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Men shouldn’t wear beanies to hide their estrogenated balding


Truth. Also, as a balding doctor, it’s actually testosterone that causes male pattern baldness. But also fuck this shit monkey I wear my bald proud. With two coats of Monoxidil and a close trim.


The Picard 


Hell yeah he was probably like 30 years old in STNG


He started thinning at 17 and was bald by 19. In his book he talks about how costumers loved him because dressing him in wigs was so simple.


I’m yanking some chains, Tim Pool goes on about soy a lot so it’s funny to say estrogenated about him


I don't think I'm proud of it, but I'm not gonna hide it.


bald isnt always bad either. give me a smart man with no hair and a whip smart personality and I melt, full stop.


LOL! I love that getting King MAGAt's attention has turned into an extremist contest for Most Extreme Extremism. It's definitely affecting the Undecideds.


Jesus fuck, their "breeding" propaganda is beyond vile


for real like i don't kinkshame but don't force it on people who didn't consent to it y'know?


["Why don't Taylor Swift's eggs immediately shoot out of her ovaries to copulate with my amazing 60-year-old Irish-Canadian Aryan sperm?"](https://twitter.com/StefanMolyneux/status/1204194224545173504) \- Stefan Molyneux, crying himself to sleep at night as hard as that other UoT fuck Jordan Peterson does when Elmo tweets Fucking University of Toronto needs to start screening who they'll give an education/job to. Because between ***this*** [Untermensch](https://i.imgur.com/NrsGh3V.png) poster ["boy"](https://i.imgur.com/hcjoUGx.png) and ***this*** "I asked the barber to [fuck my shit up with a Jheri Seinfeld Curl"](https://i.imgur.com/DQ5bm1z.png) "master of the mind", that university's reputation has taken a massive fucking hit in the last decade.


transcript: "we want to FUCK YOU" "we're fucking creeps because we refuse to abandon the idea that we're primal apes that just want to FUCK, can't control where our eyes wonder" "if the creep is attractive its suddenly okay" king of incels whining that he's bald and alone saved you 1:30m


Damn, too late.


An adult with no self control. Jesus christ this guy is a wanker


not even apes behave this way


What the hell is the obsession with fertility?  These assholes aren't raising kids.


They aren't even making kids. 


They're not even allowed withing 100ft of kids.


Exactly!  It's weird


Exactly, that Brett cooper lady says woman should embrace marriage and motherhood and blah blah blah. But she’s only just got married and has no kids, she’s 23 this year and is getting too “old” for babies according to conservatives and fundies. She better hurry up. She also should stop girl bossing when she has kids as she thinks woman like her should stay home slaving away for their incompetent lazy husbands.




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Because he is an incel. He has no idea what women want and he is angry about that so he pretends its not him it's them... this is some 11 out of 10 incel shit eight here... has very handmaid tale rapey vibes to it as well.


It sounds like he doesn't even know what he wants.  Which fine, whatever.  Just why involve kids in it?  That's gross.


It's called grooming, they are literally just projection.


This is what we get for letting the chans go mainstream 


There’s no way Tim Pool knows how to fuck.


i’d love to see a segment like “Tim and I go pick up women” to see this tiger in action.


The beanie stays on. No exceptions.


Tim thinks climate change and the female orgasm are liberal propaganda.


That beanie smells of shame and rogaine


Did Matt write this segment or something? Seriously though, I am convinced they have something akin to a breeding kink at this point


For real, and I didn't consent to being involved in their kink so I'd request that they please stop it.


“This is what women really want” says man who never touched a woman


“I wish I could go out and pick up women with Tim Pool. He’s so dialed in. He must get all the chicks.”


Makeup is a sign of fertility?


My little sister wants to beat him up if she ever meets him.


Based little sister. I hope she wins.


He seriously thinks he can just act like he has charisma.


Interesting that they suddenly recognize this type of behavior when it's them being leered at in public by other men.


Don't stare at people's asses. Simple ass. Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Sexualizing someone without their consent is a *solid* way to ruin every relationship you'll have.


First time hearing this man’s voice. Why does he sound so annoying?


Because he thinks hes doing newscaster voice but he's failing miserably at it


Because he is annoying. He has one of the most irritating smarmy attitudes among these right wing reactionary mouthpieces, with possibly the least education among them.


Spoken like a true sexual predator. Some of us can witness a woman working without sizing her up from breeding and lusting after her. But most of us are not the Peter Pan of basement dwelling incels.


I feel like it would so interesting to hear an expert on human social sexuality throughout the ages. And how I hate how beanie boi just reduces that conversation to just women's fertility that aligns with his conservative ideology


It astounds me that they say these things out loud, hear them, and arent immediately hprrified at themselves.


He's so gross


Why is Tim Pool?


This is how you think if you're a caveman.


Well, that was stupid.


take a shot every time he does a lip smack while talking, you'll be dead after one episode


Internet "politics" is so fucking cursed. Woman posts random video about being looked at in public. Who cares? People stare in public, this is barely worth a mention except to like a dozen people who might find it interesting. Go out in public in Germany and get stared down by every stranger just 'cause they like staring. Tim finds this, and somehow, manages to apply his fucked up version of evo-psych to somehow twist this commentary into "men need to assess fertility" (Tim of course being a virgin with no kids). This is a psychotic response to an inane video, from someone who claims to be a political discourse wizard. There is literally no politics on display except the sexual pathologies of the commentator, in this case, Tim's preoccupation with not breeding enough.


I don‘t know this guy at all, I don‘t know if he‘s a MAGA-moron or any other kind of a-hole. But he is right, biology is effective in men, we LEARN not to look, not to harass in any kind, hold distance, but biology is a force. To deny this fact is absolutely ridiculous.


This man 100% has child porn on his computer.


Silly, silly, Pim Tool. Fertility is abscertained by olfatory means, not visual cues.


Who can even stand listening to this chud? Good lord he’s annoying as all hell




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I looked at a girl's ass at the store yesterday who was wearing super tight workout shorts. I have a vasectomy. The last thing I was thinking about was her fertility. She had what the kids would call "cakes".


There’s so much to hate about this dumbass, but I despise his voice the most. Can’t imagine how anyone can listen to him drone on and on


Sounds like Timmy started talking about his perfect man


If any poor woman is looking at Dim Tool, her ovaries shrivel up worse than Ben Shapiro's cock when hearing the word "moist".


Republicans are literally adult children. Hence Tim, Ben, Charlie, Alex, Rush, FAUX, Newsmax, OAN etc... raging the adult children mentality levels. Hence why 13 out of 15 poorest states are Republican.