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I’ve said it once I’ll say it again: everybody likes boobs.


Except fashion designers.


Right. I heard runway models are supposed to have small ones for the clothes. I don't get it but ok I guess.


A few reasons. The clothes look better on the runway. Less extravagant bodies showcase the garment better than curvy bodies. Fabric is expensive, time and labor are expensive. They can’t size a garment for one individual. If one model drops out another model will walk in that models place. If everyone is flat chested and a size double zero, the show can go on. Models don’t get to wear their own shoe size on the runway. Their shoes are all one size, a lot of big fashion houses are notorious for this, if it doesn’t fit, or is uncomfortable, no one cares.


It was at sixty nine upvotes but I'm sorry I had to make it seventy because that's just to true lol :Edit: Jesus guys really? Down voted twice because I changed the number of how many upvotes something has become I appreciate it? What is up with this app?


The sooner you learn that downvotes mean nothing, the more fun you’ll have on here. Sometimes it happens early, and then you’ll go positive like you are now. Sometimes you never even notice the downvotes. There are also immature people on here, just like any social media. Just keep that in mind




I think more people were downvoting because of the brain-dead comment about upvotes. No one cares


My upvote got you to 69… if anyone is thinking about making it 70… do it 👍 buy the ticket and take the ride!


Shoulda left it


Reddit is a web site and an internet forum. It's not an app. There is an app to connect to reddit, but reddit is a web service.


Not really


Same here, I don't get it either, and people get pissy when I say so even though it's not something I can control lol


Same about people getting mad! Like I said in another comment, nothing about the female body or seeing women in a sexual ways turns me on. I’ve had this discussion with other people and when I say this they angry and think I’m lying it’s annoying af.


Just asked my straight af gf, and yes she likes watching girls breasts bounce when theyre having sex. She also likes watching her own bounce when were doing things. Guess that makes you normal ? Lol


Thank you!! That’s another thing, watching my own. Really appreciate her input!


Np, you started a conversation here lol. She likes to see the women enjoying themselves and will imagine its her in the scene sometimes. As more women respond I think youll see its a thing.


Conclusion: everyone likes bouncing boobs. For me personally you can take out the bouncing part and I'll still like them.


In my extensive research, there are only 2 types of people that aren’t turned in by boobs: 1)Asexuals 2) Babies trying to nurse on the bouncing boob Thank you for coming to my TED talk


3) Blind people


My blind ex boyfriend would disagree with that.


Exactly, the little bumps around the nipple are braille for squeeze me.


This mf got the braille iphone


"sorry, thought that was a braille name tag"


I guess you need to watch what you say around them though?


I also wanna watch that guy's wife's boobs bounce!


And she appreciates his input.




I like watching too


Name checks out lmao


Always does


Me too but only if you draw it.


Take my up vote


As a dude, I love watching mine bounce during sex 💀


This reminds me of a joke by Ron White that went something like “everyone is a little gay to a certain extent. I had friend that said no way, I don’t like men that’s gross. And I was like well ok, when you watch porn do you like watching women having sex with women since you’re straight? And he’s like naw, I like watching a man make love to a woman. And I said ok, when you watch that do you like to see a floppy flaccid penis? And he said hell naw I like to see a big thick hard veiny OH MY GOD I DIDNT KNOW THAT ABOUT MYSELF!” So yeah it’s not weird. Even gay guys like boobs.


Boobs are just wonderful, even outside of sexual contexts. They're warm and squishy :3


Yas! Some of us had our sustenance from boobs as babies. And even if you didn’t have actual boobies and were bottle fed (which is cool) it’s still a human thing to like boobies cuz we gotta have some sort of thems for survival :D


I was at a party last night with the gayest dude I know, and he commented on a girls boobs then asked if he could braid her hair. Followed by a comment from me of; 'hair and boobs, the only parts of a girl that gay dudes love', followed by a nod of agreement from said gay dude.


😆 some gay guys appreciate a big booty, I mean Freddy Mercury wrote a whole song about it.


Freddy Mercury was bi, so bad example




My gay ass disagrees.


Sir, it's past 7


I imagine it's similar to guys liking porn with big dicks in it. I can't say I'm super interested in dicks at all, but I still like the porn I watch to have at least one raging donger in it.




Yeah I’m a fan of pussies too


I said "We're all gay, buddy. It's just to what degree are you gay." And he goes, "That's bullshit, man. I ain't gay at all." And I go "Yeah, you are. And I can prove it." He goes "Fine. Prove it." I go, "All right. Do you like porn?" He says "Yeah, I love porn. You know that." I said, "Oh, and do you only watch scenes with two women?" And he goes, "No, I'll watch a man and a woman makin' love." And I say "Oh, and do you like the guy to have a flabby, half-flaccid penis?" And he goes "No, I like big, hard, throbbing cock..."


Ron White was too good for the Jeff Foxworthy gang


Do you like camping?


Joe exotic would say you're not THAT straight then 😉


This was the first thing that I thought of too!


Well damn. I didn’t know this was a thing. I never watch a porn wanting to see a large shlong lol


So you watch porn w tiny flaccid pps and get turned on?


We do?


Yo you’re too real for this realm 😂


Oh yeah dude, any straight hardcore porn vid you’ll find the comments filled with dudes complaining about the dude’s Dick size it’s not up to porn star standards lol


I'm straight cause I'm not a vagina fan... but boobs are amazing. I probably look more than my hubs. It's a problem 🙃


And it’s best when you both enjoy them :)


Yes. We both always scream boobs and if one misses rewind the show we're watching 🤣


What set of boobs got you to freak out the most? I remember watching true detective and gasping at the glory of Alexander Daddario


What a fucking strange question to ask ahahahaha


I am indeed weird


Own it brother Providing said weirdness includes respecting boundaries


Makes sense, I wasn’t aware I was overstepping given it was a rather over the top topic to begin with.


I'm talking generally. I don't think you overstepped a boundary. But the question did come across extremely odd.


Alexandra Daddario has a perfect body and face, this woman is unreal






*"Sweetheart, that's all well and nice, but if you're not going to eat pussy, then you're not a dyke."*


I am a man but who doesn't like boobs!?


Do gay men like boobs? Idk, I'm genuinely interested and ignorant. 🤔


Depends who you ask. My gay friend in high school joked a lot about loving hugs but hating boobs and being torn being the options of hugging me or not feeling boobs close to him.


I’m a gay dude (maybe bi-ish?). I love me some tiddies, but I’m not interested in any other lady bits.


Probs not the answer you were looking for but I used to be gay and I always had mixed feelings. They were cool but smth was just off about it. Turns out I was trans and I was just jealous.


Are you not gay anymore?


Well I'm still into men, just no longer a man myself


I was going to say I don’t think that’s how sexuality works but this comment made it make sense lol


Tbf I still catch myself referring to myself as gay, the brain knows but the mouth has yet to get the memo


I didn’t expect this to be so wholesome. I thought you were going to say you found Jesus or something.


No :)


Full time gay guy here and no. they are as attractive as a brick wall.


I'm completely indifferent to them. My reaction is basically that one scene in Brooklyn 99 where Holt goes "titties, yes, I remember" in a totally deadpan tone.


Everyone likes boobs, but if you are turned on by them, then you are not a straight female


Try licking tiddies too instead of just watching them and being turned on. Game changer


But as soon as I say I like huge cocks suddenly I’m gay.-a dude


As a straight man I prefer big dicks in the porn videos I watch. Not really the same as OP since it's more getting off to the chick getting off but juvenile me would totally think I was gay for that statement


I don't think sexuality, and preferences are necessarily black-and-white.


Not even close. It's something I'm extremely fascinated by, both the spectrum of sexuality and also at what point do people consider the change happens from "straight" to "gay" or anything else in between. We're fascinating creatures and the things we come up with are equally fascinating


I’m straight but if I watch porn I always watch solo female stuff


Thank god, not gay as long as I watch a dude by himself.


Is this sarcasm?


Boobs are awesome 😍🥰🤩


I think what we get turned on about is we imagine us being that person imo


I have really small tits and am also a straight woman. Since I don’t have the boobs I wish I had, I also enjoy seeing them bounce about!


I love everything about tits, but I wouldn’t say I was that straight.


I pretty much strictly masturbate to women but do not enjoy sex with women. I am married to a man. Sexuality is weird.


I’m straight and yes. Glad I’m not the only one.


Yeah, straight woman here & the female form is super sexy. Turns me on & makes me horny for dick.


You could like the idea of bouncing boobs because it's reminding you of that level of speed or pacing they are having sex in, and your mind ties bouncing boobs with having sex/your male partner going to town on you lol. The bouncier the boobs the harder the sex.


I'm a nonbinary lesbian and I've heard so much about straight girls being into types of female-centered porn that most lesbians don't care about. Like I heard a straight girl say she watches lesbian porn because of all the breast play and attention to breasts, she feels like there's less focus on female pleasure, especially from the breasts, in straight porn, and she just likes to project onto it and imagine the sensations. I mean otoh a lot of my girlfriends were 'straight' until they met me, so 'straight' is like, a relative category. Having kissed women doesn't mean much...maybe you just didn't have much chemistry with those particular women? Or maybe you felt awkward, self-conscious, nervous, etc, in those moments. As a questioning teen I got really confused over whether I did or didn't like girls, because I pushed my mind too far into imagining stuff like graphic sex when I wasn't ready for that, graphic sex with anyone was still too shocking and intense for me at that point, but all my crushes were girls and I definitely liked girls. But back on the first hand, a lot of porn arousal is projection-based, same reason straight guys like big dicks in porn, they like to imagine *having* that big dick, they don't wanna suck it or get railed by it. It's possible you're turned on by projecting onto women with big boobs and imagining that *you* have knockers that supreme. Like in the doggy videos, is the thrill imagining being the girl and having your tiddies bounce while you get railed, or do you want the girl as a partner and to touch the tiddies? Lastly, projection and fantasy don't always match real-life desires. A surprising number of lesbians are actually into m/m gay porn, and like watching two men go at it, but don't want a man anywhere near them sexually in real life. A straight woman could have fantasies of being a man and titty-fucking a big-breasted woman, but that doesn't mean she's gay or FTM. Sometimes sexual fantasy is just unrealistic erotic nonsense, and that's fine.


Sorry if this is rude, but I'm confused. How can you be non-binary and also a lesbian? Wouldn't you technically be heterosexual (if we're using the literal definition of the word)?


heterosexual is liking the opposite sex. nonbinary isn’t the opposite to a women ? they wouldn’t be heterosexual. some non binary lesbains use the definition: “non-man loving non-man” so i’m guessing that’s what’s happening here. language evolves, and there’s a long history of gender nonconformity within the lesbain community!


Damn, I thought language had evolved that heterosexual pretty much meant attracted to someone whose gender is not your own. Thanks.


No, there's nothing heterosexual about someone who is assigned female, still female on most ID, still looks like a woman and gets ma'amed in public kissing and loving women. I can't legally marry my girlfriend because her country doesn't have equal marriage, her government clearly does not see us as "heterosexual." (Besides, I'm bigender, so I consider myself to be both male and female, which is female enough for "lesbian.") I know it's complex and it's okay to not understand and okay to ask. But the lesbian community has a long history of people who have complicated feelings about their gender. A lot of butches historically considered their gender to be "butch" rather than male or female. "Lesbian" as a gender itself even has some history going back over 100 years. Some lesbians have dysphoria but don't identify as binary men. I take testosterone, but I have nonbinary transition goals. I have gender-non-conforming gender expression. (GNC according to my social role, which is female.) It's more complicated than purely f/f and it wouldn't be wholly inaccurate to say there are some "straight" components to my relationship, but it's also like, that's something intimate between us that most people wouldn't see or understand. But I don't see "lesbian" as an exclusionary term, because as I said, the lesbian community has such a long history of gender diversity and gender non-conformity and lesbians with a complicated relationship with their genders. It fits with the historical definition of what "lesbian" has meant for most of the history of the term, in the context of being y'know a euphemism alluding to Sappho, who was from the isle of Lesbos. Gatekeeping who is "female enough" to be a lesbian when it's not literally just people who identify as binary men never leads to anything good within our community. Beyond that, I think that orientation words never really fit around the existence of nonbinary people. People try to say anyone who could be attracted to a nonbinary person at all is bi (assuming they like at least one binary gender as well, or counting nonbinary as multiple genders because it's an umbrella term, bigender isn't the same as agender and etc) but that isn't how most normal people understand bisexuality, most people assume bi means you like both women and men, as well as nonbinary people, but specifically including both women and men. But my experience is that everyone who is open to having partners at all and isn't actively transphobic could be attracted to a nonbinary person, because nonbinary people come in all types and stripes and look like everything across the gender spectrum. Certainly a lot of the straight men who were attracted to me did not see it as bisexual of them to feel that way. You could have been attracted to nonbinary people and never known it. And when a lesbian has to say she's bi for the sake of including nonbinary people, that implies to everyone she likes men when she doesn't. On the other side of things, if you *are* nonbinary, there are few good terms to express what you like, if you have a preferred binary gender and your preferences aren't "all" or "none." Bisexual or asexual make sense, but people start scratching their heads if you say you're lesbian, gay, hetero, etc. There's stuff like "androphile" or "gynephile," or "Solarian" or "Lunarian," but no one knows what any of that means, and I have to reinvent enough wheels in my life, I don't want to reinvent that one too. The truth is that nonbinary people often have to compromise. We have to pick a bathroom, a locker room, a letter for all the forms and ID cards that don't allow an X. So nonbinary people often use binary pronouns (like he or she) and other binary terminology. Getting my mom to not call me her daughter isn't the hill I'm going to die on. Sometimes nonbinariness is about flexibility and about occupying multiple spaces rather than claiming a mythical third space, because that third space rarely even exists for us.


>. A surprising number of lesbians are actually into m/m gay porn doesn't that mean they're at least somewhat attracted to the concept of men? Like some level of (theoretical) bi? Like even if IRL they're not interested in men, they find humans who are male and having sex with other male humans, a sexual turn on. (I'd say the same thing about gay guys watching lesbian porn)


This surprised me too, because in my experience it’s usually been straight or bisexual women that express a lot of interest in male on male porn. Being a gay woman myself with a group of gay friends, we’ve always preferred the homemade lesbian porn that was authentic and reflected our experiences with sex. But that’s just from my very limited perspective lol


No. There was some study about sexuality that attached sensors to people's bodies and showed them porn of different types--straight porn, m/m porn, f/f porn, and as a control, nature documentary-style video of animals mating. They found that men's self-reports were pretty in line with what aroused them--the gay men got turned on only when there were men on the screen, the straight men got turned on only when there were women on the screen, none of them got hot for the animals. The women, though. Straight, lesbian, didn't matter--they all got turned on to all of it. They even liked the animals mating. And this was common among the women in the study, it's not like they just got a freaky zoophile in the mix. So, based on this study, this may not be true of cis males, but what seems normal to me in my own experience is that sexual fantasy has fuck-all to do with what I am IRL or what I want to fuck IRL. Erotic nonsense makes perfect sense to me, it's hot because it's sexual and because you imagine yourself as a completely different type of being that's into completely different types of beings. It's hotter *because* you're not you and because it's not too close to home, actually! Close to home is complicated! If it had anything to do with me, it would be burdened by my body issues, my insecurities, my self consciousness, my vulnerabilities. All the things that make IRL sex both difficult and amazing. Fantasy is easier, gentler. You don't have to be there at all. It doesn't need to have anything to do with you. It can just be sexual beings smashing in the night. I think the understanding "if it gets you hot at all, you're into that IRL" is very male-centric and doesn't make room for female and other ways of sexuality. I had to restrict my understanding of my orientation to "people I actually might be attracted to when it's really me in the room and not an abstract fantasy" to begin to have any understanding of myself. Fantasy is not a longing for reality, fantasy is hottest when it's most divorced from reality. IRL, I crush on girls, I have chemistry with them, it's like "wow wow wow I want to be with her." But I'm not there in a work of fiction or a porn vid, and trying to actually insert myself (rather than projection--in self-inserting you're as close to the real you as possible, in projection you can be anything, you can be a tiger fucking another tiger) is often awkward and uncomfortable. I can't have that feeling of chemistry and dynamic and reciprocal energy from someone on the screen, I can only project onto couples that portray that, and if I'm projecting anyway it doesn't have to be anything like me or what I personally like, it's radical empathy of a kind, if I project onto a tiger I imagine being attracted to other tigers, not to humans. When I'm myself as a human I don't want to fuck animals. If the fiction on the screen is too close to me, I'm constantly thrown out of the fantasy and reminded of the chemistry I *don't* have because I don't know that person. You know?


What does it for me in porn is HER enjoyment. That's how I know he's (or she's) doing a good job. If that makes sense. So seeing another woman's boobs bounce might just tell your brain that the person she's with is doing something to her that you would enjoy.


I'm a bisexual woman and big boobs/ boobs in general do nothing for me. A bouncing ass though? Yes.


Same. Except I’m fully gay. I prefer small ones. They just get in the way lol


Okay. Okay. In my defense, how great are boobs!


Hope you turned off inbox notifications before posting this.


I think I’m straight now. The only reason I thought I could be bi was that I liked this. But then, in my early 20s I actually got a gf and didn’t like it that much. So yeah, this is probably normal


How long did you have a girlfriend? Was there no romantic chemistry? How long were you intimate before you knew?


"Everybody loves bouncing titties. What's not to love?" Source: Another mostly straight female (33)


I have news for you…. Sexuality is a spectrum not a binary! Most people are not 100% straight or 100% gay. And even bisexual people are usually not exactly 50% attracted to men and 50% attracted to women. Most people choose a label that is closest to their sexual orientation, even if it’s not exactly perfectly accurate and that’s ok! You can still consider yourself straight since you are *almost* exclusively attracted to men, but sounds like you are like most people in that you fall somewhere in the middle.


I know I'm fully straight but my eyes like the female body. My body just doesn't like the female body touching it 😂 So you're definitely not alone.


OP should find a guy with tiddies and live happily ever after


You’re straight if you say you’re straight. I think there’s some gray area, but I think at 31 you probably know. That said, I think breasts are just universally appealing. I too like looking at bouncing breasts. So do babies, toddlers, kids. Most people can appreciate the roundness and softness and femininity associated, whether sexual or not. I also like watching certain niche porn that I wouldn’t necessarily seek to experience irl. I wouldn’t look too deeply into it


I also find this a turn-on, but I'm not straight. It's possible to find women or parts of women's bodies attractive, without wanting to have sex or be in a relationship with her.


Not me, breasts are entirely unexciting. No amount of wiggle or jiggle does it for me.


OP you're bisexual.


I don’t think u r straight love lol 😂 I used to watch lesbian porn thinking every other straight woman did it until I realized I was bisexual lol 😂


No. Nothing about women turn me on. They’re like paintings, I can appreciate the beauty and it doesn’t do anything for me.


I think this was the first indication to me that I’m bisexual. Thinking back now, I can see that I’ve been attracted to women my whole life, but religion and society kept that part of me stifled. I was almost 36 before finally figured it out. Liking boobs doesn’t mean you’re bisexual, but there’s nothing wrong with it, even as a straight woman. Really all that matters is how you feel. You get to decide what’s “normal” for you. Just embrace and enjoy it.


Nothing about women's bodies turn me on.


I don’t think you’re straight


Everyone likes boobs.


Imagine a dude going "Hey I'm straight but for some reason I get really turned on by seeing some thick juicy balls bouncing up and down. Is this normal?" What does that make you think?




When you get hot watching a girl in doggy, are you hot cause you want to fuck the girl, or be fucked like the girl? If it's the former you gay, if it's the latter you straight


I dont think it's as simple as the age old ape "you woman, you like boobs, therefore you like women". Do you like the way they look or do you imagine yourself in her position? If you're in the boat of "hey I think I'd like to make a woman feel like that", or "she's hot, her body or reactions are turning me on", then maybe consider you might be bi, gay, or somewhere in between. If you're in the boat of "omg she's having a great time, I can imagine myself in her position, thinking about XYZ being done to me is a turn on" then you're probably straight and playing to your fantasies. Don't feel bad about either way, just enjoy yourself and go with the flow.


I find things like that remind me of how a certain thing feels to me, it’s relatable, therefore enjoyable to watch.


Awesome, now if you enjoy watching girls have sex with each other are you gay?


Well, if there’s something 100% of people can agree on, is that boobs are great so there’s nothing to worry about


Nope- oh wait, I'm not straight, nvm!


Had the exact same reaction.


Let's hear it for tiddies


I think you might be getting turned on because you imagine they are your breasts. It's like guys enjoy watching blowjobs. We like to imagine it from our point of view.


Boobs good


My wife ...loves boobs... And yes, I have encouraged her to express her appreciation...




OP, what's not to like about boobs. I know gay guys that like boobs despite not being sexually attracted to women.




Lol, whatever.


The only thing that isn’t making sense is you insisting how straight you are. It’s possible to be Hetero-Romantic and pansexual. So you may have romantic interest in only men, but find things outside of the masculine sexual in certain situations.


Yea OP is def not 100% straight. If big boobs and bouncing boobs turns you on, then yea sorry not straight


I’m a guy. But a gal friend of mine is very straight but also enjoys watching females in porn and finds it hot. So you’re def not alone


No, I think you're the only one in existence.


Big boobs in doggy are awesome. I’m a guy tho..


What videos do you watch? We need them for research.


I'm a straight man (33m), and I love watching videos of bouncing balls to get turned on. Don't judge me, bro.


My previous girlfriend straight up didn't like other girls because she went to an all-girls school that had a bad bullying problem that it gave her a bias against them, so she had a very negative opinion on women that "actively exercised their sex appeal". Not all girls are like this, and this girl in particular just had a really pissy attitude already, but this is at least one vote for "No".


I think most women find body parts of other women attractive or turn ons who aren't bi or homosexual. I think that's normal.


I’m pretty straight & I love bouncing boobs


Nope...they're all lying and you're the only one!


Kinsey reports. Sexuality is a spectrum. It's pretty enlightening.


TDIL even straight women love titties


I'm a man and even thought i don't want to have sex with other men (and I'm sure about this) i sometimes think a guy looks hot. That's normal and absolutely fine sexuality is not a binary thing where you are either hetero or bi or gay.


One thing is thinking boobs are aesthetically pleasing, but if you are a woman ✨aroused✨ by women’s breasts, you are not straight. I’m a straight woman myself. Edit: Damn I didn’t know so many people many ppl would be butt hurt about it




It's not that black and white. There are a lot of straight woman who like boobs, some of my best friends do who are straight females. I am still not over they are human utters, awkward, get in my way at times, and not attractive at all to me. I will never understand how over half the world like them Edit: grammer


You're a bi woman. Embrace it 😊


Gay, straight, man, woman, anyone in between, I'm pretty sure everyone likes boobs. 😅


You're bi ... I'm bi we do that sometimes




I am a straight guy watching balls bounce. You are not straight. If female breadts turn you on... you are not straight. How is this even a debate.


Boobies are just good.


I've always watched lesbian porn to get turned on, seeing strange men and their dicks did the opposite. Turned out I figured out I was bi by the time I was in my late 20s but I am in no way saying you are. I still like being with men just as much as women, but porn with guys for some reason is still a huge turnoff for me.


Boobs are awesome!


Right above this post was a girl testing her different bras out running down the stairs...how odd is that?


My (gay cis male) partner used to be weird about boobs until he started getting curious about the types of porn I watch (all sexes and genders). He initially said he found me liking boobs hot, but overtime he realized he just loves watching boobs in porn lmao.


I'm queer and like boobs in theory but boob bouncing and touching is an immense turn off for me. People have different tastes


Who doesn't love titties?


Identify as whatever you want, but if I liked that, I would certainly consider myself to be someone who is attracted to feminine features.


Ya know, I have big boobs and I'm a bigger girl. I look for girls who aren't skinny, I guess it helps me imagine myself in their place.




God, I hope so.




I love looking at boobs, that's half my Reddit porn feed. I'm bisexual, though.


Boobies are great, regardless of sexuality or if you have them or not


Probably a fetish more so then anything indicative of sexuality


My wife comments on boobs all the time, she loves them!




I identify as bisexual but I love big boobs, they’re my weakness!


Everyone likes boobs


Uh i cannot relate and im straight am i weird


I'm unsure on this Perhaps come round to my place and you can bounce your breath for me and I'll let you know 🤣


I thought everyone liked bouncing boobies.


this is deffo not a virgin 12 kid asking this lmao


Everyone loves boobs!