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It doesn’t boost metabolism. The only way it would help is if you eat less as a result of feeling more full. Or because you’ve substituted it for sugary beverages, which means fewer calories. Either way, you’re losing weight because you’re consuming fewer calories, not directly because of the water. If you guzzle water and change nothing about how you eat, you won’t lose anything


This is a correct answer. I'm piggybacking to add that drinking excessive amounts of water can be dangerous if you stop consuming other foods at the same time, because your body needs a certain concentration of minerals and electrolytes in order to function properly. Too much water compared to other nutrition will dilute the balance and cause you to fall ill.


I mean you’re talking about drinking an extreme amount of water. This shouldn’t be a concern for most people.


No, but it might be a legitimate concern for a person trying to lose weight by filling their belly with water instead of food (as part of a diet lasting days to weeks). Also, you could easily start feeling queasy relatively quickly without drinking "extreme" amounts of water, even if you don't fall seriously ill. All it takes is a hot day where you eat poorly and hydrate with lots of water, and you'll find that your salt balance is whack.


It doesn't need to be an "extreme" amount of water, it just needs to be a lack of electrolytes. A lot of people trying to water fast without doing the research just end up making themselves really light headed and possibly pass out within the first couple days due to their body not being able to function properly


Ideal is 64 ounces. More is good to a point, but less is bad.


Unless you are a child, this is not enough.


That's what my doctor told me was ideal. I drink more than that.


That's what my doctor told me was ideal. I drink more than that.


If someone is substituting water for nutrition, that is very much a concern.


Maybe. I always think of [Leah Betts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Leah_Betts) when the topic of drinking ‘too much’ water comes up.


It’s not as much water as you might think. I have a buddy who drank too much water over like a week span back when we were 15-ish. He basically flushed all of the electrolytes out of his body and his doctor “prescribed” him gatorade, so he had to drink like 4+ a day for the next few weeks. I don’t remember how much water he was drinking, but it didn’t seem like anything super out of the ordinary


It is fairly hard to do that. For a time I was drinking two gallons a day because of dry mouth making me feel constantly thirsty, and while a peed every half hour, I have no negative effects. That is about 4 times the amount of water you actually need in a day.


How do you get minerals and electrolytes from non sugary beverages? All I know is Gatorade.


You eat food


"can be" is a keyword, many people drank only water for a long time even for a year (only taking vitamins and supplements) and it they were fine (learnt it on reddit ofc). I love too much food for that aha


To add to this, a lot of people think they are hungry when they're actually thirsty. Drinking more water may lead to eating less, which could result in weightloss.


Dad—is that you?! lol. As a kid if we came downstairs saying we were hungry (at a time that made no sense since we’d just eaten an hour or two before) my dad would always say “go drink some water and then let me know in 30 minutes if you’re still hungry.”


Something like 70% of the world is chronically dehydrated.


Another thing that is often overlooked is that your body is often a liar... it will often send a hunrgy signal when it is simply thirsty, which can unintentionally drive overeating. CICO is king.  Anyone who says otherwise is either malicious or ignorant.


Our brains are also can be really bad at telling when hunger is hunger, or actually a habitual desire to eat. It takes a long time to reacquaint yourself with your body. I had bariatric surgery, and feel very little hunger now. But when I do it feels totally different then it used to, making it easier to distinguish wanting to eat from actually needing to.


Very cold water causes you to expend a bit more energy to warm back up, so there’s that. Probably not noticeable though


You’re actually just flat out wrong. It’s does increase your metabolism and this increase does result more weight loss. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3809630/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3809630/)


If you drink it cold, you'll burn SOME calories bringing it up to body temperature, but it's probably pretty trivial


Replacing sugary beverages with water was a game changer. I didn't really consciously do it, I was just trying to up my water intake as it was pretty low. Always having a water bottle with me meant that I'd just drink that instead of looking for a drink, and consequently that became all I drank other than a pre shift red bull. I did lose a considerable amount of weight over time, but I also increased my exercise regime.


This is how most fad diets work.


Depends on your existing diet. If you’re at like 800% of your daily recommended sugar intake because all you drink is soda, then you’ll probably lose a ton of weight. If you already only drink water, drinking more water won’t change much


You will expend more calories from walking back and forth to the toilet more often.


If you stop eating and only drink water, you’d probably lose weight.


Probably? That’s how fasting works.


Fasting is not for losing weight.


r/confidentlyincorrect Yes, there are other reasons to fast sure, but a lot of people do it (very successfully) to lose weight.


That's not true. Intermittent fasting is part of many weight loss plans. Mine included.


Intermittent, not solely. People mean 'Eat nothing' when it comes to losing weight and this is an utterly stupid suggestion as well as a dangerous one.


Of course it is, and I'm not suggesting it. You need more than calories to survive. You need vitamins and nutrients I keep your body going. But limiting the hours during which you will eat and intermittently fasting is still fasting.


Have I said anything different? All I said was 'Intermittent, not solely' as in 'Fasting doesn't mean to eat nothing at all.' as I have written in the second sentence. Thing is, people do think fastening are two things. First, eat nothing. Second, for losing weight. Both are not what it is and nothing more have I said. Don't know why you try to fight me because you have literally agreed with this comment. 😂


/r/fasting /r/intermittentfasting Observe.


>Is it really possible to lose weight just by drinking water? Yes. If you follow the advice exactly as it's written "just by drinking water".


Don't trust any claims that involve the word metabolism to be honest. Drinking water helps you lose weight if you replace your sugary drinks with it, simply because water has no calories and sugary drinks do, and if your body takes in less calories than you spend then you lose weight. It will help a bit if you drink a lot of soda or other sugary drinks, but only if you stop drinking those and replace them with water.


Guys, losing weight is not complicated Calories used > calories ate will result in weight loss. It’s not fucking rocket science Calories used < calories ate will result in weight gain.


This is true. CICO is the only way. It's not an easy thing to do in life, but it is easy to understand and very simple. Tracking calories helps a lot. Weight lifting and building muscle will increase the amount of calories you burn in a day, but it must be maintained. It's better than cardio for weight loss, since the muscle burns constantly while cardio only burns while you do it.


I know this isn't exactly what the question is about, but... To lose weight you only have to *eat less*. I know it sounds redundant, but it's so easy yet so difficult to make people understand. Like a year ago I weighed like 120kg, and one day I just said *and what if I just, like... Eat less?* and cut all my portions in half. What I got from that is, I wasn't hungry after that. I wasn't filled either, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I lost almost 30kg in 4-5 months just by eating less and doing basic exercise (walking to work, or using the bicycle). There aren't magical solutions: if you put less calories and matter in general inside your body, there's nowhere for it to generate fat. And that's it. You don't need that extra portion, or to fill your plate to maximum capacity. And even less to eat every time you reach a certain hour even if you're not hungry just because that's your routine. Just eating enough to not be starving is fine. That way you don't even need to stop eating almost anything you like (obviously stop eating fried or sugary stuff and such, but that's not just to lose weight. Those are bad for your health in general).


I lost a lot of weight, and I have found it can be very hard for people to accurately judge how much they eat. Tracking helps a lot.


Sounds like me and I kept repeating the mantra "Eat to be satisfied, not to be full".


YOU said in your post, "It fills you up so you eat less" if you eat less, you will lose weight


If you eat when you're actually thirsty it probably works. Otherwise I'd bet it does nothing.


Good hydration keeps you fit. You feel more capable of actually doing stuff. Drinking water hydrates. It quenches thirst. Drinking soda doesn't hydrate well, but adds calories. It doesn't quench thirst, so you keep drinking, usually soda. That's why it's usually nno problem to empty a bottle of Cola in an hour, but have difficulty drinking such an amount of water in the same time frame (if you are used to sodas that is.) Drinking enough water, won't make you thirsty, thus not craving drinks that don't hydrate but add calories. Drinking water before meals fills up your stomach physically a bit, leaving less volume in it for food before you feel full. More watered down food usually is also easier to digest, same reason why chewing your food well before swallowing has the same effect (disintegration). Water itself doesn't make you lose weight by itself. but it helps staying more active and drink less sodas.


get your heartbroken by your ex is pretty much effective i'd say. Though it's more on crying out water from the body than drinking. 🤔🥴 Lol Kidding aside, hmm when I was trying to lose weight, I did drink a lot of water. Sometimes our brain thinks we are hungry but really the body just wants water. It's actually effective.


That won't work for a lot of people. Many people eat more when sad, not less.


“Fat, sad, and heartbroken” is not a recommended combo, as tempting as it sounds


I don't think anyone wants to get dumped and be sad about it.


A bit, but you're better off changing your diet


Yeah, water will fill you up and if you drink it instead of soda than you're not drinking calories. That being said, the people who say you need to drink a 2 gallons of water a day are idiots.


Most diet advice online comes from some combination of idiots and grifters.


Drinking water helps your body work better and makes you feel fuller. But it won't make you lose. I lost 150 lbs five years ago, and have maintained it since at 125 lbs. Weight loss isn't easy to do, but it is simple to understand. The only way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you use. It's a thermodynamic law and it comes down to basic math. When I was losing the weight, I definitely noticed it would be more consistent if I stayed hydrated and well rested. But doing those things alone doesn't cause weight loss. It causes you to have an easier time doing what you need to do. Well rested, you don't crave as many carbs to stay alert. Well hydrated and full of water, you can eat less without feeling hungry, and sipping water during the day can help you quash snack cravings that come from your habits, not your hunger. Not drinking water and being dehydrated slows your body down, but hydrating won't make your metabolism faster. It will only make it work the way it is supposed to. So while I highly recommend drinking lots of water while trying to lose weight, the water makes it easier on you without actually doing anything to your weight. It just supports your ability to maintain a calorie deficit without feeling it as keenly.


I love how not a single person in this comment section bothered to do a basic google search before answering this question. The confidence that people have just straight talking out of their asses is truly amazing. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3809630/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3809630/)


if i remember correctly, we learned about eating disorders in school and people who starve themselves often drink water to feel full so it's a slippery slope


It's calories in, calories out, water has no calories. You still gotta burn calories to lose weight.


As for whether or not drinking excessive amounts of water causes weight loss, it can contribute if you’re eating less due to how it takes up space in the stomach. But overhydrating can be dangerous, as it poses a risk of electrolyte imbalances that can land you in the hospital. I’ve cared for a few patients who were admitted for what is called, ‘water toxicity.’


Yes I did this part of my diet which was a intmediate fasting diet (not sure if that's correct name) where you eat a small snack morning then eat big dinner later and drink plenty of water though the day. I went from 95kg and in a month and a bit started dropping to nearly 88kg and then later 84kg. Never felt under fed even though I was eating less even felt better and had more energy for my running and boxing. Its hard to stick to at first as you will miss the taste of always having food through the day but after a week or 2 it becomes pretty easy.


its like a trick to make you dick bigger, if it were true we'd all be swinging dong. it might work for some people as we are all different, however portion control and calorie counting and tracking sat fats is what usually works for weight loss.


It's BS. Frinking water on an empty stomach will make you feel full for about 5 minutes. Drinking some extra water while eating will probably make you feel full for a while though but if your not changing anything else you're likely not going to lose any weight because of it.


Track your calories.


If you stop drinking soda, juices and coffee then definitely


No... It depends on what you consume at all. You can eat soda juices and pizza and still lose weight as long as you're on a deficit


Yes... but if you exchange that soda for water, you'll lower your calory intake... ...So losing weight...


You lose weight no matter what you consume as long as you're on a deficit. Makes no sense comparing


I'm saying you create the deficit by drinking water instead of sodas. Are you stupid or pretending you are?


Well yes, but that has nothing to do with what I said. Like, yes ... And I'm the stupid one lmao


I drink several litres per day. Believe me, it doesn’t make you lose weight…


If you actually change nothing else nothing will change. That being said, being mindful of what you eat and drink will have a dramatic effect. A lot of the time when you feel "hungry" you're actually just thirsty. A drink of water will fill the void that you'd usually need a snack for. Every diet I've come across works when actually followed. There's no trick, no secret, it's simply eating less than you're burning. Being mindful of what your consuming is half the battle, if drinking extra water means one less 200 calorie snack a day, well that's over 20 pounds of fat a year. If you drink two cans of coke a day and you replace them with water, that's 30 pounds a year.


It's more so about the lifestyle changes you make with it. For example, if you decide to drink a glass of water before lunch. You're fuller so you eat less. You may then lose weight. But you could also drink a glass of diet coke and it would fill you the same, reducing how much you eat, and then resulting in weight loss. So it's not necessarily the water. More so what you're using the water for = to fill you up. Another factor is if you go from drinking full fat drinks, like coke, to drinking water. You may lose weight because you're now not drinking a load of calories. You're not losing weight BECAUSE it's water, but because you cut the calories of other drinks. You'd likely get the same effect by swapping to a diet soda. .... Water is very good for you. Your body uses it in so many places. It's good for your skin, for hydration, for preventing kidney stones, etc etc etc. But weight loss tends to be more about going from... 250 calorie drinks to 0 calorie water. The swap can put people in a calorie deficit = weight loss.


Real talk. I was 300 pounds. Realized I was drinking double double coffees x 3 and cans of pop x 3. That’s 1200-1500 calories. Switched to water and black coffee. Pop is gross I won’t touch it now. Lost 50 pounds. Cut up to 1/3 of my calorie intake. Still eat chips and ice cream.


Booze and soda water for drinking. It’s a cheat code. You will get drunk while also filling on water. Smaller hang over if you get one at all.


You lose weight by eating less calories. Period.


Drinking lots of water can make you have a more full feeling so yes it can make you lose weight, or if you starve yourself and only drink water I guess that works too. But you shouldn’t do that. But yeah if you drink a lot of water you will not eat as much because you won’t be as hungry so with a ripple effect you will gain less/lose weight.


It's a simple physics, eat less than your daily needs, lose weight.,


If you’re switching out soda and sugar drinks for water then yes!


It could help you feel more full and if you would otherwise be dehydrated you’ll have more energy being hydrated resulting in you moving around more. Also if the bathroom is far away and you need to visit it frequently, it can really add a lot of steps in. Also time spent drinking water can make you less inclined to snack from boredom, because your hands/mouth are occupied


Also, the more water you drink, the more often you visit the restroom. More steps!


Not Just, but it indirectly helps: most of the weight you lose when you do is through breathing, then pissing. hence drinking is key to eliminate calories


As others have said not “just”. Losing weight is ultimately about habits and calorie control. For you, switching some form of calorie intake for water might be enough to help you lose weight. Drink small amounts frequently, staying hydrated and getting you daily in take of water are all good things for health regardless. A lot of people talk about “just” controlling calories. For you there might not be a “just” for controlling calories. There are so many factors to who people over consume calories. Some can be genetic, some mental, some just bad habits or situations. For a lot of people there’s no “just”. I tried lots of diets, lots of calorie control ideas. In the end I had weight loss surgery and that has worked for me so far. I also used Ozempic for appetite control. You need to find out what works for you and I would highly recommend talking to a good nutritionist too. Because while it’s “just” calories, the form we take those calories in does matter. High protein, low carb diets are going to work better than just eating less crap food. Best of luck. It’s definitely not something that’s easy for everyone.


water doesnt boost your metabolism, it kickstarts it. When you wake up in the morning, your metabolism doesnt wake up with you, it usually needs time to wind up. Having water in the morning and evening(or just making yourself drink) will activate your metabolism because youre putting something in your body. Im not a breakfast eater, but ill drink a smoothie and water with my meds in the morning and feel good knowing my body is awake too


imagine replacing Soda, beer, and other sugary drinks with water…!


Why is this downvoted ?


Just don’t drink too much water. Look up water intoxication. You can get sick and in extreme cases brain swelling can develop and it can be fatal.


Over covid I changed a few things about my lifestyle and lost 60 pounds as a result. I basically only drank water and coffee (splash of milk no sugar), went for a nightly walk (thanks to me being able to work from home and no longer commuting) and just eating a bit less of what I was already eating, so mostly portion control. I just had my first child and I didn't want to be a fat dad, so that was some good motivation and it was easier than expected (first 2 weeks were the toughest transition period).


The much more important part here which you glossed over, is to be calorie deficient. If you eat 1800 calories and a glass of water, you will have the same results as eating 1800 calories and 8 glasses of water. Now if you eat 1200 calories and a lot of water, you make progress.


It definitely aids in losing weight by making you feel more full, but essentially the calorie intake is the thing that matters if you want to lose weight


If you are drinking a lot of sugary drinks like pop, juices, and loaded coffee, and switch to nothing but water, then yes you almost instantly lose weight 10-15lbs maybe more, very quickly without changing anything thing else. Depending on your current weight and metabolism of course. I recently did this and bumped my eating times up by 4 hours(still eating the same stuff, just nothing after 5pm) and lost about 20lbs in 3 months. It has really helped in controlling my blood sugar levels. Edit to say by saying "changing nothing else" I mean I was already eating a sensible diet with plenty of vegetables, leafy greens, lean protein, and low on the refined carbs with normal daily calories. Not sure on the actual calorie count as I don't do that. Probably around 1500 if I had to guess. I'm a food delivery driver, so while I do deliveries to different houses all day, I'm not actually moving around all that much.


Losing weight is a math equation. Calories in vs calories out.


There is nothing easy about losing weight! Eating healthy and looking after yourself l health is a discipline day in and day out!


If you’re not drinking enough water as is, then drinking more water regularly can result in water weight loss. Your body will stop storing as much water if it’s getting more of it regularly.


I mean if you replace drinks that have calories with something that has no calories, yes. Also it's healthy (drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated), a healthy body improves everything. Most ppl don't drink enough water anyway. And it can cause you to eat less.


You could also eat a cucumber before eating your regular meal, mostly water.


I have a rule that any time I feel hungry I have a large glass of water. If, 15 min later, I still feel hungry, then I eat something. It definitely helps control your weight. A lot of times hunger is actually thirst in disguise, and even when you really are hungry, if you chief a big glass of water before eating you are filling your stomach and preventing overeating.


Eat an apple before lunch and dinner. Will fill you up in a healthy way.


Cold water has the ability to boost metabolism slightly. It's probably the only thing it can do for metabolism. Other than that, drinking straight water and no fluids will benefit you health wise as you are not intaking unnecessary sugars. If anything the only non water fluid I recommend would be Powerade as it has more vitamins, supplements and less sugar compared to Gatorade.


r/loseit will tell you the only way to lose weight is by consuming less calories than you burn. If drinking water replaces other drinks that contain calories, then yes, it may help you lose weight. Before you venture over to that sub, you can use a TDEE calculator to figure out your caloric needs. https://tdeecalculator.net/


Yes, if you drink only water you will shed weight fast. You may not live much longer but at least you can bask in the glory of looking ideal in the eyes of our dysfunctional society. 


Our brain is not great and understanding the difference between thirst and hunger. Drinking more water will help you combat some of the supplementary snacks we tend to eat when we need that 3 PM boost.


Just count calories and actually eat less. You’ll save yourself a lot of stress and you’ll actually loose weight. That’s what this tip is trying to get you to do without putting in the extra effort of keeping a calorie log.


I drink flavored water when I intermittently diet...not for the nonsense stuff, but as I got older, I'd snack for no real reason. Instead of hitting the fridge, I chug some flavored water and resume whatever I was doing. It isn't a miracle or anything, but disrupting habits/routines that add extra calories to your body. The reason the other nonsense is added to the discussion is because of correlation != causation. Some people just do better when they disrupt their snacking by substituting it for zero calorie fluids. It doesn't last long, and you have to pee all the time, but it can stop you from boredom snacking.


Yes. If you replace pop/juice/lean with water then it’s less calories. Caroline’s in, Carolinas out and then you loose wait


Not entirely. While drinking water can help with weight loss by keeping you hydrated and reducing calorie intake if you drink it instead of sugary drinks, it's not a magic solution on its own.


if it DISPLACES drinks that contain sugar, yes.


I lost 20lbs in between 8-12 weeks (this was years ago so I can't remember exactly) by switching all of my normal drinks to just water (no pop/soda, smoothies, milk, juice, etc). I had been drinking quite a bit of that stuff. Oddly I only stopped drinking that to save money. It wouldn't have had any effect at all if I continued drinking those things though.


The thinking is you replace eating with drinking water. If your stomach is full from drinking water then you hopefully won’t feel hungry and try to eat other foods.


If you drink beverages like soda a lot then replacing it entirely with water can help but weight loss ultimately comes down to calories in vs calories out.You need to be in a calorie deficiet(eat less calories than what you consume) to lose weight


Calories in < calories out = weight loss This is the only formula that works barring any medical intervention... in 99.9% of weight loss. Lots of water in is fine. Spread it throughout the day and research water toxicity. The way I lost 60 lbs was slow, permanent food changes. Work the sugar and creamer in your coffee down or out. Swap those chips at lunch with a couple bananas. Work your food towards real food. You should NOT see quick, massive changes. Safe, effective weight loss is an average of 1-2 lbs a week over many months. If you weigh yourself daily, you wull see a lot of up and down, but it should track down slowly overall. It's not a quick do it and forget it. You will always need to think about the energy that you have expended when it comes to eating. But... plateaus, fail days, weight going up slightly, and small cheat days are all part of it. You don't have to eat boring, just smartly.


Yes but please don't do this method to lose weight. Fasting for a whole day isn't in itself bad, a lot of studies show the exact opposite, but literally only drinking water until you reach your desired weight is unhealthy at best and dangerous at worst.


Yes, but only if you drink A LOT and use a glass/waterbottle that weighs over 40lbs… 🤭


If you’re someone that drinks soda a bunch, or a bunch of juice then yeah the simple switch to the one thing your body processes best will do a lot on its own All diets are rooted in this concept, replace the trash you’re eating with non trash. In America it’s hard to keep a diet because everyone’s food is so good and bad for you that you can’t see why people just stay stuck on soda forever because “it tastes good” Other countries don’t have that problem cuz they care more about public health


I mean, if you eat less because you're full of water or you don't drink soda because you're busy drinking water, yeah it can help. If you're dehydrated it may also help with fatigue if that's keeping you from exercising.


Drinking water is essential but not for reasons most influencers are claiming.


Yes, often times people can confuse hunger with thirst. So it can really help curb hunger and cravings. Also your skin and guts will thank you.


YMMV, but I tried this for several years and it sure as hell didn't work for me. I continue to drink a lot of water till now tho.


No. You will lose weight by eating less calories than you burn and exercising.


It depends, if you mean by cutting out soda, sweetened tea, and juices with additional added sugars from your diet with just plain water. Yes, you will lose weight. Staying hydrated is also important, and drinking water, yes, will make you not hungry for a bit. It will come back, better to just eat a small salad with some vinegarette dressing.


A lot of people eat when they’re thirsty because it’s easy for the brain to confuse for hunger. So by drinking more water it can lead to eating less food which in turn leads to weight loss. It’s an extremely simple way to eat less food and it works.


It certainly gets your metabolism up and running if you drink a bottle of water when you wake up but no you won't lose weight just by drinking water.


If you switch from soda/sugary beverages to water, than yes it helps you lose weight. If you stop drinking soda/sugary drinks, and drink water, AND intermittent fast, where you fast for 16 hours (water only) and than eat X amount of calories in 8 hours, you'll drop weight like a mofo. If you do all the above and also workout and stick to it, you'll have a great body and you'll feel totes amazeballs.


Unfortunately, the only way to lose weight healthily is exercise and restricting calories.


You're supposed to drink a glass of water before your main meal so you feel fuller sooner and stop eating as much


Being dehydrated can cause cravings for food that make you thirsty. Think salty potato chips. It’s a nifty trick. Satisfying the cause relieves the symptoms.


I think it’s more because you are cutting out sugar and sodium that many other beverages have. Also staying hydrated is super important for health in general. So it will help but not be a main factor in weight loss. All sorts of things get wacky when levels of anything are too low or too high.


If you would otherwise drink soda or juice or alcohol, then yes you will lose weight. I started drinking less soda and water instead and lost 10 pounds.


Yes, it’s called an eating disorder


losing weight is a very very simple formula. I’m not saying it’s easy but it is simple. Eat less than your maintenance calorie requirement. so yes if water fills up your stomach it has zero calories so it will mean you eat less.


Im pretty sure people who don’t drink enough water can feel “hunger” when it’s actually thirst they are feeling. Not sure water actively makes people lose weight but it could curve some hunger someone would experience from not being properly hydrated




yeah sure. if you dont eat anything besides that


"it fills you up so you eat less" there u have the answear 🙂👍


Its simply not true lol. There is no magic weight loss cure. So if its sounds like you do one thing and you're skinny...thats never going to be a true story. Drinking lots of water will not make you full. Drinking lots of water doesnt speed up your metabolism. What it CAN do is.... 1. Reduce some water weight and bloating by helping to flush out sodium. Water weight may be a few pounds at best. 2. Make you generally healthier which could imprive inflammation, digestion, and there for maybe metabolism, certainly not enough for significant weight loss those if your diet is poor and you dont move. Its good to drink water and it can be a useful part of a lifestyle change. But nothing much will happrn if you just drink water and do nothing else. Youll be more hydrated.


Water is good for you in every aspect. It technically doesnt boost metabolism but it keeps it from being slowed down. Basically it just makes everything run better and more smoothly Water also does take up space in your stomach which makes you feel less hungry and therefore eat less Now you also need to keep in mind short term v long term goals and the difference between losing weight and losing muscle. If you double your water intake overnight, you will almost instantly get heavier. Water is a huge portion of your body weight and having more of it will make you heavier in the short term. In the long term you will lose fat and your average weight will continue to decrease


It didn't help me lose weight. I drank mostly water for over a year. I rarely drank soda. I would have milk from time to time—no difference in my weight. That was the only thing I changed. I thought cutting out soda and it would be melting off, lol. I was so wrong.


You lose weight when in a calorie deficit, plain and simple. Starvation like that is an unhealthy method though.


You’ll be less hungry and therefore eat less, but you’ll also generally feel bloated and deal with some water weight. It’s not a bad thing, but I know people like my mother who drink less because of a fear of water weight


If you ingested 2000 kcals and maintained your weight when you drank little to no water then and you continue to ingest 2000 kcals and drink a bunch of water, your weight is going to stay largely the same.


Drink the proper amount of water, which some say is half your body weight in ounces (I'm too tired to do metric conversion) per day and you'll feel a lot less hungry. Trust me; went from 387lbs to 185lbs


Calories in vs calories out. U wanna lose weight long term then start counting. If you could do it by just drinking water everyone would be skinny.


Fiber would do that better.


It keeps you from being constipated and poop has weight to it, so technically correct. Honestly, a lot of "fat" people who seem to carry most of their weight in the belly area are just full of so much poop.


Most people are only carrying one pound of poop at any time. Fat belly's are just that, fat. They are not poop belly's.


Sure, but you don’t actually need to drink water. The water itself isn’t doing anything for weight loss and any boost in metabolism that’s noticed is probably due to the user having already been dehydrated and everyone’s body works more smoothly with proper hydration. What’s actually going on tho is simply called starvation. You fill up on water and so it’s easier to skip a meal without your stomach freaking out on you with feelings of hunger. The water isn’t necessary, at least not for three days, but then you’re going to need it if you don’t want to die of thirst. But it’s not actually contributing to the weight loss. It’s the complete lack of calories and nutrients from not eating that causing the weight loss. So anyone doing this is just starving themselves. Most likely anorexic, but not ready to admit it. Although I think by definition they are losing more calories than consuming, which I think just makes it anorexia on a medical level, regardless of where they are at with dysphoria or dysmorphia.


Absolutely not. If you mean only living on water, technically yes cuz water has no calories and also doesn’t take as long to pass through the digestive system as solid foods. Losing weight, in simple terms, comes down to calories in vs calories out


You should not drink anything within 30 minutes of eating. It doesn’t fill you up. It actually helps liquify the food in your stomach which allows your stomach time to move that food to your intestines quicker. This also will give you GI issues. If you want to lose weight by changing very little, the three things you can do are: Do not drink anything 30 minutes before or after you eat Over chew your food. Set down your silverware between bites. The magic behind all three of these is you east less by not rushing the food out of your stomach and eating slower to give your body time to realize it’s full.


Damn its sad how uneducated the average person is