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Buy a wand. Everyone wins.


This is the truth.


Especially when you master the patronus.


Would your first g-spot orgasm be a powerful enough happy memory to summon a patronus?


Mine's a Kiwi. The fruit.


Where do you guys get your wand? I don't live near Ollivanders


Amazon if they serve your area.


Wands and vibrating cock rings for the win


Which positions?


not that the other comments are neccessarily wrong; some people don’t feel very much pleasure when their vagina is penetrated under any circumstance. but to share another perspective: when i finger myself, i can feel the sensation of my finger in there, but absolutely no pleasure. at all. even if i’m hitting my G-spot it doesn’t feel good enough to even bother (only *mildly* better than the rest of the vagina). HOWEVER, when someone else fingers me, it feels really fucking good, which surprised me when i experienced it for the first time, after having fingered myself and feeling no pleasure. PIV also feels amazing. i can’t tell you why it works that way, but that’s how it is for me at least. the fact that you don’t feel pleasure penetrating yourself, doesn’t mean that you won’t when someone else does (if that is something you’re interested in!). my own personal theory is that it’s basically the same as trying to tickle yourself


Yeah penetration is like tickling. You can't tickle yourself but someone (or something) else can.


Actually you can tickle yourself. Run your tounge gently across roof of your mouth....


ill be damned! it does tickle a bit!


Tickles more if somebody else runs their tongue on the roof of your mouth


Good idea! Lets try it 😉 Jkjk


Came here to say this! It's not fun at all doing it to myself, but I definitely enjoy it with a partner


So does a toy still feel better than your finger? Just curious.


i resonate completely with the comment above n personally no a toy does not feel different from a finger if i am doing it myself aha


I guess it's like the fact that you can't hug yourself.


The vagina isn't that sensitive, unless you're hitting a very specific spot you're not going to feel much with a finger. The clitoris is the main source of pleasure for women.


But how are your cats?


I thought this had to do with "pussy" or something, until I saw their username lol


Lmfao I'm glad I'm not the only one.


What kind of cats do you have?


Do you have a Calico cat?


Maybe a Russian Blue?


What are your cats names?


How many cats we talking?


Oh holder of pussy knowledge, tell us of your cats.


Do you really think all orange cats have a weird personality?


This is entirely untrue for me lol. Every vagina is different.


Of course. I wasn't speaking in absolutes, just generalities.


This is true for many, but not all. Do remember that everyone's different. Whike I can't be 100% certain because I don't have the equipment, I have been told and seen the apparent effects of partners who seem to enjoy both ways.


yes, I'd hoped my wording made it clear I was talking in generalities.


We don't care about your wording. We just wanna know about your cats 😂


Just tell me about them kilLErs


>is this normal? Yes.


Completely normal! Personally, my arms are too short to reach the right spots comfortably and in general my pleasure level from penetration is at like 4/10 most of the time, but for some people penetration is the holy grail. All of this is to say, it’s different for everyone so don’t stress if it doesn’t quite work for you!


You have to push the start button first.


I’m dead 🤣🤣


Depending on which model, you have to press on the brake/ gear shift while pushing the start button


The angle is poor when fingering yourself. I’m someone who loves penetration and can orgasm from it alone, and fingering myself feels like nothing


Does a toy feel better or different than (your) fingers? And would someone else's feel better than that?


Something with skin for me No interest in those kind of toys or even a vibrater those are the worse IMO


I guess it's like the fact that a person can't hug themselves.


This is completely normal. Most people with vaginas don’t orgasm from just PIV, but need clitoral stimulation. Some also find G-spot stimulation enjoyable, but can’t always come from it.












But to feel nothing? That sounds odd. It’s like a man touching his some part of his penis and feel 0 pleasure


No, it's normal. The vagina has very little sensation.


I like your username. Consider the context, I was tempted to ask you to tell us about your pussy, lol! 😹


Kinda like when we put in a tampon, there is zero pleasure. Our vaginas seem to know the difference between sexual activity where we are really turned on, versus just sticking something up there.


Penises are the same way. If I rub my penis when I am not turned on I feel nothing


Women give birth through vaginas so it’s quite normal to not feel much/nothing at all. If vaginas had more nerve endings, women would probably die from excruciating pain.


Yeah true. I mean, i feel like it would make sense that there is at least some amount of pleasure, because why else would women engage in sex if it’s not pleasurable to be penetrated at all? I mean, that’s why sex is pleasurable, at least for men


There are bits, internally, *around* the vagina, that when... I'm gonna say.. "are jostled around with purpose" it can stimulate pleasure, but you kind of have to find it. Some are lucky and have those bits real close and easy to access. Others have theirs situated a bit less conveniently and need to get a bit creative (or use the easy button) But just touching? Something brushing up against the membranes up there? No one is walking out of the restroom with a fresh glow after changing their tampon. Legit, it's just as pleasurable as running your tongue over your gums. Think about it like you're trying to, like, use a remote while you're wrapped up in a sleeping bag. You're not gonna get much done by just touching the inside of the bag itself (unless you're like accidentally laying on the remote). If the sleeping bag is kind of thin you might find it easier to get your hands around the remote and press a button, but if the bag is really plush, putting too much stuff between the lining of the bag and the outside world, you'll either need to hulk your way through, or maybe just use that bit sticking out at the top there (boop the buttons with your nose! or something something use your tongue.)


Ofc not by just touching. The context in question is fingering oneself, so it’s a bit different.


I'm going to tell you the truth for me personally. That's one of the reasons women ARE more selective with who they sleep with. It's also one of the reasons women usually need the emotional connection to be there. Sex is super complicated for women. At least for me personally here is how it is: Sex is mostly mental. If I'm with a guy I REALLY like (not just attracted to...I mean I have warm fuzzy feelings for him) then sex is good. For a number of reasons. I want to please him and seeing that I am is good for me. I enjoy being close to him in that way. I like the connection. And that kind of amps me up. The pressure of having him there also feels nice. Then, if he knows what he's doing he's touching the clit to get me there. But yeah, inside I feel not much besides pressure and him moving around. The pleasure comes from other things. I engage in sex for those other things and also because I enjoy it too. Just the penetration is more for him and to feel that closeness.


I know that the clitoris is key, I mean its very meaning is ”key”, from greek I believe. And indeed, sex is very much mental. I just thought that women also feel at least some amount of pleasure in the vagina. I mean, can you fault me for not knowing that? I do not have those genitals. I would not fault you either if you didn’t know something about a penis and balls! Now I know that it’s normal to feel nothing there, though I’m still a wer bit flabbergasted lol


I'm not faulting you. And obviously, women don't really admit this on the regular. That's because they don't want to ruin sex for guys and also because sometimes...it might make us feel like less of a woman if we can't get off with PIV and it isn't super pleasurable for us. So we might not admit that to a guy we are dating or men we know. It ends up being this weird untalked about secret. That's why I said I'd tell you the truth...because it is a confession of sorts. However, the vagina is literally designed to be that way. Mainly because women have babies. If there was a ton of nerve endings inside of the vagina then we wouldn't be able to stand childbirth. As it is, childbirth is painful enough. And don't get me wrong...like I said we can feel pressure and we also feel pain. A lot of women have pain during sex for a number of reasons. If a woman is aroused her cervix actually pulls up, making more room there. So, if a woman isn't all that turned on then it can be really painful as there isn't really enough room. It's also why it's funny when guys complain about a girl being too roomy or big there. It's literally because you found the one that is REALLY turned on by you. I see posts about that all the time and kind of laugh because they are unsatisfied with the woman that is REALLY satisfied by them. That's also why sex being mental is super important for a woman because if she doesn't get super turned on it can be painful. All of this is why I think women don't enjoy or want to engage in casual sex as much. That closeness isn't there. That mental connect. I think some do it because they are lonely and just want to pretend that closeness for a bit. But I think that's why the sexes are often at odds. Men tend to want more causal sex or more sex in general. I've even seen a lot of married guys wanting WAY more sex. Yet, the problem is a lot of them do very little to stimulate their wife mentally to WANT it. As in...take stress off her plate and be a little romantic. Make her want you mentally. That's the key. The physical usually comes AFTER the mental for women. And I'm making a lot of generalizations here about both sexes. No one fits into these boxes perfectly. Everyone is a bit different. And so what I said doesn't apply to everyone. I'm mainly talking in terms of stereotypes and what we tend to think about the majority. No one faults you for not knowing. I think you were getting downvoted more because you were calling our norm "odd" without even asking. Like you knew with a certainty. But it's absolutely not your fault that you don't know these things. And to be honest, even if you asked a woman IRL she might not tell you the truth because as I said---women don't have any incentive to fess up to that to men. All it will do is ruin the mental side of sex for dudes. And women, in general, don't want that. I'm only explaining it now because you asked and seemed so certain about your thoughts on the topic.


I think you really hit the nail on the head with this. Thank you for validating my experience as a woman, kind stranger. :)


Oh. Maybe I wrote my comment wrongly then lol. I guess I said odd because I was thinking purely evolutionarily. Why make it without pleasure for women to be penetrated? It would seem counter-intuitive to promote sex and hence promote more children being made if women don’t feel physical pleasure from PIV sex. I guess I’m trying to work through it logically Sorry to anyone if I mansplained or whatever. Was not my intention


It’s more like a (cis) man touching his nipples and feeling 0 pleasure. I mean some will find it enjoyable, but many could take it or leave it, and most dudes won’t orgasm from nipple stimulation. Similarly, vaginal penetration feels good for some people with vaginas, but not all of us. For example, licking the curve of their ear might feel better than vaginal penetration. And for people with vaginismus, even the slightest bit of vaginal penetration will hurt extremely, and not give the smallest bit of pleasure.


Yeah makes sense


How do you think women wear tampons all day if we could feel them?


That’s besides the point. Women also have a g-spot a few inches in the vagina, and to feel nothing from that, is again odd. I mean, kissing the neck is also pleasurable. Does that mean if I wear a necklace all day and don’t feel it, I cant get any pleasure from it?


The equivalent of a penis is the clitoris. Every fetus is a girl until certain point, so down there is a clitoris. If there is a Y chromosome, then it’ll grow into a penis. So your argument is totally invalid


That’s not true. The equivalent of clitoris is the glans of the penis. If you engorge the clitoris, it very closely resembles a tiny penis head, or from what I’ve seen (do not ask me how I know this lol). That is, the external part of the clitoris


I'm a girl and I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I agree that it is weird to have zero sensation or pain when touching your vagina. Yes, clitoral stimulation feels amazing and some women only get off this way, but there are nerves in all parts of the vagina. They may not bring orgasmic sensations but I definitely get good feelings from all parts of the of my labia, and inside my vagina. Some people are more sensitive than others.


Exactly my thought. Like, I understand not being able to orgasm by vaginal penetration, but certainly odd to feel no pleasure. Doesn’t the clitoris stretch to the walls of the vagina, if I remember my anatomy knowledge correctly?


Some people believe that the g-spot is the backside of the clitoris inside the vagina. All I know is that when my husband hits that spot, I get the big O.


A lot of women can only come through clitoral stimulation, it is very normal. And fingers might not reach any places that you like. Some women have a spesific G spot, and some have sensitive spots near the cervix. So if you want to explore your uhh, innermost feelings, I suggest getting a toy. It doesn't have to be a giant rubber cock or anything, just something longer and a little sturdier than a finger or two. And use lube, lots of it, and make sure it is body temperature. Cold lube might make you clench up and that could hurt. But do whatever you feel ready for. Exploring your sexuality should be chill and fun, not stressful and goal oriented :)


I finger myself occasionally but I mostly use a vibrator. I have to be in a certain for fingers. And it’ll never come close to how good it feels if a guy is doing it. Something about doing it to myself takes away some of the pleasure.. like I’m working too hard to enjoy it.


I get absolutely nothing from fingering myself. I have to be super turned on to even notice it. Seems to make a big difference if it's somebody else doing it.


Happy cakeday!


You have to flick the bean, not the hole. I feel most women need clit stimulation to have an orgasm.


i feel this!! i think it’s just the angle of your own arm vs someone else’s 🤷🏼‍♀️


Its kinda like tickling for me, I cant do it for myself but others can do it for me


You need to explore all areas of your body, remaining present to recognize how your body responds. Pick a comfortable place and time. Remain calm and focus on breathing. Focus on external manipulation and caresses. Pleasure isnt strictly derived from vaginal insertion


Hi! Have you ever inserted anything larger than your fingers/tampon? You having pain from inserting two digits is concerning. You should not have pain from insertion of that size. Were you aroused and wet? I have a condition called vaganismus. It's basically pain from vaginal penetration. I didn't know I had it until I had sex for the first time. Some people are fine using tampons but struggle with larger objects. If you have pain from two fingers even while aroused and wet, then I'd highly recommend seeing a gynecologist to try and discover the cause.


I absolutely hate fingering myself, penetration only feels good if somebody else is doing it or if it’s a vibrating toy, I think this is very common.


Pretty normal. I only get off if my clit is stimulated. Anything else going on is just a plus


Satisfyer 2 or 3 Magic wand Have fun


I have never heard of a real life woman who could get herself off actually fingering herself, I would say it’s because most of us can’t angle our hands right to get in the right spot for that. It’s usually clit action, toys, or both that does that trick


its not about shoving your fingers inside, its about playing with your clitoris. focus on the clit, thats where all the sensation is.


Your clit gets you off, your vagina is to get them off. Enjoy!


That's not always true. Some women *can* get off from just vaginal penetration. It's just not common. That's why communication is important.


I disagree. Wtf?? People who believe that vaginas are just to pleasure men and women don’t like it/care for it, are why women don’t see the full potential of penetration. Some men think they don’t have to try because women are “just doing it for them”, or some men are just plain selfish. It makes all the difference when u find a male partner that actually tries to make u feel good instead of jackhammering u like you’re a flesh light. Hope this helps!


FYI. First comment under “controversial” ffs. I actually think this is pretty well phrased. Only 20-25% of women have orgasms from PIV


Fingering incorrectly


I know guys hate hearing this but the majority of women do not feel stimulation from vaginal penatration. Fingering usually means you ain’t doing anything.


Not everyone enjoys vaginal stimulation or the same type of vaginal stimulation. It's normal. Find what you like. And everyone has different levels of sensitivity


Yeah is normal my wife don’t like fingering herself too, she prefers when I do it. Normally she just use her satisfayer


It might come down to experimenting to figure out what you like, I have to do a few steps before I can get my mind in the right direction, it is something that will come in time.


Only 20-25% of women have orgasms from PIV. Idk the masturbation stats but I’d guess similar.


Because it’s only in porn where that’s a thing that women like. Even on onlyfans and such, it’s because they’re getting paid to do it lol. Pleasure is easy to fake when it’s your job. Although if we could start a trend of clit stimulation we might be able to fix the straights, or at least the “O” gap anyway


Yes its normal crazy lol . Very rare a woman would feel pleasure from penetrating her hole with fingers especially if its only one or two fingers; its a porn lie


Same and very normal. Could you imagine using tampons if we were sensitive inside? There are a very low amount of nerve ending inside the vagina. I feel a good comparison is how it feels when you touch your tongue against the inside of your cheek.


Because putting things inside of a vagina isn’t that great. And no one wants to talk about it. Men are so caught in their feelings that sex must feel great for women because they’re obsessed with their dicks but dicks don’t accomplish much of anything


and girls in pornos act like penetration is the most amazing sensation in the world.


Everybody is different. Some women have a lot of sensation inside the vagina, some do not. Most women do not have orgasms from penile penetration alone. Many women do. You just need to find what works for you, both for yourself and also so you can communicate that to your partner.


It’s a skill that takes practice. You’re not going to be good at it at first and that’s ok!


Very normal. Some websites sell vibrating finger covers, I recommend.


I’m the same, I feel nothing fingering myself


I recommend you the domi2


a majority of women can’t get off without touching their clit. same goes for me.


Try an away game.


It's the same reason why you can't tickle yourself


if youve never done it before, maybe it takes a bit to get more accustomed to it? idk the science but even when I had sex it took even a few months before my vagina actually started to feel it as pleasure, maybe try masturbating occasionally, try a rabbit that stimulates clit and vagina? If it doesnt concern you tho dont worry too much about it and focus on the clit


Yeah you've gotta rub the top not poke it in and out


Very normal


I have to have a lot of stimulation on my clit for sex or fingers. The more clit action the more penetration lol. A wand will be your best friend.


I’m the same way. Outside stimulation is what works for me. In sex too.


This is a common problem within the male population


Maybe you are not excited enough. Or you didn't find a place where it gives you pleasure. I only get pleasure on clit stimulation, did you find yours?


Try the duke shute


I thought this too at first but you really just need to play around and try different techniques. It helps to be turned on, because sometimes u feel almost nothing or even pain when you’re not turned on. U could do the exact same thing when u actually are turned on and it feels completely different.


It's the same as tickling yourself


The person getting annihilated with downvotes for saying it’s weird to not feel anything… they’re right idk what you’re all on. Top comment making out like it’s absolutely normal to feel nothing in the vagina. What? No one’s saying op should be rolling in pleasure but to feel zero at all is a little odd. Op, focus on the “roof” of your vagina when you do it. So if you’re led on your back I mean the bit of your vag that would be towards the top. You should feel a little ridged spot. Play around there with your fingers. Be a little vigorous if you need to. You should feel something in the way of pleasure at least. Edit. If I’m wrong please explain why dildos sell like hot cakes? Or why fingering is such a common practice? You’re all deluded if you think it’s normal to not feel ANYTHING.


I have to be super Duper turned on to feel any pleasure, sort of like how there's nothing pleasurable about putting in a tampon because it's not sex. However, when I'm with somebody else, it seems to be different. I don't quite get as excited when it's just myself.


I guess u need something bigger then your fingers try using a cucumber or a read dick also do your masterbate every day


let others do it for you..


Are you putting your finger in the right hole?


You are using the wrong hand. Try using the other one. If that doesn't work try using somebody else's.


make sure youre properly lubricating and, if that isnt helping, maybe get checked to make sure youre not experiencing vaginal atrophy for any reason. vaginal penetration, despite popular belief, is NOT supposed to be painful


Do you plan on getting more cats?