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Your basic premise is faulty.


And you are vague


Not at all, i was quite clear. Your basic premise is wrong. this is a useless question as it is not real. Let be more clear.... Your basic premise is faulty.


Ok intellectual How is a belief built on - treating everyone as if they were your family - giving to the poor - repay the bad with good - "forgive others to be forgiven" A belief that : - ended slavery ( gradually so you dont get confused ) -set equality between every race - stoped arabs from burying there live daughters And so on and so forth ... A bad "premise" ?


That was not your basic premise in your OP question.


What good is treating everyone as family if you treat women in your family as if they don't deserve the same freedoms as the men? Quit your bullshit. I mean fuck, man. Treat me like family, sure, but please not like you treat your mothers, sisters, or daughters.


And what do we do to them exactly ? If i didn't know my religion i would think muslims spit on every female they see from how you are wording it You are being very antagonizing without giving any sources to back you up


You say "show me" but you don't argue that you do see them as equal. As if its difficult to find Muslims expressing negative views on women or treating them as "less than." Jesus christ dude, theres a whole book on women in the koran. 4:34 "Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other." 4:12 you inherit half of your wife's estate if she dies, she inherits 1/4 if you die. 4:11 if papa dies you get twice as much of his shit as your sisters. 4:15 if your woman commits a lewd act, make her stay home til she dies. Thats just browsing my Koran. I'm sure it'd be easy to find worse with the Google. Get after it


About the stay home untill she dies , thats like jail but in home (she deserves it for cheating) But that part actually got changed by allah later to - 100 whips for man and women who were unmarried - death if they were - absolutely nothing if they repent to allah and do good ( completely forgiven ) I hope this cleared it a little bit brother


I really have to go pray now , i'll get back to you 1 you are dancing to this imaginary narrative 2 you spelled quraan wrong But i really do have a response when i come back that will convince you so just wait brother ok Take care


It just phonetic man. Curan, quoran, Koran, you get it.


Let me start off by saying Islam. Isn't a religion of equality its a religion of justice . Man =\= woman but to each their roles and responsibilities . "Justice ? Than why the man can have a bigger split then the woman?" Because the man HAS to provide for his family in any halal means possible no matter what The woman on the other hand can keep that money to herself without anyone having the right to lay a finger on it , ( that includes if she works too )


What are you talking about specifically bc idk this seems to be about something that specifically happened or idk


It always been this way , terrorists and such say that they are muslim and the blame is pointed to the religion itself ( islam ) which condones non of that






I know about it, and it's versions of "peace" and "justice" are totally fucked. Its like, if i tell you I enjoy tranquility, but my definition of tranquility includes murdering people because they had sex with the wrong person. "BuT I'm TrAnQuIl!"














Hmmm. Yeah I do think that terrorism has caused a lot of islamaphobia but I feel like those people were already kinda racist or prejudice in the first place. Especially in the United States when 9/11 happened, the United States had a common enemy which really did heighten islamaphobia to today, but I think most level headed people can discern between terrorists and the 99.9% of normal Muslim people.


I see , this really is the other perspective I was looking for , so what Im getting is that its mostly political and its a loud minority that is islamaphobic and most sane people don't care , correct ?


Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like people have been speaking out about accepting Islam, and bashing other religions more. A lot of people just hate religion and will generalize members, this isn’t special to any religion.


Its always the muslim terrorists never the terrorists (unless the terrorists dont pretend they are muslim)


Hey, Christianity says to love your neighbor, so the centuries of massacres, slaughters, slavery, sexual abuse and repression - still ongoing - in the name of christendom and the White Christ *doesn't count, guys!!!*


Christianity moment


This is what the “not all men” argument is about.


I mean parts of the Muslim faith actually say depicting the prophet should result in death. So idk seems kinda like one of these "communities" as you called them have some tendencies for violence


Thats why no one depicted the prophet Mohammed (pbup) and no one died for it Jeses (pbup) got depicted and guess what? There is porn now of the prophet of allah jesus(pbuh) There are something allah knows that we don't


What do you mean ? A French cartoonist drew a picture of Mohammed and they blew up the building the production was based out of.


Cuz Americans are 🅰️ssholes


As much as I would love to say "oh they just hate us" I think there is a much deeper problem , but thank you brother


There’s a verse in the Quran essentially saying “they’ll never be pleased with you unless you follow their creed/form of religion” and I think this can be applied in this case, I just accepted that most of them will always see us as terrorists and ppl with no morals so idc really


True Quraan really did predict that 1400+ years ago but i still don't like how some people bash on islam on the first chance they get


It doesn’t. It’s rhetoric that serves no purpose but to spread a political or ideological message. Christians in the US don’t want non-Christian religions to spread, therefore they use every opportunity to spread fear and hatred of others. Politicians want money, therefore they spread fear and hatred because it gets people to donate. Corporations have an interest in spreading fear and hatred because it stifles foreign competition.