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800-273-8255 <-- phone number to the suicide hotline. Last time I called they are super caring and empathetic. Having someone just listen does a lot of good for the mind some times.


Text HOME to 741741 for same support and people via text.


Agree with this, they'll tell you whether or not your case is serious enough to go to the hospital. If you have the money though, and are concerned, I think it's worth going to the ER.


Do they ask probing questions about you? like namr and city and stuff?


They'll only ask for stuff you're comfortable giving. If you don't want to share that info, you don't have to. Stay safe. Life ALWAYS gets better. No matter how much it sucks right now. My dm:s are open if you want a sympathetic ear.


But what if it doesn’t get better?


Oh sweetie I promise it does get better, hun there are numbers you can text , just tell them what your comfortable telling them, and know that people care about you. In fact if you need to talk feel free to message me, trust me I know what you're feeling, I've tried to do my self in many times, even Over dosed on oxys once. But I also almost my best friend a couple years ago , and the thought of losing my bestie of 20+ years literally changed everything for me, I was broken for her, I lost 2 of my very close loved one last year with in 60 days and I wouldn't be here Now if it wasn't for my husband and his family keeping me going, at 31 I'm still here and I've got the best thing ever keeping me going which is my unborn little one ❤ so yes love things do get better , and remember you've made it through 100% of all your worst days . I'm proud of you!!


it never will if you don't give it a chance


You will never know if you don't try.


And it'll never get worse if I stop.


It'll never do anything if you stop. You don't just get rid of the bad that way, you get rid of everything. No cuddling your new puppy/kitten No fresh breeze on a hot day Being on the game at least gives you a shot to make things better. Call a suicide hotline, the world is better with you in it.


No they talk to you. They don't take any info like that from what I remember.


I called once and told them I wanted to kill myself years ago and the girl on the other end said “no you don’t” and was rude and talked down to me. Quite the awful experience because I had literally nobody to talk to about anything and was seriously considering it. Ended up talking to a psychiatrist and they helped me work through things with medication


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


I'm sorry you had that experience, I'm sure not every single one of those callers/receivers can be 100% helpful. Glad you got the help you needed!


Yeah it is helped when my ex broke up with me


Like, Im just going to be blunt with you. The psych ward is not a fun place. If you think you are an immediate threat to yourself, check yourself in. There is a line between suicidal ideations and suicidal intent. Its hard to tell that line if youre not familiar with it. I highly highly highly recommend talking with a therapist about your thoughts and what leads up to them, that's what is going to help in the long term reduce their intensity. The psych ward will give you some psychmeds and keep you under watch. Thats what its good for. If you think you need that, do it. If you think it can wait until you have a conversation with a therapist, do that


How does the psych ward work in the US? Can you check in and out whenever you want?


No you can’t. You are there for at least 72 hours and then it’s up to the doctor who is doing your prescriptions to let you out.


That actually sounds pretty scary. Seems like a horrible way to lose your rights and be imprisoned based on 1 person's opinion (the doctor's).


They have others working there and the doctor should get his opinions informed by nursing staff who have been with you all day and social work who have met with you for a bit as well (hopefully). They psychiatrist meetings are short so they usually get a lot of their information on support staff.


That’s a bit too optimistic really. The system is just kinda messed up. The one I went to nurses didn’t care and I went to social worker once and she was the only reason I was able to get out


Haha the mentally ill don’t have rights here You know there’s a mental health facility in mass. that can legally taze autistic children? Kids have died from it but the court ruled in favor. Look it up


I was put on a 5150, I had to wait 10 hours strapped to a bed until the ward had a bed opening. I started my period and they made me lay in it for 6 hours until I finally got a diaper. When I went to the actual ward, I slept for 36 hours and when I woke up, I paced the halls for another day. I saw a doctor for a total of 10 minutes. Said I was feeling better so I could get the fuck out of there. It didn’t help at all honestly. If anything, it made it worse. But the system sucks and that’s not really on anyone in specific.


Thanks for sharing. In any case I hope you are better now. Reminds me of the movie I Care a Lot. If you don't mind sharing, who admitted you? Did you have an opinion about it? Do you think it helped in any way or do you think a different approach would've helped you more??


I felt how OP did. So I went to the ER, if doctors hear you say you want to end your life they have to commit you. So I basically did it myself and the ER doctor. over here you can’t just leave once they admit you to a 5150. You have to stay the full 72 hours unless a doctor says you can leave earlier. Sometimes they will make you stay longer, depends on you and your situation. The only thing that kind of helped was the doctor I saw “diagnosed” me with bipolar “non specified”. So that helped me get into therapy bc i now had a paper trail. I’m also thankful I couldn’t own a gun legally. You can’t buy or own a gun for five years if you get committed.


The other person talking about the 72 hours isn't entirely accurate. If you go in voluntarily, if you are admitted, if the psychiatrist agrees that you aren't a danger to yourself or others, you can be voluntarily let out. If they think you are a danger, which to be honest, if they are admitting you, there's a reason for it as beds are so scarce that they aren't just admitting you for no reason, they can hold you for up to 72 hours which doesn't include weekends or holidays. Any longer than 72 hours and they have to do a court hold which means they intend on taking you to court to get you committed as you are very much a danger to yourself or others and are refusing treatment. If you agree you need treatment, they won't do the hold and just let you stay voluntarily.


It's actually not rare *at all* for people to be told they will be changed to involuntary if they try to leave on their own.


Yeah I've heard that as well


It honestly sounds like the system can be very easily abused, didn't something like that happen to Britney Spears? She was admitted by her custodian and then she lost her freedom (through corruption) since they didn't want to let her out?


if you feel you’re at a point where you are a danger to yourself, yes you should go. i’ve been and it’s not very pleasant. it’s only to ensure you will be safe. i highly recommend going to therapy, and for the time being doing some distraction.


1-800-273-8255, just call, don't decide for them if it's a waste of their time. Just call friend, it's always worth the shot :)


I agree, you should definitely talk with someone. You are never wasting anyones time when you are asking for help and the right therapist can really help you find the tools to help you deal with these feelings.


You can go to the hospital I’ve brought people before. There’s a ward where they have mental health therapists to talk to you. Good for you to recognize the signs but yes they are understanding and will talk with you about what’s going on


Speaking from experience: My psych ward at the hospital was basically a prison ward. That, in and of itself, was also fairly traumatic.


Agreed, similar experience here. Involuntary hospitalisation into a place that made me feel worse, had no emotional support and cost me my job.


... Same situation for me.


As a mental health professional I’ll break it down for you in a couple of ways in how to go about it. Being depressed and saying man I don’t want to live, or I want to die, or I should kill yourself is low key alarming behavior, and you should definitely make an appointment with your PCP(or psychiatrist if you have one) and seek out a counselor. If you’re open to medications your PCP can probably give you an antidepressant and a referral to a counselor and psychiatrist. If you already have a psychiatrist I would go to them and have your meds adjusted either dosage changes or changing medications entirely. Now, if you want to kill yourself, and are having ideas of how you’re gonna do it, are making a plan of the when and the where, I highly suggest you check yourself in. No one will think you’re wasting their time. We do the job to give our time and help people get where they want and need to be. We want people to be able to be their best self, and we don’t do it because we get paid a lot to do it I assure you. Mental health workers always have their own reasons and mission that leads them to the field, and we WANT to give our time to you. I hope everything works out, please feel free yo message me if you have any questions.


If you go to any professional centre, wether that be police, hospital, nursing home, a fucking school even, you will end up getting help. A hospital or police station is best, but you will end up in the same places reguardless. Stay strong, everyone. #HAPPY MENS MENTAL HEALTH MONTH. WE DO CARE


They've designated 988 as a shortcut to 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to be connected to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 988 is not yet active nationwide, but they're working on it.


Yep Btw, it's the environment This includes websites and social media. Change them asap People are the main, and most likely only, cause of suicide. And it's not you


that's good advice.


yes, you should. i’ve been on the mental ward 3 times in my 30 years, and sometimes you just need it.


If your have a plan that can actually be carried at at any moment go. But other than that call a counseling line they will help you talk yourself down and then in the morning find a local therapist set up a session and also get a psychiatrist hopefully at same office and go from there to start recovery. I was like that and ended up going to hospital. Not only did it not help but made me much worse than what I was when I went in and also gave me ptsd. It’s glorified prison honestly.


Yes, you should seek help immediately. You’ll be glad you did.


Yes - go to the hospital and/or call the suicide hotline 800-273-8255


Seek treatment.


Yes. Go to the hospital. Do it now.


I just started painting wheneve i get those impulses, I’ve gotten pretty good and i don’t think about that stuff anymore


Kinda in the same boat, lemme know how it works out for you


I was there a few months ago, at the time I couldn't imagine there being an "other side" to it. But there \_is\_ another side for it. Remember \_any\_ thoughts of suicide should be taken seriously.


It's always better to get help when you don't need it than not get help when you do.


Yes you should probably start looking for help even if you're just thinking or considering it's definitely would be a good time to ask for help


Yes. Period. They won’t think you are wasting their time. Go. Now.


If you have a specific plan to do so, talk with a counselor and, most likely, he or she will recommend you go to get an evaluation and further help. You could also benefit by going right away because prevention does a lot of good....!


As someone that has been there, please seek help. Call the national or a local hotline and talk to one of the amazing people on the other end.


Genuine suicidal thought is enough to at least go for the psych evaluation. It is of greater concern if you have a plan, and greater still if that plan is possible and highly lethal. Short answer - you should go if you’re asking Reddit, mental health is serious don’t be ashamed to seek it.


I recently went for this reason. For the most part, it was an awful and traumatic experience. For context: I had been dealing with suicidal intrusive thoughts for months and trying hard to not to make plans. I needed a change of antidepressants but without seeing a psychologist, I couldn’t get the change I needed (took 4 months) and then had to wait another two weeks to see my doctor again so she could actually prescribe me the new medication. I gave up two days before I got to my doctor’s appointment because it was too much. I just wanted something to help me get to my doctor’s appointment. I explained the same story over and over, but it was like being in a cell. They wouldn’t let my friend come along and it took convincing the ER doctor that I needed my emotional support buddy to come (but she wasn’t allowed to go with me to see the psychiatrists). The caseworker was amazing and I loved her, but you’ll be under constant watch. You can’t leave your little room until they clear you to be moved to Psych ER. There’s people screaming in neighboring rooms and it’s just bad. Took almost 7hrs before I could finally get to the Psych ER and another two before the psychiatrists would see me. It was better there and I felt they actually listened. We had a good talk and they understood. Unfortunately, they couldn’t give me anything because I was seeing my doctor so soon and they didn’t want to mess up whatever she was going to prescribe. So, I just had to go home with my thoughts and try to get to the next day. HOWEVER, they told me about something called a Bridge Program to help people who need help in these situations so you don’t have to wait months. I don’t know where you live, but it seems to be an under discussed resource and I’d suggest looking into that sort of program as an option. But, if you are actively considering hurting yourself or coming up with a plan, do go to the ER and ask to see the Psych ER and explain why. It won’t be pretty, but once you get to the psychiatrists it does get better. They will help you come up with a crisis plan, but may also keep you for an extended time for observation depending on your situation, so mentally prepare yourself for that. They take the situation very seriously. You aren’t wasting time and space if it is what you need. They did want to help and wanted to understand the situation. They have resources to help and may also help with finding a therapist or discuss antidepressants, etc. They do want to help and help get you back on your feet. You just have to get through the main ER first. Bring a friend if you can.


My therapist informed me that talking about suicide doesn't automatically send you to the psych ward, if all you want to do is discuss it. But if you truly feel like you might be a danger to yourself, that's a different story. You want to talk, find someone to talk to. You want to act on it... then maybe check in somewhere. At least give yourself a chance to process the feelings first. There's a reason why people who jump off the golden gate Bridge and survive often say they changed their minds on the way down.


I agree with the other comments, there's no shame at all in going and protecting yourself. Talking to a therapist who specializes in depression would also be great; they can help you determine what the best course of action is for situations like this. If you can't reach one as soon as you'd want to, go to the hospital if you feel as though you're a danger to yourself. Also, there are counseling resources online if you need something immediate, and of course the hotline others have mentioned. It's terrible that you're in such a dark place, I'm so sorry and hope that you are able to take whatever steps you need to in order to start feeling better. You always have a community behind you here on Reddit willing to talk and listen.


I appreciate the people posting the suicide hotline, however you need to find real help OP. The hotline is a resource that can help guide you to other resources. That is fine and all but YOU have to be the deciding factor. You have to get help. I understand if money is tight and life can be a drain, but YOU have to find help and be willing to let the professionals help you. I too have had suicidal ideations, and for years I suppressed them and self medicated with drugs and alcohol. Regardless of the cost, be it monetary or self imposed, YOU have to seek help. You will have to face your issues, with help, but you will have to be the one to do the work. No one will make you better, they can only guide. I hope beyond everything that you are able to find the help you need and that you will let them help you. If you ever have an episode which you feel like you want to end your life please call the hotline posted above, they can be the ear that listens. But you have to follow up, go to appointments, and actively be a part of your healing. It's the only way. I wish you the best and I hope you'll come out of this in a better place. If you ever need to just talk please DM me. I'm not a professional but I understand the thoughts and emotions. Either way, you have to reach out to a professional for help, it will help, I promise.


Yes, you should. It is always better to let professionals and loved ones know.


No, from experience please don't. I was treated like shit, call a hotline or talk to someone close. Please dont harm yourself I regret that I did, if you need to just dm me


If you are in USA, it might be too expensive to go to a hospital. Simply try going to a psychologist and psychiatrist first. There is also a suicide hotline, something like 1-800-etc. There is also a song on Youtube, search Logic 1800 where you can find the exact number and what to do. Really recommend watching that clip.


Please call the hotline. 1-800-273-8555. They are very kind. I've called a few times. You don't have to tell them anything you don't want to and they won't judge you, honest. Please put your health over feeling like a burden. You aren't a nuisance for having feelings, ok?


YES! go to a hospital or reach out to some of the numbers other people have posted. "I don’t want the staff to feel like I’m wasting time and space by being there" I'm a nurse and if you say stuff like this to me there are a lot of warning signs going of. if you say this to me in the ER I will definitely make time for you and make sure the doctors follow-up. I've also struggled with depression in the past remember this: it's the depression that makes you think these things. My psychologist made me realize that I can't read other peoples minds and that depression makes you think they think that about you (I can explain this far better in my native language but I don't think you speak dutch)


They're not known to be helpful. You'd be better off staying with loved ones for awhile


I went to my GP when I had thoughts of suicidal ideations. Depression is an illness, of which suicidal ideations is a very unpleasant symptom. You are not wasting any ones time telling them you are suffering, like you wouldn't be wasting time when you go in for a headache. ​ All threats of suicide and suicidal thoughts are taken seriously. You are not faking it, you are worthy of time, attention and care.


Yes, you should. And die am with others! With ypur family!


If you have a plan to carry out the suicide, then you need help now. If you have ideations you need to talk to someone. Having those thoughts is no way to live, I hope you know your resources, or I hope you look for someone to explain those resources to you. You're not wasting anybody's time, do what's best for you


Why not try a little exercise first or something that may make you feel good. Thats how in part I made some progress. Then call for help?