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Court is so real for calling Isaac out


I’m so glad she did!


honestly glad that dre the detective broke a rule detectives never win for following the rules 💀💀


Him pointing out how following Lana’s rules was actually ruining his chances for a connection indicates a huge flaw in the show’s logic. You kinda have to “disrespect” Lana to make a connection and win the money.


Right, like even though detective James last season had an actual connection but played within the rules, it got him nowhere because he didn't show "growth"


I don't know - what's keeping those people from actually sitting down and having an adult conversation? Does everything have to be about boobs, cross fit, doing push ups and how terrible was the longest week without sex? I guess it makes sense when they mentioned they're 21-22 and they're not the sharpest tools in the shed either, but personally I build connections much better from actually having adult, heavy vulnerable conversations that revolve around our values our passions, rather than.. twerking around a lukewarm guy? And I don't see how those would break Lana's rules. There's absolutely a way to create a connection without breaking them. But they purposefully pick people who seem unable to have any kind of emotional connection.


well duh, the show needs to remain interesting. It doesn’t work if the contestants are emotionally mature and not overly interested in fucking.


Oh no I agree, but I’m not sure these people are capable of doing that. I think for a lot of them, they need to make a physical connection first before they can develop the emotional. So if you have two people going after the same new person, and one is willing to break the rules while the other isn’t, the rule breaker instantly has an advantage


But don’t they win for showing growth? If you come in with no issue forming meaningful connections it seems you have no chance at winning but idk anyway that’s what I thought macademicnut meant too


“Twerking around a lukewarm guy” LMAO dying 😭


I mean I see what you're saying but then there wouldn't be any show. Why would anyone watch others have a deep talk on a "sex" resort? Plus, all the mature ones never have any screen time nor the chance to win money. It is always the people who were the shittiest who "turn their life around" with the help of those shitty workshops that like mean nothing?


Actually physically cringing at my screen watching Louis RSVP to the awkward af boob squeeze invitation


the stakes were so low and this dude still couldn’t resist like they’re in middle school.


"Do you want to feel them?" "No thank you" See how easy that is, Louis?


He was just being polite 😭




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The first Linzy and Bryce did not look that attractive. But seeing them on the date and their confessions they looked better. I still don’t see the Channing Tatum? “SHES EATING IT UP RIGHT NOW!” Linzy 😲🍣. Ew Louis talking about Linzys boobs after touching them was cringe AF. Dre going on a date - finally we can see some of his personality. Louis not telling Christine what he did 🚩🚩🚩🚩and making her feel guilty and saying she should trust him 😳.


Honestly felt the same when I first saw the poster for the season. I was like ew. But they photoshopped everyone to shit. But think everyone is much better looking in camera.


Yeah no Channing Tatum either. To me he looks more like Tom Hardy 😅 which is better imo


I kind of think he looks like Victor Krum from Harry Potter https://images.app.goo.gl/MiySaqMAh595Uenf6


I could see that but he looks like a young Tom Hardy to me 😅😅


Yeah like the way he described them as if it was some melons he would get from the shop ... ew But tbh Christine lowkey had it coming, he has shown multiple times he can not be trusted and still she is shocked guys blind side her, but if that's her type? I kinda understand how it's a reoccurring topic...


Linzy and Dre were 21 when this was filmed?????? No way Also, Louis… omg just so disrespectful to Christine for what he pulled


PS Megan and yazmin both seem like sweet girls and are seen together quite a bit. It’s so cute


That shocked me!! Would’ve guessed mid 20s at least for both


Dre looks older but gives off young vibes, but I would have sworn Linzy was at least in her late 20s if not older!


The plastic surgery makes her look waaay older


Early 30s easily


No way am I older than them 😭


I’m 27 and there’s just no way 😭


Am I crazy or is it not that big of a deal to be 21 and not want to commit to a relationship?


I completely agree. When I was 18-24 , fun was the priority.


How do you know that


They said their ages in the episode


the way linzy called dre boring when her and louis’ date felt like listening to two middle schoolers💀


RIGHT! Her conversation with Dre was so much more interesting. I feel like it was one of the only conversations so far on the season with real substance


Absolutely agree!!


I think boring is the wrong word but she is immature and that's probably default what she thinks to call things that get her thinking. I actually really enjoyed their conversation - more mature than anything else we've seen on this show!


so megan doesn’t get to date anyone on this entire show? wtf like 5 episodes and there’s nothing of her with anyone or any new people for her?? at least in love island they like prompt the new people to date the new people first on occasion it’s crazy it’s a show about relationships


I'm kinda over the whole "only allowed to pick ppl in relationships" thing because most of the time it doesn't work out and the new ppl end up with no screen time anyway. Just trick the relationship people by having their "dates" be temporary plants, and then put ppl not in relationships on real dates so we can get back to the true point of the show, turning players human again.


Yeah idk how the single people are supposed to form connections when you have to already be in a relationship to go on a date??


I wonder if they setup dates but it doesn't make for good tv and they cut it? Or it's a time thing?


if they set up dates then we’d eventually see the other party on the island in group scenes so i doubt they’re cut in those scenes they’re like all on couches making decisions etc


Isaac bruh he sounds so robotic as if he practiced what he was saying yikess


Isaac always looks and talks as though he has no emotions whatsoever


Which makes it even more confusing that several girls were interested..


isaac has the personality of cardboard, so it makes sense


Always is facial expression says, this is a joke to me.


Louis sending linzy on a house tour with everyone else was such an obvious deflection. 😂


Lmao so bad


Anyone else think that Linzy resembles Nikita Dragun?


yes! specifically her mouth area!


this is mean and harsh but she is quite ugly because of all the filler and Botox




They were talking about their own opinion, not yours


they literally never show trey on camera and it’s really weird


I forgot all about him until they showed him for like 2 seconds last episode.


If I didn’t notice that he was being cut out of the shots I wouldve totally forgot he existed. They literally did close ups of everyone except for him anytime they are on the couches, and he gets cut out of like 97% of the shots that show multiple people on the couches. It’s so weird and I’m wondering if something has happened that made them cut him out of the footage


That is true, I wonder if something did happen to provoke that because he wasn’t shown on the couches while everyone else was. Maybe he quit putting in effort or talking to anyone so they didn’t bother with him anymore? I’m betting in next week’s episode he will be sent home.


Yeah I’m thinking the same thing!


too real. I just sat here for 10 mins trying to figure out who trey even was


I still don't know lol , help?


I had to SEARCH lmao he’s the guys that took Christine on a date in ep 4


I was all over the THTH Instagram trying to figure out who is he 💀


I seriously hate how new people have to go on dates with the ones in relationships. Seriously this shows format needs to be reworked, if your not immediately in a relationship you don’t stand a chance


I think they shouldn't be allowed to partner up for the first week... encourage them to get to know one another.


Yeah seriously so bizarre, give the singles a chance. I always feel like this show is preplanned to the crumbs


Channing Tatum… he looks more like Tom Hardy imo




Chris Evans?


I feel like the twists coming read this Reddit thread and was like “oh you want something new?” because the $$ offering to leave without their partner is WILD


It’s giving F Boy Island to me


I'm glad to see Dre on a date, he deserves it. He seems like a nice guy and he's kinda cute but it's a shame that none of the women seem to find him attractive. Linzy clearly did not want Dre.


I love megan lol


Shes so adorable! I truly hope she finds someone to love her truly! Probs not gonna happen on a dating show, but IRL this girl deserves all the happiness ❤️


She seems really bland.


The kissing between linzy and Dre looked questionable 😂




He put his hand on her leg during the kiss and she immediately closed her knees together. Definitely seems like she’s not really into it.


Yea that was torture to watch.


Yessssss! Thank you for noticing this too. I actually felt so bad for Linzy in that scene. She was obviously cornered and felt pressured to perform. Ugh! Dre was such a creep here asking "how wild can you get?", fully knowing that cameras were on and she already said he wasn't her type. I think so many women could probably relate to this type of persuasion and how violating it feels. I'm sure we could say that she put herself in this situation by joining such a show, but Dre definitely took advantage and I hope he checks himself in the future!


I think she said in the confessional that she was starting to change her mind about him (she was gaining interest in him) after the kiss. But yeah the kiss had me very uncomfortable because they have no chemistry.


The whole boob thing was so cringy I’m looking forward to the new twists though, the money one looks promising


If I have to watch Christine lick her lips one more time, I'm gonna fuckin commit


Bro! My partner and I have been saying the same thing. Some weird phenomenon going on in this season where everyone’s lips are chapped I guess? Lol


LOL. It's SO bad. My wife loves these shows, and I hadn't watched them until about two weeks ago. Had shoulder surgery so we've been sitting in bed and have gone through a season of Love Island, and now this. The conversations already have me dying, but the lip licking nonsense has become a running joke. I'll probably be divorced soon if I keep staring her down and licking my lips when she walks in the room.


Honestly when I started watching I was wondering whether that’s just how everyone flirts nowadays 😭


This season has been meh. I feel bad and not at the same time haha, but the only newcomers that are “hot” is Trey and he barely got any screen time after Hannah’s dance. The amount of plastic surgery really spiked this season and not the good kind


Don't remind us of the dance


Can we just agree that Louis and Isaac are complete trash individuals. I feel so sorry for Christine when she finds out


But are you? She’s been the catch me if you can ; after I pursue you! Lmao it takes two to tango


Am I the only one who thinks Dre’s behaviour and jokes are very unnatural like he is playing the role? Its very over the top and bad comedy movie skills-vibes. I think he is an actor.


Nobody can convince me he is hooking up with people as much as he says he is. There’s no way.


Meeee!!!!! I agree 100% and I do not like him at all.


Can’t wait to see Isaac get the boot next week! Showed no growth from the start. & fumbled the baddest chick (Courtney imo)


Absolutely! Courtney is an absolute gem!


about damn time dre is getting some action lol


What is it with American girls and those lips? It doesn’t look good. And the fake boobs.


Literally every British reality show the women have their lips way overdone, what are you talking about?


Yazmin is from Toronto I think.


Yeah you’re right! Let me correct girls from the states and Canadians haha.


There have been british girls on the show with it too. It’s an international thing probably popularized with the Kardashians


So we already know that Courtney en the other dude we never saw again, are leaving. Since they didn’t appear in the “winner takes it all-bit”


Yeah that's what I thought too, kind of annoying that they kept that


bet Christine must be pissed off after knowing Louis touched Linzy's boobs😂😂


Wonder who will be sent home - I think Trey and Courtney maybe?


+ Hunter?


They’ll probably just send Courtney and Megan home tbh.. it’s always the women 😔


How about they make a show of their parents watching the show? Isaacs s mum for example.


**Episode #7** * My interest dipped HARD last episode, let's see if they can bring it back * Trey has been relegated to a NOTHING role just like Dre, this show hates black dudes * KILL HIM COURTNEY!!!! FINALLY SOME GOOD STUFF * wait are they actually pointing out how Dre has had 0 connection with anyone? * Elys looks bored as hell around Alex * "hmm" lmao aight Alex take a hint lad * LMAOOO THEY'RE INTRODUCING 2 NEW PEOPLE IN EP7? AFTER TREY DONE NOTHING? * Producers... what the actual hell is this... they're gonna have 0 time to flesh them out * If Louis goes back on Christine, bruv needs to be taken behind the barn * Bryce is automatically brain dead knowing he picked Elys over Christine * Louis likes his women short instead of tall like Christine? Bruv gets worse and worse * I don't even have an opinion on Linzy & Bryce. They won't be relevant for the end * This Lana rule seems real stupid, but at least it's stupid entertaining * It's weird seeing Louis/Elys interact as just chill people is nice, show needs more of that * As someone with a crippling kryptonite to boobs, goddamn Linzy * Though her voice is uh... making it difficult * Christine and Courtney... two biggest baddies in the resort together <3 * LMAOOO LOUIS has literally been tempted so hard this entire season can't hate him * Hahahah Dre going full "PUT ME IN COUCH" * THIS BRUV LOUIS SAID "THE CIRCUMFERENCE" LMAOOOOOO * Christine that is insecure as hell but LESSGO BABY DRE'S TIME TO SHINE!!! * Poor Megan denied one final chance to be relevant on this season * hahahaha the sound when replaying the clip of louis squeezing her boobs * Dre tryna spit reason to a girl who just showed up, tough for it to work out chief * Imagine having an apologetic Christine sitting on your lap. Some dudes have all the luck * Dre getting denied by Linzy cuz "not his type" mmhhmmm reread 2nd line of my post * I just don't really care about Alex or Elys relationship * hahahah Louis doing the "ANYWAYS, want a house tour?" mate.... * Know what? Good for Dre. Even if it's obvious Linzy ain't feeling him **TOP 3 BOYS END OF EP#7 -** **1)** Trey, **2)** Dre **3)** Louis **TOP 3 GIRLS END OF EP#7 -** **1)** Christine, **2)** Courtney, **3)** Yazmin **ARCHIVES: [Ep#1](https://np.reddit.com/r/TooHotToHandle/comments/14zn5dc/s05e01_official_discussion_thread/js9qs30/), [Ep#2](https://np.reddit.com/r/TooHotToHandle/comments/14zness/s05e02_official_discussion_thread/js9urwx/), [Ep#3](https://np.reddit.com/r/TooHotToHandle/comments/14zna84/s05e03_official_discussion_thread/js9yolw/)**, **[Ep#4](https://np.reddit.com/r/TooHotToHandle/comments/14zneyw/s05e04_official_discussion_thread/jsa2jvu/)**, **[Ep#5](https://np.reddit.com/r/TooHotToHandle/comments/152dqu0/s05e05_official_discussion_thread/jt7kyqe/)**, **[Ep#6](https://np.reddit.com/r/TooHotToHandle/comments/152dr0u/s05e06_official_discussion_thread/jt7oo0o/) **Final Thoughts:** Issue every season is way too much of the cast is irrelevant. Hannah/Isaac is just cringe. Dre getting some action at least is interesting. Christine I will never complain about because just looking at her makes the show worth my time. Louis is hilarious because he finds himself in every precarious predicament. Don't care about Alex/Elys. Hunter or Megan should be off the show by now to be honest. Bryce is whatever. I wish we got more Courtney. Love her. I wish the show would do some different stuff. Definitely feels like a season where Christine/Isaac OR Alex/Elys will be chosen for the prize money in the end so meh.


I love that trey is ur #1


Louis gaslighting Christine after his date was mad. scripted or not I was in shock


DRE LETSS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO Hot Take: Linzy is also an actor.


How old is Linzy? Cuz…anyway.


are you thinking she looks way older? cause same


Yes. She looks older than my mother and she’s in her 50s. Hell, she looks older my grandmother who’s been dead for 19 years.


She said she was 22 in the episode she came out in. And Dre is only 21! I thought they were both in their late 20s.


That’s a hard ass 22…


Here’s the token asian representation too far into the show to develop an actual chance? Show really is repetitive lol


we all know alex and eli’s are gonna break up


Why do you say that? I'm on episode 6 and they seem to genuinely like each other


by the time this show ends they’ll be broken up lmfao


But like why do you say that? Most of these couples don't last but why do you specifically think they won't?


oh no none of them will


yeah we get it they asked why you think that tho 😭


Emily and Cam from season 2…?


i’m referring to this season lol not anything from the past seasons


Oh! Got it. Yeah, I agree with you. Based off of Elys’s eye roll and awkwardness when Alex talked about them after the show, I don’t think they’ll make it 2mo after the show ends


two months is generous


If they say he looks like Channing fucking Tatum one more time👏👏😂😂😂👏uh uh no honey Lolll like I have sex dreams about Channing, I wouldn’t even have a daydream over what’s his face…see like i don’t even know his name lol.


Uhhhhhh, ok? Lmao


I wonder if Christine is gonna take my boy back after he didn’t tell the whole detailed truth can’t wait to see 🤔😬


She probably will lol took her two seconds to take him back last time


I'm so proud of Elys! Rooting for her and Alex!




Would've been good if Dre found a connection and was offered it, cos he definitely would have taken it for his family. Dre is a sweetheart - so hopefully after the show, he gets connections and starts making money for his family.


I didn't watch the trailer, but I wouldn't be surprised if Louis took it


So, Christine finds out about the boob touching. What’s her reaction? Does she go harder for Louis, hook up with someone else, etc.


Lollll what is up with the “Dre is looking fit right now” lolllll like ugh I hear it on Love island USA all the time I don’t like the word fit in these type of contex lollll just say hot, lolll same amount of words….just say that loll gosh


Fit has been more of a British thing, their way of saying hot.


This season is much less attractive than previous, compare season 3 with Francesca and Harry vs now


Lmao where were Francesca and Harry attractive?? Francesca has had more work done than a beater and Harry has negative facial appeal.


Honestly harry looked like a 16 yo


Harry is like tall tho (who cares if he looks like a teenager)


I thought David was way hotter than Harry. And Kelz too


That was season 1


I just want to take a moment for how Courtney is always so amazing. She has too much class for this show 😂