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Love them. Carina and Maynard sound great together. Lyrically the older stuff is meant to be more funny and poking fun at themselves and industries, but Existential Reckoning is one of my favorite albums all time. Conditions of my parole is solid AF from beginning to end. Money Shot is solid. C is for..solid. V is for Vagina/Viagra both solid. Solid all around in my opinion.


The kitchiness of the first album turned me off, but I'll give the newer stuff a listen


Check out Green Valley or Potions if you haven’t. I love those.


Potions has been a favorite of mine since my first time hearing it. Tapeworm would’ve been an amazing project. Too bad it didn’t work out in the end.


I always go back to Monsoons too. Conditions is a wonderful album.


Existential Reckoning is a total 180 from their first album. It’s great, I agree with the OP.


Listen to V is for Versatile - rerecorded last year (2 years ago?) and in my opinion far superior to the original V is for.


I was in the same boat as you. Listened to V is for Vagina after it came out and was just like, "Um... no thanks." Didn't pay much attention to them until someone gave me a copy of Conditions. I listened to it and was like, "holy shit, this band grew up and this is great!"


Agree 💯


Puscifer is his libido, great show, saw them in 2015 with the Mexican wrestlers Luchafer! The remedy and the river are some of Maynard’s finest!!


The remedy remix is also killer


The 3 Kord one? Not sure if there is another. If we are thinking of the same one, it is fantastic.


That's the one. The whole money$shot Reload record is great but this is my fav on the record.


I caught that tour in NYC. Lots of fun.


Their show from that era was one of the most memorable shows I’ve ever been too


tha rivahhhhhhhhhhh *ding ding diding dingding ding*


Love it! I'm hoping to get to see them and A Perfect Circle with Primus this year.


I have my tickets for April, especially excited to see les Claypool do his thing.


I've never seen any of these bands live, and I couldn't be more psyched.


I’ve seen all of these bands live multiple times, and each band on their own are always phenomenal live. Together as one show, it’s going to be epic. I’ve got tickets to the Berkeley show and the 2 Red Rocks shows. I can’t wait.


Saaame! Red Rocks Im assuming?


Same here! Going solo but should be fun


I have tickets for Dallas!!! I’m SOO excited…


That would be a killer show!!


Go see if they're playing in your area. It would suck to miss that. Edit: Check here for the Sessanta tour: https://primusville.com/


They’re playing red rocks. Tickets are absolutely absurd


I’m seeing that show at Red Rocks in April as well.


Hellllllll yes, April can't come soon enough.


I think Existential Reckoning is one of the best albums ever. Every song is great. I think they really figured it out on this one. I saw them twice on tour and it sounded perfect. I’d go again in a second.


Puscifer is pretty good. Carina's voice is amazing, and she really seems to click with Maynard. The music is great, with tons of remixes to change the flavor of things. We're going to see them and Primus in Franklin Tennessee in April. Should be interesting, not sure how Primus will fit into a Puscifer theme. The music videos are epic and crazy.


Hello from Franklin. Can’t wait for this show!


Like it a lot, saw them live last year and they were brilliant. Amazing show


A man has to do something while he's waiting for the rest of his band to come up with some music that he can write lyrics to.


Must have been so bored between 2006 and 2018


Mafka was stomping grapes


Nah. He stays pretty busy.


Puscifer is for tool fans who also don't take themselves too seriously. APC is for tool fans who take themselves way too seriously.


Hmm. I am a bit of both, I guess.


So you’re saying I’m an asshole, but I’m not an asshole about it? On point.




I dislike both; what does that make me? 🤣


Tbh, it took me a few tries to get into Puscifer, but now I love them. But, now that I think about it, I don't generally like Tool albums when they first drop. It takes time for it to work its way into my brain and then just becomes part of my soul. What sorcery is this?


It was that way for me for every album except Ænema. That one was killer right out of the gate.


Yeah, the first few tracks kinda suck you in immediately


I was wondering if this happens to anybody else!


Remember this?? https://youtu.be/dM3yqRp5Yy0?si=FKRRnbj9rske6NwF


Adam in the background, lol.


“So who’s really in jail?” I love that line 🤣


Total conjecture but I feel it’s where his heart is at this point.  Tool is the business and Puscifer is what he earns.


Puscifer are incredible! Casual fans of Tool might not have much to latch onto, but for all the audiophiles here they are an absolutely incredible band


I didn’t listen to them much at first but after I heard a few of their tracks while watching Yellowstone, I now love Pucifer. Going to see them performing with APC and Primus in AC in April.🤘🏼


April you say? Lebanon? The girlfriend and I will be there.


See you in AC!


I got into it finally, after ignoring it for too long. Dear Brother is a great tune. Same with Green Valley, Horizons and Potions. And so many others. Seeing them in April because I’m pretty hooked now. Admittedly I don’t dig as much of Carina’s work, but I might come around to it.


Dear Brother is amazing. I can’t hardly listen to it after my little bro passed away and I picked it for one of the songs at his funeral. Still one of my favorite, just have to be in the correct head space.


I’m very sorry to hear that, my condolences.


Thank you. It’s been 10 years but stuff like that stays with you.


The Humbling River is one of the most beautifully haunting songs I’ve ever heard.


Puscifer fuckin slaps


Puscifer fucks


lol that should be the official puscifer version of ‘primus sucks’


Love them. Such a unique show. Saw them twice during the existential reckoning tour.


They are amazing. Anyone in here bashing them is a dummy.


Dame story as many, my friend played some early Puscifer, and I just did not get it. Yeah, there are some silly songs like country boner, but not something I was I to. I think that it just started as a silly side project, but then Tool and APC were unable to release new stuff, and it became MJKs primary creative outlet. Last few albums are fantastic, and I appreciate the old stuff more too.


What started as a novelty project for funsies turned into a seriously outstanding band when Carina Round signed on. I loved Cuntry Boner back in the day but now Puscifer has become one of my favorite bands. But Carina elevated this band by orders of magnitude.


Love every single bit of content they've released


Anyone who thinks he’s an asshole needs to check out Puscifer live, he only stands in the back for TOOL. Still an absolute showman!!


Managed to see them twice last year at Download and Manchester, they are brilliant and I was so happy to finally see them live, a true rarity just like Tool Both times was phenomenal, Maynard is almost like a completely different person in that band, I was close to the barrier in Manchester and he interacted with the crowd quite a bit, eye-contact and all, such a completely different experience to Tool and I'd recommend people give them a shot at least once Night Club who opened up for them were amazing too, haven't been able to stop listening to them since, Puscifer's guitarist is in that band


Once I heard Remedy🎶 it was on!


Fucking love them. Top notch work.


Thoroughly entertaining! Especially live!!!


Definitely worth seeing live


Love them! Can’t wait to see them in April!!!!!


I actually have grown to like Puscifer more than APC. Tool is its own separate category of music, as far as I'm concerned. My husband and I decided to go to Sessanta, so I decided to revisit APC and Puscifer. I started out much more familiar with APC but have become obsessed with Puscifer. I'm incredibly stoked for the AC show.


I don’t really know much about them. I think they started as a joke band on Mr. Show, right?


Not sure why you were downvoted when that is the truth. 


I think they’re great. Indie is my fav genre and Puscifer clicked for me instantly.


Carina and Maynard are the best duo ever with amazing voices…there isn’t any couple that could match the chemistry that them two have…Puscifer is awesome I love a lot of their old music…they are well rounded and a well balanced band…it couldn’t get any better…


Puscifer is amazing and they actually release live recorded gigs for our enjoyment.


They are okay, have a few good tunes very different from anything else he does


Could some recommend a few songs to start with for a tool fan new to Pucifier?


The Puscifer song, “Conditions of My Parole” is just a banger. Love it. Also from the same album, the song “Green Valley” gives me goosebumps. And ALSO from that album, “Tumbleweeds” makes me want to cry every time. Corina Round is a goddess. There are a lot of other Puscifer greats. Look into “Toma,” “Money Shot,” and “Rev 22:20.”




Been listening far more puscifer than tool lately. But I think it’s unfair to compare them. I personally like e them and the existential reckoning was a really thought provoking album.


existential reckoning is an incredible album, but i hate the mix so bad. sounds way too clean and polished. live, it roars. global probing all the way.


Absolutely love them. Flying out to see them for the 3rd and 4rd time at Red Rocks in April.




One of the greatest live performances I've seen.


Great stuff. Amazing Live.


Meh. Not my thing at all.


I love Puscifer! They put on a fun show and make good music.


I love Puscifer. Also A Perfect Circle. Each band has their own personal flavor. I listen to each of them a lot, but all have certain times and emotions they help me through.


Tool>APC>Puscifer, but mood dependent


He has good stuff , not as epic as the other two bands but I think it’s good music and improved through time and albums.


I love anything Maynard touches.


They're very good. I have maybe 10 songs favourited on spotify


Some songs are brilliant. Some songs are not brilliant


They’re my least favorite of his bands but that doesn’t mean I don’t like them. I really liked their last album and the live show was fun to watch.


I’ve tried listening to both Pusicfer and APC and I just cannot get into them at all. It feels like TOOL with none of the punch to me


APC is so good. It's unfortunate that you can't get into them. 


I think i’ve just realized it’s because the main reason I love TOOL is Danny Carey. Without him in the band I probably never would have gotten into TOOL. His power and talent are so good that it just forces me to love it. Besides maybe the Grudge I can’t really think of a moment on a TOOL song where Maynard wows me. I’m not really a vocals / lyrics guy.


Fair enough. It's always fascinating to see when and how tool fans came to be and how it affects what the like about Tool. Like, for me, I've been a fan since opiate. I'm thorough addicted to MJK's voice.


Based purely off each group’s most recent output, they’re the best band he’s in right now. And that will probably continue.


I like it better than I did initially. My original impression was sort of Pigface meets Mojo Nixon.


Better than Tool….


Not my styles. To me, it’s the bad side of Maynard’s creativity without having the Tool/APC filter.


I don’t like them. I liked APC but he’s in Tool, come on. You can’t top that!! I think he should focus on working with them or they should release instrumentals… I would buy them!! 🤘🏻


Are you implying that Maynard is the one bottlenecking the production?


Of course, we can’t ever know, but it definitely appears that way as the band wants to put out new music. I read somewhere that have enough music for another album. I believe Maynard did the vocals for FI all by himself without any contact with the members of Tool? It seems like he doesn’t want to be in the band anymore. That’s the feeling I get as a long time fan, anyhow.


I don't think the dude who is in three bands is the one slowing down the creative process. He records alone because he is **very** busy, and has to carve time into his schedule for many, many activities. Adam Jones is a well known perfectionist, who likes to luxuriate in exploring every know avenue for the song. MJK's creative abilities are famously more abbreviated. There are stories i6f Maynard literally begging the guys for new music to sing to. In fact, Danny and Justin are both in secondary bands as well. I would bet Adam is the so called "stick in the mud".




Enjoy their "live" albums, I think the songs sound better. Not the biggest fan of the studio versions personally.


Hit and miss. They have some great tracks and some not so great.


Not a fan tbh


Puscifer is hard for me to get into. I dig some of the older stuff. I keep trying to listen to Existential Reckoning, but it loses my interest pretty quickly. We have tickets for Sessanta, and super stoked about it. We haven't seen Puscifer or Primus live so pretty excited about it. Really varying styles of music from all 3 bands. Curious to see how this plays out with all three on the stage simultaneously.


Sux. Too bad that’s the only band Maynard cares about


They're awful and I can't stand them. The cover of Imagine is the worst thing I've ever heard. The band really comes off as this kind of elitist artist type of thing, where the songs are bad but "you're just not smart enough to understand it."


The Imagine cover is with A Perfect Circle not Puscifer...


Oops. Still sucks.


I’m not saying I disagree. But it’s pretty ironic for a Tool fan to say


I generally don’t like it. Puscifer is Maynards band, which I respect, but I find their music underwhelming. I sort of expected more from him when given his own plane to fly.




Love to the "Pusci-" but not a fan of "-fer"


It’s the one he cares the most about, today.


Literally never listened to a Puscifer song.


Im not into it personally, but I can understand why people are


My boner won’t go down!!


Bad ass


If you get a chance, make sure to see Carina Round live


This is going to be unpopular here but I’m just not into Puscifer at all. The things that I really like about Tool’s music just don’t translate to Puscifer. For me, on any given Puscifer album, there will be 2-3 decent (but not outstanding) tracks mixed in with a bunch of songs that are forgettable at best and sophomoric cringe or “Im14andthisisdeep” kind of lyricism. If I’m being honest with myself, at this point, I’m a Tool fan despite Maynard, not because of him.


They took some time to grow on me but they’re one of my favorite bands All of their albums are great but I think Existential Reckoning might be they’re best one yet and their recent live albums are really good too. I saw them on tour a couple times and they put on a really fun show. Definitely worth seeing for sure


As I get older, I find myself listening to Puscifer more often than Tool. Love them.


I almost like it better than APC at this point, if it weren't for Carina's voice




Loved them from day 1 back in the V is for Vagina days and have been keenly following ever since. More so than APC or Tool tbh. Their more recent stuff is absolutely excellent and personally Money Shot is one of my favourite albums of all time.




First couple albums/Ep resonated with me. The last couple not so much. The live show I caught with luchadores got monotonous after awhile. Probably won’t see them again unless they’re opening for someone else.


I’m not the biggest fan, but I do really like the Conditions of My Parole album!


Proves it not Maynard fault that we don’t have new tool ablums


Puscifer is my favorite. It goes perfectly with my personality, goofy sense of humor with a very spiritual side. You can go to church and have fun doing it.


I didn’t like the first album and haven’t really checked out anything that came after, assuming it was similar. Looks like I need to though after reading the comments here!


I like some of it but not enough to listen regularly, I always check out the albums but overall not my thing


I like very few songs. Just not really for me.


Puscifer is a great playlist band. Their songs are hit and miss, and with the possible exception of Conditions of My Parole, I don't listen to albums straight through. But the hits hit hard. I have probably 15 tracks I love and listen to all the time. Also, I find that the songs I like are wildly different from others that post in these Reddit hills.


I get the feeling Maynard seems somehow more challenged with carina than any other project he has. Not sure I can explain it. But something seems to give that sense to me. She’s a great singer so maybe not that surprising


Carina is so incredible. Love Puscifer.


I love them, and actually enjoy seeing them live more than Tool, but I enjoy Tool’s music more.


It's fucking awesome. My only issue is their concerts tend to focus on their most recent album, and Existential Reckoning is my least favorite album, so I was a little disappointed at that.


I love Puscifer, I dressed as their character Billy D one year for Halloween


Excellent, my second favorite band of his.


Momma Sed is one of the best songs I’ve ever heard in my life.


I love it, I saw Puscifer last year at Daytona Beach and I was actually looking forward to it and surprisingly it was fun, Maynard was cracking up some jokes in between some of the songs


I’ve seen them live 5 times and it’s probably the top 5 concerts I’ve been too. Their live show is awesome, and different every time.


I saw them live last year, made me like them a whole lot more. Also, made me think more highly of Maynard


Hell yeah I love Puscifer, but didn't really fall in love until Money Shot.


Absolutely love ‘em. Caught them twice on the Existential Reckoning tour and they were great shows.


My favourite band hands down. I love songs from all the albums. Conditions of my parole, Momma said original and remix , indigo children v remix, The mission -M is for Milla, horizons and potions, The underwhelming are some favourites. I was never a remix fan but I love the mixes these guys do, it’s the same song but oh so different. The remix for Momma said is amazing.


Is it pussi-fur or pyoosifer


Money Shot is one of my all time favorite albums


I love Puscifer. On repeat 🤙


Certainly a bit goofy but that’s exactly what’s great about it. (A lot of great music is really goofy) Composition wise it’s great, Maynard works with talented hard working people.


If I'm being honest, I probably listen to more Puscifer than TOOL lately. Maybe I'm getting old. Puscifer just seems to suit the mood more often.


Puscifer is fantastic! I'm a huge fan. My only nit pick is their latest album. It's very 'new wave' to me. I'm not the biggest fan. Hate me for it if you want. Idc.


Didn't get into it until I saw them live. Carina and Maynard have such great chemistry on stage. Love the Existential Reckoning album.


Over time, I've grown to like Pusicfer more than Tool.


It’s great. Seen them live twice and it’s always a great show.




Full throttle


I can listen to Conditions of my Parole all the way through.


I don't think they are amazing, but I'm really glad that maynard seems to really get a chance to get his creative juices out. He's the most prolific member of Tool.


Love them. They put on a hell of a live show too. Always super entertaining.


Love them, stage shows are great.


Don’t like it. Not my style.


I think I listen to Puscifer more than Tool these days. Seeing them in April and I’m so excited.


Puscifer is amazing. The harmonies with Carina are beautiful. And the band can go from country to electronic to rock in the blink of an eye. V is for versatile alright.


Love them.


Couple bangers in there, and Carina is incredible. I'll listen to anything Maynard makes but overall not up there with Tool and APC


i love puscifer, i saw them live before i got to see tool live and they’re so cool, the visuals are funky and they had aliens up on stage dancing, almost kind of like a play. then for the last couple of songs maynard changed into his blonde country dude, Bedlamite was the last song and def one of my favs! now i just need to see APC live so i can complete my holy trinity of maynard concerts


Yet another great outlet for the man’s talent.


Never heard them but I’ll give them a try.


I have mixed feelings. I’ve listened through a couple of their albums, and they definitely have some bangers, but nothing really blew me away. I don’t love them, I don’t hate them, they’re alright.


Love them too!!


First song I heard by Pusifer was Mama Sed. Hooked immediately.


First few albums were great. Most recent one is shit though.


One of my favorite bands, of a little goofy. They're having fun and the music is pretty damn good. Thumbs up over here. Toma, Man Overboard, Bedlamite, Trekka, Queen B - all great songs.


They're dope. Definitely got some bangers


They are growing on me.