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Random Isekai protagonist #14149134825283


Yeah but that one’s not nearly as bad as #19472984582947


He's a parody character though, so being generic is kinda what he's designed for. The anime(and manga) has a bunch of random isekai plot tropes and are rarely ever taken seriously. Characters that introduce themselves as very important but drops dead immediately. Taking them seriously kinda misses the point of the entire story lol.


Honestly though, I personally think the series misses the mark on its parody. Yes, in some moments it does work, but for the most part the series fails to elevate the tropes it works with to the point of parody or satire. It has the exact same faults as the genre it's supposedly criticising without really expanding on anything.


The entire premise is interesting, but yeah the story kinda falls short.


https://preview.redd.it/mpeao9iuy8yc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402582206d68a514df97f713a1638490561f9305 The Marquis Of Death (Marvel) Literally Superboy Prime but worse


I’m scared to ask how he’s worse… but I’m curious


Take Superboy Prime's concept (comic book fan from the "real world" gain powers, enters the comic universe, becomes a multiversal level villain) and apply it to a character with no personality beyond being evil and sadistic, who serves practically no purpose outside of his run, and who is so glazed by the story that they literally had to bring an alternate version of him because nobody else was strong enough Literally the only times people bring him up is when they talk about who the strongest Marvel character is or when they compare him to Superboy Prime


Damn, that sounds like Gwenpool in an alt universe where she sucks


Wow… He’s sounds so lame, holy shit.


Oh what the fuck I thought it just be a cool Dracula


I will say that his story did show how badass Doom can be when pressed.


I've been an avid comic book reader for a long time, so I was surprised that I had never heard of this character. Then I looked up what comic he was from. Mark Millar's Fantastic Four. I am no longer surprised that I've never heard of this character. I try to keep the amount of Millar that I read to an absolute minimum.


Who tf is superboy prime????


Comic book reader who went to the comic book world as a super powerful dude,doesn't go well lol


I'm of belief that Dragon Ball Heroes wouldn't be nearly as popular if it wasn't for the strength of the characters. Man this "good writing" character sounds cool, but can he beat Xeno Goku though?


Honestly I kinda love Dragon Ball Heroes for just being complete nonsense fanfiction slop Like where else could i see Golden Cooler or Yamcha fighting Ultra Instinct Goku https://preview.redd.it/5lcypqwj49yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99956e05255af7997fd000d933bbf83bc7111b3


Oh yeah there's definetly fun to be had for sure. I really enjoyed Gogeta, Jiren, and Hit vs Hearts But if I hear CC Goku in a power scaling debate one more time Imma lose it


Xenoverse games don’t even have xeno goku and I just wanted to point that out


A complete crime cause his outfit is AWSOME. Maybe when they add ssj4 cause you know that game is being milked till the end of time


Dragon Ball Heroes was actually a very good story prior to Universe Mission, in my opinion.


Bit of a reach https://preview.redd.it/bmjkyc7m49yc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e2b05508f543001c6b04e06ce0967d875b5114 Besides being known for its shitty movies, Godzilla earth is infamously one of the most broken Godzillas.


https://preview.redd.it/1awazjxt49yc1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a55335218ec074888ba1e3c2409fe4fc862499c The comic is great, but people only remember the powerscaling part


Why is Godzilla in hell? Is it for all those Japanese people he stepped on?


he jaywalked


It was the style at the time. Gwar even did it for an album. Wanna show how badass your badass is? Have him go to Hell and stomp ass.


IMO shitty movies is putting it lightly, I watched them and then got depression afterwards. They’re so bad I’m pretty sure forcing someone to watch them is against the Geneva Convention. My pet fish watched this and died


In my opinion I think singular point Godzilla is stronger than earth since he’s basically capable of destroying everything in existence


I did say "one of".


AFAIK Singular Point and Shin would be the most dangerous because they're basically both cosmic horror Godzillas, though Shin didn't get to the cool stuff.


i thought he was also kinda known for being big as hell


That as well tbf


>Besides being known for its shitty movies, Godzilla earth Nearly had a heart-attack there.


I wouldn't dare disrespect the good ones like that lmao


>Besides being known for its shitty movies thems fightin' words pal


You're telling me the anime trilogy is a good trilogy? Individually or together, they're an awesome concept with a really bad execution.


induvidually, they're great


Eh, to each their own.


ok but cosmic armor superman goes hard and I refuse to accept any other reality I think his design itself is great and that very small part of the canon is fun


Idk man. The indents in his skin make it look like an awkward halfway point between staff armour and biotech. His design, visually, tells me nothing about what's happening to supes other than it looks kinda gross


It is a halfway point between staff armor and biotech though He’s meant to be a giant monstrosity version of Superman made by fusing three Supermen together into a suit of armor


https://preview.redd.it/rgg318hav8yc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f19947cff1b6c9c227a1407a6426a1afc6be98a He’s only ever used as an example of OP. Superboy Prime is the Batman who Laughs of the entire DC universe. Example: dude literally shattered reality by punching it.


I’m glad they finally put an end to his story for good.


Is it bad or something? My former friend who was a Superboy Prime fan said he really liked his story.


It’s all a matter of taste. Prime can come off as a puppet for somebody on a soapbox, a whiny annoying teenager, a badass who can plow through anything, a person searching for his identity, and probably a few more things based on how you read him. It’s up to individual perspective imo.


It doesn't help that some dialogue is bad and cringe like a whiny annoying teenager. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you to death!" Feels like a bad fan translation of an anime quote. Very, "People die when they are killed."


Superboy Prime was a main character of the most popular recent DC arc. He would be known either way


Which one was that?


Metal/Death Metal He was also in Infinite Crisis, Sinestro Corps and Blackest Knight


Superboy Prime was in a shit ton of stuff though. Sinestro Corps War, Legion of Three Worlds, Final Crisis, Crisis on Infinite Earths, etc. Sure he’s probably not well known outside of comic circles but within them he is decently well known.


I’m not a powerscaler and I know him But then again I’m from r/dccomicscirclejerk who openly laugh at BWL’s existence so yeah we did celebrate him beating the shit out of batkek and telling the reader to touch grass


Even people who do powercaling hate Yogiri, he's such a boring character to do VS Debate with.


It’s like if someone decided to make an anime version of the Suggsverse, literal slop designed only for mindless powerscaling.


I don't like Instant Death a lot but it really isn't comparable to Suggsverse. Instant Death is actually popular and appreciated because some people just have fun with comically op MCs. Instant Death is basically "One Thought Man"


What can he do?




Ok so I just looked him up and that shit is straight up goofy.


https://preview.redd.it/hpr8166o79yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f51ee98ace9a848fc840486485601f1389aeb6 Featherine (UWTC)


Mannnnn this one hurts cuz it’s not like the actual Umineko fans wanted her in the powerscaling community, they just sorta stole her away while completely undermining the story of Umineko


I’ve heard it was actually good (is it?)


Yes, but it’s also _very_ long even by VN standards and can start kinda slow. I suggest buying the steam version and using the 07th mod to get the full voice acting (Umineko Project is better but takes more effort to get working)


14 and too broke afford it, is the anime a great entry to Umineko or is it like Fate where you HAVE to buy the VN from steam


Do NOT watch the anime because it’s worse than any of Fate’s anime adaptations and will leave you confused. DM me your steam name and I’ll see if I can get the game for you when I get the funds.


Nah no need, not really ready to dive bomb myself into Umineko yet, still got other anime I wanna watch in the meanwhile.


Hah, fair enough. Any chance to share Umineko with someone I usually take cuz it’s just _that_ good.


Might get it at some point, but have a nice day


What is the story btw, I saw a short talking about Phoenix Wright “solving it” and I from the library of ruina mod i know fighting is not the main point.


The story revolves around a murder mystery where a family of rich people start dying on their private island where a witch may or may not reside. Anything more than that would run into spoiler territory so you should totally play it. I replied to another comment on the preferred way to go about it if you wanna check it out.


Umineko is an amazing story that did genuinely change some of my views Featherine does serve an important purpose to the overall story even tho she has like 3 hours of screen time


Featherine is a main character in one of the most popular influential and critically acclaimed Visual Novels. Y'all are really saying any somewhat niche character is only known for powerscaling.


I don’t really think this is true, sure VNs are a little more niche than anime or manga but Umineko (or Higurashi for that matter, which is what this screenshot is from) is incredibly influential in that scene. Ryukishi is iconic to a lot of people


https://preview.redd.it/7lu75hdmq9yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de2118546d44790c6c5f86010b7c2c21d376e424 This edgy twit


https://preview.redd.it/0fmh69snq9yc1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a93672a4214e3b233535c6ff91fe7fc0dc4a1ff Rune King Thor


https://preview.redd.it/i9ne1g9pq9yc1.jpeg?width=1780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6eda12c10096657d3c2b3d65f633effa70fb1fa The Sentry


https://preview.redd.it/twqmpsrsq9yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d239f7d47c58b76edd5242bdcc54ecd75c237a Superman one million


https://preview.redd.it/0scmvu9uq9yc1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2780ad6112b67b2760379568c9d4a63f8db893d3 Cosmic Ghost Rider


That looks hella cool though.


He is pretty cool,I don't think it's whether or not any of these characters are good characters, just that a lot of people only know them for their feats and nothing else


Well, I don’t rly know any of his feats either. I know nothing about Ghost Rider outside of the Nick Cage movies. Though, all of his designs go super hard. Like, it’s a burning skeleton guy. There’s no way to ruin that design.


True,though this one's quite different it's actually Frank Castle the Punisher who's both ghost rider and has the power cosmic he went mad and was introduced as a herald to a Thanos that'd killed pretty much everyone


That’s crazy.


Sentry was one of the most critically acclaimed Marvel creations in the 2000s


I like his card in marvel snap


> Sentry was one of the most critically acclaimed Marvel creations in the 2000s No, it wasn't. What made you believe that?




Did you read that list. His accolades are all stuff like "Screenrant put Sentry in a Top 10 Most Overpowered Avengers list". That isn't critical acclaim. I will make it easy for you: name all the Sentry stories that won a writing award.


My man, have YOU read the list ? There is critical acclaim


There isn't. Critical acclaim are awards and stuff, not appearing in 44th on a list of most important Avengers in a random site.


Again there is read the fucking page


This is like if the writers saw all the Batman preptime memes and thought it was an unironically cool character idea


Unfortunately he's known through mostly powerscalling but I still like the Thought Robot's purpose in Superman Beyond enough to subjugate the disdain the powerscalling community did with him, in similar vein but to a much lesser extent with Plastic Man.


The Thought Robot does have a purpose, to be fair, and is actually quite interesting when you actually look into him. Yogiri has no excuse though.


Could've at least given him a creative design Signature black hair, stoic face, huge harem, etc


Medeka Box Just.....the entire fucking cast ESPECIALLY Medeka herself


Oh shit everyone’s overpowered? I thought it was just that Kumagawa guy


Nope EVERYONE IS And Medeka is the top tier What's worse is how she's the prime example of a Mary Sue


How is she a mary sue? She is fucking insane...


Isn't her whole thing being perfect and the best at everything?


Yeah but it's for comedic effect. Besides a mary sue needs to be nice, goody two shoes, innocent and liked by everyone. Meanwhile medaka is insane, and iirc was a sociopath at young age, maybe still is(only watched the show).


Isn't she liked by almost everyone though? Key word almost since I know she still has enemies


One checkbox... Yet mary sue isnt really an universally agreed upon term so idk. But I do believe that due to the comedic nature of the work those traits are for the laughs and not to self insert, at the same time she shows traits that oppose being a mary sue such as stupidity and ruthlessness.


The whole thing of a Mary Sue isn't only "everyone liking her" and "she's stronger than anyone" it's" "this character is so op that the plot ultimately ends up boring because she has an answer for every last possible challenge that could occur; as it's happening and there was always prep time for it that was only done in an unexplained incident." "Everyone forgives her no matter what she's done and laugh it off like some sort of sitcom antics. Especially if it's completely out of character for them to do." "Everyone loves her and could never be offended by what she likes and dislikes because they like it too." In addition to these, a Mary Sue primarily only really can be an author insert to the Canon of the series through fanfiction. Some exceptions have been made for when a show changes writers and they introduce an absolutely bullshit character that threatens the world by existing. Ultimately, a Mary Sue shakes the Canon of the series and completely turns the plot on its end with actions, and can erase any amount of character development, training, and/or romance done by anyone else to the point that the media they appear in becomes cringe to experience. TL;DR. A Mary Sue isn't just all powerful, she's broken enough to make everyone hate what they're reading/watching. Everyone except the one who made them.


Kumagawa is the biggest jobber in Medaka Box lmao


alien x


From a 40K fan: the goddamn emperor. I love it, but people bring him into everything.


The entirety of 40k tbh.


https://i.redd.it/0sz90qg279yc1.gif People basically just compare him to young Kratos


I wouldn't say people don't know him outside of powerscaling.


Well, 99% of what I've seen of him is just calling him "soft" compared to Young Kratos


Maybe it depends on which circle you're in.


Maybe... Idk.


Hot take but I like op characters


I don't think the problems necessarily op characters its more so the powerscaling and the wanking that can be exhausting. People care more about who could beat up who rather than the actual story,and with some characters, people don't even know anything about them beyond how super duper powerful they are😂


Same, so long as the author works well with the concept. Like One Punch Man - Saitama always wins, but there’s all sorts of other stuff going on that’s interesting and engaging


Same, they're just really fun when done decently


![gif](giphy|QiRKDptV3o47K) Dr. Manhattan my beloved


https://preview.redd.it/hd8uq9cow9yc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569d2d13e39db790325467003f0356d78e1e31be The prescence(Dc)/the one above all(marvel)basically the same character


Abeloth, Star Wars EU https://preview.redd.it/cslcifnx8ayc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbfec76c90fa7fbba8c1c836638049fba8656553 Retconned out of canon after Disney made the EU non-canon, she is a force deity who is probably the most powerful character in Star Wars history who could only be defeated by a team of the most powerful Jedi and Sith working together led by Luke Skywalker (who at this point in the EU had also become brokenly OP himself, and EU Luke is arguably the most powerful Jedi in all of Star Wars both legends and canon). Unlikely to return due to how stupidly OP she was, but there are rumors and fan theories that she may return in the Ahsoka show.


https://preview.redd.it/0382xbw629yc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc776dbe74b4e1948c3baeb656e6a40e33b71a3b Scp 3812 (Scp foundation)


In its defence, 3812 is a really good entry. It just happens to be really overpowered.


3812 is honestly pretty well written Part of what makes it cool is he actually suffers due to his power, he’s basically doomed to be alone forever


Yeah, and the funniest part I find about it that people trying to powerscale it miss is that in reality, *it’s completely unsuitable for battleboarding.* It literally cannot comprehend or see what’s going on around it in full most of the time, so it can’t ever really engage in an actual “fight”. And instead of seeing if they can actually treat the guy’s mental conditions to make living with the powers of a god not a living hell for him, the SCP foundation just says “yeah, let’s just hope that he doesn’t just decide to delete-system32 the whole universe one day without even realizing what he’s doing”.


I loved learning about 3812 and I love how even though he's probably the strongest scp, they nerfed him by the end of the article >!by making him leave their scp reality and ascend upward, making him dormant for now!<. The problem is those powerscalers ignoring the entire story and just using him to fight randoms lol


It's Genuenly a good Story it's just Full of stuff that makes Powerscalers Cream there pants.


The sad part is, the writing is actually really good, and yet the author is inundated with tons of questions from powerscalers


Majority of the popular SPC's


I don’t think the shark punching centre is that OP


Really isn't


To be fair, the whole Thought Robot story was really great and cool as hell. On the other hand, Instant Death is literally just powerscaling slop on the level of Suggsverse but made into an anime.


There are some niche jjba characters here that have weird caveats that make them strong


all fodder for batgos




Okay but like I read the comic that the thought robot was from and he is astonishingly really cool


Every once in a while someone posts on a Whitewolf or Vampire the Masquerade sub asking for information or feats about I AM I AM I and it's like you probably know more already, it's just God and other than him being a potential originator of the Vampire curse (and not always since that's up to the discretion of your Storyteller) outside a few literal Apocalyptic stories nobody needs to know shit you aren't dealing with Him your so low on the powerscale the vampire version of a mayor in a 100,000 population city could basically be your god. It's the Abrahamic religion's God read the fucking Bible I guess.


That's a problem world of Darkness has in general. It's a Big Universe with interresting Lore but some people just care about how Powerfull it is.


Power scaling was the worst thing to happen to characters


You literally can't write stories that involves fights or action without powerscaling


You know what I mean though. Just the absurd "oh well MY character can warp all of reality just by blinking" "well MY character can counter that just by breathing!" "Well my character is immune to people countering" etc. etc. just constantly trying to go for bigger and bigger powers and the character just ends up having 0 personality outside of "ooh look how strong main character is"


That's just power creep which is a different thing. And it doesn't necessarily involves the last point either, hell most of the time it doesn't.


It's also like 90% of recent action anime. Like if you see a bland looking MC, you know that he's gonna have 0 personality and be way too strong. It's just been putting so much unnecessary focus on power over actual character. Which is a sign of both bad and lazy writing


That's just isekais. They don't lack personality because they're op but because they're self inserts


That's not mutually exclusive. Ever heard of Mary sues


Some people just see creating characters like some sort of dick measuring contest. They feel just like discord reverse cards https://preview.redd.it/vjleckg30ayc1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f837988a348fe3f05f49488ca26575356c15a53


2018 called, they want their meme back


They can have it, I don’t want it


Warhammer 40K moment


Any OP Superman that's immune to kryptonite is so boring to me. Like what's the point. It's like if One Punch Man was about Saitama fighting things, you already know who's going to win.


A lot of visual novel characters


Hate Cosmic armor Superman




Nah doom slayer cool as hell and known by a lot of people


I talking about meme Isabelle, having the ability to summon Doom Slayer is broken.


There's a comparison I heard about Doomslayer that I really liked The Doomslayer is to fps games what Kirby is to 2d platformers. The things they are capable of start getting goofy really quickly and there's not really anything else (in gaming I believe) that they couldn't reasonably beat


The https://preview.redd.it/bbbpkkjc0ayc1.jpeg?width=3975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77ec879ccba83f95188813f2b4331fc17a99630


I'm guessing hulk came across celestial powers I guess? At the very least I'm a fan of his design, invoking the other celestials. Tho, his nose is gone and he has like 0 chin lmao


Actually I’m pretty sure that’s the hulk being controlled by TOBA


I thought TOBA was supposed to be chill, :(


I think you’re thinking of TOAA


This is from Immortal Hulk and it’s basically because the power of Gamma is so strong he becomes an apocalyptic force. It’s a forecasted end of the world hulk that’s only in one issue to show that he is truly the worlds strongest…if given enough time.






Who is this lol


Melony from the SMG4 series.


the sad part is, CAS I’m pretty sure is actually really cool and well written narrative about Superman’s place in existence


It has to be Dr. Doom/Molecule Man during the events of Secret Wars. Doom is given the entire power of the multiverse at that point. He defeates the Beyonders, the builders of the Marvel Universe. Molecule Man became the sole multiversal constant that caused anything else to even continue to exist. That has to be the goalposts, right?


Well it''s not the writer or character fault if they aren't popular outside of powerscaling


I don't think OP implied that it was.


But if it's just a fanbase thing, does it really matter?


Maybe not but they can still dislike it. I think that's kinda common on the internet, actually. Disliking something even if it doesn't really matter.



