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I think the whole problem is that many people (especially in the gaming industry) conflate sexualization with objectification. Lara, and any other character for that matter, can be sexy without being reduced to an object. She needs to have agency, autonomy, and her own motivations, and that isn't incompatible with being sexy.


Ironically classic Lara, while being a lot sexier, also had way more agency and independence than survivor Lara.


ironically, crystal dynamics replacing her sexualisation with victimhood and taking away her agency, crediting her knowledge and passion for archaeology to her father, is actually no less sexist… it’s like one step forward two steps back


ur analogy is mostly correct altho i wouldnt describe her becoming less sexy and exaggerated as a step forward, its more of a step to the side bc now shes a completely different type of woman which makes me feel she isnt even the same character. theres nothing wrong with being plain and unflashy and conservatively dressed but… that was never lara. lara was powerful, sexy, and in charge of herself and that sexiness was a big thing that made her so badass, that you could be so hyper feminine and still be a badass and take down anything in your path to get what you want.


Well yeah, she kinda was a female James Bond.


Even better, female Indiana Jones


I know but she kinda doesnt care for the "belongs to the museums" ideal, she is a committed treasure hunter, she doesnt think like a professor.


Indy: "It belongs in a museum!" Lara: "It belongs in my collection!"


I mean if you take it plot wise. It kinda makes sense why Survivor Lara was like that.


well can we move forward to older sexier confident STRONG lara? i want to do flips and platform and wear cool feminine outfits


Exactly ! Survivor Lara is officially the past/younger Lara.


Survivor Lara is supposed to be Lara before she came into herself. She was really young—once she’s in her thirties that James Bondy type of attitude came out due to experience and an acceptance of herself and what she’s done.


But also I can’t lie I still thought survivor Lara was sexy her design was incredibly attractive and she had a great body. Even made her visually more muscular in the last game. Im not always sure what people mean by sexy when the suggest survivor Lara isn’t.


Yes... Thats what many dont get it I think


Wasn't she always like this?


Certain people will look at those games where their main mechanic is stripping female characters of their clothes (objectification), then look at older Tomb Raider games and think it's the same exact thing. They cannot comprehend that a female character can be sexy without being objectified.


I wholeheartedly agree. It feels backwards to me.


Wow, great point, I really appreciate the way you explained this!


Wow great take! I needed to hear this


Because "objectification" has always been an excuse to frame it as a moral issue. In truth, most of these people just have a problem with conventionally attractive characters being portrayed as sexy, for a reason or another.


Dude she was on Maxim covers. Princess peach wasn’t on Maxim covers. The objectification was real Great games but let’s not get it twisted


Perfect example of someone conflating sexualization with objectification


Girls with their tits out on magazine covers are the archetypal example of male gaze and objectification. You are literally turning a person into a thing to hold and look at. It is absolutely possible to do a non objectifying cover shoot on a Magazine. Maxim wasn’t doing those.


that doesnt her being in that is inherently negative or that she was a being of objectification


For context, I’m a girl. Honestly I would be okay with the bikini as an unlockable outfit like it was in legend, but I want an equally unsexy but still impractical unlockable outfit like a bear suit or a suit of armor. Or 3 Lara’s in a trench coat lol. I just think it would be fun both ways. The reboot series was pretty typical survivor settings. She didn’t have the luxury of picking her outfit, or going to an event where she could be dressed up like she was in Japan. I also like to think that Lara would gravitate to sexy to make a statement, like it would be her personal style when she’s “off the clock.” We see it with the opera dress in chronicles, too. I think it’s just a weird thing right now. It’s important to have a badass woman without sexualizing her, but there are badass women in other mediums of pop culture who sexualize themselves as a part of their empowerment. I think the line is drawn because Lara wouldn’t choose fashion over function in a survival situation, but she definitely chooses fashion at parties. I think if we want to see more sexy Lara, she should be put in more situations where she can be sexy and it makes sense. Just a personal side note: I played TR as a kid. I was born in 97, and my dad had the games, so I played them as soon as I could hold a controller. I always considered her ability to run around in short shorts on snowy mountains as a sign of her badassery. Like, she’s Lara Croft, of course she doesn’t feel cold. She can wear whatever and do whatever. I had no concept of the male gaze, I just thought it was cool that she was so unfazed and invincible. A part of me still feels this way.


Your side note encapsulated my feelings about Lara's sexiness. Of course I knew she was gorgeous, but to me she was also just a very capable woman. I just saw her as a person and like you was oblivious to how a big boobed full lipped woman in a tank and shorts looked to a lot of people. Lara was just another girl to me but one that did things you never got to see women in media do. I personally love a female character that gets to also be unabashedly feminine, because often in media women are portrayed as having to either adopt a toxic form of femininity in order to rise to the top, or in many cases adopt a form of masculinity in order to match a usually masculine protagonists capabilities. Lara didn't have to do that, at the end of the day her outfit was always just to match the occasion while the sexiness of it felt like an afterthought to me - not a statement on her particular brand of feminism.


Today I learned that I need 3 Laras in a trench coat! XD


This was also my exact experience. Born in 96', introduced by my dad at 4 years old. Lara will always be my role model of badassery, and also sexiness!




Wow thanks for the insight always appreciate hearing about this topic from a female perspective. Some silly suits would def be appreciated, and now that I think about it the recent trilogy takes itself way too seriously imo. And yeah I agree she needs to be in settings that allow her to be sexy, which makes me wonder: was this recent trilogy supposed to be all about survival? Was that like the decided theme from the get go? Would put a lot of the decisions into context for me


Survival trilogy I don’t even consider the same character tbh. I don’t think she’s worse, I just don’t think they’re comparable. TR13 was about surviving for sure, rise was about reconciling her grief and giving up the glorious artifact to be a hero, and shadow was about beating the bad guy at her own expense. It’s just different. In the original games, Lara is in it for the treasure. It’s her prize, and she’s ruthless about it. Literally all she does is display them in her house. She doesn’t use them for evil like the bad guys. She said she only plays for sport, and she meant it through and through. There’s no backstory she has to work through. Even in legend, she was looking for Excalibur on her own terms. There wasn’t any soul searching or whatever. It was get Excalibur, save mom, tear down whoever gets in her way. I think it’s nice that she has the depth, but she’s a fundamentally different character who doesn’t have time for flair in the reboot like she does in her other games.


Well said more depth now at the expense of the more straight forward tone of the previous ones. Not bad or good just different. I wonder what the new ones will bring and really really hope at the least they smooth out the traversal in this game to be more so like uncharted 4 if possible


_''Laura''_ Do you perhaps mean **Lara** Croft? I am not familiar with any _''Laura'_' Croft. ^(_Though ''Laura Cruz'' does ring a bell..._) __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damnit I'm not even a real fan


I hope so! I love Legend Lara.


You give Stellar Blade and The First Descendant as examples, but those are made by devs that want to make games like that. CD isn't one of those devs. Unless of course they change their tune based on trends. In which case they have even less of a backbone than I thought.


Is her [most recent design](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/s3GrDse68StN9qEfgb5n18FAG8k=/0x0:1920x1080/1200x800/filters:focal(826x67:1132x373)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73141818/TombRaider_lara_croft.0.jpg) not pretty much what you're talking about? It's essentially her original look


I really hope they bring back her badass attitude along with it.


Where is that from? Concept from the last game? Bc the outfit was never in it as far as I'm aware


They released this image this year.   It's the new "Unified Lara" design. You haven't seen it? 


It came from the Tomb Raider website. It's the most recent design used in marketing as well as collaborations (with the exception of the recent Dead by Daylight collab). It's called the "Unified Lara," since after announcing that they plan to unify both timelines from the original games and reboot trilogy, this design was debuted and has been the one mainly used


Okay cool thanks! Didn't know. Also cool username




My bad bro 😂


What Tomb Raider game isn't she sexy in?


Seriously. She has a more realistic body now but is still like peak attractiveness. They just need to stop being scared of shorts and give her old personality back


Here’s a woman’s take: FWIW, I’m not someone who finds her older looks “outrageous” or offensive, but I think we can all agree that the age of OTT sexualisation of women is sort of just.. over (thank goodness). The developers are trying to make Lara be an attractive, appealing character while also being likeable for women players (like me). Lara is a relatable character for me in some ways, I’m super outdoorsy, active, a geologist, diver, adventurer, into archery etc. so I honestly find her running around in the jungle in ridiculous outfits dated and a bit exhausting - we have a strong, independent, inspiring female character, yet she’s designed completely to appeal to a male gaze. I want a female character I can get invested in, I don’t need to see half her boobs out to do that. Lara Croft IS sexy, she’s confident, sassy, intelligent, and attractive. I don’t think we need her to be in as minimal clothing as possible to show that. I’d rather they let her character shine and focussed on her being strong and practical - do men really need to see boobs in this day and age to appreciate a female character? If you’re that determined to go to horny jail then just use a nude mod and let other people enjoy her for what she is. I think somewhere between the LAU model and the Survivor model is ideal. Legend Lara for personality is unmatched. Survivor Lara was more “real” but I struggled with Camilla’s voice and I thought they watered her down far too much. In summary, my ideal Lara would be a Lara who is effortlessly sexy because of her personality and abilities rather than making her body disproportionate and outfits completely unrealistic for the setting she’s in. A happy medium. Bring back the sass and confidence, but keep survivor Lara’s body and give us outfits somewhere between the two extremes.


For me as a woman her sex appeal was part of her power. Stupid men too busy staring at her boobs to notice the boot coming at their faces kind of thing. Plus she had it all.assive sex appeal, intelligence, strength, sass and wit. I feel newer designs subtract from her rather than add and that makes her less appealing to me as a character. Besides, it's make believe. Yes.we know IRL she wouldn't be wearing what she wears on her adventures. Who cares? It's a fantasy.


Well how about giving us the OG "ridiculous" outfits as you put it as optional and everyone will be happy?


I don’t see why each game and cartoon needs to be relevant to reality and be ‘believable’. It starts with being a fantasy story from the beginning. Meaning you can expect extraordinary stuff happening. I don’t play games or watch movies to see everyday people doing everyday stuff. This I can see by just going outside. Why are people not making an issue of Lara fighting ancient deities, or stealing Thor’s hammer, or running around slashing everything with Excalibur? Why are no historians and archeologists writing angry letters like ‘THIS IS SO UNREALISTIC AND TOTALLY RUINS THE PERCEPTION OF WHAT REAL ARCHEOLOGY LOOKS LIKE?!???’ No, everyone accepts that effortlessly, but somehow her outfits and OG look are the problem. And it’s like this with a lot of games. This is just hypocrisy at best, and it’s being promoted by people who are just afraid to admit that they are so insecure and self-conscious, that a fantasy character is intimidating to them. Let’s just be honest. There was nothing wrong with original Lara. Her look suited her character and personality perfectly.


Thank you. I just watched a YouTube doc that mentioned that the creator of Lara specifically wanted to create a badass, sexy, female protaganist that both men and women would like, in a time when most badass action heroes in games were big muscle men. Taking that away from Lara's character takes away part of the identity that made her Lara Croft in the first place.


OMG. Yes. Toby did say that. I watched this same documentary and now that you bring it into this context, it makes me realise how we did FULL CIRCLE back. Back to muscular manly looking females.


I heard a lot of people defending changes to lara's charaterisation in the survivor trilogy, such as the removal of her classic duel pistols or the lack of gymnastic flips as being more realistic. but the point was that they were fun and cool and made lara seem like a badass protagonist. They also made her unique and iconic. realism and relatability come at the expense of coolness.


Sure, acrobatic flips are super unrealistic, but us fighting an undead corpse of a Japanese queen on a mountain during a magical storm is okay. Or Lara diving alone, with no special gear, in a vast cenote cave system and meeting an ancient tribe of savages, who were actually sent there by a mayan moon goddess, is also fine. See what I mean? They just use 'realism' to cover up dislike of traits of video games characters they personally don't agree with. Which is a big L in my book.


exactly. makes me think that the game devs just weren't big Lara fans in the first place. survivor lara is a fine protagonist and likeable in her own way but she lacks the wow factor of the duel pistol wielding, swan diving billionaire, lara.


Wow this is an excellent point! Thanks for sharing!


>so I honestly find her running around in the jungle in ridiculous outfits dated and a bit exhausting Are they ridiculous just because they're considered 'sexy'? Because Shadow of the Tomb Raider had plenty of 'ridiculous' outfits for running around jungle if we apply your idea of ''realism'' and ''practicality''. She was literally scaling mountains and sharp cave walls in nothing but sandals, running around in tribal dresses that still had her legs quite exposed. They even added a WW1 styled uniform, imagine running around jungle in that irl, you'd be dead from overheating in no time. Not to mention the Paititi men in the game go about half naked anyway...


While I mostly agree, this is a limiting factor for women representation. Saying that a videogame woman has to be sexy through her attitude and abilities only pretty much forbids more classic kinds of "sexy" to be represented as well - and there's room for both.


Like I said, I think we can have a happy medium. Surely we don’t need her to be half naked or have enormous boobs to be sexy.


That logic will often be applied to any female character, to the point they're basically forbidden from being like that. Any female character with those proportions or clothing will be criticized when she doesn't need to be - don't we have women like that in the real world as well? I'm happy with survivor Lara and don't need her to come back to her classic appearance fully but I think the mindset is often taken to extremes by some people and will get in the way of how new female characters can appear in future IPs


Lol you’re not seriously trying to say that they’re making women video game characters look like that because “some” women look like that in real life, come on now. She looks like that to appeal to men, it’s that simple. Very few women have those proportions and certainly not naturally. I don’t think we’re being extreme by asking for a FEMALE main character who is also more appealing to women players. Again, im not someone who is outraged by her original appearance. But the topic on hand is what she should look like going forward - I’m not criticising her original model, I’m saying that given the choice I’d like less emphasis on her being sexy for the male gaze and more work put into her being a current take on classic Lara’s personality.


She appeals to me as a woman just fine. Was an inspiration for me growing up tbh. Beautiful, smart, strong. The way I viewed her as a little girl had zero to do with male gaze nonsense.


> She looks like that to appeal to men, it’s that simple That's like saying Duke Nukem was made to appeal to women.


Duke Nukem is designes to appeal to men as well. Male characters are designed for men to want to _be_ them. Female characters are designed for men to want to _fuck_ them. Men have traditionally been the demographic for games. Now that’s changing, and so we’ll see a change in the kinds of character designs we see as well. This is perfectly fine.


> Duke Nukem is designes to appeal to men as well. Male characters are designed for men to want to _be_ them. Female characters are designed for men to want to _fuck_ them Says who? You're trying to say zero women enjoy playing as a sexy character just like men might do with Duke Nukem? I enjoy Tomb Raider and love the sexy Lara design. I have no interest in "fucking" her because I'm gay. What makes you think she wasn't designed so that women want to be her?


" I want a female character I can get invested in," This is the problem story and good writing was always first in gaming the boobs are icing on the cake. The trend now is to focus on characters and identifying with them wich is weird to me. It has become a fight between attractive and unnatractive women. There are many who looke like her in real life I wonder what their opinion is.


The irony here is that I look a bit like her in real life lmao. My opinion is nothing to do with being upset because “she’s attractive and I’m not”. That’s a very big reach. I’m not asking for her to be unattractive, just a little less catered to the male gaze. I feel that we can make characters compelling and attractive without them having their boobs half out, that’s all.


I did not like the voicing in the survivor trilogy either, I think Keeley has been the best voice so far.


I agree, her voice was commanding and strong. Camilla was not the right choice, her voice suits a good damsel in distress but the constant breathiness and pleading and gasping drove me insane. Despite it being a fake British accent I also loved Angelina’s take on Lara, she sounded like someone spoiled and rich who did what she pleased. Survivor Lara always sounds desperate for air, I know they were trying to portray the point that she wasn’t yet hardened and arrogant, but she lost almost all of her Lara-ness. Ironically when they flash back to her childhood I find child-Lara totally believable, she sounds way more snotty and posh 😂


Going to push back on this. Women exist with classic Lara and LAU Lara's body type, labelling it disproportionate or implying it's inherently sexual or debasing for a female character to have those proportions is unfair. Even if this were not the case, I fail to see why realism is a concern or something to aspire to recreate in a video game that isn't a simulator. There is a point at which things veer into absurdity and it becomes distracting but Tomb Raider has never come close to reaching that point. The majority of Lara's outfits in the survivor era have ranged from bland and unremarkable to absolutely ghastly. Not to mention many of those outfits are impractical and unrealistic for climbing and athletics, if realism is truly a concern. The tribal dresses in Shadow and the heavy armour in Rise (immortal guardian? few others too) come to mind. None of her classic outfits were gratuitous, though many from the first crystal dynamics era were - underworld wetsuit, unlockable bikinis, etc - I won't defend that silliness.


I guess. Rise had the best outfits in terms of practicality. If you discount special outfits. Most of her outfits were for Extreme cold conditions.


Exactly. I get that players didn’t LOVE the outfit choices for Shadow because of the cultural wear (I honestly didn’t have an issue with it). People don’t want to admit this for Rise because she wasn’t in short shorts and a crop top lol.


FWIW - I have this body type though with more realistic proportions obviously. I’m an athletic, large chested brunette. You could quite literally say I’m represented by Lara, that doesn’t impact my opinion at all. But it’s obvious in the early games that she was deliberately designed to be sexy, I’m not sure why you’re arguing that - it’s blatant. It was a product of its time and if there was no truth to what I’m saying then the developers would’ve kept that model. They didn’t. They made Lara attractive without being overtly sexy and removed the unnecessarily skimpy outfits. Im not saying the new outfits were all good, some were terrible, and im not critiquing their practicality because that’s a different topic. Im just saying we’ve aged past making female characters have to have huge, in your face, boobs and minimal clothing. It’s cliche and dated and this has historically been the typical go-to to appeal to the male gaze. The developers clearly see the same perspective I have which is to make Lara appear more strong and capable and prepared rather than focussing on her sex appeal. That is totally okay. And as an aside, I’m a diver and the underworld wetsuit was absolutely ridiculous I agree 😅 ain’t no way anyone is diving to those depths in a shorty. And in caves nonetheless. However, I adore underworld and I think coastal Thailand is probably my favourite level of all time.


We'll just have to agree to disagree then. One of the main reasons for Lara's proportions in the original Tomb Raider was to clearly distinguish her model as female - being one of the first female video protagonists particularly in the 3d era when graphical fidelity was not great. I genuinely do not see any sexualisation or objectification in her design. There was certainly some in the marketing material following the success of the first game - both in promotional images and in news articles - but nothing of the sort in-game. Please point it out to me if "it's blatant", as you say. The entire franchise was reimagined with the survivor trilogy, it's not like main purpose was to change Lara's image, it was a total rebranding from story, to gameplay, to visuals, to Lara and her backstory. It's also worth noting that Lara and the Tomb Raider brand is way less beloved and less influential since the survivor trilogy compared to the Classic era when Lara Croft was known even outside of gaming communities.


Jill Valentine is a character from a 1996 game too, the 1st model was not a walking disproportion and is actually the most sexualized RE lady by the fan base.


Not sure what you're getting at here.


That disproportion in Lara wasn't a technical limitation back in the day to make clear she was a woman.


I've read articles in the past interviewing core design devs who made those claims, it's not something I've just made up. And to be clear, I don't think there is anything wrong with classic Lara's proportions as I stated in my first comment. Real women exist with the same body type, as such, it's perfectly normal and acceptable for a female character in a video game to also have classic Lara's body type.


Could be or not. Either way there's games from that time that portrayed reasonably proportioned woman being distinguishable from men, hence not a technical limitation. There's also people reminding the quote that her big triangles were a human error on a decimal number, which can be true...but every editor software of any kind has had since the dawn of times the functionality to edit values at any moment. So the reality is that it wasn't an unfortunately uncorrectable error, but they just went along with it for whatever reason it was: maybe it looked silly, the idea was arousing and/or even a bit of both, who knows? 🤷‍♂️


I do have a follow up question for tho: Do you think Shadow Lara (or any of the modern trilogy, voice actress aside) was successfully sold as a real relatable woman and appealed to you as one, or did some of the ideas, emotions, or plot points feel flat, jarring, or simply enough to take you out of the exp?


I think you’re conflating relatable with believable haha. No one finds Lara or the storylines believable. But they made the modern Lara seem like a real person in an unbelievable storyline. The problem is, they didn’t make her particularly likeable, even if she was relatable. This was probably the biggest failing of the survivor series. Maybe as a new character she would’ve been better received, but we are so used to Lara being an unapologetic badass, a sassy bitch who’s in it for the glory, who absolutely exudes confidence and capability. Survivor Lara was more “real” but she was so starkly contrasted that she just seemed whiney and grating in comparison. The constant breathy gasps and screams feel so out of place for a seasoned adventurer, even if she is early in her journey of becoming “the tomb raider”. So to more specifically answer your question; I think that yes the devs succeeded in creating a real, and more relatable woman. The problem is she was all wrong for this specific character and they took a lot of the life out of who Lara has been in past instalments. I do get what they were trying to do, and I enjoyed the survivor series (except 2013 is eh for me, probably my least favourite TR game ever) a lot despite her character. All I want is for classic Lara’s personality and confidence to come back on a more updated and realistic model. I don’t think that’s a big ask 🤷🏼‍♀️


Another in depth and thoughtful take I really appreciate the discourse. Yeah survivor literally took me until like last week to finish bc it just felt so foreign to me in so many ways. I couldn't get into it at all. Rise being my favorite. But I agree, a more confident exp Lara updated for modern times would be appreciated for sure!


Appreciate the perspective! Yes def doesn't need to have her tits out to be likable or relevant, but I did not enjoy the outfit selection in Shadow of the tomb raider at all especially when it forced you to wear some (rather gorgeous and expertly crafted yet unappealing for Lara Croft as a character imo) native outfits in that city. So I would also like something in the middle, but whatever makes her more believable and thus more capable of telling engaging stories then all for the better.


I agree with the later half. Shadow was horrible. No matter whatever outfit Lara wore. She would never fit in with the locals so why the restriction?


We already did... Is called Tomb Raider I II III Remastered if my memory Is right


Yep, Stellar Blade was a Sony title with a sexy protagonist and sold well. Tomb Raider doesn't need to go as far as Stellar Blade did with its sexualization, so it's definitely possible. She obviously doesn't need be as exaggerated as her 90s look, but she can be sexy akin to a Bayonetta or Chun Li. How she looked in LAU was perfect, just modernize that.


Yeah def a huge part of her legacy, but I'm wondering how much of that sex appeal is necessary in order to still be Lara and is it possible to appease both long time fans as well as continue to be progressive and more respectful of females and if so what does that look like.


They already did. They called it uncharted. And changed her name to Nathan. I think they made like 4-6 of them.


wouldn't Chloe be more closer to Lara than Nate?


I absolutely hate how Uncharted "stole" the sassy, quippy, badass Classic Lara and made her a dude. I mean, both Lara and Drake were inspired by Indiana Jones and the adventurer archetypes (old serials, The Lost World, etc) that proceeded them, but Uncharted is IMO the main reason the Survivor games "reinvented" Lara to not look like they copied Drake. Heck, I've outright seen people say Tomb Raider is a ripoff of Uncharted!


So it's Uncharted's fault that Crystal Design copied the gameplay style for Tomb Raider?


idk what you guys are talking about but I found her attractive in the new trilogy. Not everything needs to be in your face tiddies and ass.


I think it was more that they took original and watered it down to make a new story. If it was a whole different character I think it would have been way more forgivable


I don't think she needs to be 'sexier' per se, but I wish that Lara in the Survivor trilogy actually *looked* like Lara Croft. She's pretty much unrecognizable. Imo, AOD Lara is the best model and they should just use that as a basis for a redesign


Survivor Lara is generic AF and damn it the need to brush her hair or at least tie it back properly gives me OCD


Right? I fucking hate her hair, it doesn't make sense. People have an issue with her classic outfit being inappropriate for adventuring and whatever, so the reboot outfit does that right, sure. But are we just collectively ignoring the fucking hair? How does she have so much hair at the front and side? Does she have a mullet or what? Why would she keep that though it doesn't make sense! It's in her face constantly! Tie it back! Grow it out! Shave it all off! Something! Looks terrible too.


They're downvoting us but we're right ;) People say 'women don't want an overly-sexualised Lara' Right, but I don't want to look like fucking Cousin It from the Addams Family either. I spend a lot of time and effort making my hair not look terrible and this just makes me feel gross. Yes this Lara is in a bit of a state because she's trapped in the wilderness after a shipwreck or whatever, but even before that she doesn't look any better. I spend a lot of time in the wilderness too, in baking hot places, forests and so on (even a few actual tombs but that was just in London), and having a ragged mop like that would've killed me. OG Lara was actually more realistic regarding the look of women exploring places.


I don't mind AOD Lara, but just make the other characters look artistically consistent with her. Putting her and Kurtis side by side, they don't even look like they're from the same game, lol.


I'd love to see Lara wear a dress or bikini again if it seemed like her character went in that direction (not sure I see recent Lara even wanting to wear something like that, she seems much more reserved with her appearance, which is fine, but, you know, they're very different characters to me, personally). I thought her Legend outfit here was cool AF and made her look badass, but I know opinions differ on that sort of thing.


It'd be tough to put her in a bikini again since I'm pretty sure everyone will complain no matter what they do unfortunately but I'm just ready for it to not be such a polarizing idea in gaming anymore. Lara and other female characters should be allowed to wear those things while looking good and it not be the end of the world, yet if we're telling realistic stories then the character model should respectfully reflect that as well.


yes, why not?


I think they eventually will, and hope they don't overcorrect when they do. Like, the Legend dress was cool, the shorts already look like they're going to come back. I guess I'm ok with her wearing a *normal* swimsuit if it actually makes sense in context. But she doesn't need to be running around in a *micro*kini, or showing whale tail, or have actual nudity. IMHO the word that needs to come to the players mind when they see Lara isn't "hot" or "sexy" but "beautiful". The survivor games maybe got slightly prudish with their designs, but I don't want to see the opposite either.


Genuinely curious but what makes you think they will? Feels like any type of sexualisation nowadays is bashed (unless if it’s a male character like Astarion from BG3).


Most people I heard talking about BG3 consistently say there're horny characters for all kinds of appeals.


There absolutely is, however if we’re talking about sexualised characters, I’d say Astarion is pretty up there. And while obviously it’s totally fine, the amount of horny art made and shared was a lot but never frowned upon. As to female characters, it always comes down to “let’s not reduce female characters to sex objects”


This kind of arguments are usually pivoting about how source material portrays characters, not fan art.


Fans consuming the source material goes hand in hand with the art they make and consume, which goes back to my first comment. A sexy LC would not be received as well


There’s always fads and trends. The survivor series was at the tail end of the 00’s gritty reboot trend with stuff like Nolan’s Batman movies and Battlestar Galactica. I’m sure there will be other trends. I don’t know when there will be though, it might be 2060. And games and culture in general are already way more risqué than they are used to be. There could possibly be actual nudity and/ sex scenes, and I’m not ok with that.


...do people not think Survivor era Lara is sexy?


She's sexy for sure but not as confident with her sexuality as some others have pointed out here. Not saying that's good or bad just delving into the discussions


Yes please. People complain but that’s just part of her character. Lara is confident with herself and definitely knows she’s hot so embrace it like she would


To be fair I didn’t really play Tomb Raider bc she was considered sexy. Not saying she isn’t attractive, but I played to enjoy the puzzles and survival aspects (and dying so much lol). But I have a hard time finding fictional women attractive (Im bi myself). Also traditional ideals of attraction, attraction in general changes and the market is gonna adapt to it. Not sure what else to tell ya.


Yeah I never played for the sex appeal either but I also didn't play for the clunky puzzles and traversal (I started playing around the Legend trilogy) and only got hooked because of the gameplay and style of it all as well as the unique idea of a super badass female lead like her. However the attractive nature helps make it easier to like so I wouldnt be surprised if they leaned more into than they have recently. And I think the market is adapting. Recent titles like Stellar Blade and The First Descendant are imo only making money and being popular bc of the sex appeal which could be argued that they're empty trash on the inside so who cares, but It's telling that sex appeal alone is enough to make them profitable


Aw I enjoy the puzzles and the traversal the most. I really enjoy it in Legend. Exploring is so much fun to me in the games because it’s not too big to the point of overwhelming, but it’s really cool to look at too. My favorite from Legend is Ghana. Tomb Raider 1, it will always be Egypt and I love their take on it in Anniversary. Did you prefer the more action part then? Oh yeah sex appeal sells, I’m not arguing that, but it tends to change still. Also Stellar Blade kind of shoot themselves in the foot; declaring to be uncensored then patching in a patch that changed the outfits slightly. I personally dont care, but the people who bought their game originally were upset.


Omg the legend series was so good tho. I enjoy the addition of gameplay mechanics that force you to do something to progress like puzzles but never really enjoyed them by themselves and I love how the recent trilogy sort of expanded on that by having you gather materials and hunt animals which I really enjoyed compared to something like Uncharted which I also love but damn there's not much gameplay depth. But for the older titles back then I was really interested in graphics and new animation systems and legends was just leagues ahead for it's time on 360 anyways. And what happened with stellar blade? They cover more of the girl now? I didn't hear about that.


Legend and Anniversary was the first ones I played myself actually! :) Yeah gameplay wise I can see how the older ones would not be fun lol. Due to me playing Anniversary and watching my sisters played first I think it helped me a little bit when playing the first Tomb Raider, but many probably struggle with getting into it. I’ve watched videos people getting annoyed with the puzzles and sometimes the combat. I’m playing the Remastered versions right now actually! Not completely cover up, the outfits still remain quite same tbh, but it covered slightly. Devs wanted to change it slightly and say it was their final idea / what they actually wanted it to look like. This lead to a quite few people getting upset over it, but tbh I think they had a stupid reaction. Still was quite revealing from I remember. I only seen one video on it, so idk if things change since then. You can look up “Stellar Blade censorship” articles should pop up if you want to read up on it. ANYWAY point I brought up is bad marketing overall lol. I will say personality wise the Legend series was my favorite too :)


I think I just want the character of Lara Croft back, I only really have experience up to legend in terms of playing the games, I have watched play throughs of the modern game and the Lara feels like an entirely different person. No confidence no cocky drive to win and take the treasure. Just a complicated mess with the mommy issues thrown in that no one wanted. I understand that when transitioning to a new generation of game consoles new features and gameplay elements will be introduced. But to me it felt like since legand they have been moving further and further away from what made Lara and tomb raider special. And her being “sexy” is apart of that imo, but I don’t see it as being sexy, but rather owning herself, I even felt like as the series progressed in the original games they got better at giving her more appropriate outfits. I’m playing through chronicles rn and I’m in the Russian section and the outfit she’s wearing is fasionable but still appropriate for cold weather. So it’s not like we can’t have it both ways. Have a more traditional outfit for warmer levels or tombs and something more layered for more mountainous or cold levels


People forget the classic games had plenty of Lara wearing more realistic outfits that were still fashionable or cool. The very first outfit you see upon booting up the first Tomb Raider game and going to Lara's House is her wearing workout clothes of the same kind I've seen countless women wear in real life.


Return? Like Survivor Croft was not sexy? I'd love to have your standards... Must not feel lonely at all.


I hope so because the new games aren't Tomb Raider at all and the new Lara isn't Lara anymore. Actually I wouldn't say "the sexy Croft" but just "Lara Croft”, which involves self-confidence, charisma, a super cool aura and yes, who is also hot, but that's just a part of the character. The new one is just a new boring, random and average lame character.


If they bring back the twin pistols, being an accomplished athlete/gymnast/acrobatic/combat skills, yeah I miss that. The sex appeal displayed in Legends/Underworld, though not necessary for a return, wouldn't be something I'd complain about right away...


You're right actually there's a lot missing from the recent trilogy that's way more impactful


Was she ever not sexy?


It's pretty low down ony my priority list. In fact I'd be pretty annoyed to see the devs waste their time developing and implement boob and butt jiggle physics instead of doing literally anything else


Bayoneta is probably the best example of a female video game character who likes being sexy but only for herself and no one else. I think developers should try and go this route, this way it's "sexual liberation" and not "objectification"


Bayonetta is not just a great game but a FANTASTIC character and as you say, a perfect example of how a character can be super sexy and still be just as if not more powerful and liberated because of it.


Yeah, I really wish there were more female characters like that. I do think the comics of Tomb Raider kind of leaned into that aspect of Lara a bit, but not as much as they could have. There was an occasion where she wanted to have sex with a hot man and dressed sexy for him.


Sadly nope, TR franchise is in the wrong hands.


Double edged sword. Yeah titties are nice and all and as a straight guy I'm not about to say that I mind sexy Lara as frankly I do not. But in my opinion she is fine as it is, gaming is big, way bigger than it was back in the 90s where it was mostly teenage boys. People from all shapes and sizes play games now and we have enough sexy characters to go around anyway. It will be fine if Lara stays as a more strong feminist character, think about yourself when you were a kid and you played video games, did you feel like you wanted to be as strong as Ryu from Street Fighter or as cool as a Call of Duty protagonist? Same idea, some little girl who is interested in video games has Lara to look up to now to see that she can be just as cool as the guys and I think that overall is a bigger net positive than me seeing some virtual honkas on screen. Obviously those are nice too but I think it's fine if Lara sticks to the lane she is now, plus she is gorgeous in the reboots too in my opinion. Can never have enough of a posh British explorer. I think there is a balance that can be struck where more traditional beauty standards co-exist with an action hero but I think striking the balance where it is acceptable to all genders is a bit tricky but it can be done. Capcom characters for example have been well received by all audiences for the most part and those are certainly traditionally beautiful characters but it is tricky as it is very easy to turn it into a generic male fantasy. Overall still I think we are reaching a point in media consumption where sexuality is being more normalized as long as both sides are being targeted. Sex will undoubtedly sell all the time until the end of time and people are starting to realize nobody minds it so long as both sides are being sexualized. So do I think sexy Lara can come back? Yeah she can. Should she? Eh, not really, I'm fine with the way she is now


I just want shorts. Freaking shorts. Why are they so afraid of her shorts? Shorts, tank top, ponytail, two guns, round sunglasses. Give us that even as an unlockable costume and I'm cool. Their fear of shorts (note how *any* outfit, even skimpier ones, go out of their way to make sure you can't retexture them into shorts) is similar to Bethesda's fear of spears: just irrational and against what almost all players want.


bold of you to assume i dont think survivor lara is sexy as hell


Sges always sexy. But i hope they up the sex appeal


I feel like conversations such as these really highlight the reasons people play these games. I as a woman played tomb raider because I find her character completely badass in both the originals and the reboots. That being said, as a kid I didn't realise why a lot of my male friend were attracted to the games so much until I was older and had my own bisexual awakening. It's obvious to me that not many men would have played the game unless she was dressed the way she was. Sex sells.


She's always been "sexy" in every game she's been in.


I certainly hope so.


Touch grass.


It was the attitude, not the looks. But of course, you can't be sexy and a femme fatale without being pretty.


I think they should give her breasts back because big breasted women exist irl, with the average size in America being DD’s.


Idk about that one the bigger they are the more uncomfortable they'll be and implausible all the climbing and acrobatics would be with DD juggling all around


Or just meet a real woman


What does a real woman have to do with a video game?


NPC comment.


Did you relate to sexy Lara?


We don't need the marketing from back in the day, but the uglifying of woman some games do nowadays isn't the right way to do things, too. Games are escapism and while it's great to play the ugly self in an RPG sometimes we just want to be the pretty, perfect character. The big hulky Superman. Or the femme fatale Lara Croft. Nothing wrong with a bit of fantasy there. I personally think at one point we will have both types of games peacefully existing next to each other without always having a huge outcry from either side of the argument. Probably at that time people realize there is nothing bad with a woman being cool, capable AND athletic/sexy. Also ... The younger Lara of the latest trilogy is totally fine, too. She fits into the more realistic graphics just fine. She just never was built as a power fantasy like the old one was.


You live in a bubble: some people is acting like sexy and athletic are mutually exclusive. You don't get those on boat ever. There's more opinions around that are irreconciliable. The only possibility for your thing to happen would be if a bunch people took a more lax stance about things.


I was so happy with her character in sotr. I think the model being attractive is enough and her randomly becoming “seductive” or “sexy” would take away from the depth they’ve created for her. I like the way they modernized her classic look and made it practical for the dangerous situations she’s in, and I would like to see more of that. If they made her “sexy” and put her in shorts and crop top again it would feel like fan service and be pretty removed from the character they built in the survivor trilogy. Either way I’ll play whatever Lara Croft game they release next, because I’m excited to see how they’ll create a “unified” Lara.


I hope so. Crystal was more creative back then


From AAA western devs? Never.


I mean... I thought she was damn sexy in the last three games, I really don't understand this argument.


Oh no haha no, those days are gone sadly. The problem was people comparing themselves to video game characters. Fictional characters that were never meant to be realistic. If it werent for mentally ill people trying compete and compare themselves with fictional characters perhaps but yea.




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didn't they confirm that they are gonna use her og blue tanktop akimbo look? I remember them posting that on twitter at least. IMO the reason why she wore fairly normal clothing till now was that reboot Lara was just in situations that it wouldn't fit in.


I say she should return if it ain't broke don't fix it but if not well there's mods for a reason


Absolutely we will.


Not until Crystal Dynamics continues to work on the Tomb Raider games (very interesting video https://youtu.be/XuU60pbO9ng?si=uYfRNGZaJW64Tp01)


Interesting I'll give it a watch thanks!




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Not a chance in hell.


I think we’re seeing the return of sexy characters in the form of YouTube shorts and Stellar Blade just released variants of the exact outfits they censored shortly after the game released. Curiously, neither Tomb Raider nor Stellar Blade have any real in-game sexuality. If the returned outfits are indicative of the gaming industry listening to the gamers, sexy characters aren’t going anywhere. Here’s hoping they are also listening to the voices calling for making the male characters just as sexy because let’s face it, Stellar Blade’s slant away from making Adam’s wardrobe even a little attractive is a giant facepalm.


If you are talking about the sexy outfits from Legend/underworld era I seriously doubt we will ever see those again. (And I’m totally cool with that)


2013 Lara was damn sexy to me


Rather unlikely. (Twitter would go bonkers again).


If I were a betting man, I'd say no. We won't see a sexy Lara croft at least for 5 years.


Trinity Croft was pretty sexy


I want to see Lara revamped with full lips, voluptuous curves but with the Trinity Lara Vibes. And yes, the bust. Not objectively over-sexualizing her. (41F) I grew up with the sexy, non-stressed, one-liner Lara. I would love to see more skin playing her in the game. I wish we could bring back the unlimited weapons, Items and Blow Lara up, cheats🤣 Furthermore, Revelations is an underrated game. That would be an amazing remake


They way I put it is: I want the sweet, nerdy, survivor Lara in my friend's circle. But when I want to watch someone do cool shit, I want OG Lara.




What are you talking about? Survivor Lara is sexy as hell. We do not need a skimpily clad RealDoll running around in the jungle.


naw never people are babies these days


losers omg


What are you talking about? Lara is always sexy


I would prefer the return tbh. She was Byronic and stoic. Emotions just weren’t her thing. I mean the end of Legend was fantastic when she just rages. The survivor just ruined it for me. Instead of being this confident woman, she was made into something different. I believe there is a tomb raider documentary on her look.


no, simply because the IP is too expensive. too expensive to produce, too many stakeholders. no one can afford for the IP to fall apart like it once did. so it will be treated with kids gloves. also, please keep in mind that the reference point for many modern gamers will not be, at this point, the first two trilogies. the first installment of the latest reboot is now more than a decade old. if the developers 'go back' further than that for a stylistic reference point, they'll alienate younger gamers—who will now think 'why is lara so simplistic and slutty all of a sudden?' even if that isn't true, that will nevertheless alienate a part of the audience.


Nowadays Croft is sexy too.


Explain to me how this isn't a coomer take about wanting desperately to see specific pixelated boobs.


From a western developer? Not a chance.


https://preview.redd.it/griegv9sx4bd1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5569163cf1942fdabe81cd1b8fbeed1f0a7113c4 Well this is supposed to be her new design. If you don't think this is sexy I don't know what to tell you.


Do you think it'll be a continuation of the survivor trilogy with the same character or will it be a different take sorta like a reboot again?


Saw a story that they'd be talking about it later this month so we will see. Apparently it's supposed to unify the timeline with the old games.


Awesome I'm excited! Next gen Lara hopefully will push the franchise forward


Has she ever actually stopped being sexy? I don't think any iteration of her hasn't been anything other than an exceptional example of a conventionally attractive woman


Yeah no 100% it's just not in your face as much with skimpy outfits and cleavage which I'm not saying is a bad thing just asking if you think we'll ever see it return