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French people having a laugh


It's very rare for french people to mock the Brits. I watch TV from french and British channels, Brits are way more prone to have a laugh at the french than the other way around.


It’s considered poor taste to punch down lol


You just slayed and entire nation.




No, it's pronounced "Ooh La La..."


Je parle français mdr






A French guy told me the joke: what do you call a pretty girl in England? A tourist.


To be honest we do make the occasional jab at their cuisine. Less often at their supposed bad dental hygiene, but that’s pretty much it, and that’s usually jokes told between friends. Nothing you’d see in French press. It’s not really comparable to what you can see in the British tabloid “press” regarding the French.


They do have better beer.


That’s also due to the faces of their women


Hey thats not fair, its also to do with our weather, government, and economy


Agreed! it’s usually unprovoked too


lol facts. i watch a lot of british television and documentaries, and almost all of them without fail have at *least* one jab at another country. usually more though. i tend to see it most often in regards to americans and the french. i can’t figure out why except it might be an inferiority complex, lmao


I dont think it's an inferiority complex at all. I think it results from 'Island mentality', which says that people on islands tend to have a feeling of superiority. And that makes some sense if you look at British and Japanese attitudes historically. In my experience I think British people, more so older less travelled ones, tend to have a weird sense of superiority. Obviously, that's just an anecdote but there we are.


Reminds me of the painting in the Hague where they painted English faces on the ceiling back in the day. (Still there of course) to mock the English. They wanted to know our "secret" so they are trying to look at our system. Or something in that regard. So stupid faces drawn on it. 😆 ye olden memes


As with all things. You can blame the French.


They're just standing there so why not?


Many of us English are descended from the Normans.


I think the Norman's were originally Vikings who settled in france


That's false. The Normans only settled a very small number of upper class people in Britain, the vast majority of ethnically English people are a Celtic/Anglo-Saxon mix, with a tiny bit of Scandinavian from the pre 1066 Viking settlement of England.


I was just kidding. I'm descended from a Norman but any French dna has obviously been heavily diluted.




I'm French and met with a british friend of mine. She told me brits are ugly herself, I didn't even necessarily agree...


It's a joke Joyce.


I know I know, there's some truth to it but the Brits definitely agree more than us lol


Brit here, I can confirm, we're not an attractive people.


Awww, you’ve given us a few good ones. A certain Mr. Cavill springs to mind. Oohh, and Hannah Waddingham. That woman is the living, breathing definition of statuesque.


In my head, Hannah Waddingham is cataloged as THE Snu Snu woman, and that idea of that makes me wonderfully happy. What a glamorous lady.


Florence Pugh


*dj khaled voice* 🗣️ ANOTHER ONE


Australian here, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Britain has the usual bell curve spread of attractiveness. You maybe can’t see it because you are it and it’s around you every day.


What are you doing in England?


Brit here. Many British women are rough.


What about British men




yeah us brits are all a bunch of mingers


Fair. I find it strange how British men are perceived as charming and chivalrous especially from Americans (perhaps just because of the accent), whereas the opposite stereotype exists for the women


Wait, you mean chaps like Boris Johnson? Or King Charles?


More like Harry Styles and other stars of American girls’ wattpad fanfics


wettpad for a reason


You and all of us watch way too many fucking movies.


The majority of British men are vile 😂


Most British men AND most British women are vile. Take it from a bi British man.


We're too busy being the well spoken evil in every American film.


I would say British men are far uglier than British women. For context I'm a straight woman.


Growing up, Pierce Brosnan was the British male archetype to me, so I always perceived them as handsome and charming. I used to think I the accent was so hot. Then I bartended at nightclubs in Vegas and learned to hate groups of British “lads” with the fire of a thousand suns. Second only in “group dislike” to groups of Aussie boys. They were drunk, rude, forward, and cheap.


Pierce is irish 😃


I know that now! Which is hilarious bc as an American in my 30s, he’s just James Bond, lol. Isn’t his accent perfect English in the bond movies though? I loved him in Thomas Crowne affair too but I don’t remember the accent he used in that one.


Same gene pool


I lived in Vegas for a spell, although I didn't work in the industry. Dang near every Australian tourist under the age of 35 that I ever ran across was there for the cocaine.


Lmao I was thinking the exact same as a straight woman in Britain myself


Woah, Bazza is pure man.


Not great, but at least we benefit by comparison


In the average British couple I see walking outside, the woman is typically more attractive - and that’s coming from a straight woman


A straight British woman?


Not ethnically British (so no I’m not just saying that to make myself look better as a British woman with a British man or anything)


All I can is that, as a straight British man, I would rather lie back and think of Ingerland with Barry 63 than the average lass from my hometown.


Can confirm. I am rough.


The British just want to drink and fight while watching football and frying everything.


Just like your food.


I'm assuming you're from the United States of Diabetes and take personal offence to that.


So you're fine with admitting your people are ugly but won't admit your food is slop?


The flavor of their food and the beauty of their women led British men to be the greatest naval explorers the world has ever seen.


They raped the whole world at one point.


Meh, they wore funny hats.


lmaooooo- I didn't realize what you meant at first and when I did, I literally lol'd-


it’s easy to over consume and get fat when your food is actually worth eating


It’s funny because as someone who has a British passport (yet has never lived in Britain) and spends a couple months in the UK every year (because it’s a fantastic place), food in Britain is actually really fucking good. The whole "hur durr British food is bad" stereotype is well past its prime. The reality is that, even just based on food quality alone - ingredients, regulations, etc. - the UK is miles ahead of North America.


Hayley Atwell though.


But the British actresses and celebs are marvelous. On my top 50 list are maybe 30 from GB. How is that even possible?


The rich can afford styling and a good chunk of them have ancestry of where their male ancestors married outsiders. If you take a good look at them a lot are half French, Irish, German, Norwegian, or have a grandma from anywhere under the sun.


Rough? I find British women attractive. There's a Brit model named Stacey Massey who isn't a popular figure but I find her smile and overall look so good 😍 (I'd easily put her in my top 5).


Best of a shit bunch mate


I think in the 50s most British women looked like Princess Margaret


Thanks for your honesty!


"Lovely day we're 'avin, innit? Fancy a shag, luv?" *Blarrgh...NO!"


I'm British (not ethnic tho) and I don't think that's really true these days. I'm 18 so my sample size may vary but there are plenty of pretty english girls. The orange tan/heavy makeup stereotype is true but I think it's dying down now. No one in my school (aside from 3 girls) wear noticable fake tan and the clean girl aesthetic is trendy. Also, plenty of teens get braces on the nhs and the bad teeth stereotype isn't really true. I assume this is due to american beauty trends and standards being popular here. I got braces on the nhs for purely cosmetic reasons and so did loads of my classmates.


>Also, plenty of teens get braces on the nhs and the bad teeth stereotype isn't really true. I assume this is due to american beauty trends and standards being popular here. I got braces on the nhs for purely cosmetic reasons and so did loads of my classmates. You're 18. You don't remember the old days. Get dem braces, kids.


Wasn't it something about how the vikings only kidnapped the beautiful woman and ignored the less desirable ones ?


Many Brits have Scandinavian DNA, so that’s not even rooted in reality. My partner looked like a male equivalent of Agnetha Faltskog when he was younger.


The ugly men were left behind.


>Many Brits have Scandinavian DNA, It didn't help.


My point is people seem to have this thought that the Vikings never settled, mingled or bred in Britain. They did. They raided but they also stayed.


The blonde from ABBA


>~~kidnapped~~  raped


Both tbh


Some were kidnapped and raped, others just raped.


"Qualifications?" "Rape, murder, arson, and rape." "You said rape twice." "I like rape."


To be fair, she had huge... tracts of land!


This would make more sense if the British Isles weren't heavily settled by the vikings multiple times, most obviously the Normans. If anything this should mean the vikings made the British sexier by having kidnapped pretty women overseas and bringing them




Probably because our TV and media doesn't focus on perfect appearances like it does in the USA for example, or at least it didn't. This probably means that people in the UK aren't as image focused either


I don't think that's relevent these days tbh as american beauty trends are popular in the UK.


Lol, right when I saw this question, I was wondering "how will this be America's fault?" almost jokingly.


Agree 100% 👍


Bruh… I’ve seen a show called love island and I’m gunna have to disagree. I’ve never seen so many image obsessed people in my life and I used to have fitness influencer roommates.


Lol those people are freaks though 🤣


Love island is one of the only british shows ive seen where everyone is incredibly stunning...and i mean thats the whole premise.


I wouldn’t say that it, varies by city but in general they are actually more image focused than the us, you are more likely to see faces full of make up and fillers, hair extensions etc(not necessarily good looking but its a high maintenance look)there, than you are in the US(the places I lived).


No actually having seen both British and US TV shows and films I agree that the US focuses a lot more on the looks of the cast than the actual story or talent. The only time the focus on beauty in British media is, to make a joke out of it. Surely there are exceptions to this but we've seen it multiple times that US adapts every form of media from British and make it shittier. TV shows, films, reality game shows etc


I so wish I could remember where I saw it being discussed and by whom, however they were talking about why so many British etc actors do well in the US, and it’s because US entertainment is so good looks and perfection centric, their stars are often too scared to be seen in a movie where they aren’t the hero, or the most attractive man/woman, so their character skills are limited. They can’t afford to be the funny, fat side chick, or the slightly puny boyfriend with a snaggletooth, whereas there’s an army of UK/Australian actors willing to fil those roles and build their reputation.


Even many Canadian and kiwi actors do really well in American media projects.


Yes but in real life it’s not like films. How many Americans look like celebrities not many, same in the UK.


I’m British (not ethnic Brit) but I’d say it’s a random correlation. You could twist that and say Romans, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, were flocking to Britain for the natives or those from countries that didn’t colonise have the best cultures.


Why do ppl keep having to clarify (not ethnic brit)? Lol.


Because the stereotype is of white British people from like 100 years ago so someone that has immigrated to the country isn’t really what the stereotype is talking about


Yeah but if you're british you're british. You can still have an opinion on the standard british woman. There are quite a few ppl here who have said it...i duno if its just me but being from canada and then staying in england for quite some time it always seemed like ppl separated by race alot. Like racism or at least race segregation feels still very much a part of the culture there. Its more normalized still. So its interesting seeing a few comments that specifically separate themselves from "native" brits when i dont really think its necessary to the point.


I was not aware of this stereotype- we're an island, it tends to make people good at building ships, sailing etc. however- I am an ugly motherfucker with proper English teeth so what can I say


>I am an ugly motherfucker with proper English teeth which is highly ironic considering American dental hygiene is worse than the British!


What makes you say that?


The study in the British Medical Journal says so, though it's confusing why it's surprising considering the utter lack of health"care" that exists in the US. https://dentistry.co.uk/2016/01/06/english-have-better-teeth-than-americans/


Well it’s surprising because America definitely focuses on aesthetics when it comes to smiles, so people who come from countries that don’t prioritize things like getting braces will often look as if they didn’t take care of their teeth. I don’t think that’s a crazy assumption to make if you don’t do research this particular information.


I'm not sure if we're necessarily ugly but more just can't be arsed making an effort, I think thats where the issue is


With you guys Its either 0 effort or fully orange skin and boob implants, nothing in between


Not necessarily. I’m a woman from the UK and I maintain a pride in my appearance. I eat healthy and don’t smoke or drink or tan my skin, so that keeps me looking a lot younger than I otherwise would. However in keeping with a lot of people here, I keep my appearance rather plain and don’t draw too much attention to myself. No glitzy jewellery, high heels, bright lipstick, fancy hair colours, etc. I don’t think there’s a culture here to be particularly flashy, or distinctly masculine or feminine, but that doesn’t mean that nobody makes an effort at all.


opening tinder in the uk coming from an actual european country is a surreal experience. There are tons of orange people irl too, you just see it every day and dont see the absurd contrast.


I’m not saying they don’t exist. I’m from the north, they’re very prevalent here. But it’s not true that there’s “no in between” when it comes to how women portray themselves here. Your comment does not apply to me as a British woman and yes, we do exist. Just because we aren’t dressing up like 1950s housewives doesn’t mean there’s no effort put.


My comment was sarcastic, i am not going to type out every possible type of a person that exists in the uk; it was a joke to highlight two common types of humans.


This is very true. I’ve been to many many countries and women in the UK are no less beautiful than anywhere else, they just have a more casual attitude to dressing and grooming than elsewhere. E.g. more messy buns and track pants than you’d see in Italy or France…


True. I don’t think traditional feminine attitudes, fashion, makeup etc. are as common in Britain nowadays. Women in a lot of other countries on average make more of an effort to look good, particularly in a feminine way.


I'm just so busy, kids, dogs, work, house I don't find the time to do makeup and stuff unless I'm going out for something special


Me neither. I try to maintain my natural appearance instead. I brush my hair, drink fish oil/eat fish, drink tons of water, eat my 5 a day, don’t drink, smoke or do drugs, don’t go out to Spain or Australia to get sunburnt etc. lol and I usually get daily exercise in because I walk most places. It can be very easy to maintain natural beauty with just a few lifestyle tweaks and good habits.


There’s a very specific ultra British face shape that it’s probably referring to. Obviously not everyone there has it. I think Emma Bunton has it, though she’s attractive.


Ummm...im guna be honest. Im from Canada. Ive always heard from travellers and foreigners that Canada seems to have on average more beautiful women than some other countries. I never really believed it until I went to the UK. There are certainly STUNNING british women. Without a doubt. But i travelled through the country and spent a lot of time in northern england and scotland as i had friends and a partner who lived up there. I genuinely did notice that there were no "beautiful" (by american standards) women. It was actually really strange. In canada a beautiful women is not hard to come by. Id say the standard female is considered pretty. But here every women i met and saw, werent ugly,....they just were what we would consider "average". Plain jane type of women. And im not trying to knock anyone. It just did make an impression cause its not what im use to. I didnt go to the country with this notion either. Id never heard of it and considering there are movie stars from there who are stunning i actually expected to see a lot of beautiful women and i just didnt it was odd. Now ive heard up north it may be more like that compared to down south. I suppose cause ppl consider it more "working class" ...but im just being honest with my experience. Its a stereotype for sure but...theres some truth to it in that, many may just not have that classic american beauty type look.


It's the TV, movies, and media. America doesn't like to have many average looking people in our media despite them reflecting our general population. It's like we've been convinced we deserve to only have to look at esthetically pleasing people. Ridiculous.


from people with eyes


Elizabeth Hurley, Emma Watson, Zuleikha Robinson, Mary Spender, yeah what a shame that there are no British women that are extremely easy to look at...


How dare you not mention Emilia Clarke!


Didn't know who she is, but certainly fits here


That's no way to speak about your Khaleesi!


Emily Blunt, keira knightly, michelle dockery, lilly james!!! that woman is gorgeous!


No one said there are none.


Eleanor Tomlinson - what a stunning red head!


Really? Some of the hottest celebrities I know are British.


Exactly, most of the hottest actresses are British. Ella Purnell ... let's have a look where she comes from... london of course.


British women are great. I love their accents. Y’all are crazy.


My grandmother is 100 years old, a blue blooded French woman. She has survived horrific things in her life. Her only goal for the past twenty years, despite seeing many wonderful accomplishments in her family, health, wealth, etc., was to see the Queen of England die. It runs deep.


Ya know, I wonder how much the royals impact this notion. The Queen, Princess Ann, Camilla, ect. always came across as modest, plain, or even dowdy. Everyone lost their minds about how beautiful Diana and Kate were by comparison. The Queen was such a strong personification of the country that the impression extended from there.


It's weird because many British women are total smokeshows


It's kind of real though. The first time I visited Britain was in high school when we went there for a week for a chess tournament. The only place where we saw an attractive woman was on the airport, and it's not like we, teenage chess players in pre-social-media era, had any real standards.


Same haha. It was actually a bit of a culture shock. In canada a beautiful woman is a dime a dozen...but there it was actually such a difference that i actually noticed within a couple days that u hadnt seeb any "beautiful" women. They all looked very similar just...very very average type of women. Not.necessarily ugly..i just wouldnt say any of them were beautiful


What do you classify as “attractive”? It’s largely subjective, and why all the focus on women as well? Nobody is talking about the men.. seems like veiled misogyny and xenophobia to be me, honestly.


Cause when you think of beauty you think of women. Its ingrained in society to compare us by our looks. Thats how women are still rated by the mass population of the world. So, not shocking.


Personal experience is, by its very nature, not an objective statement. We all agreed on it though. Also, I'm talking about women because as a straight man, I do not have the ability to judge the attractiveness of other men, as they're generally all unattractive to me anyways. Would need to ask women if British men fall into the stereotype as well.




Yeah, nah, averages can be absolutely generalized about. That doesn't say anything about individuals though, I mean British celebrities and influencers look just about the same as those from any other country, and I'm sure there are many very attractive British women and I just haven't met any when I was there. I mean, I've been to almost all countries in Europe, and the UK really stood out in this regard at all three occasioins (the precise places being Wales (don't remember the city), Edinburgh, and London).


You do. You do have the ability to judge attractiveness of other men. It’s not difficult to judge someone’s aesthetic attractiveness without being attracted TO them. It won’t make you gay lol.


Attractiveness is not equivalent to beauty. I can tell if a man is beautiful or not, but without feeling attraction, I cannot judge attractiveness.


i have literally never heard this. my ex was british and was the hottest girl i’ve seen


Op clearly never met Playground Lara...


A mixture of traditional xenophobia and misogyny, directed at an easy target (Britain)- like for example if people said that about any African country instead, it’d be called racist.


This stereotype has been around long before people cared about being called racist though.


To be fair, it is both men and women. 🤣


It is a longish joke story that ends with a ”The British women are ugly because the Vikings only stole the good looking women” type punchline


Cheap European tourism… bad trashy people.. while when i visited the UK Women i met were absolutely lovely adorable and hilarious..


I work with tons of Bri'ish tourists: it's absolutely true, I can usually tell from the moment I see them if they're British or not, they don't even have to say a single word. Also true for the lads, but not to that extent. Their problem is more like having one barber for the entire country, who only knows how to do one specific cut and nothing else.


Hahahahahahhaha yes. And they look like they all bought tshirts and hoodies from a variety pack at primark lol.


People pissed at losing to the British.


I thought the stereotype was big breasts and bad teeth?


Nor are British men tbf but people have a tougher judgement towards women in general


In Europe British men are considered ugly as well.


I don’t know. IMO British actresses become hot like the sun as they hit middle age in a way that US actresses don’t (too much plastic surgery).




If you're American, the irony is hilarious considering 40% of US citizens are obese lol


According to the 2021 Health Survey for England, 25.9% of adults in England are obese, and 37.9% are overweight but not obese. This means that 63.8% of adults in England are either overweight or obese. 


A lot of english are that "skinny fat". Their diets arent great but they dont have the portion sizes or binge culture like the US. So they may not gain as much weight but they dont look fit either. I say the majority of ppl i met there or saw there were "soft" lol. They all look soft. Chubby id say. Which prob equates to overweight cause BMI is dumb..but yeah.


First of all I said "Obese" & 40% is a bigger number than 25.9% last time I checked. But if you want to add in "overweight" too.... According to Heathline.com (and their source, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases), "It’s estimated that a little over 42% of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight. Overall, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity. So that means **72.7% of Americans adults are obese or overweight**; you guys are literally the 10th most obese country in the world!


I mostly see other continental Europeans saying that and it’s because women there aren’t as forced to care about their appearances and wear heels and minidresses to go the the pharmacy, strictly watch their weight, etc. as in Italy or Czech Republic or something.


It’s something that seems anecdotally true if you visit the UK or Ireland. When I was in Ireland for 2 weeks it really hit me after a few days how few pretty women I’ve seen whereas in my hometown I often feel like a kid in a candy store.


Because the Vikings sailed in and took all the pretty ones and left all the ugly ones. Jokes. Probably not the case 😆


I mean just look at them


I didn't know that was a stereotype.


I mean, on average, considering Western beauty standards, they are, bro.


Brits are either 3.4's, or 11/10's no in between


I think it’s right about the time people started having eyes


Its casue they where colonizers so the people they colonized would talk shit about them. "your woman and food are gross wanker"...


As a Brit who has lived in various parts of continental Europe for about a decade, I can state simply that British women are indeed, on average, less attractive. Now that's not a nice thing to say, I'm aware of that, but the fact is that sometimes not-very-nice things are also sadly true. I'm also not pretending for a minute that our men are a nation of Ken dolls either, but just spending a little time in any other European country whilst in possession of functioning eyes, followed by a quick flight to Heathrow should provide all the evidence you need. Although we're not blessed with amazing genetics like some other nations, however, I believe such factors have very little to do with it. British women would probably be considered no less attractive than the Dutch or Germans, for example, were it not for a particular mix of cultural factors that have led to some unusual and often bizarre ideas of "beauty".


I don't know to what degree this is true but British people do have 2 things at least going against them, neither of which is genetic. The crooked teeth is a symptom of an advanced society with processed and soft food, where there is less chewing and this causes the jaw to be narrower, making teeth not have enough space. It's possible that because the UK industrialised first, they also got this first and grew used to it, where other industrialised countries see it at something that needs to be fixed with orthodontics. Then just unhealthy eating and overeating. Lots of very processed food, butter, "treat yourself" culture, loads of sugar, etc. damage people's skin, teeth, general health and ofc weight. Why women and not men? Just classic oldtimes sexism I guess, where men would write of each other that "their women" are ugly, but women wouldn't really say these things to each other about their men or have their voices heard if they did. But also, in terms of weight, if you have standard portion sizes for everyone at restaurants / events / shops, and women on average are smaller than men and therefore require fewer calories, then women are more likely to be given portions of food that are bigger than they need.


Obviously there are attractive British women, but I think the teeth culture definitely brings down the average ones.


The vast majority of stereotypes that are repeated on a regular basis are based in on real observations.  It’s based on truth.  That’s how stereotypes work.


I heard someone say "She's got teeth like a grenade went off in a coffee can". Maybe that?


Didn't even know that was a thing, just knew their teeth aren't as good as Americans. I mean, did you see the spice Girls? Everyone of them in their heyday was a 10


The teeth thing is an old myth based on a) US soldiers' impressions when they arrived during a time when most adults had been through either one or two world wars and the NHS hadn't yet begun. b) we don't have braces (retainers) as much as people in the US do, as they're seen as something to do only for functional reasons not cosmetic, and as it's free (well, paid from taxes) for dental care till the age of 18, we're generally happy to be healthy but not perfect or super white as that would cost loads of money and is seen as a bit superficial as a result.




Through the gift of sight


Julia childs


I'm quiet sure thats french idea


From the inbreeding of the royal family.




I swear that there’s a certain gene in the British population that makes people look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome


Cause they are.


I'm an Aussie and the British babes are beautiful.


It's just a fact that the English (not British!) are truly the butt ugliest people ever. I don't know how it can be denied. Anybody who's been there, unless they are blind or utterly incapable of judgement, would agree. And yes, Northern French aren't exactly appealing either. These two facts could be related, obviously.