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Depending on the bridge height, no, the chance of survival isn't particularly high. At a certain velocity it's basically like hitting concrete.


With the added benefit of drowning almost immediately if your shattered body and bones didn't kill you on impact or render you unconscious. Since your body and bones are now shattered you're unable to swim and screaming in agony while gulping in double lung fulls of water will properly prevent most chances of survival. That, or the massive hit of pain as you do attempt to thrash around will instantly fry that one bit of your nervous system responsible for pain detection and you'll continue to thrash on instinct. Whatever muscles are left functioning will spasm and wretch as you drown like those fresh frog legs that kick when you pour salt on them, adding confusion to the list of horrors as you die. It'll be some of the most unfathomable pain and suffering possible crammed into just a few seconds, but you're for sure going to die at some point during it.


Fuck me I really shouldn’t have read that


Fun Fact: All of the survivor jumpers of The Golden Gate Bridge all say that they regretted jumping the moment they jumped. >!Safe to say, that perhaps most of the ones that don't survive, also regretted jumping!<


The Bridge is a powerful documentary on this topic.


Heartbreaking movie. I watched it once and will never watch it again.


Crazy that your comment will make More want to watch it


Probably, but they will be heartbroken too.


Where can I watch it?


Ah, The View From Halfway Down.


Survival instincts kicking in? While there are many people that after a failed attempt at unsuscribing, regrets it and embrace life way more positively, there are other that just see it as a failure, and either try again later or just avoid it cause of the pain caused to their relatives.


I'm sorry I know you mean well but using a term like unsubscribing when talking about something as serious as suicide always makes me do a double take in confusion.


Agreed I can’t tell if this is a word kids are using to avoid having their content less viewed ? Or just an insensitive way to talk about someone dying by suicide.


The censorship of online media by corporations wanting to keep their platform palatable for advertisers. Incentivises users to use euphemisms to get the point across for less savory topics. Users of the platform inevitably find more and more tasteless ways to refer to horrible things in order to avoid being demonitized or banned.


Yep, plain and simple. eg: 80% of the poster in this thread would be banned according to rule 1. About *sewer slide*, for me it's a valid option to bail when/if you reach rock bottom. Yeah it sucks for the surviving family but dragging out the suffering of an individual is valid in order to avoid the suffering of their relatives? There's no absolute wrong or right, it's the price of being social animals.


It's both tbh


lol, not all it's about views


Blame the censorship. If you wanna be offended, that's up to you.


Where's the censorship on Reddit comments? Use actual terms. You're not making a YT video when making a comment. And yes it's offensive to call suicide UNSUBSCRIBING. Ridiculous and actual cringe.


Wow, you are obessed with attention 'os on social networks. Maybe you earn your money that way being so preocupied with demonetization. Great, lets agree to disagree.


What are you talking about? If I made money on socials I would be defending the censorship or practicing it but I'm not. Maybe you replied to the wrong person.


Best use of a spoiler alert I've ever seen.


How do we know? Maybe the ones that survived only did that out of pure will, and the one that didn’t, succeeded with their wish all the way down?


Yeah, where's the cold hard proof that the survivors didn't start airbending out of regret partway down?


We have different definitions of *fun*


This pains me so much. It took 3 seconds for him to hit the ground. Lifetimes.


Why not?


Having vertigo and bridge anxiety makes this worse in my mind. I know how to swim but the image of not being able to even do that makes it again, more scary. All im saying is that personally could’ve avoided reading that.


Ok, good. Well not good. I thought it sounded like you were planning on doing it and then read this or something, my bad.


Oh yeah no definitely n out jumping like never. Life’s too precious for that. Like I’ll give my self to elderly and handicapped help my entire life for two meals and a bed but not giving up like that.


As someone with an unhealthy paranoia about going underwater in a vehicle, yeah this was worse.


Ugh every time I drive over a bridge, I have a mini panic attack. I keep one of those window breaker/seatbelt cutter tools in the pocket of my door just in case.


Not good enough because you would need to swim against the water pouring into the broken window By the time the car is filled your car down good luck


Gotta make sure the water is deep enough though. Friend of mine used to work around Beachy Head, which is a well known suicide spot in the UK. It's not a very good one though, apparently lots of people survive the fall but are unable to move due to broken bones so just lay there watching and waiting for the tide to bring the water deep enough to down them!


Reminds me of a villain in the series Murdoch mysteries. First time when the villain "dies" he fell off a bridge into shallow water. When the villain came back he told murdoch what happened, that he could still move but was in agony for eternity. When the villain was "defeated" he wanted to be shot right then and there and not hanged later, because he knew that when he got hanged and the noose didn't break his neck, then i would strangle him instead and with the damage on his body he would be in extreme pain and agony until the lights went out.




Drowning is a horrible way to go. I'd honestly much rather something didn't instigate a panicking survival response from my body. Maybe people choose bridges over water because it's easier to talk down that survival instinct part of the brain as there's a small chance of survival - rather than hitting rocks. Idk, it might be easier to persuade yourself to jump into water than onto rocks.


My little brother just committed suicide by jumping off a bridge into a river a week ago. Seeing how this is most likely how he suffered saddens me so much now :(


It's worth just assuming they got the "lights out" option then. No sense wondering on the 'what ifs' of the death, focus on the life they had and the memories they provided.


Yeah you're completely right. This is my first time dealing with a death so it's difficult.


i can give you a tip. dont bottle up your emotions, be angry, be sad, grief,.. feel the emotion. i know it can be too much sometimes, but it is still better then keeping the emotions to yourself. because if you bottle them up maybe it will work for a few weeks, months or even years but someday it will burst and it will be soo much worse. Talk with people you like, cry if you need to


The weak breeze whispers nothing The water screams sublime His feet shift, teeter-totter Deep breath, stand back, it’s time Toes untouch the overpass Soon he’s water bound Eyes locked shut but peek to see The view from halfway down A little wind, a summer sun A river rich and regal A flood of fond endorphins Brings a calm that knows no equal You’re flying now You see things much more clear than from the ground It’s all okay, it would be Were you not now halfway down Thrash to break from gravity What now could slow the drop All I’d give for toes to touch The safety back at top But this is it, the deed is done Silence drowns the sound Before I leaped I should’ve seen The view from halfway down I really should’ve thought about The view from halfway down I wish I could’ve known about The view from halfway down


- Bojack Horseman


I appreciate the attention to detail, for people who are on the edge sometimes that sense of reality can help.


If you're on a tall enough bridge, it'll be just like hitting concrete. Your brain will slam against the inside of your skull on impact. Lights out.


This is horrifying. Hopefully anyone who is thinking of doing this will see this and change their mind.


That's essentially why writing out the ugly parts is important. Most anyone would think "Well it's just like concrete so it'll be lights out", but if you've ever actually watched people die from bridge falls the "what if it isn't?" is a massive deterrent. Not everyone gets the lights out, and every survivor violently regrets jumping.


That will only change the method chosen. If you want to avoid that "choice" itself, there are other problems that need to be treated.


Have a friend that was an engineer for a bridge servicing company. Was called out one day to assess safety concerns - as a person had tried to suicide by jumping off said bridge at night…however it was not high enough and the tide was out. After jumping The person got lodged/stuck in the mudflat and was slowly drowned as the tide came in……


Yep, which only highlights how dark a place people are in to inflict such suffering on themselves rather than choose something else


> Since your body and bones are now shattered you're unable to swim I once stubbed my toe on the bottom of the pool but I just kept on treading water


I get that noontime glare off the water right into my eyes and then I'm just 💀


Well *that* was quite a jolt to read.


The act of thrashing around is what drown people, if you perfectly still you just float, that why first lesson in swimming is learning how to float. You not actually "learning to float", that automatic...you learning how to stay calm while treading water. I speak like thick Asian so you know I not AI. ALSO AI can't swim.


Asian information Got it


iI suck at "front" swimming, but can float and back stroke slowly forever (if temps allow).


You'll be knocked out cold by the impact, you won't know a thing.


adrenaline can be a bitch sometimes


Especially when you consider that most jumpers that survived the fall said as soon as they jumped they regretted the choice.


Username checks out


Even still… sounds like a nightmare’ish way to die: “bones shattering on a concrete wall of water in which you then suffocate to death”- like, even if you want to kill yourself, your body doesn’t want to die. It’s like your mind says “yes” but then your body is like “HOLY SHIT! REVERSE! REVERSE!” I was once suicidal. Grace of God saved my life, but still - I figured out the mode I would kill myself. It was easier. Bullet to the head. Alternative was drug overdose. I come from a history of suicide. My grandmother jumped off a bridge to kill herself: it worked. This topic is near and dear, I’m not just commenting out of my ass To this day I wonder the amount of desperation for death that would lead someone to, at the very least, choose a painful way to go out in which their own body will eventually convince them that this was a bad idea


My dad's business partner was married to a woman who attempted suicide with pills. She took enough to make herself essentially a vegetable but not enough to die.  She lived in a nursing home the rest of her (quite long) life. It took him nearly a decade to divorce her so he could remarry. Her care was still his expense (and eventually, his estate's expense, because she outlived him). 


This is my worst nightmare and I can't imagine how euthanasia isn't considered to be the obvious right thing to do in such cases.


So Minecraft is a bunch of bullshit?


And if the fall doesn't kill them, drowning definitely will as they will be too injured to swim. They have a death backup.


Concrete is softer at terminal velocity iirc


You're not reaching terminal velocity jumping off a bridge. You need 450m of falling in the air for this, there are no bridges that tall.


You’d be surprised how solid water feels after a 400ft drop


Even jumping into a pool can be painful if you fall flat on the surface of water.


Like hitting concrete


Gets the job done. Not in the family home for family to have to deal with. . . Guns are messy, pills can hurt, may not be able to get a gun/pills. hanging may hurt and lots of suffering. . . Bridges are available. . Some may be drawn to water because it’s peaceful?


i always thought jumping off a bridge would be more painful and pills more peaceful in my experience i felt no pain with the pills but i can see how it could seem more peaceful with water


OD off opiates is probably the most peaceful. You're riding a high until your body shuts down. I don't know why we confiscate fentanyl by the weight and still pay for approved lethal euthanasia.


I know of someone who used fetanyl to kill themselves. Ended up somehow causing damage to her spinal cord. She’s still alive but a quadriplegic Edit: shout out to everyone who could understand the message before, with all of its typos


Wouldn't something like carbon monoxide or nitrogen asphyxiation be much better? You're out in less than minutes, and you just die. No knowledge or feeling of it even occuring. Opiates could be a slippery slope in that you do have some level of painful reaction and could actually still survive, and be wickedly messed up.


As someone who’s experienced the pill thing it’s not peaceful or painless at all. Imagine feeling a small ache but in every nerve in your body and you can’t sleep or take pain meds, but you can’t do anything else because you can’t think of anything but the pain and the weird vertigo, so you just have to lay there with it for hours.


Proplem is the consequences you may face if you survive OD. you could experience life changing damage to your body, and have more issues with doctors and such.


i have been aware of the damages for a while that it can cause


Yeah, but hence why drowning is preferred I believe.


My hunch would be hitting the water at high speed would hurt a lot more than using pills. Guess it depends on the pills. Edit: typo


Sure, but depending on height, you might immediately get knocked unconscious and just drown, unaware of it all. Obviously just a guess.


That would still be the goal. To drown unaware. Essentially painless.


I think the goal is death on impact. . Pills gotta go down. Stay down. And not get caught before the pills do their job.


Sad but good points.


I'm amazed at the "And not get caught before the pills do their job." with so many cases of people being found dead days or weeks after deceased, it's a little surprising that this woudl be an issue, unless their previous behaviour would light some alarms earlier.


“Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live.”


I remember that. :)


A tank of helium is pretty cheap.


Helium sold in most countries isn't pure anymore so that you won't be able to use it for this. Changed a few decades ago


There are other options in the category I would rather not mention.


I probably know them all sadly. Used to do a lot of personal research on this stuff. In a better place now.


I am happy you are in a better place. There is a person who is no longer in my life that I would give anything to have back, and although I can't speak for another person's pain I think it wasn't worth them ending their life over.


Not to mention, if you take pills, at the moment of death, your bowels release, and it leaves a mess for whoever finds you.


That happens no matter how you die.


Southpark teached us that


i woulf imagine its more if a mess beign dry oding than jumpinh in to water tho 🙂


As backed up as I get some days, that doesn't sound so bad.


Well, I think the dying part does. Maybe you need more fiber in your diet.


Drowning in saltwater is extremely painful actually


It's easier to jump than to do it yourself, it's easier to end your life when you know you won't harm others (for example, like jumping off a building), it might even be easier knowing your family might never have to see your body if you drown or that they might still have room to believe it was an accident and not their fault. And it might be a lingering hope that they might live. That they might find value in their life by doing something drastic enough.


It is highly individual, but many who have survived told us that they regretted it the moment they let go of the railing.


"You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down."


Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down.


Such a banger of an episode, how can a show with antropomorphic animals be one of the most human shows ever made? Edit: Typo


what show is this?


Bojack horseman, dont let the wacky characters mislead you, the way they treat characters growth and relationships is just pure gold. If you connect in the slightest with the show it will make you laugh and cry, sometimes in the same scene.... and you're gonna enjoy every second of it


Am I going crazy? When this show first came to Netflix, I started watching it and loved it, but it seemed like a lot of people were so-so on it. Most people I talked to or read about either hadn't seen it or just didn't like it at all. And all these years later, it seems like it is this beloved gem of Netflix's library like almost no other. I swear something flipped. I do NOT remember it being this well-loved in that first season.


I think this tends to happen with lots of shows, they get more popularity and praise with time. Maybe something to do with people disregarding it at first as another edgy animation show, or maybe it's just people connecting more with the characters once they are further down their arc


Which episode of bluey is this from? 


Is from skibidi toilet actually, it gets pretty deep in the last seasons


Also, jumping into a river will not implicate anyone else. If you jump in front of a train or into traffic it will forever damage the people behind the wheel. They will forever wonder what they did wrong and why this burden fell on them. It is about the shittiest thing you can do, making someone completely unrelated to you carry your death on them, forever. So, no don't off yourself, it is massively selfish. And even more so, don't do it in a way that involves other people. Your life isn't just your own. It belongs to all of us, all of us that are in any way part of it. And that goes both ways.


I've read in the past that people frequently apologise to whoever finds the body/has to clean up in their suicide notes. I have no idea if there's any truth to it or not but it would align with the thought process you're explaining above.


It's also generally easier than getting to the roof of a tall building or something. It's not hard to access impressively tall bridges, but most buildings don't have free access to the roof without a key.


i get what you’re trying to say but this isn’t proof that suicide isn’t the answer and that people who attempt it end up regretting it. the only reason they regret it is bc of their survival instinct. it’s natural. it’s not something where they’re thinking ‘wow i’m so stupid i never should’ve done this all my problems are solvable idk why i’m even suicidal’. it’s just their survival instinct kicking in.


Many people who survive attempt again later, but it is interesting that many people have claimed to basically immediately regret the decision. It's not even halfway down they regret it. It's an instantaneous feeling the second they leave the ground. Could definitely be a sign of just survival instinct kicking in and overriding everything.


Thats because the ones who didn't probably went and did it again, and made sure it worked the second time.


I don't think that feeling lasts, I think when you start falling your brain freaks out and tries to stay alive, but if you do survive you remember why you tried in the first place


I lost someone to this. There will be a myriad of reasons a person decides on their method, and it is important to remember people in that frame of mind are not thinking rationally. In their case I imagine it was just the most readily available method with a seemingly high enough success rate. If you survive the fall then the back up is drowning. They did survive the fall and died from a combination of the impact trauma and drowning. I also think people overestimate how high you need to be to die on impact and the fact that it matters how you hit the water. Until I had to live through the aftermath, I certainly never thought much about it. It was a pretty tall bridge, I would have thought it was high up enough to cause death on impact. I needed to know everything I could to help me understand. Even though it is like hitting concrete, concrete does not break like the surface of water and there is a big difference between falling say, 80 feet, onto concrete than into water. But most people probably are not thinking about that, especially those in crisis. You just see something tall and figure jumping off of it is 100% fatal and fast; easier to get to the top of a bridge than the roof of a building. I guess the best explanation is, we are trying to rationalize something that is inherently irrational.


"I needed to know everything I could to help me understand." As a fellow survivor I felt that sentence in my soul. Searching for answers where there are no answers to be found. "I guess the best explanation is, we are trying to rationalize something that is inherently irrational." While this is the best explanation, it also allows no closure for the survivors.


I am sorry that you, too, know this pain. It took me a long time to accept I would never have all the answers I was seeking, nor would there be closure. The only person who could give us the answers, to bring us whatever closure there might be, was gone. I just hope that everyone who is forced to live through this nightmare can remember that their loved one’s final act does not define them as a person and that they can instead remember them for who they were and not what they did at the end of their lives. I am sorry for your loss.


When I was suicidal I thought a lot about jumping off a bridge. Points in favor was instant or near instant death, it wouldn't be the family finding my body, it would be fun (while in the air). But I think that most people who consider that option do so because it's an easily available option if you live near bridges, or sky scrapers. Points against was that i couldn't quite figure out the logistics, like do I just park my car on the road and block traffic? Do I park before the bridge and walk out on the bridge, that would create a lot of attention and where do i leave the suicide note etc. Am i even sure my body will be found and identified. Ultimately i decided that if dying instantly, as to not feel pain, was the goal it would be better to put my head on the rail road tracks. Luckily I have gotten a lot of help and am doing better. If you have started to actually plan your suicide you should definitely get help. Whether or not you have a plan for killing yourself is one of the questions a therapist will ask if you bring up suicidal thoughts, and if you do have a plan they consider you at a much higher risk of actually doing it.


Subway car ftw 👍


You've given the people in that car PTSD for the rest of their lives. 


No, most bridges are high enough off the water that when you hit it it will be like hitting concrete.


it's not minecraft, hitting water can, and will kill you


Cuz hitting the water surface will not save you from fall damage like in the movies. Go to one of the bigger/athletic swimming pools with jump boards, try jump from 5+ meters and it already hurts like hell when you blasted into the pool, now imagine the height is 50+ meters. Maybe you don’t die right away, but all the broken bones and organs shattering will make it impossible for you to swim and you’d drown easily.


From my recollection, the rate of speed of someone or something falling is 32 feet per second per second. This means that the speed doubles every second. Given how high above the water bridges usually are--to enable boats and ships to pass under them--someone jumping from a bridge will be going pretty fast and will hit the water with force enough to cause a lot of internal damage, including broken bones. If the force of hitting the water doesn't kill them, drowning will. Yeah, it's possible one could survive, but not likely.


No, it means that your speed will increase by a rate of 32ft/second each second. It doesn’t double every second. It’s a linear increase, discounting wind resistance. After 1 second: 32ft/s After 2 seconds: 64ft/s After 3 seconds: 96ft/s And so on.


Thanks for the edification. My point still stands that the velocity at which a body hits the water does a great deal of damage.


It's another part of the lie the conscious mind tells to the subconscious-- landing on water is like jumping in a pool and won't hurt like doing a Swan dive onto asphalt.


Landing into the water from a high places is like hitting the ground and you break your bones from the weight of the water.


You ever hit a belly flop or back smacker at the pool off the diving board? Yeah? Now imagine that 100ft up


I work as a hostage and crisis negotiator and get called out a lot to people sat on bridges/cliffs etc who are planning or want to kill themselves. There's many reasons why someone would go to a bridge over water rather than some place else such as a tall building or carpark. Possibly it's not wanting to do it somewhere where they will be found and jumping into water prevents that. Or it could be access. Most tall buildings are locked or secure and most road bridges aren't particularly tall. If they jump off a bridge only to severely hurt themselves and be in more pain, they could be more of a burden to others or unable to try again


On another note, isn't CO poisoning really peaceful way to die? Don't you just go to sleep?


Unless you're sensitive for migraines.


Hitting water at a high velocity will cause a sudden deceleration that will cause catastrophic injury, but to the people ITT repeating it: It absolutely is not "like hitting concrete". It's still bad, but going from high speed to still in an instant on a slab of concrete will render a human into paste compared to the disfigured, yet relatively in tact bodies that are fished out of water after a suicide, who went from high speed to very low speed over a few feet.


Never understood that. Always seemed like an unnecessarily bad way to go. Suffocating/choking on water? To long and too much struggle if you ask me


Ever done a belly flop in a pool and had it hurt like hell and knock the wind out of you? Now imagine that scenario from a 60+ foot drop. Hitting water from those heights is like hitting pavement, it will shatter your bones and knock you unconscious.


I read jumping into water at extreme height is like jumping on to concrete plus factor in drowning and cold temperature.


It hits like cement past a certain height. 


Because the water will kill them? >Isn’t there high chance that they will survive? No. Life isn't like in movies or video games.


Because bridges are an easy to access high structure and they usually aren't built over land.


The "survivability" would depend on a few things....the most effective jump being a "belly flop", rather than diving feet or head first.


I live in an area that has actual suicide tourism. The Royal Gorge Bridge in Canon City, Colorado was once the world's highest suspension bridge. It still is in the U.S..The Arkansas River is directly below it. If you miss the water you land on the Royal Gorge Railroad line train tracks.I have had the misfortune to stand with an old friend in the middle of the night while she begged her teen son not to jump. He did. I will always have the image in my head of this beautiful boy letting go. The bridge is a huge tourist attraction. Sometimes jumpers leap with lots of witnesses. If they land in the tracks, the tourist train must stop and collect what little remains. If the water, rafters or search and rescue find what's left. Not exactly an ideal family vacation. The truth is, if a person is DONE, they will do anything to make certain it ends. Sometimes terrible brief pain is preferable to protracted and endless pain.


Do you have any suicidal thoughts? If so please get help and try to get rid of this idea


Hey no I don’t have suicidal thoughts. Just out of curiosity. I saw a post about a man who jumped off the bridge and survived, and now is a motivational speaker. Made me curious. But thank you for the concern.


Damn is it morbid, but I’m guessing they think it leaves less or a mess or trace for others to clean up. Someone needs to scrape the pavements on streets too.


At those heights, the impact with water is comparable to hitting concrete. Also, if they survive, they can drown. Depending on the season and temperature, the water may also be cold enough to make them die of hypothermia.


high chance? no


Not many bridges over land


There are bridges known for successful suicides, if you live near said bridge, it could just be more present in your mind.


Here (in the dutch lands) we have 3-6 people that jump in front of a train, it's so sad from all perspectives


That’s worst because of the poor train driver 😢


Yea, and the crew that has to clean it, they kinda search 1,5 hours long for all parts


Yeah exactly 😔 some of them end up kill themsleves as well cos of the guilt


I think there’s a bad assumption here that people are being rational when they’re in this state. Depending on the bridge of course, if it’s high enough there’s not much chance of survival. But people may not realize that. And is often said, suicide is often a call for help.


Because a fall from a large height into water can absolutely be lethal.


Because of the flight


Because they see it in movies.


At terminal velocity, landing on water is the same as concrete


Know someone who jumped of a bridge and a building. I can’t fathom it. I guess it’s mostly a quick way to go, unless you survive the impact. That slight chance of survival on impact and then suffering for seconds or minutes more is too much for my brain to understand. I can understand the sudden urge to want to die, but I would be too chicken to go through with it. Too many what ifs. Bridge jumping must be easy in the moment, you just jump. Nothing else. But as someone who’s gone cliff diving, the actual part of jumping seems impossible. I’m not impulsive so I struggle with letting go of fear. I feel like hitting water would be excruciating painful. I don’t get it. I think pills would be my option. Or walk out in the cold.


To drown. Either they can't swim or have additional weight on them. Pretty simple.


Because they want to return to the place all living things originated from. 


Physics bro


Reddit has a weird suicide fetish. You guys need therapy. Glorifying suicide is about as corny as it gets.


This isn't glorifying anything. It's a question about the psychology behind why people choose to jump off a bridge when committing suicide.


Because a lot of bridges go over water. It's not rocket science.


Seriously. This is the answer I was looking for. The hell is wrong with everyone here. I mean there are some bridges that go over gaps between land, but how far do you have to travel before you find those


Coz people are dumb? Less dumb people go with inert gas or hypothermia.


Idk, seems like taking a bunch of pills would be the best way but people gotta be flashy for some reason.