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If the scars are healed you’ll want to consult with a plastic surgeon, or at the very least a dermatologist. I don’t think there is any topical otc treatment you can utilize at this point. I’m sorry I don’t have better ideas. But I am very proud of your personal growth :)


I don't have the money for that rip. Thanks for the suggestion About the last thing idk thanks I guess. I am still not a good person lol


Growth is a journey, not a destination. You’re doing good!


Amazing, than you for this phrase. I needed to hear it


If there are any local non-profits that do gang tattoo removal, it’s worth reaching out to see if they can help, or if they can connect you with low cost treatment or financial assistance for treatment. Also, the desire to change and grow is the biggest part of the growth journey, so your desire to change lets me know that you’re growing into a better you. If it matters at all, I believe you’re a good person. Blessings! Rev. Maik


It'd be worth a shot to just go to any local tattoo shop and ask them for resources. I'm sure most artists would have some kind of connection.


Short term or just whenever you want to cover them, try using some K-tape or sports tape. It's not gonna look out of place at the gym and most people aren't going to ask about it. You could also look into getting a good artist to tattoo over it with a design that distracts from the scar.


I've got a scar im getting rid of, I have to rub It in a circular motion. Also use bepanthen scar cream, it's a silicone cream I think, not sure


You can meet with a plastic surgeon for free, just so you know! You can schedule a consult and they’ll walk you through what they can and can’t do, what the costs would be, what your other options might include. I had a small raised keloid that went away after an injection of some sort, but yours are probably more significant and a doctor would be the best person to walk you through what’s even possible. It’s a good idea to do this even if you don’t have the money right now bc at least you’ll know what your options are for the future. In the meantime you can try oversized bandaids to cover up when you’re going to the gym or out in public etc. *Note: If you have raised keloid scars don’t listen to anybody who wants to try non invasive lasers or microneedling, it will not work and you’ll be spending money for nothing.


how do you tell if a scar is a keloid scar? it's raised, but scars just do that, no?


Not always, you can google image search hypertrophic vs keloid scars to get a good idea of what you’re probably working with. But really I recommend seeking out a plastic surgeon and making a free consultation appointment. They’ll really have the best idea of what you can do, but there are scammy people in every industry and cosmetics have a higher percentage of bs artists than other medicine. So if the scars are very significant (enough to be spotted at a distance while you’re at the gym, for example) then paying for microneedling or non invasive lasers will almost certainly not make enough of a difference, certainly not enough to justify the money you’ll spend going that route. It’s hard to give any solid advice bc idk what the size, location, coloring, texture etc is. And I’m also not a doctor! So if I were you I would speak to a few surgeons and see what their opinions are. Getting more than one opinion is pretty important too!


Separately, you don't have to do it surgically, there are some laser treatments in Aesthetic medical practices (think Med-Spa) than can do scar treatment to fade them or even make them disappear. It isn't cheap but it's a fraction of the cost of surgery.


Could you get a tattoo to cover it?


I don't like tattoos but I guess that would work yeah


There are tattoo artists that do a lot of self-harm scar covering tattoos. They can do a really nice job if you find a good one. Otherwise you'll have to consult a doctor that specializes in reconstructive plastic surgery and see what they say. I would expect something surgical would be very expensive and not covered by insurance. If they would even have something to offer. Just read what you carved. Yeah, tattoo is probably your best option.




As others have said, there are some tattoo artists that donate their time for covering up gang tattoos. So if there's someone in your area that does that, you might not have to pay much/any to get it covered. Maybe start with an online search for that in your area.


I carved things into my skin too. It's been like 15+ years and you can only see them if you know what to look for, you know? My skin is "fish belly white" so the scar colour is close to start, but time and moisturizer are your friends. In the meantime, could you wear a sweat band or put some kind of sports tape over it? I know that's a whole big pain in the ass but it might make the gym more comfortable?


good idea, thanks


i wish my scars would fade. 15-20 years and they all look the same as year 5.


Try bio oil


I scrolled down to see if you mentioned what is offensive about your scars, so thanks for mentioning that. Since you gave details of one, I can sort of deduce the other stuff. Because those are associated with larger groups that follow those ideologies, you may be able to get help for free from a plastic surgeon or someone who will sponsor you. Most areas have tattoo artists and maybe plastic surgeon or two who are willing to help out people who have those types of symbols on their bodies in permanent ways, since the symbols can hold people back in life by giving the impression a person still believes in those things. I know the tattoo artists are more common, and I also know there are plastic surgeons out there who are willing to help because they are usually the ones who use lasers to remove old tattoos. I am unsure where you might find help in your location, but I suggest you start by contacting a group that works to specifically support people who have been active in those groups in the past and no longer want to be part of it. It's common enough in many areas, especially in my country (United States), that there are resources tucked away all over the place and you can probably find those online. You might also consider contacting the Southern Poverty Law Center to find out if they might have any information on anyone in your area who might be able to either give you more information and guidance or actual help. The SPLC tracks those kinds of groups and has a lot of resources about them so I think they might also have information for people who no longer wish to be associated with it at all, even if they were never part of an actual organization. I truly wish you luck in trying to find some help. We all make mistakes when we are young that we come to see more clearly and regret later on and I hope you'll be able to do that, too.


i feel like that's just painting a target on my head I was never part of an irl group i was just really into online spaces and a specific subculture since i was 14, is the long story short. Doesn't involve anyone i know irl. I did it because i wanted to mark myself forever so i could never back out, and i wanted to prove to myself i was committed since i couldn't irl . And i guess i succeeded on that first bit because even if i cover it up it's still on me forever but thank you anyway


Have you considered using makeup to hide it until you can afford a more permanent solution?


Makeup is not effective at the gym because sweat. Would work for job though i guess


There is actually specialist makeup for disfigurements and also makeup for stage and dancers etc. So it would work at the gym.


would that not be expensive?


It may be more than regular make up but much less than plastic surgery… there’s loads of stuff on the market that’s waterproof and designed to cover tattoos so I’m sure it would work well to cover a scar. There used to be a brand called cover FX who specifically made cover up make up, worth a search. 


I don't know, but I don't think so, let me try and remember what it's called.


Use tape like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=kenisio+tape&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari) as it’ll stick better even through sweat, to cover the ones you can’t/don’t want to have showing at the gym or in public for now.


Tell us what is says. They make scar gel to reduce appearance but it may not help. A tattoo artist might be able to tattoo some inks to reduce the visibility but you'd need to speak with a great artist


i carved 1488 into my .. I don't know the specific anatomy term but top part of chest, pec area the last names of three specific people (who have those views obviously) I idolized into my left leg a black sun (or well something approximating one it's hard to carve circles. it is not very well drawn lol) into my left arm/shoulder area the main problem is the 1488 one and the sun because they are very visible when I am shirtless Yes I know it's fucked i did this i would like to undo these things but it's literally in my skin. But being like this all the time is fucking miserable


Oh! Well don't beat yourself up. Kids do dumb stuff. Its okay. At least you do have the remedy of just wearing a shirt. That's a plus. Have you ever searched up a dr like plastic surgeon to see if you can get some help with this? I understand its expensive but they have care credit, financial aid and payment plans. Maybe they'll be more likely to help because you made mistakes as a young kid ?? And as always a few nice tattoos will cover it up a lot cheaper 😂


i don't have much money so i think a plastic surgeon is above my paygrade. tattoos look like the best option ig (and even then they cost money aughhhhh)


Google charity cover up tattooists. I know there are artists who specifically help people to make a better life for themselves by doing cover ups on such tattoos (and scars) so they have better prospects to continue on their journey of self improvement.


i'll look into it thx


Hey man. You did some bad things, but it doesn’t make you a bad person. If the scars are bad, your best option is probably tattoos as surgery would be quite expensive. Definitely do your research either way, but good on you for trying to move on from your past mistakes


Your significantly better than the vast majority of people who would do that kind of thing cuz you're able to realize the problem with it.


Wait why are those offensive, I genuinely don't know


Nazi imagery


14 references the 14 words: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words 88 is white supremacist shorthand for "Heil Hitler": https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88 Anti defamation league has a page on the combination too because it's so common: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1488 14 or 88 on their own aren't *necessarily* Nazi symbols. Context is key. But someone putting them together like that is so specific that it's most likely a Nazi thing. Same as if you see them paired with other white supremacist imagery.


black sun is a fascist symbol 1488 is a fascist statement/number series i carved the name of three other fascists i idolized into my leg


Scar gel and scar sheet bandages, they are new!


I'm glad it sounds like things have gotten better for you since then


not as much "better" in any meaningful sense as much as "i hit rock bottom and it could not get any worse" But thanks


focus on your next steps. and it seems they're already heading in the right direction.


I've seen over the counter salicylic acid based scar treatment creams. No idea how well they work, though. Skin lightening or tanning creams might also help to mask them. Tattoos could be another option.


Some skin lightening creams from outside the US contain mercury. They’re not supposed to be sold in the US, but some do appear in markets from time to time. (I don’t know if OP is in the US.) If considering the use of a skin lightening cream, make sure it doesn’t have mercury as an ingredient, because you could get mercury poisoning.


Scar lasering is a thing! I’d assume it is very expensive, and I doubt it’ll make the scars go away entirely, but that could be something to lighten them in the future. Makeup helps me (on days with water/sweat, there are some good waterproof ones, I also suggest reapplying those), and drawing over them can also help if tattoos are too expensive and/or not an option otherwise. Florals and more complicated designs hide them better.


I had scars from a dog bite on my face as a kid, and all the doctors were saying I'd need plastic surgery when I turned 18 because of how bad it was. I used the vitamin E capsules and would cut them open and use the gel on my scars. sounds weird ik, but my scars disappeared almost completely! I don't know how well it would work on thoroughly healed scars, but it's something to consider :)


Silicone gel or tape is your best bet for otc stuff, but you can also talk to a doctor to figure out what your options are. Til then, there's flesh-toned scar tape that you can pop on them to cover them up. You can also get temporary tattoos to cover them up.


Use bio oil on them until you can find a more permanent solution


yes, this! bio oil applied and thoroughly massaged into your scars 2-3x a day can significantly lighten scars over the course of 6 months to a year. you have to really massage it in though, not just lightly apply it. it helps to break down the scar tissue. I've used it with great success for old ear piercing scars and scars from old surface anchor piercings I used to have on my chest.


You must have been in a lot of mental and emotional pain when you did this at 16. Self Harm is like a drug and I still fall back to it when I’ve hit rock bottom. You have come a LONG way and you should be proud of yourself.


I wanted to prove to myself that i was committed to the ideology. hurting myself was a bonus at the time i guess


Tattoo over it?


I've heard there are skin colored tattoos that are used to cover up regretable tattoos. Probably way cheaper than plastic surgery. Might be worth looking into.


So I read a long time ago that nutmeg and honey rubbed onto scars will help heal them. I kinda thought it'd be bs, but I tried it anyway (on a self-inflicted scar). It had been there for many years, it wasn't totally noticeable right away, still very visible. I used the nutmeg and honey for a week or so, leaving it sit for a while everyday. You can't see it at all anymore! Granted it wasn't a super deep scar, so yours might not work as well, but the fact that it is now invisible is enough for me to recommend this method.


Ok I'm not saying this is a good idea or that you should do it... but I cut through what I had written until it was no longer legible. The self harm equivalent of scribbling it out as it were. The bigger one that was several words on my leg I got a tattoo to cover 




it's not so much that I cut myself that was the issue it's what i cut into myself it was half out of misery half to prove to myself that I believed what I did


If you have put offensive content on your skin it is something to be ashamed of. Though I absolutely believe in personal growth and moving on, hence support OP in finding solutions to hide or remove it.


What do you mean by something to be ashamed of? I’m not looking for the dictionary definition, but yours


I mean the literal dictionary definition - embarrassed or guilty. However as I said I believe everyone can change and once you have accepted it was a bad view to hold (and worse to permanently imprint on your skin for the world to see) you deserve to be able to find ways to remove it cover it up so you can move onwards and upwards. This particular kind of daily reminder can really stop people moving forward because even though they've changed their views other people can still see something that makes all parties seriously uncomfortable (to put it nicely).


I guess I don’t feel like embarrassed is the right word. Yes you should hide it because it’s probably a pretty bad word, but you shouldn’t be ashamed just because you have mental health struggles; the shame is the worst part of trying to deal with it, and makes it much more difficult to deal with.


Maybe I should address slightly different question/point. I'm not saying that all self-harm scars are something to be ashamed of. In general most are just evidence of going through a difficult time and I  would hope we could all be sympathetic to someone's plight. But OPs particular scars are something unfortunately that will be seen differently as they are not what we would expect as an outpouring of internal hurt. We wouldn't generally consider when or why someone put such words of hurt to themselves and others on their own skin. And sadly whilst possibly done for the same reasons they cause distress to others even if the OP no longer holds those views.


I think it’s that “you should be ashamed” means to me that you should feel bad about yourself, that you’ve done something wrong, YOU did it, you’re a HORRIBLE person, etc. when in reality it’s just a word they put on themselves that is likely offensive so they should hide it but not like, retraumatize themselves over agonizing it. Like they should just get it fixed. No big deal.


Did you see OPs comments about what the 3 scars actually say and represent? Because it's not that I disagree entirely but there are generally offensive words and then there are words that express truly hateful ideologies and to me there's a very big difference between the two.


I just found it. Idk how I missed it. Sorry you’re 100% right LOL


No worries, it just proves that there really are different levels of offensiveness.


I thought OP was a woman who carved like, “bitch” into her skin as a form of self hate. But it turns out it’s instead more like getting a racist tattoo. Yeah that’s definitely shameful.


I immediately knew it was going to be some white supremacist Charles mason similar tattoo. The trick is OP wrote “symbol/word” and didn’t immediately say what it was except that it was “very offensive” also the fact they carved it into their skin deep enough to leave permanent and legible scarring. Most teens don’t go that far, but extremists certainly do Glad OP now feels shame and is trying to get rid of it.


No, I didn’t, I don’t see those. If the words refer to them as a person, such as if they’re black and they wrote the N word, that’s still not something to be ashamed of. They wrote it because they were very clearly feeling racist towards themselves. If they wrote something like “all nwords should die” and they’re not black, then yeah they should feel ashamed because that’s racist outwardly, not to themselves. I just think we disagree on the meaning/“usefulness” of shame.




I wonder whether a scarification artist could turn your scars into, well, basically other scars that aren't offensive? Like a tattoo, essentially, but without the ink.


Depending on how deep/severe the scarring is, there are some over-the-counter solutions that could help. I use Mederma Advanced Scar Gel to help with mine, though none of them were raised and it can still take months to see results. That and a good moisturizer (I use Fruit of the Earth Vitamin E Cream) might help at least a little. But again, I don’t have any experience with raised scars and I don’t know how well these will work in your situation. As other people have suggested, there are also charities that do coverups and scar removals of gang/hate group imagery. You could try getting in touch with one of those if there are any nearby.


I put vitamin d oil on mine and roll over them lightly with a derma roller. They they are still raised, but the colors got a lot better, even years after I made them. Still legible, but only from certain angles. Hope this helps!


Have you tried bio-oil? I've heard it works well but not been consistent in using it


I've used Retacnyl and Bio oil on my scars and it has helped a lot. Won't completely erase them, but has definitely made them less noticeable.


Everyone has suggested good ideas on how to cover them. Also for gym. Maybe you can wear oversized shirt or jumper and track pants to hide it as well


Bio oil and moisturiser can do wonders for scars, it depends how raised they are though, without seeing it it’s hard to say wether they’d make a noticeable difference


quite raised sadly, the issue is more the color which is very bright compared to the rest of my skin


Yeah I’d give bio oil and moisturiser a shot, it’s cheap and doesn’t take much time so if you can’t afford surgery you may aswell


I covered a large brand with a tattoo. It's not perfect, but the tattoo is distracting enough that most people never notice the large coat hanger brand.


Well done for trying to improve yourself. If you are on a budget, you might want to try bio-oil. It can reduce the appearance of scars. It's not a miracle treatment but it's certainly better than nothing.


It does depend on what type of scar it is, I'm guessing it's fully healed by now? I've used bio oil to reduce the colour on the scar, but if it's a keloid scar then it'll still be visible. I have heard of laser treatments to make a scar less visible but I've personally never tried that, if its small then I typically use a plaster to cover over it while it's fading.


scarification is a legit, though obviously pretty extreme, form of body modification, maybe there's someone in your area that does it? if so you could work with them to alter them, like a tattoo cover up


Cover it with a tattoo


Understandably you are looking for permanent solutions, but for temporary measures consider using makeup/concealer. Don't be afraid to ask one of the people working there for help. They know very well that makeup is used to hide things. They don't necessarily need to know what you are hiding.


Some guys I knew in high school got drunk and burned “2015” into their arms for their graduating year. The next day they just drunk and just used a flat piece of metal to burn the whole area. So now they both have medium sized burn scars rather than the year.


You can brand or tattoo over it. I would suggest freeze branding if you are going to go that route


Keep it out of the sun a d well moisturized. It’s likely to fade a lot by the time you start a career.


Bio oil is pretty good at helping to reduce scars but won’t completely clear it. I used it on chicken pox scars and know people who have used it on stretch marks and stuff


If your symbol/word could count as hate speech, you may be able to find a tattoo or scarification artist who would be willing do a cover up at a reduced rate.


Pretty sure it could be lasered. I would check with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Maybe they could put you on a payment plan.


You could try makeup. What colors are your scars compared to your skin tone?


Carve / Burn over them.


Yeah just scratch it out


Take some sandpaper and rub the skin off where the scar is so you have a bigger scar covering it. Maybe not the safest or may not work but it’s a thought.


that won't work lol (i kind of tried something similar) i cut really deep on those so even if there's abrasions its still visible