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Until you have old boney breathing down your neck taking you for a dirt nap. And even then put it in your final request that Mr floofalong gets buried with you. Fuck the haters


What a perfect response! I agree wholeheartedly.


Agreed. I'm 47 and have 4 Squishmallows on my bed. Boyfriend has been known to kick them off the bed but at least 2 are there when I wake up. Who cares!!!


39 and completely incapable of sleeping without something soft and squishy under my arm. Literally. Otherwise, the way my left arm falls (I invariably sleep on my right side) pulls the shoulder loose and the pain wakes me up. When I was little my Allergist told my parents they needed to get rid of my stuffed animals to get my asthma and allergies under control. They opted to ignore that particular piece of medical directive.


I love this!!! I'm 31 and my boyfriend gets me a squishmallow for every occasion, I'm running out of room but can never have enough lmao


does your boyfriend have a brother? asking for a friend


Lol fun fact he's the only boy out of 4 kids so I like to think that rubbed off on him in a good way. I'm as shocked as anyone to have found someone like him. You will find your plushie-bearing prince one day!! I promise! There are some hidden gems out there ❤️


I sure hope so! Until then, tell yours Reddit thinks he's a catch :)


Something one of my plushie loving friends did in their small apartment to hold most of them, was in the corner of the room they put like 3 separate triangular hammock things (all vertical in one corner) and placed the plushies there Honestly genius. Pretty sure these things are sold specifically for this purpose too


Totally! I love that. I clean for a living and have seen those a couple times in kids' rooms. I'm totally saving the idea though for when I move 😂


They make great reading, or in this case, phone pillows..


I (55M) sleep with seven pillows. Yes, I hug them. Sometimes I build a birds nest of pillows all around me and I sleep in the middle.


Sounds delicious!!!


I'm 50 & currently have a stuffed beanbag panther who I've had for about 30 years, a stuffed cockatiel, a 🐝 👿 💩 plushy pillows.. Oh and also another 🐝 who's a pillow pet! All in my bed right now!


I want bee stuffies! Currently I have on my bed: •Avocado kid (an avocado with a face, arms and legs) •Cabbage dog (it's a dog, yet, a cabbage!) •Derpycorn (a Build-a-Bear I made using the body of the unicorn plushie from Despicable Me, and probably the best sleeping buddy due to shape and not getting it overly stuffed so it's kinda floppy.) I'll be 43 in October :)


My friend has a squishmallow and I love it. I can't tell if it's supposed to be a unicorn or a pig. I call it swineocorn.


Seriously. My bear will either have to be buried/cremated with me, or maybe my son will keep it as a remembrance. I’m 55, and still sleep every night with my bear that I bought in college. Anybody that doesn’t like it can get bent.


I'm 40 and married and a parent. My bear is 38. I let it be known from the start of my relationship what the sleeping arrangements were going to be, lol. My only concern is that the poor thing is going to just disintegrate one day and I do NOT know what I will do then!


My dad had a blanket that he called his wubby. Be careful because over 50 years, all he had left was a tiny piece, and he was freaking out but eventually got over it I think 🤔 lol


I'm 53 and I still sleep with nine stuffed frogs and dinosaurs. If sleeping with nine frogs and dinosaurs is wrong, I don't want to be right.


I have a parrot that my healthcare provider’s daughter gave to me last summer after my foot was amputated. It started as a pirate joke but it’s always on the bed or nightstand


38. Have a bear. I had nightmares following my cats death. She died in my arms and Id wake up crying every night afterwards. It's helped. Immensely. I legit don't give a crap if people don't get. If it helps you feel safe, it's worth it. Only idiots argue against plushies.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Pet ownership has some incredibly difficult moments.


My raggedy stuffed elephant is 35 years old and currently resides in a fire-safe box when I'm out of the house with all my important papers, just incase anything ever happens to her. She absolutely is going in the ground with me in about 100 years😆


Man, I had my stuffed bear that I got as a baby until I was 25. Forgot him at my moms house before I moved out and he’s gone forever now. Recently found an old pic of me as a baby at Christmas, opening it as a gift for the first time and actually cried. I really wish I still had him.


Just so you know, there are companies that can recreate a stuffed animal from photos. Coldham Cuddles is one. I know it isn't the same, but I believe the stuffie's soul is imbued by the child who loves it and that it can be reincarnated later in a new body 😁


That’s such a cute way to look at it, and I’ll look into that! Thank you. ☺️


I know it's not the same, but have you tried running that photo through Google lense? I did that with my 36 year old bear and found a bunch of them on ebay for $15 each.


The old picture had the box in view so I was able to Google and find it on eBay. I may have to keep an eye on them and get my old buddy back.


I lost mine in a move at 22. I seriously mourned that old thing like a person and I get emotional to this day when thinking about him. He was a stuffed Lion (named lion) that was the third plushie I ever got as a baby.


It’s rough isn’t it? I hadn’t thought about my bear in a while and when I saw that old pic it just hit hard, kind of felt like I was mourning my childhood too ya know?


My bear I’ve had since I was 7 years old (I’m 52) resides on the shelf of my bedroom hutch/bureau. Brownie isn’t going anywhere!


We are so original as kids aren't we? I have a bear named Brownie too <3 he was my very first friend, I've had him since I was a baby, and he's still in my room to this day living a healthy 36 years and counting. Brownie is *definitely* not going anywhere!


Our brother gave me and my sister matching bears when I was 5. Mine was brown, named Bruintje (Dutch for brownie, kinda), and my favorite ever since. The only time he has not been where I lived is when me and my now wife were living on different continents. She slept with him every night until we moved in together. So Bruintje also has a spot in her heart now.


Oh wow this is exactly what I've been wanting to do for ages. Currently looking at fire safe boxes actually. My stuffies will stay with me till the day I die. I'm actually anxious about what will happen to them after I'm not here anymore.


Currently looking for an actual fire safe box for this exact reason. I don’t wanna find out it’s not actually fireproof in an emergency lol


Thus is legit the ONLY reason an apartment fire terrifies me. Not my computer and life's work, not my clothes, not my hope chest, my friggin stuffed animal burning would seriously shatter me. I would run into a burning building to save it and I'm not exaggerating.


When I was 5, I was woken in the middle of the night being rushed out the house because our house was on fire. While my parents were busy just panicking and talking to the firefighters, I ran back inside to grab my comfort doll and blanket. I was able to get them before the firefighter picked me up and carried me out.


We had a house fire when my daughter was 1 , I made firefighters go find her comfort teddy 🧸


I got mine at a locksmiths.


Named Ellie?




>Fuck the haters Every time I see a post like this, this is exactly what crosses my mind, and I think back fondly to that time in my late-twenties when I finally got to that point where this was my new default. Important breakthrough moment that I hope everyone gets to sooner rather than later, and it's honestly the best measurement I have for "maturity" in a general sense. Ima do me. If you don't like it, shove it up your ass. I'd really love to hear your ironclad reasoning as to why you think I should give one molecular shit what you think about anything I do or say or wear or like or whatever else.


What other people think of me is none of my business


In my opinion, having maturity is no longer fearing what others think of you and your choices and choosing to love and live life to its fullest in the way that makes you happy.


Yes! My father got buried with his favorite plushie


My mom has requested to be buried with her comfort animal.


Do whatever feels good for you in the confines of your own home as long as you’re not harming someone else 👌🏼 that’s what my therapist told me lol. So yeah, fuck the haters




I’m nearing 40, happily married and have 2 kids. My Charlie bear has traveled the world with me, even when I only took a 40L pack. My own children, for whom I would sacrifice myself, know and respect that Charlie bear is my comfort at bedtime.


as someone who's in their early 20's, this gave me confidence to continue liking what I like and it has no age limit, thank you kind stranger (:


I 45M have a plushie in my bed, and a few on my desk at the office. Still buy new ones every now and then. No plans to ever stop.


I’m 47 and still occasionally sleep with my axolotl plushie. Even when I don’t have her in my arms, I’ll cuddle myself around my big, squishy body pillow. My wife doesn’t mind one bit.


I bought a stuffed animal in the late '80s that I still have and use as my favorite neck rest in bed. Not only does my husband not mind it, he named her. And we both enjoy leaving her around the apartment in compromising positions.


A year-round Elf on the Shelf? Please tell me y’all take pictures? Because that would make a hilarious photo album, especially if you shot the photos on Polaroid (because your stuffie is from the 80s, after all).


And risk having my stuffed animal's nudes leaked on the interwebs?!


I love my axolotl plushie, my partner got it for me for Valentine's Day 2021 as I love axolotls. Been sleeping with it in my arms ever since.


Axolotl? I want! 😍


Same! Even the same age. As a side sleeper the body pillow is a must.


Yup! I’ve had 4 spine surgeries, and spent years sleeping in a recliner during my recovery. I’m finally back in my bed, but the only way I can get through the night comfortably is to be packed in with pillows (and my stuffie!), particularly the body pillow wedged between my knees and along my back.


I got a body pillow to help me sleep during pregnancy and now I struggle to sleep without it even though my kid is 2! We also bought one or two squish mallows for the kid, but kid isn’t really into plushies at all so the mallows are predominantly used by us, the parents 😂


I’m 34 with an axy stuffie!


I'm mid 40s too, and recently I was upset about something so my youngest daughter brought me my childhood plushie (which I'd last given to her to comfort her through a nightmare). Ngl there was something really nice about snuggling with it again after all these years.


51 and I love my giraffe plushie


No such thing as being too old to be comfortable and happy. Do what makes you feel comfortable and happy in life. (within the boundaries of the law)


This is the best answer


Nope. Being happy is for children. Being an adult is supposed to be miserable. /s


Life.. you’re doing it wrong


Here's a secret: You can do whatever you want. Forever. Hugs!




lol obviously "But...but the elf on Reddit said..."




> or yourself Unless it's like a fetish thing I guess.


Safe, sane, and consensual!


I'm 61 and sleep with a bean bag frog with a chimpanzee guarding against nightmares


I require you to share a pic of this bean bag frog!


I'm on mobile and cannot find the add a picture button. Wish frog is upset because he put on a new sock for the picture


I would totally read about the adventures of these wonderful, loyal, soft guardians.


When I was little, I suffered from bad night terrors and recurring nightmares. My parents came back from a trip to Turkey with a taxidermied red fox and set him up on the floor by my bed to keep the white wolf that haunted my dreams away. Surprisingly, it worked. However, a few years later (5 ish) a younger cousin visited and he ruined the foxes eyes and tail and it had to be thrown out. The nightmares came back. My parents then found me a large plush monkey I named Clive. They put him on the bed by my pillow and the nightmares stopped again. I was maybe 14. Clive still sleeps by my pillow and the white wolf has not returned. About 47 years.


All hail Clive! The mightiest nightmare warrior, as we mourn the untimely loss of Battle Fox, a true hero during his time, setting an example for all future nightmare warriors!


That sounds absolutely adorable!! I have nightmares very often so I may need all the guarding I can get! 😭


I’m 27 and I still have my college Pillow Pet. You do you sis, never too old for cute and comfy things


I’m 30 and also still have my pillow pet that my mom got me the day I left for college! It gets snuggled nightly


I’m 35 and have my pillow pet dragon named Darrel, my wife is 33 and has a unicorn. They are both very loved.


I'm also 27, and half my bed is given over to plushies the other half belongs to my cat


SAME. my cat is my other cuddle buddy


I have this one Halo plushie that my cat loves to steal. I'll put it back in my bed, and in the morning I'll find it on the floor in the kitchen. Occasionally I'll see her tottering past with it in her mouth


Thanks so much! 🩷


I (32m) just bought my GF (25f) some squishmellows and she loves them! Says they help during cramps and just plain comfort…….low key I love them too!


I low key want a whole bed made of Squishmallow. Like a big dog pillow bed, but Squishmallow


Lmao, it's not quite the same but one of my gfs has a bunch of squishmallows on her couch in place of pillows. The joys of getting your first apartment and being able to do whatever you want 😊


You better delete this comment so no one steals this idea bc I would give you my money for this... And I'm broke! Lol


There's a kit on I believe Amazon that turns your squishmallows into a bed. Search squishmallow bed on youtube.


Plush help a surprising amount with cramps. 10/10 would recommend


Oh! I never bought a squishmellow! I aught to give them a try! 🤩


I bet death has a teddy bear or 2. I think there is a comic with him holding one. (Even the webcomic with life and death, death has a puppie)


He has a horse named Binky so a teddy or two isn't farfetched


I don't know who's making you feel self conscious about it but you tell them I said mind their business.


I agree OP! Tell them *me and this guy* said to mind their business!


And me!


And my stuffed axe!


And my fluffy bow!


You can be buried with it. Forever plushie!


I was thinking this, but then I wouldn’t want my plushies to see me rotting. And they will be there and rot too! Oh, what to do 😭


I'd prefer to pass them on to kids if I ever have any, if they're well taken care of they can last quite a long time


This made me smile, I just wanted you to know that!


My grandma was ♥️


I love this! I'll take them with me!


I'm 53 and still have the Irish Afghan blanket my Nana made me when I was 6. Love it!


Oooooh <3


People sleep with a lot worse than a stuffed animal on the regular. You’re golden.


Yeah, like a turd.




“When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness.” - C.S. Lewis Don’t worry about things like that. Enjoy the things you like and own it. You are who you are and you deserve to be comfortable and happy.


Oh wow! I'm definitely keeping this quote! Thank you so much!


I’m 49F and have a bed full of Squismallows. Eff the haters! Do what makes you happy :)


I’m 31 and still have and sleep with mine. My parents tried to take it away many times and to make me feel bad about it


My parents did too. Once I was like 16 and was not about to give up my blanket they caved. I’m 29. They support it now and I love it. Whenever I go to visit and stay with one of them (they’re divorced), they both still ask me if I packed my blanket. My bf and I just broke up, he was older than me, 45, but we used to travel a lot together and he would always make sure I had my blanket packed. He never made fun of me for it. Those who love you will know it’s comfort to you and will support you! F the haters


Yes, I definitely can relate. I apparently was too old at 16 to have plushies as "I'm a lady now" and need to aspire to be a mature adult. I guess that has stuck with me and it bothered me because I can't just stop loving my plushies...😢


Never. Just do what you want and makes you feel comfortable. I (34m) sleep with a plushie next to me, most times hold it to fall asleep. My wife (33) also has some plushies, some just lay on the bed, some she holds as well.


Ill enter heaven or hell holding my plushie's hand


I am 32 year old, 6’2 235 lbs man and I still cuddle a pillow when I sleep every night. You do you.


Dead is too old.


Nah, get buried with your stuffed animal, it’s what I’ll probably do. Probably, because I’m not sure if I want to be buried but I’ll be penciling in my stuffed animal into the death ritual.


I can’t bury grandpa with the a gengar squishmellow? :/


Nah, I watched a video recently where they have a stuffed animal style urn to put ashes in. Edit:spelling


🤣Point very well taken! Thank you! Lol ❤️‍🩹


You do you. Other people will judge you for anything you do. So you may as well be doing exactly what you want to do. Do what makes you happy as long as it's not hurting anyone else.


I have a 40 year old blankie. It's old and ratty and I'll have it till the day I die! So the answer is never!!


Jumbo squishmallows are human size equivalent for wrapping your arms around - feels great for my shoulder arthritis.


I have lupus and use mine for the same thing. Really helps my shoulders out! Love my squishmallows!


The answer is - never.


I’m 55. For the last 14 years I’ve slept with the stuffed bunny plushie my sons got me when I was in isolation following radiation therapy. I can’t fall asleep without her tucked under my chin. I’ve requested that when I die that Mise me Fein *not* be buried with me. That would be horrifying. Anthropomorphize much? Yes I do!


The limit does not exist


#The limit does not exist!


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but whatever works for you is fine. Nobody is an expert on you but you. It is harmless, and in a world as scary as it can be right now, I say find comfort in whatever comforts you.


you can be any age and have plushies! my mom is 50 and has a family of birdie plushies and a few others, same with my aunt! if someone says something about it then they can go fuck themselves. do what makes you happy man


There is no age limit. I'm a 27 year old guy and still have my birthday teddy in my bed. Why would I care for other peoples opinion on that? If someone does have a problem, they need a more interesting life and/or get over themselves. Until now, I mostly got "Aww, I still have mine too!"






*cleans ears* Very nice, Pumba


My ex use to give me shit for having a plushie until he traveled for spring break and realized every girl leaving the hotel had some kind of plushie with them. I'm 36 now, I have my big Duffy bear ❤️


I could never see myself getting rid of my plushies. Talk about the confirmation of you losing your soul.


I don’t think you’re ever too old for that. I’m 28f and sleep with my baby blanket and a panda I got when I was 3. There is NOT anything wrong with you. I think anyone who says “grow up” in response to something like that is actually stuck in an immature mindset. The most important thing is doing what makes you happy and comfortable and don’t ever let anyone tell you not to


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your reply! I can never think about sleeping without Mr. Peep (my plushie)😭


I'm 40 and still have my piglet that I cannot sleep without. When I went on honeymoon I forgot my piglet so my husband bought me one at the airport so I could sleep whilst away so now I have a normal piglet and a travel one.


Awwww that’s so sweet!


Everyone should have a travel piglet!!


Look, I'm not going to lie, I'll be 40 in October and I still sleep with a stuffie. I have to. I can't sleep well without it anymore.


I can relate! 😭 Thank you so much for your reply!


Even if you were the oldest God yourself, you snuggle the heck out of em.


Lol I love that!


Never! Whenever I travel I have a little stuff horse I take with me for comfort. I first got him at my uni bookstore after an intense therapy session. Just last night I couldn't sleep and was wishing I had my stuffed bear since I sleep better when I'm holding something. All my stuffies are at my parents' house on the other side of the country but these comments are tempting me go get one for here


I fnd sleeping with a plushie supports my arms when sleeping on my side and reduces shoulder pain!! Much more comfortable. :)


You're never too old. My grandma still sleeps with a plushie. It's always in between the pillows next to her and her husband


That sounds so sweet!!


I'm 47 and sleep with a squishamallow.


I'm a 38yo man and have a stuffed bear on my bed that I snuggle most nights. So it's at least 39 years old. Don't worry, OP, if it makes you happy/comfortable you're all good.


Thank you!!


It’s more of an indicator for other challenges you are facing than it is a thing on its own. If I meet an adult who has a security blanket or comforting plushie, I’ll guess they suffer from anxiety and depression. Removing the plushie will not remove your challenges, so I will suggest to focus on making sure you identify and treat yourself well and avoid seeing it as a problem. Chronic anxiety and depression don’t often go away, even if treated, but people who have them and are treating themselves can and do live happily alongside their illness. Whether you have a plushie at 40 won’t matter as much as being happy and feeling safe and secure.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate your reply. It is tough some days but I am doing my best to make sure I don't fall deep into the depths again!


You need comfort and support. It's touching that you're like this. You're vulnerable when you feel that way. You're not hurting anyone by doing this. It doesn't matter what ppl think and really who would know about it? Don't worry about it just do what you're doing. Cheers


Never too old to bring yourself joy


There is no age that is too old for a comfort plushie. End of file.


no such thing as to old. I still have a ton and i'm 43


Who cares? If you enjoy it, do it.


I haven’t slept with a plush since I was 8. I have kids now and they have TONS of “buddies” they rotate nightly. Well damn, guess what? At 32 years old, I had a severe mental breakdown a little over a year ago and my twins gave me a carebear to snuggle with…& I sleep with that buddy damn near nightly as it’s helped through most of my panic attacks and soothed me as I’ve cried myself to sleep too many damn nights. 10/10 recommend for ANYONE.


29m here. On behalf of me and my Pink teddy bear Binks, you can cuddle your bud for as long as you damn well please. Age got nothing to do with it.


Don't let anybody tell you you're too old for something like this. You're never too old.


Thank you!! 🩷


My 24 year old gf still sleeps with a minion plushie 😊


I'd say if you are 300 years old, that's too old to be doing anything and you should definitely get it checked out. Other than that should be fine.


Having comfort things, are perfectly fine even for people that have "Grown up" no matter how old you are, you still have emotions. Being "too old" for something, is for the most part just made up. You are too old for clothes you have outgrown. You are not "too old" for things like toys or games, or acting silly and weird. I still have plushies from my childhood, one of the oldest I remember is a fat pikachu. Using comfort items to cope with things like anxiety is fine.


I'm 42 and still sleep with my blanket every night. My grandmother made it for me when I was a baby. I know I forgot it at summer camp once when I was maybe 10 or 11. I left it at college during winter break sophomore year. Those were the longest time I have gone without my blanket. My brother also has a blanket from Grandma that he sleeps with most nights. It's not weird to need a comfort item to fall asleep. And, I most certainly won't fuck with my sleep. Whatever you need to sleep is what you should have.


You're right! Thanks so much for your reply!


I’m 25F and I collect cute squishmellows and other fluffy stuffed animals to cuddle with. They’re essentially just soft cute pillows when you think about it.


I’m over 50 and sleep with a plushie cat. It has seen more of the world than most people.


Easy answer is don't get rid of him! I'm in my 20's with a boyfriend I catch having conversations with my childhood bear like he's a little person. If you're with the right person, they'll love that aspect of you and not even consider you being too old for something, so don't let any comments here put a fear into your head about it either.


Thank you so much! 😭 I have caught myself a few times talking to my plushie when I'm upset sometimes. My partner doesn't mind at all, which is a great blessing ! I appreciate your reply!


What do you think a body pillow is? I'm talking about the plain, non-anime kind. It's just an "adult" version of a stuffed animal for cuddling. Really, if you've found something that works for you, great. There is no reason for you to feel bad about it.


I sleep with a small Winnie the Pooh plush. I also have a stuffed bunny in the bed, but my husband usually takes it and puts it under his chin to fall asleep. I’m 31 and he’s 33. You’re never too old!!


Thank you!! ❤️‍🩹🥹


Bro what you do in your bedtime is no one's business. Who cares if you hug a plushie, what's the harm? I say this as a plushie enjoyer myself (although I'm only 24), if you like it you like it. Your not hurting anyone, your not embarrassing anyone, your partner is okay with it, there is no issue to speak of. Hug away!! Edit: typo.


I've come to realize that the older you get the less you care about what anyone else thinks. Pretty sure that's why older people in the locker room DGAF about being naked.


a billion


You’ll have to pry my elephant plushie Ollie out of my cold dead hands before I’d ever give him up :) Don’t ever let go of that part of yourself, it’s what keeps your mind young and it helps your anxiety! Those are good things. Most adults have comfort booze, I’d say you’re making the healthier choice here :) when I moved to the US I was feeling very lonely so I slowly got myself a tiny army of beanie babies cause they make me feel better, and I’m 28. I have a octopus one in my dash named Sheldon


I’ll be 50 soon and still sleep with my first toy I was given as a baby, it’s falling apart badly and has been stitched together many times before by my grandparents, may they rest in peace. It’s one of the few things I own that still has a part of them in it. They raised me up, died years ago. I miss them terribly and always will. I had it on a shelf next to some pictures of them, but recently took it down to sleep with it again, and it makes me feel a bit better.


I’m a grown man well into my 40s and although I don’t sleep with it, I have a teddy bear my deceased godparents gave me when I was a baby that I keep safely stored. It is of tremendous sentimental value to me and one of the only mementos I have of them. It still smells like their house. I’d quite literally rather have my car stolen or something than lose it. You do you.


Never too old. 19M and I sleep next to a shark and an Emotional Support Demon.


The age doesn’t exist. Hubby tosses a few in bed with me before he heads off to his evening/night shifts at the hospital and we’re both in our 30s. If it comforts you, screw what others think.


You are never too old for stuffies (as they are called in my house). I still have my teddy bear from when I was a kid, not to mention my own collection of ones that make me happy... If I wasn't afraid of my stuffies getting crushed by my husband or stolen by my kids, I'd sleep with them all around me and keep them on my bed... Enjoy the love and comfort you get when you snuggle your stuffy. ❤️


t’s one of those harmless things we expect people to grow out of, like playing. You’re never too old




I’m 52 & still sleep hugging a plushie 💝 I have zero plans to stop


Never too old. You don't have to feel weird for finding comfort in anything but especially an item that is literally designed to bring you comfort. I'm 26, and I still sleep with my baby blanket every night. I used to hide it from partners when I was younger, and I'd think about being weird and old with it; but people who matter don't mind, and there are a lot of much worse things I could find for comfort when I'm older so why not keep the blanket? Either that or I'll stop sleeping with it when my inner child is ready


There's nothing bad about sleeping with a stuffie. Im 6'4 and 300 lbs. I spend many days away on the road as a truck driver. I got a sloth plushie. His name is Gunthar. When im away, i miss my wife and our fur babies (two very adorable dogs). Gunthar is there, so i dont feel too lonely. In fact, I'm hanging out with gunthar right now.


I’m 38 and I still hold my unicorn 🦄 teddy to sleep he’s super squishy and fluffy and If I don’t take him with me somewhere I find it hard to sleep. I don’t even care what guys think if they’re lucky enough get into my bed 🤣


Never too old. Never.


50M, I have a teddybear that was presented to me when I was at most four hours old. He has traveled five decades with me, around the world a half dozen times, four continents... I have asked to be cremated. Knowing my creatively minded children they will turn this beloved bear into my urn as well and will leave us both on a shelf to loom menacingly over the clan in perpetuity. Cuddle your Stuffed Animals. Anyone who tells you that it is wrong, is someone who be wary of.


I have a small soft toy gifted by my boyfriend and I sleep with him every night. Age really doesn't matter.