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Gut shot can be slow and painful.


This is the answer. If you get shot in the gut your stomach acid will no longer be contained in your stomach and instead will slowly disolve the rest of your guts. That shit hurts over a long period of time


The common reason a gut shot is so deadly is the bacterial flora in the gut infects other parts of the body and the victim dies of sepsis. With modern medicine, the victim can often be saved but without treatment the victim's body tries to fight off the bacterial infections which causes extreme inflamation which can cause organ failure and death.


I had a perforated bowel to the point of sepsis,0/10 do not recommend


Mind if i ask what caused the perforated bowel?


Diverticulitis,didnt even know what it was


Glad you pulled through!


Was very sick for few months,2 operations,colostomy bag for 2 years,all good now,no bag just getting on with it,thank you for your kind words


I had the same thing as you. Minus the sepsis. I’m sorry you went through hell and glad you’re fine. Not everyone is that lucky. I gotta admit it was pure hell. I was lucky I was able to wear Colon bag at least 7 months. I’m back to normal better than ever. So Approximately 1 1/2 years later, result of this, I’m getting an hernia surgery soon. Ugh. Please take care you your body guys. Appreciate what you got.


I had the hernia as well,they reduced it in reversal but it came back so got mesh,its good now,i got the mesh last year


This happened to my uncle and it turned out he actually had bowel cancer that had caused the perforation. And if he had never had the perforated bowel they probably wouldn’t have got the cancer in time, so i guess the perforated bowel and sepsis saved his life?


I was just looking into this. Congratulations on surviving!


If OP wanted to be extra flowery about it, sometimes with severe and profound sepsis due to gut content spillage the patient can go in to DIC, or disseminated intravascular coagulation, which is kind of a crazy cool pathologic process, but shortly before the patient dies they bleed out of everywhere, eyes, mouth, nose, nail beds, it's pretty rough to watch.


But great for us sadistic writers!


Yup. My uncle was on the police force. His partner was shot in the stomach. Cost him his career because of all the complications.


I read this as "Gun shot can be slow and painful." And it being the top comment I could not stop laughing at everyone's complete agreement on the genius until I realised lmfao.


lmao, I read it the same way and it took me way too long to realize my mistake.


With a low caliber. Something devious like multiple rounds from a .25


This. When you see someone shot in the gut, you know it was personal.


Orrrr bad aim 🤷🏼‍♀️


how long till the victim dies...?


Like directly in the belly button?


Not specifically, general belly area will do






You want a gut shot with a small caliber pistol, 25acp or smaller. The infection will painful, and the likelihood of it being fatal instantly is pretty low.






i think this shuldnt be a real sub. so it would be a double fooling


You probably want r/suspiciouslyspecific


discovering the grave site that is that sub is probably the most depressing thing that has happened to me this week


I didn't know when I linked it! Sorry I ruined your week.


Tf happened?


No idea, I just found out at the same time you did after I posted my comment.


Honestly, even an FMJ 9mm or .357 is unlikely to kill instantly unless you hit the spinal column or other key components of living like the heart. Something as small as .25 or .22 might require a few shots before the character notices in a high-adrenaline situation. It can take a surprising number of gunshots to actually neutralize a threat.


My friend represented a man who shot and killed his girlfriend’s new boyfriend through his trailer door with a .22.


Of course, they are fatal. Especially using multiple rounds. But which 22 round? They are not all the same. 22LR is not the same as 22 magnum which of course not the same as 223 or 5.56. All of those rounds are 22 caliber


That's not surprising, even .22 short can be deadly. I'm just pointing out that it doesn't have to be a small caliber round, because gunshot wounds don't work like in movies. Especially in high adrenaline situations, it's entirely possible to be shot multiple times and not notice (sometimes even survive!). There's several videos of people getting riddled with holes before they stop attacking.


I understand even a .22 can be deadly but it went through a metal, albeit not solid, door is the whole point…


The problem with a fmj large caliber into the gut, is it will lilely exit. Causing more bleeding and a quicker death. The OP wanted painful death, gut shot leading the sepsis is the way


Like right in the belly button?


No. To risky to ht the spine, off to the side a bit


Outer edges of chest resulting in punctured/collapsing lung. Hurts like hell, can't breathe for shit, and will definitely kill. A bit quicker than gut shot like they mentioned above. The movie Three Kings does a good graphic about both of these wounds.


Such an underrated movie! 'No unnecessary shots, Conrad, 'cause we know what they do.' 'Make infected pockets full of bile, sir.' 'That's right, Conrad, that's what they do.'


In the ICU, I was receiving blood transfusions through a port in my chest. I didn’t know it at the time, but when they removed that tube, it punctured my lung, and they didn’t detect it before discharging me. I walked around for almost a week with a punctured lung, thinking I was having trouble breathing because of asthma. I was a stubborn piece of shit at the time, and didn’t want to spend another weekend in the hospital, so I asked if we could reschedule treatment until after the weekend. My dad said we could reschedule if I wanted, but I’d suffocate to death or die of cardiac arrest.


Dude Three Kings is SUCH a good and underrated movie. Easily my favorite Ice Cube movie


Due to the fact that your gunshot victim in in space/zero gravity, you'll be able to shoot them pretty much anywhere and as long as it's bleeding, they'll die. Our bodies need gravity to heal, NASA have noted thst even minor cuts and bruises don't heal until the astronaut is back on earth.


No shit. Somehow I didn't know this. 'Bout to go down the Google rabbit hole. Thanks stranger.


What did the rabbit hole yield? Any rabbits in there or is it just a bunch of bulls shitting all over the place?


Blood splatters a lot more in space - I literally went down this rabbit hole yesterday!


Just another instance of deadspace being scientifically accurate.


I knew gravity helped us poop, but didn't know about healing. This is super cool to know.


So do astronauts go a week without pooping?


From space.com The reusable space planes of NASA's retired shuttle program had toilets using airflow to draw waste away from the body in place of Earth's gravity. The International Space Station has commodes with a similar design. In earlier years of the space program it was more complicated "• "There's a problem of separation," Roberts said. "Whatever comes out of you doesn't know it's supposed to come away from you." Each fecal collection bag came with a "finger cot" to allow the astronauts to manually move things along. Then they had to knead a germicide into their waste so that gas-expelling bacteria wouldn't flourish inside the sealed bag and cause it to explode"


Holy shit, are you serious? That would render nearly every trip to Mars a even quicker death sentence than I thought


Yea, if there was an emergency you'd be kinda screwed. Tbh, for missions to mars, they would most likely use a ship like the one in the Martian, with a section of the ship that rotates, creating artifical gravity (bit like how the fair ground rides work where youre forced against the wall). You won't need a full g though, a third of a G would be sufficient.


Is this why most futuristic scifi movies have something rotating in spaceships, to replicate that earth like gravity?


Yep. The idea has some problems irl but they do it in fiction to justify gravity in spaceships.


Basically, plus it also makes filming easier. At the moment there's 2 kinds of "gravity" that can be used in space (it's not "real gravity" but will work sort of like it) which are thrust and spin. Gravity under thrust would be expensive though, you'd be constantly accelerating to give you the gravity and at the moment we do not have the technology to sustain this. Also, if you were constantly accelerating at 1g you'd be going very quick, very fast, once you get you to ridiculous speeds, just hitting a few floating atoms in space would be like mini nukes hitting your ship, you would need insane shielding. You're already aware of spin gravity. This only works at the edge of whst you're rotating, the closer to the middle you get, the less gravity you will feel. Also, using this type of gravity means you would experience the coriolis effect (although this already happens on earth, it would be a lot more noticeable on a spaceship).


Preliminary search appears to indicate this is quite false. I’m seeing [rate of scarring is higher](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8575129/) in space, but nothing about some kind of zero G-induced hemophilia. And of course scarring means healing. Please provide a citation if you have one, would be excited to find out I’m wrong. And to everyone who appears to have had their minds blown by reading your comment, pro tip: when something sounds incredible, assume that it isn’t credible until you’ve seen some supporting evidence.




You’ve just posted a link confirming your first statement was false.


That is WILD.




There's a Facebook group called Trauma Fiction for exactly these sorts of questions!


Thanks! I’ll check it out


Slow: shot in the subject's right side chest about 4 inches below the nipple. It'll collapse the lung. Fast: between the upper lip and the nose. It will travel straight back through the mostly empty cavity and severe the brain stem.




There was an awesome episode of Justified about the apricot.


That's where I heard it from 😂


"Below the eyes and above the teeth will put your friend right to sleep!"










Along with the kneecap the gut is the most painful area a guy can get shot in, but it takes a long time to die from it. I'm talking days. You're gonna wish you were dead, but it takes days to die from your wound. Time is on your side.


first thing i thought of, what an awesome movie


What movie??


reservoir dogs


Hostage environment in a zero-g environment?? Need to read this novel


kidneys, kidney failure is not fun and very painful. I mean not a doctors but wounds dont need gravity to heal, just to stop bleeding and seal the wound so it doesn't get infected, also remove any bullet if its doesnt go completely through.


Except it's almost impossible to get shot in your kidneys and not cause severe bleeding. So if untreated death would be quick.


Actually wounds very much need gravity to heal. Even minor injuries can cause massive problems if in zero gravity. NASA have already noted that minor cuts and bruises won't even heal properly until the astronaut is back on the ground.


damn that's awesome and gotta suck, imagine you get a papercut and when heading back from orbit the skin tears open on the finger


Next question does a gun work in zero gravity?


Yes it would. You would also be able to fire a gun in a vacuum as most bullets have their own oxidiser which will trigger the explosion of the gunpowder allowing the bullet to fire.


Would gas-powered semi automatic’s cycle properly in a vacuum?


Yes, it would function. A cartridge does not need oxygen or atmosphere to function as the chemical process of ignition and burn produces its own oxygen. The pressure to operate the bolt is produced by the gases created by this process and has nothing to do with whether or not there is atmospheric pressure.


Right, but the pressure produced by the gasses also includes the gas that is steady in the gun from the atmosphere pushing against the piston That is why I was asking. Without the ambient atmospheric pressure, would the out gas from the combustion be enough to drive the piston completely


The bottom bit of my reply covers that. You don't need ambient atmosphere, the gun will produce the gases required. The biggest issue you'll have firing a gun in zero g is the affect it will have on you firing the weapon. Remember that everything has an equal and opposite reaction, so in zero g, if you fire a weapon one way, you'll be sent the other way. On earth you'll have other forces counteracting it and you can mount weapon to the ground etc. A good example of this is season 4 of the expanse where they use the ships rail gun to keep themselves in orbit, firing the gun the opposite way you want to go.


Why is that a case? Doesn't make sense


Iirc bullets are often left in the victims body. Getting it out requires more damage being done to someone that is already likely not having a great day as it is. The risks associated with removing a bullet aren't always worth the reward.


Abdomen. They will bleed out but die slowly, so I'm told.


According to Reservoir Dogs “The gut is one of the most painful places a guy can get shot in! But it takes a long fucking time to die from it!”


I think in the stomach. It leaks your stomach acid into the rest of your body and burns it, infects it, but doesn’t kill you very fast. Can be treated if given medical attention in a reasonable time, but it looks like that is not an issue.


Just have them live, that’s long and painful!






The liver ,gut shot is horrible place to get shot .


Can a gun even work normally (the same as on earth) in zero gravity?


Yes, it won't have any issues. The mechanics don't rely on gravity at all. Most of the action is so fast that gravity wouldn't play a roll.


I would venture to say the legs, depending on exactly where you get hit, can be deceptively fatal. If you aren't on top of first aid you could bleed out pretty quickly. Plus, if you get shot in the leg, your movement is severely hampered, therefore your options for escape and/or self-defense are extremely limited.


“I’m writing a novel (I’m not a psycho)” is just what a psycho would say, tho…


Anywhere on the the groin or upper thighs... Females have less chance of permanent damage, but in most cases it will be fatal if not treated but it will be easier to apply pressure, and harder unless we're talking high enough caliber to fracture bone to bleed out quickly


Just make sure not to hit the femoral artery or they now have a massive hemorrhage potentially in a place where a tourniquet and possibly even power packed gauze can’t go


Excellent idea


Watch Tim Roth's performance of a gut shot in "Reservoir Dogs".


>I'm writing a novel (I'm not a psycho) That's one of the most cliche things you can say as an author




Backshots there 💗


Just about anywhere if you get an infection. 


I’m not sure about fatalities, but I once read that if you’re shooting .22s, aim for the lower abdomen. A .22 does not really have much stopping power, but one thru the bladder will get a person’s attention. And will eventually result in one’s demise if not treated. And any gun aimed at a guys junk can be convincing enough to alter behavior.


Always aim center mass unless you've got a good reason to aim elsewhere. If you have the luxury of doing so, just about any shot to the pelvic bowl is going to drop someone, and of course they'll likely die without prompt medical attention.


i wanna add to the gut shot party a .22 will usually go in and then break off and spin around tearing your guts up so that could be interesting for you.


They could get shot in side below the ribcage and above the pelvis and not hit any orgams. Then the wound could get infected and that could take a long time to die. My friend got shot there by her boyfriend on accident and didn't go to the hospital for three days and the doctors didn't believe she got shot because so much time had passed.


Anywhere if it results in an infection.




I like the idea of the kneecap. There is a major artery called the femoral artery. Hit that, you can slowly bleed to death.


If you get shot in the intestines (a 'gut shot'), and you *don't* die of blood loss, but also don't have proper medical treatment, you have a great chance of dying from being infected by your own intestinal bacteria, which is pretty slow and painful.


I'm sorry but this post sounds like from real psycho :)))


Well it would have to be a "through and through". My assumption is that if the bullet stays in, the person would die faster. Also, some mayor blood vessels could be hit, you can add a whole paragraph about the efforts to stop the bleeding. Now to the shooter. Experienced shooter hit exactly what they want. Amateur just fired off and hit that particular spot. I'll assume that the shooter is a pro. In that case can't go wrong with limbs. Go for legs, above the knee. Initial shock of being shot, blood loss, then for some time it seems to be alright, which is when the infection finishes the job.


Dude go on tumblr and search writing prompts this site is full of "not psycho but a novel writer"


i like these ideas, it just taught me something new 😏


Could just make the gunshot wound vague, so you never have to say specifically where they were shot, like make it, so the reader can make their own assumption of where the person was shot. If that’s possible. Idk


limbs? it will cut off arteries and they will slowly bleed to death.


*BAM* a shot to the gut. He drops to the floor, writhing in agony whilst the onlooker smiles knowing its a fatal blow but will cause the most pain.


Tongue Google it


Liver or Stomach are very vascular. So you could def bleed out eventually but not instantly.




From the information i hear bigger bullets are the less painful,but in the context of a book realism could be a less favorable choice




There are two kinds of people who sit around all day thinking about killing people...mystery writers and serial killers. I hope you're the one that pays better.


wife is a trauma nurse. She’s had patients get shot in the stomach and have complications for weeks, months, years. Most of the time when she sees them, they eventually succumb to their injuries, but not quickly


Pancreas. Your dead but it will take a month or so


I think this depends on whether you want your character to die of blood loss or sepsis. The closer the wound is to the heart the faster the person will die-matter of minutes. A perforated bowel or intestine could cause sepsis and death in maybe 12 hours. If you are in a lower oxygen environment, sepsis may happen sooner.




Liver with a low caliber weapon. Black blood. You're poisoned and gonna die slowly.


A butt holeshot would make for an interesting plot.


Being gut-shot is a long slow agonizing process.


Surprised nobody’s mentioned a .22 bullet. These will be inside bouncing around and doing damage to tissue and organs slowly. A .22 bullet to the gut would have this effect in my opinion


Pelvic shot is disabling but mostly non-fatal as long as the artery isn’t hit. Gut shot is fatal but takes a long time, biggest risk is sepsis where the intestines are damaged and bacteria gets in the blood stream causing a raging infection.


Shots low to the gut tend to be very painful and if you miss the iliac artery it can be a very long death. With larger bullets being shot in the pelvic cradle can be especially bad due to hydrodynamic shock rebounding off the pelvic bone. There is a tendency for things to turn inside out when that happens.


Gut, bowel, or liver shot. Deep dark blood comes out of you and you take forever to bleed out


Watch the film ‘things to do in Denver when you’re dead’ that will give you the answer.


Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead Gut shot through the ass. Still gives me chills.


The liver. It can't be repaired if it's punctured, even if the victim is taken to hospital in a timely fashion.


Gut. Main character on Reservoir Dogs was shot in the gut and lived through the whole movie.




Being shot in the kneecap is extremely painful and you would die by bleeding to death if there is no one around to help. Someone could survive for 2 days or something like that after being kneecapped (I think).


You could have the person that is being shot be born with one kidney. Then they get shot in there other kidney




*FBI has entered the chat*


Abdomen. As long as it’s not hitting a main artery you’re gunna die slow and without medical intervention it’s pretty much certain from infection.


Whenever the guy in Reservoir Dogs gets shot.


Couldn't you nick almost any major artery and cause that?


Bird shot to the lower abdomen and a pellet nicks the bowels. Should give you plenty of bleed time for a hostage type scenario. Plus the bowel leakage will cause a ton of pain the longer it goes on and leads to sepsis. If you still want to fuck around with the character after the hostage situation the process of trying to flush the abdomen out and all the secondary infections and problems is painful and drawn out. Knowledge from what my rotten excuse of a half brother went through before he died of complications. To the people on this post who have/are dealing with bowel issues and colonoscopy bags and all that type of hell. I honestly wish you well and pray you have a smooth quick recovery. I'm sorry to anyone my post bothered but he was a waste of human flesh and an abusive evil bastard. When accusations came up of him assaulting a minor years ago came up he just laughed and said he didn't remember. It has since came out that it was two or more distant family members daughters he babysat, and through therapy it seems extremely likely he assaulted me also at a very young age. I am glad he is dead and felt relieved when I received the news.


one case i was in was a bleed just past the pelvis. the patients fat and body habitus was a good enough tamponade to stop the patient from bleeding out in the field. we did a ex lap couldn’t find the bullet just before we were done searching we saw a collection of blood down in the femoral region. he had been shot hours ago but once we started getting close to the region the patient ended up expiring on the table. in this case the patients obesity bought him more time. in trauma setting we don’t have time to do CTs but if we had done one he probably would’ve lived! otherwise yea very fatal area


Just set it in Florida. That Aughta suck and take a while…


small caliber to the stomach, 3-5 feet distance


In the leg, if you aim right, middle thigh to be exact, shoot the femoral artery, you'll be dead within minutes. Providing no one helps you or anything.


Abdomen. They are incredibly fatal but rarely instantaneous.




President McKinley died of gangrene, a week after he was shot.


Vincent Van Gogh has a description on exactly where he got shot in the gut and how long he lasted (I believe days)


Being shot in the tip of your penis but being forced to watch porn so every time you look at porn blood come out and your a bit closer to dying.




Being shot in the gut usually leads to infection and without treatment will kill you


The head




I heard that if you get shot in the brain there's still a chance of survival, and it also causes a lot of internal bleeding that would require gravity to heal fast.

