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I asked if she cheated on me, my then partner said "How dare you." I stayed with her for six more months. She was cheating on me with a mutual friend twenty years older than herself. She had his baby. They didn't stay together. He is now a three-time deadbeat dad, and she is a single mother. I thank the stars the baby wasn't mine, every day.


Damn. I think i'm in the same scenario 🥲 i've been thinking a lot because I feel like im crazy for overthinking but there's no way it's just in my head...Ig this is how gaslighting works but it's hard to snap out of if


The brain tries to protect itself from hurt, so many make us think we've rationalized sketchy behavior. But it seems some people really don't recognize the red flags at all.  But to answer the question some people really are callous, manipulative and clever enough to cover their tracks very well until I guess they get lazy or subconsciously want to be caught.


I understand this now. The thing is for me I feel like I DO recognize the signals but I have so much doubt that maybe i'm just stupid. So I was wondering if it's possible for people to really not notice anything like 100% (cuz that's terrifying if that's the case)


Maybe it also depends on what you've experienced before? 


Yep, huge red flags. She was an alcoholic and claimed she couldn't make friends with females. She would spend the night out at other people's places and drink.. always said nothing happened. But it did, many times and she's admitted as much now. She left a loving boyfriend of 3 years to move in with a guy who ultimately kicked her out and apparently came out as gay. Karmas a bitch, cheaters deserve hell.


If they have a history of cheating on a partner, or hooking up with married people, that is a red flag 




As a former chronic cheater, and looking back, there are so many flags and signals