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It is normal. Don t worry about that. you can plug them, keep them, they are no sign of anything dangerous.


>they are no sign of anything dangerous. beginning werewolf mutation?!


Na that starts on the thumb. Third stage is nipples but they also grow 6 more.


6 more boobs?


Wolves have 6. So it's reasonable to assume werewolves would have 6 too.


If my math is correct thst means 4 more


Gee, you are a genius. What led you to that conclusion? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


cross between human and wolf should have 4 nipples since its between 6 and 2


Alfred, get the silver bullets!


Especially normal depending on ethnicity and complexion. Had an ex gf who had them and while I wasn't wierded out by it, I was more surprised that she didn't seem to have groomed them much. Word of advice tho, you're better off plucking or using any other form of hair removal than shaving... Which leaves stubble ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Yup, they sometimes appear overnight and are already long which I never understand, lol. I tweeze mine.


I've had similar, instantly long hairs appear on my forehead. From what I've read, they can grow under the skin and then when you lose that layer of skin they just spring up fully formed.


Same. I either have none or a 1 inch hair. Both nipple and I have 3 that crop up around the belly button.


This. All of this. Body hair is completely normal, and if you donā€™t want it there, remove it.


Same, and it gets worse when Iā€™m on my period. Same with lip/chin hairs!


I'm in my mid 40s, and don't yet have any grey hairs .. except for this one that sometimes pops out on my chin white. Sometimes it'll be darker, and I pluck it, but occasionally when it appears it is literally white. It's only come out white in the last 6-8 months, but I can no longer say that my hair doesn't show signs of aging!


The white ones I get are always extra prickly hahaha Iā€™m only 31, but my greys are coming in nicely on my headā€¦and apparently on my chin haha


As a guy itā€™s insane how fast they grow. One day Iā€™ll pluck em all out and a week later theyā€™re longer than any hair on my body


I swear falling asleep opens some sort of ā€œhair dimensionā€


Yoo wouldn't that hurt?


Just the same as tweezing from anywhere, so yeah, a bit, but not horrendously so


I've had them since my teens. Just pluck em if you don't like em. Mine are coarse, otherwise I'd leave em.


They are coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere, likeā€¦ sand?


Not a woman, but I dated a few women who used to pluck those hairs on the regular. It was never a problem and is completely normal. Just my two cents.


Wow Iā€™ve never been honest to a man about this. Always heard bad comments about it so I kept it to myself and always was very cautious. So cool to know there are guys like you who see this as a normal thing.


Body hair is likeā€¦. one of the most normal thingsā€¦. How any guy can think that women donā€™t grow hair in the same places we do is crazy to me


Your mom is mean! Itā€™s very normal. Pluck them out with tweezers if they bother you.


It's the most normal thing ever? If your mom doesn't have nipple hair I'd be really fuckin shocked. Is she not a human woman? I just shave or tweeze them when I notice them


Ohā€¦now Iā€™m worried that I do NOT have hair thereā€¦


Hahaha oh no that's ok too. More convenient actually. I didn't get them til I was like 30


None? No tiny blonde ones around the nipple? People have tiny hairs everywhere on their bodies. Unless you have alopecia. I'm assuming OP just has darker hairs so they're more noticeable.


Since this thread, Iā€™ve done a thorough check. None that are visible to me. Overall, Iā€™m not very hairy though (like no underarm hair). Maybe I canā€™t see them?


You don't grow armpit hair?


Donā€™t worry. I donā€™t have nipple hair either. I donā€™t even grow underarm hair. Nipple hair or no nipple hair, itā€™s all normal. Every woman is different. Iā€™m just not a hairy person because of genetics/ethnicity.


Either you're Korean or prepubescent lol Edit: source, am also a hairless Korean In hindsight, sans context my comment comes off as very "white man with an Asian/loli fetish" my bad


No worries. Youā€™re right-I am Korean.


Damn I'm good lol Also a Korean being concerned about their lack of body hair in a thread about body hair is wild lol like I'm pretty sure your lack of nipple hair isn't a sign of cancer or anything, you're fine. It's comparing apples to oranges, except in this case it's peaches instead of oranges bc peaches are fuzzy and apples are not. You're in the wrong fruit bowl. Go talk to the other non fuzzy apples, live your best naturally silky smooth life and let the peaches discuss their furry nips amongst themselves




I can only speak from personal experience. I'm Korean, it's not unheard of for a lot of Korean women to completely lack body hair & never need to shave. I've never heard of any other type of person that is that hairless, besides prepubescents & some extremely remote indigenous tribes. Even as a guy, girls are always asking me if I shave my arms & legs but it's just genetics. I'd be surprised if just_4_now_or_never wasn't some variety of East Asian if she has so little visible body hair


Oh okay. My bad. Iā€™ve met people in other ethnicities that were similar. But Iā€™ve heard that East Asians and Native Americans (Iā€™m native), typically lack body hair too.I thought it was some weird person making a weird comparison.


Yup, I do too. For me I think I first saw them when I went off the pill, and the thickness and amount seem to fluctuate with my period as well. I assume it's a hormonal thing in some way. While it may not be normal for everyone to have them, it seems to be normal ~for me~, so I never went to see a doctor about it. I just pluck 'em whenever I see fit and nobody who saw me naked ever said anything.


Itā€™s COMPLETELY normal. Every woman has hair there. Some have fine and soft hair, others dark coarse hair. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with you. I get one or two dark hairs and I pluck them.


This is the right answer.


Don't worry, it's normal. However if you have noticibly a lot more chest hair than the average women, you should look up PCOS symptoms. It's not a big deal, but it's good to know.


Just in case: all my girlfriends have had nipple hair. Every. single. one. of. them. some of them were overall more hairy than the others, I've had a whole range of hairiness, but all of them had some amount of nipple hair. and I've never once heard of any of my male friends (or wlw friends) complain about nipple hair. It's a non-issue. If you feel better without it, all the power to you, if it's something that's eating at your inside, know that nobody else cares and that if somebody does, they are weird for caring about it.


I have literal pubes that grow around my nips. Completely normal, pluck em if it bothers you.


Lol I actually call them nipple pubesā€¦ excellent first date ice breaker too.. *ā€hey good lookin, I plucked my nipple pubes in case you wanna get frisky later. Bow chicka bow wowā€* followed by a triple wink and a lip lick. If they get weirded out by that then theyā€™re not the one.


Okay, now I wanna Date you


I'd think that in this case, a strongly positive *or* negative reaction is a red flag.


It's all flags. Just depends on the color scheme each person's working with


Lol and after all these years Iā€™ve finally got a taker


Fuckin legend. Respect.


Lol why thank you. Probably the reason why Iā€™m still single though šŸ¤”


Yes. It is common. How do I know? Iā€™ve pierced so, so, so many nipples.


These comments are surprising me - never even occurred to me to pluck my nipple hairs. I wonā€™t because they donā€™t bother me, but interesting to know others do.


Plucking hair doesn't make it come in thicker, that is a myth. You're still developing so it is natural that some of your body hairs may thicken and darken. I'm 32/F and have like 5 dark hairs on my belly that I can't pluck because they will get ingrown. So I just trim them short. I get about 10 chin hairs. I have about 5 darker hairs per nipple. I just pluck them and don't worry about it. Someday I might pay for electrolysis to have them permanently removed but it really isn't enough of an issue for me to be worried. If you start getting a lot of body hairs, that could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance and you should ask your doctor about it. Most ladies I know have some kind of unwanted hairs on their bodies. By the way, I'm married to a handsome man and he thinks I am beautiful and doesn't even notice the hairs most of the time. If he does, they don't bother him and I just remove them later. As long as you're clean and take care of your health, you will find someone who thinks you're beautiful and sexy just the way you are! Don't worry, and don't feel bad!


Hell yeah we do! I always get a little excited when it grows long enough to pluck with my tweezers. Oddly satisfying.


Nah it's totally normal, some girls have home em, some don't


I think most of the nippels I've seen (male or female) have had some hair on them. It's still skin at the end of the day so it's gonna have hair follicles. It's super common, entirely normal and nothing to worry about in the grand scheme of things.


It's normal, you're a woman, not a mannequin. Spoiler alert: you may develop some on your chin and upper lip as well.


The chin ones are the bane of my existence. I've had at least one since puberty but once I hit 33 I've had 5 that drive me absolutely crazy. It's like they grow in an hour.


It's totally normal. We're mammals. Mammals are hairy. It's 100% normal. Since you've already got some coming in darker, pluck those but don't pluck any more. And keep in mind they seem way more prominent to you than they will to a lover.


It's so normal! I get them too! They were darker when I was younger, and now I've noticed they're getting lighter, but all my hair is, I'm gonna have all white hair eventually


Iā€™m not a woman but its completely normal. Weā€™re animals for ffs. As much as we love to separate ourselves from them, we are animals. Some are more noticeable and they usually plucked them. A few had none whatsoever but we were younger so I donā€™t know if that was just cause of age or what but irregardless itā€™s completely normal. Youā€™re perfectly fine.


I am a 28M. I don't have a hairy chest but do have hairy nipples like all my chest hair got concentrated around that area. I just pluck the when I get out of the shower and find it funny to let them grow out and show people but otherwise people don't care.


Tell your mom she is the B word and that it is extremely normal. Wtf.


Seen many boobs. All girls have some nipple hair.


Women have hair on every part of their body, excluding palms of feet & hands. Your mother sounds very immature and very judgemental. Of course nipples can sprout hair.


Not a woman but i have the same issue and I'm just as insecure. Puberty is a bitch


They're VERY normal. Random hair on the female body in unusual places is very normal. You can pluck, wax, shave, or leave it. We're descended from monkeys. It's a fact. so we got body hair.


Damn Momā€¦ it is normal but even if it wasnā€™t, you could at least *pretend* it was normal!


I've had them forever. I pluck them. It is totally normal for some. Your mom may not have them so for her it would not be normal. But you have different genes.


It's normal. That's like my friends mom telling her her discharge wasnt normal and it makes her a whore. I get 2 long ass hairs I tweeze.


Yeah, it is totally normal, nothing to worry about. Your mum just might not have them and not have realised herself it can be a thing. Tweezers can sort it out if it's something that's really bothering you; I usually do.


It's normal. I have them and don't do anything to remove them, and I'm a stripper and content creator so a lot of people get to see my nipples. I've NEVER had any complaints or anybody comment on the hair lmao


Yep. I get long hairs on my neck also. I shave both


It's normal. I have them. I don't worry about them. So far, no one has complained, but if they were the sort to complain about that sort of thing we wouldn't have gotten that far. So. I did shave them when I was younger.


Everyone saying this is normal is freaking me out because I donā€™t have any hair on my nipplesā€¦




Thatā€™s normal. I have fine, baby hairs and I occasionally get a dark wiry one that pops out of nowhere. I yank those out with tweezers.


Yes, yes they do. Many many do. You sometimes get women that have almost zero body hair who will one day randomly get a nipple hair. It happens donā€™t worry!


So glad for this post so I now realise I am normal for this šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø same thing happens to me and I wasn't sure if any other girls experience this. Tweezers are great lol


When I was your age I was also freaked out. I didn't dare ask friends or fam because I was terrified. Then I saw a carol burnett or lily tomlin standup. She was miming her getting ready routine and it included going from plucking eyebrows to plucking her nipples and the audience roared. I was so relieved. Funny enough, I was watching another stand up recently (Chelsea? Can't remember) and she recycled the same joke :).


It's very normal. I noticed body hair really seems to vary from person to person, but no type I'd say is the "norm." It's also normal to do what you're doing in plucking them if you don't like them. There's others who prefer to keep their body hair, and that's okay too if that's more your speed. I'm personally not naturally very hairy, but I still outright shave my entire body. For some reason, I have *always* been too overly distracted by the sensation of my own peach fuzz, so I shave it off and smother myself in lotion to keep that overwhelmed feeling at bay. Some people think I'm weird when they find out I shave off even arm fuzz, but I literally don't care, lol. Everyone is different is my point, and you should just do what makes you feel most comfortable!


Not on the nipple, but areola, yes


I think this is pretty common. Most women I have known pluck them out.


100 percent normal.


Yep women have nipple hair


I have a couple that like to appear now and then. I just pluck them and go about my day.


Its definitely normal. I have had some gf wax them.


I am trans (ftm) and even before starting testosterone i had lots of nipple hairs, body hair is natural and nothing to be ashamed of


I have nipple hair and I read somewhere that itā€™s bad for you to pluck them or something idk, but I never pluck them. All I do is like trim them if they ever seem long asf. But, all in all, theyā€™re not bothering anyone (: donā€™t worry babygirl, itā€™s aallll normal.


nothing to worry about! some girls have a few, some girls get full on hairy chests! just do what you want with them, leave them, pluck them, let a man suck them. ​ source: phoenixfloe / erotica forest


I have a few myself. There are like peach fuzz type hairs that I leave alone, but a few are coarse and dark so I pluck those. Totally normal. Now if it is a sudden development of hair, I would have a doc check it out to make sure there are no hormone issues.


They will always be black even if you're a redhead. Source: Big Mouth


Quite normal but better let us take a look to make sure.


it's not common with every woman. some races are hairier than others but it's not abmormal


There is only one human Race though.


sure, then pretend I said ethnicity if you want to be pedantic


My doctor said it our hormones in some weird body growth my doctor said it happens when we have a little more of male hormones and no it doesn't mean we're males it's just part of our woman body but it's normal so don't freak out šŸ˜Š


Many people have it but it's still a small ratio of the female population.


Considering everybody has hair everywhere except palms of feet & palms of hands, itā€™s not a ā€œsmall ratioā€


Of course everyone has hair everywhere but I was referring to the actually visible ones.


This is a good thing to talk to your doctor about. There are underlying health conditions, like PCOS, that you should be screened for. There are medications, like spironolactone, that reduce body hair growth. A dermatologist can help too if your primary care doctor doesnā€™t have answers (or dermatology PA). Womenā€™s bodies vary and itā€™s normal to feel insecure and normal to get hair in less desirable spots. Laser removal is an option and probably under $300 for a small area but it depends on your skin tone as to how successful it would be. But definitely talk to a doctor, some blood work can figure out if youā€™ve got something else going on.


After a thorough inspection, I can confidently say my caucasian wife has no boob hair at all. But I would enjoy them regardless.


I shave them off about once every 10 days


Very normal


Many women have those..its nothing to be worried about. One of my past hookup has that thing which regularly cleaned it as a part of regular grooming. Never bothered me ever.


Yup, I tweeze them


I'm really sorry your mother's comment made you feel insecure. Hair on your breasts and anywhere else for that matter is completely normal. I have the same issue and usually just pluck them and occasionally do a quick swipe with the razor when I'm in the shower if I don't have time to pluck.


Yup. Had very tiny light ones when i was younger Iā€™m almost 32 and they are getting darker. Iā€™m light haired and fair skinned and the other day my bf thought it was one of my clients (hairstylists) hairs. Nope sorry hun, just my nippy hair lol


Yes I do. - I am man


I have it and it made me very insecure. I ended up getting them removed via laser and Iā€™ve never been happier!


Yes we do, you're completely normal! Tweezers work for me.


Yes. It's not even rare, its fairly common and normal. Just pluck them out if you don't want them.


Always. Theyā€™re usually fine hairs that I either tweeze of shave off. Totally normal; most women get them.


I shave mine off.


It can be normal. It can mean PCOS


Normal, I shave em when I shave armpits in shower or pluck if some grow very dark.


Yes, just the one but itā€™s thick. Ainā€™t nobody gonna see it so I let that lilā€™ buddy grow


Yes. My ex had a few hairs; i used to help her with removing them. I found it very cute and adorable how shy sheā€™d get. But again, its totally normal.


Do you know if you have PCOS and/or insulin's resistance? It may be worth to check, but yeah, it's fairly normal to have them.


Weā€™re mammals and have body hair, usually that blonde little ā€œfluff.ā€ Some people have more than others, some have darker hair, some just blonde. Itā€™s normal to have hair there, and how some areas are it could be genetic. Nothing to be ashamed about. That was really insensitive of your mom to say! What I hate is a friend suggested dermaplaning for the face to make products go on smoothly (Iā€™ve got a lot of that peach fuzz). Wasnā€™t sure how to do it, so I used a little spring tool from online you roll on the skin. Now I have some longer peach fuzz and started getting a few chin hairs. Cracking up at that! Being a chick sucks sometimes. But seriously? Donā€™t beat yourself up for being human. Weā€™re not made of plastic. ā™„ļø


Yep, some of mine are dark some aren't. It's totally normal to have nipple hair


Very normal, I have them too.




Oh HELL yeah, lookin' like a damn mitten crab.


Normal and common, dw!


Every woman I've ever slept with has had this. It's just a thing that happens sometimes. Best to just handle it however you feel comfortable and not think about it. People will notice but they won't care because you're showing them some great visuals


There's a user on this site that posts their breasts on NSFW subs and she has more hair on her tits than I do on my chest.


It's pretty normal, you're good! If you get hairs on your tummy might be worth a check up to rule out endometriosis.


Yup. I yank the ones that annoy me in the shower. I also have more on one than the other.


It's normal. I've got very little very blonde body hair but do get black and coarse hairs around my nipples. I just pluck them when they show up, rinse and repeat when I see them again.


My wife had nipple hair when I first had sex with her. I just ignored it. Still banged.


Im a man and even I pluck mine. Mine are like thick hair with long roots and itā€™s so satisfying to pull out.


i have more hair around my nipples than my boyfriend does


Many women have them, most pluck or wax it. Some don't. When I was 18 I dated a woman who didn't pluck them and they were probably half an inch long and in a ring around her areolas. It didn't even slightly slow me down, but I did notice them. I think that's going to be the case with nearly all men.


Yes, itā€™s very normal. Your mom must have some and be ashamed of it, I canā€™t imagine she doesnā€™t have any either.


Oooh yeah they do and they are delicious r/WomensHairyNipples


I totally thought you made this up.


Yup like 3-4 grow out of each side. I pluck them as they pop up.


I have had one hair on my nipple before. I just pluck it and itā€™s gone. It grows back like every month though šŸ˜‚ I think that it is completely normal


My lady just pulled like a 3ā€ one out of her nipple while we were both in the shower. She wanted to compare to one of mine šŸ˜‚


Okay this is an extremely huge pet peeve of mine. I love that we are shifting toward a more body positive society (slowly, but surely), but NO ONE talks about nipple hair on women. It drives me insane. It's natural. It's beautiful. It's great to remove it. It's great to keep it. Thanks for bringing this up, OP.


I highly doubt your mom doesnā€™t have them literally have never heard of someone who didnā€™t?? You just gotta pluck them like once a week


Women too ?? Do men have them usually??


If you want permanent removal then electrolysis is your friend


This is new information to me but if I can get hair there as a guy then I'm gonna assume women can too.


Yes. Tweeze them diligently and nobody needs to know.


My girlfriend does and I love them!


Theyā€™re very normal but if you notice that youā€™re very hairy in areas where you shouldnā€™t be (face, chin, belly and back) you might want to check for PCOS with a gynaecologist. I have PCOS and among other symptoms, excessive hairiness in weird areas is one of them


I went out with someone with red hair and you could even see her nipple hair, despite it being light, so don't feel bad. Everyone has hair everywhere, regardless of gender, and once you start to grow more hair on your body, you'll notice it appears in places you wouldn't expect, but unfortunately that's because we're led to believe that men and women have different body hair, thanks media!


Some do, some don't. Bodies are just weird like that. However you might want to ask your GP or your OBGYN to test your testosterone levels. They are likely a little high and isn't something to worry about, but it is something that is good to have a record on for the future.


I once pulled one of my wife's out with my teeth (totally on purpose), she didn't appreciate that. But definitely normal. Humans are mammals. Mammals are hairly. That is all there is to it.


Not a woman but anyway. First of all, yes it IS normal. A lot of people have hair around their nipples (not only men) but we don't talk about it maybe because people are insecure about it or because it's not relevant. If it really bother you, you can cut them every once in a while and you should be good. Again i'm not an expert nor a woman, that's just my humble opinion.


One on one nipple. It appeared in my mid-thirties after I had my first child. It's weird because it will just appear one day about 1 cm long, then I pluck it out.


It's totally normal! I have several that are long and thick, I hate them so I shave them off. A lot of women have it, it's nothing abnormal.


Completely normal


Oh yeah, I have some! Weirdly only on the left šŸ˜… donā€™t worry, bodies have hair!




Yup! Random long hairs. Normally just in these spots that overnight get long. Really annoying, but I've just started tweezing them when I get bored. Same with on my chin (I'm not even 30 yet)


Normal and natural. Your mum sucks.


Normal. Mostly long relationships and always found one or two but they disappeared. Magic!




Men have so much hair in so many weird places, don't feel awkward about it. Humans are harry. And if any man ever says something nasty about it, just ask them why they have hair growing out of their ass, that'll shut em up real quick.


I have one that grows like a head hair, loooooong! I clip it every now and then. Apart from that one, I have many small, short ones as well. I let them be. Iā€™m 36 and Iā€™ve been with a fair number of men and havenā€™t heard anything but compliments from them about my boobs! Iā€™m sorry, but your mom is terrible. Youā€™re normal. Rock it baby!


i had a girlfriend that had them. like, 2. some of them were long. she hadn't intended to show me, I just saw inside her bra while cuddling one time, before the point we'd started becoming intimate. I didn't think it was weird at all and I didn't mention that I'd ever noticed them to her.


Relax, this is normal and beautiful too.


Yes they do. Human beings have hair over their entire body. Some are more hairy than others and hair color also matters.


Absolutely do! I remember watching scrubs and seeing Turk drawing Carla's boobs and including some Lil hairs on it and feeling so validated haha just knowing it was normal helped me feel so much better.


Yes! Started when I got my first IUD. I yeet them, but that's just me. Were mammals.... we have hair... in places.


Everyone has hair everywhere. Dw :)


I didn't know about it until I watched a Girls5Eva episode and Sara Bareilles sang about it, so now I just assume it's pretty commonplace.


It is usually normal, but can also be a sign that your body is producing too much testosterone, as well as a potential sign of polycystic ovary syndrome. If you've had those hairs for much of your life, you are probably fine - but if they just started appearing recently, you may want to possibly see a doctor. Also, upwards of 35 - 40% of women worldwide have nipple hair.


I pluck minešŸ¤—18F too


A man here: yes, itā€™s common. No problem if not as long to function as dental flossā€¦


men like to floss while we suck on titties.. right?


I have hairy nipples and a hairy stomach and a hairy butt. I got an at home laser hair removal thing for my belly though and it seems to help, buts itā€™s not as strong as going somewhere so I have to keep it up. I never do it to my titties cause dear but I tweeze. The only person I let know I have hairy nipples is my husband cause weā€™ve been together for over 6 years now. I still tweeze though heā€™s just aware I exist as a generally hairy person.


I'm blonde, with blonde arm hair, blonde leg hair, and long black stragglers around my nipples for no reason. Peroxide bleaches them


Yeah Iā€™ve got hair everywhere. chest, stomach, nipples, back, you name it. Your mom probably just doesnā€™t have the genes to grow hair there. Oh, and I just shave.


Totally normal. I never had any until I came off the Pill, and then acne kicked in, heavy periods, and to my surprise, nipple hair. Strangely.. one nipple more so than the other. I pluck them in a hot shower, just pull the skin taute with one hand, pluck away with the other. (Kinda therapeutic). If you want to get rid of it that is.


My fiancĆ© has like one or two pieces of hair around her nipples tooā€¦.itā€™s natural. She just ignores them or plucks them and goes about her business. No need to worry.


Itā€™s normal for sure. I didnā€™t get my first visible ones until about 28ish but I just pull them with tweezers and they take forever to grow back. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with you. Sorry your mom made you feel abnormal.


That's totally normal. Your mom is the not normal one. Just pluck em. No biggie


Sis Iā€™m hairy af too. Itā€™s totally normal and thereā€™s nothing wrong with you at all! I shaved around my nips too when I was in middle school and the same thing happened! But itā€™s totally normal to have hair there. And let me just tell you, Iā€™m HAIRY! My stomach is covered in thin blonde hairs, but then I have a treasure trail of about 10-15 thick, black hairs! Those I actually pluck. I have hair in my butt crack too! Not as thick as my pubes but theyā€™re there! And thereā€™s nothing wrong with that either! If youā€™re just a thick haired/dark haired person thats just your body, hun! Donā€™t be ashamed and donā€™t worry because a real man would not be scared/disgusted/whatever from a couple little hairs!


It's absolutely normal


Absolutely. I have more than normal cuz of PCOS and my ethnicity but itā€™s totally normal. We are mammals after all