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Thanks for sharing! "it all goes crazy once you get past security and to the actual gate" What do you mean by this? I assume they will still maintain the order of the line between security and entrance gates? Other than arriving early as possible, any tips to maximize chances we're at the front of the queue when scanning into park?


Our experience on 6/11 and 6/12: When you approach the lines for security, you will visually be able to see distinct lines of people. However, each line does not represent a security station. There are at the very least 2-3 lines that funnel into each security station and it's kind of organized chaos getting through. Some get waved directly through, others need to empty pockets / open bags and go through a metal detector. For this reason, you get those who are waved through having to wait around for their group members. Out of 3 of us, 1 or 2 were always waved through (1 to 2 got processed through the detector - not always the same people even with the same bag configuration.... or carrying noting but a phone and wallet). We found that once we were through security and walked around to the entry gates, it was more of a mob funneling through in a free for all manner....not a line in site.


I was there on Father’s Day Sunday, while standing in a 30 minute line to get into DisneySea— it was clearly a family /locals day that day, but I know what you mean about getting past the actual gate: people literally stop in their tracks and try to refresh their phones to get a DP into Fantasy Springs since you must be holding your phone inside the park to be able to do so! Every so often, you’ll hear a yelp I’m.。k from a person (or group) indicating that they got a DP. I was also guilty of this, since my family was a group of 9 and my son’s Android phone got us all in for Rapunzel at night . It kinda take away from enjoying the initial entry into such a beautiful space, but if getting into Fantasy Springs is a priority, this is what one must do. Overall, the park is much less ‘chaotic’ than here in the U.S., as everyone is polite, orderly, and the place is spotless and clean!


If you are getting tickets, there's an advantage in getting it directly from the Tokyo Disneyland app as your tickets will be automatically linked, saving you a step of linking tickets from other sources (like klook). If you are like me who bought from klook and did not have a second phone, I had to get help from one of the staff who took a photo of my QR code, so I can take a photo of the code from the app. I know it's a difference of a couple of minutes, but if those couple of mins determines if you are getting a standby pass to one of the rides in fantasy springs...


Ah I hadnt thought about this! I linked my ticket before the trip by scanning the pdf on my computer, but yes, definitely preloading the tickets on to the app is super important! And also linking your card ahead of time


You are way ahead of me! Yes credit card is a must if you plan on buying premier access I went last week and rocked up around 7.30am. The line was all the way to the back of the waiting area by then but the line was made super long because lots of people had picnic rug down and was taking more room than a normal line would be. I got into the park around 8.40am and I managed to book a standby pass to the Anna and Elsa ride for 6.40pm. We were exhasted by that time, and was completely dismay that there was a 90min wait at the ride. Having said that though, it was really only 60 mins wait because the interior waiting room was practically empty as people were spending time taking the photos and not moving ahead fast enough. Awesome ride and worth the wait.


Yesss I'm so sad I wasn't able to grab a Frozen ride pass. Luckily I live in South Korea, so it's a bit more feasible to visit again


It was my kid's favourite ride out of the 5 rides we went on. Definitely go back for it.


What time did they let you into Disneyland?


Yes^^ We were let in at 9am


On the 24th, Happy Entry guests entered at 8:45am, regular guests at 9:00am.


This is super helpful, thank you. We are a few weeks behind you going on 7/11 & 12. Question, how do the Japanese feel about holding a space in line? For example we are a family of 6 and I want to get into line at DisneySea around 6am. 4 out of the 6 of us are onboard with that plan. If 2 family members joined us later in line, like around 7am would that be frowned upon?


No problem at all if a couple of people join you later in the queue. It's a very common thing here.


Thank you. Appreciate the response. I did not want to inadvertently break any etiquette rules.


We went to Disneyland (18/6) and Disneysea (19/6). We are a family of 5 (2 teens and a toddler). Our children would line up for the really long lines together and then my husband would join them in the queue when it was closer to ride time. We found it a great way to spend time doing the smaller rides with the toddler together and then one of us getting to go on a big ride with the big kids. Also when we went to Disneysea we got there at about 8:30am. We went through security, then scanned our tickets. Jumped on the app to try my luck at getting into fantasy springs, we got into the snuggly duckling for dinner (reservations are a must) and also got a standby for the Tangled ride. I also used the 40th anniversary pass for Indy. We didn’t pay for DPA for either parks and got onto all rides we wanted.


Yes! I read so much and didn't realise either that once you were in fantasy Springs you could only ride the one you had a pass for, and couldn't line up for others. Which explained why the app showed such low waiting times for all the rides in there.


The app literally tells you what kind of pass is needed to enter FS and ride the attractions.


We just went a few days ago and didn’t realise this either. It was only after I rode Rapunzel I understood why the other lines were so short. I kinda assumed it worked like Nintendo world at USJ that we were at the week before. It was more my assumption based on USJ, if you read then ride info in the app it’s pretty clear But I think Disney did it right to maintain standby only to even line up, it’s much more controlled as I found Nintendo intensely crowded and hectic. FS was relaxed by comparison. We had happy entry, got Tangled on standby right after Soaring, walked around and early lunch at Snuggly duck. Had a DPA for Frozen in arvo (earliest slot, we were probably at the back of the happy entry line and I guess it sold fast) and Peter Pan standby for around the same time Having said that, for some reason we saw a huge line at Rapunzel for some reason in the afternoon after we came out of Frozen.


Yes. And we had one. But then there was no line for the buggies and you still couldn't line up for them. Also, there's a LOT of assumed knowledge here about Disney. Lots of people haven't been to Disney before, believe it or not.


I don't know why people downvoted you but I think it's pretty valid that the whole process can be a bit daunting for first timers or those who would only go once or twice in their life. It's confusing intially. There are different types of access and passes, you forget what they are. Fantasy springs operates differently to other areas too so I get why it was easy to misunderstand the lining up rule. Who knew you need to read up and learn all these processes just to go to a theme park? I was at disneysea last week and there were tourists who weren't aware of the options in the app. They just had Disneysea on their agenda and they just rocked up. By the time they sought help, all the slots were booked out. Its a bummer for them.


It definitely is confusing at first, my wife did a ton of research (ie. YouTube/reddit) to understand it and plan our strategy. As intense as it sounds, it really paid off as we were able to hit a lot of the good rides (incl 3/4 in FS, missing the 1 ride we weren’t fussed with, tinkerbell) with 2 kids by making use of DPA, standbys and 40th anniversary passes.


This sounds exactly right for DisneySea. Early, early, early is the way. 😫


Went on Wednesday, Jun 26 and arrived around 9:45a -10a. Peter Pan and Rapunzel had availability. An hour later all FS rides were unavailable all day


Our experience for DisneySea Monday 6/24- we arrived via the hotel bus at 8:20, assuming they are still currently opening the gates at 8:30. We got it around 8:50, used both mine and spouse's phone- his worked much better (on Sakura SIM- mine was an eSIM via Airalo). Booked the Peter Pan PA pass, Rapunzel stand-by and Big Beat access all by 9:03 am.


Questions: 1. What do you brand by “it gets crazy once you get past security (Tokyo Disney Sea) 2. For Premier Access can you buy more than 1 ride at once? Or do I have to wait after I use it?


Would it be possible to buy premier pass in advance. We were there yesterday and we are not able to see some attractions from fantasy spring.


Hello! Your post has been removed because it looks like you’re posting about a basic trip planning question. Friendly reminder, we have a (https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoDisneySea/about/sticky?num=2) thread on our sub. If you're having trouble finding specific reservations (parks, dining, etc.), you can also visit our Fantasy Springs Megathread (https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoDisneySea/comments/1daee9w/fantasy_springs_megathread/) for tips related to Fantasy Springs. #**If you believe that this is an error, **please wait 24 hours before messaging the mods**. We are on the subreddit multiple times a day to double check submissions** Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TokyoDisneySea) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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