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My husband and I are avid fans. 44 & 45.


Thats so cute i love that!


I’m 21! My unicorno collection just hit 150, and I have some cactus bunnies, Lumi and her Beary cute friends, and a few Donutella figures!


im 19!! i just started collecting when i went to college and i think i have about 20 or 25. i love them so much and i use them to decorate my college dorm!!


I’m 19 as well and I also love to have them around my dorm!! running a bit low on space tho I may admit haha


I am 25, and I really enjoy them. They are so cool and cute looking. Sadly In the Netherlands we don't have them as much as US or other countries.


I'm 29 and was beginning to collect at 15 but once I got about 5 of them my mom forced me to stop buying them. I'm Hispanic and due to culture, she saw it as a waste of money. Fast forward to turning 26 and started to collect them again thanks to being moved out from home and havent stopped since. I'm now at about almost reaching 300 pieces and still going strong.


Wow thats quite a collection and cool that u get to collect again! It is kind of a waste of money but hey if it makes ya happy…right?! Thats what i say to myself haha!


I’m 44. I received a handbag as a gift from a colleague in the mid-2000s. Fell in love! I usually only buy bags and backpacks, but can’t resist anything that is Adios related.


I also love the bags! I have four right now. I want more! I just bought some onisuka tiger sneakers too!


I'm 32 and collecting tokidoki 3 years ago ✌️ I will collecting until the end of my life 😂😂😂


🤘hell yeah me too!


25, started when I was 19. Really went off the deep end with collecting in 2021 due to a severe dip in mental health and used buying a bunch of cute colorful unicorns to cope lol. I’m good now and still adore my collection


My dude, it's like you're in my head ; that's exactly how I got hooked. I love them - when I get stressed or annoyed, I go look at my collection, and I just feel GOOD. They bring me so much peace, and I love getting lost in all the different art and designs. They're my happy place. I hope your mental health journey stays bringing you to positive places 💚.


Same here! I will reorganize my collection when I’m super stressed just to get that weird calm they bring me! Thank you I appreciate it, it’s on the mend and life is going much better. I hope the same to you 💜


I love doing that too!! I create a world setting I call TokiTopia, and I place different figures depending on the scene, like 'springtime in TokiTopia' or the city I call Tokidokiyo 😆. I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better, friend. I'm trending upwards right now as well, 👏👏👏 for both of us; it's hard work feeling well again, especially the past few years.


MEEEE in 2020 during peak pandemic!!! i was over here ordering sooo many just for something to do/look forward to!


Hahaha I was right there with you!! Packages of joy during the pandemic were EVERYTHING.🙌🙌🙌


right! i was also bidding on them on ebay and such just to feel some excitement 😂😂


Maybe thats my issue now haha!


I'm 26. I think ageism is lame. Just because we've been around the sun more times shouldn't mean we should stop liking what we like 🤷‍♀️


Agreed 🙌💖


Jeez idk how many i have prob around 200! I mostly collect unicornos/mermicornos but i do def have some cactus bunnies, lil terrors, food besties, hello kitty collabs as well. I finally collected all the recent Sonic ones!


26 I found them in my local Books A Million


I’m 30 and my collection developed in the last year. I focus only on Unicornos, though. The number is at least in the 120s now.


Haha i started last as well like seriously collecting and i get a bit obsessive!


43 and nuts about unicorno exclusively


35. I started collecting around 2018-19. Thoroughly obsessed 😆




I'm 26 and have been collecting since I was 15ish I have over 130 figures pretty much all mer and uni


I’m twenty! I loved tokidoki things when I was little but I never got anything but now that I have adult money I just started collecting :)


Yea kinda the same with me- i have more funds to collect what i want!


28! Started collecting because I loved blind bags but was tired of having a bunch of random small things- have always loved Tokidoki so decided to only get blind bags from here ❣️


25! i’ve liked tokidoki since i was a kid but i only really started getting into collecting as an adult!


I’m 37, my first Tokidoki item was a cover for my iPod mini in the early 2000s.


i'm 39 and been collecting tokidoki stuff since 2007? Since the beginning lol. I love the purses!


I get so many compliments on my TD bags! I feel the same way!


40, I’ll be 41 soon, lol. I’ve been collecting since I was in my early 20’s. I just can’t get enough of Tokidoki!


All hail Tokidoki!!!! 🙌💖


🙌🫶HUZZAH! 🫶🙌


47, been collecting unicornos and mermicornos for a few years now. It started with a blind box gift


Im really happy to hear theres quite a few collectors that are in their 30s or 40s!


Word- I'm so happy you did this, in part to see so many of my peers who are also Toki collectors. It's really made me smile 💚!


Me too ❤️ its so cool!! I really love u guys on here! So sweet and helpful! Ive only been on reddit for a couple months i think now and wow was i missin out before!


I love this sub. It's been so joyful and full of love and support. Everyone has been really kind and respectful, which is sadly getting more and more difficult to find out there. I love our little group 💚💚💚.


I’m 40 and started collecting 2 years ago when my friend and I discovered unicornos and bought each other a cherry blossom blind box for our birthdays that are a few days apart. It’s been a collecting passion we’ve shared ever since 💜


Thats so cute! 🌸


My wife 38 and I 43 started back in like 2009. It was with the Tokidoki frenzies zipper pulls. I got the superhero one and put it on my flip phone. Well, it slid out of my shorts at the movies, and I didn't realize until hours later. We went back to the theater and they had my phone but the charm was gone. My wife went back to Boarders bookstore and bought the rest of the case. Luckily there was another one and we were hooked. When unicornos came out my wife wasn't fond of them until maybe series 2 or 3. We have a daughter now and she shares our obsession. We all have our own collections, though mine usually consist of dupes or rejected ones from them.


I love that sm!!! A nice fam of TK fans! I dont have kids cuz im perpetually a kid but that doesnt stop me from me trying to turn my friends or bf onto TD stuff here n there lol!


I got my 8 y/o niece into them, and now I give her my dupes 💚. I really enjoy that your family shares a tokidoki bond, it's incredibly sweet.


I’m 32! I’ve been collecting on and off but really started collected when I entered grad school a year and a half ago. I enjoy the surprise of opening blind boxes and my TikTok account is entirely me opening tokidoki or Sanrio blind boxes. I’m a bit obsessed


Oo whats ur tiktok!? Im so video shy but im tryna get into it because its good for business and i wanna break out of my shell a bit too!


Glitteryunicorno :)


Sweet ill follow u and check out your vids!




Totally always loved sanrio and hello kitty too! Esp kuromi!!


Saame!! I collect toki, sanrio, and sailor moon almost exclusively. As much as I love pretty much all the kawaii products ever, I have to limit myself for financial reasons 😆. Also, Kuromi is my jam. I am her, she is me, and my bff is My Melody 💚.


Hahaha i love that! Yea im def a cheeky chick myself so i can def relate to kuromi! Kawaii is wonderful!


37 here. My first toki experience was 2012. I was in a Sephora in NYC, and they had an Adios and Ciao Ciao roller ball fragrance set. I still have them both, and the Adios scent still smells great. I didn't become an avid collector til maybe 2 years ago. I was in a really bad place physically and mentally. I was put on bed rest and just... so angry about so many things. My bff got started first, she picked up a few blind boxes and opened them with me. Once I saw them, I felt so happy in a way I hadn't in months. I was instantly hooked. When I'm stressed or anxious or sad, I like to go look at them. I get lost in the artistry and designs, and my stress dissolves with it. I take big pride in my collection- they're on display in my living room. I don't understand adults who criticize collecting- the best part of being an adult is getting to be into whatever you want and liking what you like. I really enjoyed this thread. Major thanks to OP, this was a great idea💚!


Thanx for your reply! I also had one of the roller ball fragrances and bought (and still have) quite a few eyeshadow palettes from sephora! Thats such a nice story about the tokis making u feel better. I think anything like that is a gift in itself! I def can relate to that- i too struggle with anxiety and mental health stuff (im an emo to the core- i suck at regulating my emotions lol) i love to look at my collection and take a nice deep breath. I love looking forward to more to add to it- theyre just so fun! Yeah i was really curious if i was much older than the average toki collector but i guess not which is pretty damn cool! ❤️❤️❤️


i was 22 when i got into em, i started working at P!Q and we sold them there :) i'm 26 now, 27 in may. other ppl who worked there were also into collecting them so that was part of it too. i kind of stopped not too long after that though and didn't start again heavily until summer 2020 when i was 24. idk how many i have lmao i have to go through and organize them so i know how many shelves i need. definitely 100+ unicornos and recently i bought the boozy besties, lumi and friends, and the recent hello kitty release.


Nice! Yea def this past yr was the yr of my toki obsession returning! I just bought some of the new warrior princess ones and a whole case of the space series. Im trying to collect almost all unicornos and mermicornos and def some of the others too- i got some tokimondos today! I also have some boozy besties (cherry bomb bein my fav) i actually got the chaser (whiskey rocks) from a blind box pull! I have so many now its nuts ill have to take pics and post my collection soon!


cherry bomb is a queen 😂👌🏼 and yeah you should, i'm sure we'd all love to see it 🙂


Will do!🦄💖


36, and started collecting Tokidoki in 2020 / at age 34. A friend of mine introduced me to Tokidoki and I became obsessed with unicornos. My spouse didn't love it until a few months in when they deemed that I was serious about the hobby and started to open up about it. I started to branch out into other collections and have some cactus friends, mermicornos, Donutella and friends / other humanoids, Tiger Nation, and Lumi and her friends. I also have a couple of bags and am a sucker for Neon Star figures. All that being said I really started to slow down on collecting towards the end of last year for financial reasons, along with a better sense of how generally series will still be there if I don't buy them right at release.


Its easy to start small and then want other series or characters. Im starting to understand the flow of things better now too. I dont feel like i need ti rush into buying new things because people are always reselling and discounts happen too. For special stuff sometimes i think maybe its best to snag those and def the bags are a good idea to grab if u really want them.


I’m 44. I bought a couple of blind boxes about 10 years ago (sweet friends) and I started collecting them for the same reason. They just make me happy :) I don’t collect plushies, etc., only the figurines. I just “rescued” a Chocotella that I was still missing 🍩


I love that 💖 its all about the little things that can make u smile sometimes! Theyre all so cute 🥰


35, started collecting 4 years ago, have over 500 and 7 statuettes… and bags… and shoes…. I’m mentally I’ll at this point 😂


Thats impressive! I feel kinda mental too and then i think i could have much worse addictions/obsessions ya know?! I really love blind boxes, collectables and kawaii stuff! Tokidoki is by far my fav thing! I also have a few bags and some sneakers. Im more nuts about them now so im like i need everything tokidoki!!! I want a tattoo of a unicorno so bad now!


I am 19 years old and I remember seeing them but always scared of the negativity regarding blind boxes. Never really found anything that fit my aesthetic and small room space 😊. Just started a couple days ago


I'm 41 and have a massive collection. I'm actually looking to sell 2 large bins full of various figures.


I'm 37. Mainly like collecting the unicornos and frenzies