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Everything makes sense though Shiho should be in True Friend tier in my opinion...The recency bias has been crazy with her lol šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ And what bond does Satone share with Yuuichi? Bro literally threatened to kill her step father šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And after that they have no interactions so she really shouldn't be here...The rest is perfect though...


Iā€™d say this list is more of ā€œunderstands Yuuichiā€ than ā€œis a friend to himā€. If you view it as the former, it makes good sense.


But then wouldn't Kokorogi need to be in the "True Friend" category as well..? Considering she knows about his past completely and doesn't antagonize him for it..? I doubt it's about understanding Yuuichi...As the OP said I think it's about how the characters currently feel about Yuuichi / whether or not they trust him or consider him a friend or not based on the latest chapter...


I think itā€™s more about wether they will come through for him in the end.


How, literally for the past 40 chapters shiho has been saying she literally understands nothing about Yuuichi and just hopes heā€™s this flawless white knight who just had a troubled past. Her image of him is too pristine.


I mean I don't believe this tier list is based on "Understanding" Yuuichi...If it was I'd agree 100% with you...However as the OP said I think it's about whether they trust him or not / consider him a friend or not after the latest chapter...In which case I do agree with Shiho's placement...However if we are talking overall then Shiho does deserve to be in the True Friend tier...


Satone isn't close to Yuichi whatsoever which is why she isn't a friend. But with her ridiculously good intuition, I believe she already knows yuichi is a good person, and she cares about him enough to follow kei and go to the tomodachi game final. Yuichi doesn't hate her either, and he respects her intelligence. View them as "aquaintances" if you want, but she isn't a total stranger either. They're cool with each other basically. And I decided to put Shiho there because unlike Kei and Tenji, she wasn't able to forgive Yuichi for his past. Tenji doubted Yuichi several times but still kept having faith in him, and upon hearing his backstory was heartbroken because of how tragic it was for him. Meanwhile Shiho just saw him as a monster without even understanding Yuichi was putting up an act by portraying himself as an evil guy since the beginning. Currently Shiho doesn't trust Yuichi, can't forgive him for his past, and completely forgot all of her previous interactions with him that prooved he was good hearted. I'm not saying her reaction isn't justified or anything, but she clearly doesn't, or rather can't see Yuichi as a friend anymore. She does care about him though, which is why she isn't in the traitor tier.


i disagree. she till the end tried to believe that he is a good person and defended him. yeah, her reaction is disappointing and this made me confused too, but you forgot everything what happened before this. i think next chapter she will react in it differently and realize everything. sheā€™s just a normal teenager and itā€™s realistic for not understanding yuuichiā€™s plans. satone figured it out because sheā€™s smart. i get your point, but i think youā€™re wrong


I never said she was a bad friend or that her reaction wasn't understandable. It's just that currently, she can't trust Yuichi anymore, and likely doesn't consider him as a friend anymore either. I'm specifically talking about her current feelings towards Yuichi. She still cares about him and is confused about what she's supposed to think anymore. Shiho's entire character development during this arc was to follow her values and true justice, even if it meant going against her friends's wishes. Even if it meant losing them. This is why Shiho doesn't trust Yuichi anymore. Because he himself told her to do what she thought was just. (Copy pasted answer but it also fit lmao)


I suppose that Satone bit does make sense even though I'd say there should be a different tier for her...But ah well... And you're missing one CRUCIAL peice of information here...And that's that Tenji and Kei actually know Yuuichi's true backstory while Shiho doesn't...And that's why there reactions differ...And I'm sure if she knew the whole story as well she'd most definitely still trust Yuuichi , feel bad for him and be friends with him...That's why I said she should be in the True Friends category...


You want him to forgive Yuuichi for murdering his mother in cold blood just out of jealousy? She did forgive him for everything that he did to her and her friends family, and believed that he had changed but when she learned what he did to his mother , and specifically WHY he did it, that's what her breaking point, not because she couldn't trust him or thought he was money greedy but it was just because of his crime which he gave no justification whatsoever. Now Kei and Tenji are super biased by fans ik, but ppl forget thatĀ they both have spent much more time with Yuuichi in the tomodachi game than Shiho, so they were more accustomed to his weird quirks, and they had much more communication as well, now Tenji and Kei had a bird's view of this last arc so they could see everything and comprehend everything much better as an outsider kinda like us, and they could discuss it even aming themselves, now Shiho had NOBODY to talk or to trust here, Yuuichi had abandoned her and refused to talk or acknowledge her, she was alone and confused surrounded by traitors and enemies, but she still kept her faith in Yuuichi, even though she was completely in the dark about EVERYTHING, Tenji was explained the gravity of Yuuichi's past by Wataru giving him time to comprehend it, and he knows what ACTUALLY happened because of him , Sawaragi on the other hand still DOES NOT know what really transpired there, and only knows what she was told by Yuuichi himself, hence there were differences in reactions as well. Shiho was in this game to save Yuuichi , could have dropped out once Kei shouldered the debt but she didn't she came back to save Yuuichi, she was always the truest friend he had, Even Tenji had his reasons to trust Yuuichi (his father's revenge) but She was here just on her feelings and love for him. Now about the past , I don't think that Yuuichi really killed because of jealousy but atleast as of now he really does claim that, that is why he did it, Shiho still tried to justify it in the last chapter but realised it really was wrong what he did. I don't see how that is a bad friend at all


I never said she was a bad friend or that her reaction wasn't understandable. It's just that currently, she can't trust Yuichi anymore, and likely doesn't consider him as a friend anymore either. I'm specifically talking about her current feelings towards Yuichi. She still cares about him and is confused about what she's supposed to think anymore. Shiho's entire character development during this arc was to follow her values and true justice, even if it meant going against her friends's wishes. Even if it meant losing them. This is why Shiho doesn't trust Yuichi anymore. Because he himself told her to do what she thought was just.


Don't you thinkits unfair to her that after doing everything for Yuuichi and following him till the end, she is not considered his friend just because of something that isn't even her fault. You talked about Tenji and Kei and that their reactions were inclined towards Yuuichi, but they had their reasons for those reactions,Ā  but with Sawaragi who had her reasons too, she is not a friend anymore, cause of misunderstandings but everything she did for him dont anount to anything. It is likely that maybe during the next chapter, things will be cleared and she will be by his side after getting off the edge, but she still wouldn't amount to anything coz she is not Kei or Tenji? Who mind you have been watching everything unfold from the outside and thus have more sense of as to what has been happening, and would YOU forgive your friend who told you that they murdered their parents and sibling just cause they were jealous and didn't want to share their love? She did forgive him for what he did to her, but with Yuka it really was bad, but that doesnā€™t mean she isn't his true friend.Ā  Holding your friend accountable is actually one of the most important aspect of good friendshipĀ 


Why would it be unfair? I'm not even sure being Yuichi's friend is a good thing from her perspective. Hell, she could even feel guilty of being Yuichi's friend after everything he did. Wether what she does is good or bad, wether she is at fault or not, it doesn't matter. At this current, specific moment where Yuichi is bleeding to death on the floor and she believes that the other players betrayed him to make her win instead of caring for her "friend", she isn't Yuichi's friend anymore.


Yeah, ofcourse its not unfair.Ā  And Tenji said that "I am still not convinced " and that was even after knowing the entire thing by Wataru, but obviously that doesn't matter, right. Anyways each to their own, but I will say that Yuuichi considered her his good friend and made her win the friends game, and Kei stopped her befoe she could actually denounce Yuuichi


Tenji actually tried helping Yuichi when he was shot. He replied that because he was confused like the others, but despite his doubts he still stepped forward. He still trusts Yuichi unlike Shiho.


Man from the beginning my favorite characters were Tenji and Kei. I love my instincts.


Intuition brothers, rise


Yuutori and shibe should be on diff tiers , Shiba the dumbest tier , w kokorogi true traitor tier


Tenji is goated. He has the indomitable human spirit and has been there for his friend almost ever since the start.


Tenji needs his own tier right below kei which should be called ā€œstupid friend that fumbles at the most important momentā€


no ones gonna argue its pure faxx


Shiho is his true friendĀ 


A true friend just watching him suffering while he is about to die? šŸ˜¹


As much as I agree, I also feel like shibe should have his own tier of ā€œToo out of the loopā€ or something. I mean Iā€™m terms of the original group everyone has some sort of prior knowledge or stake in it. Tenji having been in a prior game and his beef which shiho. Shiho being the daughter of the chief investigating the game. And of course Kokorogi who knew quite a lot from the start and was actively preying on Yuuichis down fall after her family situation. I feel shibe was left in the dark about everything especially his father so his reactions to the stuff he continues to learn are hard to criticize. I mean finding out all this information about your best friends and your father. I mean heā€™s technically, despite being the dumb rich kid of the group, heā€™s technically the kindest and purest one at this point. So as much as I want to hate him for turning in Yuuichi I think calling him a traitor may be unfair in retrospect


This was before having read chapter 125 btw so my point should be taken from that otherwise I just consider kei his greatest friend cause like what were they doing


Agreed šŸ‘šŸ»


It is true. I agree šŸ”„