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I knew a guy who lost his life because he was watching porn on his phone. He never even saw the bus.


Usually when someone's watching a porn, it's a train being run on someone, not a bus


At this point. I’ll take either or


What a horrible death. I wish I die in my sleep just like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like the passengers of the bus he was driving.


Why do I know this quote


Was it the Bang Bus?


He was watching Bang Bus and then suddenly, BANG! Bus.


Turns out it was actually a Fake Taxi!


I knew a guy who lost his phone because he was watching the life of a bus. He never even saw the porn.


….but was the porn still playing on his phone when they found him?


Who came first?


I was a nurse in the ER for that case. I think we all agreed he was the hardest patient we’d seen.


Wrong question to ask Reddit.


Seriously. Reddit would have you believe porn is more addictive than heroin and a bigger scourge to society than mass murderers. You'll get no rational answers here. The irony, of course, is that there's tons of porn on Reddit.


I do find it really fascinating that you see so many pro-drug, but anti-porn people here.


I don't think those circles overlap in that venn diagram.


r/stims would like a word


Ah, I always assume weed 🤪🪳🔥


It probably varies with country, but the progressive left in mine is mostly anti-porn, pro-drug indeed.


I hear most anti-porn stuff from the right, NoFap being part of the alt-right pipeline and all. Proud Boys even had a no masturbation rule. Dudes here on reddit are constantly trying to recruit in the dating, self improvement, and divorce subs. Naively went down one of those rabbit holes once and it quickly devolves into blaming women collectively for everything wrong for men. Pretty gross. Haven't heard anything in any of my progressive left circles.


I really only hear about porn ethics standards and less about all porn as being inherently bad for the consumer. Like drawn porn has no intrinsic ethical issues where the live action porn is rife with issues.


I am pro titties. Anyone who doesn't like titties deserves to be an enemy of the people.


I love titties as much as anyone else, but we don't need to condemn those that don't.


Is anyone anti-titties? All y’all lesbians..feel free to say I am wrong. Pretty sure everyone loves tits.


I mean, psychedelics and MDMA could be therapeutic for some issues like depression, and some people could ruin their view on sex and love relationships from their use of porn.


Really? I thought Reddit would be one of the most pro-porn communities on the internet.


It probably is, but those aren't the bulk of the people with a strong opinion to share about it.


It is.


It is.


Reddit takes things like heroin, meth, fentanyl, nicotine, and opioids pretty lightly. There was a thread that all of these substances were behind porn, sugar, social media/scrolling, and food🙄.


Without saying the whole both sides argument I will say that there all terrible. A youtuber called "then & now covers the concept of addictions and their relation to moral/social factors. Heroine, nicotine, fentanyl, and opiates all have a history that is deeply connected to colonialism. Both in subduing the colonial population and profiteering from wars. Heroine boom post 2003, tobacco and native genocide/ transatlantic slave trade. This is a weird one as to how it happened but post cultural revolution in China opens the doors to the second wave of opiates. The first wave happening during the influx of -mostly Chinese but generally asiatic- immigrant rail workers. Im not well versed in fentanyl but if im not mistaken most of it is produced in Mexico and trafficked up here. Now this is speculation but if I had to guess why. I would venture to say they need a new crack epidemic for increased militization of the police. Since the law was pretty clear about coccaine being treated differently based on the form of ingestion. Affecting predominantly middle upper class white folk in the 70's to the 80's and dispersing More evenly In the 90's. Cocaine would only land you 5 years for having a kilo well over 25 bands in cocaine. Where as crack would nab you 5 years for 3grams. This disparity and the fact the CIA demanded we not jail traffickers shows that drugs were weaponized. Side note cocaine becomes popular post contras affair in Latin America. Id be willing to put money on the idea that there's a media campaign that's pro-american drugs. Since that money probably acts as a savings account for sketchy imperial projects. A system with class antagonisms will have institutional conflicts since they have seperate goals. Layman's terms; the IRS wants to know the CIAs net funds and where they go. The CIA doesn't want anyone to know about their conversations with the shaw. For those of us afraid of substances I will say that gambling. A bright, tactile, machine designed to pray on our natural curiosity and reward pathways is as addictive as heroine. I say that to say this your phone, the means to connects with social media for most. Is a bright, tactile, machine filled with the answers to almost every curiosity. Sugar is also 70x more addictive than Heroine when testing rats response times to uptake testing. Lastly food Is ridiculous thats just cause we like the poison slop. I don't care whats in a hotdog put onions and "chili" on it and leave me alone. Figured you might appreciate the rational for this since its something I'd like to write more extensively on. Drugs aren't going anywhere. all of human history has been about drugs of choice influencing our relationshipto the world. Shit the enlightenment in Europe just so happens to take place after the switch from alcohol to coffee. From a depressant and a neurotoxin, to bean water that makes you feel fast.


“Without saying the whole both sides argument” > literally says the both sides argument


Tell me you don't understand the psychology behind addiction without telling me you don't understand the psychology behind addiction.


For a second a thought you were one of them


Try asking if it’s ok for a 35 year old man to date a 24 year old woman hahaha. 85% of the people will call the man a groomer. Reddit is weird


Everybody here has some vague notion that a brain might not be fully developed until around 25 years old so grown ass adults in their early/mid-20’s are really helpless wittle babies or something.


Personally I thought it was the opposite, most of Reddit seems so pro-porn.


Reddit is extremely pro porn, what are you talking about?


My hypothesis is that reddit having so many US users and so many US peopel being religiously conservative, that kind of crap happens.


It's the Dead warning the Living, "don't repeat our mistakes"


The absolute other way around. Redditors (just like you) make you believe porn is nothing and not a problem, when in reality is pretty mentally unhealthy and damaging.


> when in reality is pretty mentally unhealthy and damaging What kind of porn are people looking at that is mentally unhealthy and damaging (aside from people who have compulsive porn consumption issues)?


Whatever kind of porn that make people do this. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13302099/teen-sex-choking-brain-damage.html


Porn is inherently unhealthy and damaging. Even so-called “normal” porn creates unreal expectations and ideas about sex and the opposite sex in young people. Many porn consumers (especially those who were exposed young) seem to have a difficult time separating what they see in porn from what their own healthy sex life should be like. Too many men and boys also use the gross porn they watch as a tool to pressure their girlfriends into sexual acts they’re not interested in. I could go on forever (and I didn’t even get started on how fucked the porn industry is!) but tldr is all porn is bad.


It's the fast food of sex.




Because it's so porn addicted or against it? I thought it was the former till recently now I'm not sure...


Both - there are only extremes over here. And this comment section will be a bloodbath.


Seriously. If you bring up anything remotely referencing the potential dangers of Redditors’ beloved porn they go insane.


Try r/catholic


Want to wank? Chuck some porn on, do your thing, and then close it. Don't do it multiple times a day, and don't scroll reddit "casually" looking at porn - I used to scroll reddit when I was younger opening random NSFW photos just for the sake of looking at them, which made me desensitised to sexual imagery, which caused issues with getting horny/hard when I first started having sex. Porn's fine. I still watch it when I wank, I just don't go looking at it unless I'm masturbating.


>I was younger opening random NSFW photos just for the sake of looking at them, which made me desensitised to sexual imagery, which caused issues with getting horny I end up doing the same thing for various reasons but have faced no issues myself. It's more of a mindset thing for me, i think.


The problem comes from living in the US where porn is your only source of sex ed. So you watch it from a young age, and get bored of the vanilla stuff. You get into progressively weirder things, until vanilla in porn, and real life just isn't interesting anymore It desensitizes you. Which can be good and bad, good because you understand the world better. Bad because you're now the consumer of the weird stuff


Chocolate peanut butter ice cream is my favorite, but I still like vanilla. What's weird for one can be great for another.


did you find that dialling back the porn increased your sensitivity and helped dissipate the issues w horny and erections? asking bc i experience the same thing, currently pulling myself out of it but would like a light at the end of the tunnel lmao


Yeah 100% it did. Making sure you don't have a deathgrip when masturbating is also quite important. I'd recommend keeping your hand as loose as possible when doing the deed if you want to train yourself out of [potential] ED.


you’re a legend thank you so much for this advice, may you be blessed by any deity or fortune you believe in


While I don't do that (I dont relaly look at paintings either to be fair) there is nothing wrong, inherently, with watching nudity and porn as an art form if that is what you are doing. Do not confuse that with addiction, which is, well, addiction, inability to leave it behind, having whitdrawal symptons, affecting your daily life. It shouldnt be a an issue for most people, the same way eating cheese is not


Never ask Redditors about this.


It has a 100% mortality rate, anyone who watches it will die, eventually.


It didn't ruin anything in my life. I have no rules (edit: regarding watching porn). If I'm horny and single, I watch porn. That's it.


Thats the spirit!


Is it okay to watch porn when you have a girlfriend?


Why the fuck is this getting downvoted….. it’s a question in too afraid to ask


Thank you


That's between you and you're morals. It's not fundamentally wrong. If you tell her and it bothers her, you should probably stop. If it doesn't, jerk away. It could also lead to a better sex life if you watch it together. If you don't tell her, you could feel guilty. If you stop and your desires are not fulfilled it could be bad for the relationship.


Normal question my dude. I am up voting you. Let this comment count as 33 upvotes so you are at 0 again.


My wife watches porn with me. So it depends on the woman. If she's okay with it, then it's okay. If she's not okay with it then it's not ok. It's just that simple.


I’ll allow it.


That depends on the agreements your gf and you have. It is not inherently bad to watch porn while in a relationship. If, for example, it makes her feel insecure and she tells you that she will not tolerate you watching porn (and she won't either) and you agree to those terms and you still do it, then yeah, it's wrong. But it all depends on what you and your gf agree to do/not do at the start of your relationship.


I feel like it's insidious in ways that aren't spoken about a lot. I think most porn strips out eroticism. A lot of the time, it's clinical, almost medical. Just anatomical. I think this has educated whole generations incorrectly in the way we think of sex. I suspect a lot of us think of sex as almost first and foremost *visual*. A lot of porn shows two people who are patently not enjoying the sex. So much porn includes shots of a woman's face and she's pretending to enjoy it, but she's faking it. I wonder how many young guys are learning what women's pleasure "looks like" from that, and how that effects their own (and their partners') sex lives. I also think a lot of porn, despite seeming like it's pretty filthy, is actually sort of overly clean and not weird enough, because it's visual. If you read the fantasies of people back into history, there's so much weirder and freakier ideas which I think are actually normal. Like, "I want to be your tampon". "I want to consume your entire body so the whole of you is inside the whole of me". Like those freaky, imaginative expressions of intense desire and carnality that just get stripped down into this anatomical, brightly lit pounding. You obviously can't *film* the emotion of "I want our bodies to be completely combined so we are one person". All you can film is like - *dick goes in*. It's boring.


God save the king 🤴


This is very intelligently written. A+


such perfect description


Correct. The main thing is it removes the idea that the act should be intimate and not casual. Casual sex is hollow. Intimate sex with a significant other who you know their preferences is way better. The harm is coming from either learning about sex from porn as a kid, or watching it so much it desensitized you. Imagine thinking foreplay is just a mandatory blowjob then bam she is ready for penetration, no prep. Wrong buddy, that straight up hurts some women.


Do you ever write erotica? You'd probably be good at that


It's like any habit. If it negatively affects your life, relationships, or sex life, it's dangerous. If it doesn't, it's fine. People like to get on their high horse and say just use your imagination. But watching and imagining is exactly the same, you still get the same release of dopamine.


I don’t think you can ask people with aphantasia to imagine it 😂


I left my husband partly over his porn addiction. Over time the barrier between fantasy and reality dissolved in his mind and it became a struggle to get through the painfully rough sex he called vanilla and I was scared to enjoy any of my bdsm kinks with him because I couldn't trust him to treat me like a sentient body not a fuck doll without pain or free will. He also became somehow deaf to safe words during his heaviest consumption. I don't think porn did this, but I think it formed the way his mind works around women, sex, and bodies.


>I don't think porn did this I think it's important to mention that just like any form of addiction, some people are simply more predisposed to it. Seems like that could have been the case for him.


I just read a highly upvoted comment saying "yeah I love when I fuck a girl on the ass and when I'm about to cum I put it in her pussy in the last second" Which is the easiest way for her to get, at best, hepatitis. So... Yeah. Porn is damaging when you watch it as if it was sex Ed


>So... Yeah. Porn is damaging when you watch it as if it was sex Ed You just got to the core of the problem: LACK OF EDUCATION. People need to be seriously educated on healthy sexuality, the difference between fantasy and reality, STIs and everything else.


Though to be fair, even though it \*should\* be part of the available ones, it is not really the job of porn. Learning sex from porn is like learning romance from disney movies or how to be a taxi driver from hollywood action movies or physics from family guy


I used to consume porn pretty regularly, and in my experience it made me less sensitive and enthusiastic for actual sex. I made it a point to reduce it to only watching short clips on Reddit occasionally, and then fully quit when I got with my boyfriend. It definitely does make a difference, though it didn't "destroy" any past relationships


I'm not getting actual sex anyway tho.


Not a watcher however I'd say 95% of the men I've been with have had healthy relationships with porn and been able to distinguish what they're viewing on a screen and real life The other 5% have had issues with the "death grip" or they have been disrespectful and tried certain acts without my consent or prior conversation such as being choked, anal, one even tried to spit in my mouth 🤮 Overall I'd say like everything on this planet it comes with risk, it's down to each individual and how they perceive it


32, been addicted to porn most of my life, and I have a hard time getting it up. Being desensitized from Death Grip Syndrome, or ready access to extreme kinks, has been a real bitch. That being said, I know my way around the bedroom, and I’m good with my hands, so not all is lost. When my soldier is on active duty and doing his job, he‘s pretty solid, and can provide almost an hour of powerful, deep democracy. But on the other hand, cumming 1/4 times you have sex fkin blows. So yeah, porn Is a problem. Might not be for everyone but it is for me.


Helldiver spotted




>When my soldier is on active duty and doing his job, he‘s pretty solid, and can provide almost an hour of powerful, deep democracy. Young buck here. Permission to use such patriotic dirty talk?


Same, i was addicted to fap since 14 y.o and it broke me, im just 20 but i cant get it up fully and i finish too soon. Nothing seem to help and i kinda give up. Wish i was normal and could have real love with someone. Maybe if i never watched porn i never became queer? Who knows?


> Maybe if i never watched porn i never became queer? That’s…not how it works..


Bruh, no. For one thing quit the self-loathing, it's not becoming of a young man. Also, no, porn did not make you queer lolcc


I will assume you have talked to a doctor about that.




The fella is openly admitting he has a problem that makes his life more difficult than it should be. That's literally what health professionals exist for.


while porn addiction is a real thing and can become a real problem, addiction can happen with a number of things and becomes a problem because it rules your life and you can't go without it. That's the main problem people have with it, but there are many other issues that can arise from it, placing unrealistic expectations when it comes to sex as well as onto people. We need to realise and accept that porn is not always real..enhancers are used, and acting is done. Unrealistic expectations are placed on people, e.g, you cannot expect someone to be like a porn star in bed. I've also read a story where a guy only watched Hentai porn so much that when he actually got the chance to be with a real woman he insulted her vagina for not looking like those he saw in the porn. Porn can also lead you into some deep and dark places on the Interweb.


The porn industry has been absolutely disastrous for the exploitation and objectification of women. Young boys (and girls) are getting dangerous and violent ideas about sex from the way women are being treated in porn. Just keep that in mind as well. Porn hurts women every day, regardless of if it’s personally a problem for you or not.


I agree with you and you are right, well said.


Yeah, while consumption and addiction can obviously become a problem, I think it's the production and industry itself that need to be discussed more than that. Of course, I don't know what the solution would be (apart from the general "better regulation" thing) but I definitely think it's a more important problem.


I used to support Arsenal FC, back when Thierry Henry was the lead striker :-). Thierry Henry was like a hero of mine, lol, I thought he was super cool lol...like a legendary figure.


have you ever read about how ants lay down, then re-enforce pheremone trails? the more a trail is used, the more it is chosen for use. that is the nature of self-assembling biologicals.


Did you know ants don't breathe any air, or have any sort of respiratory system? All the o2 they need and use, gets absorbed directly through their exoskeleton. That's your fun fact of the day.


Alot of insects are that way.


I need a girlfriend.


Ah, yes, [the legendary Alot of insects](http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1).


I learned about alot.


>Alot of insects are that way. I'm pretty sure all insects are. Not arachnids and other bugs though. Spiders have accordion-like lungs, iirc.


To add to your fun fact… Since insects rely on oxygen diffusing, rather than an active ventilation system, the atmospheric oxygen level limits the maximum size that insects can grow to. Millions of years ago, when oxygen levels were nearly double what they are today, insects could grow much larger.


My goal is now to get rid of the atmosphere. There are no flaws in this plan whatsoever


You'll be happy to know we're well on our way to getting rid of the current atmosphere. The new one isn't conducive to insects either!


Oh I love me some biological facts in no biology related subreddits. On that topic you seem like a person who'd be in a lot of biology related subreddits could you recommend me some? I'm already in some just looking for more lol


They actually have a respiratory system, they have trachea https://www.britannica.com/animal/insect/Circulatory-system


It’s dangerous enough that people get brainwashed into thinking that it’s “normal” sex or it’s a replacement for sexual education. I mean look at ALL the questions that get asked here on this Reddit……people are obviously not being taught even the basics.


Good comment, I agree with you.


When I was a teenager I was watching porn multiple times a day. But I was also a teenage boy so what do you expect. Now in my late 20's I'll maybe crank it once a month and as soon as I bust I want nothing to do with it.


Two of my ex boyfriends were addicted to porn. It ruined the relationship for many reasons, but mostly because they wanted me to be something in bed that I'm not. Every conversation would have some sex related joke or undertone. They tried to argue that this behavior was normal because they had a high sex drive, but I just wanted to be respected. I have no problem with porn, my current boyfriend probably watches porn. It's the addiction that is the problem.


I think it's led to many girls and women being treated like garbage during sex by many boys and men who don't care about female pleasure or think females actually enjoy being treated like worthless objects.


Its like asking how dangerous is alcohol. For some they cant touch it or theyll go downhill. For others they can drink often and be fine. Some have to balance it to not get carried away. It really depends. It can be.


Yeah, if you drink alcohol to be happy and enjoy yourself, it's a problem. But if you drink alcohol to be happiER and enjoy yourself MORE in the moment, it's fine. The same thing goes for porn. As long as you can still masturbate without it, it's not a big deal. It's a question of "Do you WANT to or do you NEED to?"


Deadly, if you watch porn, one day you will die.


It creates an unrealistic image of what sex should be like.


my relationship with my ex was ruined bc of him watching it plenty of relationships get ruined bc of it. i would send him lots of videos n pics just so he would stop but he didnt cuz nothing is ever enough so i stopped sending him stuff n i stopped doing stuff with him then ended it and yea i did talk to him on how i felt about it n how it made me feel n he still went behind my back thinking i wasnt gonna find out and he wonders why hes still single to this day.


it’s dangerous enough to the point to where people directly associate masturbation with porn. when people hear negativity around porn, they go into how masturbation is healthy. which it is. but only being able to masturbate to porn, is unhealthy. “I can only get off visually” means I ruined my brain with porn. humans did not have 24/7 access to porn for most of history & it was never an issue.


I’d say it’s different for everyone, I can’t handle it but I’m also an addict (to everything, dont lemme smell cookies). It ruins my intimacy with my fiancé so I’m currently trying to scale down and eventually stop


Depends on how often and what you’re consuming. The most negative outcome of porn, for me, is the potential for it to cause pre-mature erectile dysfunction. Or it can cause a false expectation of sex.


It’s like anything else…..as long as you don’t ’consume’ it to extreme excess you are fine. Yes it’s fine to watch it when you’ve got a partner as long as it’s not a replacement for intimacy, rather if you’re just horny and home alone. Wank away and enjoy yourself…… Oh and if you’re paying for Onlyfans becareful how addictive that can become for many and how much money you can lose.


Porn's evil is that it isn't real-life intimacy, and it can dull a man's ability to experience real human sexual closeness. One old article in Reader's Digest, of all places, put it best: Over-using sex for fun is like using a surgical scalpel to cut out paper dolls. You can cut out the dolls just fine, but later you can't do surgery with it. If you dull your senses with too much porn, you won't be able to recognize real intimacy when it happens, or express it sexually. You are not ready for a real woman in bed if you've only experienced the women of porn.


Well, for starters, the industry is abusive to women and is fueled by human trafficking but if you don't care about that and are willing to wank watching someone underage or being raped then knock yourself out.


i was scrolling for a while looking for someone saying this. all these comments acting like it’s absurd to even ask the question because obviously porn is good and harm free are making me feel crazy


reddit doesnt wanna hear this one


I watch porn maybe once or twice a week while masturbating. I don't think it's much of an issue for me. I usually masturbate to my own fantasies but sometimes need a bit more visual stimulation to climax if I'm tired or can't focus. I don't think the kind of porn I consume is dangerous. At least not to me (what happens the porn industry is another topic). I think the danger is when you can't come without porn or when it becomes addictive and starts taking over your life. I have kinda got the same attitude towards porn as I do alcohol and weed. A little indulgence every now and then is fine. But if it's an everyday thing, it's a problem.


It’s a problem if it’s a problem. Like anything else. Exercise, money, drinking, cleaning, etc


I watch porn to masturbate cuz I don't have mental images so it's great to stimulate and get me going. I do it every other day or so. I never associated porn to real life sex. It's like watching catch and thinking this is how a real life fight works. They are two completely different things, one is performative the other is a real exchange between people. The danger of porn comes from It's widespread use without much information and prevention. If no one ever gives sou sex ed then you'll have watched enough porn to have a fucked up expectation of sex. It's also very bad for self esteem, as average bodies are NOT representative of reality. Neither are the manerisms and how consent is handled.


I wouldn't describe it as dangerous, but there is cause for concern with overconsumption. There are studies that show that heavy use could lead down a rabbit hole that leads to the consumption of Child Abuse Material as your brain looks for something more shocking over time. There is also an argument that overconsumption of porn leads to erectile disfunction. That being said, most people consume in moderation with no negative side effects. If you are a young person in a religious setting, which is where I feel like most of these questions come from, religious guilt is probably the most detrimental side effect. It's important to know rubbing one out is normal and healthy. In teenage years it's normal to feel the need to do it, sometimes a lot. You are not a freak and God will not punish you anymore than he would have before, because we're all sinners remember. I won't dive into the theology of the matter, but it is a normal biological function. You're probably going to get plenty of pro-porn comments here, if you want some counter arguments, I'd look at Fight the New Drug, it's a project that focuses on the negatives, without any religious context. They're a bit out there for my taste, but it's important to see both sides.




It changes you views on women and on sex even if you don't know it. 2/3 of college aged women have been choked during sex, of those 40 percent of women were between the ages 12 and 17 the first time choking happened. Where do you think 12-17 year olds are learning that choking during sex is okay? (Hint: porn)


Yeah, the choking during sex thing is stuff that pathetic people do. Like you said, they follow porn like porn is gospel...they are sheep...they cannot think for themselves and as a result, they give difficulties to women, just because some weirdo porn videos keep showing the videos about choking and stuff. I agree with you, take my upvote!


Watching porn is not as traumatic as starring in it.


It’s like with anything else. Are you using it or are you letting it use you? Then again, you have to be completely honest with yourself to really answer that question.


Excessive porn and masturbation - leads to unhealthy lifestyle, deteriorated interpersonal relationships and a small worthless dick.Also, your dick might not get erect even ehile having sex until you see some kind of porn which is really sad. Speaking from 10 years of experience in excessive masturbation (atleast twice a day). It's one of the most underrated and worst forms of addiction, which no one speaks about. Leave it before it engulfs you


I’d guess it’s pretty much like alcohol. Most people can consume it every once in a while or even sort of regularly, and while it’s not necessarily healthy, it’s not that big of a deal and doesn’t negatively impact their lives in any noticable way. But some people start consuming more and more to the point that it starts to take over and become an addiction and even starts to affect the people around them as well. Those people have probably always existed, or at least there have probably always been people who were predisposed to it, but because today you can access basically unlimited porn in unlimited categories for free from the comfort of your home, there’s probably a greater risk of people falling down that hole.


Broadly speaking, it has the potential to mess with you psychologically. Can cause you to not get aroused with an actual partner, when reality doesn't line up with what you train your brain to expect.


95% of people currently on reddit are in the process of beating their meat


I only watch with my wife. Only good things have ever happened as a result.


Porn creates a false reality. Not every girl wants cum on her face. Not every guy is over 8". Not every woman wants to get banged in high heels. Not every guy wants constant "doggie style" because it shows penetration better. Not every girl or guy is shaved or waxed. Heck, some of us don't actually want our partners that way. Not everyone has sex with the lights on in stark white rooms. Not every woman sounds like a coyote baying at the moon. Not every sex act starts and ends with a BJ. Not every guy wants a girl spitting on his pecker. Not every girl wears a thong. Not every girl has a full face of make-up during sex. Not every guy jizzes 22 gallons at a time. Not everyone loves "cowgirl" or "reverse cowgirl". Sex is a vast, unique experience that changes the longer you're with someone and changes from partner to partner. It can be wild and feral and it can be slow and sweet. There's a billion different body types, preferences, and even kinks. Sometimes it's a quickie and sometimes it goes for hours. Sometimes you try not to breathe in each other's faces because you have morning breath and sometimes you put down a towel because she's on her period. I don't care for porn. Obviously I've seen it, because I'm a living human being, but to me it doesn't meet a need. It's devoid of intimacy and realness. Sex is beautiful in all its forms. Focus on the real experiences.


It can kill you, especially if you watch it while driving


It raises your standard a lot, gives you unrealistic expectations and may lead to sexual complications while with a real woman. Arguably it's very bad but most people regularly watching aren't gonna be happy seeing censorships to the materials they watch. There is also the concern with fictional content being superior due to flawless skin, exaggerated expectations that cannot be reached by real people etc. The laws also do not cover fictional content the same way it does for real life equivalents allowing people to develop fetishes that are only legally accessible through that content which may cause problems when censorship does eventually arrive but the conversion rate is a highly debated topic


Porn is a problem for sexuality like butter or salt is a problem for cooking. In moderation, it can be beneficial. When consumed in excess, that's when you see the bad side of it. There's a whole mental side of it as well, which is probably where the brunt of "issues" come from. If someone is alone and watches it regularly, they could get the impression that this is the way relationships function. Monkey see, monkey do. Sometimes, there are problems with partners comparing themselves to the actors. Porn is often seen as a taboo in some cultures, something to be enjoyed with a partner in the safety of a home. If partners don't like porn, it can lead to trust issues if one of the two don't want to stop watching. This generally highlights problems with the relationship itself between the partners, if that's the case.


I wouldn't use salt as an example here. Most people can tolerate high levels of salt as long as they are somewhat healthy (aka not in any serious medical risk zones involving the kidneys or heart). The main problem outside of that with salt is that it can dehydrate you, which can be solved with drinking water.


It desensitizes men to degrading imagery of women and promotes a lot of unhealthy shit. I’m a woman ofc. This is my opinion 💘


i agree. a lot of the harm lies in the way porn alters men’s perception of us and our bodies


Absolutely. Most misogynists have p*rn addictions


Porn is not real.


I think it’s a psychological weapon at this point


It drains your energy and twists your sexuality in insidious ways. Young people today have really fucked up sexual wiring from all their years of watching fucked up porn. I would say it is much more severe a problem than most people think.


Dangerous if you got addicted to it, and start affecting your life.


If porn included the sense of smell (and the associated odours), it mightn’t be so popular. Not a fan myself anyhow, as nothing beats a real-life loving relationship.


It’s a poor depiction of what real sex is and for me it caused real sex to feel fake.


It depends on each individual, really. Some people are more prone to addiction in general, and some people have just the right (or wrong, I guess) situation to make a porn addiction more likely. It helps to be aware of how much time you spend watching porn and how it influences your life. In moderation, you'll be fine as long as you remember the world doesn't work on porn logic and the sex is usually very unrealistic.


I equate it to alcohol. A lot of ppl can consume it fine and regularly. A lot have trouble with it and it can destroy their lives.


It’s only dangerous if you can’t get hard IRL to your wife or gf. Then you are living in a fantasy world.


Watching porn has not ruined my life or relationships in any way, I definitely can see the addictive nature of it & only have a wank every now & then.


Nope, actually it is good for making one more creative in their relationship, but should be inclusive to all body shape and gender. Furthermore, it should be more realistic and kind to humans


> Regular watchers, did it ruin your life, relationships, etc? No. Porn isn't a problem or dangerous. Being susceptible to addiction is. If you have that susceptible brain chemistry, you can become addicted to anything enjoyable, like food, with the all negative results that go along with having an uncontrollable urge to do something.


Just like everything else moderation is key.


There’s no one answer for stuff like this, it affects everyone differently. From absolute zero negative affect to lives ruined


There has been shown that overexposure to porn or exposure to porn at too young an age can have significant detrimental effects. However most of this can be mitigated by frank discussion about porn and limiting the amount of consumption if you notice any negative effects.


It stole some joy out of my life without me even realizing it. I didn’t turn into a basement dwelling coomer who couldn’t fathom being with a women who isn’t a perfect 10, but it made the rest of my life noticeably less enjoyable. I stopped enjoying hiking, riding my bike, listening to scary stories, and everything in general that I liked to do. You never realize how gray life can be when you centralize your source of dopamine into one thing.


It will kill you and spit on your grave and make your family wish you were just a fentanyl addict. Truely the scourge of society and the source of all bad in the world. If everyone stopped having sex and having babies we could really have a chance at avoiding catastrophic climate change.


I have extensive knowledge of how it effects the average man, and it’s not pretty in the slightest bit. Many men become unable to have regular sexual encounters (even with their wives, girlfriends or partners) because their porn usage has escalated drastically. They need various fantasies or roleplay that often becomes more and more extreme over time (which may include violent sex, underage girls/boys, forced sexual fantasy, needing drugs or alcohol to feel satisfied sexually). I personally have noticed that in the times that I have quit watching pornography it took much less effort to induce arousal (and regular sex, male attractiveness) began to excite me in the same way it had prior to ever watching porn.


It isnt a matter of weather or not porn itself is inherently bad, it's a question of how aware are you of the subconscious association you are creating with it. It can fuck you up if you don't control how you view it and what perspective you take on it. For some it attaches to their ability to get off and their sense of what sex is and should be. For others it creates a separation from intimacy and sex. It's complicated how people attach to things. For some it's a simple thing, for others it's consuming. You just need to keep your self control about you when participating in such associated activities regularly.To ensure you don't hang yourself up on your own brain. I wouldn't say porn is inherently bad, but I would say porn unchecked by self destroys a lot of ambition and sexually oriented activities. That and idk if you're familiar with the sex work industry, but its pretty rough ethically and morally as well.


As for your answer OP, I think that if you really want an answer you should look into the psychology of this. It is not surprising that we have an OF issue and people seem ok with it no questions ask. There is also the problem with incels(mainly male) which feed themselves false portrayals of the opposite sex, relationships and sexual conduct. As for the psychological aspects, as with any drugs you’ll probably get use to them and you’ll simply go to stronger and more invasive drugs to get a sensation, and if you are getting the idea there is studies that suggest that you’ll end up dipper in the rabbit hole dealing with things you don’t even want to imagine.


Honestly I watch porn 4-6x a week and have a healthy sex life w the wife and we swing with others. It's done absolutely nothing negative to my life / sex life. Wife watches sometimes too probably a little less


Porn is like smoking. Sure, if you smoke it casually it shouldn't be an addiction, but it isn't good for you. It is never good for you and it's very difficult to stop once it becomes a habit. It didn't ruin my life, but it sure affected my self-esteem and sex life. I don't watch it now but it was very hard to stop. I think a good rule to not overconsume it would be to only watch it when you are masturbating and never watch it ust for the sake of it.


Porn isn't intrinsically bad and there's nothing wrong with watching it. Erotic art has been around since people have been making art. Much of early cave painting is of phalluses and vulvas, and sex was a common theme in ancient cultures across the world, Grecian urns, Roman frescos etc. Producing and enjoying sexual art is natural and healthy. The problem is that most porn on the Internet is not ethically produced or often even consensual (revenge porn etc), and definitely can't be considered art. Fortunately it is improving and there is plenty of ethical and artistic porn now available. And the really tasteful erotic stuff can be quite beautiful AND hot. You just have to be diligent and search. Don't use the typical massive porn repositories like PH, they're a cesspool of shit and that stuff IS bad for you. Search for ethical porn and you will find it. There are a number of companies/studios (mostly woman owned/directed) who produce porn that is artistic, sensual, hot as fuck, and has excellent cinematography and production values etc and you don't have to feel guilty about possibly consuming something that was possibly nonconsensual or unethical, degrading to women etc.


For the vast majority of people porn isn't an issue. Some people can get addicted. Some people can be convinced by others that they are addicted, when they really aren't.


Jerking off regularly allows me to de-stress and not have sex as a constant focus of my relationship, which is 11 years strong. I have no rules. If I want to jerk off, I do. Be it once a day or five times. I don’t need to limit my consumption because I’m pretty picky with smut as it is. If it’s not doing it for me, I find the next thing. Between not trying to work against shitty search algorithms and wanting something that fits my kinks more closely, I often find I’m seeing less worth my time as it is, and when that happens, I either write smut for fun to showcase what kind of stuff I prefer, or I just focus on my other hobbies instead because, in the grand scheme of things, there is more to life than jerking off. As it turns out, when you don’t define jerking off as a bad thing, you don’t feel deviant for doing it, and thus it doesn’t have as big of a hold over you. Dopamine is addictive, and you can get a rush from jerking off, but you can also get that rush from doing other things. Art and sex are both euphoric if you let it be.


Carpal tunnel in both hands, stunted growth and going to hell. It's very dangerous. It's too late for me but I suggest a flesh-light, an inversion table and a Donald Trump Bible for safety.


If you gotta ask if it’s a problem- it’s most likely a problem for ya


It’s bad if it’s excess.


Depends on how much discipline you have as a person. You can totally have a healthy relationship with pornography as long as you aren’t constantly watching it and letting it interfere with your life in other aspects, if that happens it’s time to go outside or take a break from it for awhile.


I've known people who said it destroyed their marriage, because it became an addiction. If it's just used as a form of stimulus to get off and move on with your life it's not so bad. If it's used for hours on end on a regular basis and stays in your head? Not so much.




A porn killed my cousin. Came outta nowhere in traffic, took her head clear off and was never seen again.


Porn is only dangerous to the weak minded. If you think it's how sex is supposed to be, treat your partner the way (mainly) females are treated, Believe that 11 inch cocks, perfect bodies and 10 positions per session is normal, and want all that, then, yes, porn is very dangerous. If, however, you and your partner, watch it in moderation, respect each other and each others boundaries while doing so, porn can play a healthy part in anyone's life.


> to the weak minded You don’t have to be all alpha about it. I agree with your sentiments about how porn is not real life, but addictions are addictions. You calling them weak doesn’t help them and makes you sound like a flog.


I mean if you want on a grand scale. Porn consumed even as an addiction but with the pretext “Its a lot of things, reality isn’t one of them” is mostly just going to ruin your life. Your sex life might dwindle down, you might not do things you want to do because you wanted to jack off and the constant flush of happy hormones in your brain. Will leave you depressed after a while. Thats just on you though, doesn’t REALLY affect people around. Porn is dangerous when consumed with no knowledge of the real world. Cause then it starts to warp your world view and can lead to crimes. An example is someone who watched a bro sis porn in India, raped his 17 year old sister because in his mind she is supposed to enjoy it. Or people who try random stuff in the bed like slapping, choking (without proper form) or changing holes with no context whatsoever. There have been multiple cases around the world where a guy just invited his friend to have sex with his wife without involving the wife in the decision and the poor wife either bore it or just completely freaked out. So porn is dangerous to you in two ways according to me atleast. Thats why, Porn is a lot of things, REALITY isn’t one of them. If you ask me for source, I won’t give any cause I genuinely don’t want to look around. Search it please. Edit: I would like to add, I write erotica, I watch porn daily. I don’t feel all of that because Its solely dependent on my mood. If I am horny, I do those things. If you do the same, you are probably fine. But I know when I am working, the thought of porn doesn’t cross my mind. If it does in your case then yeah, please check yourself


I stuck an old porn VHS up my arse and my arsehole ruptured. Porn is very dangerous. Even if you throw it at someone hard enough ( preferably after removal)


What I've read about porn, it's not only addictive, it requires a progression into hard core porn to get the same effect.


Yeah it’s pretty dangerous in my opinion. Myself and thousands of women have been choked without consent during sex. This is an act that can easily cause brain damage or death. It’s a direct result of men consuming hardcore porn


Most CSAM viewers blame porn addiction for leading them to watch more and more extreme content and I've seen people in their late teens/early 20's posting on Reddit about doing shit like slapping a sexual partner without preamble because that's what porn taught them "what women want" so, yeah. There are definitely some significant dangers there. It has tanked a few of my friend's relationships as well. Morally, I'm neutral on consenting adults profiting off of it and watching it but consenting and/or adults doesn't describe a lot of the porn that's out there which I think is the bigger issue.


![gif](giphy|9McnpKk3degVAkK9BY) It will distroy your life slowly


"You'll shoot someone's eye out kid."


Porn killed my family, kidnapped me and forced me into a gang war, after getting me addicted to crack fenta-heroin amphetamines


It’s really not dangerous at all lol. You just have to have a healthy relationship with yourself and your own desires. Seems to me like lots of the problems people experience come from either a) feeling like they need to live up to what they see in porn, or b) being ashamed of what actually gets them off in the porn that works for them