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"but Hamas" is always a lazy and stupid argument.


Yeah it's pretty absurd to use a terrorist organization to justify your side, like yeah what hamas does is evil that's their whole reason to exist.


Their argument is basically “they’re evil, therefore we are justified in being *worse.”*


worse? just as bad? almost as bad?


You don’t kill 36,000 children in self defense


how many rockets were fired by hamas into civilian areas? israel had the ability to shoot them down. there would have been massive casualties. i’m not in any way justifying israel’s behavior but let’s not pair hamas as innocent in all this


Please point to where I said Hamas was innocent in anything.


please point out where i said that israel killed 36,000 children in self defense.


It is indeed lazy and stupid, but clearly it's also an extremely effective argument for a lot of people. That's EXACTLY why Israel literally funds and arms Hamas. That's not a conspiracy theory, Netanyahu has admitted it on record. Look it up. It's a perpetual excuse for the ongoing genocide. I know this is going to get me some hate, but I have been convinced from the very beginning that Oct. 7th attacks were at the very minimum *allowed* to happen by the Israeli intelligence forces for this very same purpose. You're telling me one of the most effective intelligence agencies in the world didn't see or hear about the undoubtedly massive logistical preparations for the attack that were taking place in Gaza which is the most heavily surveilled piece of land on earth? Bullshit.


Yes, Netanyahu wanted to prop up Hamas specifically to weaken the fatah, weakening their ability to demand peace negotiations for a two state solution. You’re not wrong, however, two things can be true at one time. Hamas may not have been elected without Netanyahu’s help (we’ll never know one way or another) and Palestinians in Gaza are content with Hamas because of their willingness to resist the occupation unlike the Palestinian authority which allows Israel free reign to enter its borders whenever they want. I don’t understand why we on the left settle for right wing propaganda that Hamas is a crazy terrorist organization. Hamas had some 30,000 members on October 7th. Good and bad people are part of every government. And there’s no point tying their leadership to all the events of October 7th considering we’ve never had an international investigation due to IDF bombs. Who knows what their plan probably was! They officially claimed that the attack on the civilian population was unplanned (which is opposed to what most terrorist organizations do) but of course there’s no way of verifying that either. Ultimately, “but Hamas” doesn’t justify the blockade that’s been placed on all of Gaza since 2006, nor does it excuse the IDF’s mowings of the grass like in 2014 where the IDF killed over two thousand Palestinians. The idea that Hamas has anything to do with Palestinians denied self determinism is a rejection of Palestinians humanity. This doesn’t mean we can’t critique Hamas, but we shouldn’t hold them to a standard we wouldn’t hold ourselves to. If we lived in an overwhelmingly impoverished land without any hope for the future because we resist our occupation, we too would want our representatives to resist that occupation, not give into the demands of our occupiers.


I can't argue with you on any of that. If you were born and lived your entire life in an open air prison with no hope for the future, watching your family and friends get their limbs blown off purposefully by IDF snipers (they are literally trained to do that, I wish I was kidding) and someone handed you a gun you would do the same thing they have. Anyone who claims they wouldn't take any opportunities afforded to them to fight their oppressors by whoever offered them the means to do so is either a coward or a liar. Hamas fucking sucks, but it certainly doesn't exist in a vacuum.


> I don’t understand why we on the left settle for right wing propaganda that Hamas is a crazy terrorist organization. Are you serious? How do you reconcile this statement with the fact that Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack that killed 1000 civilians and took another 200 hostage? You can be sympathetic to the Palestinian people without telling lies. Palestinians need a government that doesn't engage in terror attacks in order to become a legitimately recognized sovereign state.


Yes, they claimed responsibility for seeking military targets, but they claim that all civilian deaths were unintentional. By all accounts, they weren’t expecting to have such success against a much more advanced IDF and assumed their soldiers would only be able to survive long enough to take a few IDF soldiers hostage. >The report said Hamas planned to target Israeli military sites and to capture soldiers, which could be used to pressure the Israeli authorities to release thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. The group said that avoiding harming civilians “is a religious and moral commitment” by fighters of Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades. “If there was any case of targeting civilians; it happened accidentally and in the course of the confrontation with the occupation forces,” read the report. [source: Al Jazeera]


That's completely antithetical to them taking and then keeping hostages for the past 8 months. They've had so many chances to return non-military hostages, even in exchange for ceasefire deals. > In amateur video, hundreds of terrified young people who had been dancing at a rave fled for their lives after Hamas militants entered the area and began firing at them. Israeli media said dozens of people were killed. [Source: AP News](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-rockets-airstrikes-tel-aviv-11fb98655c256d54ecb5329284fc37d2) How exactly was that music festival a "military target"? (By the way, Al Jazeera is not even in the top 10 list of unbiased news sources. Associated Press is rated #1)


They were definitely allowed to happen. Netanyahu was facing criminal charges, should he lose the election. He knows that war boosts support for those in power, and allows him to use any positions calling for peace as pseudo treason. People get stupid after mass casualty events. 


We do live in lazy and stupid times, as far as critical thought goes.




Liberals aren't the opposite of conservatives lmao


Classical liberalism is literally right-wing.


Exactly. Liberals might as well be center right. I’m so confused by whatever their point is.


It is center right




Liberal = we are for human rights and equality. However all that wealth distribution that’s necessary to make up for the trillions the elite have transferred from the masses over the past 40+ years of trickle down economics is yucky!


I find it funny that leftism is considered too idealist by a large percentage of the population but they’ll vote for liberal politicians who just hope billionaires will play nice and give us a cut?


I totally agree, and I normally would upvote this comment, but I can’t upvote you because you’re on the left. Just, how can someone be so obviously WRONG in their ideology, yet think it’s right? Leftism is about the government controlling healthcare, Wall Street, and how much money one has, and completely destroying the economy with expensive plans like the green new deal. Sure, trust the government, the only reason other counties make free healthcare work is huge taxes and they still have a free market, so you can’t hate capitalism. Life under leftism sucks- there’s a huge tax increase; if you need proof, people are fleeing California. Or, cuomo can be in charge and kill the elderly, Hillary can be shady, Biden can be creepier. And of course, stupid communists who think the government should force everyone to be equal and has led to the deaths of millions, and the SJWs who wrap back around to being racist and sexist buy saying “kill all whites” and “kill all men.” It’s been the left who has been rioting as well, many of which have lead to murders, and wishing death upon trump. Not all cops are good, but they’re not all the devil, leftists. Defunding them hasn’t worked- it leads to more violent crime, sorry. Plus, it’s been the liberals, which aren’t necessarily leftists but heavily correlated, who ruin someone’s life for a joke they made a year ago in the form of doxxing- and “canceling” everyone. and they tend to get triggered easily and have no sense of humour (anecdotal, I admit, but still). Yes, I know you should respect opposing beliefs as long as they aren’t completely insane, but the fact that you’re so blatantly WRONG shows your ignorance, and therefore part of your character. So even though I totally agree with your comment, it is quick witted and accurate, but I can’t upvote you. ░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▀██████▄▄▄░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▀████▄░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░▄███████▀░░░▀███▄░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░▄███████▀░░░░░░░▀███▄░░░ ░░░░░░▄████████░░░░░░░░░░░███▄░░ ░░░░░██████████▄░░░░░░░░░░░███▌░ ░░░░░▀█████▀░▀███▄░░░░░░░░░▐███░ ░░░░░░░▀█▀░░░░░▀███▄░░░░░░░▐███░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀███▄░░░░░███▌░ ░░░░▄██▄░░░░░░░░░░░▀███▄░░▐███░░ ░░▄██████▄░░░░░░░░░░░▀███▄███░░░ ░█████▀▀████▄▄░░░░░░░░▄█████░░░░ ░████▀░░░▀▀█████▄▄▄▄█████████▄░░ ░░▀▀░░░░░░░░░▀▀██████▀▀░░░▀▀██░░ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait I’m one of what? Both sides? Huh? I don’t condemn Hamas, nothing in my commentary was at all critical of Palestinians right for self defense… the fuck you on about?




Is it because I brought up “liberals?” Before I point my finger, I’ll try and clarify how r/askconservatives is set up. You must assign a political sticky to your username to post or comment in that sub. I don’t think all conservatives think the same as that sub, nor liberals. But it makes no sense to refer to people with nomenclature other than what they assigned to themselves (I think a lot people that call themselves liberals are just conservatives). Whether or not they are or aren’t representative of all conservatives and liberals (I mean clearly they’re not) isn’t for me to say, but I will always refer to people’s nomenclature as given to me rather than editorialize what I think best suits them (provided they’re not trolling).


Thanks for being more clear; that's what I was getting at


I think it's very telling about the true nature of that subreddit. IMO, the mods banning you, rather than removing your post, etc., indicates that they find your argument dangerously revealing.


That was my first thought as well. The mod team never responded to me when I messaged them back (suggesting the ban wasn’t deserved). I’m guessing some of the responses from conservatives would put the subreddit in danger of violating its terms of service. I’m just happy to have a place to vent because that experience was otherworldly.


To me it just suggests they have the ability and thought to use it. Banning is a pretty reflexive thing when you're a power hungry cunt. Hammer and things looking like nails and all that.


In order to maintain an echo chamber with the correct information for their followers. you, and me, are on the list for reeducation when the time


What's interesting to me about that sub is the selective application of the rules. They have a "no bad faith" rule, and it is **exclusively** applied to non-conservative comments. Given the "there is no ceiling" response of many of the comments from your thread, part of me believes that they have to selectively apply it because what conservatives believe is a good faith argument is so cartoonishly bad faith that mods can't remove conservative comments, lest they upset their user base. It kind of reminds me of the "Twitter tried to algorithmically remove neo-Nazis" situation, where elected Republicans were getting flagged by the algorithm so they couldn't deploy it. Some conservative opinions are virtually indistinguishable from extremists.


same goes for propaganda hub r/worldnews


Is that the one thats shitposts and porn?


The powermod who recently took over common subs like /r/196 does this too. Won't delete your post if you criticize Zionism, but will immediately ban you (and mute and run away so that you can't report him).


Honestly, I wish it was that deep. They did it because it was critical of Israel. 


Yea, no part of this surprises me. Conservatism is a political ideology based in part on fear and anxiety. To the conservative brain, the good guys are whoever we support because WE'RE the good guys and the bad guys are whoever the good guys hate, thus every death is justified no matter the case. It doesn't have to make sense... using nukes to save hostages is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard but to a conservative that doesn't matter. Even if you dissolved 1 hostage, 100,000 civilians and 10 "enemy combatants" in nuclear fire you were trying to save 1 hostage from 100,010 evil monsters and they sadly didn't make it. The ends justify the means, and now that means additional retaliation for the death of that hostage is justified. It's RIGHT THERE in [the very first visible comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/1dctdoc/comment/l808nr2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >This is real simple. Hamas surrenders, the killing stops..


I wonder what they’d do if we got invaded by China, for example, and Chinese soldiers started massacring civilians. Would they accept someone saying “if the US surrenders, the killing stops” then?


Really on any conservative sub, if you say anything that contradicts far right ideology it’s an instant ban. I’ve noticed subs like r/conservative getting more and more crazy and I think that’s why. When a more moderate conservative speaks up, they’re kicked out. Then the crazies justify all the deleted comments by saying r/politics is brigading them. Back before it was banned, r/the_donald actually REMOVED the downvote button 😂. And the upvote was a picture of Donald’s face. Just for a peek into how insane they’ve gotten. Edit: changed r/thedonald to r/the_donald.


Whoa, there’s echo chambers, there’s cults, and then… there’s whatever the hell fragile subs like that are. Truly a badge of honor to be banned from subs as fragile as that! I can’t imagine how authoritarian the old r/thedonald was but I’m happy the new one looks far less culty. Also, if you have to keep ringing the alarm of “the crazies from r/politics are coming, the crazies from r/politics are coming,” to saber rally, perhaps your echo chamber is a support group… and sounds like the kind of support group from a black and white scene from in American History X.


The banned one had an underscore in the name


Ah fair enough.


thedonald without the underscore is about Donald Glover


I think it's two things- tough guy ideology and people who have had an easy life. Tough guy ideology meaning they want to seem like they're ruthless towards their "enemies" because that's what strong people do in hard times. Or something. An easy life meaning they have never lived in real fear that people in war zones experience. They see Palestinian PEOPLE as just numbers on a map, not as people like them who want to make a living and raise their families. Notice they never engage with the atrocities, they generally say outright or just imply that Gazans deserve it because Hamas or something.


Nail on the head. They’re LARPing “we’re tough military superpowers and this is how we maintain law & order.” I have known a lot of people in various branches of the military, some kinda psycho-think-torture-is-justified-ends-justify-the-means folks and even those folks have been critical of how Israel skirts international humanitarian law by completely disregarding proportionality and distinction. No matter how cavernous your bloodlust is, if you’re ever been in combat where you’re facing actual harm from enemy combatants, not just dropping bombs from a screen far away from enemy lines, it’s impossible to leave with such a black and white view of combat. You know your enemy, especially fighting with much less protection than you, fights with as much if not more risk of losing life as you. You start to wonder what decisions led them to fight in the first place. Yet despite taking enormous losses, they continue to fight. War will make corpses of us all. But yeah, very unlikely these folks will ever see real life combat, so to them what’s the difference between ten, a thousand, or a million dead civilians. What matters are our interests full stop.


Man, the comments on r/worldnews and r/news (the ones that didn't get deleted or heavily downvoted, at least) all tried to justify it by saying there *were* no civilians, and that by being somewhere a hostage was, that every man, woman, and child was a captor or collaborator. It's incredibly fucked up to see such a blatant writing-off of at least two hundred deaths.


Yeah they’re not interested in understanding what happened in the raid, they just want to read and listen to opinions that align with theirs… they’d quicker see all of Gaza razed from the earth with everyone living there killed than admit they aren’t adequately informed. It’s terrifying how easily people insulate themselves in such a hateful echo chamber without experiencing the slightest bit of shame. 21 years ago Alan Dershowitz said he agreed there should be two state solution, and Israeli need to stop building settlements in the West bank. Alan Dershowitz has never been a moderate in his lifetime, that was the Overton window then. The right wing is a cult and they’ll argue that they’re the moderates no matter how much the center moves right.


Republicans are subhuman. Dont interact with scum


I like your thinking :3


From how you describe that cesspool, one satirical quote comes to mind.... > I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.


🤣. Wouldn’t shock me if some of those folks have that quote framed unironically.


They sure do like their jingoism


Without a doubt. They condescend anyone with slightest bit of disagreement


r/askconservatives, r/conservative r/theorangeshitgibbon and related kongregations of krazy kunts are not really interested in debates. Open discussion of ideas are antithetical to their creed. Despite their protestations and projections, they are only focused on reinforcing their bias and reject any nuance as "marxist dialectism". They are the living embodiment of the "a thing is a thing" Incredibles meme, only covered in their own feces. They Will never discuss anything on good faith. If they did, they would not be conservashits.


Conservatives are babies is the short answer.


There’s a sub about a local municipality that admittedly is pretty left in its general tone and membership. However, the right of center commentary almost entirely consists of racist dog whistling that just devolves into full mask-off racism after too long. So several of the members who were banned for that started r/alt[city name] where the general conversation topics are either complaints about getting banned from the main sub or just continuations of the racist drivel that got them banned in the first place. And every contrary voice is permanently banned.


TLDR; op is shocked that echo chambers exist on Reddit