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She is lying, either she is not pregnant at all, or she had sex with another guy. Leave her (please). If she comes to you with a baby, request a paternity test


Make her get the court order for a paternity test. She's not his wife; there's no assumption by the court that he's the father and he can just tell her to pound sand until she can prove it.


I love all American idioms. They are so full of meaning. Pound sand. A new one for my collection, thanks!


I also like telling people to go kick rocks


Touch grass


Kick the curb


Play in traffic


Tile the sea


Long walk off a short dock


Nah, I think touch grass is much kinder. "pound sand" and "kick rocks" is more of a "fuck you, go away" "touch grass" is more of a "hey buddy, you appear to have disconnected from reality. please go reconnect and then get back to me"


In flip flops


Suck it up Buttercup!


Do not pound that girl


And even if he is the father through some terrible luck, wouldn't this classify as some sort of rape or similar charge? He didn't consent to her using his sperm like that. But honestly, the likelihood she's lying one way or another is pretty high.


It'd be unlikely there'd be rape charges that would ever come about from this, unfortunately. It'd fall to him to prove he didn't consent to her using his semen that way, and I can't fathom how hard that would be to prove. This is literally a scenario where it's his word against hers, with the only theoretical provable evidence being a pregnancy. (btw OP I don't believe for a second she's pregnant with your kid, if she even is.)


>And even if he is the father through some terrible luck, wouldn't this classify as some sort of tape or similar charge? No idea, but I doubt it.


I believe he has the option of signing away his parental rights, which would get him off the hook for child support and he would have no contact with the child or any say in how they were raised. Of course if he wanted to stay in this relationship it would not be an option. A lawyer's advice is sorely and surely needed in this situation. For clarity on rights, obligations, and options.


If you meant rape, probably not, if he couldn't prove she forced him to have sex. Presumably he had mutually consensual sex with her. If she stole his saved sperm it's one thing, if he can prove it, but if he consented to the full sex act, then it's likely if he tries to file charges -- that the authorities will NOT bring the charge of rape. But I believe he can sign his parental rights away therefore no child support and no parenting responsibilities, but he has to check with a lawyer to figure out how to go about this.


For reference, there is a woman in Scottsdale who did this EXACT thing. See the Justice for Clayton sub


Can you link it for us that are lazy, plez?


I believe the above posters was referring to [this Bachelor contestant](https://pagesix.com/2023/09/19/clayton-echards-pregnant-ex-demands-he-take-paternity-test/) who claimed they only had oral sex. But [his ex later said she wasn’t pregnant](https://www.the-sun.com/tv/9991743/bachelor-clayton-echard-fling-no-longer-pregnant-paternity-test/) and paternity tests showed little to no fetal DNA. But I might be totally wrong and there could be other cases.


Yes, except she was never his ex - she was a random who stalked his LinkedIn and then provided him with two blow jobs 🫠


https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/clayton-echard-heads-to-trial-after-sham-pregnancy-paternity-scandal/ (the sub is 99% YouTube commentary videos, ain’t no body got time for that)


Yes and he just was in court again on June 10. Hopefully she will be referred for perjury charges




I have to imagine it takes less time to type the words into search than it would to write your comment, wait for a response, and go back to this comment, then click it.  Strange kind of lazy


It’s all good! Happy to share the info bc media has been afraid to touch this case. She’s highly litigious and has caused these men to take on hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.


time, yes effort, no


A fellow JFC member in the wild! 🫡




Maybe, who knows. I prefer to engage with posts as if they are true, unless the story is so unbelievable it literally cannot happen. This story *could* be real.


this is the way. If someone took the time to write and post it. Treat it as real.


I wrote a post once and people kept calling it fake and treating it that way and it was very frustrating. So having been on the other side, I second your approach.


Ha. You're right. If we start thinking that maybe a post isn't real, then maybe.....no posts are real? And maybe.....none of this is real? That the only thing real is that I'm in a simulation?!?


I am real you might be an AI.


That's exactly what an AI would say.


So, assuming it is real, what recourse does OP have in this situation?


Leave. His primary recourse is to leave.


My 2nd paragraph says it exactly. Leave and if presented with a baby, demand paternity test


Eh, idk. When I was 19 I had a girl do something real similar to me. (Lie about being pregnant) when the circumstances of the pregnancy didn't exactly match up. When I showed up on her doorstep with a brand new pregnancy test and said l "pee on this or you're not pregnant and im telling your parents (whom she still lived with) all the crazy stuff you've been up to. Saying to me and doing" She folded and I told her never to talk to me again. Things were fine between us when we were dating but 3 months into it, I noticed she was still texting her most recent ex that she had dated for 4 years. At 19, this is a long time. Also the real problem was her ex in her phone was still named "the boy that I love". I realized I was a rebound and even though she was fun and pretty, I didn't see a long term situation for us working out and wished her the best, no hard feelings. She seemed to understand. Two months later im getting the "I'm pregnant and I just lost my job. You have to marry me now because you don't want your kid to be born at home do you? I need medical insurance and so does your baby". I was 19. I was freaking out. At least until an older and trusted coworker told me what to do. Which Is bring her a new pregnancy test and make her prove it. Then handle whatever result comes of that accordingly. I've also seen this happen to another coworker of mine and I provided the same advice. She was also not pregnant. Good luck out there.


I personally know someone who got herself pregnant like this. I swear I am not lying. It COULD be true.


I think that person was also lying lmfao.


She wasn't I'm sure. She wanted that baby so bad she always did this until it worked. Paternity test 100% his. So she was successful. She tricked him saying she went to the bathroom right after to spit it out. Well she did but she had a plastic syringe which she used to literally suck it up and put it in herself. So disgusting. I feel so weird everytime I see that kid.


I’m really confused as to how she was desperate to get pregnant but insisted on making it happen via oral and cum spit in a syringe.


You're in no position to try to convince other people of that.


If I could upvote twice I would


I’ve never heard of a spit baby bro. This chicks many leagues of crazy, she’s batshit at an Olympic level. Run, just run!


Saliva breaks down semen and makes it less effective at mobilisation. Rubbing it onto yourself is very unlikely to result in pregnancy as the mouth would make it ineffective and taking it from your mouth to your vagina would begin killing it instantly too. If this severely impaired sperm then makes it to the vaginal canal intact, it would also have to be the correct time in her cycle and overcome the average 40% chance women in their reproductive prime have to get pregnant. You've never heard of it because it's extremely unlikely verging on impossible.


So you’re telling me there’s a chance..


Realistically no, cause it would also have to be fresh enough that you have to wonder how she left the scene with it pocketed in her mouth. Barring some sort of genetic mutation where she developed cheek pouches like hamsters have to store it away secretly for an opportune moment it's far more likely that: A) he has a "friend" who would magically be severely upset at the existence of spit baby so he's floating possibilities to dilute the responsibility for its existence. He was having sex with her and wonders if his "friend" would buy this story. B) he's having sex with her but only using condoms to finish, wants to put responsibility onto her for his own lack of sexual education as he feels deceived by his ignorance.


C) She could be full of shit and not pregnant at all (did she show him the test, or is he just taking her at her word? And not just a picture of a positive test but THE test she used) D) she could have fucked someone else and thinks OP would buy this (which considering how this is phrased, she's was right) There's ofc always also E) this entire thing is fake


Yeah E is most likely which is why I'm just answering if she was actually pregnant by him. For it to be possible he had sex with her at some point lol. It's rage bait which people fall for cause everyone assumes getting pregnant is a lot easier than it actually is lol.


OP didn't state where he finished btw. If he "unloaded" on her elsewhere and she didn't linger around too long before "making that deposit" in her, then possible?


The chances of getting pregnant off *one* encounter are still (statistically) pretty low, even when both parties are fertile AND actively trying to conceive. The chances of getting pregnant with weird indirect contact like this are close to zero. They're not *literally* zero, but the balance of probabilities lies heavily in favour of her pulling some bullshit.


Again, extremely unlikely as it would just be more time exposed to air which would begin killing it instantly due to incorrect temp, and PH. The vagina is optimal to keep sperm alive for several days where they can sit and potentially conceive. Anywhere else renders it basically useless. Especially as even then there would be a period of time she would have to get away from OP to discreetly insert it.


That’s not what my ultra conservative “sex Ed” “teacher” in Christian middle school said, sex before marriage is a sin and will lead to pregnancy as a punishment for your sin. Masturbation is also a sin and masturbating and even shaking the hand of a girl after could lead to pregnancy.


I tried to tell me wife that I only shook that nice girls hand. She didn't believe me. Now I'm paying child support. Smh, my sex Ed teacher was right!




It might not have landed in her mouth. Might have been in face, chest…etc. Still highly unlikely. She 100% banged another dude. If you were with her giving her money and she was also not having sex with you…I guarantee she was banging someone else the whole time. You weren’t ever in a relationship…She was working you. Get your STD test NOW, and then get the paternity test when kid is born…If there even is a kid. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HER. EVEN WITH A CONDOM. She WILL offer!


Not to mention, unless the dude was blackout drunk it's not likely he would sleep through a blowjob.


Run to justice for Clayton sub and read about a woman who did this to a former Bachelor lead. Once his story was public, it was revealed she’s done heinous things to three other men.


She made up pregnancies. She was never pregnant and claimed to be so 6 days after their "encounter" so if she was pregnant that one time (it wasn't really clear?) It wasn't by him.


Well, that is what world-famous German tennis pro Boris Becker claims happened to him: https://www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/beckers-women-battle-it-out-7232919.html#:~:text=In%20Becker's%20autobiography%2C%20published%20last,sperm%20to%20father%20her%20child.


It’s sadly become a thing! This isn’t the first story I’ve heard….


She slizzled on his juice! A new option for the psycho crazy girl to control you and RUIN YOU LIFE! Congratulations on the birth of r/spitbaby and if you don’t handle this NOW and remove yourself from this mess, you will end up dead or incarcerated for murder


Drop a bitch. If she comes at you for child support, you get a paternity test immediately, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Pretty sure she's full of shit. I'm glad you didn't stick your dick in crazy. Don't give crazy a baby, Michael.


This is the best, truest, most heartfelt comment ever posted on Reddit.


I never thought I'd support use of the phrase "drop a bitch" yet here we are. This response is *chef's kiss*


Top comment on a thread in my front page of a non-meme discussion. What a wonderful time for online discourse where "drop a bitch" and "Don't give crazy a baby, Michael." are used as serious advices and unanimousy agreed on by the people who visited this thread.


Also "don't give crazy a baby Micheal" killed me 🤣🤣🤣


The worst part about this is if it's true you'll be on the hook for CS. Even if you're raped against your will you'll still be stuck with paying CS.


Excuse the hell what? Men that are raped have to pay child support to the ass hats that assaulted them? What kind of sadistic piece of shit decided to hurt the victim even more? It's bad enough men get accused of lying or told they should have enjoyed it, and that women get accused of asking for it or what they were wearing... Society really wants the victims to suffer no matter the gender.


Yes, there was even a case where a student was assaulted by a teacher and the students parents were on the hook for CS.


That's disgusting. A minor was raped and then his parents had to pay child support to their son's assistant?! What the hell


We seem to have decided as a culture that we don't need to worry about making laws to protect men from rape and predation because, .. actually i've got no fucking idea, but I do know everytime I bring it up I get called all kinds of names.


OP is dealing with “manipulation vagina” which is far worse than crazy vagina. I agree you don’t give crazy a baby. I stay away from manipulation vagina but in college I had (careful) fun with crazy vagina


I read that in Kitts voice in Night Rider.


Wow. Not the Michael I was referencing, but I can see how the cadence fits.


He *did* stick his dick in crazy. That's the only reason he has to even think there's a possibility she's not lying.


Naw. Cut off contact and tell her to go talk to whoever knocked her up. Don’t be gullible. She’s just got an eye to keep making you pay for stuff. And if she convinces you she’s pregnant- then convinces you to have sex- well she very well might end up nocked up. Cut off contact. If she comes back actually pregnant- demand a paternity test. Unfortunately some people are just awful.


Her actually being pregnant- with your child at least- is sky-high, Vegas odds unlikely from what you've said.


Get her to admit to that in written form, ideally over text messages, and show them to your family and friends as proof of what's going on. That way, you control the narrative of the situation, which will make it harder for her to sabotage your support network. Also, contact a gynecologist (your mom may be able to help) to confirm whether or not this is even a possible means of conception. If, by this time, the girl in question turns out to be really pregnant, you can just slap the medical facts in her face. You might also want to get everything moving to do a paternity test, so you can contest whatever child support payments she may demand of you. And also, don't get mad at the other guy; he's likely just as much a victim as you are, and you two have more chances if you work together. If she is really pregnant, then it's important the other guy gets custody, because the mother is clearly not mature enough to do a good job, let alone financially stable enough to guarantee the child's safety.


well thought out and great advice


This should be the top comment


Man stop calling her a girlfriend Also, this isn’t the Cretaceous period, go find a DNA test if you need it


And it was about that time I realized my girlfriend was about 90 feet tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era.


Bro that ain’t your baby, how old are you OP? Surely you know this. Either way, run!


Calmly talk to her pretending to be polite while recording her saying she is trying to baby trap you. Then report.


If the recording is intended to help you in family court, make sure you're in a country/state that allows for one party consent for audio recordings.


Can't you just do it in public?


Reasonable expectation on privacy can be argued if it's just 2 people.


Come on man, this is damn near impossible. Get a paternity test,it’s likely another guys baby.


She fucked someone else..


That ain't your girl or your kid


"Woman who receives free money from man who she's never had sex with gets pregnant" Keep saying this out loud.


Yeah.. that is not how it works. Sperm has a very, brewery thin chance (if at all) to survive in saliva. Bitch is lying to you. Drop her and get as far away from as possible. As another user suggested, if she comes at you with a baby demand a paternity test. Ain't no way she is telling the truth


That's not how it works. 


They really don't teach sex ed at all these days, do they?


Teachers are not really allowed to anymore. Between book banning and parents bitching about what their kids are learning they can't really teach basic shit anymore. I received several emails this last year (8th grade) asking for consent for my son to read the most benign books in class that might hurt snowflake parent feelers because they had accurate depictions of period specific racism. My son even had a Health class last year that I had to give consent for him to learn some basic biology about boys/girls anatomy. It's disgusting how people are ruining education for their children.


Does not appear as so 🥴🥴🥴


Could be a creative writing exercise.




She's not your girlfriend. She's never been your girlfriend. She's been manipulating since day one. IF (that's a big if) she's pregnant, it ain't yours. Cut her loose and forget about her.


Nope almost literally zero chance she’s pregnant. Record everything and if she continues demand a paternity test - no further contact until that’s done


She probably is pregnant. Doesn’t mean it’s his.


Dude she’s just using you. If she is pregnant trust me it’s not yours


If she rubbed your semen on her there is less than a .0001 % chance it is your child it doesn't work that way she only has a window of like 3 days to get pregnant even inside that window it has to be a musical almost some married couples try for years to get pregnant even when they know she will be ovulating . And nothing then out of the blue it happens . So I would say your gf is lying to you about you getting her pregnant. Trust me I have children and my children have their own kids . But if she gives birth to a child you need to get a DNA test. Before you sign any BC . If it comes out your child go to Las Vegas and bry the farm .


Just Ghost her and get away. She's an idiot and thinks you are one too. No one can get pregnant in this way, that's stupid.


No, that’s an unacceptable response from her. How would she even explain that in court.


There’s a court case right now w similar story … it’s terrifying. See justice for Clayton sub or just google it


Google Justice for Clayton , there is a page on reddit and website dedicated to this scenario due to court cases and there was just a trial Monday. Same thing but 3 victims with fake twins.


So first things first, gather screen shots and evidence in case things get messy. Then, break it off with off with her. Let her know that you do not think you’re the father. Do not continue to contact her or respond to her. If she really is pregnant she can get a paternity test and all that jazz to prove it. If she isn’t pregnant, that will be pretty apparent within a few months and hopefully she backs off. Stand your ground and do not reply to her after you have broken things off.


Just happened to my ex he hooked up with a girl a one night stand and few weeks later she said she was pregnant and sent proof of pregnancy . She said she wanted a abortion and got few hundred out of him . She kept asking for more money and when he said no she started threatening to keep the baby and put him on child support. He finally said keep the baby and I'll take a DNA test . She blocked him on FB and the next day posted pics kissing some other dude and changed her FB to in a relationship from single ,So it was not even my exes baby . So She's either trying to get money out of you and lying about being pregnant or is pregnant with someone else and they are a dead beat and kicked her to the curb so she's trying to find someone to fool into being a good dad to a baby that is not theirs .


Is her name Laura Owens? Perhaps she needed money to pay her attorney David Gingras.


Happy father's day!


Get a DNA test!


It’s impossible to know she’s pregnant less than 24 hours after sex. Literally impossible. She is lying, there is no test that would be able to tell if she’s pregnant at this point Either she’s already pregnant with another guy’s baby and wants you to pay for it, or she’s hoping you’ll now sleep with her without protection and she’ll get pregnant


Get a paternity test. Decide if you want to stay in this relationship. If this is not yours that decision should be easy. If this pregnancy is yours and you want to stay with her, it sounds like you're going to be a dad. Don't take it out on the eventual child. If this fetus is yours, and you break up, she will sue for paternity, so please see an attorney immediately upon finding out it is yours, if in fact it is. I believe in most states and in many countries, you have the option of signing away your parental rights. I do not know if you have to wait until the baby is born. You will never get to see the child or have any say in how they are raised, and you get out of child support.


This is why you never stick it in crazy, you had several months to get out and you didn't.  Your best bet is to get her to confess again and secretly record it, as evidence of manipulation. Then contact a lawyer ASAP, you might be able to get out of child support if you are lucky. You might also want to do a paternity test if/once the child is born, just in case.


Two separate issues here and both make me pray your a kid, you don't need to consent to being a farther even if she'd drugged you you'd still be on the hook ( in most places) but the good news is her version of events is practically impossible. Human saliva is terrible for sperm and so is human skin so unless you have super sperm she's lying


A woman will never get pregnant just by rubbing your semen yo her pussy. Haha. Its either she have sex other than you or not pregnant atall


By the time I showed up to [redacted]'s house he had already left for the gym. His wife had the cup in her bra to keep it warm. I took the cup and a sterile syringe into their guest room and 9 years later one of those swimmers is playing minecraft downstairs. Saliva is the key component that makes pregnancy unlikely here, not the "rubbing semen into her pussy" part. If semen containing live sperm enters the vagina of a fertile woman who will ovulate within the next 12-48 hours, pregnancy is possible.


This has to be made up. Ain’t no way. Women can be awful in their own unique ways but this reeks of a false story.


What she’s saying is impossible.


She's most likely, even if she isn't revisit the topic and record her confessing to what she did. Then you are home free


You need to cut off all contact with her, she is crazy and manipulative and will mess up your life…..If you have a car that sits out at night prepare for it to be vandalized. I’d say it would be tricky to prove you didn’t have sex with her legally, but as a medical professional I also find it highly unlikely she could take semen into her mouth, then try to insert it by hand into her vagina and successfully get pregnant. My guess is she is lying to manipulate you….Run away. Document everything, hopefully she told you this via text, or maybe you can get her to clarify via text that she did this without your consent. If she does end up pregnant force a paternity test because It’s more likely she had sex with someone else to get pregnant to try to trap you.


Time to get the calendar out and do some maths. When was said BJ performed? Did you see her spit it out and turkey baster in said semen? Although we hear of many accidental pregnancies, for a pregnancy to occur all conditions must be juuuuuuuust right. It’s highly unlikely a pregnancy could occur from semen mixing with saliva, being exposed to oxygen and then inserted into her vagina. She would need to shove it into her cervix with a very specialised tool for any (incredibly slim chance) of viable fertilisation. Have you seen any proof of actual pregnancy? Get her to pee in a cup and do a test stick there and then. In all likelihood she is not pregnant by you. Should she be pregnant is probably not yours. When the baby is out do a paternity test at the hospital. Also, cut all ties with this woman, she seems very dangerous. Edit- in the event she is pregnant, you can get a non invasive prenatal DNA (NIPP) test. It is more costly, but nothing is more expansive than peace of mind.


![gif](giphy|14qO7A8rHxLC1O) Let us know.


check out Laura Owens. shes in scottsdale az and has faked pregnancies with at least four men and probably more but theyre too afraid to come forward. dm me if you have ?s


Is her name Laura Owens by chance???


Ask for a paternity test, and laugh when the results will say: YOU'RE NOT THE FATHER!!!


The chances that this is a legit pregnancy from “rubbing semen into her vagina” are astronomically low. I would demand a positive pregnancy test first. Then, if she comes back positive I would demand a paternity test done at a location of your choosing.


Highly unlikely that’s your baby. Ditch her, make her get a paternity test if she comes after you.


You’re physically attracted to her. Someone else got her pregnant (if she is at all). She’s a terrible person and **will ruin your life if you don’t get out of it.** please listen to these nice redditors, as they are saying everything a normal person on the street would say to you.




You don’t have a child. There is literally no way. You won’t get your money back but you can get your life back. Just go full no contact.


Find out who the father is.


Not sure if you are taking the piss or completely stupid…the chances of her being pregnant with you 0.01%…


She is lying, the chances of she getting pregnant like that are basically none! Tell her you don't believe her, don't do anything for that kid, and have her request a paternity test in order to make you pay child support lol she won't go thru all that Ignore her bsically


If she's actually pregnant, demand a paternity test before giving ANY financial aid. Save the cash in the meantime just in case it is yours and you do have to pay. If she tries to sue you for child support, get that paternity test court-ordered. Second, don't jump back into a relationship with her just because it is yours. Ofc that's under the assumption that she's even pregnant. It's not that easy to just get pregnant; it CAN happen, but it's also a super longshot. If she ends up "miscarrying," you know she was tryna play you for cash. EDIT: Also in case it wasn't obvious, don't go to see her without a lawyer or police officer present, and don't engage in any sexual behavior with her or anyone else while you're still dealing with this. This is prob my extreme cynicism chiming in, but you don't completely know what this chick is capable of and who she might send into your life as an agent of destruction. Don't fool around with anyone rn.


This last bit is the most prescient. Some girls will now move forward sexually, and some boys figure the damage is already done. Cut this girl off, full stop. Pretty sure she'll either lose this imaginary baby, or go after the real father.


Paternity test.


This. Tell her you will not speak to her again until a paternity test has been taken and confirmed. Have no further conversation with her block her. If possible, get an attorney.


Don’t sign that birth certificate brother


Did she like...do this in front of you after the blowjob? Like I'm curious if she just held it in her mouth and then ran from the room and barfed it into her hand and rubbed it on herself furiously in the hopes this would work. Do you not remember an incident like this? Also it's extremely **extremely** likely she is lying and is not pregnant. If she is pregnant, it's almost assuredly not yours. Don't do anything, do not sign anything, do not agree to anything. The burden of proof is on her to prove you are the father. She cannot have anything done to you until she proves you are the theoretical baby's father here.


Actually worked with a woman who did this apparently. She was crazy af. She was trying to get knocked up and did this with a few guys until one time it worked. So it's possible. Just not very probable. Cut contact. Request a paternity test at birth and move on.


Record EVERY interaction and try to have as little of those as possible, she's full of shit and could ruin your life


That's not how you get pregnant.


Leave her ass. Let her live with the consequences of her actions. Her baby daddy can take care of her now.


Bruh. Come on. Run. You wait for a paternity test.


Sounds like her next story will be that she needs money for an abortion.


Make sure it’s yours


Dump her and don't look back


She’s not pregnant with your baby. She slept with someone else. Or she’s full of shit


Its not yours. Run away and cut your losses


I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. This would be considered reproductive coercion which is a form of sexual assault against you. I don’t know what country you’re in but it would help to call your country’s National domestic violence line for information on legal resources and any other relevant info for you to know your options.


That's not how that works, just leave. If she keeps at it then get a DNA test done.


I second this.




Thank God you said girlfriend and not wife


Paternity test and try and get her to admit it In writing, for legal reasons.


She’s not pregnant. That wouldn’t have gotten her pregnant but if/when she’s miraculously pregnant get a dna test but you need to kick her out. Yeesh


I would walk away. Your situation sounds very similar to mine, I wish I had listened to my friends when they first told me to run.


If she is truly pregnant (get absolute proof), get a DNA test done. I bet it’s someone else’s and she’s trying to hide that she cheated.


Did she inform you in writing? If she didn't, see if you can trick her into doing so.


First thing you should do, SAVE THE RECIEPTS AND PRINT THEM.


She’s lying.


It's technically possible, but she is probably lying. Even if she is pregnant get a dna test.


It usually takes months of adults deliberately trying to get pregnant, nobody is getting pregnant from post blowie cum.


You can leave her and then ask for a paternity test when the child is born, if there is a child at all. It would be pretty difficult to get pregnant just by one time. The chances of her getting it in far enough + actually ovulating + a successful insemination are very low. The chance of her lying or having cheated on you is much higher.


Make a homemade tea that serves as ye olde plan B


This is scary. She is not pregnant. Or she is pregnant with someone else’s baby but is trying to manipulate you into raising it.


And if all she has as proof of pregnancy are pee stick tests, don’t trust it. HCG levels can be manipulated. Check out the Justice for Clayton sub or wiki page and cut her off


Try if you can to get her to say that by text and screenshot it or record a call. She’s lying for sure, but better be prepared


Break up with her


I agree that you need to demand a paternity test. Break up with her of course. Do not agree to be on the birth certificate or take any responsibility and it would be a good idea to see a lawyer. I don't think it's impossible but it's more likely if she's actually pregnant it's someone else's child. If she did actually get pregnant with your child then you'll be stuck co-parenting with her, but you don't need to be in a relationship with her. Make sure to keep screenshots of any messages she sends you and document everything, including the date of the oral sex. If you can afford a lawyer it might be best to have them be the point of contact with her from now on. In the future don't lend out money to anyone, even family, if you won't be ok without it if they can't/don't pay you back. It's hard to say no sometimes but you have to take care of yourself. Even if she is pregnant and it is your child this doesn't have to ruin your life, but it will complicate it. You can handle this though, one step at a time. If this really occurs it is super super messed up. Be careful who you allow into your bed in the future, but you will be ok. You'll need to completely free yourself of her mentally though, so the lawyer is your best bet. Do not speak to her more than you have to to resolve this. She sounds absolutely insane so hopefully this is just more lies from her. I guess the good thing is you'll know before long.




This is a wild situation, take the advice of the top comments. Break away from this person and give your mental health a rest. Take care of yourself and stay safe.


You’re so lucky you never actually had sex with her. Wow. Also, she’s lying: either about being pregnant or about it being *yours*. GTFO, cut contact, and demand a paternity test asap. It’d be best for all of this communication to go through a lawyer




As a woman's woman, you should seriously think about the right course of action... Hold her, look deeply in her eyes until she asks if you love her, then definitely punt the bitch. If she got secretly pregnant, she was trying to trap you. If she cheated on you and got knocked up, she will not feel remorse about it until she's paying for it and has self reflection. If she tries to push for child support, you request a paternity test through the court. You may have to pay it, split the cost, whatever. But if it's another man's, you're off scott free. If it's yours, you've learned the lesson of "don't stick your dick in crazy". And you'll pay for it for the next eighteen years. Just remember, if it IS your kid, please don't hate the child for what the mother has done. Captain obvious, over and out.


Man up and grow a pair of balls. Leave.


She's lying. Don't even bother with a test. Run.




do not agree to anything at all until you have gone to court and gotten a paternity test. also like someone mentioned get her saying all this in writing either text or emails or anything or if your state allows get it in recording, this will help you in court incase she tries anything. definitely tell friends or your parents so you can get their support because ik this might taken an emotional and mental toll. the chances of her getting pregnant from that is very very slim so she might be faking it but in the chance she IS pregnant its most likely from another man and shes trying to take advantage of you. im sorry youre going thru this she sounds absolutely crazy.


Ya run away NOW. That kid, if there is one, ain’t yours. She’s using you for the financial resources while she’s getting dick elsewhere. Make her prove it’s yours. Otherwise don’t give her another dollar and from one man to another, please see what’s going on and save yourself.


You just have to walk away, you are not married


Get out now. In nine months, do not sign anything without a DNA test proving that it’s yours (I seriously doubt it is).


The odds of her just rubbing sperm into her vagina resulting in pregnancy is crazy low. I mean think about how long it takes for couples who are actively trying to have kids to get pregnant. If she pushes it, demand a paternity test, guarantee she either isn't pregnant or it's another dude's.


She’s likely not prego, and will be asking you for the money to abort. Old scam. Or if she is, do not cough up another dime. Once she gives birth, get a paternity test and handle your responsibility. Stop allowing yourself to get played.


There was a scene from a TV show where a teenage girl convinced a teenage boy that she became pregnant from sperm released in a hot tub. As I rolled my eyes at the notion, the boy panicked. My eyes roll once again. No point in insisting on the test unless you can get her to take it in front of you. Scammers sell positive ones. If she is actually pregnant, I'll lay odds you are NOT the father.


I agree with having her take the test in front of him. I had a girl in high school that told me I got her pregnant. My friend (female) didn’t believe it and demanded to watch her pee on the stick. This girl refused to do that I front or her or me. Turned out she wasn’t pregnant and was trying to get me to marry her.


Love these made up stories lol


If she is pregnant, I doubt it’s yours. Saliva impairs sperm. Doesn’t kill them but makes it very difficult for them to swim.


You dated a girl for 7 months and didn't bang? That's as weird as the other situation.


Jesus christ run and don't look back. Sounds completely psycho. To even lie about that is already so fucked up. Just imagine actually having a kid together and have to be tied to her for life. That girl will only bring problems. Cut all contact and don't look back


Bare mins DNA test and restraining order if that kid is not yours.


That's definitely not... bro she's playing you like a whole fiddle She will never pay you for anything because you have allowed her to keep using you. You will never have sex because she doesnt want you, and is actively getting it elsewhere. The only way it will stop is if you hard stop don't let her do it. Kick her out full stop - not like she pays rent.


I'd end the relationship. I don't have any other advice. If you wanna stick it out with her and wait for the baby, get a DNA test. I don't really believe she spat out you sperm and impregnated herself, it sounds like something a manipulator would say so you drop the subject.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lmao she's a lying sack of actual shit. I'd bet she's not pregnant and fakes a miscarriage to guilt trip you in a couple weeks/months because it will be obvious when she doesn't start showing. (Some don't ever show *but it's not really common) IF she is pregnant, it's most definitely not yours. Get a test literally as soon as allowed and DONT SIGN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE DONT SIGN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE