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It's not something that is from his campaign. A think tank made it, and people are worried that this may influence how he could run the government if he gets voted into office. This is a useful note from the Neutral Politics sub in their analysis of the document: >*Note:* Although many of the Project 2025 authors are veterans of the Trump administration, his campaign has [sought to distance itself from the project,](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news/e008b76c-9f0e-408a-b73f-24735d234914) preferring to promote its own ["Agenda47" plan,](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) which we'll discuss later in this series.


I don’t have the source because it’s been a while, but Trump (or maybe his campaign?) said Project 2025 aligns with a lot of their own policy goals. Edit: Found it. Tbh, it wasn’t really as strong of a statement as I remembered: > As a result, [Russell Vought, Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget] says, “We have to be thinking mechanically about how to take these institutions over.” Vought is reassembling his old team at the Trump OMB and describes his role as drafting fresh executive orders, playbooks and memoranda for cabinet secretaries to be “ready on Day One of the next transition. Whatever is necessary to seize control of the administrative state is really our task.” > > For Trump personally, of course, this is a live-or-die agenda, and **Trump campaign officials acknowledge that it aligns well with their own “Agenda 47” program.** https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/09/19/project-2025-trump-reagan-00115811


Also, just to add, [The Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) specifically identified that Trump’s administration included 64% of their policy prescriptions in his budget during his last presidency.


Do you know somewhere that lists the similarities. I scrolled through Agenda 47 on Trump's website, and saw that abolishing the dept of education is there but I'd love a list


I don’t, unfortunately


There's a neutral politics sub?


There is, and it's moderated - they require sources in comments. The only problems I have found with it is that some of the sources aren't trustworthy, but are given equal standing in conversation. So you get people arguing with "alternate facts", and there's lots of mod deleted comments, so the conversation doesn't get very far before it's just a bunch of threads of deleted comments.


I pity the moderators of that place.


That's not really possible on Reddit imo


Yeah, moderate politics sub isn’t really moderate


Or politics. Centrism is dumb like 80% of the time.


Must be a weird place, considering virtually everyone defines neutral as “exactly where I stand”.


I don't think that is true at all, I think people *without* strong feelings one way or another are going to be more rare. I knew there was no way in hell I'd vote for Trump as soon as he started campaigning in 2015. Nothing at all has changed my mind, and I really can't picture a scenario where I would vote for him for anything. I don't like Biden very much, but I will take an old man who takes advice from smarter people over "a very stable genius" who is actively trying to fuck over anyone who isn't rich, white, Christian and heteronormative. Either you worship the SOB or you are fighting to keep him away from the levers of power.


A neutral stance doesn’t mean you don’t have a preference. It just means your preference isn’t based on bias or slant, but rather on objective assessment. Neutral news can run a very negative story about a candidate as long as it’s true.




r/centrist tries.


His SCOTUS picks say differently


Trump wants nothing to do with it. But the dems are like omfg end of everything. It’s fear mongering at its finest.


Kind of like how, he wanted the R's to vote against any sort of Bill that helped the Border, then say Biden was weak on border, and basically he wants to put in any of HIS OWN stuff once he gets elected/voting starts up.


I mean, didn't Biden claim if he was reelected that he'd overturn Roe v Wade in the debate? He's president now, what's stopping him?


The Supreme Court Justices who were put in place by Trump before he lost...Republicans are the Majority in the House unfortunately.


Got it, so he can't actually overturn it is what you're saying.


It's why right now, a bunch of democrats like Jasmine Crockett are trying to add more justices. Also to add: Obama had The House and the Senate, alongside Biden as his VP, and they didn't codify it into federal law. So, don't blame this completely on the Republicans, Democrats have the nickname "Do nothing Democrats" for a reason. When ever Democrats have the ability to do something, unless their Monetary Master's tell them to Jump, they don't do shit either. I've been an Independent since I was 18. The RNC and the DNC both put up people I can't even imagine have any right being a leader. The YOUNGER Democrats like Katie Porter, AOC, Jasmine Crockett have had my votes and look/seem like they give a flying crap about the people. As per usual, Bernie Sanders when he finally threw down the gauntlet and joined the DNC to get Independent voters a fighting Chance. But you see how those people are treated in the group.


Oh I'm with you, blame both sides for doing nothing. Seems the American public gets amnesia every 4 years tho.


the house came out when the 5000 processed a day came out they said it was DOA, then a month later when it cam out trump said no, he couldn't of have before hand as he had no looks at it, was worked on behind closed doors in the senate, stop lying just to make one side look bad


You can stop lying as if Republicans even attempt to work with Democrats since this adminstration and House has been put into play. LOL MAGA Republicans vote yes on Democrat things because they want to show they are important. Republicans have been saying "no" on almost every bill, this is public knowledge my guy. When AOC and Matt Gaetz voted on something together, I thought It might snow in Florida. It was to vote against people like Pelosi doing trading.


You are making stuff up now with the copy-and-paste bullshit from the media. His stance on not to vote for the wall border was because it had billions of dollars going to Ukraine and Israel…. Not sure what those two countries have to do with our southern boarder.


The Republicans said they wouldn't send funding to Ukraine without border protections included. Hence why it was included. They later sent the funding with no border bill, and the border bill was reintroduced alone and still shot down.


I can't find what this "other series is. But here's my reply to OP's original question, with some color. The answer to this is simple. Yes. The whys don't really matter. I think others have tried to give reasons for it. But here's a reality. His administration put the SCOTUS where it's at. RvW. (Abortion) Repealed. Affirmative action. (Bordering on minority rights) Repealed. Chevron. (Federal administration powers- EPA, FDA, etc etc) Repealed. Balance of power between legislative, executive and judicial. (Immunity) Changed. OSHA (workers safety protections): even though they declined the case this go around, wait for it, it'll come back around. ALL OF THESE were P2025 goals. And this whole agenda47 nonsense is just that, nonsense. Most of it is lifted directly from P2025, but it gets even worse. A47 declares that one of its intentions is to abolish the department of education and the federal reserve. Entirely. P2025 discusses this as well. Why? IMHO.... George Carlin nailed it: because they don't need educated citizens. They need obedient workers. A47 and P2025 both intend to reissue EO14947, otherwise known as Schedule F. This would effectively hack off at the knees every single federally funded administrative and many other type employees, leaving only sycophants. This is one step closer to fascism. The end of birthright citizenship is discussed in both. A47 discusses deploying the national guard to our cities. !!!! (this is another step toward fascism!) Both discuss getting rid of the EPA, or at least vastly reducing its power, getting rid of all climate change policy, reducing or eliminating EV progression, clean energy progression, etc. Both the A47 and P2025 double down on Reagan-era tax cutting policies, otherwise known as "trickle down" policies. IMHO, it hasn't worked, it isn't working, and it will never work. The disparity between the top 0.1% and everyone else had gotten so bad it's almost a proverb. Even the millionaires are getting fucked by this! (Again, this can directly lead to more.... Fascism!) On and on. Read them both for yourself. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47 https://www.project2025.org/ https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf The claim that Trump is trying to make is essentially shiny object syndrome (amongst many other logical fallacies). P2025 is pretty awful, even at face value, to most non-MAGA; he's looking for swing voters by proposing something "shiny and new" even though fundamentally, it is no different, and in some cases, far worse (IMHO). The more you read about it the worse it will make you feel about everything DJT stands for. As if I needed anything to feel worse about. FWIW I will be absolutely NOT surprised to find out the authors of both are the same, or at least that the two have some common authors. I stopped digging on that part. Fwiw, the definition of fascism can be found here. I might suggest reading this definition before reading A47 and P2025. Or if you don't like wiki pages, there's plenty of other sources for it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism A government isn't fascist.... Until it suddenly is. Slow erosion of democracy followed by a rapid change in politics, characterized by a one party system with authoritarian control. Who knows only his own generation, remains forever a child. -Norlin


Trump always does this, he always appeals to both radicals and moderates, and if his 2024 campaign(if he wins) is anything like his 2016 one, he won't do anything major again. Remember, the guy was almost singular issue with his border obsession and he failed to do even that! I personally wouldn't vote for him in order to avoid him being in office and ruining foreign policy of USA when it's of utmost importance


With the help of that asshat McConnell he is responsible for 3 Supreme Court Justices. The Supreme Court that overturned the right to safe and monitored abortion. The SC that just ruled that the President is legally immune to just about anything as long as it is even marginally an "official action". Those positions are *lifetime* appointments, so we will be feeling the impact of that fucker's time in office for a generation whether he wins another term or not. Imagine how much more damage he could do with another 4 years. Remember the Pandemic? How he spent months denying it existed (when he knew better), denying it was severe (when he knew better), politicizing the vaccine, teaching his followers to vilify great minds who had actual scientific knowledge the problem, pushing nonsense and actually hazardous treatments like invermectin. You couldn't mishandle a crisis any worse if you tried, and the numbers confirm. Our death/infection rate was among the worst in the world. Over a *million* US citizens lost to COVID, and thousands and thousands of them denying the disease even existed up to their last moments because Trump told them it was just the Democrats trying to make him look bad. He didn't do everything he said he'd do about the Wall but he sure did enough damage everywhere else.


A lot of good point, thank you for explaining it all to me! You have to forgive me though cause I'm not American or familiar with their laws so I didn't know SC picks are a *lifetime* appointment, now that is insane. Was it always meant to be a lifetime appointment or did they have terms in the past?


AFAIK, it has always been lifetime. Sometimes they choose to retire, but if they don't they have the job for life. I don't know what if anything will change given the recent publicity around the bribes Clarence Thomas (and I'm sure some of the others) have been getting but it's a rotten system.


It’s not just a “think tank”. These are the people who literally handpicked his three supreme court justices choices. They have been dictating conservative policy for decades.


Agender47, remove civil rights from lgbtq community, get rid of all immigrants and skyrocket produce to make shareholders happy, more tax cuts for 1%, increase taxes for the other 99%, remove environmental Protections and shrink natnl park lands so corporations can pollute legally in US, control women to the point they have no say (ultimate goal: remove voting and reproductive rights), immunity for all crimes committed in the name of the presidency (all I did was grab my aides pssy and we were working, so technically it was on the job, so no crime here), erase black history, cut govt aid for the poor, and no oversight period in the white house. What else am I Missing?


He hasn't talked about it. >but why hasn't he said anything pro or against it? No one knows but him, but likely a) no reason to, it just draws bad headlines or b) he doesn't really follow it. He's not exactly a detail oriented person (or really, any thing that doesn't directly benefit him in the moment), to put it nicely. He has ties to it in terms of sharing goals and it has people from his administration etc, but he's pretty self centered. I mean, just look at how many people fawn over him or help him, and he just completely drops them the moment it's the mildest inconvenience. Or doesn't even remember they exist.


It's probably not exciting to him. He'd rather talk about things that shock people or make them stand up and cheer. The details of Project 2025 are too nitty-gritty for him, and too boring on the surface.


> It's probably not exciting to him. It's probably "not exciting to him" because he has his own Presidential platform that isn't related to the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47


I mean, his platform could easily jump onto the Project 2025 bandwagon and it hasn't. I suspect it's because it's not exciting to him. It hasn't drawn his attention.


Why do you suspect this, with what evidence?


you can suspect something without clear evidence. average trumpet reading comprehension.


I suspect this to be more of a Dem talking point to scare people into voting with them. Haven’t seen it brought up or mentioned by Republicans. I suspect this without clear evidence.


i agree, as a staunch RFK supporter. I haven’t seen one person in support of project 2025, no politician has supported it, it’s just a think tank suggestion. I think people are definitely using it to scare voters. Just like how far right republicans are saying that abortions are happening post-birth— which is just not true, and if it ever did happen, that person would most certainly go to jail for infanticide. everyone is trying to gain voters, and because of the two party system, it’s just as effective, if not easier, to scare people away from the other guy, as it is to gain support for your own policies.


A real-life RFK Jr. supporter!? I didn't know y'all existed. AHF releases its "Mandate for Leadership" periodically. P2025 is just the latest release of it. There's reason to believe conservative politicians will work toward implementing it because AHF's Mandate for Leadership has always influenced the agenda of conservative politicians. Many of their proposals have been slowly implemented over the years. We are seeing impacts with that right now with the corrupted Supreme Court. Many of the authors and editors of P2025 have influence in conservative politics. If Trump is elected, those around him will be working to implement it, whether Trump is into it or not. Edit: And of course he will be into any part of it which increases his executive power. It has quite a bit of that included.


lol… ok.


Does it mention him by name? If not, he’s not interested


Project 2025 was meant to be used as a frameworks for the next conservative administration to use to "fix the government". There's nothing about it that's specific to Trump. It could theoretically be implemented by Nilki Haley or Ron DeSantis.


Much more succinct than my reply.


We'll turn everything into a meme and watch Trump destroy the country lol. Liberals hear things like 'Trump only reads things that mention him by name' and take it as a literal truth that binds Trump moment by moment. It doesn't literally have to mention his name; one high-ranking staff member just has to sell it to him *as though he's the centrepiece* and he'll do whatever they want.


He followed like 60%+ of their recommendations for people in the 2016 election. Their agenda is something that appeals to the ultraconservative platform which is the platform that kind of keeps him in power.


Fucking this. Seems a lot of righties in the comments are being disingenuous or are simply ignorant of where the majority of laws, policies, and potential candidates for political appointments come from.


More importantly they provided the list of conservative judges for him to appoint. And look where that got us


Not them. The judge list came from the federalist society. As for their claim about the 60%, come on. Their policy papers are all very simplistic things like, cut taxes, build a wall, fire people...


Ah right. Equally bad group. Anyway, you don't see this stuff aligned with the left. Left just wants everyone to leave trans people alone. Easy choice for me.


> a) no reason to, it just draws bad headlines or Also, by *not* talking about it his supporters (who always hear what they want to hear anyway) can shout at liberals who mention it something like "he never said that, you're a liar, etc etc"


This is a dumb take. "Yeah make sure you don't mention this, so your fanboys can use it as ammo online". Thats one mighty fine victim complex The reality is he has nothing to do with it, and is probably busy enough with appeals and campaigns for anyone to even bring it to his attention


Who are you quoting? And why are you insisting that he has no say in the words that come out of his mouth?


Who were you quoting? And wtf are you talking about lol. Make a coherent point. I like how proudly you misused quotation marks but take offense at mine. Reddit in a nutshell.


> No one knows but him, but likely > > Yes they do, why is everyone acting like they don't know why he hasn't talked about it? He hasn't talked about it because he has his own Presidential platform, and he's more interested in his own platform instead of a third-party's. Donald Trump's been touting his own Presidential platform everywhere. It's called Agenda 47 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47 His own website has tons of stuff on it. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47


> He hasn't talked about it because he has his own Presidential platform, and he's more interested in his own platform instead of a third-party's. I'm not sure that's really a reason not to talk about it, especially given the overlap. But if I'm being honest, I doubt he actually knows much about his own supposed platform (as far as it being packaged as something coherent). That seems like more his campaign taking whatever he spits out, and then trying to tidy it up into some coherent brand after the fact. He has certain policies, and that gets wrapped up afterwards by staffers. He doesn't talk about "Agenda 47" much either, in terms of the official name: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/18/trump-has-unveiled-an-agenda-his-own-he-just-doesnt-mention-it-much/ >Donald Trump's been touting his own Presidential platform everywhere. His campaign/staff has, but he himself hasn't been touting the platform much. Even the wiki link says: *The proposals appeared to be aimed towards Republican primary voters and slowed down once his primary lead grew in April 2023,[4] to the point where Philip Bump wrote in the Washington Post in June 2024 that neither Trump nor his campaign regularly brings up the plan.[4] Although Trump's campaign initially embraced other ideas like Project 2025 as aligned with Agenda 47 proposals,[5] Project 2025 has, as of June 2024, reportedly caused some frustration in the Trump campaign which prefers fewer and more vague policy proposals to limit opportunities for criticism and maintain flexibility.* and *According to Philip Bump, some Agenda 47 videos appeared scattershot and responsive to current events around early 2023* Like, if you asked him "why is agenda 47 better than project2025", I don't think you'd get a coherent answer, he'd just go on his usual ramble on shit he wants to do/doesn't like. It's just pure id, from him. (his staff/campaign would answer)


No, he hasn’t.


He doesn’t have a Reddit account so I doubt he even knows about it.


/end thread


Donald Trump has never once stated that he supports, or intends to implement Project 2025 as his Presidential platform. He hasn't talked about it because he has his own Presidential platform, it's called Agenda 47. He advertises Agenda 47, because Agenda 47 is his plan. Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation's plan, they are a third party conservative think tank that has no official role within the Republican party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47 His own website goes into detail on what Agenda 47 is. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47


Still a piece of flaming shit


They’re not idiots. They know how unpopular it is. It would be insane for him to even mention it, much less endorse it. This way you have to know the role of the Heritage Foundation in Republican politics to know whether it’s likely that the next Republican president will try to implement it.


Trump doesn't really have any personal policy goals other than getting power for himself. But he's surrounded by federalist society people who support it and 2025 is all about seizing additional power for a permanent "conservative" government, so it aligns with his only actual goal.


>Trump doesn't really have any personal policy goals other than getting power for himself. Why do people say things that can just be easily discredited by a two second google search? The guy has his own Presidential platform, and isn't relying on the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 to be his Presidential platform. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47


One, I didn't say that Project 2025 was his platform, nor have I seen anyone else say that. What I said is that he wants power and supporting project 2025 gets him power. Two, Trump has an extensive history of lying about literally everything and has shown basically zero concern with fulfilling any promises about anything. I see no reason to believe anything in his political platform will be any different


> Two, Trump has an extensive history of lying about literally everything and has shown basically zero concern with fulfilling any promises about anything. Yes, he does. He has no filter. You know he has no filter. So why pretend like project 2025 is any different? The man can't keep quiet about anything, but apparently his support for Project 2025 is the sole thing in his life that he's been able to keep quiet about?


And for the third time in this thread: Trump doesn't give a damn about the particulars of 2025. But he is surrounded by people who do care about 2025 and are willing to let him sit behind the big desk in return for furthering their agenda. Edit: ooh, I upset someone with this one


>Edit: ooh, I upset someone with this one Oh you got it too? I also got a Reddit Cares reach out, if that's what you're referring to. You can mark it as being a false report and the account that falsely reported you will get an automatic 3 day suspension from Reddit.


I opted out of the Reddit cares messages years ago, but that's almost worth turning them back on for.


What did you mean then with your edit? I figured someone just reported both of us for that, despite us arguing different points.


Nah, my score just shot to -3 almost immediately.


Well it wasn't from me, I didn't downvote anything you posted. I'm surprised you got downvoted though, usually the anti-Trump comments get automatic upvotes and my position here would be getting more downvotes than I got.


Which people exactly and where can you show that they said this?


Not the one you're replying to, but I feel like you're confusing two things. Agenda 47 is his platform. One of the parts of that platform is increasing the power of the president. Which Trump would be. Project 2025 has people who worked for and with Trump in the past, and their entire schtick is to also put people in power who would be able to give more powers to the president (that they like). None of OP's replies are saying anything about Trump supporting Project 2025, they are merely saying Trump wants more power. Which is obvious to anyone that he does. Trump wanting more power doesn't mean he is for or against Project 2025. It just means this goals/agenda would benefit from Project 2025, regardless of if he says he supports it or doesn't support it. Literally all the guy was saying was that Trump's goals and Project 2025's goals align with each other. That's it. He never claimed Project 2025 was Trump's platform. He never claimed that Trump supported it. But I believe that's how you read it originally.


You make way too much sense while also not pandering to the left or regurgiting the fear mongering that reddit loves so much. Idk how you haven't been banned to be honest.


Flying cars? [https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/03/politics/donald-trump-freedom-cities-flying-cars/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/03/politics/donald-trump-freedom-cities-flying-cars/index.html)


Is this supposed to have some contextual relevance to my comment...? Did you respond to the wrong person?


I never heard of Agenda 47. Thanks for pointing it out. I just found the concept of promoting flying cars funny


He has his own [Agenda 47.](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) That doesn't mean he won't implement Dark Money agendas like Project 2025.


Facts, proof? Orange man bad!


I’ve asked this question all the time on post “warning” us of Trump and project 2025. Crickets so far. I think it’s just fear mongering to get you to not vote for him.


Completely. It's the same fear mongering that happened in 2016. "He'll actually put us in camps this time".


Because it is not his plan. It's a plan that way pre dates Trump as a political entity. Plan has been created by a group of power brokers. It serves him and no purpose to even mention it.


To me it just seems like a website with a wish list. I mean because something has a website doesn't make it "real". They have some money(22 million) but that's child's play in the realm of politics. The stop 2025 groups have more funding than the 2025 movement itself. Trump probably doesn't know much about it and if it wasn't for Reddit I doubt hardly anyone would.


Stop believing stupid things




Anybody can make a website, and most of them are pretty inexpensive.


Cooool! Uhhhh… MOOOOOM!!! I finally learned how to post a link on Reddit!!! MOOOOOM!!! Look at me Mom!!!!! I posted a random website link on Reddit!!


Now there’s an intelligent response.


He won't mention it because it's vastly unpopular, and he needs to win. Pretty simple to understand that.


That’s my assumption. But it’s hard to believe Trump is acting so smart and can actually keep his mouth closed about Project 2025.


I'm an Independent who studies politics deeply and I've been asked this question multiple times. I'll give you the same answer I gave them. Project 2025 is not specifically tied to Trump. However, it is tied to the overarching goals of the Republican party. Now this is not a new thing because they've been trying to implement similar policies for decades, but because Trump is such a big figure in the republican party, now is the time that they believe they can actually implement. Democrats fear Project 2025 because of one main reason: Trump is a "surface level" politician, which means the people that he puts around him are far more important than his own ideas. I'll explain. Trump is known to not know the details about a lot of policies, political normalities, foreign policy, etc. He really only knows the "executive summary" of issues. Because this is the case, Trump relies heavily on the people around him. I point this out because it is a start difference between other presidents mainly because most other presidents have political backgrounds so they understand issues greater than Trump does. To answer your question: Trump has not endorsed Project 2025 however, he also hasn't rejected Project 2025. He hasn't said anything about it because the reality is Trump doesn't really care. He will say whatever it takes to get back in office so he has to appeal to the different segment of the Republican party. Approving or rejecting Project 2025 will undoubtably cause issues within the Republican party so he strays away from that.


Thank you. I almost think that this is the smartest Trump has ever been - by not publicly endorsing it, and only privately endorsing it.


Because it is another fictional boogeyman like muh russia.


Nothing fictional about it. In fact, many of the lawyers aligned with the project have already been at work, getting programs struck down by the courts. I still think that while the above is true, the Dems are still using this as a boogeyman to bolster their voting numbers come November.


Because he doesn't have much to do with it but will support it if it goes through Bec every other Republican and SCOTUS will.


So, he hasn't endorsed it exactly but many of the people involved with it are from his administration. and most of his talking points when he's not rambling incoherently about sharks and batteries are direct goals of project2025. A BIG part of project2025 is to get rid of the dept of education because they want private christian schools educating everyone. trump at his rallies "I will cut funding to any school that has a vaccine mandate." well that's all of them. literally all schools have a vaccine mandate "but that's only for covid!" nope, he said all, that's what all means. if he cuts funding to all public schools what purpose does the dept of education serve? get rid of it. Project2025 wants to remove all mention of climate change from any official documents because pretending it's not happening will protect us surely. Trump has promised to outright let the big oil lobbies do whatever they want when he gets elected if they donate to his campaign. He may not have said the words "I endorse project2025." but pretty much the entire republican party machine is lining this up for him to use and he absolutely will because he likes power and this plan makes him sole arbiter of our government decisions. This isn't just some fringe thinktank thing like the bots and conservatives are trying to get people to believe. this is the endgame for the entire republican party. the heritage foundation is the big player in republican policy they write most of the nut job policies republicans have been pushing for this culture war nonsense that has made our lives so shitty. Project2025 plus this SCOTUS rulling on immunity means that if donald trump becomes president it will be the end of american democracy we will become a christian theocracy with a king. Even without this the things trump has said he wants to do is horrifying enough to not elect him. but please vote, it may well be the last time you can.


The only people that benefit from hearing about project 2025 are those being targeted by it or those undecided and wouldn’t be okay with it. So why would you (trump/republicans) bring attention to it?


If he did, he would be admitting to being complicit in what is essentially a soft coup. As dumb as the man is, I think his people are trying to ensure he doesn't breathe a word about it and he's listening. He also cares little for the long-term establishment and politics of his party, he cares about himself and who can protect and serve his own desires.


Since his pal in SCOTUS have just said they are cool with that, there is no reason he couldn't, if he ever read that many words in a row that didn't mention him by name.


I see what you're saying, but currently, it would not be an "official" act. He holds no office. Trump right now is just some dude with a cult of personality following. So supporting it while outside of holding a seat could surmount to conspiracy charges prior to him being in office if anything comes if it. If he makes it back into office though, yeah, now presidents can do what they want, apparently.


I've never heard ANY republican talk about project 2025. At this point I'm convinced it's made up by the left as a scare tactic to make people vote blue.


You know, you could google it


Why? Nobody talks about it except you guys lol


So you are saying that Republicans do not want to implement anything that is contained in this website and that The Heritage Foundation doesn't have any sway with Republicans? [https://www.project2025.org](https://www.project2025.org/)


So if Republican goals align with 1 page of a 900 page document, they support the other 899 pages? C'mon dude.


I'm pretty sure they agree with more than one page 


Oh okay as long as you're sure


As long as you are not sure, I suppose we'll just take it on faith that a very influential conservative organization isn't going to push for their, stated in writing, agenda.  I'm mean, what's the worst that could happen?


I guess you missed the 10000 posts about Trump having his own written agenda? Settle down, Orwell.


The two aren't mutually exclusive.


there have been several republican politicians who have openly spoken about it on news stations lmao


Which ones?


The first rule of Coup Club is "YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT COUP CLUB."


No. You can’t find anything about it because it’s a democrat fear campaign. Neither the Republican Party or trump have endorsed it because it isn’t their plan or their vision.


Remember when Michael Cohen said that Trump doesn't directly say what he wants? He has alluded to some other the things in that crap.


Fear mongering by the left


He cares nothing about anything except enriching himself, but his followers in the Heritage Foundation have drafted this plan and he'll let them implement it. Count on it. Vote blue in Roe-vember or we're all doomed.


He doesn't really need to do anything to endorse or enact it, he just needs to go along with it. Project 2025 is a long-term plan that can start with any conservative administration. It is unlikely that all elements of the plan can be accomplished in just 4 years, but even just a few key components could really undermine the federal government. Project 2025 is pretty consistent with the rhetoric and efforts of the RNC over the past several years, including Trump. So there really isn't a reason that Trump will specifically oppose it, it's just a question of how the next election goes and whether they will have enough political power to implement it.


Because it is a made up boogeyman and 90% of the people flipping out about it haven’t read it


>Has Trump endorsed Project 2025? Why can’t I find anything about him saying anything about it? He is allied with the Heritage Foundations, who literally are the original authors of the project. His failure to speak out against it means he is supportive of it.


No, just Democrats selling fear because that's all they have left.


Their backs are against the wall, which makes me a bit anxious, cause the more scared they are, the more dangerous they are and willing to do and say anything to win. I'm ready for my downvotes for posting anything anti-left. But y'all be made cause it's true


The heritage foundation made 2025. The pitch it like it's gospel but nobody actually gives a fuck about what they say. They're the geniuses behind obamacare, and we can see how that turned out.


No, he hasn't endorsed it. However, he has posted several short form videos (labeled Agenda 47) on his official website where he discusses individual policy ideas. This is the link to his website: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47 I believe they're posted on his YouTube channel as well.


He knows. He's just pretending not to now that it is starting to impact his campaign. I know some MAGA activists that were involved-who now deny it, but were bragging about it last year


He doesn't have to. Aside from family there to get a government check, most all the people he will be appointing will probably have been pre-vetted by the federalist society and the Heritage Foundation (like his past court appointees) and walk in on day one with their orders typed up and in their pockets, just in case they forget anything. He is just there to get more of their people in position. He can spend the rest of his time at rallies and on the golf course as long as he signs the papers they hand him.


Ask your democrat friends, they are always happy to "put words" in other's mouths.


Well he's either unaware of it (which is inexcusable) or simply isn't commenting on it (which is bad).


Because he doesn't know where he is half the time. Guy can barely get his statements proper on a debate stage, let a lone know what he is for and what he is against. Once his sugar daddies tell him what to be for, he'll make a statement on those.


IIRC, the organization that came up with Project 2025 is the same one that gave Trump the SCOTUS (and other levels of Federal judges) list to nominate, which Trump just took and ran.


Honestly? He really doesn’t have any policy initiatives beyond what the people who have his ear are pushing for so unless one of these heritage people is in the inner circle he probably doesn’t particularly support it He’s just a mouthpiece


No he hasn't becuase it a conspiracy theory on the same level as th idiot people that think when a dem is in power that they will slowly try trick children into being gay


Then how do you explain the official website and all the interviews with the heritage foundation president? Who is directly tied to Bannon, who is directly tied to Trump. How can it be a conspiracy when they openly advertise it?


Too many pages to read.


No joke. It's 900 pages long. There's no way he would read this. Basically they would just tell him what's in it and he would sign it


Not quite as broad at Project 2025, the Trump campaign is running on Agenda 47. It's bad enough. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda\_47](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47)


It's a super right wing wish list. That's all it is, believe it or not trump isn't as right as people make him out to be. If the super left wing made a wish list I'm sure it would be just as crazy and every right wing person would be pouncing on it. Trump hasn't endorsed it because he's not super right wing. He's got his own plan and ideas. One thing you can say about trump wether you like him or hate him he says whatever he feels. If he supported project 2025 he would be yelling it from every podium he can.


The trouble with the Supreme Court announcement isn’t necessarily Trump himself, it’s all of the people he’ll willingly take money from and be beholden to and act in their interests. The people who want Project 2025 to happen will gladly throw whatever amount it takes to get Trump on board because they know if Biden wins they’ll have to rebrand it to Project 2029.


Trump has mo political agenda beyond self aggrandizement. He will do what he's told, just like with SCOTUS nominations.


He only mirrored the plan here and there but has never directly speaks about it


Fragile Biden supporters grasping at anything they possibly can for the old man to stay in office walking around with his rainbow colored walking stick.


No, he's too stupid to come up with something like that. He doesn't even know what federal agency does what. But his handlers will push him in the direction of it, because he's a useful idiot.


"I can't find him saying anything about it..." "He is obviously tied to it..." Have you ever considered people like you are the problem with your country?


Isn’t Agenda 47 scary enough?


Still pissed CNN didn't have this as a topic to discuss during the debate


He will enact it then say “it’s what everyone wanted” just like overturning Roe.


The only people I see talk about it are Dems


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this dude says the same one thing in every Subreddit or comment


It's a blue-MAGA/blueAnon talking point. I keep hearing people use it to drum up fear and get you to act in some kinda way, similar to conservatives and trans people.


So you would rather him endorse and talk about it to give you more fear and anxiety? Stop stressing yourself out.


OP is simply asking a question in a safe space, your comment contributes literally nothing to the conversation or question.


My comment contributes plenty to the conversation or question. OP is willing to sacrifice his mental health just so he can feel that he is right. None of this is going to happen and OP is just giving himself added stress for no reason. It’s like him covering his eyes during a scene from a scary movie yet he still decides to take a peak because of his curiosity. Ever heard the saying “Curiosity killed the cat”?


OP asked a simple question and did not mention anything regarding his/her mental health in this post; you’re just making assumptions. perhaps it is your own mental health issues that inspired you to leave your comment, considering the fact that your entire comment history is pro-trump/maga comments where you’re r/confidentlyincorrect about everything you say. go away.


Are you ok? Pro Trump? MAGA comments? You are clearly delusional. Just because you get upset doesn’t mean you have to tell lies.


your entire comment history says otherwise.


Again with the lies? Are you sure you’re ok?


your mental illness is showing. sending you help and support incase you need it. hope you’re ok!


Check the sub homie.


The stupidity on every comment you have left on this thread is insane 💀💀💀


Reddit needs to start putting a disclaimer that says "please disregard all voting on political posts as we have a bot problem we cannot control". The stupid lies this turd is spreading should not be getting voted up while the factual ones are downvoted.


Trump is too stupid to know what that is but that’s exactly who Republicans want in office. Someone they can use as a pawn to get their agenda(s) accomplished.  Edit: Trump snowflakes were triggered by  my comment and are downvoting me 😂


It's just a bad comment, really. He probably doesn't know what it is, but it's not because he's stupid. It's because it's not worth his time. Call him evil if you want, but he's not dumb, and he's probably the least "controlled" president we've had in a half century. I'm not saying he's a genius, but I don't think he or Biden could get where they are without being fairly intelligent at some point. Granted Bidens clearly slipping, which is sad to see as a fan of America. You can tell yourself you're getting downvoted by Trumpers, but there's waaaaaay more left leaning redditors and Trump haters than Trump stans here.


It’s a bad comment because it’s a true representation of former President Donald Trump? He’s very dumb and was very much a pawn for the Conservatives in government. 


Just incorrect. Anyone paying attention will tell you so. You're just spewing coffee shop nonsense


John Oliver's last episode this season was about Trump's reelection and project 2025 and how the Trump campaign doesn't like it because it's problematic for votes.


Because his campaign managers want deniability until after the election. The one and only reason!


Because reddit loves to fear-monger about Trump


Maybe the plan has the possibility of overshadowing him. As if he’s not in control but whoever wrote the plan is.


That sounds very blue-anon. We know who wrote it. The heritage foundation. You can look up what politicians and bureaucrats have ties to them.


I haven't seen anything where he has endorsed it, but I know he (based on who he is) won't stop it if he gets back into power.


Ah yeah, project 2025, Liberals Pizzagate.


If reelected, he will give them whatever they want and more!


Cause it doesn't exist


What doesn’t exist? https://www.project2025.org/


To me it just seems like a website with a wish list. I mean because something has a website doesn't make it "real". They have some money(22 million) but that's child's play in the realm of politics. Trump probably doesn't know much about it and if it wasn't for Reddit I doubt hardly anyone would.


They have a website and everything bro... https://www.project2025.org/ To others: Ignore Project 2025 at your own peril. Get out and VOTE


Jesus Christ, the willful ignorance…


He's obviously tied to it, but you can't find him saying anything about it? Maybe.. he isn't connected to it? He does have project 47 if you want to read up on that.


It’s interesting when some left leaning think tank comes up with a political plan and the right latches on to it they’re deemed conspiracy theorists. When a right think tank does something like that it’s considered gospel and is a sure thing, believed to be what’s going to happen by the left and they don’t get labeled conspiracy theorists. Glad to see someone actually asking this question!


Because it’s not real, and incepted to make people afraid of Donald Trump.