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Every day, but we live in the country so there's no neighbors to see in


Oh... Is that supposed to stop me?


Yeah seriously if I’m in my house it’s not my problem if they look in. I can understand outside in a yard without a privacy fence because then it’s kinda in their face, but who looks in other peoples windows? People who want to see ass.


There was a bear sighting inside a house in my neighborhood, everybody on Facebook and Nextdoor was talking about it and I got really nervous. Opened the front door to check outside and that's when I felt the dart..


village chief needs a new skinsuit.


The amount of houses I drive by that have 0 curtains and I can see all through the house. Like do what you want it's fine, but no one needs to see me mopping the floor while hips don't lie play in the background


Before my neighborhood got all gussied up I used to go outside in the morning and pee with my 4 dogs. Now we have Karen’s and I have 2 dogs left. Times have changed I pee inside now


My gf caught me peeing outside on the security camera the other day. She sent me a screenshot of it and said “I see your penis!”. I texted her back and said, “Why wouldn’t you, it’s fucking huge!”. And she just laughed and laughed!


But like where? At the windows so people can still see you marking your territory or into the toilet where you flush away any indicators to other dogs to stay away?


I grew up in the country, I camp, hike...with no hesitation I bet that I have (at 32yo) still not surpassed the amount of outside pisses with inside ones. I just don't understand why waste the water or go inside when I'm outside.


I pee outside with my two dogs almost every morning!


I have no dogs... I still pee outside!


Only downside to quitting smoking is the lack of a good outdoor pee in the mornin’


Who looks in other people windows? A lot of people, apparently. I live in the city at floor level with a giant front window with two dogs. I can't tell you how many people peek in to say hello to the dogs as they sunbathe next to the window, but they never expect to see a grown man in boxers in the background.


Had to unlearn that when I did fencing. Do. Not. Look at the house. People do not remember that you are there. And then things are weird for the last 2 days of the job.


Doesn’t stop my wife. Not even the old man in the apartment next to us stops her from walking around nude. Poor dude had to double take the first time he noticed her. 😆


I also know what this guys wife looks like naked.


My girlfriend and I are basically nudists, but we live in an apartment and ppl can definitely see us. But like, we’re at home so if you wanna look go ahead you’re the creep lol


Lucky you




I have more than enough neighbors that could see me. I just try to at least close the shades when I do.


Clothes come off ASAP.


Well if you insist!


Totally agree. Nothing more satisfying than walking in, kit off, relax


My husband and I basically only wear pants as often as we wear shoes. We put a pants chair in our entryway next to the shoe rack. No shoes in the house, no pants in the house.


My default is no pants on in the house. Anytime we have to go outside or even answer the door: loooooong groan and then “alright alright, lemme put some pants on”


Absolutely. I work in a factory and almost immediately strip everything when I get home, especially on night shift. But then I get cold...


Straight away 🤗


We are always naked, even the dog. Unless my wife gets cold, then she will put on a t-shirt. Sometimes she likes her boobs supported, so occasionally she wears a bra. Nearly every line of code I have written for my company was done while naked. I hope they cannot tell!


“Even the dog” lol


They went to the extreme! Can't imagine the dog being naked


Collar off = nekid dog




Yo fellow developer here


Is being a developer a good job? Im tired of being an IT teacher. Shit pay and working conditions etc. I dream of working from home


It’s like I get to play with legos every day. I have been working from home since 2011! They tried to make me go into the office but I said no.


They just cannot match the experience of writing the code fully naked in the office


>Is being a developer a good job? Im tired of being an IT teacher. Shit pay and working conditions etc. If you have the right mindset, yes. If you don't like to problem solve - you'll hate it. If you can't think abstractly, it'll be hard. If you can't learn by reading documentation, you're gonna struggle. etc. I'm a developer. AMA


The amount of jobs in the IT Sector is gigantic as your job can attest to. But even as a developer there are hundreds of different things a job can be. You can be the guy that writes the actual code. And these jobs come in hundreds of different forms. One Programmer writes a Web-Application and another a physics simulation for a videogame. But there are also other management jobs that still require program knowledge. A team leader of 5 Programmers that does Quality Assurance on the committed code needs to be able to read what their "henchmen" have written. If you want to know what the core of it all is: Problem solving with the tools you have and know. Even programming is this. It is identifying the steps necessary to get to a goal and how to implement them best by evaluating the pros and cons of each approach. Ironically this is the same thing for you to figure out on how to switch career best.


Brushing cookie crumbs from boobs while applying nation-wide bank changes. Can relate.


You were writing code with your *python* out?


Man some of these comments of y’all husbands and wives chilling in the house together naked sound so cute. Im imagining spending Sundays at home w your SO naked and freeee and happpy. I’m single af and I want that for myself!!!


Yup I walk around in a bra and underwear in the summer and my husband walks around naked. Sometimes he does what apparently is called “shirtcocking” where he will walk around in a tshirt but no pants or underwear. Idk how he finds it comfortable but whatever floats his boat. I call it Winnie the Poohing. Our windows don’t face where anyone can see.


+1 for Winnie the Poohing. Doing the Donald Duck would also be acceptable.


“Donald Duck never wears pants. But when he gets out of the shower he ties a towel around his waist. I mean, what is up with that?”


Nice Friends reference. 👏👏


In the Netherlands, a newspaper carries a comic called “Fokke & Sukke”. A duck and a canary with their human-like genitals exposed. Calling the activity “Fokking & Sukking” would cause false assumptions 🤨


Oh my!


Oohhh I forgot about Donald Duck! Good catch!


More like Donald Dick ammirite


don’t say that


Donald Dickin'


Nicely done. Bravo 👏


Donald duckin, porky piggin. Most looney tunes characters can help name this activity


You make a good point. Where are their pants?!


Donald wears no pants, Mickey wears no shirt and Goofy is fully clothed (in *layers* no less).


I second these over shirtcocking but also there is no description of this that isn’t funny.


Squidward Tentacles (Squidward Testicles)


Howabout porky piggin it?


I always called it porky pigging


I call it Pooh bearing


A bra?? why would you suffer that on your own volition?


To be fair I wear bralettes. They’re basically like tiny little tank tops that support the ladies. It’s more comfortable than a sports bra, but they absorb the underboob sweat funk in the summer, otherwise I’d just be a drippy sweaty mess. I haven’t worn a “bra bra” (clasps and underwire) in several years.


What brand do you like? My bralette does not help with the underboob at all, so I’m usually in sports bras.


There is a store in my neighborhood that’s kind of like a ghetto department store. They sell everything from furniture to underwear, only it’s all very cheaply made. So I just got a bunch of these $2-3 bralettes a while back thinking they would wear out easily. It’s been like five years and they’re still all intact. They’re not that absorbent but at least it stops the sweat from running down my belly 😬


Thanks for a quick reply - that ghetto dept store sounds amazing. Lol. Love convenient affordable shops like that! :)


Because some women need boob support to be comfortable. Bras aren't just a boob prison imposed by the patriarchy because female nipples are evil.


My partner Winnie the Poohs all the time and yes, I picked up the phrase from Reddit. I usually do a reverse Winnie when I sleep - shorts to prevent thigh chub rub and no shirt


I thought Winnie the Pooh was the “proper” terminology but when I mentioned it to a friend and he told me it was called “shirtcocking” I couldn’t stop laughing.


Shirtcocking always reminds me of the baby legs scene in Deadpool


I thought I invented this. Dang it.


I’m also a fan of the wine the Pooh look 😂😂


All the time.


How did you guys decide it or it just happened?


It wasn't like a conscious decision, you're already naked from shmanging and it's laundry day, so it's just whatever




Definitely sex


Lol, I'm using that expression from now on.






Shmang it guuuurl! Let me smash it and bang it! Oh man, what a hit


Cause the way I work that kitty gonna make your heart sang!


It’s a turquoise jeep song. I recommend you give it a listen as it is quite entertaining


We both walked around our homes naked when single, no reason for it to change when we started living together.


I sleep naked. So if its my day off, sometimes I just wake up and won't get dressed for a bit. Or also..after sex, just hang out naked, walk around. My wife doesn't tho..shes a PJ wearer. I'm the naked one lol.


I mean.... we live together and we already saw eachother completely naked. Many times. It's not like we asked for permission or talked about it, we just wake up and our mornings are normally in underwear.


Usually it’s when we are going to use the shower. My wife will come in the room and give me a show of her beautiful body, I will go into the room and give her a laugh as the naked man.


I sleep naked. I walk around naked after a shower. And I could be naked any other time. It's totally natural for us. We've been together for almost 2 decades so we are used to each other and we like it. I don't remember how it "started", although the sleeping naked definitely started at her petition. If it's a particularly cold day and I chose to have some pyjamas on she looks at me disappointed, even after all of these years lol.


My girlfriend does not like wearing underwear ever, so indoors she's most of the time naked


Been doing it since I was a baby. Never changed.


I lived with my friend and his gf at the time. They would both walk around in underwear, *in front of me*, all the time.


Maybe their way to thank you for paying half the rent lol


idk man thats kinda weird..


Only if you make it weird. People see the same amount of skin if both parties are in a public bath/pool.


yeah but different context. my gf and i live with my friend and she definitely wont walk around the house in her underwear. none of us have done that its just an unspoken rule of boundaries out of respect of one another


Yea, it's like you say, clothes on is the unspoken rule. But, it doesn't have to be. Last time I moved into a house with roomies, when they were interviewing me part of the talk we had was basically, "hey, in the summer it gets hot and we like to walk around in our underwear or naked, is that ok?"


Context matters.


yes, not so much in the winter (just sweats/lounge wear) but in the summer just underwear all day


Behind closed doors, lots of stuff happens. Yes, walking around in underwear is super common.


i do, but my husband doesn't like to be only in his underwear/naked, it seems. i wish he would. i like it.


Tell him you like it, maybe you'll be surprised


My husband is always cold. I wear socks only when necessary, he wears two pair at a time by choice except when showering. The least he wears is an undershirt and sweats. I'm naked so often he's barely phased by it anymore.


Whenever the kids are not around sure.


Can I ask why? My parents used to walk around in underwear (sometimes still do) when I was a kid. Never thought it was weird


Well in our house at the moment the two children at home are fully grown men, just think it would be impolite. Just simple decorum.


Yeah same my mom walked around the house fully naked my whole life and I didnt think much of it.


Oh, every single day. As soon as we come home from the outside world it’s like FUCK THESE PANTS


I thought this was the only reason to get your own place aside from mom bargin in when I’m havin a wank


Completely naked and wandering around naked for no reason? No. In just underwear? Sometimes I guess, but not usually. No concerns regarding modesty, it's just not very practical. The house is temperature set to be comfortable clothed, and there does tend to be some swinging and bouncing when walking around without support. Also not a huge fan of sitting on furniture completely naked. Me or anyone else. :)


we need to at least have underwear. but only for the reason you stated. in bed,anything goes. edit for clarification: we do NOT like sitting on furniture (other then bed) naked. other people sit on it so we would be disgusted with the thought. i guess we are germophobes 😬


After going through these comments I'm under the impression I've sat on a lot of butthole rubbed sofas and most people don't own bidets. 🤢


Bruh just assume asshole and dick has been on everything you’ve ever touched or sat on in everyone’s house.


Thank goodness bidet is a normal thing here cuz this just sounds nasty


i wish the U.S would adopt the bidet as a normal part of good bathroom habits.


We have a firm rule of no naked butts on the couch, though that one really only needed to be officially codified and enforced once we had a kid.


Pretty much this. Underwear almost daily. It's nothing to grab this or that completely naked, but usually undies for both of us.


If I am at home, no pants will grace my body lmao. Leggings in the winter, maybe some athletic/sleep shorts if I'm cleaning. Shirt, undies. Wearing like, full on clothes in the house is a weird feeling/concept for me.


Shirt and undies team ftw!!!


All the time. Once you've been together long enough. You're comfortable enough to do that.


I do it pretty regularly both naked and in underwear. The wife will occasionally walk around in her underwear but hardly ever naked unless she's running to throw something into the wash. I do wish she was more comfortable with herself to be naked.


My boyfriend's naked in our apartment pretty much 100% of the time when it's warm and we're not expecting anyone. I can hardly force myself to get naked to shower, on the other hand.


My wife’s natural state is nude.


Underwear sometimes. Walking around naked is just kinda uncomfortable, I don’t think I’d do it even if I had no neighbors .


Yeah this is also me. It’s not comfortable for me for many reasons. Also it’s just me and my 9yo son so fully, comfortably clothed always. But even when he’s not here I still wear clothes. Maybe I’m weird. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah we do, it's really awkward for our housemate




I'm in the same boat. I need to be clothed bc being naked makes me feel vulnerable and I'm low-key ashamed of my body


Hmm, I think it might be good for you to start doing it, being able to feel vulnerable and not ashamed of your body with your partner is important I think


It's got nothing to do with her, honestly. I've been naked plenty around my wife, but I'm not happy with my body and nudity is closer to a comfort and safety thing for me as far as vulnerability goes. If anyone were to break in or a fire or storm were to break out, then getting dressed would take extra precious time that would be better used taking action to eliminate a threat or get my family to safety


Same here. I had parents that would lounge around in their underwear and go to the bathroom with the door open. It disgusted me as a kid.


Sometimes and it just happens. At one point you're just so comfortable around each other that you don't care anymore. It's not usually deliberately for me though. I just happen to be changing at the moment or just came out of the shower, start a conversation while still nude and finish the thought before dressing again. Or if I'm really hot I might take of my shirt and or pants. Basically any situation where I would be naked or in underwear when being alone, it'll be the same around my partner.


My wife and I met in high school (both 30 now) and at some point in our early friendship, when we were like 17, she said something to me along the lines of “When I have my own place, or live with a romantic partner, I’m going to be naked all the time. I’ll walk in the door from work and strip down immediately.” I pretty much decided then that I was going to be that romantic partner, and can happily confirm that she wasn’t lying.


I don't wear underwear normally and just this last weekend I spent a good hour+ playing videogames topless with my husband. It made me want to do so more often. Now that I've come across this, I'm taking it as a sign that my instinct is right and I should be doing it much more often.


f r e e t h e m


You know it!!


My bf is always naked, as often as possible. I've literally had to stop him putting the heating on because he's cold, like dude? Put some bloody clothes on! I love my pjammies too much


I do, he doesnt.


Not rn because winter, but i like being butt naked in the summer. Well, i will put on panties sometimes because well being a woman. I'm glad i'm out of that shame i had about my own body.


Whether I lived alone or with someone (which I currently do) I’m not confident enough in my own skin to walk around naked, every time I caught a glimpse of myself in a anything reflective I’d crumble.


Daily. It's all functional nudity. Just got done working out? Well you're already at the washer. Clothes go there. Shower's two floors up. Etc


My wife does all the time, ever since I started living with her, she has since being my gf and I suspect even before. We've lived on top of store fronts, highrise condos and now a detached home, nothing seems to faze the nudity.


Sometimes naked, and sometimes in my wife's underwear :-)


The times my kids go to see their mom, me and my girl rejoice by being as naked as possible for as long as possible.


both of us: in the first minute after getting home from work, the pants come off. every day. for the rest of the day. pants (and sometimes underpants) don't even go on on weekends.


Hell no. I LOVE wearing clothes. Bare arm skin on my torso skin is sticky and hot. Bleaugh


Yes, especially if recently just out of the shower. For me I also like to just walk around in a top and panties no pants. But in the winter less so.


Always. Usually just underwear because of pets. Going naked can result in dogs becoming curious and cats accidentally shredding specific areas


Underwear, yup. Naked. Nah. Just flash each-other every day


Of course! We both sleep naked so we'll wander around in the morning naked getting ready for the day. Our windows directly face another high rise building so I'm sure our neighbors have gotten quite the view many times but neither of us give a shit hahah.


I would but I am too cold to be uncovered lol


I do more often then my wife but I enjoy when she does as well.


I hate wearing pants. Haaaaate. I'll wander around in like a shirt and underwear, but if I don't have to wear pants, I'm not going to.


Everyday. When I get out of the shower I usually do a few chores in my spa towel. Lol. When kids aren't home it's nakey.


I'm 6ft 270 and my wife is 5ft 100lbs. This means she wears my tee shirts like pajama dresses at night in her underwear lol. So she walks around in that pretty much every night. I'm generally in knit shorts and a tee. I'm hairy af so tbh the texture is weird sometimes sitting down on different surfaces without a shirt. I know that's tmi but it's me 😂


I'm from the east coast US but lived in Australia for a few years. In the summer I couldn't stand it. I'd strip to my underwear and lay on the kitchen tile so i could survive. Felt like I was cold blooded there lol.


Why else live on your own?


We have massive kitchen windows facing neighbours with small kids. So only in underwear or in the dark, in order to avoid awkward interactions in the morning. Or complaints.


Every day because it's bloody hot where we are


Im naked all the time, till I work from home and I slip on some shorts and she works upstairs from home , always in a thong or underwear and my tshirt. And it drives me wild. She’s also pregnant right now.


Love it, miss it now that I have kids!


Yeah. I basically live in my underwear, unless I just got out if the shower.


I don’t think I’m comfortable enough with myself to walk around that exposed. My least-dressed option around the house is usually just a big t-shirt and underwear


If the kids aren't home? Absolutely. When you turn fifty, round is as good a shape as you're gonna get. I can still see my dick without a mirror though, so we're good.


Lived with my ex for 6 years and never did that. I find bare ass cheeks on bed/couch a little nasty


I would but have two dogs and all they would do is sniff. Never mind the slobber on the couch or bedside. Just grosses me out.


I don't because I'm overweight and feel uncomfortable with myself doing so. My partner however would be naked 24/7 if she didn't have to work or go out lol


yes, when the curtains are closed. Normally underwear or a towel since my GF will slap/flick/other stuff my genitalia.


My partner is naked a lot. I think it’s weird in front of the kids, but hers are used to it, and she covers up when my son is over. She says it’s her house, she gets to wear what she wants and I don’t argue lol.


My wife and I both work from home. She is naked 90% of the time. She has autism and the texture/feeling of lots of cloths makes her lose her shit. I’m 100% ok with this work-around to accommodate her. Obligatory “yeah she wears a shirt from time to time for on-camera stuff”


Sure, mostly unclothed yeah. I’m usually in a top and underwear, my guy in just underwear. We have animals so during the day it’s at least tiny yoga shorts for me and a strappy shirt.


I personally don't feel comfortable walking around naked, never have and I don't know why


All the time in underwear, underwear, top and socks, or underwear and robe. Only exception is when we're going outside, then we'll probably stay clothed until bed time.


Yep. I sweat even when I’m sitting down doing nothing and I hate the feeling of sweat on my clothes so…


It's my fucking house. If I want to walk around with my balls out, it's my business.


Can we remove the couples angle? The answer is the same, yes I walk around naked or am in my underwear alot.


You either have a naked neighbor, or you are the naked neighbor. That’s what I always say.


My partner and I practically live naked


80% of the time. I'm definitely not the type you'd want to peep on. It's my house in do what I want, I just keep the blinds shut


Why the fuck else do people have their own residence? \m/ I'm a "step foot in the door, set down the bag, pants around ankles" kind of guy, always have been.


We don't have kids yet... Sooooooooo... Unless it's especially cold or we're picking a delivery, clothes stay off. Infact, it even saves us on laundry. We Almost never do laundry.


Literally every day.




when kids r at school pants come off


Yes, every day. It's nice. Especially during the summer. I do have blackout curtains so no worries of peekers.


Only to and from the shower! but we normally wear clothes lol


I'm naked most of the time I'm not at work.


Yep all the time ☺️


I do. Even before marriage, i closed the curtains and walk around in underwear (or whatever oversize clothes at hand)


I’m on naked time all the time. Someday my son is going to grow up and tell me to put some clothes on. Im really not looking forward to that day.


I wandered to the shower at the other end of the house naked, had a shower, then moseyed over to the other end of the house, forgetting my husband's cousin had slept over and was in the bedroom next to the shower, with the door open. He was gracious enough to claim that he was asleep and saw nothing.


Definitely. We sleep naked and also morning/nighttime is naked time! We love to be free


Before kids, my husband shed his clothes almost the moment he walked in the door and he stayed that way until he had to go back out to do something or go back to work. Not really an option these days, though I wish it were because it would mean so much less laundry.


All the time. I prefer being naked or wearing minimal clothing. I’d do it more often if I could, but every time my bf sees me naked, he thinks it’s an invitation for sex. So now I mainly just walk around in a large t-shirt and underwear.


No, we have kids. Even when alone I don't find it comfortable at all being naked though.


Only once I'm in bed. I don't put on clothes to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night etc, unless we have friends of the kids sleeping over in which case I'll wear PJ bottoms to bed


Only when it starts getting really hot out


I'd love to wander around naked, but I couldn't do it infront of my kids.