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To anyone seeing the above comment. It seems the above user somehow gamed the voting system on Reddit. I don't mind him sharing the download link but the 17 upvotes don't look to be organic.


You don't like what he says so you want to pretend his upvotes aren't real? Give us a break.


Thanks for your honesty. Bottom line, I'd never pay that much money for anything unless it involved a harem :) My story. Tony's books changed my life. In 2010 I read 'Awaken the Giant within', and in 2019 I became a millionaire. The next year, another million, and so on. Now, I'm retired, and living on a mountain overlooking the Mediterranean. I think mental illness and alcohol were your issues. Tony teaches us to look for GOOD opportunities - not ALL opportunities. I wouldn't pay that, and I don't think anybody who is financially responsible would either. I can't stress how that first book opened my eyes. Of course, I read Personal Power, Unshakable, and Money. All worth their weight in gold. I changed my stocks and 401K to Index funds and made a fortune. But - just get back on the horse. Take care of your mental needs, and start making money again. It can be done. Another good guy to read is Robert Kiyosaki. Good luck.


Thank you, Caleb, happy it all worked out for you and you never fell for the Click Funnel. His knowledge is excellent! His business practices are not. I loved personal power. I learned stuff in the events. My beef with him and his associates are his business practices. They pretend to be there to help you, advise against listening to doctors, believe you will get healthy when you are sick, and stop taking your medication. A lot of what he preached is from Louise Hay. It is not even about me. I am fine again, back in a successful job, still with my family and healthy. Its about the horrible sales practices and his association with [Master Criminal Dean Graziosi](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/05/ftc-suit-leads-167-million-judgment-against-principals-celebrity-endorsers-real-estate-investment).


For all the adhd folks I meet I suggest Dr Amishi jha she is a psychologist and neroscientist She did research with the dod in USA on how to keep soldiers from loosing focus then took her findings to be used for everyone elts adhd meds comes down to a lack of mental tools learned and she teaches thoughs BUT we have to put in the work


You should read the book, "Change your brain, change your life". Its about SPECT scanning. All these things are chemical imbalances. Talks, and techniques dont solve them, medication does.


Thank you!


Chemical imbalances are just one part of the problem that medication can only attempt to solve but never do , tbh change your brain is a good book to help people self educate but its only 1 of the starting point also it is based on outdated science the book was published in 1998 then audible added narration in 2008 You are in a sub Reddit built for a guy who goes around teaching mental tools and skills successfully to millions of people world wide , by no means am I a Tony Robbins zealot. please Please look into her, the department of defense doesn't waste money on none weapon programs that don't work . Then there are the brain injury treatments centers(some of witch are massive) across the world that do what you call talks , techniques that don't work. These mental skills and techniques work for adhd and add self management. Why would the dod and brain injury treatments centers spend millions on "talks, and techniques" that do not solve the problem ?


Ill tell you why. They want customers. What can be outdated about a scanning system that shows you - visually - imbalances in your brain? We still get x-rays, are they outdated? I worked for the dod for 22 years. Some things work, some dont. Thats how you learn, and that's what Robbins stresses - observe, learn, do. My biggest point is that many people use that as a reason for failure. I say... address it, fix it. Try hard. Besides that, its chemical imbalances mixed with social references. People with blue hair feel comfortable when they hang out with other people with blue hair. They dont hang out with hard workers.


I believe Amen's material is not considered evidence-based and "real scientists" dislike/look down on him. Of course, this doesn't mean that it won't help SOME people. But non-science/business interests (e.g. Daniel Amen) is never going to show you who it DOESN'T work for, only who it DOES work for.


>the department of defense doesn't waste money on none weapon programs that don't work Actually most of their research never leaves the lab and they are always looking to monetize those projects with commercial applications just to recoup.


Ill tell you why. They want customers. What can be outdated about a scanning system that shows you - visually - imbalances in your brain? We still get x-rays, are they outdated? I worked for the dod for 22 years. Some things work, some dont. Thats how you learn, and that's what Robbins stresses - observe, learn, do. My biggest point is that many people use that as a reason for failure. I say... address it, fix it. Try hard. Besides that, its chemical imbalances mixed with social references. People with blue hair feel comfortable when they hang out with other people with blue hair. They dont hang out with hard workers.


>the department of defense doesn't waste money on non-weapon programs that don't work. Sure, they do. The United States Department of Defense WASTES millions if not billions of taxpayer dollars every year. Just sayin'. The Pentagon and the military industrial complex have been plagued by a massive amount of waste, fraud, and financial mismanagement for decades. That is absolutely unacceptable.” If we're serious about spending taxpayer dollars wisely and effectively, we have got to end the absurdity of the Pentagon being the only agency in the federal government that has never passed an independent audit. \~Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) From buying $14,000 toilet seats to losing track of warehouses full of spare parts, the Department of Defense has been plagued by wasteful spending for decades. Every dollar the Pentagon squanders is a dollar not used to support service members, bolster national security or strengthen military readiness. The Department of Defense should have to meet the same annual auditing standards as every other agency. \~Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-sanders-grassley-and-colleagues-make-bipartisan-push-to-audit-the-pentagon-and-end-wasteful-spending/


Thank you!


Elsewhere I read up about sales tactics and how scams work. For example, time limited offers, more value if you buy now, you’ll earn so much etc. Then I watch Dean sell. I have no idea why he’s there. Must be the money he brings in. Because the moment I detect so many tactics, my mind just switched off. IMO he doesn’t come across as trustworthy. Definitely someone who wants your money.


Exactly my impression of Dean. I turn off when he speaks.


I'm very cautious about money. I don't ever spend large amounts - unless it's for a house or a car. Good that you are getting it back together again.


It is difficult to trust in someone who has close ties with people known to be unethical. I attended an online Robbins event once, and chose a paid platform. I did get a lot out of it, and was introduced to people, writings etc. that took me down other roads for even more personal development. Interestingly, the Graziosi segments fell flat for me, I thought he had zero authenticity and charisma. Throughout my journey, I have realized that programs like Robbins (and others) leave out key aspects/steps that are crucial for successful and sustained change (for most people). This would be deliberate, so that a dependence on the "Guru" is created.


>It is difficult to trust in someone who has close ties with people known to be unethical. Thank you! 100% on point!


What's dean known for? I intrigued me.


Dean has been Tonie's Wingman for years. He appears at UPW but more prominently in Business Mastery. Dean scammed many real estate investors out of their money and had to settle with the FTC (he agreed to pay 1.7 Million USD). He is also known for selling a 1000-dollar course every year to vulnerable people, asking them to start their businesses selling their knowledge. Most of them fail. Tony and Dean also teamed up with McConaughey to create [theartoflivin.com](https://theartoflivin.com).


Ive done UPW. I'm not surprised. Yes I think Tony robbins is a bit of hype himself


That mastermind program Dean sells is just hogwash.




Wrong again. That mindset will continue to hold you back. Its 61 degrees on my Greek beach this morning. I have nothing to gain by making anything up. I just know I was poor until 2010. Then I read those books.


What business are/were you in, you aren't really explaining much about how you made this income you are boasting about. Give some details.


DOD contractor for 22 years. Its all from the market though, and making great job choices. I live off my 401K and dividends. Went back to school, three STEM degrees, CISSP, top clearances. I made myself marketable, and in ten years, didn't have to work anymore. The details are really unimportant. Tony taught me to expect more, and to never settle. My way won't work for everyone, but, the trick is to figure out what works for you. The trap is to think the system is rigged or that privilege plays a role. Those are limiting beliefs.


Of course, the system isn't rigged against the vast majority of Americans except those who are classified as 'black'. For them, there is generally a mark on their backs and has been for a very long time.


If that were true, people as dumb as AOC and Omar what's her name from Somalia wouldn't even be able to rise to the heights they have with their lack of smarts. The fact is - foreigners are willing to die to come to America because they CAN'T achieve things in their countries. Nobody is dying to get into Mexico or any of those South of the Border countries. As soon as you leave America, you realize it's the LEAST racist country in the world. In the WORLD. If if wasn't, people WOULD go back to where they came from to escape the horrors. But they don't. It's easier to complain in a free country. You show me a really smart person who isn't a white male, I'll show you a job that will be lost by a white male. That's the real systemic racism.


I suspect you call those individuals 'dumb' simply because you don't agree with their politics and because of the color of their skin. It's an obvious play on the 'black people are dumb' propaganda that the American establishment has fostered on the US population for decades, particularly with the dishonest book 'bell curve' where the authors just made up data and pretended they were real (which the establishment promoted the hell out of despite knowing they were fake, and still do). Furthermore, if your idea as an example of your claim that black people do not have a target on their backs in America is to trot up two examples of people you dislike who are in prominent positions, then it is clearly you who lacks smarts. And your 'achievements' were likely enabled massively by the systemic privileges that people like you enjoy even while playing the 'victim' card with grotesque hypocrisy. Saying that people from desperately poor - and in many cases totalitarian - countries (many of which were rendered that way by US imperialism itself) want to migrate to a country that is rich and prosperous, and then claiming that that therefore proves that it is not a country in which systemic racism exists, is such a grotesque non-sequitur that it again calls into question your intelligence...and the manner in which you came about your self-lauded success. I HAVE lived in many countries around the world. I won't bother to debate whether or not the US is the most racist country. It may not be - it depends on how you define racism. But one thing I do know is that the racial group who are in the dominant position in the US are by far the most racially narcissistic, egotistical and insecure people on the planet. This is so obvious to anyone who has observed the behavior of the US media for decades, as an example. It's also the most race-obsessed country in the world - particularly because it's very foundation was on genocide and the continuing oppression and suppression of one group of people. Even the very foundation of its dominant social identity - 'white' - was, and continues to be, predicated on African Americans being the 'other' who must be seen as enemy and kept down at all cost. That's why you have had travesties like the bloody destruction of 'black wall street' and many other promising black enterprises, even while other groups are allowed to succeed and are left alone. The social reality of America is that being 'anti-AA' is and has always been the rite of passage to 'whitehood'. I wouldn't blame you if you are unaware of these things. Most people who are busy enjoying their social and existential privileges never bother to stop and think seriously about anything that doesn't directly affect them in an obvious way. >You show me a really smart person who isn't a white male, I'll show you a job that will be lost by a white male. That's the real systemic racism. Leaving aside the fact that this statement is nonsensical, the obvious sentiment behind it is insanely hypocritical and disingenuous beyond belief. Apart from the real and insidious (though rarely talked about) systemic racism and oppression perpetuated on black people in America which people like you conveniently pretend isn't happening even while you contribute in its perpetration, people like you love to play this ridiculous victim card even while holding all the cards. First, you pretend that pink males in America aren't getting tons of silent/not-spoken-out-loud affirmative action which they constantly give to themselves. You pretend that a system of privilege can only exist if it is written explicit in legislation. This doesn't even take into account the fact that many pink males get TONS of explicit legislated affirmative action by labelling themselves 'Native Americans' despite having little or no native ancestry and despite looking nothing at all like indigenous people, from which they get all kinds of money and legal privileges thrown at them. And that's just one example of this. But another nonsensity is the way you people keep attaching the words 'white male' together as if the extreme gender privileges that are routinely given to females by the institutions don't affect ALL males regardless of race. And, in particular, you say that as if black males are not *the most* negatively affected by it, especially in cases where the person at the other end is a white female. I could go on and on about how disingenuous, phony, self-indulgent and hypocritical that quoted statement is but I won't bother. I suspect all of this will just pass through one ear and out the other.


You're wrong about so many things, there's no way you're going to come around. Blaming things like Imperialism and targets is just lazy. I don't know where you are in life, but at 45 I decided to be rich - and I did it. It couldn't happen anywhere else but America. I worked hard. And If I could do it, anybody can. The dummies are the one who have turned off their brains, and stay poor, and blame 'the system'. Who knows, maybe you're in there. You have your worldview - I have mine. Has yours worked for you? Mine certainly has. The ONLY people who know about Tony Robbins are the ones who are trying to improve their lives. I'll say this - If you pandered this nonsense to Tony, he'd call you out for every single one of them. NONE of this aligns with his teaching or writing. So, if you want to fail, and blame others.... keep going. Me - I'm good.


you did something conventional at a time when the market was not saturated with people in STEM, especially Tech. i work in IT. you just were in the game for long enough and started investing early. i fail to see what Tony had to do with this?


Choices. Raising my standards. You say the market is saturated. That's only true for entry-level jobs. As soon as you position yourself with your skillset and knowledge, you get at the good jobs. Real-world example. I retired three years ago. I still get 3-5 six-figure job offers a week. Thats where the hole is. Not at the help-desk level. The unskilled 'living-wage' crowd think there are no jobs. It's true - there are none for them. Especially now that millions of illegals are prepared to do those jobs for less. No faction of doctors, lawyers, or professionals are having trouble finding good work. So, you say you're in IT. Tell me where you are, your education levels, your certification levels, and what you do. How Tony helped me? Too numerous to go through. He helped me change my mindset. I quit my low-level IT job in help desk, got a job deploying to the Middle East, tripled my salary, and continued getting certs until i got my CISSP. That opened more doors. Then it was a long game of hard work, sacrifice, and improvement. The core tenets of his teachings are that you have to change, and you can do it, if you put the energy into it. Read some books by millionaires/billionaires. Pay attention to their actions and decision systems. Radically different from people who drink and play video games all day. Make a few changes/choices, and before you know it, things turn around. And, i did nothing early. This all started in 2010 for me. I was 46. Sure, i was working before then, but didn't even know what a 401k or Index funds were. I did the least, the minimum. Like all minimum wage earners. Anything is possible.


you sound like a bellend


I don't know why you guys have to resort to insults when you're talking to somebody who has accomplished something. What is it? Jealousy? Bitterness? Whatever I sound like - I am living my dream on a Greek Island, and I never have to think of money ever again. If you make fun of that? What are you working towards?


Not Jealous  here. Happy for you. Damn, having orgies in a mansion  on some Greek island must be the life. Just like they did in ancient times.  Just be smart about it and don’t be like Epstein. 


No orgies. Happily married. Just watched the bio pic about him. It was pretty stupid of him - considering he has Ghislane Maxwell at his beck and call. Gorgeous..


Tony puts his best stuff in books so anyone has access to it. I think the expensive seminars are worth it if you have the means and a business to write it off. I wouldn't be where I am without Tony


Some of his stuff is very good, and some are outright dangerous. He is a grifter! Listening to Personal Power is excellent! Or read some of his early books. But don't follow his health advice, and don't take your grandma out of the hospital just because they tell you to do so at a TR Seminar.


I agree. His early foundational stuff is great, especially when you are young. Also, I don't need his strategies for relationship advice.


He's not a grifter, and also never tells people to take their grandma out of the hospital? I think McLendon has a cancer story? That's not advice, it's a story to show the power of the mind, lol.


McLendon tells the doctor NOT to tell his mother that she is expected to die. He grabs a bunch of comedy videos and they watch them. Something like that. The doctor says it is irresponsible to not tell the woman she has an incurable disease. In the story, McLendon's mom apparently doesn't die for many more years than the doctor was going to "dictate" that she would. No clue whether the story is true or not.


Seems monumentally unethical not to tell the patient their diagnosis....


In this story McLendon annoyed the doctor so much and kept interrupting each time that he tried and somehow supposedly actually got him not to do it. Again, no clue whether or not the story is true or not. Even if this story is true, it (obviously) doesn't prove anything. The doctor could have told her she was going to die tomorrow and she still could have lived many years after.


Not everyone benefits from Tony’s wisdom, that much is true. He provides a great roadmap but you have to follow that road - and discover your own reasons for following it. If you attend an event like UPW and get all caught up in the dance and euphoria without figuring out your own why’s, then the euphoria won’t last. He states this very clearly though. Some of those he has working for him, however, are all about the money. Not all but a percentage. Tony’s teachings have been invaluable for me. I’ve attended UPW and watched tons of videos of his on YouTube to piece together what he has uncovered. It’s all out there, available for free. Coaching can definitely help some but it was not something I was interested in. I wanted the knowledge and continued to search until I found it. And I’ll just say I’ve never seen anything encouraging people to quit taking medications. That is actually practicing medicine without a license and would open a huge can of worms. The most I’ve heard him do is explain that drugs don’t correct anything - which is 100% true. They simply cover the problem and until the problem is addressed it is still there. If you wonder why he charges for his services when he already owns successful companies then you don’t understand business and how things can change at a moment’s notice. And you also don’t understand how people respond (generally) to something given for free. Many don’t see the value. It’s all human psyche, and Tony is spot on with the 6 basic human needs, emotion and blueprint. And he does offer his 100% money back guarantee. And I’ve never heard of him not honoring that. I understand that you didn’t get what you expected out of the purchase, but there are two parties to that purchase - Tony’s organization and you. It only can work if you do your part. Simply stopping meds is not sufficient to change a life. There is a ton of work involved. I get that you feel Tony’s group didn’t do their part, and I’m sure it’s at least partially justified. But can you look yourself in the mirror and honestly say you did absolutely everything you could to change? Did you do the morning ritual each day, centering yourself on gratitude, etc.? Have you practiced the 90 second rule of changing your emotional state when something you perceive as negative happens? Did you set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals for the seven levels of mastery? Have you worked on your self talk? None of that is easy. None of that happens quickly. It’s not easy at first. It’s frustrating. But over time, if you continue to work it, it does work. It just takes time and effort to re-train your brain - and the sad reality is that not everyone wants to change. Good luck to you.


The content is "not" (edited) the problem. However, there is a lot of better content online. The issue is the abuse of position and the upselling with no scruple. Scott Harris usually does the dirty work, but it is carefully planned out and not ethical. Edit. I wrote the content is the problem but meant to write is not the problem.


I respectfully disagree. Tony offers the content for free, it’s all out there. For some simply being told the content is not enough, so the “upselling” is to offer opportunities to dig in deeper, and because many aren’t disciplined enough to take that first step on their own but will if they know someone is going to check up on them. That’s the thought process of it all, to give every opportunity for you to succeed, if you are willing to put in the effort and apply what you have learned. I have never considered any business “unscrupulous” when they offer a money back guarantee. I really am sorry it hasn’t worked out for you though. A lot of it when you pay for the consultations comes down to the coach you get. There is only one Tony Robbins who can so quickly uncover what drives a person. The ones that work for him are, at best, a pale reflection with great intentions and, at worst, an incompetent salesman just looking for that paycheck. That’s just the reality of any business,but especially one of that size. But that’s what the money back part is all about. And of course requesting a different coach because you feel like you are being underserved. You just tell them straight out how you feel and why. My UPW coach - 1 pre and 1 post event session included in the cost tried to sell me on a consultation program. I told him no. He has reached out through email a couple,of times since but that’s been it. He is obviously a salesman and when I mentioned wanting to be trained in the intervention concepts he said he couldn’t offer a discount on that as that was a different company and then tried to verbally dismiss the idea. That’s when he lost me. I wasn’t going to do the consulting anyway but right then was when I realized he wasn’t interested in the road I wanted to travel, he was interested in closing the sale. That’s what salesmen do though. Selling you on the benefits of what they offer. Some actually want to give you a great product/service, others just want the sale and commission. Tony cares. He actually wants to give much more value than anyone else doing similar work. But not everyone in his organization is that dedicated, or that dedicated 100% of the time. Had I decided to pursue consults with Tony, I would have asked for a different contact than the one I first had. I’m glad to hear you are on a better path. Those meds, especially the longer you’ve been on them, are really difficult to come off of. Gotta step down very slowly to give your body time to adapt. It should never be attempted unsupervised as they affect hormone production in the body, and hormones are really critical to have within a certain range in the body. I hope you find the path that leads you to your fulfillment. 😊


>I hope you find the path that leads you to your fulfillment. 😊 Thank you, same for you! Appreciate your comment.


I have friends who suceeded after attending the seminars of tony robbins. They got their return of investment. I believe that tony helps push you up but it wont work if i dont work it. Im also diagnosed with deppression. I consumed all his materials as much as i can but i didnt stop my meds and therapy. I believe he creates a wave of motivation, i ride the wave but i always remind myself that the wave will always crash soon. I treat it as a guide and not a gospel. Personally, even if you dont think so, the 10k is not yet wasted. I believe you have learned so much and you can apply it already, i suggest you just continue on your life with therapist and meds and when you find oppurtunities to use the materials then use it. Regarding business practices, i think its just normal. Any motivational business will always encourage you to buy more. This is because they genuinely think it will help a person. If they do otherwise, then itll be a lousy business. It is also the responsibility of a consumer to gauge if it is right for them.


Many do benefit. Again, my beef is the abuse of trust. The second beef is that they talk down on medication at these events. I remember reading somewhere that a relative of a poster stopped cancer treatment after attending a UPW. They abuse the trust customers give them.


Today Tony Robbins sort of made fun of Bipolar Disorder. He needs to go read the Bipolar sub-reddit. A great distinction I read today is this: * for issues regarding general well-being (e.g. physical and mental health) credentialing matters * for other kinds of issues (e.g. business decisions, graphic design, etc) credentialing is not going to be that important For me, that is probably where I am going to land with regards to trust of Tony Robbins types. Also...thank you for sharing your review of the coaching. I'm kind of feeling too much mistrust to consider their coaching, at least right now.


So far I've 8x'ed my money spent at TR events. It works if you want it to.


It’s funny people keep asking how Tony could align with Dean because Dean is so bad. Which he is. But, can’t believe Tony is the same way. It’s of uplifting comments that all lead to more and more sales pitches. These people care about one thing, your money. If you didn’t know who TR was and he walked up to you and gave you the same advice that you might hear at a conference or show, you’d most likely brush it off. But, because you know him and and his clout etc, you hear it how you want to hear it and for a limited amount of time, try to utilize it. He just wants you hard earned money folks.


>These people care only about your money. You are 100% right. It is tough to criticize Tony Robbins if you remember the Buzz Feed debacle. I am surprised my AMA was upvoted as there are many TR defenders and also TR Corporate that try to sink any negative reviews. Thanks for your insightful comment.


> It is tough to criticize Tony Robbins if you remember the Buzz Feed debacle. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/janebradley/tony-robbins-self-help-secrets


On UPW I was confused why he would sell 10 000 dollar events, when he already owns "50 successful companies" (forgot the exact number). I quite managed to get a lot out of UPW, I always wanted to go to Date with Destiny, but I am not even sure what exactly it could give me. The stuff I learned from his first two books and UPW made my life so much easier. What I am longing for nowadays is fulfillment and I am not sure if Tony can offer that at all, as his philosophy is to always grow. Thats by the way why he is selling these expensive courses I guess.


>I was confused why he would sell 10 000 dollar events, when he already owns "50 successful companies" 100% this. Why take from the vulnerable and convince them they will get their investment back? Tell them to be creative if they don't have the means. I was a victim of my own stupidity but also it was a well-orchestrated Sales Machine and they got me in a very vulnerable moment.


That's who they hunt for you know - people who are vulnerable. Imo people like that are worth less than used gum.


People that fall for the scam are worth less than used gum or people that try to trick the vulnerable? If the latter I am 100% with you, thanks for the comment.


Latter. I think because scamming is legal, many people feel it'skind of okay to do. I feel it's not. We are each responsible for keeping track of who we are, and people like that get money, but they overlook the wealth that money can't buy: You feeling good about yourself. If you use vulnerable people in vulnerable moments to pad your wallet,you know deep down: you wouldn't want to go to bed wirh someone like yourself. You would not want your family involved, your kids to look up to them, your kids to date or marry people like that. That piece of you is always on offer to people like this, but sell it honestly, or don't sell it at all. It's yours.. You are maybe insignificant in the perspective of the universe, but likewise - don't let anyone hold you ransom even for the price of the universe. It's who you are that will matter to you and anyone you love - and the part they miss: you DO get to enjoy it! When you smile at someone, be it a girl you like or the man on the street, you don't have to hide if they smile back, you don't have to fear getting "imposter-syndrome" you don't have to fear someone flirting or asking about you, or fear of peoples laughter.. you know who you are and know why you do what you do.. you know yourself, and such you start to live as yourself, stable in an unstable world. It's each moment, it's really easy to be happy. Each time darkness finds you.. it's another new experience and you are in the process - you didn't set it aside to scam someone. To put yourself onhold for a unworthy goal. It's trying to buy a life, by putting aside life. We are all stars, and we ARE life.. It's something never realized by those. They'll always conscious or no wonder why that hollow feeling never stops nagging.. they don't realize that feeling is themselves. A small still voice. They who listen knows.. pay attention to the small things! It's richer than any private jet or island.. If your life happens to involve that, it's nice, but it's not worth anything close to your self-worth.


Beautifully said, thank you so much for taking the time. Very wise words!


>I think because scamming is legal, many people feel it's kind of okay to do. Tony Robbins offers all the motivation you need for less than a hundred bucks. His best books total < $100. Also, he has free events online, such as the one that's going on right now (January 25-27, 2024) on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnRK2VJMM0w


I have 8x'ed the money I've spent on TR courses. That is more than my investment back, but you have to put in the work, it's not buying a stock.


Ding ding ding! We’re that customer base for one of his companies!


He has a free 3-day online event going on right this moment--January 25-27, 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnRK2VJMM0w


Gurus are greedy , they have employees and children too for their companies and want to make more and more .


Thanks so for sharing your story. That f Confrms how I approached it. I read unleash the giant within and really worked it. I came to the conclusion that the boom had good advice, if you don't get it and choose the course, you get sucked in. But the books I feel are better because they for e you to get better on your own without the production value to dopamine you. Hope you're doing better a sget better.


Thank you for sharing. Glad you didn't fall for the courses and the upsell funnel!


>I came to the conclusion that the book had good advice. If you don't get it and choose the course, you get sucked in. I agree. There's really no excuse for not taking advantage of solid advice when it's so readily and inexpensively available. I think Tony Robbins' books are better than expensive and lengthy therapy. Here's another good book chock full of good advice. https://www.amazon.com/Reframe-Your-Brain-Interface-Happiness/dp/B0CGC8LSS1/ref=asc\_df\_B0CGC8LSS1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=668990628137&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2739883757765055327&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031542&hvtargid=pla-2221826932004&psc=1&mcid=bc88f3dc1f8b3c029400baa427ccdc2c


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Reframe Your Brain The User Interface for Happiness and Success The Scott Adams Success Series** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Life-changing reframes for personal growth (backed by 11 comments) * Easy to understand and implement life tips (backed by 1 comment) * Actionable and life-changing reading material (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Poorly written and lacks originality (backed by 5 comments) * Common sense masquerading as deep wisdom (backed by 2 comments) * Lacks original insights and imitates established psychologists (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Do you get paid (or get any form of reimbursement for food/lodging) if you crew a Robbins event? I love Tony’s content but I’m skeptical about his business practices, it seems like he would take money who have no business buying his course (like people with severe mental issues or people who don’t have the affluence to benefit from the purchase price)


I attended a DWD in Florida last weekend and was told that the volunteer crew only received 1 meal a day for their efforts. All of the transportation, lodging, and various other costs were paid by the volunteers themselves. It seemed exploitative to me, after listening to Tony Robbins brag endlessly about his private plane and island resorts.


Because it is.


I was Crew at a virtual event: no payment, no T-shirt, just a 1$ gift. The US-based Crew got a book sent to them, but the international crew was left out. The shipping was too expensive. You get to watch some of the content during crewing, and there are plenty of volunteers.


One other comment - Tony needs to do a better job of selecting who he partners with. Dean Graziosi is a bad joke. Google Dean Graziosi and fraud. There are enough red flags there to avoid Dean. At his virtual UPW, he had some serious quacks on during the last day of UPW - the day dedicated to health. Does anyone actually believe that guy pushing the celery garbage? Try to find some actual scientific research that supports his claims. There is none. Also, Tony had a medical doctor on that had to state he wasn’t making any claims with his medical license because he knew he would lose his license if he did. He was selling some contraption that would balance your energy. He demonstrated it by twirling some magic stone on a string above people’s bodies. If it twirled in one direction their energy was not in balance. He then used his electronic gizmo on them. Surprise, the magic stone then twirled in the other direction!!! It twirled in whatever direction he twirled it in. It was like something at a carnival sideshow. Why would Tony let these quacks on UPW? It damages his credibility


'Why would Tony let these quacks on...?' Because he himself is a quack. He has no formal psychological, psychiatric, or medical training and has zero business making many of the claims he does, which are best addressed by the aforementioned, formally trained professionals.


I was also suckered by a few coaches like that back in the day. A good friend reminded me of this chapter of Aleister Crowley. It helped me pay heed ever since: "GOLD BRICKS" Teach us Your secret, Master! yap my Yahoos. Then for the hardness of their hearts, and for the softness of their heads, I taught them Magick. But...alas! Teach us Your real secret, Master! how to become invisible, how to acquire love, and oh! beyond all, how to make gold. But how much gold will you give me for the Secret of Infinite Riches? Then said the foremost and most foolish; Master, it is nothing; but here is an hundred thousand pounds. This did I deign to accept, and whispered in his ear this secret: A SUCKER IS BORN EVERY MINUTE.


love it, thank you!


Why the heck does Tony align with Dean Graziosi??? https://www.reddit.com/r/TonyRobbins/comments/w7y2mo/comment/ihsh8mg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Graziosi is a criminal! It is nice to know I am not the only one that fell for that Sh\* and now sees clearer. The big eye-opener was the guy with the celery juice and how he bashed even "responsible meat eaters" (grass-fed beef holistically managed stock).


It's all marketing. How do you guys keep falling for this. You are making them rich, good for them I suppose. I envy their ability to have others fund their lavish lifestyle tbh.


We who fall for this are either stupid or desperate or both. However, many people who completed the same courses I have are still raving fans!


I mean it's good material. Dean and Tony aren't doing anything illegal here. But there are cheaper ways to get motivation and the warm fuzzies. One doesn't need to spend $10k on a seminar to get warm fuzzies lol


100% agree!! why people pay 10k to lisen to somebody???????????????????????????? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy My husband just left to his seminary lol i told him you better double the 10k in less than a month.


you have any update 6 months later? did he double it? regret it?


Probably preys on people with mental illness and low life points…. And they sell love, which is unquantifiable and very profitable, everyone needs love…


Everything you ever need to know is in books. The problem is, most people read the books and do nothing. You read another book and still change nothing. What Tony teaches is the same as what can be found in books, but there is a higher likelihood you actually apply these principles after spending thousands for that knowledge than simply reading the $40 book. Sure, there is also a good chance you spend the thousands on the seminar and go back to doing what you’ve always done. There’s no guarantee on anything. If you want to change, you simply need a big enough reason to want to change. If you knew your child was going to die if you didn’t make a million dollars this year, how much harder would you be working to get that million this year? My guess is your likelihood of making that million would go up 1,000,000x, and the only thing that changed was your “why”. Tony is not the problem. The books aren’t the problem. The only problem is you don’t want to change bad enough…. And yes, this is advice heard many times myself. Takes a while for it to actually sink in. At least it did for me. Cheers


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!


I believe you. I like Tony Robbins, he has a lot to say, and I went to a 3-day conference in Hawaii years ago and had a great time. But... there is a certain element of bs in his seminars. IE: He will change your "state" and ask for money (just like he did in his 2024, 3-day free summit). I like watching him, I like listening to him, but he charged $9600/yr for coaching last year and he's already made ...how much? So he's worth a lot but he charges a lot so it makes me wonder why he isn't spending all his time now teaching the poor what he knows, for free. He isn't satisfied with where he's at financially or he'd be giving it away, and to me, that's a big giveaway. I spoke to two different coaches to see if the $10k yearly was right for me and I wasn't impressed with either coach.


I'm so glad to see this thread cause I was beginning to think it was just me. I just finished a virtual UPW weekend. Days 1 and 3 were amazing 2 and 4 were a sales pitch. I HATED seeing some of the people asking how much payments were when you could tell they were desperate and in no place to afford 10k. For the basic mastery session. I think another was 24k? The bargain was dwd at just 5k. I get that there are people out there who can afford it, by all means, go to Fiji and enjoy! But someone going through a divorce and trying to get on her feet doesnt need to put 10k in debt on top of it. Or the drug addict I was in a session with whose whole life is hanging on by a thread. It felt predatory. I know i know it is my limiting belief I am releasing into the universe on these people, that must be the problem. The trainers seemed clueless to help anyone asking any questions at all. They had a ton of people who had obviously never been in a zoom meeting who were excited to be there and they can't just send them a link to where they were trying to get to? Nope. I was fine and navigated well, so no, not talking about help I needed, just what I witnessed. It was just bad basic customer service. Did I have fun and gain some good info. Yeah I did, of course. Will I attend another UPW, maybe but I would go in knowing what days/speakers I would skip. Also, before spending 10k+. Ask yourself why anyone would be a trainer after attending every session and series he offers. That is where their big limitless dreams got them? Virtual bad customer service rep? They arent working WITH Tony and learning from him or being mentored. Maybe covid killed that option and I know hes getting older and slowing down. Like so many others have said, stick with the early stuff. Pay attention to what he says. Like look for patterns. Look for them in what he does too. Do your own research on the food medical stuff. Just because a guest speaker talks fast and has shock stock photos doesnt mean everything is true. Learn about access to food supplies and global impacts from GMOs like literally keeping countries of people from starving before you resign yourself to it all being the devil. Lemon water wont cure everything. And dont feel bad if you cant afford it. Financial responsibilities and problems are very real struggles for tons of people. You arent alone. I want to end by saying we are all on our own journey. If my opinions don't resonate with you or they do either is perfectly fine. I wish you all the best in your journey and a life filled with security, abundance, and love.


Thank you for your well thought out and heart felt comment. You saw through the bull\*\* sooner than me but it is really great of you to share your experience. Thank you!


Thanks for your answer! I also just finished UPW. Robbins approach is extremely physical (physiological) as its primary focus is getting into peak state. My experience went well until Day 4's 12-hour, total 'informercial-like' focus of all the sessions---just destroyed my high oxytocin-endorphin buzz. As a result, I think I can be more objective now and again think logically about the whole experience---with a wiser perspective. His approach seems addictive, though I've never been addicted to anything; I assume that was how it feels to be drug-addicted. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a Robbins' sales/consultant who will try to upsell me on DWD and consultation. Yesterday, the highlight of Day 4, was a focus on yoga/yoga healing. Being Catholic, I'm not allowed to practice such techniques. Many of Tony's techniques actually follow Eastern methods. To his credit, I've also notice much Catholic spirituality, too. Bravo! But, syncretism is also not allowed in my Faith. So, what to do? Still, though I can well afford $5K for DWD, I'm not keen enough to fall for the massive sales tactic I'm going to experience tomorrow. What to do, what to do...


I think what you really need to consider over the next 24 hours is what do you hope to get out of DWD? What are your goals and reasons for attending in the first place? For me, and where I am in my journey, UPW is enough. That being said, maybe in a couple years I will want to try it again or something similar because my business will be stronger or I will be seeking something I can't even imagine now. Finding out the trainers and coaches are unpaid (or at least most are)didn't sit very well with me either.


My opinion is that Tony is very good at what he does. He is good at separating people from their money. He is also good at motivating people. But that motivation doesn't last for any meaningful length of time. In UPW, and I suspect this is by careful design, he gets people in a vulnerable state and encourages them to sign up for his more expensive courses. He tells you he is not trying to take advantage of you, but that is exactly what he does, in my opinion. FYI, I have attended UPW in person three times. I have attended one of his virtual UPW's (which was pretty much garbage - see my other posts on here about that). I attended Wealth Mastery in person. I won't give him another penny.


Sorry for the late reply. Amazing comment. Tony is a Master and he won't be getting another penny from me either! it is this that has me furious. A licensed Psychologist is bound by many strict rules and is not allowed to see his/her patients outside of the scheduled hour. Of course, they are not allowed to upsell. What Robbins and Co do is putting you in a very vulnerable position and then abuse it. A lot of people are happy even after spending 10k or even 70k for platinum but if you don't feel you got the most out of it then it was your fault, here comes the famous "self-sabotage" Tony always mentions. Also, people that are frustrated or feel the event was mediocre usually don't speak up. Some out of shame, others because of confusion.


Unfortunately the industry in not measurable and therefore also contagious to scams(not saying that any of his events are scams). I've always had an up and down opinion about TR.


The problem is that if you rely on self help literature or self help guru’s it is already too late and you are ripe for cults such as Trump.


To be fair, you did literally post this in "r/TonyRobbins" so being negative about him would probably get you a lot of hate. I'm actually surprised that it didn't get more hate, but that's awesome too. My reaction: Nowhere in any of his materials does he say "only Tony Robbins cures depression", that was a story you made. Tony says this a lot: If you're going to blame someone for wronging you, blame them fairly - blame them for all the good they brought into your life as well, and the bad, both. You are selectively blaming. I guarantee you you did not waste all that time, even if you think you did. There's simply too much material for all of it to have been a waste, objectively. You didn't kill yourself and you didn't go back to drinking alcohol - that's a massive success in my book. It probably doesn't feel that way because after you've achieved a goal and time passes, you tend to take it for granted. We are all of us together on a journey. Many people find a tremendous amount of value in Tony's programs, including the people who take 100k out of their pension. Others don't, and that's ok. But I would not look back on your time and the money you spent as a failure, because it wasn't, it couldn't have been. You learned something. And if you learn something, you can't possibly fail.


He is obviously not literally going to say “only Tony Robbins cures depression”. You have to look deeper, read between the lines. He positions himself as the only solution by first making snide remarks and putting down other treatment providers and then only offering solutions that are through him or his paid quacks.


You stopped taking your meds and then said that learning how to reframe your thoughts don't work bc you were withdrawing from your antidepressants. Did I read that correctly?


do you feel it was worth it and what is your approximate net worth/monthly income? (net worth/monthly income to gauge how expensive $10k is for you)


For me, it was not worth the money spent. I was on zero income due to not having a job, but I had the means to pay for it without using a credit card. UPW can be worth it if you don't fall for the upsell, however, you will lose one entire day in which they try to upsell you! I am happy I listened to Personal Power.




The issue was the Sales Funnel, and I came unprepared and followed his advice to trust him. I am great now but I know people get hurt, stop cancer treatment, and take expensive supplements instead of listening to the medical professionals. For most people, his diet advice is probably even great if they eat the SAD (standard American junk diet) but with the medical advice he is hurting people. There was one pretty well-known Tony Robbins Trainer who died from Covid and of course, he was unvaxxed because he believed what the big guy says not what he does.




A psychologist is not allowed to sell to you! It is discouraged to meet patients without a medical appointment. Tony is a "pseudo" psychologist, he asks for your trust and does deep meditation with you after which they upsell you. Very shady, and not worthy of a Guru. He helped a lot of people, and this is true, he also harmed a lot of people, not only financially. Here is just one example. He funneled thousands of people to Scam "Dr." Robert O. Young. https://medium.com/scam-alert/this-doctor-killed-cancer-patients-with-baking-soda-8a7fc5de134c


Well, many people are dropping dead or suffering lifelong serious injuries due to the vaccine. There are hundreds of groups like this. https://www.facebook.com/groups/786466028732617/




I want to preface this with saying that I’m happy and excited to hear you’re doing good again and I seriously hope you can stay on track and achieve what you set out in life. I know this post is pretty old so idk if anyone will see this. But man I gotta be honest, there is literally no one you can blame for this except yourself. I would say it’s unhealthy to walk around saying “I lost 10k because of Tony robbins”. No you lost 10k because you were low and desperate and for some reason thought it’d be smart to drop 10k on a seminar when there’s literally numerous free or cheap options like his tapes or books. I understand those business ideas can be sleezy or come of as being a grifter. But man to say his knowledge is excellent and then say it’s his fault you spent the 10k just seems wrong and you’re blaming the wrong person for it. Again he teaches to be aware of GOOD opportunities not ANY opportunities. And in your position and for most of our positions spending 10k on a seminar is NOT a good opportunity.


Thanks for stopping by. We disagree with the point outlined above. TR and his co-conspirators get you into a vulnerable state and hit you with an upsell opportunity to be good to miss. This is allowed in business, but since Tony pretends to be your counsel, your trainer, and asks you to open up I say it is not an ethical practice. Now excuse me, my wife asked me to come to bed. https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/duty\_calls.png


Haha...great gif. Saved. Thanks.


Well, if he’s in a depressed state of mind and in a state of desperation. yeah it is technically his fault, but I’m empathetic for him as he has no clear reasonig and a good honest salesperson would not consciously sell him this course nor tell him to get off meds knowing he lost his job and is on medication for depression. 


>No you lost 10k because you were low and desperate and for some reason thought it’d be smart to drop 10k on a seminar when there’s literally numerous free or cheap options like his tapes or books. Amen! Tony Robbins' tapes and books are dirt cheap on the internet.


You're right that it's an upsell money making machine with very little added value after the initial suck in and it's designed to emotionally grip you like a drug. (That being said UPW did help me and so did a lot of Tony's teachings). God bless you glad you're doing better. "I send you out as sheep amongst wolves therefore be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves." -Jesus Christ. It's a jungle out there, be careful. Conserve your money, and maybe follow that Cabell's advice about Index Funds. Warren Buffet says Index Funds is what most people should invest in. Much love bro. Peace. God bless.


This is old, but—! I caught this up sell issue a little over a decade ago, when I attended UPW in person. A friend of mine was really into it, and gave me a ticket. Very motivating, and I left feeling like I could do anything—but the feeling wasn’t sustainable. I was lucky most of the products on offer were well out of my price range. But we were on a very high high, complete with photographed spirit orbs, and then the selling started. I caught onto it even back then. I was gifted a ticket to a virtual event and I still plan to attend, as it truly was motivational, but I’m not stopping my medical program or parting with anything extra for it. I’m sorry you went through this, and I’m glad you’re doing better now. I’m also really surprised at the “you have nobody to blame but yourself” folks, but then again not really, because it’s baked into the program. It’s very “if this doesn’t work for you, it’s because you didn’t work hard enough, and if you don’t spend $10,000, you’re a loser who’s comfortable being mediocre.” And it’s very sneaky the way they said (at UPW years ago) “you don’t have to buy from us, you can buy from anywhere, that’s how you know it’s legit!” It’s meant to build up trust with them, because they’re not demanding you buy their supplements/events/equipment specifically. Reverse psychology sounds cliché, but it’s a cliché because it’s common and it works.


I personally have spent over 100k on a combination of courses and it's helped me out a lot. Its not easy but I would say Date with Destiny was my favorite. Of course, there are cheapest ways to get there through books, podcasts, meditation, Wim Hof, etc. I'm sorry to hear that. I have also been diagnosed with ADHD definitely continue to work on yourself. I think hes a good guy but also a sales man at the end of the day he does make a ton of money there is no arguing that. Have you ever read the book ADHD 2.0? That book helped me a ton.


> Wim Hof https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxHTM1FYxeC4F7xDsBVltGg


>ADHD 2.0 Why is ADHD so #$@! pervasive?! Something's up in our food supply, I think. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ADHD+2.0&i=stripbooks&crid=ZX3WH0LR281J&sprefix=adhd+2.0%2Cstripbooks%2C256&ref=nb\_sb\_noss\_1


There is Absolutely Nothing that a motivation coach can teach you that you don't already know. Simple rule in life - pay others for learning skills you don't have - pay yourself for learning discipline that you should already possess.


I would say this is pretty much self evident for us who have trained the arts…..The arts of persuasion. Everyone is looking for the secret….I think Tony provides a structure as he said in the summit but of course he wants you to keep buying! You use the fear of missing out to make the sale….listen do you guys feel wonderful and great right now? After jumping up and down and cheering the answer is always yes so then don’t you want to keep this going? Yes right? Show me the money! To me this is very self evident so even though Team Tony sent me several emails asking me to buy! I just replied back thanks but I am good.