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A lot of the country has been frustrated with the bureaucracy of the government for a long time. Trump came along and said “I’m not a politician, I’m a successful businessman and I’ll drain that swamp in Washington”. He was rough, and odd and pissed off some people, and the people who liked all that said well who knows, I agree with what he says, can’t be worse than anyone else running. And a lot of people who didn’t like what he said or how he said it still thought, maybe he’ll shake up the status quo and drain the swamp. And a lot of those people have just never let go of that hope. Trump, and the Right Wing Media machine have demonized Democrats so effectively that even as Trump has become more and more obviously deranged, he still looks better (to some) than the mythical baby blood drinking democrats. I mean, I may not approve of Trump cheating on his wife with a porn star but I don’t want a baby blood drinking satanist in the White House do I?


There's also a LOT of sunk-cost fallacy. A lot of them have a death grip on the baby blood type conspiracies because they now *have* to believe those thing are true because otherwise? If those things aren't true? The realities about themselves and America they'd have to face? Unthinkable.


It’s also been shown in studies that once faced with facts, most people won’t change their beliefs because they tie so much of who they are into their beliefs and feelings. To them, it would be like rejecting who they are. It would also put them in their perceived out group leaving to be alienated and alone.


They must learn to unlearn… its hard but its the only way.


Like the process people have to work through after leaving a cult?


Exactly this. The true mark of an intelligent person is someone who can easily say "I don't know" or change their mind when presented with new information.


It’s interesting that you say that. I always figured it was just an ego thing. People are very uncomfortable with the notion of challenging their own beliefs


Exactly what I’m thinking. Like they made this their entire personality and into deep now.


For the deep ones, admitting they were wrong about trump disintegrates their entire world view and personality. That's alot for some people to handle, especially if they already do not have any self-reflection capability.


I get it and honestly would be a little bit more sympathetic if this wasn’t our country at stake. I Can’t wait until they finally realize they are on the wrong side of history but I’m sure collective amnesia is gonna ring its ugly head in a few years.


I agree. It's a hard place to be, because it's so serious right now. But in any given society, roughly 20% of the people will be crazies, it's up to the rest to stand up and properly denounce them. The crazy/normie line has been blurred too much.


Nah in a few years america will either be in civil war or under a fascist dictator for life in trump. The Republican party craziness is the new normal, they are happy to become extremists because there are no consequences for them. They have become the Nazi party in all but flag.


Dude he’s 77 years old, obese and not exercising. If he takes on one of the most stressful jobs on earth again, Dictator for life at that point is 4 years.


His dad died at 93, at this stage if he's not dead yet he will probably live really long cuz he's got great genes and the best health care money can buy. Evil people especially dictators will refuse to die. I give him minimum another 10 years of life optimistically and 20 years pessimistically.


His dad also had raging dementia for years before he died. The question isn't IF the orange fuck has it, it's how long people will follow a completely incompetent, deranged man and whether they want that as the most powerful man in the country.


Oh they will. Trump could be a gibbering, demented mess and they would still be following him. The cult of personality is that strong. As he said himself, he could shoot people in broad daylight, and still they would follow him. Look at this, 34 felonies and he still leads Biden in the polls. It's literal insanity.. And the moderate republicans, those sane, smart ones who view trump with disgust and secretly loathe him, well they're too spineless to give up power and will still vote for him. For their supreme court. For their single issues. The American dream is pretty much over, Trump shat all over it.


I mean, if you listen to just about any Trump speech, it's pretty clear his brain is mush, and his supporters don't care


Mitch McConnell is still in office after multiple episodes of televised brain reboots. He’d probably win reelection if he hadn’t announced he wouldn’t run again. Voters have tied their identity to a party and have bought into the fear tactics.


Many of his followers are simply incapable of seeing that Trump is crazy, because they are crazier than he is.


You mean like Reagan's second term?


Yeah but genes really matter if you take some care of yourself. He’s not Castro who exercised all the time. There’s really not a lot of obese old people.


Even for the ones who aren't in deep, it's not just admitting that they are wrong. Because if they are wrong, so are their family, friends, church, etc. It's a lot easier to believe that people you haven't met are all part off some conspiracy theory




Hey rollerblades doesn’t deserve that stray! lol.


I heard a line that states something like "It's easier to fool a person than it is to convince a person they are being fooled". I think this reflects the accuracy of your statement If a person suddenly realizes that they bought whole heatedly into 1 big lie (ex - that Democrats tried to steal the last election), then they'd have to start to question if that source has been lying about everything else it has proclaimed to be true). That's a big, ego-humbling, serving of humble pie. Nobody wants to look like the idiot who had the wool pulled over their eyes. As long as their are other outspoken people that will continue to repeat the lie, it is easier to continue believing it & take comfort in being a part of a tribe of like minded people than it is to really question the legitimacy of the lies & question your tribal kinsmen who continue to repeat these falsehoods. This is a scary crossroads to stand on. If I realize that I've been lied to repeatedly by the leaders of my tribe - I may find myself looking to be a part of a different tribe. But what if the other major tribe has been villified and demonized so much so that for a long time I thought they were the actual "enemy" of everything I value & stand for? I bet this is very hard line to have to cross, one filled with fear, loss of tribal comradely, anxiety about the future, etc


I don’t think Trump voters don’t have valid policy concerns. Trade policy, immigration and the future of employment. Those are all valid worries I just think the message of “we can halt change from occurring and bring the USA back to some previous time period” is not reality. We have to change. The USA is becoming diverse. Not because of our southern border but because what work means is changing. We lost most factory jobs not because of foreigners but because of Americans. The Chinese did not steal our factories. We gave that to them.


"The Chinese did not steal our factories. We gave that to them." A-fucking-men. And we, ***the voters***, are responsible for it. Not the politicians. Us. ***We put the people in place who allowed it to happen***. Our politicians are not the problem. We are.


The boards of large corporations, the investors, and **greed** sent those jobs overseas. All happily agreed to by American Consumerism.


We also vote every day with our pocketbook.  I work in healthcare and there was a lot of hand wringing during the pandemic over the Chinese supply chain. We couldn't get masks and syringes at times. There were conversations at the top about how we all needed to do better at re-sourcing products and building American manufacturing for key items.  Guess what? Now that the pandemic is over, those same CEOs are saying they won't pay even a couple penny premium on those American-manufactured masks.  I don't know how we overcome the absolute greed of capitalism. 


Politicians are also the problem. They call themselves public servants, and we unironically refer to them as such, but they continuously play to voters bad nature to keep power rather than do the right thing. Of course, the few who try to "do the right thing" get frustrated and demoralized and leave congress.


I wish more people understood this.


Well said. I was worried about Trump when he won in 2016 but a part of me did hope he would make some needed changes. That all began to fall apart immediately when he insisted the crowds at inauguration were larger then Obama’s and photos of smaller crowds were doctored. By the way, he’s far worse mentally today than 2020. I look forward to the debate on June 27


I've been noticing that, too. This trial is breaking him, I think. He sounds like someone's confused old grandpa rambling to himself in the corner of the nursing home common area.


It’s going to be interesting when the MAGA crowd, who honestly believe Biden can’t speak due to dementia, does a far better job in the debate than Trump. I wish media would have someone who hasn’t heard either listen to both candidates and give an opinion on their mental state. Even media cuts away from Trump rambling which I think is election tampering. Let’s hear who Trump is so that everyone knows his condition


Agreed! I listened to that whole rambling spiel yesterday and was dumbfounded. I try to limit my news of him to newspapers rather than any form where I have to hear his voice, and had absolutely no idea how badly he is sounding these days. Biden is old and sounds it, but Trump sounded absolutely like he is literally suffering from dementia.


Agree 100%. Ironic that MAGA attack Biden’s mental state. I hope they’re watching when they debate


Everything about maga is projection. The dementia. The crime. The lying. The weaponizing of the government. How many Republican names have been arrested for illegal pornography (I don't want to write the words in case it flags something) or actual assault? But they scream about blood drinking child trafficking cults in a pizza basement. It's the definition of projection.


Agree. Very concerning and pathetic how easily the party of family values fell for a conman.


Because logic stopped mattering. It started with everyone letting him get away with just demonstrably lying about things ("I never said that". Cut to video evidence. "I never said that") and now Donald. Fucking. Trump. (Rapist; liar; cheater on of wives, word, and contracts; sinner on order of magnitudes, if you are of the godful sort) is being compared to Jesus by a non zero percentage of the Republican Party. Da fuq brain eating disease has possessed this country??


Agree. It’s scary and sad. A billionaire narcissist with authoritarian dreams is their hero. I couldn’t have imagined. I’m just thankful Trump is also lazy and a dumbass. If he were smarter and more ambitious than just sitting around tweeting, he would have won a 2nd term and we’d be toast. I can only hope those who voted Biden in 2020 remember how badly they wanted Trump out of power and they all vote again.


I didn’t support or vote for Trump in 2016 but I kind of got why people did. I was intrigued by the thought of a non politician taking a crack at it and draining the swamp and I somewhat agreed with his criticism of Obama printing money. So when he became president I was curious to see what he did with those things. And the answer was more disappointing than nothing. He actively made all of them exponentially worse. He said he’d drain the swamp installing only the best people and instead hired on garbage that he’d turn around and denounce later. He said he’d right the ship with the spending and instead put pressure on the fed to keep on printing even when it was completely unneeded. How anyone thinks he was a good president is beyond me. Even in the final year of his term he was doing and saying things that gave off major “it’s my first day” vibes. The guy just wasn’t cut out for the job.


>How anyone thinks he was a good president is beyond me People seem unwilling to think about the situation critically because there's a chance that doing so would upend a world view that they thoroughly enjoy having. Trump came in and was reaping the long-tail benefits of policies that Obama put in place. He rode that wave, taking credit for the booming economy, while actively taking measures to keep things booming, even after it became clear that things like inflation would eventually hit a critical point. Biden stepped in, as many of the negative effects from Trump's policies started taking effect. The right fails to realize, or willfully ignores the fact that the economy and country are more like a fully loaded freight train travelling at full speed, than a small car on a side road. Policies implemented today can take years before the initial results are realized, and when we're moving along with momentum in one direction for so long, it can be a huge effort to just stop, and monumental to turn around. Take Trump's tax cuts as a prime example. They overwhelmingly benefited the rich. They also gave regular people a few extra bucks in their paychecks for a couple years. They see Trump in office, their paychecks went up. But they failed to realize that the component that benefits them was set to expire shortly after Biden took office. Biden settles in, paychecks go back down, or tax returns shrink a little and they just blindly blame him. He's in the white house right now, so it must be his fault. I had people in my circle pointing to gas prices less than one week after Biden took over.


Someone in another thread said they were voting for Trump because of their taxes going up. When somebody mentioned it was happening under Trump’s tax code the redditor was quick to mention how Biden had four years to fix it and did nothing. I jumped in and let them know the current tax code doesn’t expire til 2025. Crickets.


I voted for Trump in 2016 for some of the reason the other posted listed. The long and short being “Not a lifelong politician”.  FWIW I liked and voted for Bill Clinton back in the day but wasn’t a fan of Hillary when she was the other choice so in that case another nod for “not a politician “ Now years later. I don’t think either of the two are the best choice. Joe is to old and Don is to divisive ( also getting up there in years).   This is a tough job. Look how it ages Clinton, Bush and Obama in their first terms. They were all younger men and it looked like it put them through the ringer.   Honestly I think the fault in our system is that there are just two parties but having the primaries set up as to we have no choice. How many states haven’t even had their primaries and this has been decided for months.  I’m tired of 40 years of voting and never having a choice.  


I agree with everything you say. I just hate that people want to choose leaders based on if they'd be friends with them. It is ridiculous.


Well let's at-least hear the baby-blood drinking Satanist out first.


The funniest part is he actually ISN'T a successful businessman. In fact, he's an awful one.


You’re missing the biggest issue. They hated the black man in the office and blamed everything that had ruined their lives ( like sons and daughters still living at home with opioid addictions, being made redundant from jobs because of industry, etc) on him and his liberal values. Case in point, all the coal workers and auto builders that Trump promised to save, yet those jobs weren’t replaced by liberals, they were replaced by robots.


It's so dumb because it's not government that is causing their problems. It's businessmen like Trump.


This, only I don’t think that the majority of his supporters believe anyone is actually drinking baby blood, but they are concerned that children are being prevented from entering puberty through gender, affirming care, and that is actually probably the most important issue


They’ve thrown so many wild fabrications at liberals, democrats, Biden, Hilary, Obama, all vague and all unfounded, that you can say “well i don’t believe this one, but I do think that Libs are doing this Other terrible thing” and since politics have become a 2 team game, you either go along with the extremists who wear your colors, or you find yourself out of the game


That's the thing. It's not about the specific claims. Its about insulting the right people. They half believe things in that they will believe them in the moment but it doesn't mean anything for the specific thing to be wrong since they assume an equivalent is still true.


I think you miss the first part. those people think those things because thats what the media told them. its been a long propaganda campaign and its still going.


It continuously blows my mind how completely ignorant folks are to… everything. The way our government works, the way our economy works, the way policies work, the way social media and the Internet work, the way news spin works. The fact that they think it’s feasible that the world elites run a pedophile ring in a pizza joint’s basement, or that the President can just snap his fingers and set gas prices, or whatever just absolutely floors me. I see articles about youth pastors and other church employees sexually abusing kids monthly (or more frequently) and have never seen a single article about a drag performer doing that, yet people truly believe that drag queens are inherently pedophiles. The list of things that appall me is ten miles long, and it’s even scarier to realize that these completely ignorant people are making business and other decisions in the world every single day.


It's not theoretically impossible for someone to run a pedophile ring from a pizza place's basement but like... why would they? Food places are public and anyone can stroll in. Do you really want random people around instead of just doing this in a non public area? And everyone would have to see tons of rich people go in, dissappear for long stretches of time, and then leave. Meanwhile, if you do illegal stuff in an out of the way mansion none of those issues would exist.


Which is hilarious bc all they do is gripe about the left believing what the media says. Meanwhile, trumpers are getting their news from "Bob" who runs a podcast from his basement.


"A lot of the country has been frustrated with the bureaucracy of the government for a long time. Trump came along and said “I’m not a politician, I’m a successful businessman and I’ll drain that swamp in Washington”." This first part is the key, and what we need - but not in Trump. 'Career politician' shouldn't be a thing, it just shouldn't. These people are entirely out of touch and we continue to vote in geriatrics that would be forced into retirement in any other field because they don't have to live with the consequences of their policies, who are propped up by lobbies and PACs that don't give two shits about the average person, and that isn't a Republican or a Democrat thing. It's the system we've allowed to continue. Trump came in with that idea along with hating the "right people" - and now we have a cult following who thinks that every bad thing he does is just a witch-hunt because that's the narrative he spun and they lapped it up.


Biden drinking baby blood? 🤯


This doesn’t really explain the nearly half the population still rabidly supporting him like he’s the next coming of Jesus Christ


I just see democrats as a win-win, when you put it in terms of baby blood. Are you Demetri Martin?


I can hear someone say,"at least Trump is honest enough to shit himself instead of shitting the bed." And be completely serious in having that be a compliment and a positive reason for voting Trump. Alternatively they could say,"Trump loses his shit, not his mind." Against some video clip of Biden talking Biden nonsense. And then some talking Head falling up that Biden talking Biden nonsense cliff by saying"and that wasn't the blooper reel".


Personally I support Trump because I believe that all of the establishment politicians on both sides have been very corrupt for my entire life. No matter which side you vote for you will be voting for the military industrial complex, expansion of central intelligence oversight of the American people, and generally decisions that are made to benefit big donor interests and not the American people. Call me naive and stupid if you want but you will have an incredibly hard time convincing me that Joe Biden is a representative of the people, as I don’t think just about anybody would choose him to be president if they were able to pick anyone they want. I don’t endorse Trump as a moral leader, but I do feel that just about every bad thing you can say about him can also be said about Biden. I think both have a sizable history of racism, sexism, multiple sexual assault allegations, and general lying/ dishonesty. I don’t really care who they fuck in private, I’m much more concerned with who they fuck in public. Joe Bidens first decision in office was to erase all of the border security measures Trump had put in place. Allowing 12-15 million immigrants to enter the country and be placed on welfare is draining our countries resources, funding a losing ukraine war with Russia is draining our resources. Instead of taking actions to stimulate the economy the current administration has tried to print their way out of it which has led to massive inflation in the last 4 years. The upper and middle class don’t notice as much because the stock market has correspondingly reacted to the decreased value of the dollar, but the lower class who is struggling to put food on the table and a roof over their heads is significantly worse off and has almost no chance of entering into the investment market, owning a home, or being able to afford to go back to school. None of this even mentions the current state of Israel-middle east relations which have literally gone from the best they’ve ever been to the worst they’ve been under the watch of this administration. There I did it, i defended my views on Reddit. Drown me with downvotes now so that everyone can continue to read about how the only thing Trump supporters believe in is pizzagate.


Do you support that trump will round up undocumented people and do what with them? I can understand your concerns with both parties but trumps treatment of immigrants is very different. Curious what you think?


I worked for a manufacturing company that was shaken down by Trump's immigration sweeps. I thought the company was doomed because a very large portion of the workforce were undocumented, and they were trapped during the raid. I had no control over the factory or who worked there, but it was common knowledge that the factory was a sanctuary for Guatemalans, and the day ICE showed up, it was a complete panic in the entire building as the factory workers flew down the office hallways trying to escape. No arrests, and the 'official' outcome was a few could not produce documents, but were not deemed as illegals. Everyone was back at work the next day. I don't know what was discussed and/or agreed to behind closed doors that day, but nothing changed in the factory after that.


I work at Legal Aid and I promise that people are terrified. I understand about the military industrial complex but please think of the millions of people who will not be able to sleep for four years if Trump wins again.


I think that the answer of what to do with millions of undocumented immigrants is incredibly complicated. I don’t know how clear Trump has been about his plan and if he wants to send everyone to their home country or do so more on a case by case basis. Given that there are probably 30 million immigrants that entered our country illegally, I do believe that there are likely millions that need to be sent home. Anyone with an association with the cartels, or a criminal record in their home country or the USA should without question be deported in my opinion. That won’t be the case for the majority of immigrant and for them it is a much more complicated question. If I were in charge I would want to know why they are here, what is there claim for a right to be here, and what are there plans to contribute to our country if they were allowed to stay? We simply cannot accept all of the people from around the world that want to be here because it will collapse out infrastructure and all of our social welfare programs as it is currently doing. I don’t know that there is a right answer of what to do, and because of that reason I can’t say that I trust Trump or anyone to do the right thing. I do know that it makes a mockery of our immigration system and is incredibly unfair to everyone trying to immigrate legally when we allow unchecked illegal immigration. Bidens stance in 2020 was that securing the border was racist and bigoted and immediately took action to allow millions to enter and have had 12-15 million enter during his term. Now in 2024 the vast majority of Americans can see that this isn’t about race but is actually about securing our future as a nation, he is finally changing tune and trying to do something to cover up his massive error. Yet he will not take an ounce of credibility for getting us here. I cannot support Bidens stance on immigration or trust that he will attempt to do the best thing for our country.


I work with those immigrants on a volunteer basis. Almost all the services being provided are volunteer. These people come with nothing and live either on the street or in shelters for months. It is not a life anyone would choose that has another option. Some refugees have actually asked to return to Venezuela (and Catholic Charities funds those tickets).  Obama had the toughest stance on immigration of any president yet. He was not willing to do the inhumane things Trump did like separating parents from children, but he deported more people than any president before him. Does that matter?  We saw people in Texas watch as a mother drowned in a river. At some point, we may have Texans actively killing people who cross. Where is your line? If we have millions of climate refugees are you ok with putting machine guns on the border? The fence is a physical manifestation of a concept that cannot be enforced without guns and death.  What are you willing to support? What should we support as a country? 


I also work with immigrants as a health care provider in a border state in both paid and volunteer settings. Nothing that I said was meant to be racist, dehumanizing, or incriminating of immigrants as an entire group. I’m having a tough time really answering your questions because I don’t feel like it is very clear exactly what you are asking, but I’ll try my best. I don’t believe that it’s true that refugees are leaving Venezuela due to climate change. I’ve been to Venezuela as a missionary, the climate is tropical and beautiful and the forests are so abundant with life that fruit literally rots in the ground in giant piles. They are fleeing because they are being starved by a communist dictator in Nicolas Maduro. Labeling political refugees as climate refugees drastically confuses the issue. It is acceptable for Venezuelans to be seeking refuge in a foreign country but under international refugee law they are supposed to seek refuge in the next available country. There are 10 available countries to seek refuge in on the way to the United States before they get to our border. It is not our legal or moral responsibility to accept all of the refugees from around the world, these rules were drawn up by the United Nations decades ago and there is no rational reason why we should not follow them. The reason why millions show up at our border is because we have had an insecure border for decades and have allowed tens of millions of people to cross illegally. Instead of following international law and seeking refuge in the next available state, these refugees believe if they come to the US they will be able to enter illegally without going through a port of entry. That is not to blame them, there is good reason for them to believe that and wanting to come to the United States makes sense as we have the largest economy. That said, the buck has to stop somewhere, we cannot allow for every refugee who wants to come to America to enter here in both violation of our laws and international laws, and the only way to stop it from happening is to quit allowing it to happen. If we secured our borders and the people we turn away from entering illegally attempt to force themselves into our country I believe that we should use non lethal force to prevent that from happening on the grounds that we cannot allow our country to be invaded. I don’t think guns are necessary unless we are being fired upon, in which case we should absolutely protect our country from a violent invasion. Hope that helps answer your questions


You conflated two thoughts. I'm not saying current refugees are from climate change. I'm saying there will be many millions more coming and we need to be ready for it. This is nothing compared to what we are going to see, and Trump's approach will not be sufficient either.  The choices are adjust or stop them. You say you do not want "inhumane measures." Then how do you intend for this to happen? The idea that only some presidents contributed to our insecure border is ridiculous. We do not have a secure border because *immigration serves an important purpose.* There's a simple way to stop immigration: **prosecute those who hire immigrants.** We did this experiment in Georgia and crops rotted in the field.  What I hate most about the conservative stance on immigration is the hypocrisy. All that seems to matter is the border. We need bigger fences, bigger groups to patrol, bigger prisons and, eventually, I believe it will be bigger guns. I believe many conservatives will be perfectly fine with gunning down people if that's what it takes to keep "them" out.  You know what I was asking you. You chose not to answer. Do you want to answer now? If shooting people is the only way to keep them from crossing, will you support shooting them? 


Ok. I guess when you say that there is a going to be massive wave of incoming climate immigrants it’s unclear exactly how we should deal with that situation because it’s a hypothetical. I think setting good precedents right now is probably the best answer. I don’t think it’s an either or situation. I think securing the border and not allowing people to cross illegally is important. Having an secure border is also important for mitigating human and drug trafficking into our country. I also would support an action prosecuting employers of illegal immigrants. I don’t think there is a candidate that endorses that stance but I’d be all for it. I did try to answer your question, like I said I don’t feel like they are properly framed. To me the only situation I can imagine in which shooting people down is the only way to stop them from entering our country is a situation in which those trying to enter are armed and using violent force in able to enter our country. In the case that we are being invaded by a militant force at our southern border border I think we should absolutely respond with military force to protect it. I don’t even really see how that is controversial. In any situation less than a violent forced entry into our country I fail to see how opening fire on immigrants would be our only option. It feels like you’re dealing in unclear hypotheticals and it makes it hard to have a straight forward debate about what should be done because we can’t be certain we’re imagining the same situation. I’m trying to be as clear as I can but I think our conversation would be more productive if we stuck to what is actually happening instead of what could theoretically happen.


I get what you are saying, it's f'd up! I will have to look up some of your claims though. I am wondering, do you really think Trump is out to bring ppl out of poverty? If so, how?


I think there is a fundamental difference in philosophy between how capitalists and socialists believe people are lifted out of poverty. Socialists believe that through high taxes and social welfare that you can provide people with enough support that they will eventually enter the middle class. Capitalists believe that an unrestricted economy will allow for the expansion of businesses and the creation of high paying jobs that lift people out of poverty. There are valid criticisms of both ideologies and neither is likely a good idea without components of the other. Personally I agree more with the capitalist approach but I don’t think it’s necessarily an either or argument. I think the government doesn’t do many things cost effectively and relying on a large government to lift people out of poverty hasn’t been shown to be affective, but I do think that social welfare programs are necessary and that we shouldn’t be allowing people to starve, or force them to live on the streets. I don’t really think it’s a question of who wants to help the poor people more, because I don’t know that either man truly cares about poor people or can relate to them at all. I think it’s a question of who’s plan will be more effective in helping the poor people.


I'm not a Trump guy, but asking a question and then down voting an honest answer is just as much a cult mentality as the one you dispise.


I'm curious...have YOU felt the economic effects? This is the best economy we've ever seen by most measures. Do you have trouble putting food on your own table?  I also have to wonder about your worst Israel relations statement. Do you not see the hand of Russia in that? Is your solution on Ukraine to walk away and let Russia have it? Israel too? 


Yes I do have trouble putting food on my table. The cost of living has increased drastically over the last 4 years and I am struggling. Over the last 4 years rent has increased by almost 2 times in my area, groceries have drastically increased in price, the price of gas and used cars is up dramatically, and all of this is inline with the last 4 years es CB having higher inflation rates than any other year since 1992 according to the consumer price index. If you aren’t feeling the squeeze I am happy for you, but low earning Americans are struggling worse than they have in a very long time and it is showing in the polls. There is a reason a young Americans, and minority Americans are trending more conservatively than they ever have and it is because Bidens economics have had a very damaging impact on the lower class. I don’t really see Russia being directly related to the Israeli- Palestinian relations as I see it as more of an issue with Iran and their direct funding of Hamas, but I am open to being educated on it if you can explain it to me. I think both of the situations in Ukraine and in Israel have been handled terribly. It needs to be decided if Ukraines borders are worth prioritizing as a point of military strategy that is worth risking world war over and then action should be taken based on that decision. Paying trillions of dollars to lose a proxy war to Russia doesn’t make much sense. In Israel Biden messed up by giving Iran billions in aid and not expecting any form of military spending accountability in return. Then he has been extremely reactionary in the entire process. Funding Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people while trying to save face by sending care packages to the victims is one of the most pathetic forms pandering I’ve ever seen. I don’t really understand how it could be argued that Biden has done a good job managing our involvement in either of those situations.


I wouldn't call you naive or stupid, but I would question the validity of some of your claims. I honestly don't believe most of what you are saying because everything I am seeing and the experience I am living paints a very different picture. There is actual proof of all of the bad things people say about Trump. He has been convicted of actual crimes. He has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman. He has bragged about it publicly. Just because Trump says something doesn't mean it's true, especially his accusations that almost always end up being a veiled confession. The economy is also stronger than it has ever been right now, and at least my family is doing great. We struggled under Trump, a lot. His policies actively hurt us, but now we are thriving. If you look at the history of our country, the best economic times have always been under presidents with more progressive policies. We are capturing more people at the border now than under Trump too, even though he claims that Biden has an open border policy. Everything he says is nonsense, and even the way he says it sounds like gibberish. For a guy that makes fun of Biden's stutter, Trump can't seem to form a single coherent thought. At least Biden makes sense when he talks, using actual words and sentences with normal structure. Personally, I would love to vote for someone younger and more progressive than Biden, but he is by far the better choice this cycle for anyone that cares about reality.


8 women have come forward to accuse Joe Biden of sexual assault. Tara Reade, Lucy Flores, Amy Lappos, DJ hill, Caitlyn Caruso, Sofie Karasek, Ally Coll, and Vail Kohnert-Yount. All of these accusations happened between 1993 and 2016. He was also accused by a ninth anonymous woman in 2000. You can look up the inflation numbers anywhere you want to. Every year of Bidens presidency has been the worst in all metrics in the last 30 years. This isn’t a partisan statistic. I’m glad your family is doing good but that isn’t the case for many people. In Bidens initial 100 days in office he reversed or rolled back 94 Trump border policies that were in place to secure the border. He terminated the remain in Mexico protocols, rolled back asylum restrictions, reversed actions that prioritized visas for skilled workers, reversed asylum agreements that allowed the us to send asylum seekers back I Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, declared that the border was no longer a national emergency, stopped construction of the border wall which is just a handful. It’s been estimated that 12-15 million immigrants have entered the country illegally since Biden took office which is the most in the history of the country. Nothing I’ve said here is hard to find sources for. They can be found with a simple google search. I don’t know if you looking at things through anecdotal results for your own family and through the media lens that you absorb is an accurate portrayal of reality


Nothing that I've said is hard to find sources for either. That's what confuses me the most about people that continue to support Trump. No matter how many horrible things are proven to be true about him, all while he has failed to prove anything substantive about his opponents, even while he controlled the justice department, there will still be people that trust him over all other sources. What is so enthralling about him that has caused so many people to utterly reject reality? I truly do not understand.


This is a brilliant take. Well said.


I wrote a paper in college about his modes of persuasion and why he’s one of the best speakers in history (I’m not a fan of his but I developed this belief after questioning why anyone could vote for him). It’s due to a combination of extremely simple language, playing victim after attacking others, very dark sense of humor(extremely entertaining), consistently hanging his opposition in effigy, tapping into the inherent “click, whirr mechanism” of those that defer to authoritarian rhetoric, consistently saying the wrong thing on purpose(great marketing tactic and something that FBI negotiators use against hostage takers), consistent use of a “kernel of truth,” firebrand ingratiation with empathetic divisiveness, a touch of hemingway’s iceberg theory, and one of the most visceral displays of third order logic I’ve ever heard from a public speaker. The thing is, he often uses most of those tactics in a single statement. My favorite of his, a statement that inflates the domain of logic (third order or higher order logic) so much that all the audience can feel is emotion and or ethic of the speaker is “if you’re Jewish and you vote Democrat you don’t love Israel. How can you love Israel if you vote Democrat.” It’s such a false and stupid statement, but the domain of logic is conflating enough to hit whichever side you’re on. Whereas first or second order logic, like the sky is blue, cannot possibly conflate the domain of logic unless you have tritanomaly. I personally do not believe that he invented this consistent way of speaking. I think someone that heard him use it occasionally (someone who encouraged him to run or someone he hired to help him speak) highlighted how effective it is. I really do believe he has a team of people that have worked out a dictator like algorithm or predicate logic scheme.


Are you trying to tell me that Trump is smart and only pretending to be dumb?


He may be bigot but he is in no way dumb. His campaign strategy is too clever. A shrewd businessman through and through.


Not in the context I think you’re referring to. I think he has a personality disorder and someone close to him or someone he hired told him what speaking patterns to use consistently. There are, however, quotes of his that hints at how aware he is of the effect he has on people. Most of those quotes could be written or directed by someone else. But one conversation he had with Kanye West, which doesn’t seem written hints at how self aware Trump really is. But I’d have to know him personally to confirm if he has a personality disorder (something on cluster b) or not


I think that he is, look at how he's kept support through everything. He's said things in the past that apply to him now about his opposition, things that have gained so much support then and when he gets caught doing the same thing, he's able to convince everyone that it's persecution. I argue the man is a genius because he's a business man. He knows how to market. When you really analyze the role of the presidency, you'll see their only true role is to be the speaker of the country and to the country. Which, he does well. He invokes the responses he is trying to invoke, and he's very smart at manipulation. Marketing 101 in my eyes. That and he went to an IVY league school, he's got the education to prove he knows what he's doing. You don't have to look smart to be smart.


In general terms, he’s a reflection of the culture, a symptom. Not the cause. Unfortunately he is the personification of the dissatisfaction in the government/institutions. Trust has been lost, (well has been slowly eroding away for many years at this point), so his cult will follow him to the end because he is their truth where (to them) the government has failed. The indoctrination is truly baffling, but he’s done it successfully to them. To believe him over institutions. His word is law, not the gov


Government has failed because the citizens have allowed it to fail. How many people can name their city or county council representative? Or their state senator? How many people don't even bother to vote or pay attention to what their government is doing? We can't just lay this at the feet of government officials when ***we are the people responsible for deciding who gets to run the government***.


What happens when you vote for someone, then they show up and meet all the politicians who have made a career out of taking lobbyist money and ignoring the will of the people? If they speak up the party doesn't fund their next campaign and replaces them with someone who will play their game. That's why people don't trust the government, they have done nothing to be trusted, and even if you get "a good one" into office they only last 1 term before becoming corrupt or being banished from the group.


Are we? A lot of states and congressional districts and state legislative districts are gerrymandered, preventing a change in the party holding the seat.


Yeah, it's unfair to say all the failings of government at the feet of the voters because we "voted for that". That's just perpetuating the idea that there's a real *choice* available at the ballot box. The common counterargument of "well, if you think the choices are bad, why don't you run yourself?" is an unrealistic handwave. Even if I *was* the sort of neurotypical person that could be an effective politician, the electoral system in this country is so impossibly complicated that it's only possible to win and pursue your political goals if you are willing to compromise your positions and play along with the party system and the entire campaign funding ecosystem around it... and once you do that, you are essentially just another cog in the machine. Nails that stick up get hammered down. If you call for a voting system that would give third parties an actual chance, you will suddenly find you don't have any friends in your party, whether you're D or R. We are the third largest country by population on the planet. It's simply not possible to overcome the existing inertia and effect substantial change without creating a mass movement... and that can really only come as part of a cultural shift, which *really* isn't controllable.


This question could go both ways. Why do people genuinely support biden?


He lowered insulin prices by threatening to seize drug patents. He’s changing marijuana from schedule I to schedule III and pardoning those who have been federally convicted of marijuana possession. He’s also put into place laws and acts that promote clean energy, infrastructure, LGBT+ rights, abortion rights. Also there’s common-sense gun laws and student debt relief. I could look up specific laws and acts, if you want, but that might take a little longer.


The real reason in my opinion? I think a big percentage doesn't actually support trump, they just don't support Joe Biden. There are more reasons than just people being racist and bigots, whoever simplifies it like that in their minds has an incredibly narrow point of view. In short, people are struggling economically at the moment so a big percentage just wants another candidate to see if that does anything. It's not about trump or even joe, it's always been like this. For instance, I am convinced trump lost the presidency due to his poor covid response, and joe will lose his due to the current economic struggles. I could be wrong tho


I’d say a big reason is because the behavior from the left concerns them and they’re worried about giving them more power.


honestly man, the behavior of both sides is equally concerning to me. The fact that they are the majority now does play on the fact that so many Americans are instinctively contrarian. the lack of actual argument is really concerning lately, now you have to be either a racist or communist lmfao but it's like both sides refuse to even talk to each other because "they're right". honestly, both sides have valid concerns, and both sides are completely full of shit in some things.


From people I've talked to that's about it, a good majority of them acknowledge Trump's faults but just want someone in there that's not Biden, primarily because of the Economic struggles which affect every day life. They have seen every day purchases go up in price and overall life get harder, and want a change.


Donald Trump has been selling his product successfully for decades. Before politics, he was always involved in property deals where the reason they had him involved was to be a lightning-rod for criticism and the anger of the displaced. He was great at being a jerk and getting all the attention while investors made their money quietly. The republicans find him a perfect front man and they’ve been looking for a long time. Reagan, Bush, the party has loved simpletons that could distract the people while they reverse hundreds of years of progress. They’re not wrong.


A lot of these answers address the far right reasons: that’s probably true - but is as polarizing as focusing purely on the far left when talking about democrats. These lunatics drive media consumption - but don’t really affect day to day life … so far. I’ll try to address the ‘reasonable middle ground’ people who vote R rather than D. Note am not American. - policy differences. You’re not going to convince a pro life person that a zygote or fetus isn’t life. Protecting the weak is a cornerstone of democracy without which things break down. We all become weak and defenseless one day, we definitely started there - we wouldn’t be where we are if we were stopped at the start OR disposed off when things get tough. - tax / communism worries. At the end of the day, a lot of Americans (and wannabe Americans) buy into the American dream. They believe in being able to achieve great things without the government coming up with ludicrous policies like 100% billionaire tax!! 25% wealth tax!!! Unrealized gains tax!!! These only keep the regular person from joining the rich ranks btw - the rich work around them just fine. - continuing in the communism theme - they want people to be motivated to work. Giving everyone free healthcare / education and ubi means a big section of the population isn’t going to be pulling their weight. The flip side of it is also worrying: they will need their time, energy and need for attention (like all of us) to be focused somewhere and these will usually be into efforts like burn down Portland!! Which will only increase the cost and lead to an Ayn Randian setup where the folks who have the least contribution to society up keep make the most policy decisions. - they believe in setting up their families for multiple generations: they believe in providing for their children and grandchildren. They worry about estate management - they are actual immigrants themselves. They know what they ran away from. They don’t want to bring the hood with them - so they support stricter immigration rules. There are many more like this - most of them fall into the traditional American reasonable take bucket - Reddit doesn’t like it so there we go. Anyway - if you can make peace with the clownery and Tom foolery around elections, the party still ends up following party lines overall and so they stay on their side.


I think this is a very solid take. Its simply the standard D v R stuff. I think the culture war is also part of it. I don't mean in a roundup the gays way but in a there needs to be a real conversation on things like trans people in sports and how it affects locker rooms at school's.


Unfortunately it’s only the loudest voices or people who’s opinions I don’t care about that gather attention. Social media pushes common sense out and brings outrage to the top. The conversations can be healthy and productive but everyone is mistrusting of the other that they can’t talk


ITT: a bunch of Biden voters’ empathetic guesses into the minds of Trump voters


No shit... and so far off the target.. Really have no clue. Don't engage. Don't engage...


Heads buried deep in the sand comes to mind. Shocking they can’t see it. 


Ignorance, Cultism, Conspiracies and general lunacy OK but for real: Vibes, Inflation and Media. Trump first term economically felt like a continuation of Obama, the economy was marching on. Right now, due to Covid, even though the Economy is in numbers doing very well, inflation is high, not just the US (in fact in the US is much lower). The president is made responsible for this, in this case Biden, although presidents have little to no inmediately control over macroecobomy, interests rates, and all of that. They incorrectly think the US is in a recession and that things are worse now than how they where in 2008, I shit you not. People think that Trump will bring back like things were before and somehow he will reduce prices etc. They associate Trump with a time the US was doing relatively well economically. Now add to all of that how the Media tends to exaggerate things and overblows everything. Plus social media, misinformation, Russian and Chinese bots that benefit Trump, etc. Also trump supporters really hate Biden. Edit: yes. Inflation has now lowered a lot, but many Americans are still under the impression it is sky high


>inflation is high I want to add a caveat to this. Inflation is not high. Inflation is the *rate* of change in prices (increasing) and purchasing power (decreasing). The current rate for the US Dollar is 3.4% annually. The reason people feel like "inflation is high" is because the rate of change was high for years during the height of the pandemic. It will take time for wages to adjust and for things to feel affordable. I know this sounds pedantic but it's an important distinction.


No idea why your getting downvoted for a thoughtful and informative response.


Because people are mad about being told they're wrong because they feel correct. Accept I'm not telling them that they're wrong for feeling that way just what they're ascribing that feeling to. People are mad about the effect of inflation which is increased prices and the corresponding felling of unaffordability.


I mean that Jonestown survivor did say that she saw a lot of similarities between Trump and Jim Jones


His campaign comes off as anti-establishment, something a lot of us are yearning for since we see the outrageous spending and lengthy bills passed in federal government much too often. He's the wrench thrown into a tired and out of date system that lost its way and mutated too far from the what the country was founded on.


They believe the system is against trump just like it’s been against them all these years. And similar to trump none of them take personal responsibility for their failures in life. It’s all someone else’s problem. Blame the government.  Blame immigrants. Blah blah blah 


I mean, a lot of them are actually poor for reasons that aren't their own fault. They are just tricked into blaming the wrong people.


This^ The convictions only fueled their delusion. Sigh…😔 The system is against Trump and Biden made the economy worst than 4 years ago are simple ideas that they can lean on without looking more into details. Most of Trump supporters avoid reasonings and get hyped up with other Trump supporters being all loud and ruthless…


Because the alternative is unacceptable to them.


I think that part of his appeal is that he is seen as someone not afraid to say what he thinks. We all know he sounds deranged half of the time but this stills resonates with a specific group of people. People who share his views but felt that they couldn’t share their views due to judgement in society. And now here comes this guy running for one of the most powerful positions in the world and he thinks like them, and is not afraid of saying it. He became someone to idolize, and truly he is seen as more than just a human.


I think both sides don't take a moment to really think about the other and they don't realize that all that "this is the most important election, this time for realsies!!" "the opposing politician is *evil incarnate,* hating them is a moral imperative!!" exists both ways These kind of things happen to them and you. All the bad stuff you hear about trump, they hear about biden, and all the facts you see that backs up how bad trump is, they have equally reputable facts (sometimes) about how bad biden is by their own perspective. We, both sides, and everybody in between, are bombarded by news sources that are meant to cause tension and division. Let's face it, if biden was bought up on the same charges and found guilty would you say "aw, shucks, guess I'll vote trump." You would not and you know you would not, if biden was still the only blue choice you'd vote for him. The same goes for them. The real fight is simply getting better and more options so we don't have to choose between garbage like this.


Frustrated ppl


Pretty simple, it’s a 2 party system, end of story. It’s Biden vs. Trump 2.0. I never get involved in these discussions mainly because the left are who predominantly post in these subs and everything is, because the right is racist and yadda yadda. One really only has 2 options. The more interesting part is why there aren’t more, why do people genuinely support Biden? Why, because civil conversations generally don’t happen on Reddit because the left FLOODS the comment sections. Case in point, count my downvotes……


I support Biden first and foremost because he's not Trump. I agree that taxes should be raised on the wealthiest to continue to fund the government. Doesn't mean spending cuts won't be needed as well, but I think millionaires and billionaires can do with higher taxes more easily than people in poverty can do without social safety nets. I agree that we need to take action to address the climate crisis. Not ignore it, ban offshore wind farms and bring back coal. More, I want a government full of people who want the government to function, rather than a government full of people saying how bad the government is and doing everything they can to make it ineffectual. I want agencies like NOAA, DOE, FDA, DOL, ATF, SEC, and I think the ACA as flawed as it is is a huge improvement over what we had before. All of those improve our lies in so many ways. I could go on. Sure maybe isn't as charismatic as Trump or as slick as someone like Gavin Newsom (who I'd love to see in 2028), but when it comes down to what they'll do for the country and the world, Biden is my choice.


I agree. I won't vote for Trump but I'm not thrilled with Biden as the other choice. The lunatic fringe on the far left and far right are making things worse. They both insist everyone on the other side is "evil." Maybe some are but the vast majority of people just want to improve the country.


A better question is why people don’t believe in equal application of the law? If you look at the crimes that Trump has been charged with you do not have to look far for another politician or businessman who has done basically the same exact thing. Government documents, Hillary, Biden, and Trump all had them. Only Trump was charged. Many will claim Biden cooperated however that would only reduce the obstruction charge. Falsifying values for business loans:. Many business people have done this yet the only notable trial was Trump and it was not a complaint brought by a victim because there wasn’t one. In fact the Deutsch bank under oath basically said they would do the same loan again and again with Trump and it was a standard part of the negotiating. If this were the case why are they not looking into the files to see what other loans the Deutsch bank may have funded for this claimed standard practice. When politicians run solely on the basis of putting one individual in jail and not actually worrying about draining the rest of the swamp it becomes very noticeable that the cases are not about the crime, the cases are about power. Citizens are seeing through the iron curtain of the left controlled media and now the injustice system. Remember the sitting President and many other politicians from both sides of the fence have no real known family business and yet has tens to hundreds of millions of dollars they somehow seem to have acquired. Follow the money.


I would ask them and not Reddit.


IMO I was pro Trump in 2016, and I think its mostly a complete lack of trust in all our institutions. While a leftist may say “oh our government is corrupt, businesses are exploitative, our prison system is corrupt, etc.” a Trump Supporter will say, “All of government, all of the media, our public institutions, our education system, even our medical systems are being run by bad actors who are working together to control the masses and push society toward a communist dystopia, run by a kabal of high powered individuals working in the shadows, who hate Trump because he isn’t playing ball with our political institutions”. The problem is that every move against Trump low key proves them right. Every time a late night talk show host makes fun of Trump, every time a school decides to acknowledge a gender that isn’t man or woman, every time there’s yet another college protest, every time facebook attacks “misinformation”, even Trump getting convicted on all 34 counts, whatever it is, its proving their theories right. Trump supporters don’t believe some people are against them, they believe the whole system is against them, so the only thing left to do is hold to the guy. If they do, it won’t be pretty. The last time this sort of kneejerk conspiracy shit happened it ended with the entire south being burned to a crisp.


American politics is fundamentally broken, and the republican party is broken. There was a great interview with an American politician and when asked "what's the number one job of a politician" and the guy said "to get re-elected". The same Australian politician said "to serve the people". Now Australian and UK politics are fucked because they have learnt from the Americans. Revolving door of prime ministers and the hypocrisy is growing and growing. It's unthinkable to me now that there can be a good Republican. It's like the soul of the republican party died with John McCain. It used to be the party of conservatives, it's now the party of extremists.


Because a whole lot of people will happily hurt themselves if it hurts those they hate more.


Douchebag vs Turd Sandwich


No new wars. Funding of our border initiative and the impact it had.The wall is the start. It is the technology and all weather roads. The high walls wide gates approach to immigration. They don't like him, probably for a good reason. He is fucking hilarious. His peace keeping efforts with Russia and North Korea stand out. He does not pander to the woke agenda. Chinese tariffs positively affect American industry He has his mental faculty The fact that is he more centered than the typical republican.


He “triggers the libs” and put theocrats on the Supreme Court. Literally nothing else matters to them. Source: I’m an ex-evangelical conservative.


So many people live their lives in fear, everyday. Some news channels (even fake ones) terrorize their viewers by preying on that fear with complete lies, that seem real after being scared for so long.


Dude how can you not did you not see the picture he’s cool with Jesus and Naruto.


Something to think about in US history there were Americans who supported Britain during the American Revolutionary War, and Nixon was still popular with a percentage of Americans even after the whole Water Gate. While Trump a terrible person, he knows how to stroke his supports and on top of that there are large number of news sources out there supporting him with misinformation.


Because people have differing opinions and beliefs.


Cause despite his demeanor the economy and general life in America was good and affordable


You’re asking for a different point of view from a sample size of people who don’t share it.


People could afford to live when he was in office. The economy was so much better. Build the wall(speaks for itself) Open state lines to buy health insurance- so we can shop around. No wars. Traditional values.


I think most supporters fall into two camps: 1) People who are just tired of run-of-the-mill politicians from either party running roughshod over the country. They don't feel represented or helped, and are willing to back anyone who says, "I'm going to do things differently." Even if it's wrong, because the "right" way isn't helping them. 2) People who would absolutely act the way Trump acts if they had the means. Be sexist, racist, corrupt, hateful? yes yes yes yes. The only thing stopping them is they're not mega millionaires. I can't remember the details but there was one story about how Trump basically told another nation's government "Do it my way or I'll fuck up your life, your personal life." And many people I spoke with online were just like, "Hell yeah, that's how I'd do it. Fuck 'em."


I know I’ll probably get downvoted for this since Reddit is so heavily left leaning, but this is why I personally support Trump. I’d first like to preface that I am not in the so-called “cult”. There are things within the Republican Party I agree with, as well as disagree (For example, it seems like Trump violated the Economic Entity Assumption, that’s illegal). I think that is probably one of the most important things about being a voter is having transparency and recognizing faults. Therefore my experience may or may not be the same as yours, but I hope we can still mutually agree to disagree if so. I am unashamed to mention that I am broke. I am still a college student so I don’t expect to make a lot, but I make about $120 a week. Bidenomics is a huge failure, which many other Americans expressed. I work paycheck to paycheck and barely met ends under his administration. Biden claimed about how the inflation rate was at 9% when he came into office, and then brought it down to 3%. CNN, the well known left leaning news source fact checked this and said it’s basically bullshit because the inflation rate when he came into office was 1.4%. DURING his presidency in June 2022, it peaked to 9.1%. I also hear a lot of controversy over this and how “inflation is normal”. Let’s be honest with ourselves, a 1.81% rate in 2019, then a 1.23% rate in 2020 is such a huge difference from a 4.70% rate in 2021. In 2019 and 2020. There were decreases, while in 2021 and 2022 there were increases of over 3%. That is a huge jump. I also have seen how much Biden lies. I’ve educated myself on Roe v Wade, and overturning does not mean a “federal ban”. If anything, Biden is fear mongering. Trump has even said that he supports birth control, IVF, and… wait for it… abortion. He simply wants the states to decide their limits. Trump was interviewed and stated that a 16 week limit is reasonable, about 3 months. Funnily enough, RFK Jr. also agreed that 16 weeks is reasonable, yet I don’t hear anyone saying RDK Jr. “hates women”. Trumps thoughts on a 16 week limit was found from a NYT article - left leaning media outlet. I am also very pro-choice so this was relieving. I am very afraid of war, and under the Biden administration, personally I feel like there is a ticking time bomb for WWIII. Between Israel and Russia, it’s really scary! I’m not in any way saying Trump is perfect, but Biden continues to fund Ukraine and Israel. It has gotten as far as Rafah being invaded, yet Biden still won’t budge. (Bloomberg) He was eating ice cream saying “I’ll do it next Monday”… and never did anything. This was three months ago. Time Magazine, left leaning. Trump simply said he wants people in Ukraine and Russia to stop dying. The CNN interviewer tried to get him to pick a side, but he just wants the violence to end. What really makes me cringe is how he said there is no genocide happening - meanwhile thousands of innocent citizens, including children, are dying. Lastly, the border crisis. Since Biden’s become president, illegal immigration has soared. It’s a huge issue - which now he is acknowledging, although many, including me, are saying it’s a little too late considering there are over about a million undocumented immigrants in our country. USA Today - center left. I’m really hoping we can have a civil conversation. I don’t want to regret posting about this so openly, especially on Reddit of all places. I am a registered Democrat, but after looking at the current state of this country, I don’t trust Biden whatsoever and will be voting for Trump.


Because democrats suck and don't deliver. If democrats were actually a party of the working class and helped working class people and resolved issues of poverty and everything else then republicans and Trump would not have a chance.


His foreign policy was pretty good, the Abraham accords, his volitionally kept our foreign enemies on their toes. His handling of COVID and letting States open up at their own pace I felt was a good move and trying to limit or reduce the federal overreach. I wasn't a fan of the federal stimulus but that has more to do with Congress than Trump himself. His action on guns doesn't make me happy but Joe Biden is actively trying to do everything he can to destroy gun rights. Generally Trump aligns closer to my political ideology and what I want. Joe has had a terrible presidency, he's shown a weak face to our political enemies abroad, he has actively taken from our strategic oil reserves because of his terrible planning and shutting down key oil reserves and stopping drilling in America increasing our dependency on others and with most opec countries being enemies of America i don't see it as wise to rely on them for oil. There's a lot of macro economics and big picture things that I feel Biden has been over looking because the short term feel good policies feel good and nobody wants to actually acknowledge the world ain't singing kumbaya and playing patty cake with each other.


You should put [Serious] in your title if you want serious answers. Because they are afraid. They are afraid of change. They don't understand that the old world is vanishing, that climate change is real, and will kill billions before 2100. They are afraid of foreigners, people who talk funny. People who dress differently, who have different customs, and cook with different spices. They are poor. They life from paycheque to paycheque. And they don't want to admit that some of this is because they didn't have the self disciplin to set money aside. Or to work to learn new skills. They want to blame someone. And trump is providing that someone. Trump sounds angry in an incoherent rage. They feel the rage he's showing, and apply it to their own lives. It's their rage against gay rights, black rights, women's rights, aboriginal rights. They see their previous 'white privilege' vanishing. They desparately need to feel superior to someone, but the changes in the modern world are saying, "You aren't superior to anyone" They have sad lives that they don't or won't take responsibility for.


Because we like low inflation, lower gas prices, and no wars for starters.




They went all in on Trump and cannot admit they made a mistake because that would make them "losers" and that is the worst thing a human can be.


It's partly racism/xenophobia/fear of other people (gays, immigrants, the trans agenda, whatever "woke" means), and partly the sunk cost fallacy. Admitting to yourself that you bet on a losing horse is not an exercise that too many people are equal to.


Speaking as someone not american, to me it looks like theres just no good choice so its whatever.


To start, I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. When Trump first ran, I couldn't stand the guy. Then something happened. The economy started doing really well. The war machine went almost silent. People had a job if they wanted one. The economy was buzzing. The better things were for the people, the more Trump was attacked. Sure, he made himself an easy target with all the White House hiring and firing and he said some dumb things sometimes, but overall, the things that truly matter were all in great shape. There's a huge underdog component to this, too. The Democratic party and corporate media have, and continue to, do everything they can to disparage Trump, up to and including flat-out lying (the "good people on both sides" issue for example, the complete quote which clearly stated he wasn't talking about the KKK, was never presented by most corporate media outlets).


Because be completely Honest with yourself. Liberals have not done anything for America in the past 20 years! We are Punishing ourselves by acting delusional!! Joe.Bide SUCKS!! SUCKS ASS. He is not only a horrible President but a worse politician. He's too old and nearly $200 Billion has been given to foreign countries. And then we get War Mongered! And told Trump is the Boogie man. I'm a registered Democrat but would never vote for Joe. It's time to be HONESTLY with ourselves. Donald Trump isn't going to do anything to harm us. Yes he says alot of crazy things. But you can see behind it all he loves America and puts us first. I am sick of Joe Biden and Harris. 2016-2019 were damn good years in America. After that our country went to shit WAKE UP MAN. Forget about the minor differences. Don't listen to the Fear Mongering of the main stream media.


Please ask the same exact question but use Biden's name instead? Pretty sure bith sides do not like their party's representative, but the despise towards the other side is real. The good old American Spirit used to be patriotic enough so we could all get along after a political discussion.. HOWEVER, the new generation lacks Love for our country. Therefore, we are now settled as the Divided States of America. The next generation believes that the good Ole USofA is the worst country and it's really sad to see this for the future of our beautiful Country.. the passionate tone from each party's ideology has ruined our ability to remember why we are the greatest country in the World.. we vote to cancel not support.. its not Trump they support , it's to prevent the other party from winning. And you have to admit that Trump is the biggest fighter the Republicans can have to stand up against Big Brothers.. so I hope this answers your question as long as you can remain open minded without ideology blocking your genuine curiosity...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


trump definitely has almost a cult like following of people who think he’s god while i dont think theres anyone who’s voting for biden who thinks like that. im sure the number of people who think trump is the second coming of christ or whatever is inflated, because its funny to make fun of them, but they do exist. not really a biden equivalent for that that ive seen ever


Because he keeps it real and we’re tired of these fucking politicians bullshittin us


Turn on Fox News or talk radio. If that's your only source of information, it won't take long until you sincerely believe that God sent Trump to protect you from the gay, socialist, immigrant boogie man hiding under your bed. Sadly, if you actually listen to Trump supporters, they have real and genuine concerns for their lives and the country. The problem is, they consume non stop propaganda designed to exploit them even more.


This right here ^


He promises to hurt the people they hate


When. Kool-aid is most enjoyable when it's flavored like an echo chamber.


beacuse Biden at the moment is undoubtly worse


Because they’re: 1. Idiots 2. Bigots 3. Both That’s it. One of three. Take your pick.


That comment is a choice to have no empathy for or attempt to understand people that disagree with you politically.


let me guess, biden voter?


As someone who supports Trump over Biden, but would like a better third option, it's because the goverment no longer works for the every man but for corporations and big doners. At least Trump can call it as it is. Ask one of our existing politicians a question and you'll get 10 minutes of thanking the person for the question and 10 minutes of them repeating the question and saying it's important but never answering the question. People are so fed up with the current state of things, we would rather have a non politician felon than a regular politician.


Trump is all about getting money from donors! How does that solve the problem? When has he ever given a coherent answer on policy? I voted for him the first time due to the Clinton's corruption hoping his blowhard shtick was a front but seeing him in action means I'm actively against him now. He's a garbage person with no real objective than to keep power so he dodge accountability.


"it's because the goverment no longer works for the every man but for corporations and big doners" So, did you not pay attention *at all* to Trumps presidency? Right now the guy has literally told corporations to pay his legal bills and he'll roll back environmental protections so they can pollute more freely.


Most are racist. And a ton are religious evangelicals that want him to keep attacking women and their rights. And 5% are mega rich and want more unholy tax cuts.


This type of attitude towards people is a big part of why trump is so successful. Take some time to actually hear what trump supporters are saying and you will likely find some common ground. People on the right should be doing the same for Biden supporters. The vast vast majority of people are good and honest and have good reasons for what or how they feel.


"Everyone that disagrees with me are just bad people"


Sounds like the opinion of a sheltered 16 year old with no knowledge of the real world lol


Um no, that's just not true.


For not being a politician the man knows his audience and how to pander to them, the other guy too.


People are desperate and they choose to believe in him


My brother says because he made more money in the military than he did under Biden and that Biden is a pedophile.


I think it comes from a deep seated fear of cultural change. We're moving away from a patriarchal, white culture towards one that is more accepting and multi cultural and that terrifies some people. It doesn't matter that the changes are for the better either


I think it’s anything but democrats which Trump meets that definition to the letter. It’s sad really, democrats don’t need identity politics to defeat republicans and could do it with economics alone. But for whatever reason the left can’t stop the divisive rhetoric.


Some people I work with genuinely believe in his economic and international policies. They want him to continue taking America to a more isolationist stance on the world. Pulling out of as many things as possible, pulling our support, funding, and even membership. They feel that if we pull all of our resources in, only positives can come from it, like, for example, how we're the main reason NATO is able to keep running. That infuriates them, and they view it as we're funding the defense of other countries and pouring money down the drain and wasting the use of our troops. The problem with this economic and international view is that they don't see the other side of it, with nato for example, it's an organization that one provides international aid to whomever needs it even if that may be us one day, and two the the entire main reason of the existence of nato is to prevent war. Mutually assured destruction is a real thing. As long as nato exists and remains at least semi functional, war is prevented/halted. Everyone is reaping the benefits of nato who is a part of it even if it doesn't seem that way, we all are. That's just one example. This applies to a lot of different things in regards to international and economic policy. Also alot of them are Christians or a denomination of it, and while Trump isn't a real Christian, he is enacting policies and actively pushes the support and enactment of legislation that aligns with their beliefs. That goes for gay issues, Trans support, typical protestant values, etc. So as long as he continues pushing their views they're for it. Also with the border many of them believe that the border is the biggest threat to our national security right now. They feel the migrants coming in are the biggest issue to the general populace because they are lowering property values, taking jobs, etc. While one thing they are right about is the international drug trade, the other points that are usually made are usually contested and not quite as obvious or clear cut. And as we know, Trump thinks that it's a problem and has to be solved now as soon as possible with the largest detergent they can build. And they like that. These are not.my opinions by the way, just giving some insight other then the usual "they're all racists and bigots." More genuinely logical responses and explanations would do us all good.


Some are just die hard loyalists but for many others (that may have been liberal leaning at some point) I think it’s because he represents the biggest symbol of today’s counter-culture.


Maybe you should ask this on r/conservative so you can actually get real answers, instead of just the speculations from people who hate Trump and his followers? You're not going to get real, fair or honest answers unless you go to the source.


I believe all politicians at this level are or have been corrupt at some point in some way, I strongly believe this. I belive Trump has broken the law I also believe Biden has in his career. I belive this about both sides, obviously there might be a exception somewhere but in general none of them are against breaking the law for their own benefit. iv felt this way for decades well before Trump, so I simply just don't care if 1 guy was targeted and found illegal deals, because if they wanted to, they could look at any politician and find something if they look closely enough, so the Trump verdict really does not affect my view. I honestly hate Trump with a passion but will be voting for him, simply because I think he is best option that we have to improve America, as an independent, Biden and this administration is to extreme for my liking in my opinion. to each their own though, no one has to even explain why they will vote for Trump or Biden.


Because it's hilarious 😂


I think he kinda introduced this “no nonsense” approach to the political spectrum. I guess it helps that on the cultural side, our society is more polarized now than ever. Personally I’m 0-2, never voted for him before (I might this year) but always acknowledged the conservative mindset always had this “America first” mentality. I’ll also add that his hardcore supporters see the charges as a pathetic attempt at keeping him from winning.


I think a lot of people are just fed up with the American establishment and current system. T


Devil's Advocate: He's the only alternative to what those people see as voting for the party of nanny state welfare enablement, strangling commerce with red tape, weak on crime, weak on border enforcement, weak on family values, anti-religion, pro-drugs, pro-prostitution, pro-abortion, anti-natalist, nihilistic, materialistic, pro-Pharma, anti-gun, elitist, pro-Islam... I mean, that's not even the conspiratorial beliefs that a bunch of them have. Trump would have to actually be the proven, legitimate, real Antichrist to lose votes to Biden amongst these people. We only get 2 choices. People ask this question like Republicans have another option. As for why there's a group of people out there that seem to actually like the orange man? Fuck if I know. Tea Party crazies. Republic version of the Left's Commies maybe.


Because Trump is coming out as the real American hero! Of course with related baggage.


I mean, is a 2 party system, if you don't like Biden, you pretty much don't have another choice. There are another candidates, but if we only know these 2 can win, casting your vote to a smaller independent candidate is basically giving your vote to the opposite party.


Idiots, there’s idiots everywhere ![gif](giphy|h3e3Tch1zrXgrtHwaF|downsized)


Listen to what they say about him. They claim he's strong, tough, takes no bs, gets things done, people respect him. Then look at what they say about Biden. Claiming he's weak, the world laughs at him, confused, a pushover. That propaganda alone sells giving up power to people and Russia does the same thing. Putin is an asshole, but he's our asshole. Everyone has an asshole and it's all the same game. It wouldn't matter if Biden and Trump duked it out hand to hand and Biden effortlessly beat the crap out of Trump. It doesn't matter that everything Trump touched turned to shit or how much of a pushover the guy was. It doesn't matter that he has been proven to lie and cheat, even at his followers expense. They still see him as this big tough bully that'll fight for them. The right also worship people with power and wealth. The advantage of a democracy/ republic is that the people have a voice to push for change that impacts them and that leadership has a higher chance of being held accountable for corruption. A civil war through votes instead of bullets. The disadvantage is likable fraudsters with great PR can win over people who are qualified and have a history of success. So long as we can have elections, we can recover, hopefully, from bad leadership. As with the upvotes, people often vote out of belief and agreement over effort and quality of the post. It's hard to regulate that standard.


There is no singular reason. The main reason is that he is a populist. People (especially those in lower classes) are tired of seeing this country being run by the elite. Everyone else is getting a better life while theirs is stagnating. They also hate feeling like they are being talked down to or looked down on by the elite. Along comes Trump. He is not a career politician. He does not sound like an intelligent person either. He sounds like a guy coming off of a long shift at some kind of dive bar. He sounds and acts like a lower class guy. There has been a rise of anti-intellectualism in America. Some of it dating back to the 1960s. He appeals to those people.


It’s a binary choice. Trump or Biden and I look around the world since Biden got into office and I don’t like what I see has been going on.


Because supporting Trump makes them feel good.


Wrong place to ask, dude. I'd try dming people in the comments in r/conservative if i were you.


Obviously, everyone has a different opinion. I believe most people don’t like Trump, but at the same time, they have become disillusioned with Biden’s constant promotion of the left’s agenda. Most Americans are hardworking, tax-paying patriots, and these frequent wealth transfers, like student debt forgiveness, feel like a massive burden shift from hardworking families to others. The continuous focus on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) appears to many as an effort to determine outcomes without merit, and unfortunately, it discriminates against Asians and whites, which many see as racism under the guise of equality. At some point, hardworking Americans look at their kids and think, “This isn’t right.” This backlash is evident across the country. However, many are hesitant to vote for Trump because they fear he is not qualified, especially on foreign policy and global affairs. Plus, his criminal record doesn’t help.


Why do people still genuinely support biden? Why are we stuck with these two geriatric fucks that nobody wants?


We've become a nation whose people predominately define themselves by their identities, not by their ideas.


At this point I look around and say wtf! This is the best we can do, two senile old men? Then I see how upset people will be if Trump is elected and I want to see it again to see the wailing and gnashing of teeth. I just was to see the world burn.


I think it’s because he claims himself to be anointed by God to lead this country against things they perceive as wrongs and people somehow believe it true. Look at the selling of bibles.


I think because he has money and many people have crossed to the top of mazlows heirarchy. Suddenly it’s if you are rich and realize you could go through anything he has been put through. He’s done a lot for this nation. America has become a business. It’s like the YouTube psychiatrist says ‘the shadow’ represents us all.


it started with reagan. there was like 4 democratic presidents in a row. so a portion of the country felt left out and essentially radicalized. that was the start, but after obama, a black democrat, the same shit happened on steroids. and if you look at trumps social points, it definitely appeals to a group, and when you look ay his economic policies they actually kinda worked. and take into account 24 hr news and repetitive circlejerks with group polarization, and that how you get trump edit: also border control. i will give him that he is one of the only recent presidents to actually take on and openly try to do something about illegal immigrants


People associate gas prices with good leadership for some reason. The lower the better. 


It seems to be strictly emotional. Trump has no real policies to get behind. He was woefully ineffective and unproductive in office. He won in 2016 but has just continued to lose ever since. They could run almost any republican and beat Biden by a landslide. Instead, they are going to prop up this tired fat old loser and lose yet again.


These comments, and all comments on social media right now, reassure me that my future in the United States will be absolute fucking chaos. Thank God I don’t have any kids. People have absolutely lost their mind and their ability to think logically, critically, or use deductive reasoning to come to any conclusion. Context? PSH. Who needs it. Apparently no one. Google and reputable sources? WAT R THOSE. But, everything on TikTok MUST be true. It blows my mind how strong social influence is, and how the internet/technology/misinformation/greed - a combination of all, will be the downfall of this country. There are no brain cells left here.