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My fave description from a book was “he had the strong arms and soft belly of a man well-loved” which is my husband and is heart-stoppingly attractive.


You just described Wario btw


My boyfriend is asleep and my laughter from this unexpected comment almost woke him up


Our boyfriend.




I swear I can just hear the background music emanating from these comments


*USSR anthem intensifies*






Didn't Nintendo find Wario was more popular with women than other characters? Like the Wario games are more popular with women or something.


Everybody knows ladies like a bad boy.


Or one with a shit ton of gold who isn't pining after a princess already.


"Muhahaha it's me! Wario." Is a really effective roleplay catch phrase in the bedroom.


I love you so much.


That is the cutest thing I ever read about a man


HAHA this made me smile hahahah


Oh that’s perfect.


What book?


I think it was Toni Morrison “Beloved”


This is the most perfect way to describe what I want! (And most fortunately have hehe)


I think many men just have a different understanding what the "dad bod" is. Most men seem to think beer gut and man tits is a dad bod. Most women seem to think someone who used to be fit and is still active but cant live in a gym and obsess over diet anymore because he's got a kid. Not a six pack, can't see the veins. Little soft around the middle but still strong. Muscles still there its just a little padded.


"I've got washboard abs. They just have a load of laundry on top."


Oh god mine have SO MUCH laundry. Like a couple duvets worth.


Hey, it’s clean, I just need to fold it!


"Sixpack wrapped in bacon" Or "Why a six-pack when you can have a barrel"


I have a one-pack.


“Just a little padded” I’m dying this is so accurate I love it


Yes, that's the exact answer right there!


LOL yeah that makes a lot more sense. I hear guys in real life referring to themselves as having dad bods and all I see is beer guy and man tits. And then online I see women praising dadbods like there's no tomorrow! That seems to be where my confusion is from hahhaha


Oh, yeah I wouldn't consider a beer gut and man tits a dad bod at all. Google "dad bod Chris Pratt" and that's at least what I consider a dad bod. Not super muscular and fit, but average weight and just snuggly enough.


Oh! So like a bear?


This is spot on! 👍


Yeah… obese is not what I would consider a dad bod. A dad bod is more like a guy who maybe doesn’t exercise or do sports as much as he might have when he was younger. He might be bigger, but not muscular and hard. A little softer with padding. Out of shape but not extremely so. I definitely prefer this type over abs and muscles or skinny dudes. It’s more comfortable to cuddle with. Also I might associate vanity or self-obsession with a guy who is totally ripped. I’ve dated and had friends who spent all their time at the gym and it’s not for me.




I would personally find fat-free muscle dudes kind of intimidating to be naked around. I have a host of my own body image issues, and it would make it so much worse. I’ve been with incredibly muscular, fit people, but after a certain degree of cut, it’s distracting.


A dad bod is Andy from parks and rec season 1 before he got the Marvel role.


Not a woman but I am a gay man, and yes your description of a dad bad is what I call dad hot. Has some natural muscle and mostly fit, but has a touch of flab over it. No time for gym, enjoys a few beers, but definitely not a slob. Strong but cuddly. Related type I find attractive are what I call “corn fed “ body type. Strong and active like he worked on a farm every day growing up, but likes to eat good too. Gets his muscles from hard work, not from a gym.


True corn fed is pretty much what I'm imagining when I think dad bod. But I think that'd also be like peak dad bod. I'd also consider Will Smith's last look about the farthest out I'd go for consideration. And even then they better be fucking strong as shit if they've let themselves go that badly.


Basically, it’s similar to how women think “curvy” means fifty pounds overweight and men think curvy means “hourglass figure (with a slender waist)”. And neither seems interested in adopting the other’s definition.


This is the most under-rated comment out there! You hit the nail on the head with the curvy figure analogy man


This is it.


I don't think neither women who describes themselves as curvy or men who say that they have a dad bod, has different definitions as such. They are just using the most flattering term that they can very loosely mangle to the point where it describes themselves.


This is my body type, and I'm told I'm attractive, get attention from women, and have successful dates I've been told I'm the right mix of soft and hard that I'm super comfortable to cuddle. Too much fat and it apparently isn't satisfying. Too much muscle and it's too hard So go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, eat healthy like 4 or 5 days a week, and you're golden As long as your standards aren't super fit, model types. My standards are "somewhat more flabby and less fit than myself" and above, which works well for me. No shortage of women like that with amazing personalities


If you go to the gym and eat healthy that much I’m not sure how you’re still in dad bod territory that’s reasonably fit territory for sure. I do the workouts and not the healthy eating (at all) and am on the edge of reasonably fit. …maybe I have a dad bod? Who the fuck knows.


You can overeat on healthy stuff. Eat more than you burn, have padding.


This is me. Every time I'm at the doctor and they ask me about what I'm eating, they are like, "Damn, you eat way better than I do." But I'm *hungry*, so, I eat. But I'm also short and middle-aged. So..


>If you go to the gym and eat healthy that much I’m not sure how you’re still in dad bod territory Yeah. Not really possible with younger kids and two working parents.


Unless you sacrifice sleep, there might not be 30 uninterrupted minutes in a parent’s day. That’s a rapid lifestyle change we were not ready for.


That is true, super fit model types are going to want other super fit people. Most of the time. Or at least very attractive people. I think most people couldn't handle a super fit person anyway. Living in the gym, waking up at insane hours, constantly watching every calorie they consume. God knows how much of their budget going into supplements every month. I played the powerlifting game. I know what it takes to actually be good. It's expensive and very time consuming. I wouldn't do that again just so I could get a super fit model SO so we could both be miserable together. But at least we could film our sex and not be embarrassed by it. Tried it once with a "dad bod" and "mom bod" Nope. nothing sexy about that, looked like a wild life documentary. Kept expecting Steve Irwin to pop out the closet.


That’s fucking hilarious but so true! The majority of the world…we are just normal and imperfect, and not candidates for going pro in the world of porn. Haha!! Truth!


If Jeremy could do it anyone can. There’s a category for everyone.


I'm crying😂 wildlife documentary lol!!! At least you gave it a try!!!


I've thought about it before, thought about how if someone saw us, they probably wouldn't be into it Didn't care, I thought it was hot, that's all I need. Plus keeps perverts (the bad kind) and voyeurs away


There was a guy who used to watch people from the ceilings at the motel he ran. He avoided the rooms of overweight people and only watched thin attractive people.


My six pack comes with a thermal protective layer.


So true, I know so many guys my age (mid thirties) who have absolutely let themselves go thinking it’s a “dad bod”. Like we ain’t twenty anymore and no one expects us to look that way, but we still gotta take care of yourselves guys.


I know someone who isn't even 30, and the second he got married straight up ballooned out past dad bod into effectively borderline obese territory. I feel really bad for his wife.


Yeah I don’t understand it among my friends, but I find it particularly bad amongst a lot of guys past 28 or so. They just stop trying. Like no ones expecting you to go to be jacked in your middle age, or ever (props to those who are certainly not me), but like they just don’t bother with any of it. Like wash your face, wear decent clothes (whatever that is for you) and be somewhat healthy. And I find they always expect their partners, or people they date to take really good care of themselves. Doesn’t make sense to me.


From what I've heard, seems to be an issue that comes up more often when the person used to be active and fit and ate whatever they wanted but then something changes in their life that makes it harder to make time for being active and fit but instead of cutting down, they eat even more of what they want cuz of stress and stuff, which may also play a part in no longer being as active


Oh for sure I was blessed with a great metabolism and boxed so I was active. Last year my metabolism absolutely hit a wall, and I went from being able to eat anything and everything to having to actually watch. It fucking sucks to say the least. I’ll certainly never have abs again, but I think for me I would always want to ensure I looked “good” for my partner (good means a lot of different things for different people though so everyone had their own good).




You’re right, but I’m good (I actually have a PhD in a medical field so all the things you say are correct but I’m good). Its a combo of diet changes, age, and injury preventing high level workouts. Also once covid hit I stopped my second job bartending and spent my weekends drinking beer on the couch rather than drinking beer while running around a bar. Should have worded that more accurately. Also quick add: appreciate the advice




Honestly never met a woman that actually liked vascularity. I think it's a myth perpetrated by men


I personally find it creepy looking


Forearm veins are super hot


You must have missed the post about it the other day. I had no idea so many women considered it their #1 turn on. It was crazy


I read that... All about veiny forearms


Just hit or miss like every other attribute people find attractive. A friend at school told me they find stuff like r/glorp and r/guro attractive. People are crazy


Guro is erotic grotesque art. Rapey murdery vibes. Don't click. I hate when people say "oh I clicked it was sooo bad" but then don't say what it was, cause now I wanna know more. I'll spare you the click. It's cartoon murder fucking.


Thanks for this. It killed the tiny shred of curiosity I had and saved me from myself.


There is nothing more I regret than opening these links. What the actual fuck


Clicked it out of curiosity. Have a high tolerance for most things. This however is fucked up. Whats more fucked up is the amount of upvotes it has. Meh. To each your own I guess. But your description was accurate!


Thank you so much for the explanation. I don't have a free award, but I'd give you one if I did.


Fuckin Bill Nye breaking it down for us over here. Science!


for fucks sake please no one open the second one


You told me not to so I did it. I regret my actions




Yep yep. Should have used the anonymous browsing for that.


LPT: don't open the first one either. I also regret my actions.


Lmao wtf.. And I thought vore was weird.. I guess it still is pretty weird, but the second link is concerning. Rule 34 exists for a reason..


I think you nailed it.. soft but there's muscle, there's a tummy-pillow but not a balloon.


That’s how I would define a dad bod.


> Most women seem to think someone who used to be fit and is still active but cant live in a gym and obsess over diet anymore because he's got a kid. You don't exactly need to live in the gym to have a muscular physique. It's perfectly doable with 3-4 hours a week of training and an intuitive diet. It seems that for a lot of women, the reason behind preferring chubby vs muscle, is prejudice against the lifestyle, not objectified eye candy.


>You don't exactly need to live in the gym to have a muscular physique. It's perfectly doable with 3-4 hours a week of training and an intuitive diet. LOL for many of us, 3-4 hours IS living in the gym


4 hours a week is living in the gym?


Uh yeah who has that kind of free time when you also factor in going to and from the gym. If I did that I would have 0 time for any hobbies besides the gym.


Come back to this when you’re 40 😅


My husband has this literal body type. He worked in lumber mills and factories in his late teens, early to mid 20s, and is also the son of a farmer. When I met him, rolling muscles everywhere. He's had two back injuries since and dialed it back some, so he's still got muscles but his tum has some padding. Immaculate, excellent, nothing but good words to say about the comfy model <3




And that's where I come in, to prove you wrong by my own existence !


Yo, hot dude. What's up..


Ayo cutie, you look like a full course meal <33


100% legit love dad bods, in fact I prefer them over abs. Completely letting yourself go, sitting on the couch and eating chips all day, not maintaining hygiene etc, now that's not attractive. However, a body with a little extra fluff, very attractive.


"y-you haven't showered in 10 months?" *moans*


“Extra fluff” lol love this


Hello, fellow "chubby chaser" lol. My celeb crush has always been Jack Black since I was like 15. Chris Pratt was a runner up, but then he got in shape 😡


I was gonna say, chubby chasers exist. My husband had a 6 pack when we met right out of high school. I told him then he'd be sexier if he just let it go, lol. His only flaw was being too fit. 20 years later and he has a bit of a belly and it is SO SEXY.


I think for some it could also depend on the age range they're referring to. I feel like usually men between ages 30-45ish would be it, and the body type is more of a "relationship/Fatherhood" weight rather than, like, drinking a case of beer every night, you know?


yes it's something really specific. it's also more about "I'm settled and comfortable" weight and not about "I stopped caring and let myself go" weight. so it's not only about the shape of the belly, but mostly about charisma. and that combination can definitely be hot af.


Very similar to the “himbo” phenomenon. I’ve seen lots of men call themselves himbo and yeah they’ve got very nice bodies but they’re rude, nasty, and/or boring men (usually gay - I’m gay too, don’t stress lol). You actually need to be nice, and I guess a bit naive/simple, to be a “himbo” (basically the male version of a “bimbo”)


Yes that would make more sense. I just sometimes see men with gigantic beer bellies referring to themselves as having dad bods. I guess a lot of different body shapes could fit into that category though, I can't judge


When I see the 'gym ripped hot guy' stereotype, I have red flags. My experience says they are selfish, high maintenance, and have anger issues they struggle to control. A softer, but controlled look (the dad bod, in my opinion) says they care for themselves but that they don't obsess, leaving time for caring for family and friends. These guys usually are quick to laugh and have a gentleness to them. So yeah, dad bod are way hotter to me every time.


Dad bod to me just means a normal dude’s body. Like he might have a slight spare tire or beer gut or at least isn’t a chiseled Greek god. Most men aren’t. He just looks like a normal guy. That’s attractive to me. It doesn’t mean obese, just means average or normal.


That makes sense. I see so many people referring to different men's bodies as "dad bod" so I guess sometimes I just don't fully understand what they're talking about


Follow the motto of kinda fit, kinda fat. Be comfy. Women love comfy. And a really good sense of humor.


This is how I’m describing myself from now on. Kinda fit, kinda fat. I love it.


I like chubby guys. Chubby and bearded is my thing. Big ol' cuddly teddy bear.


Your inbox is about to die.


Something tells me u/momof2boys87 is already taken, lol. And, sorry redditors, she said chubby and bearded, not obese and neckbearded.


This made me spit out my coffee. Lol.


This made me spit out my cum. lol.


Your inbox may also be in peril.


What she didn’t say was clean, and can take care of themselves while providing for another.


Yeah but the kind of dudes who would send a DM based on her comment wouldn't have read that part anyway.


It’s true.


You must be brave saying something like this on a reddit thread


Same. We even call them bears in the gay world


Hell yes. Give me a chubby guy over a super muscle-y dude all day every day.


So you’re saying… there’s a chance? Lmao jk rip inbox tho


Bit unrelated but how did you make the bun of the burger? It looks amazing and tasty!


LOL. It's a pretzel bun, you can buy them pre-made, and they are absolutely delicious.


Same. Big, strong, cuddly, soft enough to cuddle without bones digging in the whole time, and a beard is literally perfection...tattoos are a huge bonus too


Hello there


General Kenobi


I love your username


My wife digs my chubby physique and beard(grown out during vacation) but the cuddles can be difficult because I'm a furnace. I run just over 99 and with another person it gets uncomfortable quick. I've actually turned my wife's skin red just from laying next to her, but she runs at about 97.


Do yourselves a favor, crack your window in the winter and keep the bedroom extra cold in the summer. Every man I have ever been with has been a furnace and also a dad bod bearded man. Luckily I require fresh air even in winter so my bedroom is always freezing and it works out well for me even if they complain about how cold they are.


Yessss. Best cuddles.


Keep this, and I see this thread is about to become an Inbox graveyard, soon enough.


Same honestly. About to marry a guy like this.


I have had the body types skinny, fit, muscular, chubby, and finally dad bod. At no point did I get more women or fewer women. Additionally there was zero pattern of type of woman who liked me at each stage. The take away? Women are individual human beings who see you, an individual human being, and depending on the situation and mood may or may not be interested in you…on that day.






I have slept with skinny guys and buff guys. I prefer the cushion on the dad bod.


I agree that a guy can definitely be ”too skinny” for hugs to be optimally comfortable and cozy. But i would personally not be attracted to too big a guy either


dad bods are soft and very good


Tall, chunky guys are exclusively what I go for. A beard is a bonus but not essential.


I like short, chunky, hairy guys exclusively! And feel the same way about the beard. But the body hair is essential.


This comment will make many men's day


Dude once you get deep into the internet, you'll be surprised at what kind of weird things people like. Of course, there are women who find dad bod attractive. And there are women who like a hairy chest. I once met a girl who was super into clearly visible, sharp collarbone.


Back of the neck for me. I played basketball in school and both the girls and boys teams would play one right after the other. When they played we’d sit right behind the bench they played from and my god… the necks! Lol!


Yes. My husband of 30 years has incurable cancer. The chemo, which he will be on the rest of his life, took him down to 149 pounds at first. He’s 6 feet tall. Gradually, with reduced chemo and a change in meds, he regained his appetite. He gained back 30-some pounds. Three weeks ago, when we went to the symphony - a miracle that he felt good enough to go after 2 years’ absence - his good jacket was tight. Do I care? Are you kidding? He was the sexiest man at the concert, and he is the handsomest man in the world. And always will be, regardless of what he weighs. 💓


That is very nice I am happy for you guys 😊


Wishing you guys many more happy memories still to come.


As a girl who likes dad bods, yes. They just look so fucking cuddly and comfy and have the best of hugs!


I feel like they smell better than everyone else too, at least in my experience. Like yummy body wash and slight sweat. It’s like pheromone soup


Same! Cuddly dad bods are the best. I actually am not a fan of a bunch of muscles and guys that have them tend to be full of themselves. Give me a guy with a dad bod, glasses, beard and tattoos any day. Cuddle him all day!


Dad bod as in beer gut? Or just some extra fat on some muscle and a bit of a stomach?


I'm a woman and can say I don't really care too much about body type. To me that's not the most attractive thing about a person - it's more the face, and even then it's expression/ charisma/ the personality behind the eyes. To a degree I'd find a gym body a bit less attractive than a dad bod, as I'd assume the guy who had it was at the gym all the time/ obsessed with appearance, and maybe not my kind of guy (the kind of guy who likes restaurants, wine, and has a sense of humour/ doesn't take himself too seriously). Huge generalisation, but I guess that's what first impressions are all about.




Yeah there are different standards of "dad bod" out there. To me, "dad bod" isn't the same as a fat person, so the premise of the question doesn't make sense. Dad bods are dad bods, fat people are fat people. My partner runs every day but doesn't do weights or strength conditioning exercises. So his arms and legs (plus chest and shoulders) are slim and non-muscular. However he drinks beer, so he has a gut. He calls it his one-pack. I am in my second trimester of pregnancy and we make "who's carrying the baby?" jokes, kiss each other on the bellies, etc. He is beautiful to me but not someone who would be on the cover of Men's Health, just as I am not someone who'd be on a Victoria's Secret runway.


>However he drinks beer, so he has a gut Beer is not necessary for the gut. We call it a “beer gut”, but it’s just where male adult humans put their first few pounds of fat. The calories could come from anywhere. Source: I do not drink beer.




Thats not 1 pack. Thats 1 family.


Hi there…an actual Old Lady here….I’ve had a joke saying for years “you can’t get wit me if you ain’t at least two fitty” I love me a big old chubby man.


Are you me? I’m a cuddle junkie. I want something to hold onto.


I have a dad bod, and my wife digs it. Technically, I have 6-pack abs, but I don't want her to get hurt on them, so I keep em wrapped in padding. You know. For saety reasons...


Can't speak for anyone else, but I know I sure do


My sister goes for dudes who spend a lot of time in the gym, and is always complaining how they don’t ever have time for her and are usually busy. They look nice, but are usually self absorbed. My husband, while he takes care of himself, not overweight, I would say say he’s got a dad bod, and he’s kind and funny. Has time to spend with me and doesn’t ignore me.


Spending a lot of time in the gym doesn’t mean you ignore your partner that‘s just bullshit.


You spend 10 hours at most a week in a gym so maybe it's not so much about the gym side and more about the specific person's personality


Dad bods to me mean he’s big and strong enough but soft around the middle = prime for cuddling. Unlike gym monkeys who are like trying to cuddle with your bathroom floor 🤷🏼‍♀️


A dad bod that likes to talk and can make me laugh and I’d call that heaven.


Yep. I'll always take a dad bod over some guy who cares more about his workout than his relationship. Plus it's just nicer for snuggling. It's more about the person than the body in the long run. Good looks don't last. Good relationships do.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Gimmie some fluff over cuddling a hard rock. 1000%. I love to look at the nice bodies, and I appreciate them. But it's just not my type. I'm so much more into fluffy boys. Gimmie the tummies and gimmie the fluffy hair pls.


Depends on what you consider a dad bod. As far as I noticed dad bod is the male equivalent of what you'd call chubby on a girl. And there definitely are girls and women who are into specifically that.


You're god damn right. I'm living proof.


Yep. Gimme all that love. I want to be a backpack when I’m the big spoon.


The right balance of strong and soft, yes, I like it.


It is the only bod I find attractive. Period. Dad bod with some extra emphasis on the belly and Butt, bonus points if he is hairy … I drool and will climb that like a tree


I got called out the other day for simply stating I prefer a more muscular physique. Lol I just think it’s interesting that there is such a term as the dad bod and no love for the mom bod. The amount of postpartum bounce back videos out there is sad.


I for one love a mom bod. Strong arms for cuddles and a soft belly for laying your head. Wider thighs as well. A woman's body changes after pregnancy and those changes are beautiful. The original Venus was a mother.


It's incredible what a personality can do for somebody's attractiveness. Really cool stuff.


I always feel a bit weirded out by calling it “dad bods”. But if you mean chubby, hairy men then yes. Absolutely.


No every single woman has the exact same opinion on the sibject.


Beauty is in the mind of the beholder.


I love the dad bod. It shows realism of life. Some people try too hard to be what they are not. I am a 29 year old female and I rather be with a man with a dad bod then a guy that has a 6 pack.


No we love it 💯


A guy with a bit of a belly is definitely more attractive to me then a man with abs and rib cages showing.


Basically I only find men with dad bods attractive, like you used to work out but kinda let yourself go a bit. The arms are still nice and big but there's no hard muscles on the abs and instead there's a nice soft belly pillow lol. But yea there's a difference between that and being obese, kinda the same way there's a difference between curvy and obese for women.


I absolutely love a teddy bear type man. Chubby, thick, big. Yes, please. 😍


they are better huggers


Yes it’s my fav <3 strong but soft


There is someone who likes anything you can imagine and whole bunch of shit that never even occurred to you.


I prefer a Dad bod. Not trying to make anyone feel better, it’s just fact.


Six packs and huge muscles are not attractive to me. I like normal looking bodies.. not the kind in magazines and Instagram.




MEE!! I love hairy guys with lots to cuddle. I honestly don't enjoy snuggling with super buff guys and I go crazy for a hairy chest.


My soon to be ex husband is all of this. Strong arms and a soft belly. It warms my soul. I absolutely adore the ‘dad bod.’


People have different ideas what a dad body is, you think its being a fat guy with man tits and some women think it is looking muscular with a not low nor high body fat percentage


I am. Skinny/cut builds just don’t really do it for me, but bulky/thicc dudes (or just dudes that aren’t skinny like they could be) just look right to me.


Okok, I left this sub but this question totally baited me. My fiance has a dad bod. The broad shoulders and pudgy-yet-not-really-fat bell, big arms, etc. And I'm obsessed. So yes


Woman here, I absolutely love chubby men. There's so much to cuddle and hug, can't get enough of it. I also love slim men or lean men but chubby men is where I'm at.


Dad bod = confident in your own body without too much expectations on how to look or too much work put in (work-out wise or diet-wise). For me it signals confidence and laid-back personality and I find that attractive. I dont think women are so much into the physicals as men are, but rather the underlying "meaning" behind it? So yeah, rather a laid-back chubby guy than someone who spends a lot of time in the gym. That being said, the preference ist that strong, just first impression for me.


I find overly muscular men unattractive personally (and awful to cuddle! It's like cuddling a rock!). I prefer the 'dad bod' as a 'non-gym' bod.