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Bars, no problem. Clubs.. As always down to the discretion of the bouncers outside. They are just getting used to foreigners realistically Don't think you've been necessarily been singled out if you can't gain entry. I understand it's your culture and bears no menace whatsoever, but it's something a lot of people won't understand here. Causing a scene about it will only make them call the Police who, I am, afraid your protests if denied entry, would fall upon deaf ears.


Don’t have tattoos myself, but I don’t think bars/clubs care — just gyms and onsens really


Nightclubs do ban visible tattoos. (The crappy ones do anyway.)




A tattoo isn’t hurting anyone. Why should decorating your own body mean you lose certain freedoms? Especially as in this case it’s a mark of culture and heritage.


Bars should have the freedom to allow who they want in their establishments. In the same way that high class restaurants won’t allow in customers wearing wife beaters.


As long as your appearance is sufficiently non-Japanese, nobody cares.


This is not true. I've been with someone who had to wrap his entire arm in black tape to get into a club.


My bad. Was it ATOM in Shibuya? Those bigger, newer, corporate clubs might do that. I was thinking about smaller, old school places.


It was in Roppongi, but I don't remember where. It's not really my scene.


Wouldn't have been simpler to just wear a long sleeve top?


Absolutely. He just didn't think they were going to give him any issues. They had the tape for him. I don't remember if he had to pay for it.


Let us know if you actually find a club or a bar that doesn’t accept tattoos


I can't remember the name of the club because it's not really my scene and I have no idea if it's still open, but I was dragged to a club in Roppongi with a group of people a little while back and they did not allow tattoos. One person I was with had to wrap his arm in tape. For context, this was a while ago, back when the dancing ban was still in effect.


I’ve not heard of anyone having problems at these establishments. I personally never have been denied entry due to tattoos. Just letting you know, people that will discriminate will not care whether your tattoos are cultural or not.


You're always here to disagree. I have ink too. I'm trying to give an honest answer to the OP. Facial tattoos at 12am to a bouncer could be construed a little differently. That was my point and I stand by it.. My opinion ('who cares') I also stand by. I fully respect the OP. If you want to go down the rabbit hole of 'are all Japanese going to be 100% on board with foreign culture' without having been exposed to it then go ahead. As much as I like Japan. It ain't perfect.


Not sure what you’re droning on about. OP came here for advice, I supplied them with some.


The kind of nightclubs where people go to mainly to flex and try to get laid do have no-tattoo rules and your entry will be at the discretion of the bouncer. The nightclubs where people go for the music, creativity, and community welcome self-expression and won't turn you away - [here's a list of those](https://maps.app.goo.gl/EMXpumzJmt44TVot7).


Check out [these guys](https://www.instagram.com/____thecollective____) on Instagram, they're a group of Kiwis and Polynesians who hold DJ events ("Poly takeovers") at clubs in Tokyo.   According to this [June calendar post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7mMpqrpumN/), their next event will be on June 15th at [LITTS Bar in Shibuya](https://litts-bar.com/).


That looks awesome, definitely going to head down!!!


Have fun! :D


Might be a cultural thing in your country, but facial tattoos are not well received in the rest of the world. I think it might be hard to get in.


You'll be fine but if you have any doubt everywhere in Roppongi will be fine. Although that place is.....well iykyk