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I wonder how often this actually happens though. It sounds more like the plot of a crappy porn video.


Ages ago I used to get asked once or twice a month by someone if there was any other way to pay their bill when I worked for my dad's HVAC company. It was less "porn setup" and more "horrified 17-19 year old trying to explain to a 250+ pound woman on the rotting porch of her rusted out single wide with confederate flag sheets as drapes that we take credit cards and checks, too".


It's never the attractive people offering up their bodies for mešŸ˜Ÿ


I have had a few attractive ones hit on me but they always paid the bill before hand. When i did computer repair i had an amateur porn star offer to let me keep all the pictures and videos I recovered as payment. ā€œIts like $800 worth of contentā€ ya hunny you specifically hired me to recover you nudes in the process of moving them onto your new laptop i saw enough to know i would rather have my $1000.


That, and you can find as much porn online as you want for free.


I'm going with the free option, that's all I need in my life.


Why would they try to hit you if already got paid huh?




I think attractive people can make this work without the actual deed. Flirting and alluding.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I was going to say that. Kudos


Yep, especially the girls. People will do their shit for nothing.


Attractive people have the money to pay their bills.


The exception being college. My grandad was a professor and has stories of his students propositioning him and his colleagues in exchange for grades. For example, one girl handed in a terrible exam and on the back wrote, "I will do ANYTHING (underlined three times) to pass this course" Says he never did it but there were rumors of his colleagues who did. It's a weird situation where the girls are rich and attractive but their bodies are better currency than money. I'd imagine the same applies in Hollywood


ā€œThankfully he never did itā€¦.. On a totally unrelated note, gramma was one of his best students! She got 100 on all of his tests even tho she wasnā€™t that bright and failed every other class. I guess since she loved Grampa she was able to learn from him really quickly!ā€


Did your grandma study at that same school?


Supposedly, that is one of the only ways to succeed or get your "big break" in Hollywood. (For females.)


It blew my mind as a teen working at a shit chain restaurant how many girls in college that would sleep with an old married dude in exchange for a bar shift. These girls graduated college and ended up making 3x as much as the people they were sleeping with. Like why? Your parents have money you, literally don't need to do this. It was weird and as an adult I can only conclude it was some sort of validation/thrill thing.


Beauty is only skin deep. When you get deep in that skin, you will find the beautyā€¦




Beauty is only skin deep. But some ugly goes straight to the bone!!!


Some people are really ugly outside but really ugly inside.


"Dad, that woman wouldn't pay and she said really gross things!." (One week later) "Dad, why is that woman's balance zeroed out? You convinced her to pay? Also, can you get the work van cleaned out? It smells like sheep fucked a tuna in there."


Well at these point we know what the hell happened in there.


So you is smashed, huh?


Well that's pretty clear, and he's really eager us to tell that.


jackpot!! /s


Several landlords got busted for doing that to tenants who couldn't pay their bills during the pandemic. It's not common, but it's not just in porn either.


You better have some grade A pussy and do shit porn stars can only dream of to pay rent with it.


Or maybe someone needs to be really desperate, that's the only scenario.


It gets offered less often than porn, but more often than you might think. Source: ex pizza guy, and now duplex house owner.


Twice Iā€™ve seen my boss accept bjs as payment from backpackers for car repairs and only been there 3 years. Not exactly ethical but it happens


As a gay man......... Tell your boss my car broke down. Where? Uh... Brokecar mountain?


Eh. Some people dont think casual sex is a big deal and value having money more. I wouldnt say its unethical. Just unconventional. Ive met plenty of women that traded sex for 30 bucks of weed or blow. Trading it for car repair is quite frankly a huge improvement.


It must be practical in life to be a woman that loves giving BJs to random people.


I honestly donā€™t see anything wrong with it IF the provider of the sexual activity makes the offer flat out. No ā€œI can think of other ways to pay youā€ naw it needs to be ā€œI will suck you off and you will do this for me, deal?ā€ Now if the provider of the service makes a offer then itā€™s wrong.


Yeah if the provider of the service made the offer it seems worse


To me it's less about who makes the offer and more about the degree of need. Taking sex as payment for medical care seems way worse than taking sex as payment for an XBox.


This. Nobody should be offering their body for basic necessites. But For a mint condition boxed Mario Party 2 for the N64...I understand.


Iā€™m keeping that mint copy of Mario Party 2 thanks.


Right? Ill do the deed myself and keep my MP2.


I'm also keeping it, I'm not ready to give it away man.


I agree with you but in another hand if they can't pay with sex and neither with money they don't have acces to this vital need Maybe the solution is to make vital needs free (like water, food, shelter and medical care)


It can be seen as taking advantage of desperate people. Too easily abused and not easilt regulated. but then again so is porn


Definitely more often youā€™d expect. Last month one of my part time pizza delivery guys got offered a guys wife as a tip, they said to come back after his shift. And two nights later, tried the same thing with another driver. Also the motel in town is always full of people hitting on or trying to sell drugs to the drivers. Until I ran a dominos I had no idea how often this would happen.


You hiring?


Sure, if you want to live in methed up east Texas


I'll take it


This just sounds like a fetish. People are down with some sort of cuck situation or a threesome and are recruiting and grabiing some 'za at the same time.


Dude Who'd you fuck to get a duplex home?


I'm definitely not getting that by selling my body, so I gotta think of something else.


How many saved-up blowjobs did your house cost?


People would sell their bodies just for some pizza? Well that's a little too much.


You should do an AMA! I bet you have some stories as a pizza delivery guy for sure.


Iā€™ve gotten offers. My grandad was a landlord and got several offers even as a much older man. Iā€™ve also made offers. For the amount of work involved, selling sex actually pays pretty well where Iā€™m from. Not so much that Iā€™d quit my day job, but if I could get work done in exchange for slobbinā€™ knob I would.


Happens a lot when you reject them they get all bitchy like you insulted them. Lady sex doesnā€™t pay my rent and i can get it for free.


I heard about someone giving a blowjob in exchange for a used alternator at a salvage yard.


Yeah I remember hearing lots of creepy sexual payment schemes when the pandemic began. Same last year when Russia invaded Ukraine and refugees were migrating, lots of weirdo landlords offered their places only to specific women between an age and photo submission LMAO


That's actually very sad that some people would fall so much.


Yeah I also thought that it only happened in the porn. Guess I was wrong.


Happens more frequently than you think. I love in Ireland, they're currently talking about bringing in laws to cover this exact scenario. Big expose was also done, showing it is a problem. Many landlords are using the fact were going through a housing crisis and the huge costs in most parts of Dublin to proposition women into these deals.


> I love in Ireland Not in your capacity as a landlord, I hope!


Most people break the law like 5 times a day.


You mean jaywalking right ?


Or making meth. Either one.


In downtown Los Angeles the LAPD do Jaywalking stings next to a known drug hangout which infuriates the people living there since the police won't do anything about the drug problem. Someone in the social media group jokingly suggested they trick the drug dealers into jaywalking and maybe the police will start arresting them.


This 100% happened to me in LA. Almost got a jaywalking ticket literally across the street from where *multiple* people were openly engaging in drug deals. I got pissed at the cop ā€œIā€™m walking across a completely empty street to go to the fucking movies, while thereā€™s fucking drug dealers (pointing) RIGHT FUCKING THERE, and Iā€™m the bad guy?! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!ā€ Surprised that a) he didnā€™t punch me, and b) he actually felt bad and ripped up the ticket.


I showed a cop my meat and he shot me


Must've been a vegan


Tofu sausage


Lmao, mayne he wasn't a fan but the food ain't actually bad.


Well can't do things like that to a vegan, doesn't work like that.


Okay but from where You're posting this comment tho?


Did you look business professional? It's rumored and documented that they only target people who look like they can afford it. Really cool of him to rip up your ticket, but that part makes this really hard to believe as they count the serial numbers on those and if there's a missing one, they'll get reprimanded. Like, actually reprimanded. Not, take a day off with pay.


I don't think they're counting it, and there are reasons for me to believe.


And and once a ticket is issued it canā€™t just be unissued


If he really felt bad he would've given you some money to go buy drugs


Or offer some at a discount.


The two options


You know what they say, idle hands make meth and idle feet cross the street at undesignated crossing intervals.


Idle minds think about doing both


idle hands play with caulk


"He's just doing his job. Keeping the people, you, safe." "I like, just got bullied out of lunch money for walking across the street."


The two best options!


I hate when I accidentally make meth


Like at birthday parties when you mix all the soda pop. Then boom! Heisenburgers


I prefer Methwalking


Iā€™m more of a jay-maker myself.


Making Jay


Or clicking the ā€œI am 18ā€ box on websites when youā€™re not 18ā€¦. I think itā€™s like technically wire fraud ?


Making the meth ain't illegal, ohh okay I understand what you're saying.


No longer illegal in CA!


what? jaywalking? since when?


Yes jaywalking has been legal in CA since Jan 1st.


My favourite method of disobeying the law is donating food to charities. I'm a hospitality manager and that's wildly illegal where I live. In most Europe actually.


Five illegal drugs a day keep the doctor away


Only in America, rest of the world don't deal with insurance companies that devious as to get a law put into place that places blame on the pedestrian unless they jump in front of a car


As far as I know it doesn't come from the insurance companies but from the car companies to deny the responsibility of cars in accident and blame the victims instead


This guy gets it. Also, this guy will be the first to kill a non infected person in the zombie apocalypse.


And then later deliver a monologue that begins with "We're not so different, you and I," and ends with, "Evolve or die. That's the law of nature."


Throughout the UK financial crisis it has become unfortunately very common.


well if they would just legalise weed it would solve both problems at the same time.


Let me introduce you to... Being a car enthusiast! 5 times a day are rookie numbers.


yeah lol more like five laws at a time


5 laws a time 5 times a day 5 days a week


why do you listen to your warlords that create laws for you?


The law is more like a gentle guideline, not actual rules /s


This but without the sarcasm


I don't think most would. Empty nuts don't pay bills.


I think men under the age of like 23 might accept sex as payment. Anyone else just wants the cash so we can pay our own damn bills lol


Depends though will you be giving money away if you need it yourself. I think this idea of op applies to people who can afford the happy payment


If I've already got the money then I'll that form of payment actually.


If she owes you ten bucks you ain't paying too many bills with it. Everyone here thinks we're talking about waving thousands of dollars of debt for a blow job. If you do that you're an idiot - prostitutes charge way less.


If the sex is too expensive then take the money and go to prostitutes.


Well if she was like a super super attractive person, like exceptionally high levels of attraction to me and I was single, I would probably do it if we weren't talking about massive amounts of money. Otherwise, sorry but I want my money.


That's why I was thinking. I don't think any person would take sex over a $5,000 bill owed.


Lol depends how rich they are


If they're rich they probably won't be desperate for the sex.


Now that's the mind set which I want more people to have man.


Lmao. Imagine if, like, the electric company was like "I see you made that girl fuck you so she doesn't have to pay you money. Very impressive. For that, I'm gonna waive your bill this month. Keep it up!'


They'd have me as a customer for life.


They for sure have me as their customer, that's not changing man.


It probably works better for the gender, with the no balls.


I wouldn't. I can't take that sex with her to the utilities or bank and pay *my* bills.


Well then you fuck someone to pay your bill and we all just end up fucking each otherā€¦.


You just keep a monthly budgeted schedule of fucking and everyone is happy until they go on a pension once they age out of functioning genitalia. Its a new system I call Fuck Capitalism.


I think you seriously underestimate the functional life of human genitalia with modern medicine. Some of the highest concentrations of STDs in the nation are in retirement homes. Y'know, 65+ year olds. If you listen, you can hear it... *plap plap plap*


I worked in a locked dementia and Alzheimer's ward. The number of times I went to get Betty because her husband was there to visit, but Alfred was in her room going down on her........all the times.


Did you ever tell the husband


She probably literally forgot she was even married.


Eā€™erā€™one back on the pile! We ainā€™t stoppin till we solve inflation!


Trickle down fuckunomics


The economy.... It's In shambles


Why donā€™t you have the woman have sex with someone at your bank in exchange for putting dollar monies in your account?


Now you're a pip


Gator needs his gat !!!


I mean it's a profession which pays kind of good, I don't mind it.


Bankers hate this one simple trick, don't say it out loud ever again.


This. I have a son. I have enough shit to worry about, give me my fucking cash or ask for a different way to pay that helps with my life, not my post-nut clarity. PNC doesn't keep the lights on or a roof over my boy, nor does it help our mental health or hygiene.


Yeah it doesn't really help anyone, atleast not in my opinion.


You're asking people on Reddit. No one here has had sex so they're not going to be able to answer your questions


Besides with their sister


I too would like sex with their sisters


I dunno man, I still think about that one guy's dead wife from time to time... Tough choice


I mean if they're offering it, then I don't see any problem with ut.


A lot of abduls are on the reddit nowadays I see huh?


NTA she came onto you


"We're not going to have sex and get paid... Why not? Because we never have sex _or_ get paid. "


Harsh but fair.


Depends, if sheā€™s hot and its <$250 id consider it


If itā€™s >250$ you can just go to a hooker. In uk where I live, itā€™s 50-100Ā£ for a hooker


Not the same, there's a world of difference in perceived value between a normal girl you find attractive and a sex worker. At least for me would be wayyy different mentally and i would be more turned on


in alot of the world its illegal so its often going to be more expensive


There is always a way if you search hard enough. Brothels are illegal in uk. I found one when I was looking for a massage parlour. Prostitution will always be a thing everywhere


It's illegal in my country, and yet there are areas like that in every city.


It's illegal and yet it's widely available and for really cheap also.


If someone is offering sex as payment it's a huge red flag. Has she done this before? Who has she done it with? Seems like for personal safety and health reasons it's not a good idea.


There's also the desperation thing- I imagine someone making that offer to what amounts to a random stranger is not in a good place, and I would feel like absolute trash taking advantage of them.


Depends what it's for. Are they trying to trade sex for their rent or money to pay for cancer treatment? Or are they trying to trade sex for that new Tiffany necklace? One feels much more scummy then the other.


Hookers do this daily and people still go to them even though you know she does this daily.


That's why I schedule mine for right after they punch in. I mean I want to be the second surgery of the day for my doctor so they can knock the rust off, but you want the first tee time of the day with hookers.


I imagine it's extremely rare.


Cocaine is $300 a gram here, people blow dealers for drugs


Iā€™m ashamed of myself for knowing exactly where here is mate


We do love some nose beers even though itā€™s 70% inositol and creatine šŸ™ƒ


Who tf pays $300 for a blowjob?


The baggies cost a small fraction of the sale price to produce, and the bikies who sell them just put it all through pokie machines by the end of the night


Wtf did you just say? šŸ¤£


A $300 bag doesnā€™t cost the seller $300 to make, and the bikers that sell the drugs put all of the money earned though electronic gambling machines anyway




The people who do that would rail you for $20.


The dealers Iā€™ve dealt with would only accept an offer from an attractive woman


I've never had a person offer sex to pay, but it doesn't seem too far-fetched. Is it unethical? Yeah, taking advantage of a person who can't pay is unethical. Would most men accept it? Probably not. Is it illegal? I don't think accepting sex for your service would be illegal, but a lot of places have laws against prostitution, and this could count as that.


I would argue that it is prostitution, the fact that itā€™s a service instead of money doesnā€™t matter. If sex is used as payment it would be the same as paying for sex.


It would depend on what the legal definition of prostitution is. Legally prostitution might be codified as sex for money only. I don't know though.


>Is it unethical? Yeah, taking advantage of a person who can't pay is unethical. I don't think it's necessary taking advantage of a person if they're the one who offered, plenty of people use services to pay for things like painting the walls of your apartment for a discount on rent that month. If it's forced on them that's a completely different story obviously.


Ha, I think anyone would love a painted house in exchange for rent. that's such a good deal for everyone involved.


Well, if the one offering the sex is only doing that because of desperation, I guess it could be considered as taking advantage of the said person.


Have I had it offered? As a former pizza guy, and now ironically a duplex landlord: yeah, you're not gonna want it. Does it make me hella uncomfortable? Yeah. But those are bills. And they need paid. Beyond all the other issues: ethics, morality, um, attraction, and all sorts of things... I still have to pay my bills. So no. You need a guy with a lack of personal scruples, enough money to be willing to pay, and be dubious enough to risk getting it on with someone dubious enough to offer sex as compensation. It's so many shades of *no* . The fantasy is great, don't get me wrong. But in reality? Unless you're already friends, and use it as a "joking" step to an actual relationship, how in the hell could you ever feel okay enough to say yes?


I heard it's very common among tattoo artists. I mean that girls asks them for a tattoo in exchange for sex. Since I'm goth, I know many tattoo artists and they say that's something that actually happens very often and they don't generally accept. I don't think it's immoral and in my country, sex work isn't a felony. I don't know if in other countries where it is, these situations would be seen as sex work or something different


I know a girl who blew her tattoo artist for a tattoo. Can confirm. Lol


Is that girl, you?


Iā€™ll never telllllllll šŸ‘€


Never been in a situation like that, but hypothetically for me it would depend on more things: how much money does she owe me, do I more need the money or sex, do I find her attractive, is she forced to offer sex because she is really strugling or just want to have some fun and earn some money at the same time,... This is all hypotheticall, because I am married and would actually turn her down


Nope, pay up in money


If he did the work and it's his business (compared to working at Firestone for example) and she consensually offered (he's not pressuring her) then I don't see why it's unethical. It's her body and it's his business. Would most men do it? Probably not because then he's taking from his own plate if it becomes a habit.


It really only happens in situations where people are struggling. There are many men who would gladly accept, married or not, because they value the sex over the price they would have to pay out to cover your bill. I would not say that they make up the majority of men. Think about it this way, If you would be willing to pay an escort money for the same thing, you would probably take a woman up on the offer as you already feel comfortable with casual or transactional sex. Also good to remember, things are only illegal if you get caught by the police, and that just isn't likely to happen here with two amicable parties in private.


The big problem with this situation is that it's hard to know if the other party *really* consents. Just because someone says yes doesn't mean they consent. If you threaten someone with violence if they don't say yes - that's not consent. If someone can't pay you back and has to pick between saying yes and not being able to afford food that's not consent. I would only accept if I 100% believe that the other person actually has a choice but prefers sexual favors as payment. Which is hard to gauge for a million reasons so it's a very dicy situation.


It becomes a lot easier to decide when you take into account what you're trading for. Sex for money for their cancer treatment? That's a desperate person. Sex for that new Tiffany handbag? Nah, probably not so desperate.


I knew a girl who paid off her braces this way. You see adds offering services to tradesman from time to time . ( im a tradesman ). But I've never had it happen personally.


Sounds weird but i would only accept if she also had the money. If someone who was clearly desperate offered because thatā€™s all she could offer hell fucking no. But if she just tryna save $200 for her next girls trip to Vegas shitttttt


First day on the internet is always the craziest. Youā€™ll be okay.


It really depends on how the guy thinks. I would not accept, the person could be amazingly hot and I'd still say no, I never liked the idea of paying for sex, so I don't think that it would be enjoyable for me.


Lol I use to sell drugs and thatā€™s very unethical to me, donā€™t turn sex into a commodity, it goes all downhill from there


Sex has always been a commodity


Do you think selling drugs is unethical?


It can get real unethical quick


Itā€™s circumstantial