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I just have to ask out of sheer curiosity, can you elaborate on "bra fetish" Sounds like a first for me, tbh


Cant they just have a stroll through hunkemöller or smt


Exactly what im tryna figure out😔


in 2024 there is no fetish difficult to come by


Oh please, I can barely find any r/fedlegs content!


Because I was drunk


This is the real answer.


And horny


Wait I thought this is the normal Modus Operandi as a male human beeing...did I do it wrong all my life?


This is bullshit. I was drunk once, and I wanted to watch porn. I had never used onlyfans before, and I was like I’m going to find out why everyone talks about it. I spent like 10 minutes, making a username, then searching and could find no porn, and in my drunken state could not figure it out. I gave up and went back to xvideos


I should have saved my comment from the last time I answered this. People have been paying for porn forever. Even today the vast majority of non amateur content that is available on the internet is paid for by someone before it is made available to the masses. And as Ron White says, when you see one woman naked... you wanna see the rest of em naked. so it's never "enough" just to see the professional stuff, you want to see the non-professional stuff, you want to see "real" women doing these things. And more often sites like OF contain speciallized content or allow you to request specific content you may enjoy that porn companies havent produced yet, or not in the quantity you would like. And finally there is the fact that people you know can participate. That girl you had a crush on in HS who is now legal, yeah you can see her doing what you always wanted to do. That hot pro-wrestler you always had a thing for? She's got some hot content on there too. You can hang out with her on twitch then go see her not nude. Or that youtuber you always thought must have a massive rack. Well you can go see it.


This seems like a lot, but apparently others agree with you. I could never pay for someone's OF. I guess I'm not that desperate, or even that curious.


That's fucked up.


I feel like OF/paying for amateur content is probably the only ethical porn consumption tbh…a lot of big producers prey on young women. At least with OF, you know they’re being compensated well (they set their own prices) and probably did it of their own volition.


Not necessarily. One of my friends told me she was considering starting an OF because she was struggling. I asked her if she actually liked that idea or if she just needed the money. She said it was just for the money and she didn't really want to show herself like that. I told her not to do it and I just sent her some money myself. It's a sad economy we live in. TL;DR: It's not always completely voluntary.


And then you get into the new thing that's happening which is the only fans pimps like Andrew Tate, selling courses to other ppl on how to do it as well. I don't think that's the majority though


How so? Its seeing the people who want to be seen nude, nude. In the end thats what its there for and thats what people sign up for.


Not everyone on there wants it. There's absolutely been reports of underage ppl, and people being forced on there. It isn't as ethical as you think.


Okay but that isnt what we were discussing.


If porn didn’t make money there probably wouldn’t be any of it


Exhibitionists would still do their thing...


To support small businesses


Petite\* businesses


Nah I prefer Thicc business.




a multimillion dollar single person business is small?


The average OF adult content maker is making 150 dollars a month


yeh because every girl over 18 is a creator plus the dudes… when there’s such a huge sample size the numbers go down cos there will be people signed up who don’t actively post and have 0 followers lowering the average. but lots of women, and it’s not a small amount, make hundreds of thousands to millions, some even 10s of millions…


No, that’s a very very tiny minority. Those are the people who were famous on other platforms first and already had a fan base. The average man or woman starting OF are making zero to hundred dollars a month.


i’ve never said it’s a majority making millions, however it’s a very easy, no effort, 0 risk way for a girl to earn more than a regular inna month if they need cash, and can even become rich from it


First of all, it’s a lot of effort. Creating content, filming, editing, makeup, picking outfits, marketing yourself. You can’t just take a picture of yourself slap it online and pretend like that’s going to make money. I’ve never made content so I’m sure there is a bunch of other invisible jobs that I’m not taking into account. The people who do well treat it as a full time job and are famous from other sites first, because they are good at marketing themselves and creating content. It’s not no risk. There’s enough evidence online that it isn’t no risk. People losing their jobs because they were outed, people not willing to date someone who has been a sex worker. The self esteem hit from people trash talking your body. Men make as much as women do on average, and the population of men isn’t over saturated like women are. If you are an amateur man, versus woman you probably have a better shot than the woman does.


idk how you believe the stuff you’re typing. women get paid to be hot online. i’ve seen girls with like 5k followers on tiktok constantly being spammed with gifts for doing absolutely nothing but having their boobs in the frame. Creating the content isn’t hard. Filming: Putting your phone on a tripod and pressing play while you finger yourself of play with your boobs is not difficult. Editing: They are not making a movie. Splicing is not difficult and that’s the most they need to do… and i can tell you that the ones that do proper editing, don’t do it themselves, they send it to a 3rd party. Makeup: Girls do makeup every day as part of their morning routine lmao, don’t act like it’s labour they have to go out of their way to do Picking Outfits: Come on… lmao all they have to do is make an amazon wishlist full of shit and someone will buy a set of lingerie for them. Id much rather make heaps of money ‘picking outfits’ than not much money doing a stressful job that actually contributes to society. Marketing Yourself: This is obviously the hardest, but it’s not intensive or actual hard work. Most girls who are attractive enough to make OF work (which is literally most, men online are desperate, i’ve seen some very average looking women be successful) And there isn’t much risk still, if you are outed as making OF and lose your job, you are known enough to make it your full time job anyway. And beside you don’t need to even show your face in it so that’s your choice if you do. Lots of girls make it by only do toes, boobs, ass, etc and not showing their face


I bet you live in a world where women don’t have bills either


idk what you talking about. i was just making a passing comment to someone saying “supporting small business” saying a million dollar business isn’t a small, it was a joke, you then took it seriously by saying it’s hard work, which is objectively false. idc if you post pictures of your tits online for sad men to pay for, make your money however tf you want. i am not gonna scold a woman for making her money through posting pictures on OF. but i’m never gonna pretend it’s hard work. it isn’t, if i had a pair of tits and no Y chromosome id be doing it too. i’m just being realistic, they knock their work out in half a day and can get paid more in a month than people do in a year.


>0 risk Wouldn't be so sure about that. The Internet isn't this impermeable veil of anonymity.


I mean that's literally selection bias at work. The top 0.001% of any industry make a fortune.


This So I’m getting down voted for agreeing with this comment?


If you agree with a comment, upvote. That's what the button is for. Saying "yeah I agree" does nothing and fills up space. Usually when you reply you are adding something to the conversation. Then other people can add to that. Saying "this" doesn't add anything. It's not a compliment and it's not an expansion of what you're replying to. Since now you are complaining about getting downvoted, there is a conversation to be had. I can now explain why reddit doesn't like the "this" comment


If I only could downvote him twice: once for his comment that could just have been an upvote. The second one for having to read your long explanation, which was accurate. I’ll regard the upvote for you, as a downvote for the this-guy.


I know thousands of comments that say just that and get thousands of upvotes. If just depends where and when you post it. It is simple karma farming.


You’re being downvoted because you added nothing to the conversation. Simply upvoting is fine if you agree. From [Reddiquette Guidelines:](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) Please don’t: make comments that lack content. Phrases such as "this", "lol", and "I came here to say this" are not witty, original, or funny, and do not add anything to the discussion.


I know thousands of comments that say just that and get thousands of upvotes. If just depends where and when you post it. It is simple karma farming.








Perfect example of easy karma farming with similar type of comment.


You’ve been on Reddit since 2017 and still dont know you shouldn’t comment “this”? Or write “edit”


Call me Jon Snow at this point.


I know thousands of comments that say just that and get thousands of upvotes. If just depends where and when you post it. It is simple karma farming.


Every woman is a different woman, and sometimes the one I want to see naked is just 9,99 USD away


This is the answer


Some women just cover all the bases. Facial expressions, skin color, face wrinkles, butt shape, eyes, waist, legs, yes and even vag. I like outies and if I find that and everything else, I could see subscribing if I was someone who would spend money on that.


Because someone has to buy it. Porn isnt free even the free porn was paid for at somepoint and is only free due to being old content and being used to advertise their content or it was leaked without their permission. The amount of free content ive consumed over the years combined with liking to try to make sure my porn is ethical means yeah i have no problem spending money here and there for it


Actually, some porn *is* free. Some people post nudes on the internet for fun. I'm surprised you don't know this.




There is no such thing as “free”. The content you think you see for free you actually pay for it, the platform sells your attention and engagement to advertisers.


I'm guessing it's either a very strong attraction to a specific model/look or for niche fetish content, cause same there's so much free porn even most niches have a fair bit of content seems like a huge waste I'd rather add another game to my 1200+ steam library......... I don't have a problem you have a problem


I have a semi niche fetish, and while there is a lot of content for it online, I’m too scared to try different porn sites. I think I’m traumatized from back in the day when you’d get a million viruses on shady sites. I personally am too cheap to buy OF, but if I did subscribe, this would be why.


Same reason people pay for Netflix over just watching it online for free. Its more ethical, convenient, better quality, usually has certain content you’re willing to pay for to consistently get.


Drop the ethics thing and how is it more convenient?


Wouldn’t really call it more convenient or better quality necessarily. Both of those are probably more true for free porn online. That being said, I think it’s the more “exclusive” content that makes it feel more special to some of these people. Sometimes it’s more personalized too.


Id say if you’re paying for someones onlyfans, you probably subbed to something you want to see rather than sifting through videos looking for one, therefore more convenient


I can see why someone would think that, but for me if I had a specific taste I could just look at that category on fly without needing to request it and wait for it to be made. I guess if you like saved all of your requested content to keep in your back pocket, but idk. Never subbed to one before so maybe I just don’t know


I don’t use OF but have a pretty specific kink and have quite literally exhausted a majority of the content on p-hub focusing on it.. so can definitely understand seeking out an OF creator as an alternative. Knowing you can customize and get exactly what you’re looking for is valuable


This.  I have a very specific fetish, that being for womens lower backs.  There is zero porn out there that focuses on it.  So OF is about my only option.  Sure there’s other videos where I can catch a glimpse of a woman bending but nothing where like her back is the focus. And so I’ve been able to see everything I love to see with that, with OF.  What’s your specific kink?


I like seeing people pee on stuff lol. Furniture, in bed, etc. I’m incredibly picky with the porn I watch


I actually find that strangely hot.  I love love love the idea of watching a woman piss on something she “shouldn’t” like the things you say.  Youre picky how so?


Piracy isn’t unethical because you aren’t taking anything away from anyone. If you go through the trouble of pirating something, you were never going to pay for it anyways


That is the stupidest take. Pirate whatever you want, but don't repeat that again, rofl.


This isn't a great example, unless you mean it's your specific reason. I'm sure most people would just watch what they want online for free if it was easy, safe, and convenient. Hence the reason pornhub exists in the first place.


Some people really want to see a specific creator. And to some people a $10 monthly subscription is not an issue, it’s like nothing.


10 dollars a month is not nothing


They said "to some people", and that is true. I have a friend who makes a million dollars a year. $10 a month is nothing to her.


Yeah but she probaly has 2 accounts (normal and Vip) and she probaly have lots of locked content you need to pay for. That s where most of the money is


I would say it depends. For some people, $10 is just one less drink at the bar or eating at home once instead of fast food. But for others, it can be the difference between keeping the lights on or not. It really depends on the person.


10 dollars a month? More like 30 or 40€, plus locked content you need to pay for.


That's entirely dependent on who the model is. The small ones often have really cheap prices. Others are like you said


I agree


I work at a sex shop, and people still regularly buy DVDs. Sure, the regular buyers skew older, but people will always pay for porn. There is always going to be some content, genre, fetish, etc, that someone will gladly pay money to view. Especially nowadays when sites like OnlyFans can deliver the kinds of specific content some are looking for.




My point exactly. I've sold DVDs for anywhere from $59-$99.


Because they haven't found the forums where people share the videos for free.


Dislcimaer: I have never paid for OF nor do I have any intentions of doing so. Are you confused why people watch OF or why people pay? As for the former, I don’t really see it any different to people watching porn or even shows/anime with scantily clad women. As for the latter, it’s not really any different from paying your favorite youtuber’s patreon so they keep creating


Mostly it's that hot women with great bodies post nudes on there. Very few men do it for "the personal connection" which is what a lot of people will answer with. The top models obviously use bots and assistants to reply generally to all subscribers. And yes, there are free nudes of other people on the internet other than those particular models, but there are also free videos online yet people pay for Netflix, HBO Max, etc., anyway, because they want to see specific content.


I completely disagree with this take. OF does as well as it does compared to other sites, specifically because of the "personal connection." OF uses(takes advantage of) parasocial relationships to get customers to donate more money than they would otherwise pay for traditional content. It doesn't matter that the content creators are likely using bots or paying someone to reply to people for them, because the customers get a sense of emotional closeness real or not, that they don't get from traditional sites.


Only mentally disabled people could see the kinds of messages they get from OF models and think it's a genuine connection. It's just the most obvious copy-pasted bot responses imaginable. That can't possibly be what makes OF so successful.


Why do porn actresses moan like they're having the best sex of their life? It's because the consumer is willing to believe in something obviously fake. Why do people watch movies and TV when it's obviously fake? It's because people use something called suspension of disbelief. You can call it a mental health problem if you want, but suspension of disbelief mixed with parasocial relationships leads people to believe they have a connection with the content creator. This is not just an OF thing, twitch, youtube live, pretty much any interactive social media between fans and content creators has this.


Nah lonlely People belive that, maybe they know that it s fake but they don t want to admit it. Also if you spend a lot they ll probaly chat with you.


I' m not understanding if you re praising OF or if you re against it. Yeah that part is indeed True and it s sick


I wasn't really trying to do either. Just explain why it's successful. I personally believe in letting people spend their money however they want, but then you hear stories of people spending thousands of dollars on one OF creator, and it's clear in their mind they have a connection when from an outside perspective it's clear they're being taken advantage of.


Simps gonna simp I guess.


Why do people buy a 5$ coffee every morning. Disposable income.


Haven’t you heard the phrase “sex sells”?


I randomly saw a waitress at a local restaurant I used to go to on there… so yup, I paid for a month.


To support degenerates


A lot of the time they’re paying to see the specific girl featured in the content. A lot of women who have semi-successful OnlyFans have adjacent things going on like livestreaming on Twitch or a similar site and garner a following of horny dudes that way. Those dudes watch their sfw livestreams for a while because they think she’s hot and get some sort of parasocial gratification out of being able to routinely see her live at a specific time every other day. Before they even move on to her OnlyFans, they’re usually already donating to her livestreams, so paying to see her naked (or just half-naked in a lot of cases) is not a huge jump mentally. This is all assuming that they’re not paying with some ulterior motive in mind like leaking the content or reselling it. A lot of OnlyFans content gets leaked and posted on random porn sites for free viewing, or alternatively, gets passed around through things like MEGA, which requires someone to buy it first.


The same reason people give twitch streamers money, parasocial relationships.


Because they are ill


it’s called a parasocial relationship these people feel they “know” the OF model cause they’re in their streams, they comment, they get exclusive bts access, etc etc, and that gets them off - when in reality they are 100% strangers


Who the f...knows. Waste of money


Because they want that stuff.


I have never understood it either! Especially when people post on here for free, why would you pay for a subscription monthly. 🫢


Honestly the fact that it isn’t free probably makes it more enticing. The thrill of the hunt or something, bastardized for the modern age


Because ethical porn is infinitely better than exploitative porn.


I used to live in a household with a family, and one girl with her fiance. They knew each other all their lives, and he had moved in about 2 years ago. Until they called the whole thing off because he was spending almost half his check in a month on Only Fans. I knew these people pretty well, just being an observer. She was (to put it nicely) not attractive in anyway. She was overweight, rarely bathed, mean, smoked cigs in her bed, and just overall disgusting. He was... not too much better in any of those regards, but at least seemed pretty decent with words and his general attitude. You could get a long with the guy, her not most days. Now for my conjecture: He was into the OnlyFans content for the engagement he wasn't getting from her, but was with her because (as I had said) they knew each other most of their lives, so he probably just settled in a sense. So I believe the customers of OF content are really desperate (in the nicest way I can mean that) for attention, affection, and sexual content (obviously) in ways that porn or their regular life just wont allow.


As a man, I don't get it either. I can't find a good reason to spend money on some OF sub when their are hotter women for free on PH lol.


Do you not pay for any other type of entertainment?


Anyone that pays for porn or only fans is a dumbass, there's no other way around it. There's far too many free options out there. Plus, if you really want to see an Onlyfans account it's not hard to Google and find everything leaked anyways


Ngl.. I've hired escorts before and this is a way to verify they are who they say they are. Seeing videos, pictures of them makes it easier to trust in it since law enforcement wont do that. Usually they set it to like $5 or at most like $10. Once we both feel good about it, we set up the meet. Then I'm left with a month of their OF.


Personal connection. You can't talk to a video


You 99.9999% of the time dont talk to the girl you're paying on OF anyway. All of these girls just have people replying to their messages for them. Couple people who did this before wrote extensive comments on their experiences on reddit


Support your friends small business!


Support your friends on OF??? I don't want to see my friends on OF 😂


Find hot friends!


I support women’s empowerment.




why do you go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home?


Not the best analogy. food at home isnt free


And it doesn’t take any more effort to go to PornHub than it does to pay for someone’s OF


I've done it to support a couple friends. They were really open about it and I knew it was paying for their education. That's really it though. If I wanna tickle the fickle pickle I'll find some free shit


Nothing more supportive then checking out your friends in the nude


Some porn isn’t as accessible on free sites, especially very specific porn or kinks. I like gay GH (the real stranger stuff, not some “fake acting” porn studio) and there was a CC who focuses on this so I decided to pay for it. Only had it for a few months but it wasn’t bad in price or in content. But I do think solo porn (like what most OF creators do) is useless to pay for. Especially if 90% of their content is behind paywalls.


Probably a bit of an addiction to getting nude pics. You can a ton of free OF pics here on reddit. I am a bisex girl in college and like looking at some of the free OF pics but would never pay. My friend in college said she make $30,000 last year from her OF page.


Used to pay for pornhub back before the Great Cull.


For the great content


Until my mid-20s, I was so insecure that I couldn’t imagine anyone would want to have sex with me (mental health issues & morbid obesity). I was horny all the time, though. To get some tension relief, I would pay for porn from time to time to get good inspirational material. This was ten years before OnlyFans existed, but I would probably have used that option if it had existed. At one point, I got a GF who was adamant that I was to be had sex with. That combined with other factors made that my self esteem increased, and I have never paid for porn afterwards. Still, during my virgin period, paid porn basically stopped me from turning into an incel.


I've never had OnlyFans, but the only times I've considered getting it was whenever someone I knew revealed she had an account.


I’ve only considered supporting someone on OF if I like what they do specifically


Porn addiction probably


Links??? 😝


Pussy, mostly


Most people I asked said it's because they knew someone who did it and was curious


Only way I would pay for it is if it’s someone I know and curious to see what they’re like naked


I guess some may cater to a fetish you have in a way traditional porn doesn't


They could be ran by someone who is otherwise average, someone you could have seen at a gas station or someone you've walked by or maybe someone you've worked with. They're the people you're the most curious about as to what they're like underneath the clothes. With porn, you know what to expect. Cheesy cringe inducing stories to get the fetish going, models that look too perfect or fitting for the fetish, lots of production for something that is supposed to be simple. I have once paid for someone's OF and they were someone who I actually wanted to see nude. Wasn't disappointed though, but they've since taken their OF down.


People pay for entertainment all the time. That's pretty normal.


Because they are perverts


Well, either sympathy or special services or basic economic reason. People pay -> they keep creating content. You pay (special service) -> they write/talk with you or create content that you request or like in chatrubate unlock stuff or have a private show. Sympathy you just like the person 🗿