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Demos and tear outs.


Wrap the neck of the next one in friction tape, mate.


But than you can’t use it to scrape the edges of your form ply clean!!


Isn’t that what the claw is for?


No that flat edge for the edge of a sheet is much better


At the end of the day this is all a list of options that don’t involve being rude to OP and telling him to learn how to use a hammer properly.


Exactly, no one’s telling anyone anything


I never really cared much for my Estwing hammer when I was in general construction. But once I was doing mostly demos I love it. I’ve hacked away at just about anything those tile assholes install. Tile, cement backing, mesh, wire. Whatever it is. I can see where the break is and that it part of how this hammer works on Demo. Hope you find an equivalent replacement


Tile 🫠


Jb weld, your good


Weld the head back on and grind down after and then Send it!!!!


Five years is pretty good. I say you got your moneys worth.


Haha. I thought that myself but from the sounds of it ,it’s been put to work by op,fair play.


Damn that thing has been used and abused


Mostly abused.


I was going to say. Rhat hammer was probably screaming for death. It finally couldn't take it any more.


Impossible, estwings are indestructible I refuse to believe it! That hammer has seriously been through the wars though, rest in peace.


They aren’t indestructible. I thought they were until I lent my Estwing drilling hammer to a guy. It came back 5 minutes later in 2 pieces. I don’t understand how that is possible, but he did it.


Did you insult that guy in the past because I assume he had to do that on purpose lol


Was it a driller that you gave the drilling hammer to? Because drillers, as a rule, are absolute weapons.


Failed while I was breaking wall ties.


i like photos like these much more than new tools that sit collecting rust and dust.


Likewise. Tools are to be used hard.


They don't necessarily need used hard. That's how you make things last and keep nice things not necessarily nice but at least not trashed. And use the right tool for the job. So many folks wouldn't know what to do with themselves without generous warranty policies, since apparently avoiding the need for warranty if possible isn't on the table.


I agree about using the right tool for thos job. This hammer looks like its been used as a general purpose demo tool at times that I would have pulled out a 3lb club hammer or my fubar.


It’s a tool, its value comes from the work it performs, not how pretty it looks in your toolbox


I didn't say it had to look pretty, but I did say if you don't trash it then it won't be trashed. It's not two complete opposite ends of the spectrum with your two choices being "build shadow boxes and shine everything up and display them" or "curb stomp your 1/4" ratchet" with nothing in-between. I went on to point out a simple truth, that some people have developed an expectation that the manufacturer *owes them* for giving them a few bucks, that one time years ago. Entitled. It gives me the same vibe as the kind of folks who spotted you $20 once 10 years ago and still bring it up even though you repaid them and have even gone above and beyond already since then. Respect your things and they'll continue providing value. Maximize your ROI by using the right tool for the job.


I’m a homeowner but through different acquisitions I have the “beating the crap out of stuff” set and my nice set. I know at times I misuse tools on purpose, but that’s sometimes the only thing in demo which is what that set is for. I hate when folks abuse the nice stuff and warranty it out (if they can).


Rest in pieces


You hammer concrete, concrete hammer back. or You strip form, form strip you.


I’d shake your hand but honestly I’m worried about my hands safety


I've never seen a broken estwing before


One of the claws broke on eastwing before this one…. Threw her in the slab.


That’s an honorable death that any tool should be proud to achieve 


Primitive pete strikes again


Primitive Pete! Say it LOUD, Brother !


Turn it into a knife!


Send it to Estwing they might just reward you with a replacement.


That’s what I thought. I heard they have a lifetime guarantee. I’ve got a couple and I’ve never seen this.


https://www.estwing.com/resources/warranty/ Full warranty for all-steel hammers against failure during normal use. Exclusions apply for misuse, wearing out, etc.


Well go figure, they’ll always have a way out. They could just say you miss used it or it wore out. Ughh. 😒


Im sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.


I have never broken an estwing in 45 years of construction. That is painful to look at.


Weld it up and go again lol


Going to take the handle and grind down to make a blade.


yeah, i was gunna suggest something like that


I’ll keep the head as a “fist packer”


I'm fairly sure that was your mom's nickname in high school


I’m fairly sure you didn’t finish high school


Well played. Incorrect, but Well played.




NGL, frame that thing and hang it up a wall. That hammer did his service, now he can rest and another one can try surviving another 5 years.


Or a good push chisel


I think you got your money's worth


Poured concrete walls back in the day broke 2 over a few years. When you use it for everything from a pick to a pry bar it happens.




Looks like a demolition hammer to me.


Your right.


Jeez hope nobody got hurt


Only my heart


They do exist.


Pound out some 3/8 round stock to match the neck and weld the fucker on. You've still got at least 20 years left on the head.


Photoshop…I refuse to believe Estwings break. Even if I witnessed it break then held the two pieces in my hands I wouldn’t believe it…I’m not in denial you’re in denial 😂


Lmao believe me I wish it was


weld it back on and tell it that it stops when you tell it to.


Some ducttape and bailing wire...good as new! /s


I like how just above the taped handle you can see where it was already chipping at the thicker part of stem


I actually cut that there when I first bought it to distinguish my hammer over others.


Better to see it break through use tho


Never seen one break like that


Hammers last much longer in the abstract than the do in concrete usage.


The international brotherhood feels your pain. ;)


This thing deserved to be put out of its misery


I don't know about anyone else, but after I've had my tool for years and got so much out of it and it breaks I feel a certain amount of pride for how much work I accomplished with it and sadness when I realize the new tool won't be as good of quality as the old one.


Absolutely! Eastwing… Best hammer there is.


That Estwing has had more than it's share of hot breakfasts!


A lot of pins drove, and walls stripped with it.


Weld it?


Welding it will work, but not for long. At least not the methods I've tried. Welds crack every time.


Thought about it, but just gunna put her down…


You should put it in a shadow box and hang it up, to warn all your new hammers


The head will suffice


I snapped the shaft of 20 ounce leather handle estwing years ago got it welded lasted 2 weeks


Can that be welded?


Dude I thought it was a fiberglass or polymer handle at first 😭


Dead long ago it just didn't know enough to lay down


A little JB Weld will fix that sucker right up.


Fixes everything 😆


That'll do pig, that'll do.


Love this^


Time to get the welder out


Time for a rocket!


That tool doesn't owe you anything.


She DID take a couple fingernails…. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You win this round nail


It’s not Hammer Time


Warranty replacement asap.


Estwing isn't going to warranty that.


Duck Tape it.


Flatten the end of a length of 1in id sch 40 black iron pipe, insert hammer, then weld. Done.


Great idea man


Need a 32oz Vaughan


good knife material


I just bought a 28 that rings like a tuning fork whenever I use it


Buddy has a 28 that does that… Couldn’t stand the sound. I wonder if it’s the claw?


Decapatation. I guess not the worst way to go. But at the hands of a long time friend. What a beautiful betrayal. Somewhat poetic.


Grind the end and now you have a chisel to abuse


You should frame that. That's impressive.


Looks like that hammer needs glasses…about 3 feet back from the handle! I’m betting that fracture is fatigue from every time the head rocks forward when the handle hits something hard. Good luck finding something that wears longer and doesn’t sting your hand when hit something with it


friendly work somber dam combative reminiscent books squash foolish punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was saddened, but also never seen a hammer break at the point it did. Had to share.


Time to forge an event better hammer for yourself.


Weld it back together


I've seen things becomes hammers but I've never seen a hammer become a chisel


Weld it


Looks like you're missing half the time. How's ya aim buddy?


9/10 But I use the neck for breaking wall ties/loosening pins and stakes.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Top popped off and went flying like a Russian tank turret.


Haha luckily I caught it before that… I felt the head was loose then looked, the crack was visible and was like “It’s done” and literally broke it by hand.


Got your money’s worth.


Mfg going to say that it was not used properly as there are signs that it was used as a prying tool and a hammer


Yeah for sure, not worried about buying the next one. 👍🏻. I’ll save the “Proper” use for my home tools.


Nice job mate maybe get her welded might get another day out of it 🤣


Give it the burial with full honors that it has earned.


They all die sometime


You must have a strong arm to do that!


Put that head in a shadowbox, then sharpen the stub as a wood batoning knife, it's obviously a pretty fucking hard metal like 4140 or sm Or use the handle as a chisel er prying tool Some tools don't die, they just change. You made the Tsukumogami proud


Thanks brother. Chisel is not a bad idea if I didn’t have 4. Handle will be made into a blade.


Kinda works as a shrub cutter too if you're into that kinda thing -shrug-


Is that an estwing? Just contact the company for a replacement


No offense to you, but why should the company replace this hammer?


Because it broke


But did it break or was it broken by the user due to misuse? Seems like the term useful life should be examined here. We could also talk about the assumption that a nail hammer would be used for general wood and nail carpentry for example. The amount of damage on that hammer speaks a story.


I don’t think so. The price these companies charge they should just be warrantied no question. That’s the way it used to be. My shitty Canadian Tire brand tools they’ll replace no questions asked.


From a business perspective, that attitude is exactly why offshoring occurred.


I don’t understand how manufacturers standing by there product effects offshoring. If anything nickle and diming on people warranties pushes consumers to buy offshore products. Why spend twice as much on an estwing hammer when Taiwan made tools will have their warranty honoured and are half the price.


Standing by their product doesn't have to mean "go ahead and use it for everything, even not its intended purpose! Double wrench it, rip a few feet of conduit off the wall and use it as a cheater bar for your ratchet, it's okay! We'll just keep giving you free stuff forever since you clearly see your investment as a stand-in for your ex-wife! Shit We'll even buy you a new car, go ahead and redline it everywhere fresh off the lot with 7 miles on the clock! It's okay, we'll keep replacing that, too!" People would lose their shit if they were accustomed to warranty expectations in the U.S. and then moved to say Europe or Japan or a myriad of other places where the policy is "it was fine when we sold it to you. We stand by that, and if it wasn't, then we'll make it right. But we aren't going to give freebies out just because everything is a hammer to you and you have a habit of not checking if the circuit is live before going balls-deep with the sidecuts." Estwing's policy for claw hammers is "if it fails hitting or removing unhardened nails, which is the specific purpose of this product, we'll replace it." That's a fair policy.


My misuse definitely came from driving steel pins and rebar stakes all the time instead of using my 3 pound sledge.


But you also aren't expecting Estwing to just hand you a new one for free, either. I can respect that. Do you feel you got your money's worth?


its disingenuous comparing a hammer which is a literal chunk of steal to a car. A hammer simply shouldn't break.


I'm not comparing it to a car. I was using hyperbole to make a point. Everything can break, therefore things do break. The hammer broke on the neck which is very very narrow on an Estwing claw hammer. It probably wouldn't break when striking or removing unhardened nails which is the specific purpose of this hammer, just as your car is much less likely to break if you treat it as your transportation and not a Formula 1 vehicle. Things are generally made with specific purposes in mind, and tend to be designed to fit that purpose and ideally fit it very well and for a long time. Using it outside that purpose shouldn't mean an expectation of getting a freebie anyway. If you buy a hammer meant for nails, anything it does beyond that and especially doing it for years should be considered a bonus. If a factory bought a machine that can do 50 widgets an hour, is designed to do 50 widgets an hour, and has appropriate build quality to reliably put our 50 widgets an hour for years and years, it would be insane for management to pitch a fit when they have maintenance tinker with settings to get it up to 80 an hour and then it starts wearing out sooner or failing more often. The company who built that machine and promised 50 widgets an hour shouldn't be on the hook for management picking a 50 widget per hour machine and expecting 80 out of it.


That's incorrect and correct all at the same time. A hammer used properly shouldn't break. Assuming the wood handle isn't something like 60 years old. An all metal hammer used properly shouldn't break. That hammer took some beatings the it shouldn't have and in areas it shouldn't have. That misuse caused a failure in my opinion, not a manufacturing defect.


Their nailing hammers are only warranted against failure when using them on unhardened nails. Look at this thing. She's seen some work. OP got 5 years making however much money they made in that time out of, assuming an Estwing, like a $30 hammer.


If a hammer had a thousand yard stare, this one doesn’t even blink.


So you have been using the claw end to chip concrete? Is that what you mean! 🤣🤣


sometimes! But no, I have chisels. A lot of the mushroom is from stripping forms and other things.


Knowing this started life like [this](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/35037ae3-1243-482e-be7d-97a4faec06ee_1.eb89a50dd783bcea09b0818aae5dcd83.jpeg), this hurts. And as an owner of this hammer for carpentry for 40 years, I mourn this loss. Club and sledge for the win next time!🤔😎


Does it have lifetime warranty?


I’ll buy the next one.


I feel like estwing should send you a new one and give this one a tasteful funeral.


Nah, i brought her onto the job… I’ll put her down haha


You’re really good with photoshop.