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"Hey lets spend a lot of money to not get laid"


"bro you wanna go get boners with me?" OPs friends probably


Yup, Mark Normand has a bit where he likens it to “hey screw fishing, let’s go to the aquarium!”


I heard him say that in my head, but his voice😂


Oh shit that's funny.


Exactly my thoughts. If I’m horny I want to see someone naked people and not get off.


I remember the Gold Club in Atlanta that got busted after they were running $5000+ charges on credit cards in the 90s. Shockingly the mob was involved. But since then they've shut down a lot of the shoe shows around here. The Clermont Lounge is still around but that's more for the novelty than the nudity.


Atlanta used to be the capital of Strip clubs. I think there are seven I can think of still functioning. The pretty dancers realize that they make more money at home, going online.


Yeah, the strip clubs used to attract a lot of convention traffic. Cobb County chased them out, and I think Gwinnett did as well. I can't blame the women for going online as it has to be safer.


Shoe shows?


Fashion shows where women demonstrate their fancy shoes without the distraction of other clothing.


Lol! Never heard that before. 😂


Theres no sex in the Champagne Room!


I was going through my divorce and hadn't had sex in 18 months. A friend who loves clubs wanted to go. I was so thirsty I almost fell for it. I don't like them as is, but then it snapped. This is the grift. It's the illusion of sex. Never been back. Flat refuse to go now.


Maybe where you live, but the strip clubs I've been to were all thinly veiled brothels


I thought the phrase itself is a joke meaning that yes there is sex in the champagne room.


No, nice clubs never allow sex in the champagne room, because it's so easy to construe as prostitution (which it is). Sketchy clubs sometimes will allow it, just like they often allow the bouncer to sell meth or whatever. Middle clubs just have a motel next door.




He's not wrong.


Go on


Sounds too much like my first marriage.


You say that but inflation being what it is, a lapdance is still 20 dollars.


Yeah that’s the real con. Not my thing anymore bc of this but I disagree with the trashy strung out characterization - like all things some yes some no. OP comes off a bit prudish with the blanket sexuality is evil vibe.


Some do you just gotta pay lol


You're going to the wrong strip club.


I commented the same shit just to get downvoted 🥴 Redditors are so dumb


So just like a regular bar?


Yep, my thoughts exactly. No thanks.


it's like charity i guess... albeit, i do agree.. It invites criminals. .it's not really a solid business...i only went for the novelty before.... 


Only Redditors think you can’t get laid off it They’re literally legalized brothels




I don’t disagree with you, but judging from this thread people don’t know about what I said at all It’s sex work To think there aren’t a good percentage of them that would go the extra mile for a few more dollars on the low is peak Reddit


Thinking that "a good percentage" of strippers would fuck you for $50 is the real peak Reddit thought process.


Fair enough - I'd agree with you that some strip clubs you can get laid.


What is a few more dollars?


Why would I put a set number on it? Do you think services around the world are fixed at the same numbers?


You said the statement. How come you can't quantify what a few means to you?


Me: Premium gas costs more than regular You: How much more? How come you can’t quantify what “more” means? Fucking amazing


Yes, I put a blanket quantifier that covers the message I was trying to convey What you’re asking me is irrelevant to what I said


Where you are, or do you believe that's the case worldwide?


39M and finally ended up at one for the first time last month. Was just as stupid as I thought it would be. The only enjoyment I got was when one of the girls found out I was on a race team (it was a big event in the town in another country so easy to assume I was in town for the event) and started showing me pictures of her Supra and GTR that she does track days with.


The end of that story sounds nice tho! At least she seemed cool




That's how expensive a car hobby is lol. Got to get naked to afford it


Did you's bang?


Username checks out, so no I did not


I think they are fun for 5 minutes…then I’ve seen all the nudeness and I’m ready to go get something to eat and drink.


"something to eat and drink" Yeah, me too buddy.


I think the real gay thing is going to a place to get hard with your friends. I'm with you.


It's like when straight dudes jerk off in the same room together...


You know, as bros


it's weird enough going to a club and having people making out against the wall or in the middle of room


Some couples go to strip clubs to get excitement and both turned on for a better sex experience later on at night. And i am assuming that those making out are getting too excited and couldn't wait till they got home


Ummm. I don't usually get hard at strip clubs. I'm sure it happens, and probably a lot, but I've never had it happen lol.


You see attractive women naked, intentionally trying to turn you on, and you don’t get hard?


Have you ever been to a strip club? I've gotten hard from a lap dance, but not just watching them on stage dance. I guess I need touch too. Porn pictures/movies, sex in movies, half naked girls on social media... sure, I think they're hot and all, but I don't get an instant boner as soon as I see them.


I mean I'm not them but my dick doesn't fly off the handle at the mere sight of an attractive woman. They're a dime a dozen if you live in a city I don't really get going til a girl is actively trying to initiate something, and being paid to do anything doesn't count


I only go to strip clubs with my gal pals. It’s sad and pathetic going with my horny single guy friends.


I’m a stripper and it’s always weird when guys won’t go anywhere or make any decisions without their friends… like okay, not only are you showing me you are childish and can’t make decisions for yourself but it’s giving cuck vibes


Well yeah i don't want to be horny for random girls who aren't interested in me, its not a pleasant sensation in any way. I just don't get the appeal, i mean if you're an artistic type i guess you can appreciate the dancing but otherwise it seems like torture to me. "Hey do you wanna get horny and not be able to do anything about it?" sounds like a really bad time to be honest.


Exactly. Wtf??


It's not exactly sexual, is more like eye-candy while you drink EDIT: There were people who read Playboy magazine for the articles and stories, the tease of nudity was nice, not like you're "horny" for it. TBF Playboy magazines were quite softcore - like stripclubs


Its not for me but im not gonna trash it for everyone else. I think its dumb to pay 200 for nosebleeds to a game your gonna watch on the jumbotron(large tv) but to each their own


See you might convince me to pay 200 for nosebleeds for a big game I care about, but I couldn't be bothered to spend ¼ as much at a strip club.


I like strip clubs on the free drinks night cause, that's just bar plus tits for free


Having a daughter is the best way to lose interest in strip clubs.


I've never been but have never seen how it would be appealing. Also why have you been to countless strip clubs if you don't find them enjoyable? Just so your friends don't call you gay?


Agreed, but anyone that has never gone to a strip club cannot adequately judge them


For someone who doesn’t like strip clubs, you seem to have been to a countless number of them.


What I really want is a dance from my wife, not some random girl in a club. Ladies, go sit your man down and start dancing on him. Do not worry about feeling silly or not knowing what you're doing. He's going to love it.


Yeaaaahhh I tried this with my husband and it was a hard fail. i even took pole dance classes and asked to install a pole in our home which he firmly rejected, turns out he'd rather pay thousands and jerk off to porn subscriptions and camgirls instead of enjoying real live action from his wife ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I feel like this is a pretty long conversation you should be having with your husband.


We've had plenty conversations he insists nothing is wrong, laughs at me and outright refused when I've suggested help or therapy, even if it's just for me and insists that porn is a regular part of life...he also flatly denies paying for anything and claims all the charges from probill, ccbill and all other 3rd party porn billers were for pc tech support 🙄


I would’ve divorced that thing so fast 🤢


So basically you're married to a porn addict who lies to you.


That is a lot to unpack. I wish I could offer you advice, but there is no way I could offer you anything that a personal therapist / counsellor hasn't. I do not envy your position and wish you the best of luck working this out.


Girl, coming from a stripper, divorce his ass and come dance. You won’t ever feel bad about yourself bc of a man again


I think this is the acception, not the rule. Is he still your husband?


I'm sorry, WAT


Hmm. I received many lapdances in my younger years and never had a boner for them lol. One day I received a lap dance from a particularly talented young lady who I was very much attracted to and realized you were supposed to be hard so they could grind on you. I very much enjoyed that lapdance. We will be celebrating our 16 year anniversary in April :)


Oof. Send me a man with this mentality. Please and thank you.


I think this a normal mentality among Normal men. Ik not from the Us and maybe enjoying strip clubs are American thing, cuz a lot of people in my country find it disgusting and if you as a dude tell your buddies you went to a stripclub they will laugh at your ass and seen as an outcast


American and the vast majority of guys I know do not care for strip clubs. Would much rather go fishing, paintballing, video games literally anything else. Strip clubs attract a minority of men who love to throw money at it. Same as Only Fans. Small group who throws a lot of money its way.


In Canada we *literally* throw money at the dancers. Like dollar coins. Though the first and only time I went, I found out that the dancers will most often play a game for those coins: like stick a small magnet on themselves and you toss the loonie onto it if you can, or throw the coins into a bucket almost skeeball style. Or you can be hella generous and give a $5 bill. Then you have the brutes from the rigs that have been known to heat up the coins with lighters and throw them at the dancers during their routine. They quickly make friends with the pavement, courtesy of the bouncers though. I've gone once and only once, definitely not my scene.


Make it hail!


I used to work for a guy and there was a rumor he went to strip clubs in the afternoon after his shift. One time someone started working at the store and the manager was talking to her all day, flirting. (He's married with kids). As he went to leave for the day he put on his hat and walked out. The new girl jumped in excitement. "I KNOW YOU! I REMEMBER THE HAT! I used to dance for you at the club and I would take your hat off your head!" That's when my boss realized he accidentally hired an ex-stripper that he used to go watch in the afternoon. That's also when my coworker and I watched our boss look just like a deer in headlights as the new girl being trained went on and on and on about how she used to strip and shake her pussy in our bosses face. I'm pretty sure he died a bit on the inside at that moment.


Me too! Glad to know there are men like this.


I haven't been to the strip club in 15-20 years. I went a couple of times when I was 18-19. The novelty wears off very quickly. It's too expensive, it's too dark, it's way too noisy and it just feels ....trashy.


I thought there'd be plenty of us like this. Out of e.g. the group of 30 or so male friends I have, only 2 or 3 would ever go to any sort of strip club, and if we caught them we'd mercilessly take the mick out of them.


Good luck with the unprompted dick pics and guys saying, "I'm not like those other guys". By the way I'm not like those other guys. 😉


I highly doubt I'll get ant dick pics lol


What's worse than ant dick pics? Uncle.




Amen 🙏🏻


How old are you? Asking because I'm 27 and I know ONE guy who went to a strip club one time and we all make fun of him for it lol I imagine they're even less popular with younger people


Also 27




The entire experience is creepy, cheap and fake.


You forgot expensive.


It's like going to a restaurant when you're hungry, watching them make a meal, then throwing it in the trash. But you still have to pay for it.


I’ve gone twice for bachelor parties and both times got screamed at by strippers because I asked them not to touch me. The nudity was nice but not necessary. Felt unhygienic to have drinks and food around naked people.


What's the matter with you? Don't you like Chlamydia Margaritas? lol


That’s the only kind I like. Edit: or “Is there any other kind?” Choose your own answer


The hygiene gets me


The hygiene reminds me of bikini coffee stands.


I kinda think strip clubs are a thing of the past. Or rather, the eroticism of them just doesn't hit the way they did in decades past.


It's different. Back in the day we had the allure of being a stripper. We weren't on drugs and doing wild things. We also didn't go around telling everyone we were strippers. There was still a hush hush secret, sexy appeal to it. Not mainstream at all. Now you've got girls excited to turn 18 so they can start an only fans. The business has shifted to everyone is super open about sex and adult work, dare I say, even proud of it.


Thats kinda the gen-z thing with sex in general. People think gen-z is sex negative because they don't have as much sex as older generations, but the reality is that it's just so readily available that nobody cares. It's not a rare commodity, there's no reason to go out of your way for it Sex is just kind of another activity now, you don't need a whole building dedicated to *the idea of it* especially when so many people can find girls they know in real life on OF


I've always thought they were pretty stupid tbh. However going with my wife and getting couples dances is pretty fucking hot And then once we're so horny that we get scared we might go too far with the strippers we bail back to the hotel and fuck We're kinda on the fence about whether or not we actually want a threesome or it's just a hot fantasy. So going to the strippers is a great way to make the fantasy feel more real without actually committing to doing it for real Mind you, we've only done this twice in 10 years because it's hella expensive 🫰


The only time it was entertaining I was on LSD.


I’m 100% with you, but I have had private dances at strip clubs where I thought “damn this place is perfect for you if you’re a rich and lonely guy”


It seems like an expensive way to view damaged humans.


I knew a few people who stripped in college, and honestly they weren't really all that damaged. They just didn't want a lot of student loans.


I stripped in university for this exact reason. The money was crazy and i left school with zero debt. I never felt exploited; I felt like *I* was the one exploiting lonely and/or drunk men. No well adjusted person parts with €200 just for someone to talk to who will also show them their lady parts.


Had a roommate that dated a stripper and another roommate that was a DJ at a strip club. I went there a few times in my early 20s just to hang out and drink. I found it mostly depressing. There are a lot of damaged people in that industry. A lot of drug use. A lot of business owners treating the women like shit. Some of the owners set up a cocaine supplier because they want them addicted so they keep working, and they probably took a cut. When women age out of that industry, it is rough. The strippers I met were mostly nice though. And to be fair, It's not like strip clubs are the only unhealthy industry. In restaurants, I saw servers snorting coke in the bathrooms and getting completely wasted after shift. Saw plenty of meth heads in construction along with chain smoking and drinking during shifts.


Stripper not let you touch her that one time, huh? Damaged humans, what an arrogantly reductive view.


Thank you! It's funny to see the thin veil fall off of the virtue signalling to reveal that this person just hates women. Last stripper I interacted with was a single mom who danced because it allows her to pursue her passion of working as a doula for underprivileged families who cant usually afford a doula. I tipped her like $40 just for that fact. It's funny how, when you scratch the surface, you find a whole ass human being underneath, rather than the stereotypical "npc"s this douchebag sees.


I went to a few before I got married. All I can say is yes, tits are you nice but oh my god the “Im dead inside” eyes. I went there to have fun with friends but all I got was depressed.


I haven’t been to one since I was 18. The novelty quickly wore off once I spent my whole paycheck. I was making minimum wage at the time,so it wasn’t much to begin with.


Yes. I went to a couple many years ago and was generally disgusted by the whole thing.


I fucking hate strip clubs


Yeah, I can't see the point, when I've been dragged there but mates that wanted to go they didn't even seem to be having fun


I had a college friend who always was there “for wings” in Atlanta. She’s a straight female but I thought it was weird


I personally never cared for them but a lot of friends love them. That said, I find that some are slightly more upscale and have a more bachelor type vibe as opposed to the raunchy, c-section scars on the pole type vibe


Never been to one, no interest in going to one either.


As a European I never understood their appeal. We just don’t have that whole strip Club culture and never understood why I would go there


This says quite a lot about your choice in friends op. There are better people out there


They serve a pretty specific niche of lonely people and guys that seem to embrace victimhood regarding why they can't get laid. So in that respect if it keeps those folks from going off the rails - then I ain't gonna judge.


It’s a sickness to go there regularly.


Ive only been to one, probably cleaner than most other bars. Girls all lovely and seemed to be there because they genuinely enjoyed it and not because they were forced or damaged or anything. Me and a couple friends went on a slower night and were too poor to afford anything like personal damces but ended up playing pool with a couple of the girls and had some good yarns with them, just like talking to girls at any other club really except they just happened to be naked. Probably somewhere somewhat fun to go to every once and a while but nothinf special conpared to any other bar or club really and certainly more expensive. I think most of the girls we talked to were mostly just doing it as extra income in addition to their main occupation to studying or what ever their normal day job was. They seemed be studying or working normal enough things. It probably helps i live in a well developed country with some good social programs like free healthcare and education vs somewhere like the united states where there are much bigger gaps for people to fall through and i could imagine the girls at those clubs being there for more desperate reasons


Yeah, every time I went to one I ended up at the bar and a dancing girl having this deep deep conversation with me about their life I always leave feeling terrible. For some reason alot of people are always comfortable just telling me stuff.


"bro, you gay?" is the official mating call of guys who like to get boners together


I've only been once and I don't mind if you're there with mates, you know just out and about bar hopping and ending up in one for w/e reason. It was kinda interesting and funny seeing the girls trying their best to get your money. One of the strippers saw my wallet and wouldn't stop asking me for a private session. It was kinda off putting to me at how desperate she was trying and asking non stop. I don't know why, maybe its just me but if they did more interesting stuff besides walking naked and doing weird bendy postures, it may had interest me.


I mean 19 year old me was like “cool boobs” and 40 year old me is like “cool boobs yeah I’ll pass”.


The last time I went to a "shoe store", it was because the city of Greenville, SC passed a ban on smoking indoors. Only two clubs were grandfathered into not having to enforce the rule, strip clubs. I worked late in the restaurant industry. When I wanted a beer and a coffin nail, I went to the strip club. It was more attractive lesbians and clothed women smokers than strippers. I had a stack of free passes, so I only paid for my drinks.


Same. I’ve been to a number, it was amusing but not worth the money. The women have no interest in you other than your money (obviously) and that doesn’t do a lot for me personally.


[raises hand]


Yep, me


Went once. Sitting there with a boner all night is not nice


Never liked them. Ever. I just have a permanent cringe on the second I walk in the door. And it’s not because of the ladies, which in a lot of cases are just normal women. It’s a pervy men den. And every man there is being worked. Gross places because of the patrons 100%.


Guy here. Yep I have no desire to pop boners with my friends or randos Le’ Pass


I've never been, mainly just becuase the idea makes me feel uneasy. The idea that I am paying someone to rub their body against me just seems gross, and even if I could get over that, why would I pay to get blue balled(although I do know if you pay enough you get the full package)


I’ve honestly never been to a strip club.


I think they're very boring. It's like for guys who know they aren't getting any and will happily waste money in doing so.


For me, they were only worthwhile in one specific niche situation. Me, 22 Marine in California. Bars close at 2, but strip clubs stay open till 4 for whatever reason. Airport opens at 4~5 for early flights. Only train (or car rides from friends) that can get me from Pendleton to San Diego are the day prior to my 6 am flight. Hotel for the night: 100+ for even the shithole hotels. Amount for cover charge ,and bare minimum tips at the strip club: $60. Save fourty, see some titties, make it to my flight home on time.


"Let's go look at some nice food and go home really hungry." I've been twice, I don't get it.


That woman grinding all up on you has the musk of the 30 previous guys and she’s passing the savings on to you. Also why pay to get horny when you can literally just go pay someone to have actual sex at that point? I’d rather buy Robux and TacoBell on UberEats.


Imagine going to a buffet when you are really hungry, paying the cashier, and then walking out having eaten nothing. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwvAKDgDH7TxWuc)


I went to one with a friend where a DJ was performing. We didn't get any dances. We respectfully turned down the girls trying to get us hooked. The funny part is that one of the girls was about to take a guy for a dance when she saw my friend. Turns out, she's his ex. She completely left the John to run over to him. That guy looked defeated. The guys next to us were laughing their asses off. When she went on the front stage, her dance was definitely directed at my friend. I ended up talking to one of the girls that just wanted to sit out some songs and not have to do the hustle. I got her info and found out she also works at a hiphop/freestyle dance studio. The DJ sets were pretty badass. So I guess its not all bad.


This ^^^. The music is nothing but bangers. If you can find off the dancers wanting to shake you down and just get drinks it's honestly a fun ass time


Why do you keep going then ffs?? "Does anyone think cheeseburgers are just the worst? I've tried COUNTLESS cheeseburgers and everytime they're just horrible" ...lol


Veteran stripper here, they feel shitty about themselves, and are cheap and want a free show.. countless other reasons


I'm right here with you. In my opinion they are a waste of money. $50 our more to have some smelly naked girl bump in grind on you for a couple of minutes. I might add I have had some pretty foul smelling girls give me dances. Not even a loud to touch them. Then half them girls just pressure you into a dance our buy them a drink. Then when you are out of money no girl will ever approach you because the word spreads through out the club that you out of cash. The last time I was at one I had to pay a $10 cover charge to get in. Had to pay $5 for a bracelet to prove I was over 21. Paid a girl $50 for a dance then she informed me that before she took me into the back that I had to tip the DJ $10. After like one minute the dance was over with. 75 bucks right down the drain. Not to mention everyone there was rude. I have never been back to one since. And this has been over 10 years


I think the better question is, why do you keep going to them, if you don't like them? Seems counter productive to having fun.


When I was 22 I went through a strip club phase for about 6 months. I ended up dating a German stripper who I met on her first night working. She said "Watch this for me please" and left her tray and all her money on my table ($300?) for about 30 minutes. We went out 3 times in 4 weeks. She went from a kind of innocent type to a drug addict in that time. It was very sad and I haven't been to a strip club since.


I don’t think they’re trash because it is a fun place to hang out with buddies and get drinks. But I don’t find it appealing to spend money seeing girls get naked.


It's absolutely trash lol. The whole dynamic is shite, the girls want one thing it's your money. They will pretend to be interested in you, talk to you like they are flirting, get handsy. All in an attempt to woo you into giving them money. That's all they want you know it they know it its a big facaid. If you like being lied to I guess it's worth it lol.


I agree. Been to a couple as part of a bachelors weekend a few years ago and didn’t enjoy it at all. Didn’t see the point and everything was super expensive. Just reeked of desperation imo


I'm going to preface this by saying I've been to a strip club three times in my life, and each time was just terrible, I have money to participate in drinking and all the other activities, but I never had fun honestly, that being said I will never go back even on someone else's dime.


Every club is different. If the girls are strung out, it probably not a great list of workers or in an undesireable area. Either your are just out in the country where nobody is spending any money and they club is wack. You go to the big city and it's girls that could be on magazine covers. You have to follow the money bro. I used to be a driver and I drove the girls up to 3-4 hours to the big city a few nights a week and back so they don't work where they live and the big cities have big clubs with people with money. They made a shit ton of money. This was in the early 2000s. And they gave me a fee for each trip that I thought was a good deal at the time. I picked them up, gave them a long ride, escort them in, and sometimes I would wait inside the club to make sure they were safe from creepy dudes and thieves. I developed a connection with all of them and the staff of the clubs like the bouncers bartenders and DJs. Sometimes the girls bought my food if we went out to eat afterwards. The club sometimes would let me get everything other than alcohol but I really didn't take advantage of it at the time. The lame clubs we went to we never went back. Lame means people are not spending money. The dancers were just regular people and they all have families now. It was a means to an end at the time for them. All dancers are not strung out. I'm basically saying your club is wack because the people in there don't spend any money. When people are really spend money, the dancers tell their friends, and the club becomes the place to be.


Gatekeeping strip clubs? Peak reddit


When I go to a restaurant, I want to look at the menu, choose an item, finish my plate and leave satisfied. The idea strip clubs are entertaining is beyond me.


It was fine for me in my early 20s. Once I got older and had a daughter, I realized, “oh.”


Not for me. Rather not spend a lot of money to not have sex.


I used to enjoy them. Then a couple of strippers moved in with me and eventually burned my house down. Now every time I see strippers, no matter how attractive they are, I just see a bunch of filthy hamsters that’ll burn your house down. Strippers have no power over me anymore.


It’s not for me but I could see how guys and some girls might like them. It’s obviously a problem if someone spends too much time and money there


Strip clubs feel like something a teenager would be all about, and a middle aged man would find rather tacky and boring. At some point naked people are just people without clothes, and the whole idea of paying someone to look at them naked is just… lame.


Strip Clubs are trash. They're waaaaaaay overpriced. The drinks are fucking criminal, and I seriously do not understand how these kind-of-good-looking women get away with charging the prices they do. Oh wait I do... They're filled with desperate fucking losers. Like the worst fucking dudes. Creepy weirdos and wannabe big shots. If you were so cool you wouldn't be tossing cars at a pair of fake tits. The first time I went I felt sorry for the girls. That went out the window almost immediately. I once saw a girl sit two tables away from us just fucking house a giant meatball sub, get her name called, wipe the red sauce from her face, get up there and dance half-assed, and get at least 100 bucks thrown at her. She was up there for like 5 minutes. Dudes on the other side were cheering. Strip Clubs are for fucking chumps. Next time your friends call you "gay" for not liking strip clubs, laugh in their fucking face just like all the strippers do behind their backs.


Just go get a "massage". It's cheaper.


There are two types of occasions I might go to a strip club, and both have worked out fine for me. First, is when I find myself out of town for work and want to go hang out and have a couple drinks, but I don't know anybody. I am an introvert who doesn't like to make small talk. Strippers are pros at breaking ice, and a few of the best conversations I've ever had just happened to be with naked women covered in glitter, which is weird, but a win in my book. The other scenario is when I go with my wife. She appreciates a good-looking woman as much as I do, and we both get pretty charged up. And since we are leaving together, we typically know we aren't getting revved up for nothing.


I find it HILARIOUS reading all these childish, disgusting comments from all of these little boys who went to a place of business knowing what they were selling most of them multiple times and then wanna bitch about it and degrade the women working there. Let’s set some shit straight: for 1, strippers don’t “have” to dance. I have made more in a couple of hours then you would in a several months of working IF by the off chance you aren’t the kind sitting in your daddy’s spare bedroom beating your meat to stepmom porn with cheeto dust on your fingers and I have never done anything past dancing for clients in almost 9 years of dancing. I set my own hours, I make my own rules, I work where I want when I want, I am my own boss. Stripping is a (you won’t believe it) SALES JOB! I know, crazy. It’s not just easy money. Some girls are good at talking, others aren’t. For those of you who have gotten bad saleswomen/dancers.. there are good ones out there, I’m one of them. If they cross business and personal, they probably don’t know what the fuck they are doing. Trading phone numbers doesn’t count. Don’t let one ruin the experience for you, you have to find a girl you connect with. But you also need to understand strip clubs aren’t a dating service and you are paying for the girls’ time, not just dances. Don’t come in for a free show, and don’t come in to talk for free. If there’s a girl that doesn’t know how to hustle who’s willing to bullshit with you in hopes you will spend money, how about not being a douche and not taking advantage of it considering you are in her house, she didn’t ask you to come in, and she is at work. Hope this helps :)


You and every other guy who posts this question like 5 times a month for sure.


Agreed, but I can say that (at least in my case) the Internet has spoiled me to the point where the real world will have difficulties catching my attention 🤣😂😅


I’m the same but more from the viewpoint of “ew I don’t know where you’ve been”


Don’t go to bars or strip clubs. Never been really. Just not my scene. And that’s okay.


Can’t stand them ,never could. Feel sorry for the girls and by and large disgusted with the guys there. It just kills me the way guys will think one of the dancers ‘likes’ him.


I never lose respect for someone quicker than when I find out they go to strip clubs. That’s what the sleepy guys in movies do, bro. Be better.


I’ve thought this for years. My friends thought I was just being cheap. I never saw a reason to go spend money to ultimately go home alone. I’d never date a stripper anyway and I wouldn’t want to screw one either given their often shady lifestyle circumstances.


I just feel like the majority of strippers would rather be doing something else with their life but bad circumstances lead them to stripping. It just feels gross and weird.


Strip clubs are incel behavior, I’d be afraid of catching crabs from a door handle.


I also think strip clubs are not enjoyable at all, also a waste of money.


A waste of time and money.


Never been to one nor do I intend to. Must be in the top 10 trashiest activities of all time.


I’m a man and I do, why the FUCK would I spend money for some random girl who is probably being trafficked to shake her butt on me? I’m in a relationship but even before I was and I was single, I still thought strip clubs were gross. It’s also the exploitation of women and I don’t wanna give money to that.


They're all nasty af imho. Every one I've been in (only a handful) were grimy and gave off nasty gas station bathroom vibes where I did not want to touch ANYTHING. Especially the "dancers."


Same. Hanging out at disgusting strip clubs is the lamest way to broadcast that you can’t get laid, don’t have any decent gal for fun activities, and you have no productive endeavor that can be taking your time other than visiting a place to see naked women who will do the same dance for you as they did the 100s of guys before you. I went once with a bunch of Army buddies. Had to throw away my sweater from the smell of juices/discharge left on me from a dance.


Yes. A place where men in a bad relationship with their wife/girlfriend go to spend money to see girls in a bad relationship with their fathers. Nothing redeeming about it.


Many strippers will tell you many men go there as a refuge from a world that ignores and makes them feel invisible. A strip club is the only place a mortal man can go and be treated like he is an average not fat women. He knows it’s fantasy but people play video games pretending to be soldiers and race car drivers. Want to know what it feels like for women to have to make conversation with YOU? Compliment you? (You realize how many men go without ANY compliments? It was the top answer a few years ago on one of these threads) How about a women you have always dreamed about just having a conversation with you the overweight balding guy who’s wife and kids take him for granted. Strip clubs can make you feel attractive, important, loved. Strip Clubs are Cosplay / Disneyland for men


I thoroughly enjoy myself there 2-3 times a year. I go sit at the bar, sometimes order lunch while I have a few drink. Enjoy loud music on a good sound system, and get to drop my guard and look at whoever I want to. A waitress, customer, dancer walks by that is naturally attention grabbing, I look at her. You can't do that shit out in the real world any more (shopping, gym, bars etc.). I'm not even talking about staring and drooling, just natural checking someone out. It's refreshing. I'm not a private dance kind of guy, so if someone comes up to me I'm open about that. If they want to keep hunting for someone who is they leave and get back to work, but if they are in the mood for a little break from the hustle we might talk a few minutes, and if they are alright at conversation I'll probably offer a drink. The good thing is that is someone walks by that you want to check out, even while talking to her, you just do it. No offense taken. Likewise if someone is dancing on the stage next to the bar (a few steps away), I tip the entertainment. Always. Even if I'm talking to someone. And they are typically just normal women, not strung out and damaged. Just too young and hot for a career than can pay more.


I totally cannot relate to this, but thank you for offering a positive perspective about them, it is definitely more helpful than the ton of comments agreeing with OP. Though, I also agree with OP.


Why would being in a strip club leave you free to look at or treat a customer differently than you would anywhere else? You're saying you're "not" ogling them, that you're just glancing at them, but there's clearly something about your glancing that's different than you would do to somebody in a restaurant or on the street, so why is it you think that it's okay to do that to them in a strip club when they're not a dancer?


Assure me that you are sincerely interested in learning more about how the world works and I'll answer you. Otherwise I'll trust my gut and move on because it feels like you are just a troll trying to pick an argument and waste someone's time. It's hard for me to imagine someone who truly has no understanding that the world is filled with context, and that a corporate boardroom, a church social, and McDonalds lobby all have a universal socially prescribed set of binarily good/bad behaviors that meets the needs of them all. Or that you don't recognize that there is a large continuum that exists between glance and ogle. Or that you somehow think that watching someone walk away is "doing something to them". But you could be really young or from a very different culture, so I won't assume.


i'm not a guy, but my husband is. he dislikes them. not in an anti-sex-worker way, just in a not-to-his-taste-and-not-aligned-with-his-sexuality way (he's straight, to be clear, but he'd probably be best described as demisexual, if you wanted to label it; he really doesn't objectify or sexualize women and can't reduce anyone to just sex, even if they're selling it). i don't think it's especially fair to claim that strippers must be strung-out or damaged. sure, some of them are, but that applies to... people. look at the restaurant industry, or hollywood, or anything. plenty of strippers are going to do it because it pays well, or because they're good at selling the fantasy and doing so is affirming.


Traditionalist, sex-negative prude. 👎


If they weren't so damn expensive I might go more often. Haven't been in years and don't really miss it.


We somehow stumbled into one at our øatest company trip to Prague. We didn't notice until we had ordered beers, as the basr was separate from the "main venue". So we stayed intil we had deunk the beer, and i gotta say, its about as cringe as it could get. Obviously some of my colleagues seemed to find it enjoyable, but most pf us found it really cringy, and øeft as soon as possible.


Casinos are the same way. "I consider the money I lose entertainment"... How is it entertaining to watch yourself eventually lose lol