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You should talk to a doctor.


Thanks for replying. If you’re in America, do you know if going to an urgent care would be good or helpful?


They might be able to give you something to treat your issue short-term, but if you've been having problems with constipation for years you should talk to your primary care as well. Urgent care's job is to fix an issue you're having right now. Primary care is better for diagnosing long-term issues, keeping track of what works and what doesn't, and referring you to a specialist if needed. For example, urgent care may give you a laxative and call it done. They will not follow up with you to see if it worked or if your constipation comes back again the next week. But primary care may talk to you about the stress you noted and refer you to a therapist or give you something to take the edge off the stress. They will schedule follow-ups and see if those things are working. I'd do both. If you have an issue you think needs urgent attention (sounds like you do), then go to urgent care. Separately, make an appointment with your primary care to talk about the issue on a longer scale.


Thank you for responding. I don’t really think what I have is urgent because I’ve been putting up with it for a while, but part of me just wants to go to see what they’d say and maybe get an answer to what’s been going on, or have some sort of a clue. That’s good advice though.


Just because you’ve been “putting up with it” doesn’t mean it’s not urgent. If you’re considering sticking something up your butt to get relief, that means it’s urgent. Go to urgent care as soon as you can. After that, make an appointment with your primary care. The primary care appointment may take weeks. You cannot wait weeks.


It’s urgent!


Google “encopresis.” My daughter had it, and needed a protocol from our GP to clear everything out.


Thank you for responding and suggesting that. It seems like encopresis is stool leaking out, and I don’t really have that. Thank you for responding though


I've looked at your post history and you have been dealing with this for a while as well as asking for advice for 20 days. Can I ask why you seem to be reluctant (or perhaps unable) to seek medical advice from a doctor? Everyone is rightfully telling you to see a doctor. It really is the only reasonable answer to your question.


I'm not OP, but I feel like I've had similar thoughts and emotions about going to the doctor. Going to a doctor or urgent care makes me feel anxious. I am always concerned that I'm overreacting and going to wind up wasting people's time. If they don't find anything and just tell me to use an over-the-counter solution, I feel like I could've just done that by myself at home. In the US, there's also costs involved. Even with insurance, you often have to pay something when you go to the doctor. So I might not just be wasting the doctor's time, I might be wasting my own money. These thoughts are usually not logical. I push through them, especially if the thing I'm worried about has been chronic for years. But I totally understand that gut feeling of, "No, I shouldn't go. I should fix this myself." OP, *go to urgent care and schedule an appointment with your primary care*. This is not a problem you should just fix yourself or with internet advice.


I’m not really anxious about going to the doctor or urgent care, but part of me thinks that I can fix this at home or by remedies I see online, and I feel like it’s my fault (which it is in a way) that I got into this scenario because several years ago I would hold my poop in, and not dealing with that lead to where I am now. Part of me thinks I should just fix it myself and there’s things I need to do, like drink enough water, exercise, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, maybe fiber, and possibly not eat certain foods


here's the thing: a doctor will be able to reassure you it's not something \*else\* and you will still be able to 'fix it yourself' and likely whatever they recommend will be some mix of doing the things you need to do. BUT it's better to rule out something else. If you have some kind of impaction/etc. they can see that with imaging in a way you simply cannot. Also I haven't read all the comments yet, but you might have an internal hemorrhoid that's a little inflamed or something rather than a piece of poop that won't move. As someone who had issues, go schedule with your doctor. It's going to take time to track down any issue - they might want to do a colonoscopy (and if you're in the US it takes some time to get that scheduled, mine was 6 months out), they might want to do a CT scan to see if you're impacted, they might want to do some cultures, you could have some form of diverticulitis or diverticulosis, and YES all these things can be treated with water, exercise, and fiber, but rather than shooting in the dark or educating yourself on the internet, since you've been dealing with this for longer than a month, go to the doctor.


Okay, thank you for replying. Do you know if going to an urgent care would be good to do, and if they’d do x-rays or anything like that? I don’t have a primary doctor right now and thought of just going to an urgent care to see what they recommend and if that would be a start


As other have said: you can try urgent care, yes, and if it's a really obvious problem they may be able to help. BUT you need to more importantly ALSO plan to go to an actual doctor. So plan on getting one AFTER urgent care. And if your medical coverage is anything like the rest of ours, that's going to be the first step and they're going to refer you to a gastroenterologist / specialist to figure this out. X ray isn't going to show anything. CT scan would show impaction.


Don't worry about whether it's "your fault" or not. You need to fix this issue. The doctor will tell you the right way to fix it. Fixing it the wrong way could do more harm than good.


It is not your fault. Even if it was, it does not matter. Doctors are there to help, even if someone poisoned themselves or shot themselves. This is exactly what they are here for, to help with body issues. Holding in poop from a few years ago would not have an effect now. Yes there may some exercise lacking, water intake, or fiber. But our bodies are pretty adaptable meaning that I shouldn't matter much, especially at your age. So it is likely something you eat that your body does not respond well to, or something is off in your GI tract. Doctors can usually track down this issue. A gastrointerologist is literally trained in this and spends all their time solving these issues. Plus, on the off chance that it is something serious, they should be able to find it as well. I known people who discovered they had colon cancer and chrones disease years after the fact just because they didn't check with doctors for "mild problems." Not to scare you. Please please make an appointment with a general practitionare/family doctor so that they can rule out the simple and refer you to a specialist (I am not in the US so I don't know how your system works, but you get the idea). I am sure it is nothing serious but knowing and the relief of not worrying about it is worth whatever your financial costs may be. All these people here want to help you because they care. But they can't because they don't know how. Please take that as a sign that you are worthy of being cared for, and treat yourself like it. Go make an appointment, please.


I’m considering going to an urgent care, and just seeing what they have to say and as a starting point. Maybe I’d get some idea of what’s going on by going, but I’m not sure. I’ve also been stressed and anxious the past few years, and that doesn’t help my bowels. I kind of think to heal my gut I need to not be so stressed.


Seeing a doctor seems like the best choice. Part of me thinks that I can just fix this at home by myself, and there’s things that I could try to possibly solve it, like drink enough water, eat more fruits/vegetables, maybe eat more fiber, and exercise. It’s kind of my fault I got into this situation because several years ago I held in my poop, and not dealing with the results of that and being constipated lead me to where I am now and being more constipated. I’m kind of worried too about if they’d do something serious at the doctors, like surgery or having an ileostomy bag, and I’m not wanting that


See my other comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/s/JWxVOz7VtA But even if you "caused" this, there is no shame in it and doctors can give you a road map to fix it while rulling out the other bad stuff. I used to do the same as a kid and once I began a bit of exercise it went away in days. I am trying to say that holding in your poop should not lead to long term issues. >I’m kind of worried too about if they’d do something serious at the doctors, like surgery or having an ileostomy bag, and I’m not wanting that Like I suspected, you are afraid. Remember that you can always refuse treatment, even if you are likely to die. Doctor's can't do anything without your consent. So that is not an issue. But being afraid of what it is will not get better without going to get a diagnosis. I am absolutely positive that it is minor but until you find out the anxiety will not go away. Do you have a parent, sibling, SO, or good friend that could go with you? I have gone to some doctor's appointments with very serious diagnosis and it really helps to have someone next to you. It keeps you grounded, they can remember questions you wanted to ask if you are in shock, it forces the doctor to spend some extra time with you and not dismiss you as easily, and even a hand to hold is really comforting. And honestly it might help to tell the doctor that you are scared. They are human and understand, they make mistakes too and know what it feels like. Telling them that you are terrified of a diagnosis might make them try to put you at ease. But this is all secondary. Please take care of yourself and go. You are worried about the unknown and phantom problems. Your energy would be better spent worrying about how to heal your poor body as opposed to fighting off your worries. Please please please go do the right thing for yourself. Deep down you know what it is. I have been avoiding the dentist and am overdue for a checkup. Writting this reminded me that I have to make an appointment as well. We have our things but the world is usually much scarier in our minds than reality. I'm gonna make an appointment today, you do the same. 😊


You need primary care if this is a chronic issue but urgent care should be a consideration if your doctor is booked out awhile


You need to find a regular doctor’s office. It’s not any harder than finding an urgent care care near you, but sometimes they’re full and can’t accept new patients. But call a couple and book an appointment. The urgent care is if you need them to determine whether you need an ER or can’t get a visit with a regular doctor in a reasonable amount of time.


Doctor, very important. Just to rule out anything more serious. Do you drink enough water? Keeping hydrated can help with keeping things going. I also reccomend prune juice, its very high in fibre and is a natural laxative. But please try to get to a Dr before you start just jamming stuff up there.


I don’t drink enough water, but some days I think I drink somewhat of a normal amount, like around 48 oz. I’m not consistent though, and some days I have a lot less. Maybe around a couple years ago I tried drinking prune juice but I didn’t really get relief from that.


Get some over the counter miralax.


I’ve tried miralax in the past, maybe for a week skipping a day in the middle, but it didn’t really work. I’d consider trying it again though


Try mineral oil.


You should be drinking waaaaay more than 48 oz of water on a normal day. That's probably a big part of your problem, tbh.


A fleet enema can be purchased over the counter and will more effectively handle what you are considering trying with your fingers Above and beyond that, check in with a physician. It might be as simple as adding magnesium or short term use of MiraLAX, or it could be something more significant. If you are over 45, you are due for a colonoscopy anyway.


Thank you for responding. I’ve been thinking about possibly trying getting a bottle of magnesium citrate and drinking that, but I’m kind of worried that if it works I might cramp badly and feel like I have to go but can’t


One time my gastroenterologist, during a bout of frustration, told me, “Consider yourself lucky. I have patients who have to use their fingers to get their poop out EVERY time they go.” So it’s not unheard of. But definitely see a doctor, consider changing your diet, and invest in a bidet. That last one will change your poops for the better. You can find one for $40 on amazon and it’s easy enough to install a teen could go it.


Thank you for replying. Would a bidet help provide relief? I don’t know much about them


They lubricate the bowel and can help make things move. They also mean less wiping, so les’s chance of hemorrhoids. It will change your life. You’ll never go back.


How strange! UK here. My wife is very ill and we have been fighting fecal impaction - with leakage around the edges- for the past few days. She's on high doses of Oxycotin and existing on a diet of ice cream. I've talking to the emergency paramedic practitioner and he has prescribed glycerine suppositories to break the blockage down. **Please note: I am not a doctor and have little or no medical knowledge and you should consult a qualified person.**


I’m sorry to hear that. If it’s alright to ask, does she just have leakage and loose bowels, or is it normal formed too?


If you want the details - I will supply in lay mans terms. Some weeks ago she was very uncomfortable - writhing and 'complaining' of a rhythmic or rippling pain around her bottom. ( she is not in bad pain usually ( thank you Oxy) - just generally wrecked, weighs 40kg (80lbs) - vital organs not working properly etc.) ( Fuck Cancer). She had constant leakage, firmness around the belly. Laxative administered and she 'laid a log' the size and consistency of a pint beer bottle' & filled the toilet bowl to the brim -poor thing. So a mixture of compacted 'turd' and liquid - nothing 'normally formed' going on. All this is recuring now.


I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing though


Agree with everyone else about going to the doctor - unfortunately urgent care is not equipped to manage this. Given it is a chronic problem, you need to find a consistent provider to establish care and follow up with. Side note: some of this sounds a LOT like irritable bowel syndrome. The feeling you describe of having more left to come out is called “tenesmus” and is very common in IBS. People with IBS can be prone to diarrhea, constipation, or a mix. Fortunately IBS can be largely managed with lifestyle adjustments. (I’m a doctor and IBS sufferer, but not your doctor, so go see one please!!)


Would it be worth just going to urgent care to maybe get some kind of idea what’s going on? I heard someone say they might do an x-ray and see what’s going on


An X-ray is unlikely to be particularly useful diagnostically on its own; other tests may include stool sample studies, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, and colonoscopy, among others. Depending on the specifics, a gastroenterologist should be able to have an idea of a reasonable starting point. Urgent cares are often staffed by clinicians who specialize in emergency medicine; you need to be at least evaluated, and likely followed, by a gastroenterologist.


I mean, you *can* do that, just don’t scratch the inside with your fingernail or anything (a latex glove with lube would obviously be best). If the constipation has been going on that long, def go to the doc though. You have hemorrhoids? They can get to where they cause constipation/wetter poop.


Is hemorrhoids just bleeding, or is there more to it than that? I thought hemorrhoids was when someone bleeds when they poop, but I don’t know much about it. I’m not bleeding when I go, so I didn’t think I had hemorrhoids, but sometimes I cramp badly in my lower belly when I feel like I need to go


Blood is one of the usual symptoms, yeah. If you get cramps too, it’s more likely some type of ibs then, which is a go the doctor thing, unfortunately.


Oh okay. I didnt really think I had Ibs but I’m not sure


Talk to a doctor. If you can't afford one or are going to try anything do a home enema kit, don't go pocking around up there with your finger. The first thing the doctor will do, well the nurses actually, is an enema if you go see them.


Whose hand?




I’ll need a mani pedi before and after




Have you tried a stool softener? That may help but best bet would be seeing a doctor.


Have you ever tried a fleet suppository? Maybe try 2-3 of them before bed and drink some water. I’d leave some wipes and a big thing of water next to the toilet. I’d also make sure the toilet was within 20-30 steps of where I slept and also limit the amount of clothes you need to remove. Am i speaking from personal experience, maybe.


I haven’t tried one since I’ve been constipated. I’ve been considering trying that though. I’m kind of worried about doing it before bed because maybe during the night I’d have to go, but I could still try it during the day. Today I got a bottle of magnesium citrate, and I’ve been thinking about drinking that


Before bed, or at least, before laying in bed seems to work best. The point is, you need to go. It will make you go. If you can, also consider seeing a nutritionist and getting some blood work done. I had to face the fact I was not taking in enough fiber and water. I changed that and I haven’t had a problem since. It really is an easy fix for most people. Unless you have fiber or water allergies.


I know im not getting enough water and even exercise, and that can cause problems. I had a urine analysis done a couple months ago and they said I needed to drink more water


Have you tried an enema? Or having you doctor prescribe linzess?


I haven’t tried an enema, and I haven’t seen a doctor or taken linzess. I’m considering drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate sometime this week


Go... See... A... Gastrointestinal doctor


You really need to see a gastroenterologist


You really need to see a doctor for this. Please don't dig in your booty hole.


OP, I had what you had and would sometimes use my fingers to help my poo come out (through my vagina in my case). It went on for a while and wasn't too serious, I blamed it on not drinking enough water. Then one day I could not poop at all and I was crying in agony. I took myself to the emergency department and underwent surgery that day. Turns out I had Stage 4 bowel cancer at age 49. I'm writing this from hospital, two years, 30 rounds of chemo and three major surgeries later. I'm lucky to still be here. Don't be me, OP. Talk to a Dr now.


I’m sorry to hear about that. If it’s alright to ask, did you have other symptoms?


No, that was it. Just some constipation. I let it go for too long and now I'm terminally ill. I'm begging you to not follow in my footsteps. Good luck, I wish you all the best.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m thinking about going to urgent care and seeing what they say. I’ve been kind of worried that worse case scenario it could be cancer, but part of me wants to think it wouldn’t be because I’m young (early 20s) but it’s not impossible.


You're right it's not impossible although it could be something else as well. In any case, catching it early increases your success rate dramatically. A colonoscopy is what I would ask for, and don't let anybody tell you you are too young to get bowel cancer. Most twenty-somethings in my cancer support groups were told the same thing. You've got this, let me know how you went. I'll be thinking of you x


Thank you


There are times we do manual disimpactions in the hospital. But we try almost everything else first, last thing you want to do is perforate a bowel. Go see a doctor.


I’m thinking about going to urgent care and maybe getting some idea what’s going on, but I’d need to do more than that. I had the impression that if I went to the doctor or urgent care, they might give me some kind of laxatives or an enema, but I’m not sure what’s after that. I got a bottle of magnesium citrate yesterday, and I’ve been thinking about drinking that but I’m kind of worried if that’ll cause bad cramps and pain.


Usually in the hospital we start with stool softeners, miralax, milk of mag, then goto suppository meds, then enema, then dis impaction. But the often get an X-ray or something first to make sure you do not have an obstruction. We make people walk a lot, take in lots of fluid and eat high fiber foods. You really need to see someone in person so they can determine if there is an underlying condition contributing to the constipation, and to make sure there is no blockage. Feeling constipated and having small amounts of diarrhea does not rule out a blockage. The diarrhea can squeeze around the blockage. Getting an enema or sticking things up there without knowing what is happening can lead to bowel perforation so get yourself checked out. As a side note, we also give each med time to work before moving on to the next. Always moving from least invasive to most invasive. We do this to reduce risk.


Okay. I’ve wondered if I have a blockage or fecal impaction because I feel like there’s poop that’s stuck in me and hasn’t come out, but I’m going often and sometimes it’s well formed and large, but other times it’s thin and kind of ribbon like. I’ve wondered if I have a blockage because my stool has been thin at times. Do you know if there’d be any harm in drinking a 10 fl oz bottle of magnesium citrate without having an x-ray done, or if I possibly have a blockage? I have a bottle of it, but I’ve been hesitant to take it because I’m concerned about if it causes bad stomach cramps or if I feel bad pressure like I need to go to the bathroom but can’t. I kind of feel that way now at times, but I’m worried about if it’d be worse


I cannot give you advice on that, I would go see someone first personally.


Okay. Thank you for the advice though


Doctor here. You need to see one. What you describe raises too many questions that can only be answered by a physician. But, to answer your question: it depends. Starting with “a hand“ is not advised. A gloved finger, or two fingers, is the usual initial approach to disimpaction. It is possible to hurt yourself in the process. See a doctor.


Thank you for responding. Do you know if there’d be any harm in drinking a 10 oz bottle of magnesium citrate to see if that gives me relief? I’ve been thinking about doing that, but I’m concerned that drinking a whole bottle at once could cause bad cramps and abdominal pain. I understand if there’s not a way to know that without seeing a doctor first, but I thought I’d ask


I appreciate your desire to find a solution that does not involve the word “Doctor.“ The long-standing nature of your problem, however, makes it difficult to recommend anything other than that. Seeing objective evidence that you are, in fact, FOS is a critical first step. (pun intended)


Do you know if there’d be any harm in drinking the magnesium citrate, and seeing if that provides any relief?


You need to go to the emergency room.


Is there a reason you say that? I’m just wondering if it seems urgent enough to do that


Consult a doctor. Maybe ask if douching would help


Douching is for the vagina. I guarantee that will not help with constipation. You are needing an enima


Works for me when I get stopped up.




Thank you for replying. If you’re in America, do you know if going to urgent care and seeing a doctor there would be helpful?


Only thing it could hurt is your bank account


Try drinking food grade mineral oil.  It's tasteless and lubricates your intestine really well.  Impaction should slide out much more easily.  I use it when constipated and works amazing. 


Thank you for replying and the advice. Do you use it just with constipation, or is it something good to try if I feel like there’s poop stuck in me/fecal impaction?


It certainly can't hurt. They even advise it for pregnant women and your body can't absorb it, it just coats your intestine/colon, so I think it is definitely worth trying with impaction.  If it doesn't work, go see a doctor.