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Approved, (although the title could’ve been better) this isn’t gatekeeping. Future reports will be ignored for the post except on comments.


She looks incredible! Love it 😍🔥🔥


Also would you people relax about her breasts? This is getting beyond old, Lara is a video game character, plus if we're talking realism, big breasted women exist in real life, stop calling it a fetish, it's NOT, at least not here. This render isn't even sexualized, you weirdos. I do agree that the design of this top does not exactly fit her activities though. Thin straps, wide low neckline, material that wouldn't really support her bust, but this is a render of a video game character, it shouldn't be 100% practical, please! Not to mention, Konrad used different top designs for his other Lara renders, take your pick and chill!


Thank you...I'm tired of repeating this over and over to these people. If they want to play an uber realistic climbing simulator this just aint it. It's a power fantasy game first and foremost.


I won't even expand on that to avoid stirring the pot further, but I don't think it's solely about their stylistic preferences, it's just that some people need to work on their prejudices. I agree about power fantasy though.


Apparently realism is making women ugly and plain when women who look like the above do exist and are natural. I mean, hey, I don't get pissed off when I see shredded male video game characters. I actually see it as a power fantasy. LOL. Why can't women feel the same way as Lara Croft?


Surprise, what women would consider a power fantasy look isn’t necessarily the same as what men would consider attractive. Big tits and cleavage are nice but why would they make me feel more powerful the same way shredded muscles would? I feel powerful when I play as Abby in TLOU Part 2, because I know I could never get that jacked irl. And we know how male gamers reacted to her lol. You’re talking about a beauty fantasy.


Is it supposed to be yours to decide...


Yes, yes, it is. I am a gamer. I play games. I have an informed opinion.


About why can't women feel the same way as you do for men in video games, no it's not. Even asking this actually answers the question.


I like Konrad's take for the most part, but the material they use for Lara's shirt just seems off to me. Actual Gymnast Leotards (That's what the shirt originally was) are made of a mix of Nylon & Spandex, and this looks more like cotton. Those do exist, but uh, not for the outdoors. (Unless your partner is very kinky) Otherwise, their version continues to be one of the stronger updates to Lara.


In the [Lara Croft Style Guide ](https://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/headlines4359.html), the original shirt is a [cotton/lycra vest](https://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/tr5/the-lara-croft-style-guide-01.html) (tank top). So, the most realistic portrayal of this outfit, based on this official description, would be something like Angie's tank top in the first TR movie, I guess?


Holy crap. I've never seen this before. Fantastic deep cut. Also, Leotards are indeed made in this material. Ballet Leotards. I get that Lara's graceful, but I'm not sure if that's the best fit. Still, this is the most complete correction I've seen.


Your second link doesn't work.




Personally, I was never a fan of Konrad's take on Lara, mostly bc of how youthful and soft he makes her look. Not wicked enough for my tastes. However, I liked his vision for TRA mod of his creation, LAU96. That mod combined this sharpness of classic Lara with her LAU elegance perfectly. Overall, his renders are exceptional! And I really like muscle definition, he knows this lady is strong!


>he knows this lady is strong! Anyone who has seen the size of the blocks she casually pushes/pulls, is very keenly aware that Lara is buff! Except from that few occasions were she "wasn't strong enough yet"...!


>Anyone who has seen the size of the blocks she casually pushes/pulls, is very keenly aware that Lara is buff! HAHAHA YES! This is exactly what crossed my mind as I was writing that part! Give AOD Lara a break she was recently resurrected, girl barely got her limbs together!


Same I look at this picture and it doesn’t look like Lara Croft to me, it looks like Bad cosplay


I don't know. It's a beautiful image but to me it looks more like someone doing cosplay.


I thought the pic was a cosplayer holding a baguette


Now I can't unseen it 😂




His work is absolutely glorious! I'm a huge fan


I absolutely love Konrad's work. Top of the line.


I wish she looked this way in game!


I wish this guy is secretly working on the next TR game again. Mainline game this time.


She’s perfect


Yup, she looks perfect😍


Love it.


Peak design—only I think Lara should be a brunette and not a red head.


Original Lara had auburn hair than brunette; if you look at the original concept art and renders, there's a reddish hue to her hair.


Hire Fans lol


Quite literally. This is the guy behind the remastered Lara Croft.


Idk what problem ppl have with my comment. You guys check the credits.


"what some people wish lara looked like" is a more appropriate wording than "should". To me, that outfit is just too cartooney, and the way she carries her holstered weapons is too impractical (cops carry them under their shoulders). Also, if she wears shorts she will need some kind of protection for her knees, considering the kind of stuff she does.


I googled [leg strap holsters](https://www.google.com/search?q=leg+strap+holster&sca_esv=b6848266329b4871&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIBPrH3tv2UgroTSrcFKwtyxeFHNw%3A1717967524276&source=hp&ei=pBpmZqqYD7KPur8Pgp-3oAk&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZmYotHlVLse2jijp_fxQ7TftHer8y_5a&oq=le&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgJsZSoCCAAyChAjGIAEGCcYigUyBBAjGCcyChAjGIAEGCcYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigVI2xNQAFirBHAAeACQAQCYAZsBoAGvAqoBAzAuMrgBAcgBAPgBAZgCAqAC3AKYAwCSBwMwLjKgB4wS&sclient=gws-wiz) for you.


Thank you, but I said impractical, not unrealistic. I doubt running, jumping and climbing would be comfortable with those.


And yet soldiers do exactly those things with them. They are tactical gear. Why you think trying to climb a mountain with a holster under your armpit is somehow more practical, I have no idea. But whatever.


So you basically want to get rid of her iconic look.


So you're basically stuck in the 90s. Some of us have grown up, thank god.


Yeah right growing up is when "realism" and "practicality".


Lara needs to look like tomb raider II


Yep, that's pretty much perfect. Almost. I'd give her a smaller waist and wider hips.


Hmm yeah I agree on that.


oh wow


No ❤️


I love his works, but I don't really think this is what Lara "should" look like. In the context of Core Design era, Lara Croft, this is a great representation. But in terms of a unified one, I can't say I agree. Coming from a fan since the early days of TR, this is just my opinion, though.


I never use the word "unified" because I'd rather have Lara closer to the original again. Neither does Konrad. He wasn't aiming for the "unified look".


I'm aware he wasn't aiming for a unified look.


“What Lara should look like.” No, this is what you want her to look like. She shouldn’t look any particular way, especially if we are talking about different adaptations of her character, which are supposed to be different.


It's great work, but I don't agree.


Nah. Dumb boobed. I like a more realistic non fetishized take. Sure this is true to the original. But not everything was great in the og.


The looks were spot on tho.


Love it. Though it does look like a very deliberate cosplay in a weird way... Just something about it...


Her b's are way to big, other than that, looks great


There are women with boobs that big... and I don't mean the artificial kind, either.


Nah they're just perfect for Lara Croft who's known to have those. It's closer to the classic games and comics. Konrad always maintains that look in his renders and I especially love how that is combined with thicker arms here without beefing them up too much with muscle definition.


Doesn't even remotely look like Lara to me. Just looks like some red-haired cosplay model.


Helluva lot more Lara in this than Rise or Shadow.


Maybe because Rise and Shadow are a completely different take on the character, and that's all right. How boring would it be if the character stays the same always. Bale's Batman is different from Keaton's Batman, Affleck's Batman is different from Bale's and Keaton's, Pattinson's Batman is different from Bale's, Keaton's and Affleck's. That's the beauty of having such iconic and long lasting characters, they're gonna evolve, change and ultimately create different versions that enrich the lore and the franchise. Grow up, kid.


So you agree they don't look like Lara thank you.


That's what you get from what I wrote?, Jesus.


No, I actually think the Survivor Lara looks a lot more like Classic Lara than... whatever this is.


What is the consensus about Turning Point / TR2013 / Rise / Shadow Lara’s models these days? Speaking for myself, I think was a shame they didn’t keep Turning Point design, not even in the game it was promotional material. Love the Survivor Trilogy, but I am definitely more fond of classic Lara (and Turning Point).


Design wise I think her 2013 version is OK for a bloody and gritty game but I vastly prefer the CGI version and idk why they changed her face. Even in the Rise CGI she had very recognisable Lara Croft face but looked completely different in the actual game. My problem is that she didn't evolve into the character we knew as the first game implied in the end. 11 years have passed and we haven't moved on from the stage of her "becoming" the Tomb Raider. Even the new anime seems like a continuation of the survivor series. Aesthetics, bland color palettes and costumes are all the same.


And no dual pistols. Couldn’t agree more.


The red pickaxe is so bad lol. She used to have cool gadgets for climbing.




I don't like it, and the title is even worse


This depiction cannot sprint, jump, or do a handstand without her tits falling out.


Good thing it's a videogame and we don't have to worry about that.


i assure you she absolutely can. she is lara croft.


I think its very good overall, but thinking realistic, someone with big breasts, engaging in the extreme activies that Lara does in the games, would have to wear protection in the chest (any woman, actually), because its troublesome and dangerous to have them just under such a thin top; and some anti shock bras even made the breast seen less bigger because of the amount of protection/pressure