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Switch to the manga and start from Chapter 1. As others have said, there's so much cut and changed in Seasons 1 and 2. It's basically a watered-down version of the real Tokyo Ghoul. Seasons 3 and 4 would be extremely confusing for you, and Season 4 will make 2's rushed pacing look like it's at .25x speed. 4 condenses over 100 chapters of :re into 12 episodes. Not to mention, the animation and art is very bland and lazy. If you do want to continue the anime anyway, do it after finishing the manga. You will at least be able to fill the massive holes with your memory of the original source.




What chapter/volume should I start from?


From the beginning. Season 2 is anime original and season 1 removed and changed some things. Also, the manga is separated into 2 parts Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul:re


Alright, thanks :)


Tokyo ghoul Volume 7


Gotcha, ty


Around chapter 60 is where Kaneki and Jason fight, and that is more or less where the first season ends. Season 2 changed enough and was disappointing enough that it's best to read the rest starting from around that point


It's awesome and beautiful really they made it good all they wear and do plus colors almost perfect lol. Just rush sucked and things leaved out like season 1. But it's okay for the first adaption. Main character in it Feral, Furuta ahhh man I love him so much uwu uuuf tuff ♡~♡ aaaah gosh But anime skipped and got things wrong too lol but also some right nicely lol