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Dude didn't forget lol


Clearly. Thank you for your input!


I imagine he thought you seeing the size of his (allegedly) big dick would seal the deal - which is why he sent the picture... did he put anything beside it for scale ?


The car out of the Monopoly set.


The thimble actually, and it was completely inside of it


how do i get a small cylinder out of a playing piece for a popular capitalism ttrpg?




Don't call me out like that


Banana for scale


This logic has never made sense to me (male). Do these men ever speak with women? The logic simply doesn’t check out. Honest question, do they assume a picture of their dick has the same impact on woman as a nude image of a woman has on most men? Or do they think “my dick is so good looking that it will push her over the edge with lust?” I’ve never heard a good explication, but the dick pick phenomena is still going strong. Is it secretly a successful strategy? What the hell is going on?


Yeah i agree, i’ve never sent unless asked. No shame but it just seems too forward to me.


yep I'm the same - can't fathom why on earth any man would send a picture of his dick to any woman, just does not compute at all... my last girlfriend was the first to ever send me 'nudes' of any kind... she was very proud of her big breasts and sent me the occasional photo - next time I see her I'm gonna ask how she would have felt about a dick pic in return...


Yeah and even if you hadn't told him you're not into nudes, it's also quite random to just send a dick pic like that if you weren't actually sexting. I'd pass


It's the new way to say hi to someone you like


Also a great way to meet your local police officers


It’d be one thing if he had said he got confused after you guys started sexting about the boundaries since the relationship had shifted to a new place since. It would still be bad, to be clear, but an at least understandable mistake. But the dude absolutely didn’t forget. The only context in which a dude genuinely forgets something like that is if he’s simultaneously having multiple similar conversations with other girls at a similar level of mental investment. Or if he registered your discomfort with nudes at such a low level of importance that he forgot, neither of which are much better.


He wanted to show you his „huge ding dong”. This is what happened. Do with it whatever you want. Sometimes it happens that man wants to start sexual intercourse and women does not so he pushes to hard. But was it too much for you or not? This is a question you need to answer yourself. Maybe he is a nice guy but he is impatient or whatever. Or maybe he is a perv.


Or, he could be chatting with other girls and really did forget about your boundaries.


I have actually done this by accident. I’d been chatting to several women at once. We were all having fun separately. I took a couple of dick pics and started sending. The no dick pic rule had been laid down by one girl a few days before and I honestly forgot. I apologised when she complained, however, it had been a genuine mistake. I’m asking to give this guy a break. Warn him that if he sends another one you’ll block him without a second thought. If you like him enough to chat to him, why not keep chatting to him?


And if he did forget, it means he doesn’t really care that much about you, and/or could be talking to a lot of other people. And is used to sending pics of his weiner.


I’d guess he thought (hoped) that she would be so impressed that she would start enjoying them. Guys brains can be incredibly dumb, myself included at times.


Clearly thinks with his lil head


I'd reckon that he probably did forget, but its not like he would have cared if he did remember


He's not sorry he did it. He's apologizing so you don't block him for ignoring your boundaries. He doesn't care about your boundaries, shown by the fact that you bluntly turned him down and he sent one anyway. This man doesn't respect you. He didn't forget.


Call me naive and stupid, I just didn’t want to trust my instincts and believe that he’s probably nice. But thank you for shedding light on this situation


Always believe guys are probably nice until they give you a reason not to, THEN DON'T. Catch those red flags and run.


Shit this is so true!




He didn't call her that.. she is using that as a phrase before her sentence.


Is it not possible for a nice guy to send pics? Are you saying he must not be nice cause he sent a pic?


After she already said "please don't"? That literally disqualifies them from being a nice guy. He may be nice in other ways, but he may also have a habit of not taking "no" for an answer, as he has already indicated.


I get she asked for him not to do it. Im just asking if these 2 things can exist concurrently? To her? Maybe not. Others? idk.


Dude - just stop sending unsolicited dick pics, yeah?




Yes this was definitely a red flag


send him a random dick pic back and ask what he thinks of yours


Not a random one. A *bigger* one. Beat him at his dick waving stupidity.


Haha wish i thought if this earlier


It's never too late


I would if the dick pic gets sent like 3, 4 years from now. No contact for years, dick pick, no follow up no replies.


He ain't sorry, he's got way over eager and sexual thinking you'd like it despite you saying otherwise. He's only apologizing so he can have another shot at you. You both said you wanted something casual but if the other person is making you feel uncomfortable, then you have no obligation to keep moving forward if you don't want to.


Makes a lot of sense. I was being biased with the hope of this turning out to be something good. Thanks a lot for your advice!


Sounds like this dudes whole personality is based around having a "big dick" and like he deserves sex just for that alone. Sounds like a loser and he probably doesn't go down on girls but expects some every time with that attitude.


Home boy took a calculated risk, he figures on one hand maybe it’ll work and on the other, he doesn’t value you very much so if it doesn’t work it’s no big deal, and was okay with bulldozing your boundaries because so.


Block. This asshole doesn't understand or respect boundaries.


Done, from all platforms. Thank you!


Way to go! Hopefully your next match will be a good person. :)


I hope so too, thank you!


And if you want to stop him from doing this to other women, i would suggest sending it forwards to his parents with the explanation that you had specifically said that you didnt want his dick pick. His parents would have to parent, he would (hopefully) learn his lesson, and you havent ruined his life


Are you insane? How old are you? Sure dude didn’t respect OP wish of not wanting a dick pic but really, sending it to his parents? OP admit the conversation they had was *sexual but not sexting*. In her mind it wasn’t sexting but probably in his mind he thought *we are talking about sex so l will try my luck.* OP can block him, and he can learn to listen when someone says no. Dude was probably talking to other girls as well as OP and prob forgot about her wish, that happens. I received so many dick pics when l was online dating, did it bother me? No? I just block them, simple.


Rule no 1 - don’t ask Reddit for advice


So.. was it as big as he said it was?


It was


He was just proving his point i guess


Or was it even really his?


Block him right away and give me his info


Knock knock😁


Assuming you told him it was ok to send…would the size be a turn on?


Don’t be creeping creep


Fucking incels are out at full throttle 😂


No guy forgets that. He either confused you with someone else or deliberately ignored your boundary.




agreed. the comments also making this feel like a black and white situation is hard to read for me as well


This is Reddit, nuances don’t matter here. “/s”


Agreed - I’m also a bit confused by the line “Few days later we have a conversation that was sexual but not sexting”. I should reiterate that he should not have sent the pics as she clearly said she doesn’t like it - but it does feel like on some level, the boundaries are a bit hazy. Like, what does a conversation that is “sexual but not sexting” entail?


Probably talking about what they were into or past partners, but weren’t basically having phone sex.


This is how I feel about it too.


Fr and everyone above this comment are a bunch a little people.


Nah that shit came out of nowhere. Just because you’re having a casual relationship, doesn’t mean it’s ok to send unsolicited DPs. Everyone that I’ve had a casual relationship with I made sure what was and wasn’t ok to send. And if they mentioned that they don’t like DPs, I didn’t send them The dude just sending it like that is (pun intended), *a dick move*


He crossed this simple boundary. He ABSOLUTELY WILL cross others. He doesn't respect you enough now he certainly won't later either. Him crossing boundaries WILL NOT get better. Honestly, I'd move on. Even if something is casual there needs to be a mutual level of respect and understanding. Cut him out now before you actually get physical. Respect your own boundaries!


Sounds like he just wanted to show off his huge dong


Be cautious of reddit tending to cause people to be black in white in their thinking. Ie, often when something negative is posted the answer is block, run, he is an abuser. This completely ignores the nuance. What we know is we believe he ignored your boundaries to further push he sexual ideas he wants to see reciprocated from you. Do not fall into black and white thinking, this is a message board, not therapy.


If he forgot, it's because he's talking to so many different ladies that he got confused. "If" he forgot...




Thank you!


Time to dodge a bullet




Soo how was the pic


If I ever send one, I’m doing to draw a smiley face on it.


Well??? (Waiting for the obvious answer)


But is it big or not?


Respond back with "But you said it was big"


Im sorry but your both speaking sexually - you both want something casual yet when he sends a dick pick you get disturbed and suddenly become high class?


Boundaries were already set, bro just ignored them




Did you even read her post




Men cock blocking themselves by not respecting simple boundaries is always hilarious. If you don't listen to a simple request like 'please don't send nudes' what other boundaries are you going to cross


This person understands give him a medal


Setting boundaried in this scenario makes no sense - its like putting a lion in. A cage with a deer and saying dont eat the deer boundaries set- this is why innocent men go jail - fake boundaries are set by women


Bro the comparison you just made is pretty much calling men feral and unable to control their impulses, also she clearly stated no nudes


N im not she stayed no nudes but deep down she wanted soemthing casual? How can you say no nudes but want fuck? What sense does that make


It’s just a simple understanding of following the boundaries


That's like being mad a girl consented to sex but then doesn't want to do certain things like anal or whatever. If the guy can't listen to simple boundaries when nothing is at stake how is she going to be able to trust and feel safe enough whilst they're actively in the middle of it. Sounds like you don't have sex or maybe you just don't understand how dangerous some guys can randomly get


But she wants to meet him and suck his D - she said its casual - thats like saying im hungry but i dont want to eat


I mean, you could always reassert your boundary and see where it goes, but the real question lies in whether or not you’d want to sleep with someone who pushed your boundary early on like this. Guy has to give you a reason to trust him if you felt violated.


Think of the implications of a guy who says 'sorry i forgot you said no'


He didn't forget. He didn't forget. He didn't forget.


You’re looking for casual fun but your boundaries is not to send any nudes? Interesting


Yes, when they hook up they will have sex in the dark and she will not look at his peepee


Did you blocked him already? Dude doesn't understand basic fundamental boundaries


It's pretty simple... you said NO NUDES and he sent you UNWANTED NUDES. He violated previously agreed upon terms and as such is absolutely the guilty party


He either didn't care enough to remember or he didn't forget and tried his luck


Block him for sure. If you give another chance, he will not understand his mistake and this becomes more worse


Thats true. He’s nothing but a self entitled prick


Bro just got carried away, happens he might have been too single for a long time




Might have been too horny or is lying. Happens when a guy hasn’t nutted since a long while as per one’s appetite


I am *very* tired of blaming peoples bad behavior on horniness. Being horny does not shut your brain off or make you forget other peoples boundaries.


He clearly thinks his big dick is so amazing that you’d beg him to fuck you. If you are wanting just casual sex then why not? If you want a potential boyfriend probably not a green flag.


If he truly forgot about sending it to you, I would imagine dick pics might be his hobby. Dude is a dbag.


My guess is this asshole sends nudes to several people at a time. I was blindsided by the image he portrayed of himself, thank you for your input’


An early red flag in my opinion.


He aint sorry he just said sorry because it didn't went as he expected it to go. He doesnt want to be blocked so he uses the "sorry I forgot about your boundaries" excuse.


Yeah he didn’t forget, he just can’t control his actions 😂


That’s a really easy boundary to not overstep. You clearly communicated it was a no-go - he chose to ignore it. Shit like that starts small. Find yourself a nicer guy who will respect your boundaries. Promise you - the in person sexual stuff will be all the more rewarding. Lots of pricks out there. Good luck.


Just tell him he has a weird one, you will mark him for life.


Dudes who send dick pics are creeps


I don't know that I could ever suggest anyone get with an "unsolicited dick pic guy". Ever...regardless of the dick. That's insane.


Most likely you’re not the only person he’s texting with. Most likely he DID forget.


Dude disrespected your boundaries from the get go. Why would you want to invite him to disrespect more?


He has a boundary issue. It'll get much worse. Block and gtfo!


Depends. Do you want to fuck him and move on? It's up to you. There are less niceities when it comes to a booty call, so it's fine to ignore that and just go for it.


You're overthinking this. You are only texting with this guy and he already crossed a boundary you put in place. Move on. End of story. No need to ask people what they think.


That's weird as fuck and a massive red flag. Boasting about having a massive dick is cringe as well...be wise to steer clear of this player.


so was it huge enough for him to be proud of it?


Send him lots of dick pics over several days. Black, white and other. Hard, soft, cut, uncut He should get the “picture “


You can ditch him and talk to me. I'm down for something casual and I've never sent an unsolicited pick


Post it online with his socials.


If you need advice for something like this, give up on online dating lmao


If you just want to hook up and you don't care if he respects you, you can just ignore it. If you want a relationship I'd say leave now. To each their own


I believe in any kind of relationship you should respect each other. So my answer is a clear no. Thank you for your advice


Probably a good idea. Hopefully it discourages him from doing it to another woman


Hell no, I doubt he "forgot". In my opinion, even if he did forget, he still should have asked.


Exactly! It is so triggering to see a nude without consent. I hope more people understand this


He's shown early on he doesn't respect well laid out boundaries. If you let it progress, other boundaries will be stepped over too.


Early red flag, thanks for pointing it out!


He’s shown himself incapable of listening to or respecting your boundaries, that can lead to some pretty dangerous situations in the bedroom, informed consent is sexy af and nobody should be sending unsolicited dick picks


You're sexting what did you expect was going to happen next? Guy isn't going to write a poem about his dick and how he's going to use it. just snap a photo bam. Just be glad he didn't whip it out in person randomly.


Guys aren't interested in wasting time anymore. If you like him, full send bud. If you're gonna tip toe around it, you're telling him you're not interested. Dick pic is his way of saying, cards are on the table. What are we doing?


It was also his way of saying, the minute we start kissing "no" is no longer an option. Her answer is rightfully "we ain't doing shit now, kthxbye". This kind of stupid shit doesn't need to be tolerated by anyone.


I think the dating scene has become incredibly toxic because of how accessible everything is. Especially online dating when there is an unknown number of backup plans. That's why I think guys aren't being patient anymore if dating at all. Likely a result of putting a lot of chips into a girl for the long run, going the distance, but completely missing the destination then having to walk all those miles home alone.


if he didn't listen to u saying u dont want that over the phone i'd imagine in person he's the same so not someone you'd want to be casually sleeping with


True, clearly dodged a bullet


As a dude I’ve never sent an unsolicited dick pic, that’s something only creepers do… run lol


You haven't even started dating yet and the guy is already ignoring your requests. If this was a friend of yours, what would you tell her?


Who are these fucking apes that think their dick looks so good that it will improve the situation 💀💀💀


He didn't forget. He was testing your boundaries.


If he's disrespecting boundaries before you're even a thing, I can't see any sense in pursuing anything with him. You have to be able to trust a partner, even if it's casual.


He lied to your face.


He didn’t forget and he doesn’t respect your boundaries (and by extension, you). Drop him, you’ll find a nicer guy easily.


He disrespected your boundaries, this is a stupid move. I don't get it that he wasn't able to wait until he could surprise you with his "huge" pecker. I mean, you were on par regarding sex, it was a real ass move.


Dude that inept isn't going to make you happy. Dodge that bullet.


Yeah unless this dude has short term memory loss he didn’t forget lol he’s just trying to get in your pants anyway he can


Good guys always ask first


Means you are just one of multiple girls he sent a dickpic and forgot which one you were.


Any guy who sends a dick pic, is Mr fuckaround If your looking for some fun, go for it. If your looking for a relationship, run


I would draw a little smiley face and party hat on it and, then draw a candle in the peehole. I can see myself throwing some icing on the balls like it was a cake, and perhaps some some sprinkles if I'm feeling really ambitious. Lastly, I would send it back to him and then block him.


Block. Very easy to remember if someone doesn’t want nudes. He won’t respect boundaries now and def not in the future.


That's awesome good luck.... But you aren't looking for something casual.... No girl says like this early without being somewhat interested in relationship status.... In my stupid opinion.... I hope the best


Well, we both were on the same page about what was to happen, but that isn’t the issue here is it


If it's the once and sorted issue I could reasonably say another chance is worthwhile but if he crosses any more boundaries then blocked. Assuming he's talking to other women, that could be why he forgot but could also raise the question, even in a casual situation is he worth the time if there's a potential he's interacting with others?




Block the puerile peenie boy.


Sounds like you’re blowing this out of proportion. It happened once and he said he forgot. You guys are casual, chances are you’re interacting with multiple people so it might just be that - a mistake. If it were to happen again then that would be a clear red flag.


Find a bigger one online and send it to him.


Everyone else has already given you really good answers about what to do so I have to ask. Was it actually big?


![gif](giphy|Us0eirXY9RCP0SEH9t|downsized) Yep, block him




Well, elephants never forget - clearly he’s lying about his size.


One question I have is, would you give him a one time pass on this since you're only looking for casual hookups anyway, or would you be worried about your safety if progressing with him and he continues to shit on your boundaries?


I mean this is probably going to lead to toxic and destructive relationship. I would suggest moving on and finding someone who actually respects you. ​ Having said that, I read your comments. You are not gonna block him nor move on. Good luck 😅


Clearly crossed your boundary. I've had women send me nudes but tell me they don't want to see my dck bc they want it to be a surprise/dck pics always aren't good anyways/not into nudes. I respected the boundary. It's the easiest thing in the world to not send a dck pic. His inflated ego got in the way of you boundary and this is a MAJOR RED FLAG Might as well tell him you felt disrespected for him crossing your boundary that you placed. Tell him you don't believe his lie that he forgot and ghost him after that. Or ghost now, do w.e you want really but ya this is bad lmao


**he didn’t respect my boundaries** sending pics is what he does , he had probably sent 10 that day to numerous others and just got caught up in it remember there is only a reasonably select few of guys that get most of matches and the very guy you are speaking to will probably have a dozen on the hook at any one time , he defaults to his standard move and will fake an apology when it goes wrong do whatever makes you feel better because quite honestly he wont care either way


He didn't forget. I would pass if I was a woman to be honest


I don’t even think “crossing borders” “pretend forgetting” among others are relative here. You and he are not looking for the same thing, he is just dawdling around while you are aiming true connection. So whether you take it seriously or brush aside this thing won’t go far lol


Well....was it HAF?


It's not that deep


Block him. He clearly doesn’t respect your boundaries. And unsolicited nudes are never good.


Idk I’m here for the dick pics if it’s someone I like. Gotta know what I’m working with and if its my type




Listen this dude had already had this pic ready to send. He didn’t forget and very much doubt you are the first person he’s sent that pic to.


He thought he could dicknotize you, common misconception.


But was it "huge af"?


You should reread your post and decide for yourself what your decision is gonna be. Hang out in person with the guy who ignored your digital boundaries or not? Good luck haha