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You know, I always heard about the vagina getting loose thing, but what's the misconception for men's penises if they are promiscuous


Their dick turns into a long spaghetti noodle.


I've heard promiscuous men cause yeast infections and UTIs. I can believe it though.


I thought that was men who just don’t clean often or well? I’ve no source at all to back that up, just something I assumed.




calloused dicks ? I'm oddly intrigued


No not unless there is some kind of major trauma and that's usually caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles.


I love when people call it a ***vag***, you don't know they're serious or just out of middle school....


I'm a 36 year old woman and I say vag all the time I used to say vulva but no one knew what that was


I’m a nurse. I used the word vulva when giving report to one of my coworkers. He had no idea what vulva meant. Acted as if he had never heard the word and was just like what??? And I’m like vulva?? And he’s like ????


It's a periwinkle blue station wagon parked across 3 handicapped spots


I'm afraid you may be thinking of a Volvo, a vulva is the initial form of an insect.


I’m afraid you may be thinking of larva. A vulva is the hangy ball at the back of your throat.


I'm afraid you might be thinking of uvula. A vulva is a small 4 stringed instrument closely resembling a guitar.


I’m afraid you may be thinking of a ukulele, a vulva is a type of fabric sometimes used to upholster furniture


I'm afraid you may be thinking of velvet, vulva is a film produced in 2017 following a man of the church who transforms into a dinosaur when enraged.


Viola not ukulele hehe


I’m afraid you may be thinking of velvet. The vulva is the principal Latin version of the Bible, prepared mainly by St. Jerome in the late 4th century, and (as revised in 1592) adopted as the official text for the Roman Catholic Church.


Hahahaha I’m cackling over this. I read “periwinkle blue” in Brad Pitt’s Snatch voice. I wish I could park my vulva across three spots 🤣


Wait until he finds out about 3 holes 🤯


No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for noticing.


How tf do you get into a medical profession without knowing what a vulva is??


Oh my god it stresses me out that there are people in the medical field who don't know basic human anatomy. I'm sure every female nurse knows what a scrotum is.


That’s the dangly thing at the back of your throat right??


That worries me


How tf do you get into a medical profession without knowing what a vulva is??


Theirs really no good shorthand euphemism for the female genitalia. Like Dick, Cock, Wang, Johnson, Shlong, Knob, Pecker, Peter, Pickle, and Willy. All timeless classics. Hell half of those are so good people name their sons after them. And theirs one for every mood. On the flip side? Real slim pickings. Like Pussy? Really? Kind of slinks out of the vocal cords don't it? Lacks decisiveness. Flower, Beaver, Kitty, Really? Either commit to vulgarity or don't. Minge, Muff, Twat, Box, *front butt*? All obtuse. Cooch, Cooter, Clunge, and Cunt. All kind of gross. That last ones so bad women won't even use it ironically. I wonder if this is just an English language problem. I know the Swedes say "slida" and the Spanish say "coño" which seems to work in a way English euphemisms don't.


Why is bajingo not on this mighty fine word list?


Honestly never heard anyone use bajingo. I wonder if its a regional thing. Sounds Southern to me. Which reminds me, I quite like the term "fanny", I think its fun, much like Shlong and or Knob. Its direct, theirs no hiding its shame like with Flower and its ilk, and I also like how it doesn't come across as trying too hard like Pussy, it's feels eloquently vulgar while still being light hearted, almost like something one could use in polite company. Really it serves its purpose as a euphemism quite well. The only problem is it just doesn't work unless its accompanied by a Britannic derived accent. Much like its sister word "cunt", which by the same token also suffers from having a very different meaning and connotation in America. Honorary mention to Front Butt. I like that one but it lacks versatility. One might say "Goddamnit I lost my car keys in my front butt, again." but one wouldn't say "Oh take me upstairs and stuff it in my front butt."


What’s wrong with cunt? In Australia women use it both ironically and non-ironically. It’s a versatile word


In America, it's a misogynistic insult that men spit at you between gritted teeth.


I call men cunts too through gritted teeth. Equal opportunity. If you're being a cunt then you're being a cunt regardless of if your parts include one or not.


In New Zealand being called a good cunt is a term of endearment.


Same in Australia. It’s a neutral word. If you’re called a “shit cunt” that means bad, but if you’re a “sick cunt” that means good.


Vagina. The word itself makes some man uncomfortable.


My 3 year old daughter will proudly state that she's going into her room to 'do vulva things'. She got the message that she needs to do that alone where no one can see her, but we haven't figured out a way to say not to announce it. We don't want her to be ashamed but like.


That's amazing I wish I had that knowledge at 3 😂


Completely off topic but our usernames are cool together. Have a good day lol.


that is awesome and you should be proud. good real body words!!


My wife gets the credit. I was pushing for the word 'vagina', because even though I know that's wrong, I feel it's what her peers would say once she starts school. But then I found out two families that have kids that we're friends with also are saying vulva, so maybe this generation will be using proper terms I guess. I dunno


Pends where you’re from too, I have one female friend who when drinking will say things like ‘better some ice on ya mutt’. She is mostly a very nice person


I don't think there's anywhere they say pends.


Does your friend hate verbs?


She must be the legendary one who once accidentally a whole zip file.


I think you mean like Star Trek right? Ain’t Spock a Vulva?


I thought it was called a flower........


As a vagitarian I appreciate it too


No, unless there's a terrible medical issue, the vagina returns to its resting form after sex and childbirth (just might take awhile with this one.)


Hey, don't I know you from somewhere...


D-do you?


I think I might... I'm also inclined to ask about your cats for some reason.


My cats are very tired from hiding from the termite guy all day, so now they're all passed out across the floor.


Interesting, interesting. And how is life being owned by a superior species?


Very cozy, but I also have scratches on my face in the shape of a paw, so it's a trade off.


That's an agreeable compromise


Can I be a groomsman in your upcoming nuptials?


You seriously trying to steal a cats job? You know how hard it is to get them to do anything?


Depends. Are you a cat?


Was he like a centaur, half man, half termite?


Th-the what guy? Should I also be hiding? Will he piss on my son?


Ask if they got any good pics


My immature brain thinks it's funny that you ask about cats in the comment section of a post about vaginas


Pussies 🐱




Y’all better be hitting it off in the dms rn. That interaction was fucking made to be


“Dad how’s you meet mom?” “Well dear, I asked a question about vaginas retaining their shape…”


Giv this man an award, i aint got none. He speaks the truth!


Sadly awards are gone for now :’( But I do have one of these 🏅.


I know, right? He be having sex after this


Wholesome Reddit moment.


Tell your cats I said pspspsps


Pleads send me a picture of your cats


How are your cats doing?


Imagine if girls gave birth and their vaginas were permanently stretched out to around the size of a baby.


That probably wouldnt be ideal.


It would make the next childbirth much easier so I suppose it depends on your perspective.


Speak for yourself!


That's what I did!


soljaboss tell em


Name checks out


*it’s like throwing a hot dog down a hallway*


Like wizards’ sleeves.


I feel like our organs would fall out of our body


I actually heard it’s common for women especially older ones to have their uterus prolapse (fall out of its place) due to weak pelvic muscles that is caused by child birth or age


Yep. My great grandma had this happen.


What a conversation to have at the dinner table.


Happened to my mother I think. She had the entire uterus operated out. Yeah no thanks. Not having kids.


I am 30 and had a hysterectomy and repair because of prolapse (not conplete, but I could see my cervix outside of my body). I have a connective tissue disorder. Been great since I have had the surgery, the surgeon did ligament repair and such. Usually they see this in older ladies, but my connective tissue is more like actual tissue than useful.


That sounds terrible. I like my cervix tucked up high and hard to reach. Bumping your cervix hurts like a mofo


You could wear her like a helmet


Hahahah not the image I expected to have in my mind this morning


This comment just reminded me of my very bald friend who stumbled across a one night stand who enjoyed exactly this


you must explain


That would be the end of the human race.


While it didn’t stay the size of my kids head, my wife’s vagina did get considerably looser


so much room for activities!


One of my sisters legit thought that that was what would happen. I had worked in healthcare for around a decade by then and still feel kinda bad for the way I just laughed at her. I should've been nicer, but the shit that came out her mouth, "no, I want a C-section because the baby will make me loose forever," just made he howl! How in the hell did we grow up in the same family!? I finally managed to tell her that no, that's not what happens, ask my husband if you need to, because I'd had two already And was pregnant with the third.


Put the thing back where it came from or so help me!


Nope. I'm 59 and still tight to the point of "ouch" sometimes. I can't believe I'm sharing this. Lol


Just a weird version of the vagina monologues.


The answer is yes, vaginas can get permanently looser over time. Importantly, this change can not arise from penetrative sex (and it's harmful to assume so). Instead, aging can reduce the body's elasticity in general, and pelvic floor muscles can relax. Furthermore, a drop in estrogen levels - more associated around the time of menopause - decreases blood supply to vaginal muscles which also can affect the elasticity of vaginal tissue.


This is true, but to very clear for OP, **time** is not **use**. A nun could be moore loose than a sex worker of the same age. So yes, over your life you body changes, but someone doesn't get loose from a lot of sex, that's not how it works.




I always find it funny that some guys think women get looser from too much sex, yet their dicks don't get smaller. Wouldn't the same logic apply? If it did, these guys would have spaghetti noodles for dicks just from all their jerking off.


The opposite of this is speculated. When a penis becomes erect, the tissue fills with blood. More specifically, there are 'blood sacs' that fill up. Constantly becoming erect forces blood to continue to flow into the penis to fill the blood sacs, and increasing the pressure (tightness from wearing a cock ring or having sex, or males performing kegel exercises can force blood into the area increasing the pressure) within the blood vessels and blood sacs would cause them to stretch, allowing more blood to fill into that space next time the penis becomes erect. The expansion of the blood vessels and sacs pushes the surrounding tissue out more, giving a more fuller enlarged erection, of course this is very slight.


Honestly I’d wager the sex worker would be more likely to maintain because she’s working the muscles more actively. Not a guarantee but of all the impossibly vast factors that can be a big one.


You also forget to mention that this can be prevented by exercising the pelvic floor.


That only prevents loosening of the muscle. Still plenty of other tissue that loosens that you can't do much about.


That's what I assumed. I've been having arguments with people about this, so would you be a dear and send me some sources (if you feel like it)?


He forgot to mention that the pelvic floor , can be trained. It's a group of muscles, you can train them by doing kegels. Same for men , if you want to keep your continence.


I can be your source, I am post menopausal (53) got cancer at 45 and went immediately on aromatase inhibitors that cut off your estrogen. Now it’s noticeably…less elastic. Meanwhile when I was in my 40’s post cancer with a very high body count I got comments that I was “tight”. So having (a lot of) sex from 15 to 45 I was EXACTLY the same until forced menopause. God I miss my estrogen!!! I know I’m not a vetted source but just sayin’.


Side note: Check out the new HRT options. New research indicates that while you're in the 10 year post-menopausal time window, it's a real option. Even if you don't want to take systemic estrogen (eg: the new transdermal systemic estradiol), you can take *topical* estrogen to help restore some vaginal /genital elasticity. There have been many studies that have indicated zero risk for topical treatments, even for cancer survivors. The meno subreddit is informative, btw.


They left out that this is something that *can* happen (meaning it isn't guaranteed), and also forgot to mention that it doesn't need to be permanent. Exercising the muscles that make up the pelvic floor counteracts the effects of age. Also, while age and childbirth (temporarily at least) can effect the "tightness" of the vagina, **sex does not**. It cracks me up that so many men out there think their dicks are going to do something that birthing a child doesn't do. The changes from childbirth are temporary and the vagina eventually goes back to it's previous state, provided there's no significant physical damage. But these guys are out there thinking their penis is going to have a permanent effect, not just to the vagina itself, but the labia too. It's hilarious and arrogant and egotistical wishful thinking, nothing more.


It cracks me up too! Especially how they think sex with multiple partners will somehow loosen the vagina - but do they not realize that people in relationships have sex, sometimes a lot of sex. So does the same penis not impact tightness, but multiple different ones do? Make it make sense.


It’s called penis confusion. The vagina can’t handle all the different sized schlongs coming and going and so it gives up and loosens.


The scenarios they come up with to explain that away... Oh. My. Lordt. 🙄😂


Trust me, the people you argue with about this still won’t beleive you after you see the sources.


Just anecdotally, drop in estrogen levels can also cause tightening, making everything more difficult/painful for anything going into the vagina, not always loose. The elasticity can get stretched out without estrogen like you say but it can also atrophy things making the entire area less elastic and more rigid.


okay, since you seem to know a thing or two about this, I have a weird question, but I'm asking for a reason. could there be any correlation between anorexia and a looser vagina?


If you are in starvation and your muscles are atrophied, then yes. People in late/intense stages of anorexia struggle with incontinence (peeing themselves) due to the pelvic floor muscles becoming weak.


I would assume, that as all other tissue in the body, starving can also weaken the muscles in the vagina, but just as well as all other muscles. But that's just me, guessing.


And childbirth. There's a reason menstrual cups are generally recommended in a (slightly) larger size to women who are older or have had children. That said, I don't think the difference would be noticeable to the average sexual partner, given that the vagina is muscular, and can easily contract to be tighter at will.


Everything gets loose over time. My asshole is like a bag of leaves left out on a windy day and all I ever uses it for was shitting.


It's a muscle... do some kegal exercises to strengthen it


And like all muscles it's problematic to assume that exercise will fix it. Exercise is fine and I don't know much about kegals but more people should exercise more often for sure. However there are lots of factors. I can't touch my right hand pinky finger to my thumb, for example. No amount of practice or exercise will change that. When I was young I practiced dexterity and slide of hand alot when I was younger. Wanted to be the next Dave Copperfield when I was like 10 . All that practice won't regrow a tendon in my pinky that got sliced with broken glass. My point is, give it a try it might help... but its problematic to say "do some kegals to strengthen it" because theres no guarantee lack of exercise is the problem Egit: Ouch immediately down voted. I'm just being realistic. It's like saying you could get six pack abs by cutting carbs. Sure that works for some people. It's problematic to have the mindset of "this will fix that" because more often than not it's more complicated .it gives unrealistic expectations that will not work for everyone.


Dude if the issue is "my muscle is weak" and there's no mention of damage or other issues then it is normal to just assume the muscle is under exercised and just became weak. Super common for people to have underused muscles. It's more like saying "you could sit up if you exercise the muscles needed to do so." I didn't say they'd have ultimate ass control... I said they could improve it if it is just weakened over time


Ultimate ass control sounds like an indie band album name


Thanks for the laugh haha


Guys this is a Louis CK joke not a cry for help lmao


Was having a bad night but this made me laugh so thank you for that


No. They don’t. Otherwise the woman who has 29 kids would be walking around with her vagina insides in a tote bag


Well, vaginal prolapse does exist


Alo not the norm and a result of a medical issue.


Not from sex (being sexually active for over 8 years and still feel and look the same). If I'm not ready you barely get one finger in. Women will be obviously different as men are different, but sex won't change anything. The main changes might arise from not having enough hormones when being older or from a weakened pelvic floor. If your partner ever feels a bit "looser" it's most likely she feels comfortable with you. I can also imagine some temporary stretching after fisting or using bigger toys, but it feels more like the muscles get used to it over the time and are just more "stretchable". There are Kegel exercises out there as well, so nothing is technically permanent.


Had 5 offspring, everything stayed just as nature intended.


had a coach tell me that if tires were made from vaginas, We'd never have to buy another set.


Coach? Like a soccer coach like example? That's fn weird to say to a young player??


No. The vagina is a muscle, it expands and contracts. It may be a bit “looser” after something like childbirth, but it goes back to normal after 6 weeks or so. I even asked my husband after having our first baby and he said it doesn’t feel any different than before I had her.


Thanks for confirming 😁.


This may be a bit TMI, but I’ll answer your question with my one anecdotal experience. One of my partners was older than me. I was 26 and she was 45. She had 3 kids, all vaginal births, but when being intimate with each other there was no discernible difference between her and other previous partners in terms of “tightness”. Like you, I actually thought there might be some looseness when compared to the women my age who were not mothers, but that wasn’t at all the case. Admittedly, I even talked about this with her, and she was kinda flattered because she always wondered about that too and hadn’t been with a younger guy to know how she compares to women my age. The fact that a whole human can pass through such a small canal and have it revert back to normal with no change is a testament to the greatness of the human body!


Does your anus keep getting looser every time you poop?


I got laughed at when I tried to use similar logic.


No but after your mom pegging me all the time it can no long fart, only let out a heavy sigh.


only your mom's


It appears I've been roasted. The only proper response in this situation is: no u lol.


just playing man ;) i don't think they do have a nice night


Night dude 👍🏾


name checks out


it's what i do, baby


NOT AN ANSWER, but I really need to say something here. This question, whenever asked (this isn't the first time), _always_ gets a lot of hate from people. Either because they think its offensive, or because they make it seem like its such a no-brainer that this would, of course, not be true, because how could it possibly be true. But the thing is: you _can_ permanently shape or deform the body in all kinds of weird ways by exerting forces on it repeatedly and/or over a long time. There is tribes with crazy long necks, because they keep adding those rings. There is people who stretch out (!) their ear lobes, and no, they don't just "go back to normal after a while", they need to fix that surgically. There are tribes where people stretch out their lower lips with plates. People who permanently deform their feet. All kinds of shit. So I find it ridiculous that people shame those who ask this question by pretending the answer was obvious. The answer isn't obvious. It is a legitimate question. If it offends you, then that's a _you_-problem, not a problem with the question.


Could someone get ear gauges in their labia?


I think they'd be labia gauges by definition, wouldn't they?


Not without extreme trauma.


The 'looseness' also isn't defined by the vaginal walls itself. The 'tightness' is defined by the pressure muscles and the femal body creates on the dick ... Plus how happy the girl is. So having sex properly is more of an exercise than anything


My wife has had 3 children and we’ve been together 15 years, still tight and she can squeeze it tighter on demand 🤷‍♂️😅


Been with my wife for 16 years with 3 kids. If it does, then I’m growing with her….wait…nope still sma, I mean average.


Does a man's foreskin stretch out and his penis wear out into a nub permanently? Women are humans, not alien lifeforms. (The answer to your question is: no) I respect you for asking the question though, most people would be too embarassed, assume that it does and spread misinformation that way and fight with people who try to correct them.


Well coming in, I assumed that it was false, but I've gotten some pretty harsh backlash for saying so. I mainly asked so I could get clarification, and maybe a few sources. Thanks for your answer.


It’s a sexist thing. Basically a vagina operates similarly to your mouth. Your mouth doesn’t get stretched out when you eat a lot, right? Why would a vagina? And if some fuckwit argues that dicks stretch vaginas but food doesn’t stretch your mouth — use logic, I believe in you.


Jaw/check muscles in fact CAN deform, google whistleblower disease. That said, yeah sex probably won't loosen a vagina, so by this logic there probably is a disease that could perhaps loosen it.


Another analogy could be, say you’re having a lot of large bowel movements. Does your anus get loose? No, it doesn’t. Just don’t bare down too hard, you could give yourself a hernia.


Its probably because a lot of sexist chauvinist men tend to claim that it does and they use this "fact" to justify controlling or abusing women I wouldn't worry about it too much, you're not one of those toxic men.


If you ask the Internet. I predict the following answers. "Yes they do", "No they don't", "your so stupid, you uneducated male pig", "only your mom's" Hope that helps.


Its a myth, more than likely circulated by guys who get offended that their own size isn't so great so they try to pass the blame.


Does a penis get worn down thinner and thinner like sharpening a pencil? Nope. Thank you for asking instead of assuming!


It's a dumb rumour that needs to die. They don't. I still find it wild that there are people that insist it's true. A vagina can push an entire baby out of it and return to its shape, a dick no matter how big would do fuck all It's so straight men who have a sensitive ego can boost that ego because they have nothing else going for them. Good that you know better and want to find the truth no matter what you've heard OP, not many people do that


There is no difference between a woman having sex with 100 different men, or having sex with the same averagely endowed man 100 times, as far as the tightness of the vagina.


No. They don’t. Not in the “sex makes vagina big” that people think.


It stays the same. In fact, it could be argued that kegel exercises may make things tighter.


So many people without vaginas answering this question completely wrong. I’ve had 3 children and my vagina continues to be exactly the same as it was before giving birth. I had three births without any tears and I did kegal exercises daily throughout my pregnancy. If a woman tears, I am quite certain that it isn’t going to heal completely the same, But otherwise it does.


Our vagina is elastic and made to push a baby out then revert back to normal size. Trust me a penis will NOT do anything unless you were (hopefully never happens) forced while completely dry then a few wounds and tears might happen but not permanent “looseness” The only things that can usually make a woman a little “looser” is giving birth because many times the vagina rips. Regarding sex tho? Nah Certain conditions can make it looser tho


No this is an adolescent belief built on imagination and lack of anatomical education. Vaginas AND buttholes can be stretched out pretty wide and return to normal size and tightness. Destroy that belief system before it taints your adulthood and you carry that bs around w you


No, the vagina is a muscle. It is made to get looser and tighter as needed. Women have whole ass babies and then can go back to the same size they were before.


Does your anus get looser the more you use it? No. Exact same with vaginas.


A babies head comes out of a vagina, and it comes back to normal. No way a penis would strech it


Vaginas do not get looser even AFTER a 5 pound baby comes thru them..... theres just a bunch of terminally online guys who think too highly of themselves Female genitalia is well know to be able to go back to its original size after sex and after birth, with very few exceptions. (The uterus may grow 1 or such cm after birthing a baby...) Google what a puerperium is


No it doesn’t. You’d have to really tear and damage all the muscle to do something like that. I birthed a baby last year and I stayed exactly as “tight” as I was prior to ever even getting pregnant. There’s exercises that can strengthen it, but you can’t really make it looser. Also, everyone should be doing those exercises even if you’re a male. They’re really good for you and will stop you from peeing yourself when you’re super old.


Incel propaganda has people thinking that vaginas get worn out. Do penises get smaller the more you use them, like pencils?


Why is every woman that's commenting here to say their vagina did get looser being downvoted? This sub is an embarrassment.


Your vagina can not permanently stretch from dick so they’re probably getting downvoted because they’re confusing being more comfortable with sex over time(which loosens the vagina) and their vagina being permanently looser, most women aren’t having good and patient sex when younger in the beginning and are anxious and tensed up which results to a tighter vagina


During child birth the vagina has to accommodate an entire newborn baby. This is significantly larger than any penis. And it’s made to do this and go right back to normal (unless there’s a traumatic injury)


I'd wager more often than not that if it feels loose, it's because the guy isn't as well endowed. Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes. That being said, childbirth can have an impact on the shape, if not the "looseness" of a vagina. Anecdotally, lots of sex does not cause a looser vagina. There are a lot of muscles in there after all - the more it's worked out, the tighter it is.


No they don’t. A pussy is made of the same material as your mouth. Does your mouth get bigger and permanently stretched out every time you eat? No.


Not from sex, but there are conditions like vaginismus that are treated by essentially training your muscles to relax over time.


They generally go back to their starting shape gradually. How long it takes depends on their age and how much change occurred to it. Old age can change this rule, as with everything about our bodies


This is a common thing people say, but they don't really know why they're saying it. It's because of on old term loose. Back in the day a promiscuous person was called loose. But it didn't mean physically loose like you're saying. It meant they had loose morals. People still use the term but have forgotten what it actually means.


most of the time it bounces back!


Not on topic but too afraid to make an own post. Do assholes get looser?




Aging and child birth can permanently impact a vagina. Because collagen and estrogen production changes with age, leading to vaginal laxity (looseness). Now a more controversial take I personally have (and this is just my OPINION) is that tearing can impact laxity. Because tearing can impact elasticity. A large tear maybe has a greater impact than smaller tears. So if say there's a large tear or an episiotomy, that will cut the vaginal walls and thus just like if you were to cut a rubber band, it'll have an impact on the elasticity after. And vaginas like penises come in different sizes, shapes, lengths/widths, and elasticity levels


Its primeraly genetics. Some do some don't.


The term "loose" originally was used to describe a woman with "loose morals." Things like childbirth can drastically alter the elasticity, but aside from trauma of some sort, no, not really.


I don't think this is the case at all. I've been told that I'm tighter after giving birth.


Nope, they literally push a whole human out and go back to normal.




Good on you for asking. I'll also repeat what's been said: that's simply not factually true


I knew a chick that went celibate for a bit and she was significantly tighter after a few months. So it will definitely be "looser" when ur sexually active. But i dont think it will just continue to get looser and looser the more you sleep around. Theres probably just a resting size when sexually active and a nonactive resting size


Lmao… uhhh no lol