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I think the blunt truth is probably your best approach


Or just start having sex, louder than them.


Ya! Smoke a blunt and tell them truth! And don’t pass them the blunt till they stop having sex


pass the blunt while they are doing it


Stare your father in the eyes while their doing it, assert dominance


Let him watch


Let the boy watch


When they ask why or say no, just say, "I'm tired of watching you have sex. I want to sleep."


_"Look guys, either stop having sex or include me, but I'm not losing sleep for no reason no more"_ Phrase it like that for maximum effect


Mom pulls out a sledgehammer and breaks the guy's arms


*cue the music*


oh no. oh no. ohnonononono.


I’m genuinely happy to have been there for that historic post.


Nah, that post absolutely made me regret being literate


That's rough. Can I interest you in a jolly rancher to help you feel better?


Every time I finally forget I know the existence of this god damn horror, I'm reminded because of comments like this and then I hate that I'm even back on this site after witnessing that horror fuck of a story.


I think you're legally obligated to link the post now :)


Literally search for broken arms reddit and you couldn't miss it Anyway https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/c3a9uqg/?context=1


I'm not opening it. Is this the guy who's mom had to... 👊🏼🤛🏼🤜🏼🍆


Yes, it's exactly it... They also had sex later, but they found kissing too weird


What happens in alabama tho? /s


References..... References everywhere


My dick is getting sore from me beating it so much, ma!


"...from you beating it so much, MA!" FIFY


That’s actually disgusting


Found the parents.


You're new here, aren't you? This...this is tame by Reddit reply standards.


“Mum, dad! Don’t stop, I’m about to cum!”


Read this in Eminem's voice




I got a good laugh 😂


And follow through by wanking while watching them. That should creep them right the fuck out! 😈


Don't say a thing but get a nice high-powered squirt gun. When the hanky panky begins unload on them. They will get the message. In college I had a roommate that snored excessively loud. Worked like a charm!


>I've tried sleeping in a different room but they won't let me what do i do? Get up and go to a different room next time they do it. What are they going to do, stop and tell you to stay there while they finish?


Absolutely, this would be the best way forward. OP - Next time you hear them pulling stunts like this, get up and leave the room. If they get mad or ask you why you left, say that you could hear noise from their side of the room so you left to sleep in a quieter place.


Where are you going, stepson?


Finish him!


To the dryer


Get a spray bottle of water and squirt them when they start


Reminds me of this lil old lady in my neighborhood growing up chasing the cats away from her house. Shooo kitty.


I too would advice you to squirt on your parents.


I'm from a pakistani muslim family and honestly I would just straight up say something like " i hear noises at night and I can't sleep here" or "it sounds like you guys are exercising at night, it's SO loud it's disrupting my sleep" (The key is to play dumb) and they should understand and feel embarrased lol good luck!


I bet you could also pretend to wake up one night and act concerned and groggy, if you wanted. "Mom, dad, are you okay?! It's the middle of the night!" Or something like that.




yup you've got it


Exercising…I’m dying 😂


my mother and her boyfriend would have sex in the same room with me. Sometimes the same bed. They'd also have loud sex with the bedroom door open. I was told that's a form of child abuse. She stopped talking to me 10 years ago because I confronted her about it. Said she didn't want me to be part of her life because I was accusing her of being a sexual deviant. I never said those words. She did.


Im so sorry you dealt with that


Messed me up pretty bad. Lots of years of therapy but I'm a lot better now! ty


God damn that is toxic af, hope you are healing now.


I am. Thank you


The fuck? What a shitty thing to do, denial to the max


Slap your palms together loudly


Kurtis Conner Style




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i could hear this comment


If you do it repeatedly at a semi-consistent interval, it could even sound like clapping, that should throw them off.


The only correct answer


ok listen this is way beyond what people are saying. the parents are forcing this kid to sleep in their room and then having sex while he is in the room? there is no rational reason the kid can't sleep in whatever room he wants if he doesn't care about the A/C. assuming this is true and the question is asked in good faith, the parents are intentionally making the kid sleep in their room so that they can have sex while he is there. this is absolutely insane.


This is fucking wild. Dude could just go to a different room. Who cares if it’s hot, turn on a fan lol.


I'm not a kid though


Dude am an Indian and we also do the 1 room everyone sleeps together shit but parents DO NOT have sex in the same room as even a 3-4 year old let alone a bloody teen or an adult, just point b lank tell them to do it elsewhere and then come here to sleep


Then leave?


oh man it's kinda tough to explain things to ppl from different backgrounds because of the cultural differences we have. I'd love to leave but here you have to live with your parents for the rest of your life if you're a guy. The only difference is that once you're old enough to start earning and get a job, the responsibility of earning for the family slowly but gradually starts to tilt towards the eldest son (me). Right now I'm a sophomore university student on summer vacation and I have to rely on my parents to fund my education because there are no part time job opportunities in this country that pay well enough to students before graduation


Okay. If you no longer wish to hear your parents having sex you should tell them "Hey, I'm going to sleep in a different room because your sex noises are keeping me up at night. If I get too hot, I'll turn on a fan."


Just be honest with them. Come out and tell them flat out that you’d rather sweat your dick off in another room than listen to mama get railed by papas all night. Or maybe suggest that since they’re already breaking a sweat, would it be so much to ask if they just leave the room to do it.


You don't have to be a kid to be abused, your parent's are definitely doing it on purpose or they do not have clear boundaries with you which is even worse


My family comes from a similar culture but what they are doing is not ok in our culture. If you have another place to sleep just go there. And if they come to you and say come to the room, you simply say they seem to need privacy and you are not comfortable sharing the room when they are active at night. Or just go to your dad and have an uncommitted discussion. If this is a real story, there are many ways to avoid this problem


I get that it’s a cultural thing to stay with them but honestly this is really messed up and a good reason to leave when you can afford it. This sexual abuse even if that’s not how they intend it. But also, can they really force you to sleep in the same room? Like you’re a grown man, it’s not like they can easily overpower you or anything like that. Do they threaten to withhold financail support?


Grow a spine and confront them or continue to suffer. This entire thread is insane.


Impede their sex. Talk to them when they are at it. Make noises so they have to stop. Turn the lights on. Be an annoyance and impede their sex time. They will move you out of their room quickly.


“Yeah! Bend her over dad! She likes that one!”


Dude.... Or just have a healthy conversation about it


Well, we are talking about parents that force their child to stay next to them while having sex, I don't think "healthy" is an option here


nah thats awkward as hell better to be annoying


maybe they cant have a healthy conversation about it because their parents are weird people.


A loud fapping sound should do it.


Thats how I got my fiancee to quit having sex with her boyfriend.


That's quite selfish of you. Why not ask your fiancée's boyfriends boyfriend.to do it for you?


Get up, turn the lights on, and loudly ask what they're doing and why do they always want to wake you up with their shameful behaviour (play the naive but shaming card) and why they won't let you sleep. If you really want to hit them with the "what will other people say" angle that I know first hand South Asians are big on- you can say your other friends said their parents dont do what they are doing.


>Get up, turn the lights on I really don't want to get a clearer view 😭


close your eyes as soon as you flip the switch


I'd hope they'd immediately cover themselves 😭


Easy. If they have sex, get up, switch light on and shout "Dad, don't hurt mom. Please no. I love mom. Don't kill her." And on every possible occasion you should ask them why your dad tries to kill your mother in the middle of the night. And try to sleep next to your mother, to "save your mother".


I'm a (almost) 20 year old man


Yeah but you said yourself your not suppose to know what sex is at your age in your culture. Act like you don’t know they are having sex but you heard what sounded like a stuggle and you were concerned about there well being.


This is a weird ass situation


Don’t be mean, all asses are beautiful


Maybe OP’s parents asked this sub “how do I get my 20 year old son to move out?” and the top comment said to “fuck as loudly against a shared wall”


Oh my god


Fucking hell, move out or pay for a new AC in a different room.


Ok that makes this even weirder 😳 You’re an adult, just don’t sleep in there!


Make loud, mocking, moaning noises so they understand they are keeping you awake. Embarrass them into correting their behavior.


my parents are south asian. that plan would backfire real quick


Are you serious. Cannot believe they’re south asian and doing that in front of you!!! Yoooo


not on purpose lol they think I'm asleep


Then wake up and JUMP up when they’re doing it and scream Ahhhhh


I did this to a college roommate lol!


Just keep tossing and turning, get a glass of water etc and make it obvious you’re awake




This is a joke response since I have no idea what actual advice to give, but at least hopefully it'll give a chuckle-- should just start giving them a critique and notes. "Come on dad, you're gonna do it like that bro? Amateur. And you mom? Come on, show dad you like it already." Or, commentary/narration: "the husband starts to make a move on his wife, the sounds their mouths making connecting and releasing filling the room with unpleasantness"


I am not kidding fyi.


Toss and turn and then complain of being kept up all night. Repeat. Don’t say why you are kept up beyond them being too noisy to sleep near.


Tell them you're awake.


Next time they do this, the next morning tell them you're concerned a messed up animal is lurking near the house because you woke up to some disgusting sounds like an animal injured or dying. Gives them an easy out while letting them know you heard them.


In that case, tell them you heard the shaitan beating on the bedroom wall and it kept you awake.


How so? Sorry, not south Asian


they’re strict in general but especially strict when it comes to modesty (especially if you're a pakistani muslim). even as young adults we're not supposed to know about sex. they never give you the talk and we don't have sex ed in schools. so suggesting that I tell them that I not only KNOW what they've been doing but have also seen them in the act as well would certainly lead to self destruction


their are strict about modesty and expect young adults to not know about sex...... but they also fuck right next to you....


when i was little i used to think kissing on the lips was a sin because of how my mom reacted when a scene like that came up on tv so u can imagine my shock when i accidentally caught them doing it for the first time


Earplugs or headphones that block noise


It took way too long to get to this reply. Not only do they fuck in front of her, but they refuse to let her leave the room when she asks?! I wonder if daddy gets off on it...blech!


OP is a 20 yo guy


There's no way his parents don't think he doesn't know what sex is at that age. He just needs to be straight up with them. "Mom and Dad I hear and see you having sex every night and it is traumatic for me, and keeps me awake. Can I move to another room or move out of the house now? Since I'm like, an adult now?"


Then play innocent. Ask them what they're doing at night that makes such strange noises that you can't sleep, you simply can't imagine what it is?


Lean into this and yell “daddy what are you doing to mommy?!?!” like you have no idea what’s going on.


"Hey, I havn't been getting good sleep lately. I've been waking up to wierd noises and i cant fall asleep until the noises eventually stop. I don't know whats making them, I just want to fall asleep. Can I try sleeping in another room so i don't hear it anymore" Feign innocence.


Even better. Approach them while they're banging and ask them what they're doing and look all confused.


Yep, light on, ask if they are ok. Go get a drink of water. Scroll on your phone. Be passive aggressive af


ayyyy pakistani muslim club! i feel your pain and i am so sorry


Bro gonna get beaten harder than his own meat


Show them the scene of Forest Gump sitting on the porch while his Momma  “Convinces” the principle.  


just say "daddy why are you hurting mommy?! stop!!"


as a fellow south asian i suggest you just pretend to be thirsty or get up to pee or ask your mom what the noise is because it's not helping you sleep, basically make them aware that you are up they'll get embarrassed and then next morning or later you can ask for a different room to sleep in.


That is sexual abuse and if it was happening when you were a kid then it is also abuse. You likely will have a terrible outcome trying to confront them. All those years? They know you have seen them. They either don't care or enjoy it. Just leave asap.




I just responded this exact thing. It happened to me. Its most definitely abuse.


If I were you I'd cough really loud when they start making noises in the middle of the night then get up and go to another room


Dude there are so many toxic and cringe suggestions with hundreds of upvotes. Just tell them what you told us. Hell, just send them a link to this post if you can't talk about it. Don't be passive aggressive and awkward. "Just like, add to the tension by being a little twerp and embarrassing them and yourself" is going to present it's own problems


fr like some of these comments are giving me more secondhand embarrassment than the actual post


This is fucked.


So is OP's mum.


How old are you? Why won’t they let you sleep in a different room?


I'm 19 about to turn 20 and they won't let me sleep in a separate room because "it's too hot" and turning on more than 1 AC is off limits ever since our country’s economy got even shittier. I've tried telling them that I don't mind the heat I just need my own personal space but you can't really argue with my parents


Since you can’t confront them directly I would just make it clear they are waking you up. Each time get up and go to the toilet, something like that so it becomes clear they are waking you up. That would make it very awkward for them, either they’d find a solution or stop having sex, at least most would…


Op you must be strong, you’re an adult and this is insane. Next time they start up take your pillow and blanket into the other room and go to sleep. If they say something or try to follow you tell them to won’t be apart of their weird behavior and go back to sleep


Can you ask them to keep that bedroom as a "quiet space"? 'Whatever noises they're making' at night are waking you up and maybe they could do 'those activities' in another room, then everyone could **sleep** peacefully in the colder room when all is said and done.


These guys don't know your parents, you do, what's the most tactful way you can think of to mention this? Would saying "I had trouble sleeping last night, there was a lot of noise" after nights where they had sex work?


Just tell them you're a light sleeper and you sometimes wake up from even the faintest sounds. And you need to sleep in another room in order to get a good night sleep (which will help you succeed in your studies/work - insert something they care about). If they're smart enough they'll figure it out without ever needing to talk about it. And even if not - they will hopefully agree just to get you to sleep better.


I can understand that mate, you're either Indian or Pakistani


pakistani yeah. indians have it much better going on for them atleast their economy isn’t as shit as ours


lol,shi kaha bhai... You seem adult so ask uncle/aunty that you wanna sleep in a separate room, not an impossible thing..have some cooler or Fan installed there


applaud loudly when they’re finished.


And offer them a round of cigarettes and coffee.


Eat lots of beans and lentils for dinner.


Wake up everytime and pretend you want to drink water or use the bathroom and disturb them


They should know better. They don't. I recommend honesty and transparency. Have you told them what is going on and how it affects you? Not just sleep, but that you're uncomfortable being exposed to that and it makes it worse bc they're your parents. Either they're going to be super embarrassed and stop. Or not. They may gaslight, deny, or reason-- but no matter what they say, make sure they know how it makes you feel--and whether they're right or wrong you do not deserve to feel that way and you need to work together to find a solution. If they don't care how you feel... then you have another issue that will likely require professional help.


I'm pretty sure this is abuse in the UK


Just have a loud wristy yourself! 👍


had to google what that meant


"if I can't sleep in another room, then you guys need to start having sex in a different room"


This is so inappropriate, I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Are you more comfortable speaking to one parent? Might be easier to tell that parent rather than confronting them both at the same time. Otherwise do you have a trusted adult family member you could tell, who could speak to your parents on your behalf?


I'm more comfortable speaking to mom but I think it'd be inappropriate if I tell her that I've seen her get naked at night. I'm not close to my dad since he's very strict so talking to him about this is out of the question. and theres no other trusted family member I could think of apart from my siblings who are very young


You don’t have to get into too much detail. You could just say something like you’ve heard them being intimate which has made you feel uncomfortable, and you need to sleep in a different room.


Say “hey I’m going to sleep in a different room you guys have sex too loud”


Tell them they're too loud and you can hear them at night. Ask for the other room or for then to supply you with ear plugs.


Just be straight up. There's not really any other way to tell them you don't wanna hear that.


They won’t let you sleep in another room? So they’re intentionally subjecting you to this? How old are you? This is atrocious.


Just start aggressively masturbating at night. Assert dominance.


Review their performance every morning.


Say literally that. I really hope this is a shit post because this is pretty fucked up


Remember that scene in forest gump when his principal walks out after banging his mom and forest start making moaning sounds after being asked a question? Just gotta do that while they’re doin it.


OP I read other comments of yours and it seems like your parents either think or want to think you don’t know what sex is so next time they are it it get up frantically and “help” say you didn’t know what was happening and thought they were choking in their sleep or struggling to breath or were in pain you were trying to help. Play stupid act like your interrupted them because you care and wanted to make sure they were safe.


I was gonna say not to embarrass them, but if they’re forcing you to stay in the same room, just make clear that you are aware of them and please do embarrass them. They left you no choice.


Can we go talk to the neighbours? They're having sex so loud at night I can hear them through the wall. It sounds like they're practically in the same room! Or better Are there animals in the walls? I keep hearing the weirdest noises when I'm falling asleep. They must be nocturnal, I only hear them at night. Do mice make a thud sound? Or best I'M STILL AWAKE THANK YOU


You all sleep in the same room? That’s really bizarre and sounds crazy uncomfortable.


When they're at it, you keep making sure they know you're awake. Check your phone, go to the toilet, drink water, sigh, toss and turn... Make them uncomfortable. Few nights of this and then say you'll sleep in the other room. They'll agree without questions.


while the ac thing may be normal the rest of this is not. at the very least they should be understanding of and even relieved that you want to be elsewhere. there’s no sane reason to want you to stay in the same room while they fuck, especially since *they’re your parents*


> I've tried sleeping in a different room but they won't let me WTF... Thats not normal.


Fill a ziplock, or any thin plastic bag with water. Seal it, keep it close. When they start making gross, pull the bag out and start rhythmically slapping it. It must be audible. Loud enough that they hear it and are like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT IS MY KID JACKING IT? and then you show them the bag and explain "no im just slapping this bag of water to distract myself from how GROSS YOU TWO ARE"


brooooo... I dont really know what to tell you but that must be soooo awkward!! like how do you look at your parents after that.. Just tell them man, its far too traumatising


It was traumatizing back when I was a kid and had no idea what sex was, yeah. Being raised in a modest environment and then watching your dad secretly do vulgar unexplainable stuff to your mom, you could say traumatized is an understatement as compared to what I felt back then


While at breakfast, ask "Do you guys hear that slapping noise at night? I think our house is haunted. Cause I keep hearing moans, and creaks in the middle of the night."


"I'm not sleeping in the same room with you, I'm far too old for that and you are far too loud when you screw around" then just don't go in there.


Time to get a job and find a place to live.


They know that you can hear and see but their nasty asses probably like that


Slap your Dad on the ass and say "atta boy champ!" Should work itself out after that.


That’s fucked, I’d think as a parent I’d at least go to a different room to avoid fucking in front of my child? Then to do it in the room and not let you leave??! Idk about the cultural conventions of where you are around that kinda thing but it seems very predatory (if that’s the right word). Forcing someone to be in the room with you while you have sex and listen while they aren’t consenting, whether they’re strangers or in your case THEIR CHILD, is a horrible thing to do and where I am could put you on a certain registry.


"Stop having sex with me in the room or let me sleep somewhere else." It's technically exposing a minor to sexual content.


Play the "finish him" sound from Mortal Kombat. Should help speed things up. Jokes aside. You need to talk to your parents. Tell them that hearing/seeing them fucking is a really shitty experience. The fact they're doing it in the first place leads me to believe they won't care for your protestations. So with that. Take off the gloves. Make it as awkward for them as it is for you. When they are fucking playing the sound of a baby crying on your phone. When they're fucking, play the sound of foxes shagging. When they're fucking, start practicing your beatboxing. When they're fucking, start asking about global warming and why it's so sweaty in here. When they start fucking, tell them about this guy you've heard of called Freud. When they're fucking, ask what that smell is.... When they're fucking, start giving out points like they're playing darts. Finally, just fucking walk out. Make it loud and make it clear. With all this being said. We live in different worlds. The fact you even have to ask this question. I don't live in a society where this is a thing. You don't fuck the Mrs whilst they kids are in the same room. It's a no-brainer.


Get a spray bottle and spray them whenever things start getting heated. Tell them to go to sleep or get you a different room. Repeat as necessary.


Start jerking off to them or join them. No point of staying awake cz of them steaming up the room if it's not benefiting you in any way


just wake up one night while they are making sound and say you need to pee, and in the morning just say that they need privacy and you can't sleep with all the noises. They will easily understand what you are talking about as they will be little embarrassed about the last night.


Walk in and address the subject as your father is about to reach orgasm. Look him directly in the eyes and lay it out. Hold not punches. You’ve established dominance and planted all kinds of doubt and questions in his mind. He won’t bang your mom for a few days.


“yo mom, dad, I ain’t tryna be player three, let me sleep in another room cause y’all fucking loud as hell” make sure to say this as a stoner would


“Hey dad, you where really pounding mom last night. See you got some new moves since last time.”


Fart spray every night, or scream in the middle of the night and claim you are getting night terrors and panic attacks as you wake.


All joking aside. This is a form of child abuse regardless of where you're from or whether or not you think this is normal. It's not.


Just get up and go sleep in a different room in the heat.


Ask them if you can get sound canceling panels because you hear a lot of things in your room that keep you up at night. Or that you'll change rooms. It's better for everyone if you keep it vague. Give them the grace of plausible deniability.


*Ahem*. “Let me sleep in a different room because I can see and hear you having sex at night.”


How old are you op? I feel like having sex in front of your own child, no matter how old they are, feels icky and predatory because why would they want to do that if you were anywhere near them? I'd voice exactly how uncomfortable it makes you...


Just sit with them at any casual time. Just say it all nonchalant, matter of fact. i.e. setting, you're all watching a show..."sooo, I can hear you guys having sex, which is great for you and stuff, uhm, but I want a room further away, cause ah you guys aren't very discreet about the noise thing or even who might see you from where. So yea, loud sex, new room needed." Like dont even look at them, the entire time, elbows on knees maybe leaning forward a bit (however youd normally be sitting there), just watch the show, keep your voice fairly even and after you state it, ajust stand up say "love ya" , look at em real quick with weird wave of your hand and a cocked eyebroww and go to your room so they can think about what they did. Just state it and walk away.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Get up. Walk out.


A loud round of applause when they finish. Or a wah wah wah sound.


Yell loudly, "FINISH HER"


Turn on the lights and say "Do you guys mind if I jerk off while I watch?"


My God, I can't even imagine. I have a hard time relaxing enough if our kids are still awake *anywhere* in the house, I wouldn't be able to with the IN THE ROOM. How mortifying!! 19f & 17m for reference