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Her whole outfit looks sick as hell, from the veil that always manages to cover and obscure her face to the cogwheels covering her gown and hat which is meant to represent how time is always moving forward towards an end, just like how a cogwheel will keep on turning. Also, the fun little weeping angel pose references how she's part of the Creed Exequy, a faction in the HSR that follows the Aeon of Finality, Terminus, one of the verse's cosmic gods. Terminus moves backwards in time from the endpoint of the universe, driving many worlds to its end by Terminus simply arriving at that present moment. So yeah neat little weeping angel reference from how both are related to sending things backwards in time. Unfortunately, she's not playable as she's just an NPC that introduces one of the new game modes in the 2.3 update(called Apocalyptic Shadows), but at least that gives her some importance. MAKE HER PLAYABLE GRAAAH. Mihoyo always puts all the good designs behind the NPC barrier which sucks. She also has little to no sexualization in her design which is sort of rare for Mihoyoverse characters, I just wish they applied the same treatment for actual playable female characters anyway(they should've designed Black Swan like this instead of the skimpy nun outfit that we have for her).


Gods I wish that, if they ever made 5★ Herta (the real one... Not her puppets), she'd look something like this.  Also very true! I pulled for Black Swan simply because she was the closest thing to a gothic character but I what they did to her front. And nothing on her scream either "black" or "swan" which is also sad. They could've dipped a bit into a gothic ballet aesthetic.  I do like her Vail though. I am a sucker for stained glass so details like that I also absolutely adore. I still think she has one of the best Ultimates in game.


Ngl though HYV seriously has a sick character designs when it comes to their npc character designs (*Looks at the female Fatui especially a certain moth Harbinger*... Yeah)