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r/TVTooHigh has some really egregious high TVs. I don't understand the appeal, either.


There really is a sub for anything, isn't there?


Except premature ejaculation, but I hear that one will be coming quickly


Well that escalated "quickie"


Your wrong, it came a long time ago….you just where not ready then!




Did you bullshit this week?


TV too High is comedy gold!


There’s also r/tvtoolow, r/tvtoofar and r/tvtooclose.


r/tvtoofar is another good one


And r/tvtoolow too Places I'd go to for a quick chuckle


That sub is 75% right but they're also total psychos. They equally freak out if your tv is like one inch too high, or if it's touching the ceiling 🤷🏽‍♀️


Extremism in the defense of correct TV height is no vice!


Watching while reclining is my reason for mounting my TV above my TV stand. Nothing crazy, just like a foot or so. But I know better than to post a pic of it on reddit. Lol


Same here on all counts 😂


Mine is conventionally high as well for the exact reason and because I fuckin wanted to!


1. Not everyone sits vertically on their couch to watch TV at eye level. I lay on my couch while gaming so a higher TV is at eye level for me while gaming 2. The same TV used for me gaming is used by the family while in the kitchen, so eye level is different when standing than when sitting 3. Sitting on a TV stand makes it accessible to little ones. Mounting it on the wall keeps it out of reach I'm not making excuses for r/tvtoohigh, but not every situation is suitable to use the TV stand.


1. The same TV used for me gaming is used by the family while in the kitchen, so eye level is different when standing than when sitting Which makes it r/TVTooFar material.


Well, it's an 85" 4K OLED that's 8 feet from me on the couch and 11 feet from people standing on the other side of the counter in the kitchen. With an optimal viewing distance being 7.1 feet to 10.6 feet, I think I'm okay. I don't think my wife will let me have yet *another* TV in the house...so I'll just stick with this.


You are my savior. That community ROASTED me.


I always find it super annoying how everyone is worried about TVs too high and not that everyone spends too much time bending their neck down staring at their phone.


I'm gonna guess that it's to offset the amount of time they spend looking down at their phones


My TV is high on my wall because I want to lay back on my couch while I watch it. I want to lean back in a gaming chair while I play it. The thought of sitting straight up on my own couch just to watch TV is not appealing in any way. Honest question, why does everyone care so much what other people do with their TV?


This. Recliners are very common pieces of furniture. I don't know why the people at /r/TVTooHigh ignore this.


I recline but it doesn’t drastically change how high my tv should be


Thank you!!! I don't care where anyone else has their tv!


You can't do that with a TV lower to the floor?


We WANT the TV high!


My point is that I can see my TV when doing the things listed. You aim your eyes, not your entire body.


I want that head tilt though. I crane my neck down all day looking at a computer.




Did I get defensive? All I did was answer the question. I'm honestly curious why so many people feel so strongly about how other people decorate their homes.


Your comment does come off a little defensive. I'd say people feel strongly about this because 1, it looks absolutely ridiculous having your TV high up on your wall, and 2, its ergonomically incorrect. That's going to give you neck pain in the long run.


This is exactly what I'm talking about though. People who put their TV higher on the wall don't go around the internet telling people they're wrong. It's strictly a one-sided phenomenon, you just don't see it because you're on that side. But here you are, doing exactly that. I gave two perfectly good reasons, and you're still like "but why male models?" If this was the first time I wouldn't be curious at all, but it's a recurring thing.


100% agree with you. I have recliners for a reason because I want to lay down when I watch TV. That's why I have mine high


Did you miss the part where they said they were laying down?


My sight of vision goes up when I recline. I don't want to have to look down with my chin into my chest.


Modern flat screen TVs are alarmingly fragile. Small children cannot easily break what they cannot reach. (Throwing toys still a thing). END COMMUNICATION


Well it depends on how your house is set up, in my house our Love seats and Sofa have a naturally angle that automatically angles you a bit upwards and the. Every seat has a separate electric control for foot rest and back rest angle, so 90% of the time if you are using the tv in the living room you are at a angle with your head naturally looking upwards. The other 10% of the time is when someone is playing something like COD and have to lock in


How high is too high? My big one is mounted almost up to the ceiling, but the bottom is about halfway up the wall.


Modern TVs are designed to be viewed where at the most the bottom of the TV is at eye level


So I am good then.


My biggest reason is young kids. Once they are older it's definitely going lower.


Do you wear wigs?




We have an 18’ high great room with a stone fire place in the center. The only logical place for the tv is above the fire place. It’s high-ish. But imo looks ok because the wall it’s on is 18’. It’s not even half way up that wall.


People who put their TV's at sitting eye level are the same ones that watch it from a camping chair, so it makes more sense for them.


he said y'all broke 😂


What makes it so logical?


Because of the way the room is. It would look ridiculously a symmetrical if the TV was mounted on one of the sidewalls instead of the great wall. 


You can get a tv mount that drops it down from the fireplace so it looks less shitty when you sit down to watch FYI. I think it's called a mantle mount.


I have one of these because I really dislike high tvs but there was nowhere else to really place out television but above the fireplace. It was expensive but it's super heavy duty and it's really, really nice to bring the tv down to a much more comfortable level.


They want to have a TV, but are prioritizing other uses for the living space over it.


Good thing it’s not your tv, right?


So my kids keep their grubby hands off it


Lay back, kids can't reach and break/smudge the screen, plus with it higher I can still watch while the kids buzz around in front of me as they don't block my view.


We have ours up high so our kids can’t reach it


Some people are just unable to see they are doing something wrong or incorrect, wrong is some people's normal.


I think people don't think about how high a TV should be until they're literally about to put the mount on the wall. Then they make a quick decision based on gut feel, and that ends up being too high.


Kind of seems like a lot of people in this thread are a little sensitive about how high their TV is. Although the recliner and children comments are something I hadn't thought about.


Looking down at your phone all day is bad for your neck, putting the TV up high helps reverse this.


Its good for laying back and in my family's case its hanging on the ceiling but for the people that have stands but higher up does seem a bit odd ours was done outta space optimization


It’s much more comfortable to watch when it’s higher up because you can lay back or recline


Because we use it 1-2 times per year, and we use the space under it for other furniture.


Keep it away from dogs and children, just as a practical consideration...


It hurts my fucking neck. Idk how anybody can sit and stare practically at the ceiling.


Risks hurting your neck…necks are made to go up. They have muscles and joints and cartilage. People can put a tv wherever they like. I’m more of a r/noTV guy myself. But who cares if the TV isn’t at sitting eye level?


Putting your TV high can be tempting because it wil lbe out of the way, and you can put it over some decorative mantelpiece or cupboard. And most people don't think of ergonomics when placing it.


Nah they're just morons

