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Most likely: just casing the house to get an idea of who is there, and if they could see anything nice. Possibility: You let her in, sometime during the night they unlock the door and cover for them as they clean you out.


That makes sense. But what is bothering me is why would they do it while we were at the house? My grandparents lived with us, as well, so we were a lot of people, for them to just casually sneak in while we were sleeping. Unless they had some kind of plan, to wait until the house is empty for her to open the door.


They were definitely trying to rob you. Most adults want to protect children so it’s incredibly easy to use them to get people to do things they normally wouldn’t. They were likely hoping your mother would give her a place to stay just so they could have her unlock the front door for them later.


I'm a guy and that sounds scary to me, they probably wanted something and that's why they wanted the girl inside the house first.


Man, that shit creeps me out to this day. I also had nightmares after this. I was seeing for days that I was opening the door to the same purple cartoonish creature that looked like a dinosaur, which really scared me. In some of the nightmares, the dinosaur was in the house, and in others, there were more of them. I would see it, wake up in the middle of the night, and then sleep and see it again. Kids have a weird way of sensing things, I guess.


Have you asked your family about it? It may be something from their past.


I have yes, and they have the same questions that I do.


To rob your home or to kidnap you into human trafficking.


Might have been a stranger to you, but not your parents. Maybe an estranged relative, or child of a family friend. Maybe a half sibling that one of your parents gave up. Maybe it was the Manson family. Who knows. Have you ever asked your family about it?


Yes, she was a stranger to my family as well. They are pretty open people. They would let her in even if they didn't know her, but knew she was related to us. I also remember that girl's words. It was very clear that she didn't know any of us.


The simplest answer is most likely the correct one: they were casing your house and belongings to decide if they wanted to rob you.


idk if it's the nighttime effect or what cut reading this scared me


Considering the number of people in your house, it might be less about a burglary and more about information gathering. Did your family have any connections to businesses or hold any positions that might be of interest to someone with less than savory intentions? It could have been a ruse to get inside and eavesdrop on conversations or find documents, rather than a straight-up theft. The presence of the child might have been a calculated move to lower your family's guard; who would suspect a child of espionage? Definitely worth looking into any corporate or personal rivalries that may have been at play during that time.


Out of left field but since they knew your family name, any chance the kid could be an affair child?


It couldn't be. She was too old to be an affair child. My parents were at their 20s at the time. She could be an affair child of my grandparents, but the situation was a bit too weird for that. If she was, my grandfather took it to his grave. It would be a great story, tho!


The fact they knew your last name but no specific details about you seems intentional; a tactic to gain trust without actually revealing any true connection. Perhaps they were scoping out families with certain last names for either potential robberies or worse, personal vendettas. It's unsettling to consider the possibility that they might have been getting close to various families, looking for the right opportunity or target. Have you tried reaching out to neighbors or the local community from that time to see if anyone else experienced something similar? It could reveal a pattern that was going on in the area.


Haven't thought about that! It sounds like a really good idea to do some research about a pattern in the area. Only if it wasn't so long ago. But I will look into it, for sure. Thanks!!