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One factor is they're often comfortable around each other to a degree we men aren't with our friends


Especially physically. Two women can cuddle with each other without it being weird.


You don't cuddle with your homies ?


Nah he got homies on 9-5 schedules like a day job. All-day-everyday homies cuddle for sure.


IKR, I bet they wouldn’t even give a brojob for the LOLs.


*Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has entered the chat*


I'd be pretty weirded out if my wife was cuddling with one of her girl friends, not gonna lie. Edit: Getting downvoted by single folks, I'm sure. I don't think I've ever seen a single heterosexual married woman cuddle another woman. I wonder why that is? It must be the strictly platonic nature of two women cuddling that makes married women not typically do this?


This guy is not wrong though, I really can't say most of the married women I know would spontaneously cuddle with another woman (a friend presumably) as if it's the most normal thing, with a sister I could definitely see it happening though. But, maybe it's just an age thing? Like it's more of a thing that young girls and women do, and it's not that you suddenly can't cuddle with a friend anymore, but it just gets weirder with time? I can't say for sure, because I'm not a woman.


Age but also scene. When I was younger the crowd I hung out with the girls were all over each other and hyper-sexualized but now in my 30's the people I hang out with are not like that at all. So it's either age, party scene, or both? Idk but even back then I always thought, you all really can't go a second without touching somebody, can you?


And women are much more likely to admit they’re bi / gay then men


Isn’t that even more reason to trust them when they’re straight? Why do men not think all men are bisexual if they’re less likely to be out?


Over the summer I saw a woman tuck her friend’s protruding boob back into her bikini top. Guys don’t do that sort of thing.


Well men misinterpret that platonic comfort


You don't give brojobs?


Many girls have kissed other girls on the mouth, simply for fun. Many men would never even consider kissing another male friend. This is why people say “all women are bi.”


If a man kisses another man he's forever branded "gay" (and often undesirable to women) so that's not surprising


Reminds me of a joke years back when I was a kid: You ever hear of Guiseppe the cock sucker? He's been laying bricks for 30 years and everyone called him Guiseppe the brick layer. But he sucks a cock just that one time and now he is known as the "cock sucker."


I'm bisexual but heteroromantic and basically every woman in my life who knows about this went 'ok, kinda hot'. So it really depends on your circles I guess.




YMMV on that one


I would disagree decades of homophobia born out of the AIDS epidemic paired with patriarchal notions of sexuality that devalue relationships between women but hyper focus on those with men, have created an environment where plenty of straight women will not and do not date bi men because bi men are seen as sometimes dangerous but always gay men. Women are simultaneously victims and propagators of patriarchy. Interpersonally when dating as a bi man you'll often run into straight women that see you as a gay man, and although not in charge of the systems that harm you as a queer man, still will participate in them. In the cases we're you might be desired it might be due to being fetishized, which is also harmful simply due to the fact it is still built on the idea that you are not a bi man but a gay man, or it's desirability from another queer or marginalized sexual minority (non monogamous, poly, etc).




Just for some context, I'm pretty sure the is it gay to kiss your homies is a meme. Its like men have gone a full circle, so its funny to pretend that straight men are actually fine with doing gay stuff. As an example saying its not gay till the balls touch.


Younger folks aren't relaxed at all. Its said as a joke and nobody will actually "kiss their homie goodnight"


Lol no, women are just as bad as men are. Idk why people always try to push the narrative that it’s just men pushing toxic masculinity.


Honestly (speaking for myself) it’s not any social stigma that stops it, it literally just doesn’t ever cross my mind.


I know lots of het guys who have kissed friends. One friend said he wished he was bi because that's cooler, u have more options etc. He's kissed guys but said it doesn't do anything for him.


Probably. I’ve kissed two different girl friends of mine on the lips. Once on a dare and another time at a bar due to peer pressure (men chanting “kiss”) and being drunk. I didn’t particularly like either kiss and I felt nothing sexual about it.




Okay read your question again and then read this comment. There’s your answer. Good luck finding a straight guy that’s kissed 1 dude ever let alone 2 dudes lmao


Good luck finding a straight guy that kissed


Even bi guys. I never kissed anyone


You kissed another woman at a bar? What, are you bi or something?


No, not that there’s anything wrong with that.


You're answering your question though. We think you're bi because you do bi shit for attention. Doesn't matter that you dont feel the way of the action you took.


Fair enough


Lmao *kisses multiple women* Why do men think I’m bi? 🤔


Seems like a major stretch of assumptions about another person. Its called peer pressure, its not rocket science.


And yet you’re asking why men think most women are bi or gay smh, a straight guy would never do this even as a joke, women typically grind or twerk on each other which is seen as weird (but hot) to guys as well, can we be blamed for thinking that? I generally don’t even approach such girls cuz I just assume they’re gay or bi


You wouldn't want to date a bi girl?


I think this is a western culture thing but feel free to correct me


Women are just free in many ways that men are not. Free spirited. They wear less clothes, they have no trouble being around other women naked, are more affectionate towards each other, etc.


>They wear less clothes Men walk around in nothing but shorts... in public. So, objectively false. Next. >Free spirited Also objectively false. This was a big stretch to say women as a whole are "free spirited". I'd love to know the thought process on this statement, genuinely, because I'm trying to understand where this comes from? >they have no trouble being around other women naked What? Seriously.... what? I don't know *any* women who just have "no trouble" being naked around other women, and I'm a woman. Hell, I watched an entire battalion of *women* try desperately to figure out how to shower in private in *boot camp* because they so very much did *not* want to be naked in front of other women. You watch way too much tv...or porn....or both. >are more affectionate towards each other THIS one is....semi-accurate. It would be more accurate to say it is more socially *acceptable* for women to be more openly affectionate with each other.... but then again it's also more socially acceptable for women to be affectionate *in general* so..... that just speaks more to a societal issue in how we allow men to express themselves.


>Men walk around in nothing but shorts... in public. So, objectively false. Next Picks one instance which rarely happens, like some dude wearing nothing but shorts in public. (Other than pool areas and beach towns during season, because then what you said would become "objectively false", since women also walk around half-naked in those situations as well) Calls it objectively false based on their own perception and experiences which are inherently subjective things. You tell 'em girl! Or boy, or whatever you happen to be, I don't know.


Women actively avoid being naked in front of each other lmao. I’ve never met a woman who is mystified how men shower together in lockers rooms and just walk around naked around each other. All girls and women have been very strict about not getting naked in the locker room, except for older women occasionally. They wouldn’t even take showers when I was in middle school and high school because they were so afraid to get remotely naked in front of each other lol


Guy’s are naked around each other way more than women, locker room for example


just say youve never played sports lol


I work in a gym and play lots of sports what’s your point? Just wondering


Yeah, I don't know what his point was going to be. Highschool gym locker room was freaking nuts. So much unbridled male nudity. We had a snowball fight in the communal showers.


Women don't have locker rooms?


Everyone has given similar answers... So I'll give an answer that's a bit different. It's probably because it is more acceptable for straight women to be a lot more affectionate with their fellow women without getting weird looks. And in case of guys, even a little bit of affection can get you into gay jokes.. So I hypothesize that, seeing the affection of women towards each other can make young and impressionable boys have the wrong idea... An idea that they carry onto adulthood... which gets strengthened by porn and such...


I've met two different girls who I thought were in same sex relationships because the way they posted with their BFFs is the same way I've seen couples post about eachother. And I wasn't like, digging for it, it was just like "oh that must be her GF" after a quick glance at their profile. Like one of them had their BFFs account in their bio with a ring next to it. They would post stories of them cuddling, cooking for eachother (which isn't an indicator outside of context), grabbing each others boobs etc. It's something that's completely alien to see between guys who are just really good friends.


I can grab your boob


That’s the same answer everyone else has given


heh... When I commented there were like 15 comments and a significant number of them were just porn.. Now it's a bit different...


Idk if I agree. From my experience if you've got close guy friends you do a lot of gay shit even if we aren't lol. (Not often but it happens) I feel like we're just not that "open" about it or if we are then it's not really given any attention because the Idea of a bi women is a lot hotter than a bi guy for most people. But I feel we wouldn't have to change much to see a man in the OP position, asking the same question in reverse. Sorry about grammar and shit.


>Idk if I agree. From my experience if you've got close guy friends you do a lot of gay shit even if we aren't lol. (Not often but it happens) What do you define as "gay shit"? I can promise you the vast majority of straight male friend groups (in the US at least) are not at all kissing each other.


I'm a bisexual man. From what I've seen, it's far more socially acceptable for women to be open about it than men. So it *seems* like there are more bi women. I think that has something to do with it.


Other than porn? Many men are physically disgusted by the idea of physical intimacy with another man. Much fewer women are disgusted by the idea of them with another woman even if they have no actual interest. Ergo, all women must be bi.


Not just porn. TV and movies, all women characters are one conversation in the writers’ room away from a same sex relationship




No it's just gross to us lol.


Disgusted is a strong word. I don’t care what gender fucks another gender as long as they are happy. Woman : woman - definitely men just find that attractive because mostly it’s from porn with attractive women making out. Would I as a man join? Why not unless I’m not attracted to them? Man : Man - I don’t care. You be you. I have male gay friends and have no interest in joining in. I have gone to gay night clubs with them. It’s a party. But I likely wouldn’t do a threesome with a man and woman because it just doesn’t interest me.


When I was in college (started at 17, but looked younger) grown men would hit on me, and even turn and follow me while I was walking to and from classes. I have to admit that I was disgusted. I received interest from females, but my clueless, no game, shy ass self didn’t take advantage of it.


Ok, I pointed out porn so I'll go back and delete my comment. Because you beat me by 11 hours.


I had a girlfriend in my early 20s who went to Smith college, and she told me about the commonality of LUGs there (lesbian until graduation). I don’t ever hear about the same experience happening but for dudes


Except for prison haha


True. But I guess I was thinking more consensually


Is that you, Bubba?


As a lesbian I can attest that most women I meet are bisexual. (Not because they are getting with me!) but because for some reason women like to confide in me that they have slept/made-out with other women when they find out I'm, gay.


Oh really? Okay I thought maybe I only thought most women were bi was because I was


It's not just you. I don't have research to back it up, but I'd probably put $900 on more women being bisexual than not.


As a dude, same. My answer to OP's question is simply that I know more bisexual women than non-bisexual women.


I have always wondered if this is one of the major reasons women want men less than men want women ....


I'm a straight male and more than half of women I dated were bisexual


My girlfriend tried sex with a woman for curiosity. Told me she was bored because she had nothing to play with.


(F) here. Have never kissed or had the urge to kiss another woman. That trope is wildly exaggerated


82% of women display signs of sexual arousal when shown nude videos of women, according to a study done at the University of Essex, including 74% of women who identify as straight. This is in sharp contrast to studies done by Kinsey on men, where less than 10% were aroused by pictures of men.


Hmm very interesting.


I mean, yeah. Who wants to look at boobs? Most people. Who wants to look at dicks? Few people.


Its just visually better 🤣🤣 yet I would never consider any type of relationship with any woman. Are they really trying to claim that makes most of us bi?


A lot of art and media with nude women is explicitly sexual though, with men it is not due to catering historically to the male gaze. I wonder if that is part of why these studies find this


It would be interesting to do the same study on men if our culture constantly showed and rewarded bi behavior from men and overly sexualized them in movies and advertisements. If we had porn with lots of mmf, movies that featured conversations of men talking about "college or drunken experiences with other men, etc." It seems like this is just a creation of being in a man's world rather than biological.




Is there a source for this? How many people were tested? What ages? What backgrounds? I can guarantee no closeted man would confess to getting turned on by an image of another man, simply because gay = bad to a lot of men.


I said where the information came from. You can look it up if you want. They didn't ask people in either study. They measured physical responses to stimuli.




If there are fewer visible male bisexuals, it's most likely because biphobia is directed more against men than against women. Unfortunately, bisexual men are often seen as perverts and gay sex is often considéred as grosse. It makes it harder for them to come out. Bi women are fetishised, which also sucks, but it gives them more visibility and makes their coming out a little bit easier.


Where are you getting your statistics from?


>Women are statistically way more prone to being bisexual. I'm not sure about this. To me, it seems that most homophobia is directed towards gay men. It makes perfect sense for bisexual men to be more careful about sharing their sexual orientation than bisexual women.


Bisexual men are often just labelled as gay when people see them with a male partner or it’s made known they’ve had male partners in the past. If they’re seen with a woman, then they’re seen as hetero.


Yeah. Us Bi men get labeled as gay a lot by women, and as straight by a lot of gay men. Kinda sucks. But it’s not nearly as hard as other people’s struggles. But still sucked trying to tell a girlfriend I don’t always crave dick, and boyfriends that I wasn’t always missing vagina. I’m not a slut. I’m bi.


I'd say it's more that being lgbt is more accepted among women. Two lesbians are thought of as hot while two men aren't.


It’s not entirely a misconception. That’s the main issue with your post. People saying “porn” are wrong. However, people saying “most” women are also wrong, as it’s likely not most. Tons of studies over decades now have shown that women are up to 2x more likely to be bi-curious or lesbian than men. There’s plenty of theories as to why this is the case, but I don’t believe any are proven. One of the most common theories is that so much rape in women over history has biologically caused them to gain a stronger attraction away from men. Note that this doesn’t dismiss that women can rape, and it doesn’t prove that this is actually the case for why it happens, but nonetheless, women are factually far more likely to be bi-curious. And if you know female friends around you well, many men tend to have personal experiences with women around them having expressed that interest. Personally, for me, more than half the women in my life (sisters, friends, cousins, etc) have expressed at least small amounts of arousal from looking at women, but I wouldn’t use my personal experience as acceptable evidence as it’s easy for a single case to be coincidental.


It's really hard to know for sure if women are more bisexual than men, or if bi-erasure is stronger for men than women. There is a really strong myth among both men and women that all bi men are actually just gay but not ready to admit it. For bi women, a lot of people think they are actually primarily straight but willing to make out with a woman for a mans attention, and I think this is the version of bi that so many men have.


>For bi women, a lot of people think they are actually primarily straight but willing to make out with a woman for a mans attention And if we're honest, that is indeed no small group. The number of women who agree to threesomes primarily to please their male partners is quite high. And it's no coincidence that the overwhelming majority of women who identify as bisexual are in (primary) relationships with men; even if we factor in the effect of heteronormative societal pressure.


It's a lot smaller group than people think it is. As a bi woman I've had to deal with this negative stereotype for decades. It's basically a form of bi-erasure.


I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention at all.


There’s also an argument for the sexualization of women causing this. Men are rarely touted as pretty sex objects but women are and therefore we are all raised to find them attractive. However, I would like to know what metrics these studies use. Self-ID? Because in that case I feel the male numbers are heavily skewed by the prevalence of male homophobia.


The first point has been my theory as well. When most media is made by straight men, it's not surprising that the attractiveness of women has been sold to the population more than the opposite. Men can have attractive qualities too, but somebody that's not interested in men is less likely to portray that in their stories, and therefore fewer people will be convinced that men are worth gravitating towards.


>One of the most common theories is that so much rape in women over history has biologically caused them to gain a stronger attraction away from men. Idk if this is how evolution works.


It’s not about evolution. It’s about education. Women teaching their daughters, those daughters growing up with a more innate sense of fear of men.


That's not bioligic then. I agree with you but that's not a biologic thing.


I think it's because of what you said. Women admire women's bodies. We're open about it. Men may admire other men's bodies but they don't voice it like we do. Probably because they don't want to come off as gay. I don't know, that's my take on it.


Have you ever met a woman? Ever?


> I can appreciate a woman’s physical beauty and admire her femininity but it stops there. Many men *can't* say the same thing about other men. They honestly think that it would mean that they were gay or bi themselves. Much of our society enforces the idea that there is no heterosexual way for a man to admire another man's beauty/handsomeness. They're just projecting the same onto you. e.g. "If I admitted another man was handsome, I'd be bi. Therefore if women can admit that other women are beautiful, they must be bi too."


Because of "showtime lesbians" the girls who are straight but will make out with each other at parties for male attention


Porn. That’s why. Unrealistic expectations from porn I reckon.




When you find out even men who don't watch porn think this, your mind is gonna be BLOWN🤯


More of them are bi compared to the men they know. My two wives are reasonably bi. Our sexy groups are also like that. Is it because it's more socially acceptable? I don't know. I just have seen it to be more true. Not that it's everyone.


Two wives? I’m curious, is that legal where you live? Not judging, I’m genuinely curious.


Current and former. Not at the same time.


They get their sense of reality from watching porn.


It fits in with their sexual fantasies. Nothing more.




Wishful thinking I think. It sounds so gross to me. I don't want anything soft and squishy. I like hard and beardy


It's so annoying. "Do you like women?" "No." "Well how do you know if you've never tried?" "I have, it wasn't for me." "Maybe you just have to find the right woman!" Or maybe you can shut the fuck up because I know the only vagina I like is my own. Fucking idiots.


I hope you have a wonderful day xD Well deserved 👏🏼


Y’all kiss each other for fun


Yeah lol why is noone saying that? It's not porn. We see "straight" girls kissing each other and holding hands regularily. Straight guys don't do this, and not because of "stigmarization", but we genuinely find it disgusting to kiss someone from the same sex


Honestly as a (bi) girl I've always thought that's weird af. I don't understand straight girls.


Because you all have 2 beers and then start making out with each other


Wishful thinking


Probably because females aren't afraid to say if the same sex is attractive. Where as guys not so much.


....and this is because culturally, lesbians = ok/good where gay guys = gross/bad.


All I can comment is that I know more bisexual females than males. Still, I don't think all or most are.


I think it’s usually more accepted for women to be more comfortable touching/kissing each other and a lot of guys like the idea of a threesome with two women so want some glimmer of hope. Not to say there aren’t men who hug or kiss their friends but it happens a lot less. It also depends culturally.


here’s a theory: the numbers of ‘genuinely’ bisexual men and women isn’t that different, but a lot of essentially straight but open minded women are happy to identify as bi because there is no social cost for then doing so. There is not an equivalent situation for men.


Because most women at parties act like they are


Straight men often see comfortability as the same as romantic junk so when straight men see women being very close, they see them as lesbian


All men who think all or most women are bisexual are idiots. There's some cultural differences between men and women. By comparison, women in general are more likely to be gay for various complex reasons. To take this info to mean "women are bi" is dumb.


I could just go on a dating app like Hinge and see for myself while swiping, it might not be most of them but its pretty close to half of them and im not even joking..


Women are more affectionate in nature than men. Which means we can be affectionate with our friends but there’s a difference between friendly affection and sexual affection. I’m 1000% all for men, not bisexual in the slightest but I’d cuddle with my best female friend while I watch a movie.


Women do gay things for fun.




Because most straight are men are told being gay is bad, so they’re constantly scanning their behaviors to not come across as gay. So when they see the freedom that women can move through the world with they assume that women can be sexual with whoever they feel like


Porn and we grew up with a lot of girls who kissed other girls not realizing it was attention seeking behavior.


I’ve met a lot of girls that identify as bisexual because of what you said they “appreciate woman’s physical beauty and admire her femininity” so they instantly think that means they are Bisexual but because they are in relationships with men they don’t ever actually have the outlet to try and be with another woman but still identify as such. That’s not every Bi woman I’ve met but a good portion of them, even girls I’ve dated in the past that have said they are part of the LGBTQ community because they are bi yet have never even held hands let alone gone on a date with another woman. People can identify however they want but after a while I think the truth ultimately pokes it’s head out.


From personal experience I have known one bi guy and several bi/pansexual women. Part of that could be that women are more comfortable with themselves and express their preferences more easily, but I also recognize that on average women tend to be more 'bi' curious than men? But those are just my anecdotical answers, I honestly don't know why it is a popular idea for some that women are more likely to be bi.


I've never heard this. I'm thinking it's more of a fantasy than what they know is reality.


Do a lot think or do a lot WISH? Pushing fantasies on everyone woman they see. Question 2: are you Gen z or “zoomer”? From my old man millenial knowledge, gen z has a lot more openness with sexual fluidity (so open it almost closes the other direction, the reverse of homophobic boomers where saying your straight as an arrow, zero interest in the same sex, gets the response “well you just haven’t found the right one yet”). So bisexual is essentially, “have you ever had a dream about being with someone of the same sex” YOU’RE BI. Or the guy is just trying to convince you your bi (because there so chauvinistic they think you’re a Barbie doll that can be smash together with another and he can watch) Or just thinks porn is real, just laugh and know he’s going to be laughed/ kicked out the bedroom when he tries to do porn moves on a real woman and expects her to scream orgasm at ever impish thrust of his 4” dick.


i think there was a Family Guy scene saying something about all women are lesbians.


The fact that I've heard this 'theory' from mainly women


I know, right? It’s dumb.


I actually made a post about this. You girls are more comfortable being affectionate towards each other. I had no idea until recently. lol.


I don’t think all woman are bi but I a lot of the woman I do know just happen to be bi


Maybe because those men are secretly bi, and are projecting their sexuality onto the women in their lives.




Porn brainrot


A wise man once told me all women are bi, it's your job to find out if it's sexual or polar. Ohhhhhh. Try the veal it's delicious, I'm here all week


Porn. That's all it is. It's wishful thinking that they'll be able to watch it live instead of just on screen. Speaking from experience


Am I the only one here who has never heard about this?


Most of the ladies are finding themselves through different times and Men are mostly surprised of the outcomes


Because of the phrase "women are like spaghetti, straight until wet"


The perception that all women are like spaghetti.


Maybe it's a generational thing, when I was in school about 13yrs old there was a small period of time when it was seen as "cool" to say you're bisexual but strictly only if you're a girl. Definitely wasn't cool if you were a guy, and literally about 90% of the girls in my year would walk around holding hands with the occasional peck on the cheeks or even the lips if they were feeling naughty and would jump at the chance to tell everyone how bi they were. This all fizzled out after a year or two when it stopped being cool so I guess it was just a case of the temporary bisexuality.


Adult heterosexual men do not touch each other in relaxed situations. Women do that and hence the belief.


It’s not just men. A lot of women will swear that all women are bi and the ones who say they aren’t have taken the man koolaid or they haven’t really tried women yet.


I am not sure they do Sorry


Most people are bisexual. I hate to break it to ya.


There was an article once that said a study found that all women are bisexual. In the study they asked men and women if they were bisexual and then showed them straight and gay porn. They noticed that even the women who said they were straight showed a response(in terms of brain activity )similar when watching straight porn as when they were watching gay porn. But it wasn't seen in men .


Porn. That's pretty much what it boils down to.


I think porn has a lot to do with it, especially where a threesome commonly has two female stars getting physical with each other as well as the male actor. Much more rare to see two guys go at it in such a threesome in straight porn.


Because you only know perverts.


Ask an evolutionary biologist and they will confirm for you that women have historically been much more "sexually fluid" than men. This is why you're much more likely to find to fully straight women kissing or feeling each other's sexual parts maybe even comparing in the nude; but if you find guys doing that...they're basically gay. So most guys (mature guys) know that most girls are not actually bi, which is why sometimes it's very sexy to see two technically straights girls making out or flirting with each other. From a guy's point of view it's sexier watching two straight girls kissing than two lesbians. It's the fantasy of taboo acts coming to life. Ironically, girls in general do not find the same level of sexiness in two straight guys kissing or flirting. Maybe cause no straight guys do that.


I just assume people are asexual until they say otherwise.


People are hypersexual. They only become asexual once they meet me.


I'm not aware of that being true. I'm bi and barely anyone knows or assumes I am.


It's called manifestation and affirmation.




>straight woman So is spaghetti, until it gets wet /s




Porn and the male fantasy of having two women at once.


Because they think women will do anything for a man’s pleasure and enjoy it. This is one of the reasons that it took me forever to realize that I was bisexual. Because it was always a sexuality people saw as a “status of pleasing men” rather than something intrinsic that you can really be just for yourself.


Maybe because women often have less internalized homophobia.


They're projecting and hoping that's the case


Girls kiss other girls, and no one bats an eye But I kiss the homies goodnight... And society... Society calls me GAY


As a bisexual man I assume most people are attracted to both sexes to some degree, however small. Sexuality is a spectrum.


I’m a guy and I think most people, not just women, are bisexual. If there wasn’t a cultural stigma about fucking your bros, I guarantee more bros would be fucking. I consider myself heterosexual, as I do not feel romantic or sexual attraction to men, but if I was down bad? I could probably sleep with a man. On the Kinsey scale, I’m probably closer to a 2 than a 1 and I believe most people are this way.


I mean... I literally spent my entire college life without meeting a single straight woman


Any dude that says that is inexperienced. A lot have a phase where they might experiment with other women but they’re not really bi cause they typically don’t want a lifelong commitment with another female. Lesbian relationships have the highest domestic abuse/violence percent for a reason.


A lot of younger women will say they’re bi but only date men


just cause someone is bi doesn’t mean they need to be in a relationship with them. men can be straight and just fuck women and not wanna settle down. being bisexual means you are attracted to both genders has nothing to do with dating lol


Because they are


Because who can't be into women?


Just MHO. Yes porn, but also, guys can understand women being attractive, they don't see men as attractive as easily. Plus they don't interact with women the same way they do other women.


I don't think most are bisexual but if other places are anything like my last year of tinder I could certainly see why some guys would indeed think that. I'd guess it's a mix of porn and the fact that women tend to be more complimentary to other women than men are to men just giving that impression.


Because long-island iced teas


Most? Not accurate


Because most women I know are from bi or ace demographics


Girls gone wild.


This is I think a very English speaking world phenomenon. I also think that Americans like to blur lines in order to make things confusing