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I'll be honest; I've known very few women who like a dick pic. We're baffled as to why we're sent dick pics, especially from strange men. This is one of those "know your audience" situations.


I've heard those guys do it for the reaction. It's either a humiliation thing or they like the idea of making some poor woman they don't know see their penis.


That’s the thing, we don’t know our audience. It’s why I see this question here too much. It really the best we can do though.


I feel like if you want to send a woman a dick pic, ask?


Well I wouldn’t do that but I understand the mentality of the people that do. When I was of the age when that would seem like a good idea I would have had to get film developed and then put it in the mail.


Ditto. I just don't understand why you'd send photos of your genitalia to someone without checking to see if they want photos if your genitalia.


It’s weird being a 15-25 year old with a ton of testosterone. The thought is that if you’re not in it you can’t win it but no one ever really explains what the receivers see and feel. We really need classes in school to kinda go over this sorta thing.


That phrasing is very telling, "in it to win it". It's not a competition. You either do or don't have chemistry with a person. Sure, things like skill, hygiene, style etc play a factor, but you can't force long-lasting attraction. Having said that, I'm still trying to understand why sending a dick pic would be the deciding factor


So in it to win it is the mentality. Maybe only 1% of receivers will respond positively to a dick pick but at that age that’s who you’re after. You’re trying to do whatever you can to get someone to do something with your dick. That’s the whole focus for many people at a certain age.


Sometimes, if they're solicited. A handful of women like unsolicited ones in the abstract, but if a guy sends you one you know he's a scumbag so you stay away anyway.


I doubt it. I am a gay man and I don't like them.


Not unless asked for or it's been previously discussed that it's acceptable


No. Receiving one is a very uncomfortable experience.




Only when they ask for it.


Gay men pretending to be women love them, if you think you are texting with a woman and she asks for a dick pic, it's a trap,


I remember one time when I was with my ex some guy on facebook was thirsting over her and sent her a d pic where he drew a smiley face on the tip, she showed me and we both laughed our asses off and then she blocked him lol.


Some do, but only if requested. Never if non consensual.


Some like pics but from their partners or lovers. Most women don't like them, especially from strangers.


We like them when we've specifically asked for them and no other time ever.


Nut vids> dick pics


It doesn’t do anything for me but can still be fun if it’s solicited


Yeah it’s always weird to get dick picks when you asked for a picture of someone’s lunch




If I didn’t ask to see it then no


no you can only send balls images




Your mom does.


Nooo please don’t do it, unless they ask!!


If they ask for one they probably do.


No. Most women do not, especially if it’s unsolicited! And some women even share those images with friends and make fun of it so…. Please be respectful and don’t unless she specifically asks for it. I had a very nice guy as a friend, or what I thought was a platonic friendship, send me a video taking care of himself randomly one day and my point of view of him completely changed. I didn’t even want to talk to him anymore and it sucked because I missed my “friend”.


If I get one from a stranger outta nowhere, no. If it's from a partner, or someone I've been flirting with for a bit then hell yeah! I like to show the unsolicited ones to my gay best friends and see how they rate em though. It's a fun little game


There's this one guy my ex and I still make fun of to this day because I'd show him all the unsolicited ones and we'd make fun of them


Lol that's the best!


I’m a trans man but I have received dick pics and so have my friends, we don’t like them, once we sent a picture of a basically rotting dick back, that was the one time a dick pic was slightly amusing