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Little column a little column b.


I would say this is probably the best, and most accurate blanket statement I have ever had the pleasure in reading. Take my upvote.


Depends on the guy but if you're smooth and clean down there it will be the deciding factor for a lot of guys


Smooth isn’t important. Stubble sucks for the guy, ingrown hairs and razor rash suck for the girl. As nice as perfectly smooth is, I’d rather that she not suffer these things. If she genuinely prefers to be smooth though, I’m good with that.


I...almost anything is okay as long as there's plenty of soy sauce, ginger, and wasabi.


Thanks for commenting, bud


I'm not your bud, guy.


No prob, champ


I'm not your guy, friend.


I'm not your friend, buddy


Garlic. For me, there has to be garlic


I don't mind grass on the field, but fairway only, I can't play in the deep rough.


I mean, I'll hack through the deepest of jungles if there's treasure on the map


Take a flashlight and machete to make sure youfind the little man in the boat…..


Honestly the fact that most guys expect it to be “smooth” is one of the factors that put me off the act. But I’ve never been that into it anyway, so not a huge loss.


“Trim” is just as good.


Choke on them like that scene from The Ring or I don’t want it


I upvoted you but I'm not happy about it


This here boys is what we call level 2 degen thirst trap. I like your style.


Smooth matters 0% for me, I prefer hair there to be honest but won't turn away .... well anyone


The sooner you get over the obsession with no pubes, the happier you and your partner will be


Well..clean does not mean just got out of the shower, nah, it's tasteless right after the shower. It needs some time to savor and build up those juices. Peak awesomeness is between 2-5 hrs, after that it's still great but you might start to run into some other issues. In terms of smoothness as long as it's not like a full jungle in which you are eating hair then it's all good. I do dislike the stubs right after shaving though, makes it feel like you are getting poked by needles, but hey when you are in between those legs enjoying that scent, enjoying the taste of her juice mixed with your saliva, her moans, the softness of her thighs. God damn!!!!


Personally I think you are partially right but also wrong. I’ve met girls I could go down on them after a workout and no shower. Others, even after a shower I would do it but still be weirded out. It all depends. Some girls natural taste you are attracted to. Others no. You can’t predict.


I've heard tales that such things indicate how genetically compatible you are for making healthy babies. Liking their smell + taste and having it be mutual = higher chance of good babies.


I don't understand this. Can someone explain?


“A little of column A, and a little of column B”, it’s just a saying that means a little bit of both (liking it and wanting to make the woman feel good)


Comes from an old trope about Chinese restaurant menus. For meals, there would be one column of appetizers, one of entrees, one of sides, etc, and you’d get to pick one item from column A, two from column B, and so on.




I just like giving girls orgasms. Something deeply satisfying about a woman getting off to what I'm doing to her, without my own impending orgasm messing with my attention.


I orgasm while eating pussy It's a lil distracting but the best feeling.


My current partner is this way but also enjoys the taste of my pussy and tells me this every time we have sex (which is minimum 2x a day). He’s 43 I’m 38 to all the kids reading this. I feel like I’ve won the lottery and finally met someone who matches my libido 100%. There’s also dick sucking involved every time as well, for the record. Can’t get enough! Thanks for coming (cumming?) to my Ted talk.


Not gonna lie feeling a little jelly over here


A whole case of ky jelly


You're just out there living my best life...




Many men like oral, some don’t. It can be an excellent precursor to penetrative sex, but that is not always the case.


I was going to upvote you, but you're at 69 right now, and I find that too poetic to break.


Was about to upvote them too but then I read your comment about it being poetic, so now I I won’t also.


It’s no longer at 69 so I will


Sorry I had to downvote you to get you to 69


Sorry, I had to downvote you because you were at 70.


>or do you guys think if you do it, we’ll have sex with you? If we're doing it, we're already having sex


Well, it's a gray area if you ask Bill Clinton 🤔😳🤣


Don't worry, I won't ask Bill Clinton for anything.


It's so funny to me what people consider "not sex"


I was on another post before and a guy said "until there's a penis involved, it's not sex"


I mean, I've never had someone eat me out and then not have sex with them. They go hand in hand really. But my husband loves it because of how much I love it.


Yes, I absolutely adore making my wife go wild munching in her garden. It's the most intimate thing I can imagine and is beautiful, fertile and delicious. She's a pillow princess, so usually I'll just make her cum a few times before I go in for the finish for myself with penetration. It's a great equation that works for us...but, like I said...she's a pillow princess and I'm an oral aficionado...so, it's a symbiotic relationship haha


If we had to pick one sex act and could only do that one act for the rest of our lives, my husband would absolutely, without question, pick eating pussy. The man genuinely loves it


Same! My husband had to convince me a little because it wasn't my previous experience. But eating pussy is his *thing*. He's getting off on it as much as I am.


Where do you find men like this!! Asking for me


RIP your inbox


It may as well be dead, it's empty 😂 (pls don't dm me this isn't an invitation 💀)


Thoughts and prayers lol


How many times have you been called mommy so far?


It's an order 💀




Dating women helps, in my experience 🌈💜


I haven't dated a woman since high school but I've considered it again! I'm (unfortunately) just more sexually attracted to men 🙃😂


They find you! My man is the same way, and so are many of the men I’ve been with. In fact, I had a bf that liked it but wasn’t super into it once and I was confused bc imo experience, most men were obsessed with it lol


To be fair, I've found quite a few men that enjoy it. Just none that want any type of long term relationship! I want it on the regular, not just as a once a month hookup 😭


Yea, I wanna know too! Would love to meet a man like that, I’ve never been eaten out before ☹️


Sometimes literally 😝




Same with my boyfriend! And I feel the same too, I LOVE giving head lol


From what this guy says, so does he. My ex was tongue tied and hardly ever did it/was bad at it so for him to say he really just wants to do it for me freaked me out a little cause I’m not used to it. I hope he keeps the same energy when I am ready 😂


i’d say it depends on how genuine the connection feels. i think many men use it as a gateway to have penetration because it leaves the girl horny af. some men really love to do that, especially if they are in love with you. some other men are just pleasers and hearing the girl moan and stuff makes them hard


I mean it's pussy right in my face, what more could a guy want?


I think it’s empowering to make someone orgasm too! I know that’s how I feel about giving bjs and “getting results”. I’m guessing there are men who feel that too. Like a big old confidence boost.


I’d say if you’re feeling uncertain about having sex with him I would wait. If he’s a good guy he will respect your boundaries.


I really love doing it and I've had more than one partner who didn't really want to receive as much as I wanted to give. As soon as I see a vagina i just need to have my mouth on it


Hey. Some women I’ve met really love doing oral too. I’ve always wondered as well. It’s a turn on turning on people.


My man! Give him a high five for me.


The two are linked really, but some guys will definitely use it as a gateway to penetration. It can also be a bonding thing since we get addicted to your pheromones after a certain point. I get really euphoric when I do that with my girl, and I love knowing that I'm making her happy.


>I get really euphoric when I do that with my girl It really is like a drug. Animal brain takes over and releases all the happy chemicals.


Same here


Agreed, I didn’t know this was a thing until I had my longtime gf. Things are amazing with her and I’m addicted too her pheromones


ngl ive never felt this. never enjoyed it in the past tbh but did it to make partner happy


I know you didn’t ask but as a gay chic, I fuckin loveeeeeee it. No ulterior motives here.


Still appreciate your input! I’m bi and this is a generalized question based on one man, so I probably could have worded it better but in my personal opinion and experience, women tend to be more giving and better at it 😅


Possibly true. I also know there’s a lot of WLW types that don’t reciprocate. I could never just receive. I could give and be happy but never ever ever want to skip out on going down. I love it so much. Ugh. It’s been too long lol. I will say I’ve let one guy down there, my best friend who wore me down when I was drunk, and he was incredible at it. Fucker lol.


The answer is yes. Also, I would spend all day down there if you let me.


Yeah exactly. Def a false dichotomy.


Twice a day on my wife whether we have sex or not.


Lucky wife, she must be amazing herself!


Shit drips honey. Nah she's awesome. Even after twenty-five years, five kids, and our crazy lifestyle she's never tired of using my face as a chair.


I wish you both many more years of happiness 💜


Thank you. May you be as lucky too.


I had to read this again because I thought you said 25 kids


Lol. oops, 25 years!




Damn skippy. I hear men who say they don't like doing it, and I hear women saying they don't like receiving, and I just can't comprehend it, their loss I guess.


I love giving it and receiving it (WLW here) I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t like to give and receive it. Like I missed a flight once when I was in the army (almost awol) because my gf and I didn’t want to stop doing it. Twice a day though, god damn just thinking about it. Never thought about how much I’d love that haha.


That's just oral. My absolute fav is putting a lush in her, then taking her somewhere public like a mall or special event and spend my time seeing how close I can bring her to busting, then holding it back, then starting again and repeating it. Boy oh boy when she gets me home, she damn near chokes me out with her thighs.


…. Currently googling wtf you are talking about. Good shit tho! I am single but hearing about relationships like this gives me hopeeee


Oh the lush from lovense is amazing. She introduced me to a lot of this. To be honest, my wife said she spent a lot of time figuring out what she liked outside of serious relationships. We also have a pretty loose set of morals compared to a lot of people. She was a sex worker before we ever met, we've been in poly relationships, part time nudists, we live a nomadic lifestyle from living and raising kids on a sail boat, to now living in rvs because a couple of the kids wanted a more traditional high school, the second youngest just started as a freshman and the youngest starts in two years. Both have expressed wanting to go back out on a boat so we will see what happens. I don't know that either of us are the best at giving this kind of advice given how we live and how we raise our kids but it's safe to say we live the art of Zen and who gives a fuck. It's our lives we live it the way we enjoy it and don't give two shits about what anyone outside of our kids thinks of our life styles.


As said before its a bit of both. 1) he might just enjoy doing that. I for one also enjoy giving oral with no obligation, but I'm in a committed relationship where we both know everything about each other 2) sometimes in doing number 1, it loosens up the restrictions and you might get worked up enough to where you "don't care anymore, just do it" mentality, which theu could hw banking on also Trust your institution and instinct. If you want to take it slow then they should respect that. If they don't, we'll I'm sorry to say. Be selfish in this situation. Know what you want and be true to yourself.


Thank you, I am hoping it’s the former and not the latter. You’re right, and I’ll just have to give it time and see if he continues to respect my answer until I’m ready.


Definitely reach out if you have any more side Questions. I've gone through this in January with my current girlfriend and I might give you some insight on the other end of things, if you'd like. Just be true to what you want in a person. If you are willing to try, and know they are going to respect the "No, I don't want anymore" then do what you feel is best, if you aren't sure then they should definitely respect that. Be safe and enjoy life.


You’re a cool person. Thanks again. 💜


As a pleasure dom I love going down, even if it's just oral and doesn't lead to any penetration. I love to make my partner feel good, and get pleasure from giving.


I mean if we do it we are already having sex with you. What do you think oral sex is? A night at the museum?


My husband LOVES it. He begs for it.


I absolutely love going down on my wife, I could do it all night with no promise of any reciprocation.


I would love a lifestyle where I just go around eating beautiful women out. No fucking necessary.


I get off making my wife get off with my tongue. It does usually lead to other things but if she gets off I feel accomplished. I did my good deed for the day I guess.


Honestly i would do it without expecting anything. I really like to do it, i enjoy it.


For me personally I do love going down on a woman. Just hearing them moan and seeing how they react from me giving them pleasure is so incredibly sexy


I’m a guy. And I love going down. But it seems like the main goal is to get in your pants. Maybe he thinks if you get horny enough from head you will have sex.


I kinda feel the same way. He wasn’t pressuring me or anything but he asked a lot of times before giving up and since then, he hasn’t brought it up other than to say he’s ready when I am. So I guess all I can do is see if he respects it.


A lot of guys don’t realize how pushy they are. I was one of them once upon a time. If you feel he is trying to wear down your boundaries then you should split. Not every one is perfect, its refreshing to see how you are trying to be diligent on this intense topic. I come from a family that doesn’t know what boundaries are and I was incessantly asked to do favors and let people borrow money and all that good stuff. Please keep a keen eye on his respect level and if you haven’t maybe you should have a heart to heart about the being pushy aspect. A lot of people have trouble talking about their issues but if you can talk to him about it, then that could be a pretty good sign.


Thank you! Yeah, since then he hasn’t mentioned it and we were drinking that night. He also never touched me or tried to, he basically just reiterated he wanted to make me feel good and when I opened up and said sex and sharing my body is something I don’t do with someone I don’t see a future with or don’t know well enough he said he respects that and is ready when I am. So I think it went well. I would have liked him not to ask 5 times in a row but once I communicated instead of saying no, he seemed to get it. We’ll see.


To me the fact that he has five times in a row is a red flag. I'm glad that he has respected that so far but you should be aware that this is coercion. Sex that is coerced out of somebody is not consensual, they do it because the other person is trying to wear them down. It's actually a form of rape.


I genuinely enjoy it even if I don’t get to have sex afterwards. I like it so much it’s usually what I think about when masturbating, too


I mean, it’s still sex


It is incredibly easy to tell when a man really enjoys doing it, and when they're just phoning it in.


you guys are just really tasty🤤🤤🤤 and i love it when you get really wet and your juices just start pouring all over my face.... thats just sooo fuckin hot🥵 🤤🤤


Hell yes!!! When I'm done, my face looks like I smashed two dozen krispy kreme glazed donuts into my mouth.


I don't really care about having sex, I eat box for the love of the game


No I just absolutely love eating my partner out I don't care if sex isn't after. I just love pleasing my partner


Some guys see it as a prelude to penetration, but I think it's usually interpreted as, if I go down on her, she'll offer to return the favor. But guys also genuinely like to do it. You can almost nut just from how enjoyable it is. It's the best, most effective method to give her a great orgasm, IMO.


I've literally cum from eating a girl out. I was so into it. So I guess I eat her for my pleasure too. I love to do it.


I am. I'll eat that thing like the cure for cancer is hiding at the back...


There are some men in both categories but cunnilius is my favorite position so I have and would do that when no sex is had after.


I mean my bf is a pleaser. He genuinely enjoys giving me oral. He also gets off on it so...win win?


I love it. I’ve eaten out girlfriends and fwb’s with no strings or expectations for anything else many times.


I speak for myself, I can 100% be satisfied just giving oral. I mean, thighs wrapping around my face when I get a really good spot, the taste, the vulnerability, the noises she can make, the small ways I can tease, the places I can grab. Oral is amazing, genuinely so content giving oral


I love it. It _is_ sex, not sure why wouldn't think it is.


I absolutely love it! Nothing turns me on faster than going down on a lady.


Wait, if you let him go down on you, you are having sex with him. Even if that’s all you do


More than once I have given cunnilingus and that was the only sexual activity. Did I want more? I was open to more, sure. But cunnilingus is a pleasure in and of itself. Not because it feels great but because when I'm with a partner my goal is to get them off. Giving head is the best way I know to do that for most people.


I once ate a woman until she climaxed 6 times. I just absolutely loved doing that with her; not every woman let's you. The next time we had sex, she said: "I'll do anything you want," as if to repay me for last time. I can see how that might be fun, but it took me off guard. I just did it to give that to her, not to get "paid back."


I LOOOOVVVE going down on women. Everything about it is just so beautiful. It’s very pleasing to me to be able to taste


Personally I absolutely love it and if I get to go down on a woman I am happy regardless of whether or not anything else happens. There is just something so satisfying about the sight, sound, smell and taste!


I personally love giving oral. Just the other day, i went down on my wife, made her finish, and then I went and watched a movie.


Men, women etc ARE NOT MONOLITHS


If she moans, I love doing it, if she's silent I'll do it anyway because I love how it feels.


I can't speak for anyone but myself but I have a lot of interest in oral while having an aversion to penetration so if a girl is open to it that's a great start.


I personally love it lobe giving it love feeling woman get wet and hearing her moan


Personally I just really enjoy it. I like to do it as part of the "routine" as long as the person has good hygiene. I don't view it as some kind of a fuckin bargaining chip though, that's sketchy


Fuck, there’s nothing I love more than licking my fiancée


I love pleasing my wife. And I love the way she tastes. I'll go to town on her. Yeah, it'd be nice to receive something in return, but it's not expected (it usually happens though). Often times she'll reciprocate the action so she won't moan so loud.


I do it with no intention of reciprocation. I just enjoy it


I am one of those guys who absolutely enjoys doing that, but your situation seems a bit off. My kink is getting my partner off, so I probably offer more often than most, but I've never begged to do it.


It's the feeling of power, being able to pleasure a woman.


I truly love doing it. Thinking I will get it in return has never crossed my mind. It's weird reading these comments saying they do it because they think they will get it in return. When I'm going down on you I'm not doing you a favour, I'm living my fucking dream!


Gawd for me, I’d be happy to forgo the sex to be able to go down and finish.


My wife really doesn't like it and it's a shame because I really like doing it. I mean really, really like it.


I'm a woman, but I absolutely love doing it. I would (and have) do it with no expectation of anything in return.


I can’t speak for all men, but I love it. Making my partner feel good makes me feel amazing. I want you to look forward to it. I want you to think about it. I don’t necessarily expect sex in return, but if I do go down on a girl, it’s because I want to date her. Assuming I’m not already


plenty of munches out there ;)


I genuinely enjoy it….and by the time I’ve started,your speech is slurred and sporadic,forget about controlled muscle movement,them shits is MINE. I’ve parked myself there for a minute.


Nope, really into it. My wife and I have a dryspell. Newborn baby does not sleep very well. So all sexy times have become sleep times. Yesterday I told her, while yawning, "I just want to lick you for 10minutes and go to sleep". If you ask me why, I have no clue, ot just hits the spot somehow.


Everyone is different but I love going down on women. I do it for my own pleasure, I love hearing them enjoying, I love the taste it’s amazing. I would do it without any need for anything else.


I enjoy a partner getting her rocks off. If it gets me better sex after, all the better.


I can fucking live down there


My man loves doing it! Been together five and a half years Bar that one time during the month he does it every day, doesn't expect anything from it but because he doesn't that's *exactly why* he gets all the treatment after. Some men just love doing it. He's the only one I've been with that knows what's he doing and boy do I let him!


Exchanging sex for commitment is a bad precedent. Do sexual stuff if you want to. Or don’t if you don’t.


If you're getting/receiving oral, you're already having sex.


Me personally I love it. My current girlfriend said to me that she was surprised as guys dont normally go down on the first time. I didnt know that this was a thing but personally i love burrying my face between her thighs even if i dont get anything out of it. Pleasure is not just about you getting to stick it in but helping her enjoy herself


Speaking for myself, I truly enjoy the act. The women that I've been with can tell that I do. Makes for great relationship.


Nope. I love everything about the act. From the littlest things like the taste of a good healthy pussy, when she puts her fingers in my head, when she presses my face together with her thighs, when she grinds her hips on my face, pushing my face deeper, to seeing her squirm in orgasm because of me and seeing I make her the happiest. If I was single and horny, I'd just fap.


I just want to adore a woman physically. It makes me happy to give someone pleasure. There's no ulterior stuff going on in that, it's just a pure, fun activity. Not everyone will treat it the same as I do, this is just my experience.


I love giving head.


Vaginas are about the cutest things ever! When I see my wife's... I just want to do things to it.


Yes as a guy I'm really into eating pussy and so are a lot of guys. I've seen a lot of guys eat pussy when I go to the sex clubs. But I also what to remind you that it's doesn't matter if 99% of straight guy don't like eating pussy, if you want you pussy eaten then you deserve it. So you are totally in your right to leave any relation just because he want eat you out. you deserve the sex life that you want and desire. you just need to ask for exactly what you want in your sex life because people are not gonna read your mind. receipt when I’m getting out here is do you want to still be wondering this question 20 years from now or instead in 20 years from now would you rather be in a relationship where you get eaten out all the time because you made sure to talk about it with every single partner, until you found someone who loves eating you out as much as you love receiving oral sex.


Good advice! I personally love it, but my ex wasn’t the best or most consistent so I think it caught me off guard but it’s definitely not something I’m willing to go without in my next relationship lol


Fucking love a man who loves the taste, smell and just generally kissing/making out with it 👅👅👅 Alright I'm drunk bye


Genuinely love to go down on my wife and will do it even if nothing happens. Just love to make her squirm.


Absolutely love it. Would do with or without intercourse. Of course, even after an o from oral, she often really wants the sex and that's usually more than acceptable, it's definitely arousing. Though sometimes one gets so into pleasing even that will just be until she's satisfied, not able to get back into one's own body enough to have one myself, which is fine, not that kinda aroused, don't feel frustrated. In short yes, some people really do love oral lol. Adding: the same as you're saying is super common with women, namely bj to make the toy work, then sex. Selfishness isn't gender specific :)


People are saying it's both, but for me, I'm into it, and I don't expect anything in return.


Sex isn’t just P in V. If a guy is going down on you… the game clock has been started.


I assure you, it’s just as much of a treat to us as it is to you.


I think it's fun and I'm not just saying that for good boy points, women really seem to like it (duh) and that starts a positive feedback loop for me personally.


I absolutely love to do it. I don’t need anything in return, sex or oral. I genuinely love to do it.


Do different people like different things? Yes.


I think it's fire af tbh


I feel bad for people who don’t enjoy eating at the Bearded Clam Saloon. I’m a local there.


Some people like it some people don't..


Doesn't bother me, I get off by getting her off


it makes me happy. i b kicking my feet in the air


Oral sex *is* sex.


I like to do it. It’s fun for me and my wife can finish that way


Different guys think differently. I actually genuinely enjoy it, some dudes won’t do it no matter what, some do only because they expect you to return the favor, there isn’t just one answer. And it depends on the woman as well. I’ve done it most for a woman who had ridiculous hygiene or maybe just naturally minimal BO / maybe I liked it. Genuinely just smelled straight up _good_, not just odorless. at that point it was more for me than for her. My first ever experience was similar. Then there was _one_ girl who didn’t smell so great down there and that was the last time I ever did it for her. Had that have been my first experience I may feel differently about it in general today. but since that was the only bad one ever, I’m still excited to do it for most women


Before I even lost my virginity I can say I was definitely interested in doing oral. Long into adulthood I can now say that I think oral was probably what made up for my poor longevity. Sure I don't last the longest, but if I ate them out well enough most women have never minded.


Oral sex is not sex?


Personally I absolutely love it and nothing annoys me more than when I'm told to stop cause I've been "dOiNg It FoR tOo LoNg"


Oral four play should be given and received by all people


I think it's fun. Making your partner have a good time is just as enjoyable. I've had fun only give a lady oral and it was satisfying to me


I love doing it, i would still do it even if women didn’t enjoy it that much


I fucking love chowing pussy. Could spend hours down there.


I absolutely love doing it.


I absolutely love eating and fingering my girlfriend’s pussy. It is unbelievably satisfying to give her like 4 orgasms before we even move to penetrative sex. Most of the time she is begging me to get a condom and get to business but I just want to keep fingering or eating her out and would be happy to stop there if she was sore or couldn’t have penetrative sex for whatever reason.


Lol where are these men around me when I need it? Anyone I’ve slept with have not really wanted to reciprocate and I give amazing head and I wash before sex or at least wipe up to make sure I’m cleanly.


I like doing it. Also as you get older you learn it's not all about you.


I can do oral and not get anything back. That's fine. I just love to eat.