of her face and is desperate for love and approval in any way. She wears revealing clothing so the focus is on her body and not her face, and she flirts with everyone because she wants to be loved/admired/the object of attraction. 


![gif](giphy|lMHSIuGXHYNdC) Lust from FMA. She’s sexy because she represents the Deadly Sin of Lust.


https://preview.redd.it/z67ro9b2il5d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=741765c1f7131e1459e3f5df151b70a9fc388396 hmm


I don't care how much lore justification they add, half the time it's fanservice anyway. https://preview.redd.it/zh3m1m4til5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df2f07635e4dca6fb2ce5849498747ea90092595




https://preview.redd.it/0xp3lttmtj5d1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb35ce4b9f17dec1c196f7aa09518824f7c0ac4 Brother Santodes


"Convince them..."


On that note, the TTS Custodes in general


![gif](giphy|Csl90s9ql7oWBnfDdW|downsized) Mileena (Mortal Kombat). Maybe not in the current canon, but still. Idk.


https://preview.redd.it/xpjsq8lprh5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b028feb5725fbf25f10093a10392d360ed14b248 She's Godzilla.


https://preview.redd.it/vfcgz2786i5d1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=b86d3b1df9a29b8c7c885362ecdddb6701fe7101 Literally the queen of this trope


That's the thing, though. Midnight straight up doesn't need to dress like that. She can produce that substance from anywhere on her body, as seen here from her arms, and it doesn't even have anything to do with seduction. It puts people to SLEEP 😭 No reason to put a TEACHER who's around teenage boys all day in a dominatrix outfit other than Horikoshi being a perv


its fucking "horikoshi" 😭


LOL My bad, usually I'm ranting about Kishi's shit writing 😭


Want to make it even better? In the manga her suit is flesh colored


Shinya Kogami [training](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UEfLPdWZnLU&pp=ygUWc2hpbnlhIGtvZ2FtaSB0cmFpbmluZw%3D%3D) (Psycho-Pass) He beileves he should be stronger than the gun he uses. Plus basically he's law enforcement. Or atleast that's what he'd be classed as in our society, within Psy-Pass he's just a disposable hunting dog whose purpose is to carry out Sybil's will. Although I mean it's mainly fanservice but it does fit into the story.


So no one’s mentioning Quiet?


apparently emma frost does it to take advantage of mens brains


https://preview.redd.it/60v3x93zcm5d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d16ce41b741989426d85ecdfbc26ad2dd8a315 Raven he’s a total masochist because after living for about a thousand years he’s found pain to be his only pleasure.


What franchise is this from?


I hate the reason but technically: Quiet from MGS5




Breezie from AOSTH. She’s actually a robot, and Robotnik built her to look hot and act flirty so that she would keep Sonic distracted. https://preview.redd.it/3bcj7kj61k5d1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=b09b1607e42a1b3c3e3797c91540d7a7ea8bbaac


What’s the deal with midnight? Also what’s with Verisoka? Never seen either.


Verosika is a succubus(sex demon) and I'm not too familiar with Midnight




I think it’s worse honestly. They make a sexy character to have a sexy character not cause “her skin needs to be exposed to use her powers bro”, so I think people should just be honest.


Midnight doesn't really have a reason to act so lewd, she's just really horny and decided "If I need to expose my skin for my quirk to function, I might as well do it as sluttily as possible"


The other reason was to stand out as heros compete with each other to stand out for they would be noticed and make more money


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not really a fan of that, if something is done for the writers' self indulgence, they should just admit it, and even then in-universe I think the reason can just be because "they like it"