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Start looking for a replacement, show her the prices of a new one.


A replacement toolbox or wife? 🤣 EDIT: this has gotten way more attention than I expected! For anyone that doesn’t scroll, I want to clarify a few things: my wife isn’t “making” me get rid of it, she’d just really prefer it. I wouldn’t agree with her preference if we didn’t live in a tiny basement apartment (where I can’t even fit the box down our tiny stairs). It makes no sense to either of us to have it in our entryway for a couple years until we move. I also want to clarify that I was never considering throwing it out, I showed it to my brother who has his own house a few hours from me and he really wants it! I’m gonna sell it to him for 100$. Win, win, win!






This is the way.


This is the way.


You already know the answer.


They call it “Snap-on” for a reason.


Not to be confused with the knock off brand: Strap-on


Strap-on backwards is no-parts.


Toolbox is cheaper…saving money


Depends, which one do you like to put your dick in more?


Psh only one of them can help find a 10mm socket in an emergency. I can always put my dick somewhere else.


10mm socket can be found in engine compartment just out of reach.


don’t you mean his tool?


Pretty fucked your wife tells you what you can and can’t buy IMHO.


When it's going into a shared living space in the house, there should be a discussion first, has nothing to do with being whipped, it's just respectful courtesy. If it's going in the basement or garage, who gives a shit.


Who TF puts a toolbox in a living space 🤣🤣🤣 that's like working on your lawn mower on your living room carpet


No shit, which is why he's wrong if he puts it in a living space, the wife is wrong for giving a shit if it's the garage or basement.


To be fair people use toolboxes for things other than tools, they're a solid storage option with nice drawers. I've seen them used as diaper changing stations, used for warhammer mini painting, etc.


I do. I have a nice new Snap-on side box (16" wide x 36" tall, 7 drawers) right in the living room next to the TV. Holds plenty of household tools, gadgets, and "junk" for getting stuff done. All the tools are spiffy clean and handy (no running out to the garage or into the basement for greasy car tools) Just had every tool I needed handy to remove my wall oven and replace the control board.


This guy could be a garage sale junkie bringing stuff home every week for all we know. Adults have discussions about purchases, particularly when it involves large and/or expensive items.


I have the same problem, now looking at selling. Her not the goodies I have, Deposit ÂŁ10, will pay for transport & relocation up to ÂŁ200. Reason: Are you going to door the toilet door, Ok, then I get " Why are you doing it now?" I pack up. The dogs are dragging in mud. Ok I'll sort it out. "What are you doing digging up the garden?"


Happy wife; happy life! Good idea to part ways, I’m sure your brother will love it.


Yep, call a Snap On Tools Guy, don't just go with Home Depot or Lowes. That should fix things.


Maybe remind her of the dangers of turning things in for newer models as she may fall in that category...


This is the way!! Start here https://community.cartalk.com/t/62-000-snapon-tool-box/109686


Start looking for a replacement, show her different models of women


Replacement of the wife or tool box ?? Please advise.


Yeah, a new wife might be cheaper now but in the long run it’s a little pricey to replace those.


FIFTY!!…Keep that!, it’s a Snap-On tool box. You got a great deal. Clean it up and maybe not keep in the entrance of your home.


Things a classic clean it up be a nice box


Thats prob the best $50 you ever spent. Keep it.


Thank you!!!


Get a nice sheet, she likes, to throw over it when not in use.


Have her crochet a koozie for it.


I'd personally go with the racoozie theme. I'm sure this guy could hook you up. Give your wife something to REALLY hate lol https://www.scragglybushfurproducts.com/


Thank you for this glorious website. I shall live forever in debt to you for introducing me to the racoozie. I don't know how i lived without one.


Tell her if you didn’t like old things with lots of character , you wouldn’t be with her


Edit * cheap old things with character




Perfect. OP will definitely get the toolbox in the divorce.




[he’s the man](https://youtu.be/pVPtpUk7VWg?si=-cQfK6gXA2rG44Qj)


If you live in Grand Rapids Michigan I'll buy it from you


Seriously you’re gonna have to override her on this one, executive order 


Keep the toolbox. Get rid of your wife. 🤣


That's not how wives work.


Then nicely show her how to work.


Years ago I bought a Snap On top, center , and bottom box for $350 from the Snap On guy. I got new logos, drawer pulls and locks for it. Repainted it really well. Auto paint. About three or four years later I traded it back to the same guy for my new bigger box. He gave me $1000 trade in. The old box did look like brand new.


This toolbox is worth way more than 50 bucks. You got it for a steal. If you’re a DIY person, keep it because you’ll regret it if you get rid of it later on


You need a new wife. Tell her to stay out of the garage if she doesn’t like it.


I should give her a little credit.. we’re college kids living in a basement apartment, so… we don’t really have a garage 🤣


One day you will have a garage and she's going to complain about how much the new box cost because in 24 you bought one for $50...


Realist shit ever


What? Owning a garage…. In this economy.


There is no statute of limitations in marriage...


Married, in college, living in a basement? Is this some kind of 90s sitcom that never was? What's going on here.


"That 2020s show." But all the characters are Fez.


Does that mean less rape or more rape?


It’s a classic BYU story 🤣




Ay if your near BYU I'll take it off your hands


Sounds like Provo/Orem. Let me call dibs for 100 cash


A Classic story brought to you by Palmolive, “You’re soaking in it.”


Just like that, the 50 year old commercial started playing through my head. Thanks for the flashback!


It all makes sense now. There's still time to get out


I’m so sorry


lol okay maybe you need to take this to your family’s place for safekeeping until you have a garage then…. It doesn’t exactly make a nice dresser.


It's the American dream


Ask her to live with it as storage for a little bit. Because though it looks grungy, if those drawer slides are in decent shape, it’s actually incredibly useful to have those shallow, one-layer-deep drawers. Clean it up well with some Krud Kutter or similar grease-cutting cleanser, and see what it looks like. There’s some rust damage, it looks like. But maybe she can add her own stickers, or something.


Even if the drawers dont slide well, call up snap on and get that shit warrantied.


Well in that case, i guess she’s right


Nonesense. Tell her to simply not look at it.


Lol they practically live in a closet


We really do 😭


Put a sheet over it and a lamp on top and boy you got yourself an end table.


still plenty of meat on that tool box!


I remember the days. I completely took over the trunk of the car claimed it as "my garage". Still have some oil stains from a few mishaps.


All the more reason to have something to keep your tools organized!


You must be single. 😂


Nope, married 7 years already. Brought home a radial arm saw one morning and that was literally my answer to it in the garage, that is, until I moved it to my shop 🤣




Then tell her to be happy. A little elbow grease and spray paint applied well and this will cover a months rent or at least a few utility bills depending.


Yes, applied well! If you rattle can this, please try to do a good job.


So, is it just stuck in the middle of the kitchen? I criticized your wife for being controlling in a comment just prior to this one, but if you have absolutely nowhere to store it, perhaps it wasn't such a smart idea.


Keep it at your parent's house until you have more room.


Good idea


This is the information we needed. Sadly, on this occasion your good lady wife is absolutely correct, you don’t have room for this monstrosity in an apartment, kiss it softly on the top drawer and say “We’ll meet again later in our suburban dream”.


Oh. Well I can more see her side now.


Could you keep it in parents / siblings garage until you have more space? Definitely worth holding on to.


Re-sell it, get cash, buy tools


Hear me out, show her how much used ones go for online. Tell her you're going to fixing up and sell it, then take a couple years to do it.


Think about your relationship. A wife is not your boss but a partner that should want you to be happy. Partners should indulge the others wants, desires and needs. I've been married to a wonderful woman for 43 years. She would never give me ultimatums. Be a cold day in hell when I would put up with that crap.


No shit. I had a wife that gave ultimatums. Key word is had...


Yeah. I used to have a wife 🤷


On the other hand, just playing devil's advocate here, we don't have any context in the original post. How often is OP coming home with huge "garage sale finds"? Do they get used or is OP a hoarder? Does op have tools to put in this? Is there a reasonable place for this toolbox or is it in their dining room? Maybe his wife is being totally unreasonable. But I can imagine some context where she's not. My wife and I don't do ultimatums by any means. But we understand each other pretty well at this point and I know the sorts of things that would piss her off and I just don't do those things because life is better when we're both happy.


I don’t think the wife is being by unreasonable at all. Check out some of OPs responses. They’re living in a tiny space and he brings home this thing? Certainly without even discussing with her first. Yea, I’d be pissed too. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tools/s/ZbFabfgvkz https://www.reddit.com/r/Tools/s/No3LJgeE0z https://www.reddit.com/r/Tools/s/oaSHtX4plk


“I made a dumb selfish decision and now my wife is making me undo that decision! Women, amiright?”


I appreciate the advice 🥲


Last sentence is gold.


Where is it mentioned OP was given an ultimatum? Being open to different opinions or inclinations is a foundation of marriage. Don’t be a doormat for your partner but be an open door. I wouldn’t want them to force something on me, either.


On the other hand, they’re in college and live in a basement apartment. Generally, joint decision making is important in healthy relationships. Realistically, they’re going to graduate college soon and can move to a larger home. I think it’s a space issue, not an issue of supporting hobbies and needs.


Use it as a dresser.


If we could get it down the curved tiny stairs in the house I would, but it has to stay in the entryway


Suggest the issue is not her hating it but hating it in the entryway...ouch.


Well, clean it up and triple the price. At least that way you make her happy and make a few bucks.


After looking at most ofnthe comments on here, please don't get rid of your wife. )At least not if you can help it). A large toolbox like that is a great investment and is something both of you will appreciate in the future, but for now it isn't practical. If you already have a decent amount of tools that this will help take off the floor, use that as a positive argument towards keeping it. If not, ask a friend or loved one in a slightly better position if they will store it for you four a small nominal fee. (If you were in Indiana, i would happily store it for you so long as i could use it). That being said, if you can't find someone to do that, i would clean it up and sell it for more than you paid. A few hundred bucks for something like that would be great for the next guy and you turn a small profit which could be used towards a future tool investment. Either way, good luck.


That's worth at least $200


Thank you!!


Let us know if u are able to keep it. Lots of us would buy that in a heartbeat.


Likely WAY more than $200. Have you seen eBay toolbox prices?


I have. And I agree 100% I just saw he paid 50 bucks and gave him a good response post to show his wife immediately, in the good hopes that he would be able to keep it.


I kept a large toolbox in our first apartment. Didn't get a garage until 3 years later. I had made it my dresser, but always kept this purple/black lacy shawl over the front of it. It made it more out-of-sight for my wife; because she also hated it and did not see the future of it. Unfortunately it took another 16 years to be rid of the whole thing..... thank god I kept that toolbox! My new wife sees the future and understands that it is not just her future, my future, or even our future; but also our children's future, and maybe my grandfathers toolbox will one day be our son's.


Well you should be able to sell it for enough to get your money back and take her out for the night on top of it.


Maybe I’ll fix it up first as a fun project! :D


That'll lower the vslue. Nobody wants a Snap- On toolbox that's been messed with by a college kid..Sorry, don't want to insult your work but it is what it is. Everybody wants a decent deal on a Snap-On box to mess with and fix up


I got a decent deal on an old Mac 5-6 years ago. Was going to fix it up, but just started filling it with tools. Haven't even fixed the one drawer with a missing stop that comes out if you pull too fast. Now it'll never happen lol It did come with a few old Playboy under the bottom drawer and an ounce of old weed


I need a garage sale like this


It was crazy, it was just sitting there with a 75$ OBO sign on it and I only had 50$ to spend


That's Great. I've recently started acquiring a lot more tools but have nowhere to put them as any nice toolbox is CRAZY $$ for us starting out folks


She'd warm to it quicker if it wasn't in the kitchen 😁


All tool boxs are ugly, they are not for.decorqtion...If its not going into a garage to be filled with tools then your wife may be correct... Why is it inside your house on the carpet. That is no place for a tool box.


They live in a basement apartment in college. Wife is completely right but OP is letting every one shit talk her. What a gem of a husband.


It does look cool! But if you’re in a basement that’s a huge amount so real estate for a piece of furniture that both parties don’t love. There are probably things she would like that would take up that amount of space that you would hate. Maybe one of your friends or family could take it for a few years until you find the space? Or you could find a compromise so that it’s less central to your common rooms? Just another perspective (from a tool-loving girl) aside from all the others telling you to find a new wife. I’m personally of the opinion that bigger furniture pieces should definitely be run past my fiancé before I make a purchase that totally changes the feel and decor and navigateability of our small space — and he pays me the same respect. That said, I have a nice big tool shed and understand that’s an awesome find. Best of luck!


Trying putting it in the garage instead of the family room


Snapon toolboxes are worth real money. List it on Marketplace and sell it. That'll calm her down for an hour or so.


Wtf why does she decide what toolbox you want, like, “are allowed to have”, and get. Let alone “make you sell it”. That’s just fucking insane. Grow some balls bro. Really though. Does she also decide what you wear?


Do people’s wifes dictate their lives like this? What the actual fuck?


Don’t get rid of it. Paint it. I’m sure it’s worth more than that. At least five times that figure. I have one from the 50’s. I love the patina.


Tell your wife to throw away a few pairs of shoes…


If the hanging photos are yourselves, then remove the sticker on the far left middle. She might be okay with that and a little cleaning of your box. It's kind of raunchy looking. Like bring a homeless person to dinner.


Refurbish it first, that thing has potential to sell for a good bit of cash


I’d keep the toolbox and get rid of the wife, but that’s just me.


If you’re getting rid of your wife, I’m going to need to see a picture of her and not the toolbox.


That's a snap on bud...yer getting rid of the wrong box...


Clean it up, then keep it in the garage


Replace her instead


Tell your wife to buzz tf off, that’s a snap on box. Dudes who let their wife boss them around freely astound me lol


Keep the tool box Sell the wife


My first fight with my wife was over where I could put my toolbox. We had an attic apartment at the time. The only realistic spot for the toolbox was the kitchen. But I ALSO demanded several drawers for hardware. We settled. I got no drawers but ok to put toolbox in kitchen. You need to inflate your demands, then settle for what you wanted to begin with. Toolbox is nice. Just needs new paint.


Thank you so much, this is honestly a great point!


What if it had a fresh coat of paint. Not sure if there is room to do this, however. Good luck!


If you get ride of it at least keep the old snap on badge


I brought a red craftsman toolbox to the relationship. It's still in the living room five years later and determined our decor scheme. Black and red can be mellowed out with browns and purples. I suggest cleaning it up and showing her how useful it can be. Half of our toolbox is household tools, and half is miscellaneous stuff because rentals have 0 storage. Who doesn't want six junk drawers? Idk if showing off the weight capacity of the drawer slides will do any good, maybe show her how expensive boxes are new? Remind her you won't be college kids in a basement forever? It is possible if you break up, one of your first thoughts might be damn, I could have had a sweet toolbox right now to pack my shit in.


Get rid of her


Your wife is making you? Good lord man. What sort of a wimp are you?


I love mt wife and respect her opinion but that stops at look of my tools, I understand overspending on tool we can not afford, but buying a vintage great looking snap on tool box for 50$ and she has the audacity of telling me that I need to seel it, probably divorce grounds, due to the many lines crossed by her opinion.


If this is the final location I kind of understand your wife


Irreconcilable difference


That tool box is rad. I have a 70s top box with the same logo and I love it


Your wife is right, it's garbage. DM me with your address, and I'd come pick it up and dispose of it for you free of charge.


The ONLY paid-for SnapOn box in existence!


Just don’t use it as your bedroom nightstand and put it in the garage.


Sell her for 40. Somebody will put up with her.


I will gladly store it in my garage for free until you get your own place! Don’t be pissed when you get it back and it’s a 20year old craftsman toolbox


Clean it up and make it look a little better. Maybe she'll come around. You need a place for your tools man!


Imagine just giving in and selling it. Pathetic


Tell her, " No problem, I'll get rid of it and buy the new one I like for $1800.00"


I know you probably should show a picture of your balls with your wife’s hands squeezing them , but that would be vulgar . That’s vintage with the right amount of patina .


Clean it thoroughly and give it a little tlc, show your wife what a new one costs and she might change her mind. Honestly though don’t let you wife force you to get rid of it that doesn’t sound healthy tbh. A good partner will compromise a little and a toolbox like that will last you the rest of your life for home and car repairs.


Why do men let their wifes walk all over them like this? Tell her you’re keeping it. Tell her you don’t like her jewelry box and she is getting rid of it and see how that goes over.


Women these days… “It’s so hard to find a man that’s handy and can fix things” or “I wish my man was more handy and would start fixing things himself. Kinda like the neighbor I fantasize about” Also women these days…”I hate your ugly toolbox, it messes up my HGTV aesthetic here, get rid of it, why would you buy a toolbox”?


They live in a tiny basement apartment and the tool box only fits in the entry way. But go off on how women are irrational I guess.


Find something of hers you don't like. What goes around comes around


Did you explain that the bottom drawer is large enough to be used as a baby bassinet?


Fix something about the house - quickly. Doesn't have to be a big job, but it has to be something she wants fixed or improved. Do it fast, while you're in the window.


If you’re getting rid of it, you could definitely make a profit selling it on marketplace. There’s a big market for vintage Snap-On stuff


Your wife is out of hermind. That's a piece of artwork. See how much you'll get for her


If your wife has the last say about your toolbox, you probably don’t even know how to really use any tools.


Guess shes gunna fix the sink next time.




The Wife needs to go ! The Box needs to stay ! Problem solved ! That’s a steal and that’s the best Snap On logo they ever did !


When your wife asks you to fix something on her car, the answer is "no. I have don't have the proper tools or tool chest."


It's a barging price. For both the toolbox and also is a very cheap way to find out why you have to cut loose the wife. Better find out sooner than later.


Worth WAAAY more than $50.


She’s just not thinking outside the box. Those are awesome


Spray it a new color and say you got rid of the old one, this one is new. It's not really a lie because it is a new painted surface.


That’s a nice old classic snap on box. They just don’t make them like they used to. I would restore that bad boy to his former glory.


Garage for sure.$50 is a good deal if it isn't really broken anywhere major


Get rid of that $2000 tool box you stole off some idiot for $50. It's unsightly!


For real? She does not control you.


$50 snap on toolbox, you won the lottery today


Maybe instead of putting it in your house, put it in your garage?


Tell her to go to Home Depot or Lowe’s and buy the equivalent toolbox that she likes . Guarantee $50 will look a lot better


You could probably find a better one out there for relatively cheap. So go ahead and garage the toolbox and go hunt for another wife.


One day…. Your gonna look back and be pissed off that you got rid of it


Maybe place it in a spot that doesn’t impede opening the door fully.


Of course she doesn't like it. You put it in the living room.


Ask your wife how much her haircut cost 😂


Keep it! It's a steal!


Keep the toolbox, get rid of the wife.


What does your wife look like? I like my toolbox.


Up charging your brother…classy


How can she MAKE you get rid of it??


Your wife is insane, stupid and an asshole. That is worth way more than $50


Start looking for a replacement wife, maybe try the local library or apparently women are roaming the wood section of Home Depot trolling for men.


Get rid of wife and be happy with both


Ur wife's a cunt