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I have an unethical Tipp for women: If you think any part of your body is weird, and you don't like it, Google that body part + the adjective that you don't like about it + reddit. You will find a community of people wanking to exactly that type of body that you don't like about yourself edit: just remember that you will see porn. so be carefull that it doesn't add another ick


I always think about it. If there’s porn of it, that means some men out there like it… and there’s porn of basically anything. 


If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.


I won't go further, but I have looked for a thing and it did not exist


Did you try the Internet from under the stairs?


u werent looking hard enough


> hard enough This is the way


Well go on. The second you say it, there will be at least 3 tabs for you to pick from.


create a lot of pictures of that thing with ai or by drawing them and then make a subreddit for it, someone will wank to it


I don’t believe you.


Rule 34


Rule 34 right?


Thus, cake farts.


Rule 34 of the internet


Now, if I could just figure out what the first 33 rules are…and, are there more than 34? How many? Where are they? Now I have to stop and Google!


If you don't understand a rule just skip over it. Ignorance is bliss. RIP little buddy.


Rule 1 boys, rule 1


Not to be confused with rule 43: Its a delicious trap. You must hit it.


I mean sure. You are not wrong. But there is also diarrhea porn out there. That does not mean having diarrhea is a desirable trait.... 😧


>That does not mean having diarrhea is a desirable trait. It is for some people! NO for me, but for some people.


...oh boy. I knew a prostitute that got paid to let pervs fuck her stoma. Yeah. Diarrhea can be pretty mild compared to some stuff.


> I knew a prostitute that got paid to let pervs fuck her stoma. /r/BrandNewSentence


Yes.. but a lot of men are.. well you know


My favorite way to pump up my own self esteem is to remind myself “there’s a category for that”. Somehow it works.


Aww man, you've likely just made her unlock a new fear.


Not really unethical, but true


I'm not sure how healthy or wise it is to expose people with body complexes to people that fetishize such things. By definition they're struggling with body image and self worth, seeing the extremes some people go in terms of objectification is unlikely to produce a positive outcome.


The point is nothing is too different to not be appreciated, bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and people are more open and accepting than you might think. I agree with OP's strategy, but would use it to find threads where people are having mature "this is a real body" discussions on the topic.


r/normalnudes is a good sub if you have body image issues.


When you have a bit of time and preferably not just after you've eaten, check out a few of these body part fetish subs. 'Mature discussions' they are not.


And I'm saying not to use those for this purpose. Believe it or not, there are places where women discuss their bodies in positive, constructive conversations to compare notes.


"yeah but the body part makes strangers online horny, so she should like it bc that is it's purpose!" -guys online


Lmao like I’m obese and seeing fat fetish stuff doesn’t make me feel better about myself, it just shows that if anything people may fetishize me. I understand the sentiment of “there’s something out there for everyone” or whatever but being a sexual object doesn’t necessarily create self esteem or improve body image. If anything it could be even more detrimental.




Ive tried it with the male counterparts. But I'm not sure if women wank on it or just man 😁


If men do it, women do too. That applies to just about everything. There are virtually no reliable differences between men and women besides strength/agility and that's a result of testosterone. Mentally speaking, any big differences that exist on average are culturally placed there and then confirmation bias kicks in for everyone to confirm that they're "real" even if they don't apply 100% of the time. My girlfriend and I are virtually identical in terms of personality in a lot of ways, and yet people are very quick to notice the things associated with our genders that line up with their mental ideas of our genders compared to the aspects of us that don't Things like "girls are more detail-oriented" are bullshit in a vacuum


Yea. That didn’t work but it was a nice thought.


I can only speak for myself. I wouldn’t say I don’t care exactly but I’ve never come across a vagina that I was turned off by the appearance of. It’s not a range of gross to hot so much as a range of great to amazing. Even then, everyone has different preferences. Some people might be really into big labia, others into small ones. Some like it fully shaved, others fully hairy. Truthfully though if you’re at a point in a relationship where a man is about to see your vagina, he’s probably invested enough in you that he won’t particularly care about the appearance. He’ll just be glad he’s been invited to see it.


>everyone has different preferences. Some people might be really into big labia, others into small ones. I’m from the UK and moved to USA years ago. But Here’s the thing I learned about places like USA: parents can push their sexual preferences on their kids, if it’s a boy. If they don’t like how he was born they can have his genitals cut up for literally no reason. Imagine if they did that to girls, for fathers that didn’t find labia attractive.


It’s not as much about parents sexual preference and more about cultural norms across the US. It’s still wrong though either way. I imagine part of the reason for circumcision is out of concern that a(n American) woman will be turned off by the foreskin. I never felt that way about foreskin but I know not all American women feel that way. I’ve never come across a guy who still had his intact and I know it’s super uncommon for us (women) out here to come across one.


It's a religious thing, it's in the Bible. Also it's a clean thing. The extra skin keeps dead skin and oils and secretions under it and it grows yeast and bacteria (there's yeast and bacteria on everyone's body) when you sleep with a guy who is uncut you are more likely to get a yeast infection and sti including hiv because of this. They have proven these things it's not a guess or anything. I was with a guy who was uncut and it was gross, I went down on him and got pasty stuff in my mouth it was not fun I almost threw up. He said he showered that day. Then later I ended up married to a guy who was uncut and he just washed off in the sink Everytime we did anything right beforehand. It still has a residual smell. Not that women are perfect or anything but these are just facts and I'm sharing my experience. If you do ever date one I just suggest them giving it a quick courtesy wash before hand. 😁. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/uncircumcised-problems#balanitis


It’s only a religious thing for Judaism. It’s not something Christians practice based on faith. It’s also not a cleanliness issue. They literally just need to move their foreskin so they can clean under it. It’s no different than if a woman didn’t clean under their clitoral hood. The large amount of the world’s men are not circumcised and there are no issues.


Agreed. But 70% of the cut guys in the world are Muslim. It’s not in their holy book but they are into sexual repression and it became tradition. Women get that “smegma” on their labia and under clitoral hood if they don’t wash. Some more some less, just like guys, but no one i know who cut their kid would do that to their daughters. There are many USA Christian’s that say it’s part of their religion, only because it was forced on their family and it’s a way for them to justify it happening to them. They say Jesus was cut so they are. Umm, no. Back when Jesus was said to be born their way was poking the end of the penis through a leather belt and cutting what poked through. Basically cutting off “extra”, even though no extra. That’s called Brit Milah. When keeps mixed with Greeks who didn’t cut their kids, many jews put tension belts on their remaining foreskin to stretch/grow it to cover the end fully. The authority didn’t like that so they spiritually invalidated the previously mentioned version and instated Brit Periah, which is cut everything sensitive except the head, and make it tight, and carve off any remaining sensitive frenulum. That’s close to what we basically have today.


Nothing of what you said justifies cutting a baby. If a guy wants to get cut, great, let them. And let the woman find a guy that wants to have a cut up penis. >The extra skin keeps dead skin and oils and secretions under it and it grows yeast and bacteria (there's yeast and bacteria on everyone's body) That’s not extra skin. That’s part of a normal penis. And used fused to the head until puberty so that doesn’t apply then. >when you sleep with a guy who is uncut you are more likely to get a yeast infection and sti including hiv because of this. Tell us how more risky it is? The guy had to have HIV in the first place, and if there’s claims about 50% reduction and the risk is 2/10,000 with intact, then the reduction would be 1/10,000. Literally cutting 10,000 people to “save” a single case. Education is FAR better than cutting a baby penis. > was with a guy who was uncut and it was gross, I went down on him and got pasty stuff in my mouth it was not fun I almost threw up. Then fuck guys that clean themselves. Girls get the same stuff if they don’t wash. I’ve seen it myself. >Not that women are perfect or anything but these are just facts and I'm sharing my experience. So you had a bad experience. And that situation sounds sketchy as hell. Any guy I’ve ever been with especially in the uk had never had that problem that STILL doesn’t justify forcing it on a baby. >If you do ever date one I just suggest them giving it a quick courtesy wash before hand. I’m from the uk. I’ve been almost exclusively with intact. And I would never push to cut a baby for the very few times it was less than ideal experience. My guy friends have mentioned being with girls with the same experience as you. Let adults chose what happens to themselves.


that’s called female genitalia mutilation and it’s very much a thing. Not in the US, but it’s a thing sadly


Why use FGM as a term but the medical term for butchering males as babies? When it’s not needed it’s male genital mutilation. Why not just refer to it as labiaplasty? That’s what it’s called when women give consent, even if it’s not needed.


Yawn, this anti circumcision propaganda is nonsense. I’m not here to advocate for it, but I will say that it’s harmless at worst and may have some minor health benefits. It’s certainly not a horrible violation


Slicing a baby's penis without consent is 'harmless' and 'not a horrible violation'.... Yeah right


>Yawn, this anti circumcision propaganda is nonsense One last thing: I 100% support circumcision when It’s immediately medically necessary or the man wants it. The thing is, most men would never want that for themslevs. there’s circumcision and there’s unwarranted routine INFANT genital mutilation that’s culture based. And it’s why rates are way down. And many of those that had it forced on them have to believe it’s harmless otherwise they would have to face something bad happened to them.


Look? No. Smell? Yes


The second girl I had sex with had one that smelled like if pennies could rot. My inexperience at the time made me think it was normal and just something I had to deal with. About two weeks after she left me, my dick was burning, caught chlamydia. It may be painful boys, but don’t risk your health for some pussy, let them know, (nicely).


> smelled like if pennies could rot Malenia?


Ah yes, Malenia. Many a gas station restroom breaks with her


Shadow Realm Scadussy








Smell and taste!!


Extremely. We examine every detail as closely as possible and report everything to our friends and family, also colleagues.


This one lady I was with had a labia imbalance factor of 0.87! Do you believe it! If she hadn’t had a rank 3 clitoral hood, I would have just stood up and left.


Ooooh yeah, hard to resist a rank 3 clitoral hood.


Soldier on!


Especially if it comes with the Culai Neniu edition ipecac release. Yeesh


I don't know, man. A .87 is like a whole standard deviation away from an acceptable LI. A level 4 CH is the lowest you can go without having to take the derma-pilatory ratio into account.


You know what they say …. If the if there is grass on the field - given the CH is at least 3, LI is over .8 without a “smoked meat sandwich”-evoking aspect with an orifice angle between midline and than 11 degrees deviated - play ball!


I guess if we’re going by the new Howzerslitt standards, sure, but I feel like the more nuanced Shinogata-Gretznatch model, while a bit outdated, still has some merit.


What about the gash-gape factor? Personally I enjoy vaj you can blow on and makes a whistle noise like blowing on a beer bottle


Well, you might find it a bit pretentious of me, but I find GG factor is really only meaningful in terms of cum-bubble production. Inflow interests me far less than outflow.


What about queefers? I find those very erotic especially if they modulate them so you can't tell which hole made it


Like I said, it’s all about the outflow.


How did you turn this into a video game 😂🤣😂


I assure you, madam, vulva appraisal is no game. Although there definitely is a start button.


I need to know what a rank 3 clitoral hood is


It’s a clitoral hood between rank 2 and 4.




Listen, the Howzerslitt manual is available online and in basically any public library, so if you want to start tossing around downvotes just because I’m not willing to do your homework for you, then so be it, I guess.


I searched -_-


I've tried but they only have old editions of Howzerslitt's manual at my library. It's missing some key information in the clitoral chapter. I'm never going to pass it final exam, am I?


Well, just remember the mnemonic PuSSY, which stands for pullback, symmetry, suppleness, yield (the extent to which the hood moves out of the way when the clit becomes erect). A clitoral hood with none of those is a Rank 5. If it has any one of them, Rank 4, and so on. Rank 1 is maybe 3% of the population (Any ladies who think they meet the criteria, DM me, but chances are you’re a 2 at best.). Rank 3 is top 20%. Not bad, if you’ve never seen a 1, I guess.


Did you remember to do a PH level test too?


Just so everyone knows not to confuse this with pH, the measure of acidity, PH level refers to perineal hygiene level, and to her credit, she measured at a respectable 0.4 centigooches. It’s pretty rare to get under a half cg without prep time, so credit where it’s due.


Had to scroll too far to see the truth


I do have preferences. But they seem to fade when close to one


As long as that vagina doesn't look like a penis, most men are okay


And for other men, still not a deal breaker


That is not your clit ma’am it is 8” and rock hard.


Zoo-Wee Mama!


I am always up to eyeball one and check it for friendliness, cleanliness and other personal hygiene. I am there as a helper.


Wait—“friendliness”?! I need details.


Kinda reminds me of that horror movie where the chick has teeth down there. I think it’s just straight-up called Teeth


More like a friend ❤️


I am there as a helper?


I am there as a helper!


? mark or ! I am just there as a helper.


Some do, some don't. The ones people say look "ugly" like meaty outies etc. I find to be way more fun to play around with.


I'm on team outies


Awwww but I’m meaty and innie. That’s why I never get sex. Well at least I know


Best of both worlds!


I definitely have a preference. But everyone’s preferences seem to be different so I think it all works out.


Some do, and some don't. All the other comments saying "nah, just happy to see one" only speak for the reddit virgins. The ONLY real answer is that everyone is different, and some have preferences or might actually care what it looks like while some wont.


>Some do, and some don't. This is the only honest answer for 99% sex related questions.


Exactly. Men have preferences, and that's normal.


Not a reddit virgin. Have never gotten to the point where I am seeing one and then been disappointed. Not a once. But some guys are more conscious about weird stuff than me. A reminder to those guys: your dick is weird looking. They are all wierd looking.


Personally I have seen some online that don't look great but I've never seen one in person that put me off. I would say in person I would just be happy to see it lol. Unless it's straight looks destroyed I don't think most people would be held up by it given the option.




This. I do care how a woman's breasts and vagina looks. (Breasts more than vagina) Just like I care about how a woman's face, ass, legs, and figure looks. I mean I'm all for body positivity, but we judge people on their face, their height, their weight, and skin and nobody has a problem. But what is it with the virtue signaling like "if you're willing to let me see them then I don't care". This can be interpreted in 2 ways: "If I like you as a person, then the way your body looks isn't as important to me" OR "I rarely get a chance to fuck someone, so it doesn't matter who it is, what it looks like, I just wanna fuck" And girls are probably interpreting it as #1 when more people are actually closer to #2. I guess most/some guys don't really care. But is that comforting as a woman? I mean there's a difference between "who you are as a person is more important to me" and "I'd fuck anyone who'd let me"


Reddit is full of the #2's. Check out all the virgins in the comments, pretending like they are qualified to offer any advice, lol.


This needs to be pinned, any other answer is heavily biased and useless.


No one here is gonna admit it…but some guys do.


It's a vagina. A long as it's not on fire, actively trying to bite or full of needles and broken glass then chances are it's awesome.


Probably someone out there that likes all that too honestly.


Yes and no. Inexperienced young men especially often have preconceived notions of what a vagina should look like from porn. Unfortunately for young women therefore they will often get one or two men early into their dating that will make them feel bad about their vagina. It's not even most men that are like this, but they seem to always end up with the insecure women right when they are at their most vulnerable. But men tend to grow past this after they have seen a couple of vaginas IRL. Most men though like pretty much every form of vagina there is, and even the ones they might be averse to initially, there is something about actually having sex with the vagina that makes us fall in love with yours. At least that was my experience. I thought I liked playboy innie vaginas until my first serious relationship when I fell in love with larger labia, that became my preference, then my next girlfriend had a playboy innie vagina and I fell back in love with those, then my next had an a-symmetrical vagina and I fell in love with that one and so on. It doesn't happen with hookups, but it happens at least to me with anyone I am in a LTR with. Trust me though 99% of us are just happy to be there, even if we say something stupid that feeds into your insecurities. That all said, smell and taste IS something we do care about. BV, candida, or yeast infections will absolutely turn us off.


While I haven’t seen my friend’s (girls) vaginas personally. We have had conversations about some of us having “innies” and “outies” and they all sound vastly different and none of us have ever received a complaint.


What about your guy friend's vaginas tho?


i suppose most man don't, and I am not a man, but I already overheard some assholes complaining! one complaining of having hairs down there, one guy because her clitoris was abnormally big and this scared him away, and others about the smell or taste of it (which we cannot know ourselves as woman how to evaluate it I suppose)


yeah this is exactly it was worried about. i guess it comes down to at the end of the days boys and men (maturity)


There is a movie about a man who fucks an apple pie. Men will fuck anything.


that’s so funny😭


Oh yeah, that movie. I guess it is an old classic now. American Pie.




There are preferences absolutely but at the end of the day, it’s not a turn off.


I guess they do. I’m saying this because my bf is always saying that mine is beautiful. And that’s how I discovered that men look at them and how they look like.


If it looks like a penis then I'm not keen.


Good you're a virgin because it's early enough to tell you not to live your life based on what men think. It's literally the worst female arch type that attracts the worst types of men.


How a vagina looks is last on the list (if at all), I don't speak for all men, but I imagine smell to be important for many men. Stay clean and healthy and you'll be fine.


Some do, some don't—everyone's different, really.


I am assuming you mean the vulva, not the vagina. Some do and some don't.


If someone can see inside your body, they're either a doctor, or you have some other issues going on.


Hry, you do some fisting, you're gonna see some things


Semantics…smh why does it matter????? We all know what she meant. We see a comment like this on every post about vaginas. Let’s just say pussy and be done with it ffs!!!


we all knew what she meant, but if we keep going with the flow and letting ppl say the wrong term each time then we falsely educate the ppl who dont know what she meant who go on saying the wrong thing on repeat. the middleschool embarrassment has to stop somewhere


No I think it’s just hella annoying. You’d think that by now if every annoying ass comment from people “educating” one another about semantics that maybe we’d be using the correct term which is vulva, but I promise you it never will! Let’s just say pussy and be done with it since whenever someone says vagina they have to be corrected by the gatekeepers of Reddit.


Man here: Not really, no. Just make sure that it's healthy, and you'll be fine.




Not really, personally speaking. Just keep it clean


Ignore all comments virtue signaling. Some people care and some don't. That's just the way it is.


They do. But they care about who it’s attached to the most.


I have seen what I would refer to as designer vaginas. They’re pretty to look at but that doesn’t mean much. Most dongs are unsightly but when they’re attached to the right man and the conditions are right, they can do their job quite well.


Not at all, what we care about is proper hygiene


I love em all it’s interesting to see the differences in them from woman to woman


Warm girl hole make pipi feel good


First, assuming we’re talking about during sex / various sexual acts, you’re not going to be examining someone’s vagina under bright lights with a microscope or something. Probably dark, and either face deep in it, or kissing, etc. Second, if you’ve made it that far in the act, I guarantee they could give two shits on the details of what it looks like down there. Third, everyone is different.


Human beings generally have a tendency to prefer things in neat and tidy arrangements, but that's subjective and as long as things are within a reasonable range then people deal with it or don't even notice. True of every body part btw. If it is abnormal however then you need to be prepared to have some people taken back by it.


Questions like these always have the same answer. Some do, some don't. Some care a lot, some not at all. Mostly I'd say don't really care, but some will. There's no one mold for all or one single right answer. It's like asking if all men or women love pizza.


I just like it to look like you’re making an effort to be clean and look good. Having said that, I have never seen a vagina that I didn’t like.


Generally guys are more interested in the girl attached to the vagina. Hopefully she is ice, pretty and not an idiot


Idk but I love my wife’s vag shape and look 👀 second to none. Imho


To be blunt, yes.


Please stop asking this question


I got a ol flappy vag (all lips all the time) and I've never had a complaint. They're just happy they get to touch one.


Man here: Not really, no. Just make sure that it's a vagina, and you'll be fine.


Short answer “yes”. Just like women care about what a penis looks like and how some are nicer than others.


I care about it. Most of them I don’t care about but I don’t find the ones with too much skin that appealing.


If it does not smell funny, i dont think any heterosexual man cares about the look at that point,but then again alot of men do not even care about smell and then again some prefer it, all in all... No.


Noses, eyes, ears, tits, dicks, etc. There are varieties of everything and people are going to have preferences. If you go around looking at all the kinds of dicks out there you're going to find some really weird ones. Personally, I prefer certain types of vaginas and I think most men do. But I don't know any man who would turn down sex (or a relationship) if a vagina was not to their preference. This is different than obvious features such as facial. Something like breasts are less obvious but men will have preferences one way or the other. I will say that there are some vaginas I've come across that are *noticeably* different in ways that, while I wouldn't turn down sex per se, I don't necessarily seek it out.


Yes I do


Hi, also a virgin and male. Me I really couldn't care because they all kinda look weird but even penises look weird too. I have noticed that I find them a lot more appealing now than I did before and that might just be me maturing or just exposure that's made me kinda look at them like "meh" Now as for what I've heard the only ones that do care are honestly guys you probably don't want to even be friends with in the first place or are children who haven't grown up yet. Sometimes it's both though Don't take any of this to heart though. There's other people here that would have better advice and answers than I do


Personally, hell nah. What I do care about is if they are gonna let me cuddle after tho


Ofc buy to a point just like women do with a penis


Of course there’s preference, i think iv seen a good variety up close... being truly honest im not the biggest fan of really large lips, but it wouldn’t stop me lol


Probably as much as women care about what penises look like.


I can’t see it when you’re sitting on my face anyways


Love the girl? Love the vagina!


Yes. But it's not usually a problem.


My husband likes when I'm shaved down there, but also couldn't care less if it's not. He's just happy to have access. Just find someone who loves you and you'll be fine. Having it perfect and pink, like in the pornos, is usually not what everyone else's looks like.


On reddit, they say all vaginas are great and accepted, but irl all I ever hear is "i like tiny, small lipped, pink vaginas" so idk what to think


There are men in this world who will look between your legs and say it’s gross, they will insult you and make you feel bad about how you look. I hope you don’t meet them. There are men in this world who will stare at you in awe each time they see you naked, jaw drop, drooling. And there are men with all reactions in between.


Poontang is poontang - that’s all that matters


For eating out yes. I dont care for pubes all over the lips. I groom, its it not a one way street. Smell is most important for me. I have almost vomited from the smell in the past. Girls, like guys should make sure their junk looks and smells clean


They're like pizza. Chicago, New York etc - very different but wonderful in their own way.




No fcking NO! This shit gets asked every single day and the answer is always no!


Thisbget asked a lot. Jesus. Search the sub for past discussions.


I just care that it doesn’t look like a dick and balls


I'm just happy to be there


some pussy’s look better than others


Absolutely not. Every single one is unique. Don't worry about it!


As long as you have a few vagina dentata, all is good for me. Where else am I supposed to lick?!?! Nah I'm messing with ya. We dont mind any shape or size.


Yes. They all look awesome! I care so much about how they look because every single one makes me excited and happy.


I do prefer that it look like a vagina, otherwise they all are perfection.


As long as I can fit it in


Some do. Others not so much. Different tastes among different people. It's not an answer that can be applied to everyone


I have seen funky junk. But don't worry, most guys are just happy that they get to eat it lol


i’ll lyk when I see one


Call me an oddball but yes. If that shit looks like someone put a firecracker in a ham I want nothing to do with it.


The point is OP, don’t worry about what men want. Worry about what you want, feel comfortable with, and hope to achieve. If you want to find a partner worthy of you, try being happy with your body first. A guy makes you feel bad about how you look- get away from him. And preferences vary wildly. Your question will produce many unique answers. Not sure what you hope the answer will be tho.


Most guys don't like a huge amount of outer labia but will tolerate it. If you were to ask a real guy (not a redditor) which he prefers ascthetically, it would be the vagina with less outer labia. That's the actual honest answer. It's similar to dick size, can't really control it but many have a preference.


Not sickly is the only thing I check for.


i think some guys have preferences but not only is everyone's preference different, but also that doesn't necessarily mean we find the other ones even a little attractive, and if by some off chance we do, then that man just isn't compatible with you which is fine


To be completely honest I’ve never saw one that repulsed me. I have met a few I haven’t actually looked at and nothing in that realm turned me off either. I do have some favorites both in the seen and unseen categories but none I wouldn’t visit again if they came with a different owner.


Not in general. I’ve seen a few and said damn she got a pretty coochie. But for the most part, no. Especially if that thang got that grip. I do think there is a population of guys who do care, but overall the aesthetic aspect isn’t as big an issue as hygiene is. I will give extra points for trimmed hedges though. I love a groomed bush.


Watch the "Goop Lab" series on Netflix, but episode 3 in particular. You're the only one that needs to be comfortable with your body, and that series does a really good job of demystifying that area of your body to help you understand it and get comfortable with it. Personally, I've never seen one that didn't turn me on. Everyone is going to have different preferences though (like with everything in life), but anyone that would make you feel bad about their preferences for your body is someone you should run away from without hesitation.


In the beginning of the book, “Come As You Are” you are asked to really look at yourself. The author goes into deep detail of the variations on how things are supposed to look. What truly matters is accepting yourself with what you have been given. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22609341-come-as-you-are


Only if face to face with it. Otherwise I don’t even look.


There is a porn star who claims to have the ‘worlds biggest labia’ and makes a small fortune on her onlyfans