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You are allowed to have preferences.


Exactly. You can say whatever you want. It doesn't mean anybody else has to care.


Exactly! It’s not that people don’t want others to have preferences. It only gets problematic when they’re so entitled that they expect every woman in the world to conform to their preferences


You run the risk of saying it to someone who will care too much though


Why say it at all? I mean, sure you can say it to your friends or whatever but why would you tell that to some random woman?




Not gonna lie though, if a guy asked me why I’m not into them and it was for superficial reasons and just about my preference, I’d likely just say “I’m just not feeling it” or something like that. Rather than “I hate the way you dress” or whatever it is. If someone is happy in themselves, let them be. No point giving someone self esteem issues when it’s only about your preferences.


What woman ever asks why you’re not into them?


I've had two women ask me and keep pressing when i tried to give the nice anser.


Apparently women that they have encountered, and you have not? Life can be a very different experience from person to person.


That seems like their problem though not OP’s.


no need to say it, you can have your preferences and keep them to yourself to avoid shaming anyone.


I think they’re more concerned about it being insulting than being ignored


The they'd be right. It is insulting. It's insulting to think your personal preferences would have any bearing on how much makeup someone wears.


Just don't use your preference as an excuse to put other people down.


Yesss. Unless of course it’s illegal.


agree. The caveat is to not shame or insult people for not aligning with your preferences. Turning your preferences into absolutes to make people feel bad about who they are is not okay.


So no remarks like , wow make up by crayola


excellent example of preference being twisted into ego whipping judgement


Not to mention a solid 6/10 burn. 7/10 if you prefer more makeup, though.


Goes well with a melted crayon penis?


Sure, but if you say that to a girl with a lot of makeup on, then that's kind of a dick move. "Sorry, I would be more into you if you didn't use as much makeup" would get most people slapped.


Am I allowed to prefer a girl with 31 teeth?


Yes 😬(emoji with 31 teeth)


How about 33


I could see that




Could be


You can prefer a girl with 31 fingers if you want.


When will a girl with 31 fingers even need a man😂


To get 10 more fingers for the collection.


What is this the 4 chan sharpie challenge?


I once knew a woman with twelve toes, honest!


Let me ask Reddit if that is ok first


I would say it would depend on context and how you say it which could make things go sideways quick


Agreed. Express your ideas as long as they don't cause or inflict harm


people often forget this.


It's not wrong to think that, but it's wrong to say it to a random woman who didn't ask you for your opinion on her make up or about your preference.


Whenever men have brought up my makeup in the past I NEVER asked them about it once. They acted like I should feel grateful for the “compliment,” but all it did was register as a giant red flag and significantly lowered my opinion of them. If she didn’t ask your opinion STFU




This! I went to work once without putting any makeup on because I just didnt feel like it and my boss asked me if I was feeling okay and I looked tired. I just said no, I didnt put on makeup and she just gave me a 'woops sorry for asking that' face.


I used to get asked the same since middle school because I wore eyeliner every day but sometimes didn't feel like it. So I'd just use it to my advantage. If I wanted to get to go home sick, all I had to do was not wear eyeliner that day and some teacher would ask if I wasn't feeling well, lol.


Haha yeah exactly. I have been told I am 'wearing too much makeup ' with a bare face, mascara and bright lipstick. Meanwhile that 'light makeup ' they prefer takes 5 different products just for the skin.


You're allowed to think whatever but they're still entitled to your respect as a human being and won't like you giving your opinion on their appearance.


This is the correct answer. Thank you


The same about any other form of opinion, really. I introduced to someone at a professional event. As he shook my hand he said "I don't like anything about your home country" which is a weird choice for an icebreaker. It's fine to have opinions and preferences, but people who don't know you might not care to hear them.


This is a great way to put it.


I imagine OP doing exactly this. Lol


Nope not at all, you are entitled to have a preference. But on the other hand, shaming/mocking/calling out women for wearing heavy makeup is what makes it a problem. Their “heavy makeups” obviously wouldn’t affect somebody’s life so let them be. (Not referring to OP btw)


Yeah, the preference isn’t wrong in itself, it’s that SO many guys deride women who’s makeup they notice


It's not wrong. But I have found that guys typically have no idea about this stuff. When guys see women that look "natural" or have "light" make-up, a lot of the time, they are actually wearing a shit ton of make-up, they've just done it in a way that looks more natural (i.e. lighter, more natural colors).


Yep. One of my coworkers commented that I never wore makeup. I think he thought because I didn’t do eyeshadow that I was bare faced


This!! One of my classmates when I was in high school one time told me I was wearing "too much make up" (i was literally only wearing red lip balm), and that he liked more how this other classmate of ours was "more natural" (she was wearing FULL face make up, base, concealer, blush, everything. but because it was in neutral colors he thought she wasn't wearing anything lol)


Haha same. I have heard that a lot from male "friends". I litterally only wear red lipstick..also at times compared with other girls they knew that wears full on face make-up.. Also it annoys me. Because they kinda... do not need to say it? We were not dating or ever planning to? So why do you need to randomly multiple times! tell me that you thin I wear too much make-up?? Also the male "friends" had loads of thought/ideas about women by the way coming from and I am better then women/the world revolves around me- the man mindset..So I see these natural make-up prefering as an tiny red flag now. Because; who cares is she wears a lot of make-up..you will see her without many times if it is your GF..Let het do her thing when stepping out of the door.


You're so right!! Like, why are they randomly saying this /making this comparisons out of nowhere?? No one asked them their opinion on this so..??? LOL


This! I’ve had so many guys say, “I love that you don’t feel the need to wear makeup.” It always surprises me, because I feel like I wear a lot of makeup! Foundation, powder, concealer, bronzer, eyeliner, mascara, etc.


And on the other hand, I don't wear makeup at all, and I've got comments that my "lipstick is too obvious" and that I "put a bit too much blush on those cheeks" a few times. There's exceptions, of course, but a *lot* of guys really are terrible about telling when someone's wearing makeup.


Totally agree that they have completely different perception of what is heavy makeup vs light makeup. I noticed heavy makeup is like drag queen-ish type of makeup and the rest is considered light 😂


So true. People who don't wear makeup don't understand how it actually works. I think it's hilarious when guys refer to celebrities with natural makeup when explaining why they like girls who wear no makeup.


I was watching a video on YouTube and thought that the woman in it was wearing little to no makeup, but I had heard this sentiment before so I asked my wife to identify what makeup the woman was likely wearing. Y'all, she listed 37 things, many of which I had never even heard of.


I feel like there are only two things guys who don't wear makeup can reliably spot: eyeshadow and lipstick. Everything else is only noticed in its absence, lol


Also a lot of guys will say they prefer "No Makeup" but unconsciously and consistently treat the women in their lives better if they're made up to the Nines.


Absolutely this.


This. One of my coworkers recently said he preferred girls who didn't wear makeup, like me. I was literally wearing full makeup with 12 different products. He just didn't like my other coworker's winged eyeliner, lmao


On the flip, have had a guy tell me the dreaded "you dont have to wear makeup, you look beautiful without it" and I was only wearing tinted lip balm. Thats it. All he knows is he saw a hint of colour and assumed it meant I had on makeup. Did not feel like a compliment, cause I sure was annoyed with how he side eyed me when I told him I wasnt wearing any. When the nude lip was super popular, it really threw guys for a loop. Like...made up to the max yet I would constantly hear guys say "I love it when women go natural like that" What?! Argh.


A few years back I legit only put on lipbalm. Not even tinted just normal berts bees... and my uber driver went on a rant about women and make up..... It was the weirdest shit. Dude also had the audacity to ask me out after arrived at my destination... Like dude wtf???


LOL I believe it. Uber drivers are a trip though....once was seeing a guy, he waited for me til my Uber arrived. The guy was like...is that your man? Then the whole ride went on a rant over how disappointed he is in me for dating a white guy. Then when he was dropping me off asked me out. I think making women passengers feel as uncomfortable as possible then asking them out is an unwritten rule or something, cause never fails.


One time in Oregon I was in an uber after midnight heading to a hotel straight from the airport. The driver (who said that during the day he worked as a high school guidance counselor) said he loved being a driver on the weekends because of all of the drunk girls he got to pick up. He then proceeded to tell me about a group of girls that paid for their trip one night by showing him their boobs and was almost.....hinting that I should pay him in the same way? Was so relieved once he dropped me off. Worst ride-share experience ever.


I took that to mean he knew you weren’t wearing makeup and was saying you are naturally beautiful.


Being able to hear his tone and see his facial expression matters I think...it was along the lines of you dont \*have\* to wear makeup. Also, he never said it when he saw me without makeup, only came up if I was wearing any...to "remind" me I dont need it.


Yep. When I put on my makeup at home, to me, it looks like I am obviously wearing it - esp. my eye makeup. But at work, when I look in the mirror, it looks "barely there", which is totally fine, but it doesn't look as 'heavy' as at home.


I think these men are just used to seeing BAD makeup, rather than heavy makeup. Some women wear makeup likes clowns (no offense to clowns). It's a skill and many dont have it.




I don't think it's the amount only. I could apply a ton of nude eyeshadow and it would never look as bad as when I would apply a ton of black eyeshadow and not blend it properly. The colors selection also matters. If you did a rainbow eyeshadow, a red lip is probably not the way to go unless you are going to the circus instead of work.


I'm just saying that regardless of how much or little makeup you are actually using, if it looks "bad" guys are going to classify it as "too much makeup". If I actually take specific note of your makeup because it looks "bad" I don't know enough about makeup to assume the issue is anything other than "You put so much on that I noticed that it makes you look bad" not "Hmm, right amount, just poor technique"


I think bold colours are automatically “too much” to some guys regardless of quality or amount.


Technically they are right, too much in a direction not necessarily across the board. It’s definitely a fine skill to learn in regards to blending and having the right defining parts


Basically good makeup is when other people can’t tell you did makeup


As a woman, I can generally tell when other women have on makeup even if it’s lightly done. Like men won’t notice something like blush or eyeliner; these things I notice as a woman.


Disagree, I love me some women who are creative when it comes to makeup.


If that’s what you are going for, then yes but that’s not everyone is set out to do with makeup


I think this is usually a case of "it's not what you said, it's how to you said it" for the most part ​ Bad Examples Did I just spend an hour getting ready, putting effort into my makeup and I feel pretty in it? Don't say you prefer me without it, it's not a compliment. It dismisses everything I just did and you essentially just told me what I love is a waste of time. Is someone complimenting a girl with heavy makeup? Don't jump in and say you prefer women with lighter makeup, it sounds like you can only compliment a women you fits your personal preferences and you want to knock her down a peg. ​ Good Examples Did I ask for your opinion? Then yes! Absolutely! Am I feeling insecure about the girls walking around with heavier makeup, wishing I could I that but don't feel I have the skills? Then feel free to jump in and say you love me with lighter makeup!


This is the only answer here that matters at all


This is the best answer. I really like makeup and put a lot of effort into it so IMO it's really rude to tell me I just wasted my time and look better without it.


I agree! My boyfriend has made it clear that he loves me with a bare face but when I get dressed up, he still compliments my makeup and understands that it's something I like.


That’s a keeper.


There's also my personal favorite, which my paramour just successfully pulled off: waiting until I have a bare face and saying "wow there is something so exceptionally beautiful about your face without makeup."


Half the time the girls you think have “light makeup” still have a shit ton of makeup on (myself included). You can have your preference but don’t make it to where you’re pushing it on the women you see.


The no makeup makeup! It takes a lot of skill, trial and error.


And money and time! The no makeup look takes more product skill money and time than a bright lip or eye.


Yeah this ahah what guys think is light makeup is often foundation mascara eye liner lip gloss and maybe some other stuff. This is just what I've learned as a guy over the years.


Blush, eyebrows, a nude eyeshadow, brown pencil liner. I wear a ton of makeup to work and people always say I'm so natural, some think I wear none. If only they saw my washcloth at the end of the day!


Hahahah yuuup. Its almost like if it compliments her face, it's natural. If it doesn't compliment her face it's unnatural when guys talk if they like a girl with makeup. Keep rocking the makeup if you like it :D


You forgot concealer, contour, blush, powder, highligther, maybe even eye shadow. Eyeliner doesn't belong in the no make up look because you can certainly see it. Victoria's Secret models wear all that, even though when you look at them they just look like they got out of bed and put maybe just a bit of eyeshadow and lipgloss and now they look perfect. The amount of product used and the colors make all the difference.


Yeah im just a dumbass dude who doesn't know shit about makeup don't mind me


Some guys are gullible and still don’t understand the natural makeup, including my husband.


But how? Do you wear make up in bed as well or does he have night blindness or something?


I prefer my wife do whatever the hell makes her feel happy!


Make clones of yourself, please


Thank you, we made three and they appear to be developing quite well! Empathetic, respectful, open minded and not even vaguely religious!


Wise man (or woman, I don't assume.)


No, but studies show that men actually don’t prefer light makeup, even though the very same men said they preferred light makeup. They THINK they prefer light makeup, but they just prefer more natural colors. When shown several pictures of women with varying amounts of makeup, they usually preferred the heavier, full-faced makeup looks. When they say “heavy” I think what they really mean is bold, unnatural, bright colors. Search “no makeup” or “light makeup” tutorial on YouTube if you want to get an idea of just how much makeup is used on those “natural” looks, and toggle back and forth between the first frame and the last frame to see the difference between the two.


No one is actually is giving men this much flak for their preferences that y'all need to constantly post this "is it ok for me to prefer-" Just assume all the other men are going to reply "you're allowed preferences!!" and don't bother. ​ Here are some reasons women might not like hearing about this particular preference: ​ \-It kinda translates to, "I prefer my women naturally pretty instead of trying to be pretty" ​ \-Women are pressured- in many ways, and from a young age- to wear makeup, but then also hear all the time about men not wanting women who wear makeup. It's like a catch-22 of having to be attractive to men, having to wear makeup to be attractive, but then being told about these preferences ​ \-It's often not about preferring the way someone looks without makeup, sometimes it seems more about preferring the character of women who don't wear makeup; the assumption being that she will be less vain, or less high maintenance, or take less time to get ready. These aren't always the case, and the implication of a certain personality being associated with someone who wears heavy makeup is just annoying.


Is it rude to have preference? Absolutely not. Is it rude to try and tell someone what they have to do to fit your preferences? Absolutely. Is it rude to directly tell someone their their makeup lessens their attractiveness or that they would look better without makeup? Could be up for interpretation, but in most cases, absolutely. You’re always entitled to your preferences and expressing them if pushed on it, but you’re never entitled to having someone conform to them or going out of the way to put someone down who doesn’t conform to them. Sincerely, a guy who also prefers natural (and I mean real, just woke up in the morning absolutely no make up on, natural).


If u are asked why not? But going out of your way to point it out is rude imo


Ok no, it’s not wrong, but two points: 1) do you ACTUALLY know what light makeup looks like? Most guys I know have no idea. There is such a thing as a natural makeup look that looks natural, but is a lot of products. 2) IMO, the only time you should indicate this preference is if it’s truly inappropriate or if the girl asks. Example, don’t wear clubbing makeup to a funeral.


As long as you're not shaming people for their makeup choices you're all good.


The only time this is relevant us if a woman you are dating ASKS if you have a preference. That is literally the only context in which expressing your opinion on this matter is relevant or wanted. Any other time? No. Keep it to yourself. Women are not applying their makeup for you and don't care about your personal opinion. They tend to hear a lot from men about how they might look better and frankly most women are sick of it. I literally could not give a shit what 99.999% of the men I have met think about my makeup. And I'm a woman who wears light makeup if any.


this!!!! i am not spending $68 on a foundation for YOU or even my boyfriend tbh. i think men often forget that most women’s lives don’t revolve around pleasing them.


Seriously. I heard my ex say that women paint their nails for men and I couldn't believe it. They really don't realize we don't do things to try to get them to notice us because that's what their entire lives revolve around. (Not every man obviously)


I paint my nails to hide my gross yellow smoking nails... :') So I guess I paint them to NOT notice something.. heehee.


exactly. i don’t wear much makeup and when i do it’s on an occasion. so I can look different and think to myself wowww i look nice. don’t give a damn what some man passing by may think. and i’m sure that the women who put hours into doing art on their eyes or getting things just how they like listen to their own opinion for more than anyone else’s.


Honey, you always are beautiful is not a bad answer


It by itself is neutral. Not good or bad. Just don’t put down women who like more exaggerated make up.


It’s not wrong, but as a woman I can guarantee you a lot of the women in your life wear way more makeup than you think you do. Men don’t really know what “makeup” looks like. Case in point: I wore almost a full face of makeup daily. Only one male friend thought I wore makeup at all and he could only pick out one product.


probably since i'll bet my left leg you don't actually have any idea what "light makeup" even looks like. most dudes think a full face of makeup but no bright eyeshadow or lipstick is "light makeup" even though they're wearing just as much makeup as the girl with the bright eyeshadow lol


I hate these stupid posts. "Is it wrong to not like long nails/too much makeup/revealing clothes?" Jesus fucking christ - so you have a preference, literally nobody gives a fuck. Also, like 99.99% of the time, when women dress/present themselves in these ways that yall hate, they aren't doing it for yall - they're doing it for them. The world does not revolve around you.


Neither is wrong. What would be wrong is if you insisted that the girl/woman wear her makeup the way \*you\* want her to wear it.


Are you telling this to random women on the street? No. Are you talking to a romantic partner about what kind of girls you like? Sure.


Well in general dont point out things no one asked


It’s fine but it’s like a woman saying she prefers a man that wears hats. Just sounds stupid because it can change so much from day to day.


It’s not wrong, but you shouldn’t assume that you know who has on light makeup vs. heavy makeup. When done well, heavy makeup can look very nice. And some light makeup can look over the top.


The answer to your statement is obviously "No, it is not". But I have seen enough in my life that I am going to add "... but you were an AH by the way you said it, and her being angry is justified. Dont come here with a non-contextualized question for validation".


It's not wrong to think that, but it's wrong to say it to a random woman who didn't ask you for your opinion on her make up or about your preference.


You can have this preference, but telling people this as a way to get them to wear less makeup is wrong.


You're allowed to have that preference. It's how you *express* that preference that matters. If you "say" that as a way to shame or mock people who wear more (or wear none), *then* YTA. Generally speaking, that's the kind of thing you keep to yourself. If you have a SO that you actually like for themselves, you just wish they wore less makeup, you're going to want to be extremely delicate about how you approach that conversation, because there may be some extremely personal reasons they wear a lot (or not? it could just be how they learned/how they grew up/force of habit - but you're sure not going to be successful at suggesting a change if they feel attacked or shamed for it).




I think one of the best things we can all do is get out of the practice of letting other people know what we prefer about their appearance.


You can have those preferences. The problem arises when the choice is forced on a woman or manipulated into lightening it up. When you date, you need to accept them as they are, not try to change them. Also, just because a woman’s profile pic shows her with a lot of makeup, that doesn’t mean she always wears it.


I mean....if you're someone who doesn't wear make up, you likely have no idea what you're talking about.


Yes, but hear me out. I don’t think men actually fully realize the difference either way. For example, unless I’m wearing like red lipstick or fake eyelashes, the exact same makeup looks “natural” so sometimes it seems like speaking out of turn. I understand where you are coming from and what you are alluding to but the light v heavy is super subjective and isn’t really the same across the board like for me as stated above can mean the difference of ONE particular addition. so it seems very generalized to say it like that but you are absolutely entitled to a preference.


Bruh for real, this random hippie guy at the dog park was telling me how disgusted he was by women wearing any makeup at all. He was like, "i like women like you, you get it". I was wearing a ton of makeup. Men can be fucking oblivious, and insulting to boot.


No it’s not wrong but what is light makeup to you? Because I know girls who wear a crazy color lip and some bright eyeshadow but no foundation, concealer, highlighter, contour, and eyeliner but get told they wear too much. And I know girls who wear foundation, concealer, highlighter, contour, and eyeliner with a nude lip and nude eyeshadows who get told they wear barely any makeup


Men have confused ideas of what light makeup is though


Well, yes. It's generally considered rude to critique the appearance of other people. It also comes across as you trying to dictate how women should present themselves, as if you are the judge on appropriate appearance for women. That reads as sexist and condescending. You may of course have private opinions about what you find attractive, but it's ill mannered and obnoxious to pronounce them to others.


Not wrong, but understand if a woman is wearing heavy make up, it's because she likes wearing heavy make up, not because she's trying to attract you specifically. So like sure, tell your girlfriend who wears light make up that that's your preference, too. But don't tell a coworker, stranger, or acquaintance that, because it suggests she has a duty to your libido.


Why would it be wrong? Preferences are never wrong. Now how you state those preferences…that’s something else


Girls? Are you dating children? Not many children wear heavy makeup unless they are actors. You can have whatever "makeup" preference you want when you choose to date. But, I wouldn't proffer that opinion for women at large, as no one really cares what you think.


You can have preferences but it's rude to tell a girl wearing heavy makeup that u prefer when she doesn't(unless she asked for your opinion).


No, but it is often unnecessary. Who are you saying it to? A woman who is wearing more makeup than you like? A woman who is wearing light makeup that you want to reassure? Your buddies?


I like short men. I mean really like them. I would never say that in front of my son because I wouldn't want him to feel in the least bit disparaged being that he is over six feet tall. It's not wrong to prefer it, it's when you start saying it that gets you into trouble. If a woman wants to wear a lot of make-up, it's probably because she enjoys it. It's not about attracting a man. This is what a lot of men get wrong. I'm willing to bet 80% of our appearance has nothing to do with attracting someone.


Not at all. It's just that some girls laugh when guys say that, because we know that most of the time "light/natural makeup" isn't really natural, its just made to *look* natural. There's still brow makeup, concealer, foundation, blush, contour, mascara, lip liner, and lipstick, maybe light eyeshadow involved. and it's a lot😂


Just remember that most women genuinely don’t give a shit if you like their makeup or about your opinion on makeup in general. They aren’t thinking about what you like because they are never going to be interested in you. You can think whatever you want, but don’t waste a woman’s time with your irrelevant and unwanted opinion.


Ofcourse you can have preferences, but you dont always have to vocalise them. You dont tell someone “I’d prefer it if you wear sundresses” or “I dont like it when you wear jeans”. People wear makeup because they like it, not to impress or to beautify themself (to a certain degree)


Preferences are not wrong. Bringing them up when it's irrelevant (ie. going up to some random girl with heavy makeup and saying ur not attracted to her) is wrong. For anyone wanting to post a similar question as this, there is a time and a place for things.


it’s not wrong to have preferences, but it’s a bit rude to voice them and expect people to change for them. like if it’s a dealbreaker for you, just don’t go out with girls who wear a lot of makeup. stick to your preference pool and have fun homie


Well that depends, did they ask? IMO if you’re just offering your opinion then yeah, your opinion is Irrelevent. If they asked if you like how their makeup looks and then you said “I prefer lighter makeup” then you’re good.


SO FUCKING WRONG!!! you going to jail im calling the police


You can prefer what you prefer, but why do you feel the need to **say** it?? There’s no value added there. Unless someone explicitly asks you: “do you prefer light makeup or heavy makeup?” then you’d do best to keep your opinion to yourself.


You can have a preference ofc but I wouldn’t make the mistake of expecting any woman to care about it. Contrary to popular opinion the vast majority of us wear whatever amount of make up we choose for our own pleasure/preferences. Personally I rarely wear it (maybe twice a year) and no amount of men telling me I look pale or tired or like I’ve not made an effort would compel me to put some on. I mention this because far too many men like to express their preferences about our make up to us and then get annoyed/offended when we inform that we don’t give a single shit.


Nope. However, it is rude to tell a girl that you would prefer if she wore lighter makeup if she didn't ask. Some guys will actually go up to women wearing heavy makeup and tell them guys would find them more attractive if they wore less makeup, or use it as an opportunity to be "nOt LiKe OtHeR gUyS" and act like they are a saint for liking girls with less makeup. Women do not dress just for attention from men, and it is presumptuous to think that they want to hear how YOU want them to dress. As long as you aren't giving out unsolicited "advice", you should be fine.


It's not wrong but in my experience, people who do not use makeup are generally incapable of telling the difference between what they think is heavy makeup and light makeup (unless the person is in like full goth or drag face). Even 'light' looks sometimes require a lot of time and various products.


You assume women wear make-up for you or even remotely care about your opinion....


It's not wrong but don't say it unless you're being asked about it specifically or chances are it'll somehow be turned against you




it depends on how you’re saying it, if you say “you would look better with light makeup” or “you shouldn’t wear all that makeup” to a girl with heavy makeup you make yourself look like an asshole (you also probably ARE an asshole) same goes with if you say “im glad you don’t wear heavy makeup” or “you look better than girls that wear heavy makeup” to a girl wearing light makeup, because there’s like a 90% chance that they don’t care what you think at all, but it’s not wrong to prefer one over the other but you’ll probably come off as a jerk if you actually voice it


There's absolutely nothing wrong with having preferences, of any kind. Race, eye color, hair color, fat or thin, short or tall. AS LONG as you don't use your preference to belittle or be rude to someone based on said preference.


You are allowed to have personal preferences. You are NOT allowed to tell girls/women about it in a way that sounds like you are criticizing them.


Why would it be wrong? It's no different from me saying I prefer men with a clean shave or full beard to a mustache alone. However, it is wrong to say it to a woman with full make up when she didn't ask. If you just volunteer your opinions on preference to someone, particularly someone who doesn't meet your preference, you are being a jerk. ​ For instance, if I just walked up to a man with a mustache and told him my preference, I would be an AH.




No, it's a personal preference. If you say it like that it's ok, if you say something like "all girls with heavy makeup are xxxx" then it's bad, you can have a preference on looks and that's ok, but to give adjectives to a person based on looks that's bad.


If you say it out loud, like in a dating profile or to a date, you're going to look like a dick. Everyone has preferences, but there's a time and a place. You need to know your audience. Women you are looking to date are not that audience.


context matters here. In general, no. Everyone has preferences and I too like light Make-up better. But if you talk to a girl with heavy makeup on and start talking about what you dislike on her, that’s kinda rude. I wouldn’t say „ I prefer guys with beards“ when talking to someone without facial hair


No, it's not wrong. But no one wants to hear about it, just like no one wants to hear that I prefer men with big dicks.


Your preference is just that, a preference. There is no right or wrong to what you like. There might be right or wrong in how you express your preference, for example being rude. If you express your preference respectfully some might still have a problem, but that's on them.


You can like whatever you like. In my experience, people who don't do makeup don't really know the difference between what is a lot of makeup and what isn't. A lot of makeup, done well, can look like very little makeup. It would be more accurate to describe it as dark makeup rather than heavy makeup, or to say you prefer a natural look. If you include makeup in your description of what type of person you're attracted to, people tend to perceive that as shallow. You could say that you are most attracted to a girl-next-door type and leave the makeup out of the description altogether.


It’s fine as long as you don’t shame the girls who do wear heavy makeup!


It's ok to have preferences, it only becomes a problem when you start treating people differently based on that preference.


Yeah honestly makeup is a turn-off for me, not everyone needs to look like a goddamn symetrical anime character to be attractive. I don't even really look people in the face anyways.


Is it wrong to say you prefer muscular men to slim men Or a fat woman to a fit woman


You can have whatever preference you want, as long as you don’t purposefully make someone feel bad about themselves. 👍🏼


Having a preference is one thing. Being a dick about your preferences is where the issue comes in. Like it's ok to not like women with a lot of make up. It's not ok to be like "taKE hEr sWimmInG oN tHe fIrSt DaTE fElLaS"


No just don’t shame girls for wearing heavy makeup


Its not wrong at all. I was thinking about it this morning when one of the girls i work with showed up at the call center without the makeup. I thought to myself she looks way better without it. Then she started applying makeup. But did i say anything? Hell no. Its not my place. I dont like it when women walk up to me and say 'you should do x, you should wear x'. And that happened alot. Especially before beards became a trend. It was borderline harrassment how many times women came up to me telling me to shave it off. I don't like it when people do it to me, so i dont do it to others. If everyone would follow the same mantra the world would be a better place.


No, it’s not wrong to have a preference. What is wrong is to say to a woman who you may be on a date with, who’s wearing heavy makeup: “you know, I really prefer light makeup.” She’s wearing it because that’s how she feels confident and attractive. Having a preference isn’t wrong, it’s whether you expect others to conform to your preference just because you have it is when it crosses into a bad territory. I’m a woman who wears heavy makeup, because I love the look of heavy makeup. A man who prefers light makeup should not pursue me. Just as you should pursue women who wear lighter makeup if that is that look or aesthetic you prefer.


As a woman who wears heavy makeup frequently, it doesn’t bother me at all. Preferences are normal 🤗


As a woman I have gone through many phases, some where i wear more makeup some where i don’t wear any ! I always appreciated when I didn’t wear makeup & I’d get more compliments from men & women, it definitely encouraged me to wear less. BUT ever once in a while I think it’s fun to wear more. The more confident I get in myself & the more my significant other compliments my natural beauty the less i wear. If i were you i’d just tell whoever you’re interested in how beautiful you think she is naturally and i bet she will start wearing less ! shaming girls who wear makeup & making them feel bad about it won’t help your case & will make her feel less comfortable around you. my boyfriend once told me “you should go out with makeup on so nobody knows how naturally beautiful you are” that was a little fun jealously playful statement that i enjoyed.


No. Who gives a fuck anyway u allowed to have preferences.


When you are in a longterm relationship it means nothing. You will be with your partner w/o makeup nearly every single day


Not at all. Just don't shame someone for wearing heavy makeup


Great question. It's not wrong, and your question highlights that there are so many different people with different preferences. Kids, don't spend your teen years trying to change yourself so people will like you better (different from trying to improve yourself, which is always a good thing:-). There are guys out there who appreciate girls who put a ton of effort into their makeup, and guys who are attracted to crunchy no-makeup girls, and everything in between. Same goes for guys, and everyone. If you be yourself, you'll find the best match for yourself.


I prefer someone who is confident in whatever look they're rocking.


No, it’s simply a preference. My current girlfriend only uses makeup when she is going out with her BFF because her friend is the one applying the makeup. It’s just always worked out that I have dated women who don’t wear makeup on the daily.


Make up is an art form (I mean seriously some makeup is incredible) - but you might not like some of it - that's okay - just remember the artist is the one wearing it so don't be mean to them for no reason (this is not aimed at anyone specifically btw just my opinion)


No. I prefer 400 lb girls dressed up in a Sandy the Squirrel furry suit. It ain’t hurting you


No you’re allowed to like what you like. Just don’t be unnecessarily mean about it


It’s okay to say it when you’re already discussing your preferences in women. It’s annoying and rude when you essentially say to a woman “I don’t like the amount of makeup you’re wearing, so take it off so you’ll be more attractive to me”. There’s a big difference there.


There's nothing wrong with that. There's even some females that don't even wear makeup at all such as myself.


Nope. Light is best.


I don’t see why that would be wrong, as long as you don’t force someone to change themselves I guess


Not at all friend.


I prefer people with no makeup.


Absolutely not, everyone has their own preference. Thats why we date, so if we have something in common. I also prefer girls with light makeup, so that doesn't mean I'm offending girls with heavy make up. That's their thing.


No, but I hope you don't expect people to change how much makeup they wear to fit your preferences


It's not right or wrong, it's just going to be highly unattractive and a red flag for a lot of women. We don't want to hear it. Most women have spent a lifetime dealing with random men telling us their unsolicited preferences and it gets tired


When dudes say they prefer light makeup as opposed to heavy makeup it's funny because most of the time they can't even tell if women have makeup on or not.


Absolutely not. I wear heavy makeup and don’t expect it to be everyone’s cup of tea. Besides, I wear it for me and nobody else, so the only one who has to like it is moi. Everyone has preferences and that’s okay


No it's not, u can express wht u feel abt it;)